Remote desktop yandex. App removal and troubleshooting. How remote access technology works

Google continues to actively develop the browser, bringing to it all the new features. It's no secret that most of the interesting features for the browser can be obtained from extensions. For example, Google itself has implemented a browser extension for remote computer control.

Chrome Remote Desktop is an extension for the Google Chrome web browser that allows you to remotely control your computer from another device. With this extension, the company once again wanted to show how functional their browser can be.

Since Chrome Remote Desktop is a browser extension, you can download it from the Google Chrome extension store.

To do this, click on the menu button of the web browser in the upper right corner and in the list that appears, go to the item "Additional tools" - "Extensions" .

A list of extensions installed in the browser will open on the screen, but in this case we do not need them. Therefore, we go down to the very end of the page and click on the link "More extensions" .

When the extension store is displayed on the tap, enter the name of the desired extension in the search bar in the left area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window - Chrome Remote Desktop .

In the block "Applications" result will be displayed. Click on the button to the right of it "Install" .

After agreeing to install the extension, in a few moments it will be installed in your web browser.

How to use Chrome Remote Desktop?

1. Click the button in the upper left corner "Services" or go to the following link:


2. Open .

3. A window will appear on the screen in which you should immediately grant access to your Google account. If you are not logged into your account in Google Chrome, then you will need to log in to continue working.

4. In order to get remote access to another computer (or, conversely, to carry out remote control from it), the entire procedure, starting with installation and authorization, will need to be performed on it.

5. On the computer that will be accessed remotely, click on the button "Allow remote connections" , otherwise the remote connection will be rejected.

6. At the end of the setup, you will be prompted to create a PIN code that will protect your devices from remote control by unwanted persons.

Now let's check the success of the performed actions. Suppose we want to remotely access our computer from an Android smartphone.

To do this, first download the Chrome Remote Desktop moon landing from the Play Store, and then sign in to your Google account in the application itself. After that, the name of the computer to which it is possible to connect remotely will be displayed on the screen of our smartphone. We select it.

To connect to a computer, we will need to enter the PIN code that we set earlier.

And finally, the computer screen will be displayed on the screen of our device. On the device, you can safely perform all the actions that will be duplicated in real time on the computer itself.

To end a remote access session, you only need to close the application, after which the connection will be terminated.

Chrome Remote Desktop is a great completely free way to access your computer remotely. This solution proved to be excellent in operation, for the entire time of use no problems were identified.

Chrome Remote Desktop is a Chrome extension that allows you to remotely control any computer connected to the network.


In order to use this solution, you do not need to have any special knowledge in using remote access programs. Easy installation and configuration is one of the most important advantages of the extension! However, there is a nuance - when working, the plugin requests authorization through a Google account. You can optionally create it the first time you use the Chrome Remote Desktop extension.


Installing Chrome Remote Desktop is just as easy as installing other Chrome add-ons. After adding a new plug-in to the browser, you should launch it and log in. Confirm all requests for access to personal data and you can safely proceed with the settings and use. Chrome Remote Desktop will open a window with two tabs.

The first one is called "Remote Support" and the second one is called "My Computers". By going to the remote support section, you can grant access to your device to another user or get the right to remotely use his PC. When distributing access rights, the extension will generate a special access code - without knowing it, it is impossible to connect to the computer remotely.

The second tab gives the user the opportunity to organize remote access to his PC to himself. But in this case, the computer must be turned on and connected to the network. You can protect equipment from unauthorized connections by generating a special code.

Key features

  • allows remote administration;
  • allows you to connect to your device from others;
  • there is no possibility of exchanging files between linked computers;
  • all remote connections are protected by special passwords;
  • to use the extension, you need a Google account (you can create it directly in Chrome Remote Desktop);
  • only works with Chrome;
  • available completely free of charge.

Hello Habr.
Today, Google, quite unexpectedly for me, released an update to its very interesting and useful technology - Chrome Remote Dektop, which, according to its name, provides remote access via the Internet to the computer desktop to other devices: PC, Android smartphone and, a little later, iOS. More precisely, new - support for mobile devices, PC connection was available before. Tests in life using a smartphone: under the cut.

The technology allows you to connect to a PC running Windows or MacOS. At hand, I just had a PC with native Windows and an Android smartphone with a 4.7 screen

PC setup

First, we need the Chrome browser. In the search bar enter
The Chrome Store page will open, prompting you to install the browser extension.

After installation, we launch the new module in the browser (for example, from the Google panel mentioned above). There will be a minimum of interface elements on the page.

In the upper block “Remote Support”, you can allow access to your computer to another PC with Chrome Remote Desktop installed, or connect yourself somewhere. For this, a pin code is used. It is enough to tell his friend, he will enter it in his browser - and you're done.

The second block "My computers" is more interesting to us, since it is he who helps to set up a connection to a PC from a smartphone.
This displays a list of computers that support Chrome Remote Desktop technology for the selected Google account. So it is, the PC-smartphone connection only works for within the same Google account. This, of course, greatly limits the scope and usefulness of the entire technology. And when you need to connect a stranger to a PC, it’s better to use TeamViewer, whose client for Android already exists (although I still won’t get to try it). Resigned to the limitation, we allow connections for the PC on which we are now setting up Remote Desktop. You will need to provide a pin code. This completes the PC setup.

Smartphone setup

On the smartphone, we install the application of the same name from the Google Play Market. As it turns out, there are a lot of them.

We need, of course, from Google:
Install, run, see the interface even easier.

The screen for the selected Google account displays a list of computers on which Chrome Remote Desktop is installed. If the PC is online and available for connection, the icon is colored, otherwise it is gray. To connect to a PC, click on its name in the list. The first time you connect, you will be asked for a pin code. It can be "remembered" so as not to enter later.

Connecting to a PC from a Smartphone

When connected, a full PC screen is displayed on the smartphone screen.

At the top of the screen there is a control panel, from where you can call up the on-screen keyboard, hide this panel (after you open it, you can confirm by clicking on the small icon at the top right of the screen), call up the menu. The menu contains three commands: send ctrl+alt+del. disconnect from the PC, call for help. The latter is quite modest in volume, but there are not many application settings.

When connected to a PC, a message is displayed at the bottom of its screen stating that Remote Desktop is active

PC control from smartphone

Several gestures are used for work (they are also described in the help). We move the cursor on the PC by sliding on the smartphone screen: we move our finger from left to right - and the cursor crawls on the PC in the same direction. If the PC screen does not fit into the smartphone screen, when the cursor moves, it will also smoothly scroll in the right direction. There is a scale function (pinch or pinch two fingers apart). Left-click - press on the screen with your finger, right-click - press with two fingers. There is even a middle key press - three fingers. scrolling the screen - two-finger swipe across the screen. In general, it is easy to remember and quite convenient.

resource intensity

The application does not require much power from the mobile device. On my HTC One device with a 1.7 GHz Quallcomm Snapdragon 600 quad-core processor, the application loaded a maximum of 2 cores, the frequency did not rise above 1.1 GHz. If you do not interact with the application in any way, the processor is at the minimum frequency with one active core (my SoC can disable unused application processors). You can minimize the application, it will hang in the background, keeping the connection, and not affect the operation of the smartphone in any way.
Of course, a fairly stable Internet connection is required for reliable operation. I tried it over medium power WiFi - it works fine, without a single pause or slowdown on a PC and a smartphone.

Final Thoughts

The benefit of the application when used in PC-PC mode is not clear. There is TeamViewer, a time-tested and me solution. Chrome Remote Desktop requires chrome browser, Google account. This clearly limits the scope. In terms of functionality, the Google version also lags far behind TeamViewer (at least at first and second glance)
In the PC-Smartphone option, the solution also has a big limitation - only for devices under one Google account.

What is the plus? And the fact is that if the above requirements are met, we already have a stable and convenient application in order to quickly connect to our PC from anywhere where there is an Internet, to fully interact with the PC from our smartphone. Interestingly, the Chrome browser and the Remote Desktop application do not even have to be open on the PC in order to be able to connect from a smartphone.

The application may appeal to users who actively use Google services every day - we have received another useful tool. Yes, there are many analogues on the market, plus here it is just in using a single ecosystem from a reputable company.

Use cases can be thought of different 9below are my scenarios):
- PC control from a distance (for example, at home from the couch, or during a presentation)
- Connect to a PC from outside the house (help your loved one stay at home install a tricky program)
- Control over the process of doing something (automatic testing) on ​​a PC from another part of the office or canteen

I hope that the product discussed in the article will be useful not only to me. write in the comments if you need such an application, how else you can use it.

No one is immune from the situation in which it is necessary to gain access to a geographically remote computer. A similar need arises when working on several computers at the same time, for example, at home and in the office. The need for authorized remote control may also arise from the IT help desk for the purpose of a direct direct relationship between users. Faced with this situation, using Chrome Remote Desktop is, in my opinion, the most convenient and reliable tool for users of any technical level.

I trust this service from Google due to the use of several application solutions: P2P connection with transport via UDP, TCP protocols, as well as an SSL connection that guarantees the security of transmitted data during the session.

What is Chrome Remote Desktop

The application, whose full name is Chrome Remote Desktop (Chrome Remote Desktop), is an extension to the most popular Chrome browser on all platforms. Due to the popularity of the solution, the functionality of the utility is available on all platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac and of course Chromebook). The essence of the application is to provide secure authorized remote access to another computer directly through the browser.

The only condition that must be met in order to use the plugin is the presence of an authentication code generated directly on the opened tab of the browser window. The generated code is temporary and must be recreated in order to recreate the session. If you need to use the service frequently, users are given the opportunity to create a permanent code, for which you need to have an account with Google services. You can create an account for free on the main page of the search engine of the same name. I want to note that, for example, users of mobile devices on Android platforms, Chromebooks most often already have the required credentials.

By default, the Chrome browser does not have an extension for Chrome Remoting technology installed, it must be downloaded from the Google Play Market and installed on all devices from which and to which you need to access. Due to the small size of the utility (less than 4 MB), downloading, installing and configuring the application will take no more than a few minutes.

Chrome Remote Desktop where to download and how to set up

To do this, go to the settings of the Chrome browser, then Additional tools and select extensions.

In the window that opens, click More extensions at the bottom.

After installation, open a new tab and click Services at the top left.

After that, the next tab should open in it, you need to click on Remote Desktop. You will also need to have a Google account.

Now the extension itself should start. In it you need to click Access.

And enter the access code.

In order to get an access code on the computer to which you want to connect, you must also install this extension. Go through all the steps before launching the extension itself. And select not Access but below My computers. Next, you need to click Allow remote connection and follow the instructions. In principle, everything is simple there, but if something doesn’t work out for you, write in the comments. And I will write you detailed instructions for setting up the client.

In conclusion, I would like to note not only the convenience of the application interface, its compactness and speed of operation, but also the availability even on mobile devices (smartphones, tablets), allowing you to create sessions of the "Smartphone-PC" type. It is this feature that distinguishes it from other similar projects from equally well-known manufacturers. The application has no restrictions on the period of operation, providing all its functionality free of charge. The only condition that must be observed is to ensure stable access to the Internet for both connected clients.

The desktop makes it possible to connect to a PC using the Internet or a local network. This allows you to perform administrator tasks or manage components online. The application that acts as a remote access explorer provides full remote control through a browser, so you can download, run or even delete programs and files.

The program for working with a remote desktop was created for comfortable use and optimization of the working time of IT masters

They control various types of local networks, which consist of tens and even hundreds of PC units, and at the same time, the distance between the equipment is significant.

By controlling the remote desktop through a browser, specialists can get the job done quickly

In many situations, the results of the entire production also depend on the solution of certain issues in computer topics.

Today, you can use all kinds of applications for remote access to a PC, the main difference is the protocols used (Telnet, ARD, ICA, and others). There are also proprietary protocols from corporations. Another difference is the type of control (console and graphic). To encrypt the files used, which is important, the SSH, TLS, SSL, etc. protocols are used.

In most cases, applications of this kind consisted of two parts that perform opposite functions:

  1. Server part (it must be installed on the computer that will need to be managed);
  2. Client part (installed on a PC from which other devices will be administered).

Over time, the realm of systems management allowed data to move into the realm of the user, and thus remote access via a browser can now be performed by anyone. After the transition of such applications to the masses, the convenience of working with them has also changed. Now, instead of installing 2 applications on the necessary computers, one is enough, which will perform the functions of a client and a server, based on its configurations. Special utilities have also appeared for working on the World Wide Web, without the need for additional configurations, among which the Google Chrome remote desktop is popular.

Where to Download Chrome Remote Desktop

Installing Chrome on your computer is not difficult, you only need to follow two steps to download the application:

  • We go to the office. website.
fig.1. Open the site of the official Chrome online app store and find the "Chrome Remote Desktop" utility
  • By clicking on the “Install” icon (top right side) start downloading the program, in the next menu click on “add”

fig.2. After that, the computer desktop, namely the quick launch bar and the Chrome browser, will acquire the icon of a new application for remote access

Important point! After the debut launch of the program, it must be authorized. To do this, you need to configure access to a list of other PCs on the network, and access to information about e-mail. You also need to confirm the chat actions.