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Petr Pavlovich Ershov - Russian prose writer, playwright, poet. One of his most famous works is The Little Humpbacked Horse. Those who read this tale in verse will surely remember that one of the most striking characters is the Whale Fish. If you have not yet had the pleasure of reading this work, you can do it right now.

Background to writing a masterpiece

Ershov Petr Pavlovich was born on February 22, 1815 in the town of Bezrukovo, Tobolsk province. His father often moved on duty, so Peter had the opportunity to communicate with different people.

The boy listened to the folk tales that formed the basis of his famous work The Humpbacked Horse. As the author himself said, he only slightly modified them, gave the words a poetic form. Opinions about the work were conflicting. So, Belinsky said that there is no Russian spirit in a fairy tale, despite the fact that it is written in Russian words. However, there were many positive reviews. So, A. S. Pushkin, having familiarized himself with the work, said: “Now this kind of composition can be left to me.” With these words, he put the beginning poet on the same level with himself. And it was under the influence of Pushkin's fairy tales that the 19-year-old P. P. Ershov created The Little Humpbacked Horse.

One peasant had three sons. The elder's name was Danilo, he was smart. The middle Gavrilo was "this way and that", and the younger Ivan was a fool at all.

The family grew wheat and sold it. But someone began to trample the crops at night and thereby cause great damage. Then it was decided that all the brothers would take turns on duty. The elder, when he was on duty, was attacked by fear. The young man dug into the hay and lay there all night, so he did not learn anything. The middle brother froze and left his post. Only Ivan managed to understand what was the matter. He saw a beautiful white horse, managed to saddle it and bring it to the shepherd's booth.

As the mare promised him, she gave birth to three horses. Danilo and Gavrilo saw two handsome stallions and secretly took them away for sale. The humpbacked horse consoled the saddened Ivan. He ordered him to sit on his back and rushed after his brothers. From this begins the fairy tale of Ershov, in which the Whale Fish will soon appear.

Trials for a Peasant's Son

The horses were so good that the king bought them in the capital. When the animals were taken to the stable, they ran to Ivan. Then the king appointed him a groom. But the envious sleeping bag could not survive this, he threw the Firebird feather to Ivan and told the king that the guy promised to bring the owner of the feather.

With the help of the humpbacked horse, the young man fulfilled this order of the king. Then a faithful friend helped the guy bring the Tsar Maiden. At the suggestion of the sovereign to become his wife, the girl said that she would not agree until the ring was taken from the ocean floor. It is this event that will bring the reader closer to the next character, who should help get the ring out of the watery depths.

Finding themselves by the ocean, Ivan and the horse saw that Miracle-Yudo Fish-Whale lies across it.

First Encounter with a Giant Island Fish

The whale was extraordinary. It turns out that it has been ten years since he turned into a living island. Further, Ershov describes what the Miracle-Yudo Fish-Whale looks like.

A village stood on its back, there were real houses here. Palisades were driven into the ribs of the poor animal. Men plowed on his lip, mushrooms grew between his mustaches, which the girls were looking for.

Horse and Ivan jumped on a strange creature. The whale fish asked where they came from and where they were going?

They replied that they were leaving the capital on behalf of the Tsar Maiden, heading towards the Sun, which would help them fulfill the girl's task. Having heard, he asked the travelers to ask the Sun how long he would still be in this form and for what sins this punishment. Ivan promised to fulfill the request, and the travelers went on.

Description of the hero of a fairy tale

They will help you find out what a Whale Fish looks like, pictures. It can be seen that a forest grows on its tail. It begins with a birch grove, becoming denser. Dark firs, oaks and other trees are already located there.

Standing on the body of the sufferer Near each of them is a vegetable garden. They plow the land and carry the weight of the horse, which can also be seen in the illustration. On one side of the giant fish is a church where peasants go to pray. On the other - a mill, here they turn grain into flour.

The growth is also covered with his face. It can be seen how the Whale Fish is suffering. Pictures convey the bleak existence of the animal. Although only one of his eyes is drawn, and the other is hidden under the vegetation, it is clear what longing and prayer to travelers he is filled with. Will Ivanushka and the skate be able to help him? You will find out about this very soon.

In a palace

The young man climbed up with an assistant to heaven and ended up in the palace of the Tsar Maiden. However, the sun rested here only at night, and during the day they found a month there, but they were glad about this. The night luminary was also happy, having received through messengers the news of his missing daughter, the Tsar Maiden. To celebrate, Month Mesyatsovich told the guests why the Whale Fish suffers. The tale moves on to the next episode, which lifts the veil of secrecy. It turns out that the giant fish swallowed 30 ships. As soon as she releases them back, she will be forgiven and again able to swim freely in the ocean.


Ivan and the humpbacked man said goodbye to the Moon and set off on their way back. As they approached the ocean, a whale fish saw them. The tale continues, and now there are only joyful moments in it.

The hunchback galloped to the peasants to tell them to quickly pack up and leave this living island, otherwise they would drown. They obeyed, and at noon there was not a single living soul here.

Then only the travelers told the whale how to earn forgiveness. He opened his mouth and all the ships jumped out of it with noise, cannon shots. The rowers sang cheerful songs.

The search for the ring

For those who are interested, a whale is a fish or an animal should be explained. Previously, people thought that this was a giant fish, because the whale lives in the water and is similar in shape to it. But then it turned out that this mammal that breathes air is viviparous, which means it is an animal. But back to the tale.

The whale fish asks his saviors how he can thank them. They said they only wanted the ring. He dived into the abyss of water, called the sturgeon and told them to find the decoration. They searched for a long time, but returned with nothing. They said that only a ruff could find it.

After that, two dolphins went in search of a ruff. He was a reveler and a bully, so finding him was not so easy.

They searched for him in the seas, rivers, lakes, but all in vain. Then the dolphins heard the exclamations and realized that the ruff was in the pond. There he intended to fight with crucians. Here is a story that P. P. Ershov came up with in verse. The whale fish that the sea reveler was brought to tells him to find the chest that contained the ring.

Yorsh said he knew where it all was. He dived into the pool and dug up the coveted chest there, then called the sturgeons, told them to take the find to the whale, and he went about his business.

Happy end of the fairy tale

At this time, Ivan was sitting on the ocean shore and waiting for the Whale Fish to appear. It was already evening, but the surface of the water did not sway. The young man was worried, as the term for the execution of the royal mandate was nearing its end, and he did not yet have a ring. Suddenly the sea began to seethe, and a whale appeared. He gave the chest to the young man, saying that he had fulfilled the request.

Ivan tried to lift the chest, but could not. Then the Humpbacked Bunok easily threw his luggage around his neck, ordered the young man to sit on his back and went to the royal palace. The travelers gave the sovereign a ring, he handed it to the Tsar Maiden and told her to marry him quickly. The girl replied that she was 15 years old and she would not marry an old man. The king-maiden advised him to bathe in cold water, then in hot water and in milk, so that he would turn into a young one.

He decided to first test on Ivan. The young man cringed. The humpbacked man told him that he would help. Indeed, when Ivan jumped into a cauldron of boiling liquid, the skate cooled it down with magical movements. As a result, the young man became handsome and handsome. And the evil king, having jumped into the cauldron, boiled there.

The girl married Ivan, and this is where the fairy tale ends. After reading it, the children can draw a picture. The whale fish will look like a book illustration or will be different from it.

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Part three. Before Selev, Makar dug gardens, and now Makar has ended up in governors.

Ta-ra-rali, ta-ra-ra!

The horses came out of the yard;

Here the peasants caught them

Yes, tied tight.

A raven sits on an oak

He plays the trumpet;

How to play the pipe

Orthodox amuse:

"Hey, listen, honest people!

Once upon a time there was a husband and wife;

Husband will take on jokes

And the wife for jokes,

And they will have a feast here,

What for the whole baptized world!

This saying is being carried out

The story will begin later.

Like ours at the gate

The fly sings a song:

"What will you give me as a message?

The mother-in-law beats her daughter-in-law:

Planted on a sixth

tied with string,

Pulled the arms to the legs,

Leg right razula:

"Don't go through the dawn!

Don't look good!"

This saying was carried out

And so the fairy tale began.

Well, this is how our Ivan rides

Behind the ring to the okian.

The hunchback flies like the wind

And in the beginning on the first evening

A hundred thousand miles waved

And he didn't rest anywhere.

Approaching the okiyanu,

Skate says to Ivan:

"Well, Ivanushka, look,

Here in three minutes

We will come to the meadow -

Directly to the sea-okiyanu;

Across it lies


For ten years he has been suffering

And until now he does not know

How to get forgiveness

He will teach you to ask

So that you are in the sunny village

Asked him for forgiveness;

You promise to fulfill

Yes, look, don't forget!"

Here they enter the meadow

Directly to the sea-okiyanu;

Across it lies

All sides are pitted

Palisades driven into the ribs,

Cheese-boron makes noise on the tail,

The village stands on the back;

The men plow on their lips,

Between the eyes the boys are dancing,

And in the oak forest, between the mustaches,

The girls are looking for mushrooms.

Here the skate runs along the whale,

Hooves pound on bones.

So the passerby says

Mouth wide open,

Heavily, bitterly sighing:

"The way is the way, gentlemen!

Where are you from and where are you?"

"We are ambassadors from the Tsar Maiden,

We both go from the capital, -

The horse says to the whale, -

To the sun straight to the east

In the mansions of gold. "-

“So it’s impossible, dear fathers,

You have to ask the sun:

How long will I be in disgrace,

And for what sins

Am I suffering misfortune?"

"Okay, okay, whale fish!" -

Our Ivan shouts to him.

"Be a merciful father to me!

See how I suffer, poor thing!

I've been here for ten years...

I myself will serve you! .. "-

Kit Ivana begs

He sighs bitterly.

"Okay, okay, whale fish!" -

Our Ivan shouts to him.

Here the horse under him huddled,

Jump ashore - and set off,

You can only see how the sand

Curls in a swirl at the feet.

Whether they go close, far,

Are they going low or high

And did you see anyone

I do not know anything.

Soon the tale is told

The thing is messy.

Only, brothers, I found out

That the horse ran there,

Where (I heard by the side)

Heaven meets earth

Where peasant women spin flax

Distaffs are placed on the sky.

Here Ivan said goodbye to the earth

And found myself in the sky

And rode like a prince

Hat on one side, cheer up.

"Eco marvel! eco marvel!

Our kingdom is at least beautiful, -

Ivan says to the horse.

Among the azure glades, -

And how does it compare with the sky,

So it doesn't fit under the insole.

What is the earth! .. because it

And black and dirty;

Here the earth is blue

And what a light one!

Look, little hunchback

You see, over there, to the east,

It's like a lightning bolt...

Tea, heavenly light...

Something painfully high!" -

So Ivan asked the horse.

"This is the tower of the Tsar Maiden,

Our future queen, -

The hunchback cries out to him,

At night the sun sleeps here

And at midday sometimes

The month enters for rest."

Drive up; at the gate

From the pillars a crystal vault;

All those pillars are curled

Cunningly in golden snakes;

Three stars on top

There are gardens around the tower;

On the silver branches

In gilded cages

The birds of paradise live

The royal songs are sung.

But a tower with towers

Like a city with villages;

And on the tower of stars -

Orthodox Russian cross.

Here the horse enters the yard;

Our Ivan gets off it,

In the tower to the month goes

And he speaks like this:

"Hello, Month Mesyatsovich!

I am Ivanushka Petrovich,

From distant sides

And brought you a bow. "-

"Sit down, Ivanushka Petrovich, -

Said Month Mesyatsovich, -

And tell me the blame

To our bright country

Your parish from the earth;

What people are you from?

How did you get into this region, -

Tell me everything, don't hide it,

"I came from the earth Zemlyanskaya,

From a Christian country,

Says, sitting down, Ivan, -

moved okian

With an order from the queen -

Bow to the bright tower

And say like this, wait:

"You tell my dear:

Her daughter wants to know

Why is she hiding

Three nights, three days

Some kind of face from me;

And why is my brother red

Wrapped up in the dark rainy

And in the misty sky

Will not send a beam to me?"

So, say? - Craftswoman

Speak red queen;

Do not remember everything in full,

What did she say to me."

"What kind of queen?" -

"This, you know, is the Tsar Maiden." -

"King-maiden? .. So she,

What, you've been taken away?"

Month Mesyatsovich cried out.

And Ivanushka Petrovich

He says: "I know, me!

You see, I am a royal stirrup;

Well, so the king sent me,

For me to deliver

Three weeks to the palace;

And not me, father,

He threatened to put me on a stake."

The moon wept with joy

Well Ivan hug,

Kiss and have mercy.

"Ah, Ivanushka Petrovich! -

Said Month Mesyatsovich. -

You brought the news

I don't know what to count!

And how we grieved

What lost the princess! ..

That's why, you see, I

Three nights, three days

I walked in a dark cloud

Everyone was sad and sad

Didn't sleep for three days.

I did not take a crumb of bread,

That's why my son is red

Wrapped up in the darkness of the rainy,

The ray extinguished its hot,

The world of God did not shine:

Everyone was sad, you see, for my sister,

To that red Tsar-maiden.

What, is she well?

Aren't you sad, aren't you sick?"

"Everyone would seem to be a beauty,

Yes, she seems to be dry:

Well, like a match, listen, thin,

Tea, three inches in girth;

Here's how to get married

So I suppose it will get fat:

The king, listen, will marry her."

The moon cried out: "Ah, the villain!

I decided to marry at seventy

On a young girl!

Yes, I stand strong in that -

He will sit as a groom!

You see what the old horse-radish started:

He wants to reap where he did not sow!

It’s full, it’s become a pain in the ass!”

Then Ivan said again:

"There is still a request for you,

It's about whale forgiveness...

There is, you see, the sea; wonder whale

Across it lies:

All sides are pitted

Palisades driven into the ribs ...

He, the poor man, begged me,

For me to ask you:

Will the pain end soon?

How to find forgiveness for him?

And what is he doing here?"

The clear moon says:

"He bears torment for that,

What is without God's command

Swallowed among the seas

Three dozen ships.

If he gives them freedom,

God will take away his misfortune,

In a moment all wounds will heal,

He will reward you with a long life."

Then Ivanushka got up,

I said goodbye to the bright month,

He hugged his neck tightly

Kissed him three times on the cheeks.

"Well, Ivanushka Petrovich! -

Said Month Mesyatsovich. -

thank you

For my son and for myself.

Take the blessing

Our daughter in comfort

And tell my dear:

"Your mother is always with you;

Full of crying and crashing:

Soon your sadness will be solved, -

And not old, with a beard,

A handsome young man

He will lead you to hell."

Well, goodbye! God be with you!"

Bowing as best he could

Ivan sat on a skate here,

He whistled like a noble knight,

And set off on the return journey.

The next day our Ivan

Again came to the okian.

Here the skate runs along the whale,

Hooves pound on bones.

So, sighing, he says:

"What, fathers, is my petition?

Will I get forgiveness?"

"Wait a minute, whale fish!" -

Here the horse screams at him.

Here he comes running to the village,

He calls men to himself,

Black mane shakes

And he speaks like this:

"Hey, listen, laymen,

Orthodox Christians!

If none of you wants

To the waterman sit down in order,

Get the hell out of here.

This is where a miracle happens:

The sea boils strongly

The whale fish will turn ... "

Here the peasants and the laity,

Orthodox Christians,

They shouted: "Be in trouble!"

And they went home.

All carts were collected;

In them, without delay, they put

All that was belly

And left the whale.

Morning meets noon

And in the village there is no more

Not a single living soul

As if Mamai was going to war!

Here the horse runs on its tail,

Close to feathers

And that urine is screaming:

That's why your suffering

What is without God's command

You swallowed in the middle of the seas

Three dozen ships.

If you give them freedom

God will take away your misfortune

In a moment all wounds will heal,

He will reward you with a long life."

And, having finished such a speech,

Bitten a steel bridle,

I strained - and in an instant

Jump to the distant shore.

The miracle whale moved

As if the hill turned

The sea began to stir

And from the jaws to throw

Ships after ships

With sails and rowers.

There was such a noise

That the king of the sea woke up:

They fired copper cannons,

They blew into forged pipes;

The white sail has risen

The flag on the mast has developed;

Pop with all the officials

He sang prayers on deck;

A merry row of rowers

Ran a song in the air:

"Like on the sea, on the sea,

Along the wide expanse

What is on the very edge of the earth,

Ships are leaving...

The waves of the sea rolled

The ships disappeared from sight.

Mouth wide open,

Breaking the waves with a splash:

"What can I do for you guys?

What is the reward for service?

Do you need flowery shells?

Do you need golden fish?

Do you need large pearls?

Ready to get everything for you!" -

"No, whale-fish, we are rewarded

You don't need anything -

Ivan tells him

Better get us a ring -

Ring, you know, Tsar-girls,

Our future queen." -

"Okay, okay! For a friend

And an earring!

I will find until dawn

Ring of the red Tsar-maiden "-

Keith replied to Ivan

And, like a key, fell to the bottom.

Sturgeon all the people

And he speaks like this:

"You reach for the lightning

Ring of the red Tsar Maiden,

Hidden in a drawer at the bottom.

Who will deliver it to me

I will reward him with the rank:

Will be a thoughtful nobleman.

If my smart order

Do not fulfill ... I will!

Sturgeon bowed here

And they left in good order.

In a few hours

Two white sturgeons

To the whale slowly swam

And humbly said:

"Great king! do not be angry!

We are all the sea, it seems

Came out and dug

But the sign was not opened.

Only ruff one of us

I would do your order.

He walks all the seas

So, it’s true, the ring knows;

But, as if to spite him,

It's gone somewhere."

"Find it in a minute

And send to my cabin!" -

Keith screamed angrily

And shook his mustache.

The sturgeons here bowed,

They started running to the Zemstvo court

And they ordered at the same time

From a whale to write a decree

To send messengers soon

And that ruff was caught.

Bream, heard this order,

Nominal wrote a decree;

Som (he was called an adviser)

Signed under the decree;

Black cancer decree folded

And attached the seal.

Two dolphins were called here

And, having given the decree, they said,

So that, on behalf of the king,

Ran all the seas

And that ruff-reveler,

Screamer and bully

Wherever found,

They brought him to the emperor.

Here the dolphins bowed

And the ruff set off to look.

They are looking for an hour in the seas,

They are looking for an hour in the rivers,

All the lakes came out

All the straits have crossed

Couldn't find a ruff

And returned back

Almost crying from sadness...

Suddenly the dolphins heard

Somewhere in a small pond

A cry unheard in the water.

Dolphins wrapped in the pond

And dived to the bottom of it, -

Look: in the pond, under the reeds,

Ruff fights with carp.

"Quiet! Damn you!

Look, what a sodom they raised,

Like important fighters!" -

The messengers shouted to them.

"Well, what do you care? -

Ruff shouts boldly to the dolphins. -

I don't like to joke

I'll kill them all at once!"

"Oh, you eternal reveler

And a screamer and a bully!

All would be, rubbish, you walk,

Everyone would fight and scream.

At home - no, you can’t sit still! ..

Well, what to dress up with you, -

Here's the king's decree

So that you swim to him immediately.

Here are the dolphins

Grabbed by the bristles

And we went back.

Ruff, well, tear and shout:

"Be merciful, brothers!

Let's have a little fight.

Damn that crucian

Carried me yesterday

With an honest meeting with all

Unsimilar different abuse ... "

For a long time the ruff was still screaming,

Finally, he fell silent;

A prankster dolphins

Everyone dragged by the bristles,

Saying nothing

And they appeared before the king.

"Why haven't you been here for a long time?

Where are you, son of the enemy, staggering?"

Keith screamed in anger.

Ruff fell on his knees

And, confessing to the crime,

He prayed for forgiveness.

"Well, God will forgive you! -

Keith sovereign says. -

But for that your forgiveness

You obey the command."

"Glad to try, wonder whale!" -

Ruff squeaks on his knees.

"You walk on all the seas,

So, right, you know the ring

Tsar-girls?" - "How not to know!

We can find it together."

"So hurry up

Yes, look for him quicker!"

Here, bowing to the king,

Ruff went, bent over, out.

I quarreled with the royal household,

Behind the roach

And six salakushki

He broke his nose on the way.

Having done such a thing,

He boldly rushed into the pool

And in the underwater depth

Dug a box at the bottom -

Pud at least a hundred.

"Oh, it's not easy here!"

And come on from all the seas

Ruff to call herring to him.

Herring gathered in spirit

They began to drag the chest,

Only heard and everything -

"Whoo!" yeah "oh-oh-oh!"

But no matter how hard they shouted,

Stomach just torn

And the damned chest

Didn't give even an inch.

"Real herrings!

You would have a whip instead of vodka!" -

Shouted ruff with all my heart

And dived for sturgeons.

Sturgeons come here

And raise without a cry

Buried firmly in the sand

With a ring, a red chest.

"Well, guys, look,

You are now swimming to the king,

I'm going to the bottom now

Let me rest a little.

Something overcomes sleep

So he closes his eyes..."

Sturgeons swim to the king,

Ruff-reveler right into the pond

(From which the dolphins

dragged away by the bristles),

Tea, fight with crucian, -

I don't know about that.

But now we say goodbye to him

Let's go back to Ivan.

Quiet ocean-ocyan.

Ivan sits on the sand

Waiting for a whale from the blue of the sea

And purrs with grief;

Falling down on the sand

The faithful hunchback is dozing.

The time was drawing to a close;

Now the sun has gone down;

Silent flame of grief

The dawn unfolded.

But the whale was not there.

"To those, the thief, crushed!

Look, what a sea devil! -

Ivan says to himself. -

Promised until dawn

Take out the ring of the Tsar Maiden,

And so far I have not found

Cursed toothbrush!

And the sun has set

And..." Then the sea began to boil:

A miracle whale appeared

And to Ivan he says:

"For your beneficence

I kept my promise."

With this word chest

I blurted out tightly on the sand,

Only the shore swayed.

"Well, now I got even.

If I force myself again,

call me again;

Your beneficence

Don't forget me... Goodbye!"

Here the miracle whale fell silent

And, splashing, fell to the bottom.

The humpbacked horse woke up,

He got up on his paws, brushed himself off,

I looked at Ivanushka

And jumped four times.

"Ah yes, Kit Kitovich! Nice!

He paid off his debt!

Well, thank you, whale fish! -

The humpbacked horse is screaming. -

Well, master, get dressed,

Go on the path;

Three days have already passed:

Tomorrow is urgent.

Tea, the old man is already dying."

Here Vanyusha answers:

"I would be glad to raise with joy,

Why, do not take strength!

The chest is painfully dense,

Tea, there are five hundred devils in it

The damned whale planted.

I have already raised it three times;

It's such a terrible burden!"

There is a skate, not answering,

He lifted the box with his foot,

Like a pebble

And waved it around his neck.

"Well, Ivan, sit down quickly!

Remember, tomorrow is the deadline

And the way back is long."

Became the fourth day to stare.

Our Ivan is already in the capital.

The king runs towards him from the porch.

"What is my ring?" - screams.

Here Ivan gets off the skate

And proudly replies:

"Here's your chest!

Yes, let's call the regiment:

The chest is small at least in appearance,

And crush the devil."

The king immediately called the archers

And immediately ordered

Take the chest to the light room,

He himself went to the Tsar Maiden.

"Your ring, soul, is found, -

He said softly,

And now, say again

There is no obstacle

Tomorrow morning, my light,

Marry me with you.

But don't you want, my friend,

To see your ring?

He lies in my palace."

The Queen Maiden says:

"I know, I know! But, to be honest,

We can't get married yet."

"Why, my light?

I love you with my soul;

Me, forgive me my courage,

Fear of getting married.

If you ... then I will die

Tomorrow, with grief in the morning.

Have pity, mother queen!"

The girl tells him:

"But look, you're gray;

I am only fifteen years old.

How can we get married?

All the kings will start laughing

Grandfather, they will say, took it to his grandson!

The king shouted in anger:

"Let them just laugh -

I just roll up:

I will fill all their kingdoms!

I will eradicate their entire race!"

"Let them not laugh,

We can't all get married, -

Flowers do not grow in winter:

I'm beautiful, and you?

What can you brag about?"

The girl tells him.

"Though I'm old, but I'm daring! -

The king answered the queen. -

How can I get a little

At least I'll show it to someone

A cheeky young man.

Well, what do we need in that?

If only we could get married."

The girl tells him:

"And such a need,

That I will never go out

For the bad, for the gray-haired,

For such a toothless one!"

The king scratched his head

And, frowning, he said:

"What am I to do, queen?

Fear of wanting to get married;

You, exactly in trouble:

I won't go, I won't go!"

"I will not go for the gray-haired one, -

The king-maiden speaks again. -

Become, as before, well done,

I'll get married right away."

"Remember, mother queen,

For one cannot be reborn;

God alone creates a miracle."

The Queen Maiden says:

"If you don't feel sorry for yourself,

You will be younger again.

Listen: tomorrow at dawn

In the wide yard

You must force the servants

Three large boilers to put

And put fires under them.

The first one must be poured

To the brim with cold water,

And the second - boiled water,

And the last - milk,

Boiling it with a key.

Here, if you want to marry

And become handsome, -

You are without a dress, light,

Bathe in milk;

Stay here in boiled water,

And then in the cold room,

And I'll tell you father

You will be a noble fellow!"

The king did not say a word

He immediately called a stirrup.

"What, again on the okian? -

Ivan speaks to the Tsar. -

No, no, your grace!

And then everything went wrong in me.

I'm not going for anything!"

"No, Ivanushka, that's not it.

Tomorrow I want to force

Put boilers in the yard

And put fires under them.

First I think to pour

To the brim with cold water,

And the second - boiled water,

And the last - milk,

Boiling it with a key.

You must try

Tryouts for a swim

In these three large cauldrons,

In milk and in two waters." -

"Look, where does it come from! -

Ivan's speech starts here.

Only pigs spit

Yes, turkeys, yes chickens;

Look, I'm not a pig

Not a turkey, not a chicken.

Here in the cold, so it is

You could swim

And how will you cook,

So don't lure me.

Full, king, cunning, wise

Yes, see Ivan off!"

King, shake your beard:

"What? I dress up with you! -

He screamed. - But look!

If you are at dawn

Do not obey the command -

I will give you torment

I will order you to torture

Break into pieces.

Get out of here, evil pain!"

Here Ivanushka, sobbing,

Wandered into the hayloft,

Where his horse lay.

"What, Ivanushka, sad?

What did you hang your head on? -

The skate tells him. -

Tea, our old fiance

Did you throw it away again?"

Ivan fell to the skate on the neck,

Hugged and kissed.

"Oh, trouble, skate! - He said. -

The king completely sells me;

Think for yourself, it makes

Bathe me in cauldrons

In milk and in two waters:

As in one cold water,

And in another boiled water,

Milk, listen, boiling water.

The horse tells him:

"What a service, what a service!

This is where all my friendship comes in.

How can you not say:

It would be better for us not to take a pen;

From him, from the villain,

So much trouble for you...

Well, don't cry, God be with you!

Let's deal with trouble somehow.

And I'd rather die myself

Than I will leave you, Ivan.

Listen: tomorrow at dawn,

In those days, as in the yard

You undress like you should

You tell the king: "Is it not possible,

Your grace, order

Send the hunchback to me

To say goodbye to him."

The king will agree to this.

This is how I wag my tail

I dip my muzzle into those boilers,

I'll jump on you twice

I whistle with a loud whistle,

You, look, do not yawn:

Dive into the milk first

Here in a cauldron of boiled water,

And from there in the cold room.

Now pray

Go to sleep peacefully."

The next day, early in the morning,

Ivan's horse woke up:

"Hey, master, sleep well!

Time to serve."

Here Vanyusha scratched himself,

Stretched and got up

Prayed on the fence

And he went to the king's courtyard.

The cauldrons were already boiling there;

Sitting next to them

Coachmen and cooks

And servants of the court;

Firewood diligently added,

They talked about Ivan

Silently among themselves

And laughed at times.

So the doors opened;

The king and queen appeared

And prepared from the porch

Look at the daredevil.

"Well, Vanyusha, undress

And in boilers, brother, swim!" -

Tsar Ivan shouted.

Then Ivan took off his clothes,

Answering nothing.

And the young queen

To avoid seeing nakedness

Wrapped up in a veil.

Here Ivan went up to the boilers,

He looked at them - and itched.

"What are you, Vanyusha, become? -

The king called out to him again. -

Do what you must, brother!

Ivan says: "Is it not possible,

Your grace, order

Send the hunchback to me.

I would say goodbye to him for the last time."

The king, thinking, agreed

And deigned to order

Send the hunchback to him.

Here the servant brings the horse

And he goes to the side.

Here the horse wagged its tail,

I dipped my muzzle into those boilers,

I jumped at Ivan twice,

He whistled loudly.

Ivan looked at the horse

And immediately dived into the cauldron,

Here in the other, there in the third too,

And he became so handsome

What can not be said in a fairy tale

Do not write with a pen!

Here he is dressed up in a dress,

The king-maiden bowed,

Looked around, cheering

With an air of importance, like a prince.

"Eco marvel! - everyone shouted. -

We have not even heard

To help you get better!"

The king ordered himself to undress,

Crossed himself twice

Boom in the boiler - and there it was cooked!

The king-maiden rises here,

Gives a sign to silence

The bedspread lifts

And to the servants broadcasts:

"The king told you to live long!

I want to be queen.

Do I love you? Answer!

If you love, then admit

The sorcerer of everything

And my wife!"

Here the queen fell silent,

She pointed to Ivan.

"Lyuba, lyuba!" - everyone shouts. -

Even to hell for you!

For your sake of talent

We recognize Tsar Ivan!"

The king takes the queen here,

Leads to the church of God

And with a young bride

He goes round and round.

Cannons fire from the fortress;

They blow into forged pipes;

All cellars open

Barrels of fryazhskoy put up,

And drunk people

What is the urine tearing:

"Hello, our king and queen!

With the beautiful Tsar Maiden!"

In the palace, a feast is a mountain:

Wines flow there like a river;

At oak tables

Boyars drink with princes.

Heart love! I was there,

I drank honey, wine and beer;

Though it ran along the mustache,

Not a drop got into my mouth.

The Little Humpbacked Horse

Here the horse runs on its tail,
Close to feathers
And that urine is screaming:
“Miracle Yudo Fish-whale!
That's why your suffering
What is without God's command
You swallowed in the middle of the seas
Three dozen ships.
If you give them freedom
God will take away your misfortune
In a moment all wounds will heal,
He will reward you with a long century.
And after finishing this speech,
Bitten a steel bridle,
Pushed - and in an instant
Jump to the distant shore.
The miracle whale moved
As if the hill turned
The sea began to stir
And from the jaws to throw
Ships after ships
With sails and rowers.
There was such a noise
That the king of the sea woke up:
They fired copper cannons,
They blew into forged pipes;
The white sail has risen
The flag on the mast has developed;
Pop with all the officials
He sang prayers on deck;
And the rowers are a cheerful row
Ran a song in the air:
"Like on the sea, on the sea,
Along the wide expanse
What is on the very edge of the earth,
Ships are leaving…”

The waves of the sea rolled
The ships disappeared from sight.
Miracle-yudo Fish-whale
Screaming in a loud voice
Mouth wide open,
Breaking the waves with a splash:
“What can I do for you guys?
What is the reward for service?
Do you need flowery shells?
Do you need golden fish?
Do you need large pearls?
Everything is ready for you!” -
“No, whale-fish, we are rewarded
You don't need anything -
Ivan tells him
Better get us a ring, -
Ring, you know. king girls,
Our future queen." -
"OK OK! For a friend
And an earring!
I will find until dawn
The ring of the red Tsar Maiden,
Keith replied to Ivan
And, like a key, fell to the bottom.
Here he strikes with a splash,
Calls with a loud voice
Sturgeon all the people
And he speaks like this:
"You reach for the lightning
Ring of the red Tsar Maiden,
Hidden in a drawer at the bottom.
Who will deliver it to me
I will reward him with the rank:
Will be a thoughtful nobleman.
If my smart order
Do not fulfill ... I will! .. "
Sturgeon bowed here
And they left in good order.
In a few hours
Two white sturgeons
To the whale slowly swam
And humbly said:
"Great King! Don't get angry!
We are all the sea, it seems
Came out and dug
But the sign was not opened.
Only Yorsh is one of us
I would do your order.
He walks all the seas
So, it’s true, the ring knows;
But, as if to spite him,
It's gone somewhere."
"Find it in a minute
And send to my cabin! -
Keith screamed angrily

And shook his mustache.
The sturgeons here bowed,
They started running to the Zemstvo court
And they ordered at the same time
From a whale to write a decree
To send messengers soon
And Ruff was caught.
Bream, heard this order,
Nominal wrote a decree;
Som (he was called an adviser)
Signed under the decree;
Black cancer decree folded
And attached the seal.
Two dolphins were called here
And, having given the decree, they said,
So that, on behalf of the king,
Ran all the seas
And that Ruff-reveler,
Screamer and bully
Wherever it was found
They brought him to the emperor.
Here the dolphins bowed
And Ruff started looking.
They are looking for an hour in the seas,
They are looking for an hour in the rivers,
All the lakes came out
All the straits have crossed
Ruff could not be found
And returned back
Almost crying from sadness ...
Suddenly the dolphins heard
Somewhere in a small pond
A cry unheard in the water.
Dolphins wrapped in the pond
And dived to the bottom of it, -
Look: in the pond, under the reeds,
Ruff fights with Karas.
“Attention! Damn you!
Look, what a sodom they raised,
Like important fighters!” -
The messengers shouted to them.
“Well, what do you care? -
Ruff shouts boldly to the dolphins. -
I don't like to joke
I'll kill everyone at once!" -
"Oh, you eternal reveler,
And a screamer, and a bully!
Everything, rubbish, you walk,
Everything would be to fight and scream.
At home - no, you can’t sit! ..
Well, what to dress up with you, -
Here's the king's decree
So that you swim to him immediately.
Here are the dolphins
Caught under the bristles
And we went back.
Ruff, well, tear and shout:
“Be merciful, brothers!
Let's have a little fight.

That damned crucian
Carried me yesterday
With honesty with the whole assembly
Unsimilar different abuse ... "
For a long time Yorsh still screamed,
Finally, he fell silent;
A prankster dolphins
Everything was dragged by the bristles,
Saying nothing
And they appeared before the king.
"Why haven't you been here for a long time?
Where are you, son of the enemy, staggering? -
Keith screamed in anger.
Yorsh fell to his knees,
And, confessing to the crime,
He prayed for forgiveness.
“Well, God forgive you! -
Keith sovereign says. -

But for that your forgiveness
You obey the command."
"Glad to try, Wonder Whale!" -
Yorsh squeaks on his knees.
"You walk on all the seas,
So, right, you know the ring
King of the Maidens? – “How not to know!
We can find it together." -
"So hurry up
Yes, look for him faster!
Here, bowing to the king,
Ruff went, bent over, out.
I quarreled with the royal household,
Behind the roach
And six salakushki
He broke his nose on the way.
Having done such a thing
He boldly rushed into the pool
And in the underwater depth
Dug a box at the bottom -
Pud at least a hundred.
“Oh, this is not easy!”
And come on from all the seas
Ruff to call herring to him.
Herring gathered in spirit
They began to drag the chest,
Only heard and everything -
"Whoo!" yes "Oh-oh-oh!".
But no matter how hard they shouted,
Stomach just torn
And the damned chest
Didn't give even an inch.
“Real herrings!
You would have a whip instead of vodka!” -
Shouted Ruff with all my heart
And dived for sturgeons.
Sturgeons come here
And raise without a cry
Buried firmly in the sand
With a ring, a red chest.
"Well, guys, look,
You are now swimming to the king,
I'm going to the bottom now
Let me rest a little.
Something overcomes sleep
So his eyes close…”
Sturgeons swim to the king,
Ruff-reveler right into the pond
(From which the dolphins
dragged off by the bristles).
Tea, fight with Karas, -
I don't know about that.
But now we say goodbye to him
Let's go back to Ivan.

Quiet ocean-ocyan.
Ivan sits on the sand
Waiting for a whale from the blue of the sea
And purrs with grief;
Falling down on the sand
The faithful hunchback is dozing,
The time was drawing to a close;
Now the sun has gone down;
Silent flame of grief
The dawn unfolded.
But the whale was not there.
“To those, the thief, crushed!
Look, what a sea devil! -
Ivan says to himself. -
Promised until dawn
Take out the ring of the Tsar Maiden,
And so far I have not found
Cursed toothbrush!
And the sun has set
And…” Then the sea began to boil:
A miracle whale appeared
And to Ivan he says:
"For your kindness
I kept my promise."
With this word chest
I blurted out tightly on the sand,
Only the shore swayed.
“Well, now I'm up for it.
If I force myself again,
call me again;
Your beneficence
Do not forget me ... Goodbye!
Here the Miracle Whale fell silent
And, splashing, fell to the bottom.
The humpbacked horse woke up
He got up on his paws, brushed himself off,
I looked at Ivanushka
And jumped four times.
“Oh yes, Kit Kitovich! Nice!
He did his duty well!
Well, thank you, Whale Fish! -
The humpbacked horse is screaming. -
Well, master, get dressed,
Go on the path;
Three days have already passed:
Tomorrow is urgent
Tea, the old man is already dying.
Here Vanyusha answers:
“I would be glad to raise with joy;
Why, do not take strength!
The chest is painfully dense,
Tea, there are five hundred devils in it
The damned whale planted.
I have already raised it three times:
It's such a terrible burden!"
There is a skate, not answering,
He lifted the box with his foot,
Like a pebble
And waved it around his neck.
“Well, Ivan, sit down quickly!
Remember, tomorrow is the deadline
And the way back is long."
Became the fourth day to stare

The head of the sea monster Keto (whale) on a coin from Caria.

We know that Jesus Christ was resurrected on Sunday. But when he was crucified, on what day, the Bible does not specifically note. There are two most common opinions that this happened on Friday or Wednesday. Some, combining the arguments of Friday and Wednesday, call this day Thursday. In Matthew 12:40 Jesus says:
"For as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights.”
“Yak Yona has changed at the middle of whale three days and three nights, so will stay for three days and three nights, the Son of Man at the heart of the earth.
“Διότι ως ο Ιωνάς ήτο εν τη κοιλία του κήτους τρεις ημέρας και τρεις νύκτας, ούτω θέλει είσθαι ο Υιός του ανθρώπου εν τη καρδία της γης τρεις ημέρας και τρεις νύκτας”. Dióti os o Ionas íto en ti koilia tou kitous treis iméras kai treis nýktas, oúto thélei eísthai o Yiós tou anthropou en ti kardía tis gis treis iméras kai treis nýktas.
Google translator translates the word κήτους as a horse; What's wrong with google programmers? Maybe Is this “whale-horse” somehow connected with Saint Christopher? This is the same whale that “gave birth” to the word cytology (Greek κύτος “cell” and λόγος - “teaching”, “science”)

Prophet Jonah Yunus (Hebrew יוֹנָה‏‎ - “dove”) Yona Yonah, in Arabic árabe يونس ("Yūnus- Yunus") In Turkish Yunus - dolphin . Greek variant Ἰωνᾶς, Yoni - the name ίον, means violet or violet color. The name Jonah, equivalent to the English Jonah, was introduced by the Puritans. In a figurative sense, in English language it means a person who brings misfortune on a ship -jinx ... This “dove-dolphin” is a young zhinka or youth of a young man (from German Junge - “boy” or Dutch jonge - “young”) ships have no place among seasoned sea wolves?

Jonah Yunus is one of the minor prophets of the Old Testament. When the Lord sent him to preach to the pagans in Assyria, Jonah was frightened and wanted to sail away on a ship to his homeland. However, a storm broke out at sea, and the crew of the ship, deciding that this was the punishment of the Lord, threw Jonah overboard. In the sea, Jonah was swallowed by a huge whale, in the belly of which the prophet remained until he repented of his apostasy. After repentance, the whale released him ashore, and Jonah went to Assyria.

The image of the whale embodies ambivalence: the whale is both death, he and birth (more precisely, rebirth). It was in the sense of rebirth that Christian theologians interpreted the story of the whale and Jonah. Initially monstrous. whale-aspidochelon, embodied the primitive fish, which is the support of the earth . Naturally, this super-fish also acted as the progenitor of all fish, about which it is said in the "Pigeon Book": "The whale is the fish of all mother fish" (in the pigeon book, this progenitor whale has several names - China-fish, tit-fish, Kitra). On this version of the whale, the world rests (which is actually not an isolated case in the world mythological space), and its vibrations are the cause of earthquakes, and, as a result, they will lead to the end of the world.
The Ancient Whale is a mind-blowing monster that looks more like a dragon than a humpback or sperm whale.

1. Jonah and Kit. Miniature from the manuscript of Rashid ad-Din "Jami' at-tavarih". Iran, XIV century. Metropolitan Museum, New York.
2. Whale swallowing Jonah. Image from a medieval manuscript (by enzodionigi).
3. Constellations Cetus and Argo. Illustration from Liber Floridus (f. 91r (detail).
4. Cetus whale with people on it. Illustration by Konrad von Gesner from Animal History.

The whale is a sea monster of medieval bestiaries; it was depicted in books as completely different from the modern whale from biology textbooks.

So called whales / sea monsters:

Aspido testudo - English tracing paper from the Latin name of the monstrous whale - Aspidochelone
Aspidochelone - a variant of the name of a monstrous whale (from the words: aspis - "shield" and celwnh - "turtle")
Ασπιδοχελώνη - the Greek spelling of the name of the monstrous whale is Aspidochelone
Etymological digression:
Latin aspis, aspidis (“echidna, aspid (venomous snake) Shield (thornworm)”), from Ancient Greek ἀσπίς (aspís, “shield”), further from ἀ- (a-) +‎ σπίζω from Proto-Indo-European *spey - cognate with the Russian word back.
Chelon chelone - Χελώνια - turtle from skull; replaced the more ancient Slavic. * jellies "tortoise" (see nodule), obviously, based on taboo. Zholv "turtle" Russian-Church-Slav. jelly, -ve, Serbohorv. zhelva, Slovenian žȇɫva "turtle", Czech. želva "turtle", Pol. żóɫw (genus p. -wi). Slav. the word is related to Greek. χέλῡς (gen. -υος) "tortoise, chest cavity", χελώνη, eol. χελύνᾱ "turtle"
In the Russian canonical translation and the Septuagint, we have non-personalized "underworld" and "hell", but in the original this line sounds something like this "... Sheol multiplied her appetite and opened her mouth wide." Here Sheol appears as a terrible monster, in many respects analogous to the Akkadian Tiamat. Sheol swallows the dead, closing his giant jaws over them, her womb is eternally insatiable, and his soul expands and agitates in anticipation of prey (Is. 5:14; 14:9; Hab. 2:5; Ps. 141:7; Proverbs. 27:20; Job 24:19). Sheol (Hebrew שְׁאוֹל‏‎ /ˈʃiːoʊl/ SHEE-ohl or /ˈʃiːəl/ SHEE-əl; Hebrew שְׁאוֹל‎ Šʾôl) - the abode of the dead in Judaism
Shelf shelf - shallow shell- shell = sheol = helmet-brow of the earth = platform cover of the earth's crust, and under them is the underworld.

1. Rapid Transit to Sheol – Where We Are All Going According to the Reverend Dr. Morgan Dix, by Joseph Keppler, 1888.
2. The 3 Roads to Eternity, 1825 Cornell
3. Heaven and Hell Michelangelo Caetani, The Ordering of Paradise,
4. "A Monster from Hell". A 19th-century Russian hand-drawn lubok.

aspis chelone - English tracing paper from the Latin name of the monstrous whale - Aspidochelone
Balaena - the Latin version of the name of the monstrous whale (according to Isidore from the Greek baλλeiv - "to emit, throw out")
Balaine - English version of the name of a monstrous whale, related to the Greek baλλeiv
Balayn - English version of the name of a monstrous whale, related to the Greek baλλeiv
Balene - Latin version of the name of the monstrous whale
Cethe - a variant of the English tracing paper from the Latin "Cetus" and the Greek "Kῆτος"
Cetus - spelling of the name "Kit" in Latin
Covie - variant of the English-language name for the monstrous whale
Ketos - a variant of the Latin (and all other languages ​​\u200b\u200busing the Latin alphabet) the name of the whale
Lacovie - variant of the English-language name for the monstrous whale
Vešapi (ვეშაპი) - Latin transcription and original spelling of the name "Veshap" (monster, dragon), which in the ancient Georgian translation of the Bible meant Kita
Visap (վիշապ) - Latin transcription and original spelling of the name "Vishap" (monster, dragon), which in the ancient Armenian translation of the Bible meant Kita
Κῆτος - spelling of the name "Kit" in Greek
Φάλαινα - the Greek version of the name of the monstrous whale (according to Isidore from baλλeiv - "to emit, throw out")
Akiyang fish
Asp - in Christianity, medieval European bestiaries and in Slavic mythology, a winged snake devastating the lands
Aspidochelon - a variant of the Russian-language tracing paper from the Latin name "Aspidochelone", one of the names of the monstrous whale
Aspid chelon - a variant of the old Russian tracing paper from the Latin name of the monstrous whale - Aspidochelone
Balena - Russian-language tracing paper from the Latin name of the monstrous whale - Balene
Blasna - Russian-language version of the name of the monstrous whale, associated with the name Balene
Belena - Russian-language tracing paper from the Latin name of the monstrous whale - Balene
Great fish - a variant of the name of a monstrous whale from Slavic bestiaries
Veleryb - a variant of the name of a monstrous whale from Slavic bestiaries
Zhigana - a variant of the name of a monstrous whale from Slavic bestiaries
Zhigina - a variant of the name of a monstrous whale from Slavic bestiaries
Catgrand - a variant of the Russian-language name of a monstrous whale (from "ketus" - a sea monster and from "grand" - great)
Ketus - a variant of the Russian-language tracing paper from the Latin "Cetus" and the Greek "Kῆτος"
cetus (V, PM nom. pl. cētē) m. (Greek)
1. large marine animal (dolphin, whale, shark, etc. tuna)
2. constellation Cetus Man, Vtr

China fish
Kitra - variant of the name of the space whale in the "Pigeon Book"
Tit fish - variant of the name of the space whale in the "Pigeon Book"
Fastitocalon - a variant of the Russian-language reading of the later name of the monstrous whale - Fastitocalon
Fastitocolon - a variant of the Russian-language reading of the later name of the monstrous whale - Fastitocalon
Tailtocalon - a variant of the Russian-language reading of the later name of the monstrous whale - Fastitocalon
cesta - a variant of the Russian-language tracing paper from the Latin "Cetus" and the Greek "Kῆτος"
Ceta - a variant of the Russian-language tracing paper from the Latin "Cetus" and the Greek "Kῆτος"
Tsetna - a variant of the Russian-language tracing paper from the Latin "Cetus" and the Greek "Kῆτος"
Cetus - a variant of the Russian-language tracing paper from the Latin "Cetus" and the Greek "Kῆτος"
Tsetu - a variant of the Russian-language tracing paper from the Latin "Cetus" and the Greek "Kῆτος"
Shalena - Russian-language tracing paper from the Latin name of the monstrous whale - Balene
shield turtle - literal translation of the name Aspidochelon, one of the names of the monstrous whale

1. Sea monster. medieval illustration
2. The whale attacks Zif. Illustration by Konrad Von Gesner - Details From "Historia Animalium" (History Of Animals) 1551-87.
3. Sailors on aspidochelon. Bodleian Library Manuscript (MS Douce 88, fol.028r.) In this manuscript, aspidochelon is called aspido de Ione (!)
4. Whale, partridges, asp. Parker Library Manuscript (CCC, Ms.22, fol.168r.) Left: Whale or aspidochelon, the miniaturist got so carried away that he painted on the whale a tree that had grown on it and was being cut down by a sailor.
Top right: Partridges.
Bottom right: One of the strangest depictions of an asp in bestiaries. To the left is depicted what can still be assumed as a common plot in the chapter about the asp, where a snake charmer is depicted with a scroll or a book in his hands, and an asp crawling out of the ora, who tries to plug his ear with his tail, and crouching to the ground with the other. Here the process seems to be at the very beginning. The image to the right is completely inexplicable. The library website identifies it as "a dog attacking (flattering) a woman".

Arabian whale قيطس qaytis - maybe it's a cat or a kitten or a fur seal? What whales do the Arabs have on the Arabian Peninsula. What animal are we talking about?

1. The range of whale sharks or whale shark.
2 Range Beluga whales - Dolphins (Delphinidae)
3. Geographic distribution of the blue whale
4 Northern fur seal range

Constellation Whale - Κήτος lat. Cetus, Arabic قيطس qaytis.

Located in the "watery" region of the sky , extends south of Pisces and Aries, between Aquarius and Eridanus. In the northern hemisphere, the best observing conditions in early autumn are October/November. Ancient constellation. The constellation Cetus is remarkable in many ways. For example, not always, that is, not at any time, one can say with certainty which star in its composition is the brightest. The status of the most prominent luminaries usually have Alpha and Beta of the celestial pattern, with the second brighter than the first. However sometimes the constellation Cetus is illuminated by outbreaks of Mira (Omicron Ceti) , But more on that later.

It is usually believed that it depicts a monster sent by Poseidon to devour Andromeda chained to a rock and killed by Perseus.
Mythologically, the constellation is included in the Perseid cycle. The whale is separated from the rest of the constellations of the group by Pisces and therefore, it seems, is independent. On the other hand, Pisces appeared in the sky after the formation of the Perseus group.

Arat in "Phenomena" writes about Keith:

“The whale, the ocean creature, Andromeda swims to the distant.
The road of the sun, although it lies between them, frightens
Virgo is a monstrous beast, and she is under the opposite
The Pole is glad to find shelter near Boreas.
Whale, Avstrom * we drive, looks at two constellations,
For above him in the sky Aries and Pisces rush.
The miracle of the sea floats along the waves of the river stream”

*Austrian-austrus = south and spring-summer season (estrus)

The whale, sent by Poseidon, was supposed to devour Andromeda chained to a rock, but was turned to stone by Perseus, who used the head of the Gorgon Medusa for this and saved the beautiful girl. There is a version that a dragon was appointed as a girl's devourer. Perhaps, Keith, it's just the dragon's own name. Like, “Vaska the cat”. What is it - the proper name of a whale or a particularly bloodthirsty species of cetaceans that ate in ancient times and in fairy tales predominantly of royal maidens?
The whale skeleton was brought to Rome by Marcus Aemilius Scaurus, a Roman consul, in the first century BC. Meticulous Roman naturalists carefully measured the remains: the length of the skeleton was 40 feet or twelve meters, the vertebrae had a circumference of six feet or about 60 centimeters in diameter. Later, Saint Jerome saw them at the end of the 5th or the beginning of the 6th century in the Phoenician city of Tyre, where the Romans, probably having had enough intention and satisfying their curiosity, returned the bones of the monster.
In addition to the word Κῆτος - actually Kit. The constellation was also called Orff, Orphos - Ὀρφίς, Όρφός, Όρφώς, and also Pristis - Πρῆστις, Πρίστις - from πρῆθειν. For example, πρίστις is sometimes translated as sawfish, although I doubt that sawfish eat maiden. You can read about Orff
Orff-Orpheus has a Phrygian cap of Paris, does this mean that they are the same person or Pristis is associated with Pristina (Priština) - coming or coming (*Priščь *Prišьkъ - the place where precious minerals were found (at + search) and developed).

The Latins used the latter form as the generally accepted name for the constellation: Pristis, Pristix, Pistrix - also adding the epithets southern (auster), Nereids (Nereia, on behalf of the sea god Nereus), Neptunes (Neptunia, on behalf of the Roman Neptune, an analogue of Poseidon), water (aequorea ), scaly (squammigera; doubtful, of course, for a whale, but quite acceptable for a dragon ...) and even gibbus - "humped". The name Cetus (or later Cete), however, changed these names over time.
pistrix icis f.
sea ​​monster (whale, shark, sawfish)
small fast warship
ship of Aeneas with the emblem of a whale
constellation Cetus

pistrix, īcis f. pistor - miller's baker

Later, after the XV century, the names of the constellation are varied. The word "Whale" was translated into Latin as Balaena, something like a monster, a huge scary animal; now Balaena is the name of the genus of bowhead whales (far from Ethiopia, but, you see, swam). They called the constellation simply Fish (Pristis), simply the Beast (Belua and Fera), Dragon (Draco), Leo (Leo), Triton's Dog (Сanis Tritonis), Sea Monster (Monstrum Marinum), Sea Bear (Ursus Marinus). The Arabs transliterated the classical name - Al Ḳeṭus, Elketos, Elkaitos, Elkaitus. They called him the Sea Beast, sa "d al-ahbiya, for example, Al-Biruni. Probably Sea animal = beast al-ahbiya = Sea horse, that's why Google translator called the whale a horse.
In the "Book of Fixed Stars" as_Sufi, the constellation just looks like the Little Humpbacked Horse
In ancient atlases, the view of the Whale is very diverse, whom we will not see here! We will not see here, of course, a realistic whale (with the exception, perhaps, of Kugel's globe of the 3rd-1st century BC and G. Ray's scheme of 1969 AD ... a gap in years of more than 2000 years! creating the Kugel's globe people fell into lethargy and insanity forgetting what cetaceans look like?!) Let's get acquainted with very creepy characters: there are different forms of fish, including fish with tusks and a trunk, and fish with a red beard, and "the most terrible Whale of the sky" by Stanislav Lyubinetsky, here is a dragon with a dog's face, and a dragon with a bear's face, here are some monsters with flippers, horns, tails, claws, forked tongues, pancake necks and short, hooked beaks...

In general, most likely The whale is a marine animal with a fish tail with vertical lobes, fins, two powerful front paws equipped with claws, and a large head on a short powerful neck, armed with a huge mouth with sharp long teeth.

This is what pinnipeds look like, but are they inhabitants of the northern cold waters, where did the ancient Arabs see them?

Continuation of the stars of the constellation Kito-Dragon follows ...

Sometimes on weekends we publish answers to various quizzes for you in the Q&A format. Our questions range from simple to complex. Quizzes are very interesting and quite popular, but we just help you test your knowledge. And we have another question in the quiz - What in the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse" promised to get Ivan a miracle-yudo fish-whale?

A: a pearl the size of an egg
B: Tsar Maiden's ring
C: chest of the sea king
D: Gusli Sadko

Correct answer: B- Tsar Maiden's ring

The waves of the sea rolled
The ships disappeared from sight.
Miracle-yudo Fish-whale
Screaming in a loud voice
Mouth wide open,
Breaking the waves with a splash:
“What can I do for you guys?
What is the reward for service?
Do you need flowery shells?
Do you need golden fish?
Do you need large pearls?
Everything is ready for you!” -
“No, whale-fish, we are rewarded
You don't need anything -
Ivan tells him
Better get us a ring, -
Ring, you know. king girls,
Our future queen." -
"OK OK! For a friend
And an earring!
I will find until dawn
The ring of the red Tsar Maiden,
Keith replied to Ivan
And, like a key, fell to the bottom.
Here he strikes with a splash,
Calls with a loud voice
Sturgeon all the people
And he speaks like this:
"You reach for the lightning
Ring of the red Tsar Maiden,
Hidden in a drawer at the bottom.
Who will deliver it to me
I will reward him with the rank:
Will be a thoughtful nobleman.
If my smart order
Do not fulfill ... I will! .. "
Sturgeon bowed here
And they left in good order.
In a few hours
Two white sturgeons
To the whale slowly swam
And humbly said:
"Great King! Don't get angry!
We are all the sea, it seems
Came out and dug
But the sign was not opened.
Only Yorsh is one of us
I would do your order.
He walks all the seas
So, it’s true, the ring knows;
But, as if to spite him,
It's gone somewhere."
"Find it in a minute
And send to my cabin!