Recommendations from an Ayurvedic doctor during the summer. Summer with children: the most important advice from pediatricians

Ever since school, we associate summer with a period of rest, but at this time we need to be especially attentive to our health. It is during the three months of vacations and holidays that the number of poisonings and various injuries associated with active pastime increases significantly. In addition, the sweltering heat and constant dust are far from in the best possible way affects the condition of our skin and hair. In order for the body to easily tolerate the heat and prepare for the cold season, you need to follow some simple recommendations.

Summer tips

As we age, our skin becomes wrinkled, but not only the passing years affect this process. Quite often, brown spots and wrinkles are caused not by the number of years, but by negative influence solar radiation. Ultraviolet radiation, affecting the epidermis, causes irreversible skin aging processes. In order to slightly slow down the destructive processes, you can use special cosmetics with an SPF factor.

Particular attention should be paid to protecting children's skin from harmful sun rays. Infants should not be placed in the open sun at all, and older children are better off playing in shaded areas. Sunburn, received in early age, increase the likelihood of developing skin cancer by an order of magnitude. Scientists have concluded that one severe injury of this type, received before the age of twenty, increases the likelihood of developing malignant melanoma twice. Doctors know about twenty-five ailments that arise directly from solar radiation or are aggravated by ultraviolet radiation.

If on summer period If you are left without a vacation and are forced to stay in the city, then you need to make sure that the hot season is not in vain and certainly does not harm you.

Each of us knows that a clearly established daily routine helps to complete all planned tasks on time, and also sets priorities correctly. But also, following a clear schedule is a key component in the battle for excellent health.

Define optimal time morning rise. In summer, it is best to wake up between seven and seven thirty in the morning. It's not that hot yet at this time. Go to bed no later than ten to eleven o'clock. If you wake up tired, this indicates a true lack of sleep, so recalculate and increase your rest hours, in addition, eliminate all irritating factors.

During the hot season, you need to pay special attention to your drinking regime. In summer, the body needs additional moisture, and the epidermis needs hydration. You should not focus on any clear limits, for example, drinking two liters of water every day. Calculate your individual fluid intake by multiplying your weight by thirty. As a result, you will receive the number of milliliters that you should consume every day. For example, if you weigh 50 kg, then you should drink 1500 ml of water per day. This amount of liquid will ensure full operation. excretory systems and will support cell activity at the proper level.

If bags appear under your eyes, increased swelling occurs on the eyelids - this indicates a disorder lipid balance And improper activity kidney Summer is the optimal period for cleansing the body with gentle fruit and vegetable diets. Such fasting days allow you to effectively remove toxins and salts.

An excellent option for such a diet would be a cucumber, peach, apple or watermelon day. Throughout the day, eat only one food of your choice and drink plenty of clean water and green tea. If you arrange at least one such fasting day a week, your body will thank you.

Your diet should contain a sufficient amount of B vitamins; they are found in cereals - cereals, bran bread. They will allow you to avoid acne, dull skin, early gray hair, brittle nails and hair loss.

Try to move more and spend enough time on fresh air. At this time of year, you can not only walk, but also do it for the benefit of your health. For example, a walk through a pine forest will be an excellent preventive measure for illnesses. respiratory system Moreover, the smell of pine needles is an excellent aromatherapy session.

Don't neglect walking, try to stay indoors as little as possible. Your reward for such work will be a healthy the cardiovascular system and excellent complexion.

In hot weather, it is better to avoid high-heeled shoes. Give preference to ballet flats or sandals and your feet will thank you.

If you are the proud owner of a bicycle, use it as an excellent alternative to public transport. Ride it at least on the weekend, and you will pump up your legs, strengthen your torso and train vestibular apparatus.

Get out to the ponds on the weekends. Even if you don’t plan to swim in a nearby lake, then in the shade of trees or an umbrella near it you will be able to bear the heat much easier than in a dusty city. In addition, high air humidity will protect you from sun or heatstroke. But be careful, you should not be in the sun during the hottest hours - from eleven to three or four hours.

If you stayed in the city, and all your friends went to resorts, don’t worry. Even in a dusty metropolis, you can find time and place for a great summer vacation.

Very often, after the summer period, autumn begins with an outbreak of respiratory viral infections.
We blame the cold climate, low adaptation, and summer is to blame for everything, or rather our behavior and diet.
Let's figure it out together.

Summer is a period of vacations; most often people try to go to southern countries, bask in the sun, and swim in the sea.
However, one of the main recommendations in Ayurvedic medicine is not to travel to warm regions in the summer!

Don't overheat in summer. This greatly damages the heart and creates excess heat in the body. Excess heat is a “hyper” condition of any etiology: heart attack, stroke, hypertension, tachycardia, hyperthyroidism, hyperacid gastritis, intestinal infections.

A person who lay on the beach all day received a lot of fire, which is a strong damaging factor for the heart and blood vessels. IN southern countries the element of fire is always in abundance.

To prevent a person from having a heart attack, our smart and insightful body comes up with different ways, removing excess heat, which is why in the south very often there are intestinal disorders And heat. The body itself saves itself from damage by excess heat, so as not to damage main body heart. The most important organs protected first of all - the heart, the brain - these are the organs of the first ambulance emergency care. Intestinal infections, fever, chills, sweating are the body’s natural defenses.

Excess heat accumulates in the body during the summer and if the heat does not go out naturally, we did not take precautions, then often with the onset of autumn, excess heat turns into acute respiratory infections, flu.

How does this relate to summer trips to the south?

By Eastern system Pancha Maha Bhuta: The damaging factor of fire is the Lungs. The fire that has accumulated during the summer will definitely give rise to some kind of respiratory diseases in the fall (autumn is associated with the Lungs).

When is the best time to go on vacation to the south?

An excellent time to travel is the second half of August and autumn. In autumn there is no excess energy in the Heart, the risk of accumulating excess heat is minimal.
However, even during this period you should not overheat; to reduce the overall heat, you need to bathe in cool water at least twice an hour, meaning an hour of exposure to the sun. This bathing regime will help eliminate overheating of the body, and will relieve tension from the heart, as well as support the energy of the Kidneys, promote the accumulation and conservation of energy in the kidneys. But you can’t get too cold when swimming, otherwise you can damage your weakened Kidneys in the summer, then in the fall we’ll get cystitis, pilonephritis, or problems with bones and joints.
In summer it often rains, showers and thunderstorms. We advise you not to walk in the rain, lie down on damp ground or swim if you are sweating. All these actions can lead to a pathogenic effect such as humid heat. It severely damages the immune system and weakens the Spleen, as well as the body as a whole. Also, you should not take a steam bath in the summer.

In the summer, there are all conditions for improving health, raising your spirits and cheerfulness. Only doctors know that everything is actually not quite like that.

How to protect yourself and your children from the most nice time years - expert advice will help you figure it out.

Do tonsillitis, otitis, tonsillitis and other ENT diseases seem more typical to you in autumn and winter?

All these unpleasant and even dangerous diseases very often affects people in the summer. Air conditioning at home, in the office and in the car, ice-cold drinks, ice cream - and as a result: fever, body aches, painful swallowing, sore tonsils. People get sick with tonsillitis even more severely in the summer than in the winter.

For all manifestations of a “cold,” it is better to consult a doctor immediately. A sore throat must be treated with antibiotics, and prescribing them to yourself is dangerous. If you have a runny nose, then most likely it is not a sore throat, but another acute respiratory disease which needs to be correctly diagnosed.

Otitis media, an inflammation of the ear, can be no less painful. Treatment often requires antibiotic therapy, especially if the disease is advanced.

Among the methods of prevention, we can advise you to follow the basic and well-known rules:

Don't drink cold stuff, even if you really want to. It is better to eat at room temperature;

Do not get exposed to a direct stream of cold air from the air conditioner and, in general, avoid temperature changes (if you have no choice, for example, when going to a store where the air conditioner is very strong, take a jacket or sweater with you). Direct airflow is especially dangerous for the ears; sometimes just a few minutes are enough. Make sure that the air conditioner in the car is not directed towards your face and ears;

People prone to otitis media are contraindicated from diving. But those who have not encountered these diseases need to be careful: after warming up in the sun, dive into cold water Not recommended.

And the main thing to remember: if you are already sick, you should not use recommendations from friends and traditional methods. Complications from tonsillitis and otitis media can be very, very dangerous.

Ophthalmologists argue that the eyes are exposed to bright sunlight in summer and require special protection. Specialists of this profile strongly recommend wearing Sunglasses, and not just any, but with a degree of protection of 2 or 3 - that is, from 43 to 8 percent of light transmission (depending on the intensity of sunlight). Glasses should protect your eyes from both UV-A and UV-B rays of the sun. It is not recommended to buy glasses at markets and stalls - Great chance fall into a fake that does not protect from the sun in any way.

Therapists They confidently declare that anyone who goes on holiday to a country with a different climate or hygienic traditions is at risk. But even in a familiar environment, the risks of many diseases increase. The number of intestinal and other types of infections, water-related injuries, insect and snake bites, and so on is growing.

Caution must be exercised, since one of the main causes of illness in summer is intestinal infections. Cholera, enteroviruses, hepatitis, dysentery, salmonellosis - all of them are dangerous to human life.

But it is very easy to become infected and often the infection occurs unnoticed. Somewhere the conditions of transportation, somewhere storage or preparation were not met, bacteria multiplied, a person ate the product - as a result, the infection got inside.

Poisoning requires medical care, gastric lavage, use of enterosorbents, in more severe cases- hospitalization. If you suspect intestinal infection Hospitalization and isolation are strictly required to prevent spread.

Rules for the prevention of poisoning and intestinal infections:

Maintain hygiene - wash food and hands;

Do not buy anything in dubious conditions - in spontaneous markets, in some tents;

Do not store perishable foods;

Do not swallow water while swimming;

In general, it is better to drink bottled or boiled water.

Another risk factor is bodies of water. Overestimating your strengths can lead to the most disastrous results. Jumping into water also causes fractures, bruises and other injuries.

Of course, all injuries, cases of allergies, especially those accompanied by edema, fainting, intestinal disorders, and so on - all these cases require immediate appeal for medical help.

It is especially important to take care of yourself for people who have chronic diseases.

TO advice from a cardiologist The following can be attributed: the load on the heart and blood vessels increases in hot weather. If you are at risk for cardiovascular diseases, be especially careful.

Increased fluid loss leads to thickening of the blood, making it less saturated with oxygen. And healthy person fainting is possible if it is stuffy and hot. This often happens in public transport. Thickened blood is a direct path to the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels.

As a preventive measure, heart patients and hypertensive patients are advised to monitor their drinking regime especially carefully. Limit salt intake, drink plain clean water- it is very important to replenish fluid loss, but not to allow it to be retained in the body. Always carry medications prescribed by your doctor with you. Try not to go out into the heat, stay in a cool room, and do not overwork.

In addition, long-distance trips are more common in the summer. It is recommended to do warm-ups every forty minutes to an hour, not to let the blood stagnate. Flying is a special risk factor.

Very useful to use in summer vegetable juices, or freshly squeezed fruit juices with pulp. They will become a source of not only liquid, but also potassium, magnesium, and fiber.

In the heat, you should refrain from drinking alcohol, but remember that this is a huge burden on the heart.

As for the health of children, much depends both on the parents, on their attentiveness and on the child’s immunity, on his everyday habits.

Wash your hands, fruits, vegetables more often - you also need to thoroughly wash and process them;

Monitor the expiration dates of products, especially dairy products. Avoiding cream cakes, pastries, mayonnaise dressings - all this is not recommended for children at other times, but in the summer also due to the proliferation of bacteria;

Avoid hypothermia in bodies of water and overheating in the sun. The child should always have a hat. You should definitely use one with a protection factor of 50 to 30 SPF - children's skin is more susceptible to sunburn. Signs of overheating - weakness and lethargy, fever, vomiting, headache. It is necessary to immediately take the child to the shade, give plenty of water, and give an antipyretic. And take him to the doctor as soon as possible. If you do get sunburn, treat it with products containing panthenol, and in serious cases consult a doctor;

Always carry with you antihistamine, first aid kit - bandage, peroxide. Children very often manage to get hurt in a seemingly empty place. And an allergy can be caused by anything at all - from some fruit you try for the first time to an insect bite;

Parents should pay attention to the behavior of teenagers, since young children, historically, have been given more attention. Teenagers often walk alone. And due to their age, they are not yet able to assess dangers and risks on their own. In order to impress friends, they can do, to put it mildly, unreasonable things. Great amount Grown-up children who are left without parental supervision are injured. Including under the influence of alcohol or even drugs. Parents are responsible for this.

Doctors' advice boil down to simple rules:

Maintain hygiene;

Do not overheat or overcool;

Avoid unfamiliar and untested foods;

Maintain drinking regime;

Keep an eye on your children;

Seek medical help promptly.

Safety in summer

Poisoning and injuries in the summer

July is especially rich in childhood injuries and poisonings. In addition, according to international statistics, the most likely time for an accident is Sunday evening. As for the age “risk group,” children 1-2 years old are the most defenseless.

For an inexplicable reason, children are inexorably attracted to places and objects that are potentially dangerous to health and sometimes life - ponds, ditches, thorny bushes, poisonous plants, fires, high stairs and busy highways.

Considering all this, parents need to be on alert at all times and not leave their child unattended. When going on vacation with your baby, do not forget to take with you home first aid kit and his health insurance policy.

The sun is good and evil

Yearning for warmth and light, in the summer we spend too much time in direct sunlight, forgetting about the danger of burns and heatstroke. Even before the heat sets in, you should purchase a children's protective cream that protects the skin from excess ultraviolet radiation.

Sunburn is not as harmless as many people think. It has been proven that they can lead not only to premature aging skin and the development of photodermatitis (allergy to sunlight), but also to decreased vision and even to oncological diseases(skin cancer).

Insect bites

With the onset of summer comes a large number of various seasonal insects. If butterflies, dragonflies and grasshoppers are completely harmless, their “biting” brothers - flies, horseflies, mosquitoes, some ants, ticks, etc. - are much less pleasant.

You can deal with them indoors using a fumigator. For a children's room, a mains-powered fumigator is preferable, since, unlike a smoldering spiral, it does not absorb oxygen. A mosquito net or even ordinary gauze placed on a window is an essential element of protecting a child from annoying insects.

During walks, your baby will be helped out by special repellent wipes soaked in special composition, the smell of which repels flying “aggressors” for several hours.

Bee, wasp or bumblebee stings are not only painful, but sometimes lead to serious allergic reactions, up to anaphylactic shock and asthmatic attack. These conditions require immediate hospitalization of the child.

Many people are afraid of tick bites, which supposedly can cause encephalitis. However, the forest areas of the Central Russian Upland do not pose any danger. Another thing is the taiga regions of Russia, where they can live ixodid ticks transmitting the virus terrible disease. To protect a child from tick bites, it is necessary first of all to protect hair and exposed skin - equip him with a hat and wear long trousers instead of shorts, replace open sandals with closed shoes, and T-shirts and sleeveless vests with long-sleeved shirts.

Food poisoning

In the summer, few parents resist the temptation to give their baby fresh milk or treat him unwashed berries from the garden, vegetables from the garden. Fresh milk is very harmful for young children, because unlike milk that has been heat treatment and sterilely packaged, it can cause not only intestinal disorders, but also infectious diseases.

Berries such as strawberries, raspberries and wild strawberries must be washed especially carefully. Unwashed or poorly washed greens from your garden can lead to the development of yersiniosis in a child, also known as “pseudotuberculosis” or “mouse fever”.

Even food products that are common for children in the hot season quickly deteriorate and their shelf life is reduced.

It is unacceptable to give water to a child raw water, even spring water or after cleaning through a filter.

Scratches and abrasions

Curious kids discover the world physically, so it’s hard to imagine a child growing up without scratches and abrasions, bumps and bruises.

It is important to wash the areas of cuts and scratches in a timely manner, stop existing bleeding, apply cold to the bruise or bump, lubricate the wound with brilliant green or appropriate ointment, and apply a clean bandage or plaster. It is equally important to calm an upset and frightened child, console him and “treat” him.

There is no need to fuss unnecessarily and worry about the abrasion your child received. Your anxiety will inevitably be passed on to your baby. Act confidently and calmly, then he will calm down too.

Dear guests and friends of the site “Note to the Family”! Hello again! June is already approaching the end, summer is in full swing, and I decided to prepare for you useful tips, which will be very useful to you in the summer. I admit that you already know some useful tips, but you will hear some for the first time. I hope you find them useful as they are designed to take care of your health during the summer.

Summer days are primarily characterized by an abundance of sun, so USEFUL TIPS IN SUMMER will relate specifically to our behavior in relation to the sun.

  • You all know that as we age, our skin develops wrinkles . And we are all accustomed to believing that it is only age that affects the appearance of wrinkles. Age, of course, has an effect. However, not to the extent we think. Very often wrinkles brown spots And spider veins not caused by age, but solar radiation. The sun's rays, affecting the skin, cause irreversible skin aging processes. And only special sunscreens can somehow protect against this.
  • Many people most likely know, but I’ll repeat it again: the most unfavorable time for sun exposure - from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., so you should sunbathe only before 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m. It is in the morning and evening time The sun's rays strike the ground at a low angle and are partially blocked by the atmosphere, which primarily filters out heat rays, which cause burns.
  • Always be aware of what any tanning does to your skin. Tanning skin needs regular additional care, which involves the use of moisturizing and nourishing products.
  • While in the sun drink more water to avoid dehydration. In addition, know that sweating serves additional means protection from sun rays. But keep in mind that the water should be regular or mineral, and all kinds of sweet drinks do not quench your thirst, but only increase it.
  • Protect your lips chapstick, otherwise they will dry out and not look very attractive.

Useful summer tips to protect your skin and get a beautiful tan

To get a beautiful tan without skin burns in the summer, there are many means. Now I will give you some useful tips on this topic.

  • Beta carotene can also be used in the form of vitamins . In this case, taking vitamins should begin 1-2 months before the expected insolation. The course must be at least 1 month. Daily dose for adults – 6 mg. A course of taking beta-carotene orally will reduce the likelihood of skin damage caused by ultraviolet radiation.
  • Do you know that vitamin C helps maintain skin in good condition after taking sunbathing. And being in the sun, we replenish our reserves of vitamin D, but at the same time we consume a large amount of vitamin C. Therefore, it is necessary to eat more fruits containing vitamin C, and in addition, take additional vitamin C.
  • To protect skin from exposure free radicals, dermatologists recommend taking vitamin E in capsules every 4 hours for several days before the start of the summer holiday. Keep in mind that vitamin E can also soothe the skin if taken for 1-2 days during sun exposure.
  • Dry your skin after each bath. The fact is that drops of water enhance sunlight like magnifying glasses, and this can quickly lead to burns.
  • Apply sunscreen at least half an hour before going out to give it time to absorb.

Now I will give useful tips regarding cosmetics , which it is forbidden use in the summer when going to sunbathe.

  • If your skin belongs to the first three skin phototypes (if you don’t know your phototype, then read the article), then do not use aftershave lotions and other perfumes containing vitamin A (the label may say "retinol") or lime extract because it may cause skin irritation.
  • It is not recommended to use before sunbathing decorative cosmetics . Lipsticks, eye shadows and blushes contain dyes that, when exposed to sunlight, can cause inflammatory reactions on the skin or the appearance of age spots.
  • Do not use after sunbathing alcohol-containing lotions , as they contribute to even greater dehydration of the skin.
  • During active use don't sunbathe deep skin cleansing , do not use scrubs and peeling creams . After such procedures, the sensitivity of the skin to combustion greatly increases.
  • When going to the beach, do not apply it to your skin. fat cream , since the skin under the fat layer can overheat, which in turn can lead to hyperpigmentation and solar dermatitis. Gels are best, but light moisturizers will also work.
  • Do not wash your skin before applying sunscreen. soap , because At the same time, the lipid mantle of the skin is disrupted and its protective properties are weakened.

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Useful tips for the summer were given to you by Ksenia Druzhkova, author of the website “Notes for the Family”