Berendey divination. Berendey and their divination on the leaves of trees online

The unity of man and nature was embodied in a special way of divination. Our ancestors believed that "Fortune-telling Berendey" is the most accurate way to predict the future, and he never let them down.

Where did Berendey's Divination come from?

"Fortune-telling Berendey" gave the world a mysterious and incomprehensible people - the Berendey. They were very close to nature, knew the secrets of plants and trees, and had their own magical traditions. Since then, despite the fact that these people have long disappeared, Berendey fortune-telling has been popular.

This fortune-telling is considered one of the most perfect and accurate fortune-telling, and if you want, this fortune-telling system will not only predict your future for you, but also warn you against possible mistakes.

This virtual fortune-telling will warn or please you, help.

For the Berendeys, trees were friends, the ancient people believed that sometimes plants give them signs. If suddenly a leaf falls under your feet, a woodpecker knocks or a bird chirps on a certain tree - know that the spirit of this tree wants to tell you something. Let's hear what their quiet voices say...

How to implement the virtual "Fortune-telling Berendey"?

Today, in order to tell fortunes by the leaves, it is not at all necessary to run into the forest. All you need is internet and a computer. First you need to tune in to fortune telling. You should calm down and try to get rid of extraneous thoughts and worries. No need to formulate a question, just watch the falling leaves. Your prediction itself will fall under your feet.

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Berendei, Berendichi, Berendii - Turkic nomadic tribes in the Eastern European steppes (XI-XIII centuries) (Wikipedia).

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The fortune-telling of the Berendeys - ancient Russian sorcerers was known back in the pre-Christian era in Rus'. The beliefs of the Berendeys were based on the worship of the forces of nature. They attributed mystical properties to the leaves of trees, herbs, flowers. So, a fern flower fulfilled wishes, a spruce branch cured diseases, and a rowan branch gave family happiness.


Fortune telling is based on a random choice of a leaf and on the interpretation of the meaning. Berendeys for divination on the leaves were prepared very carefully. You can tell fortunes only one day a year - on the day of the summer solstice (aka Ivan Kupala). The ritual should be performed by the eldest man of the family, during the day he should not comb his hair, gird himself and not pick up sharp objects - a knife, a scythe, an ax.

On the day of divination, early in the morning the berendey plucked the leaves of mountain ash, poplar, birch, oak, ash, apple, a sprig of spruce, an alder leaf. The collected material was put into canvas bags - each sheet in one bag. Then, in the evening, an inquirer would come to the witch and pull out a bag at random. At the choice of the leaf, the wise sorcerer predicted the fate not only of the questioner, but also of his family.

There is a kind of ritual for young girls - her friends brought her to a forest clearing where many different trees grew, they blindfolded her, and she randomly plucked a leaf, which predicted whether she would marry soon or not. So a leaf of a female tree - birch, alder, mountain ash meant "Yes." And the male tree - oak, ash or poplar - "No."

Berendeevo divination on the leaves of trees

A modern person can guess on their own at home. To do this, you need to go to the forest and collect leaves from aspen, oak, birch, poplar, willow, alder, mountain ash, apple, ash. Then dry the leaves and put each in a separate envelope.

The ritual is best performed on Wednesday at dawn, when the forces of nature awaken. On a clean wooden table, arrange the envelopes in random order and mentally formulate a question. Then select the envelope and look inside. Each sheet represents the answer to the question:

  • Birch- the wish will come true if the fortuneteller enlists the help and support of women of his kind. If there is a conflict in the family, it must be resolved. Without the restoration of harmony in the family, the desired will not be fulfilled.
  • Aspen- the fortuneteller should think about whether he really needs what he thinks about. Perhaps the person is not living his life. Aspen denotes duality - before difficult life steps, it is worth analyzing whether this is important or not.
  • Oak- you need to make work, diligence and remarkable perseverance in order to achieve what you want. Oak means that everything in the near future will be given only by hard work.
  • Poplar means patronage. In order for the plan to be realized, it is necessary to enlist the support of the authorities, people in status higher than the fortuneteller. Only with powerful patrons will it be possible to achieve what you want.
  • Willow- the plan will come true soon, but the result will not please the fortuneteller. To get what you want, you have to sacrifice something, and sometimes these sacrifices are unjustified.
  • Alder Don't wait and don't sit idly by. Alder predicts that only lightning-fast and decisive actions will help to carry out the plan.
  • Rowan- a sign that friends will help in the implementation of the idea. You should take a closer look at your surroundings.
  • Apple tree- a sign of early change, profit, fulfillment of a cherished desire in the near future.
  • Ash- the desire will not come true, it is "not according to fate."

Knowing the interpretation of the meanings of the leaves, you can try another version of divination. Take prepared leaves, stand with bare feet on a white cloth and scatter them around you. Which leaf will be closer to the feet, such an interpretation will predict the future and give an answer to an exciting question.

For divination to succeed, you need to collect leaves in dry weather. If you find it difficult to identify trees, use a botanical reference book. The ritual is performed until midnight, closing windows and doors.

You can take the advice of the Berendeys and collect the leaves on the day of Kupala. They will be stronger and more truthful.

  1. You can’t guess on Sunday - on this day nature is resting, you can’t disturb it.
  2. The ritual cannot be performed together by two people of different sexes. In this case, the result will not be true.
  3. Leaves will give a false answer to a drunk fortuneteller. The Berendeys believed that a person who knows the forces of nature, who loves and understands it, should tell fortunes.
  4. Fortune-telling will not come true with improper preparation - you cannot replace envelopes with bags or paper. Otherwise, the choice will not be intuitive, but conscious - the questioner will pull out the sheet that he likes best.
  5. An incomplete set of leaves will negatively affect the result. Berendey fortune-telling is performed in the presence of all leaves.

Re-guessing only after one month on the same day.

Fortune-telling by Berendeys on the leaves of trees is considered very strong, because it is based on the contact of a person with the forces of nature, with the life that appeared before us. However, one cannot rely entirely on the result, this is just a way to get an answer to a question, and not a clear indication of how to live on. Even the most precise rituals can be wrong.

People always want to know what the future holds for them. Therefore, often in the modern world they visit various fortune-tellers and fortune-tellers. But there are other ways and opportunities to look into the future and thereby influence the outcome of an important event in life that can change it forever. There are a lot of methods, they exist, develop and are passed down from generation to generation. Fortune-telling of the Berendeys is considered the most ancient of them, and that is why it is more interesting.

Old Russian druids and their legacy

The Berendeys are the oldest people who once lived in Rus'. These people, closely connected with nature, professed paganism. They are also called Russian druids. They deified the trees and believed that the spirits of the trees speak to them, give signs, warning them from evil and evil spirits. For example, a fallen leaf on the ground and the sound of a woodpecker on a tree, the chirping of birds was a sign for them that the spirit of the tree was going to tell them about the future.

Berendey's fortune-telling on the leaves of trees exists in various versions, and each of them uses a different number of leaves, the interpretation also differs. In such cases, as in the interpretation of dreams, one must believe only in the best and positive of all interpretations.

The most suitable time for divination is autumn, when the forest is painted in various colors, and the paths are covered with a colored blanket.

How to start divination

Oddly enough, success and results directly depend on the mental attitude. Before divination, the Berendeys performed special rites and prayed a lot in order to appease the forces of nature. Therefore, fortune-telling must be carried out correctly and take into account all the nuances, otherwise the results may turn out to be false. Berendei did not conduct fortune telling online, however, their methods were successfully transferred to digital format, the main thing is to do everything right with the right questions and intentions.

First of all, you need to decide on the place where fortune-telling will take place, it can be a park, or the edge of a forest, the main thing is that there are trees. However, not everyone has such an opportunity, so they are given the opportunity to conduct Berendey's divination online. But preparation is still needed. Before divination, you need to wash your hair, it is advisable to dissolve your hair, if there are jewelry, it is better to remove them. It is recommended to pick up a piece of chalk or coal and focus on divination.

The outcome of fortune-telling will depend on what is happening around, because of what kind of bird sang and on which tree, the shape and color of the leaf that fell under your feet or on your clothes. If fortune-telling takes place online, you need to focus on sensations. It is important not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts, and then you can hear nature and its answer to the question.

Interpretation of results

First you need to collect the fallen leaves, and it makes sense which leaves you are collecting, then stack them in a pile, make a wish and pull out three leaves from the pile. And depending on their shades, a forecast is made whether the desire will come true or not, or to receive excellent parting words and advice.

In addition to the interpretation of the color combination, there are others, such as interpretation of the leaves themselves, namely, to which tree they belong.

The meaning of the leaves

Fortune telling on the leaves of Berendey is carried out not only by the color of the leaves, but also by their belonging to a particular tree. But you may not know from which tree the leaf fell on which you decided to tell fortunes. Such a sign cannot give an unambiguous interpretation, it only warns of the importance of future events.

Berendey fortune-telling online for free - for those who want to be sure of their future for sure. This method of determining the future has been used for a very long time.

It appeared during the existence of the Berendeys - an ancient nomadic people that lived in the steppes located near the Kyiv and Pereyaslav principalities. To date, the descendants of the representatives of this tribe no longer exist, but the wisdom of this people has been preserved.

Virtual fortune-telling will help determine what awaits you in the future, and the main attribute for the ritual is leaves from different trees. Depending on which leaf from which tree the fortuneteller falls out, such an event awaits the person. How to conduct a ritual using real attributes - read the article about divination berendeev.

You cannot select a leaf, the virtual oracle will randomly select the one that is most suitable for this situation.

Fortune telling according to the method of this ancient people is a unique system that will allow everyone to find out everything that was previously hidden by fate. With the help of this rite, you can not only learn about upcoming events.

Leaflets warn of possible dangers or negative events. As a result, a person will be able to take measures to eliminate probable problems.

Our ancestors believed that trees are true friends and they are always ready to tell you how to do the right thing in a difficult situation and will not be able to stand aside if trouble awaits a person, they will definitely warn of impending troubles.

Every person in our time can use the wisdom of an ancient tribe.

In contact with

Online divination by the Berendeys or divination on the leaves of plants is the little that has been preserved to this day. This fortune-telling will warn or please you, help you look into the future.

Once upon a time, when the sun was God, people who called themselves Berendei lived on the territory of Russia. They were very close to nature, knew the secrets of plants and trees. It has been many centuries since this mysterious people disappeared. For the Berendeys, trees were friends, the ancient people believed that sometimes plants give them signs. If suddenly a leaf falls under your feet, a woodpecker knocks or a bird chirps on a certain tree - know that the spirit of this tree wants to tell you something.

Choose the sheet you like and find out what it tells you


1. Willow leaf portends you an interesting meeting with an old friend or a very useful new acquaintance. It is this person who will inspire you to new achievements and will allow you to realize long-standing plans that will make your life better.

2. Poplar leaf warns you that enough soaring in the clouds and it's time to get down to business. After all, in the next two months you will have a favorable period for new beginnings, which will end in a stunning success for you.

3. Chestnut leaf hurry to reassure you. If you have difficulties in life, then do not worry - soon everything will settle down by itself. Expect a pleasant surprise within a month.

4. Rowan leaf says that your life will soon be immersed in love passions and emotions. For those who are single, this leaflet portends an interesting acquaintance that will develop into a long-term relationship. And those who are in a pair will be tempted. There will be new fans (fans). In addition, love passion will also flare up in a relationship. So you choose

5. Birch leaf promises you a trip or an interesting vacation in the next two months. It is there that you will gain strength and new ideas. Everything will turn out in your life the way you want it.

6. Oak leaf says that you are a stubborn person and have worked hard. In the next month, expect a reward for your labors.

7. Maple Leaf will please you with the fact that you are starting a white streak of life. You will be lucky in all areas. Any business will succeed, and all desires will come true. Just don't get it. Fortune does not like selfish people.

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