How long does it take for a cut wound to heal? Reasons for the long delay. Materials and processing methods

- This is damage to the skin and underlying tissues with the formation of a purulent focus. The pathology is manifested by significant swelling, hyperemia of surrounding tissues and intense pain. The pain can be tugging, bursting, and depriving you of sleep. Dead tissue and accumulations of pus are visible in the wound. General intoxication is observed, accompanied by fever, chills, headache, weakness and nausea. The treatment is complex and includes washing and draining wounds (if necessary, purulent leaks are opened), therapeutic dressings, antibiotic therapy, detoxification therapy, immunocorrective therapy and stimulation of recovery processes.


T79.3 Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified

General information

A purulent wound is a tissue defect, the lumen of which contains purulent exudate, and signs of inflammation are detected along the edges. Purulent wounds are the most common complication of clean wounds, both accidental and surgical. According to various sources, despite strict adherence to sterility during operations, the number of suppurations in postoperative period ranges from 2-3 to 30%. Pathogens purulent process in random and surgical wounds ah most often become so-called pyogenic microbes (staphylococci, streptococci, etc.). The treatment of previously untreated purulent wounds is carried out by surgeons; the treatment of accidental wounds that festered after PSO is carried out by orthopedic traumatologists. Treatment of festering surgical wounds is the responsibility of the specialists who performed the operation: surgeons, traumatologists, vascular surgeons, thoracic surgeons, neurosurgeons, etc.


Wounds in the head and neck area heal best. Suppuration occurs somewhat more often in wounds gluteal region, back, chest and abdomen, even more often - with damage to the upper and lower limbs. Foot wounds heal the worst. Good immunity reduces the likelihood of developing purulent wounds with minor bacterial insemination. With significant insemination and satisfactory condition immune system suppuration occurs more violently, but the process is usually localized and ends with recovery faster. Immune disorders cause more sluggish and prolonged healing of purulent wounds. The likelihood of infection spreading and complications developing increases.

Heavy somatic diseases influence general state the body and, as a result, on the likelihood of suppuration and the speed of wound healing. However, especially strong Negative influence due to vascular and metabolic disorders has diabetes mellitus. In patients suffering from this disease, purulent wounds can occur even with minor injuries and minor bacterial insemination. In such patients, poor healing and a pronounced tendency for the process to spread are observed. In healthy young people, on average, wounds fester less often than in older people, and in thin people - less often than in overweight people. The likelihood of a wound becoming suppurated increases in summer, especially in hot and humid weather, so planned operations recommended during the cold season.

Symptoms of purulent wounds

There are local and general symptoms pathology. TO local symptoms This includes a tissue defect with the presence of purulent exudate, as well as classic signs of inflammation: pain, local fever, local hyperemia, swelling of surrounding tissues and dysfunction. Pain from a purulent wound can be pressing or bursting. When outflow is difficult (due to the formation of a crust, the formation of streaks, the spread of a purulent process), the accumulation of pus and increased pressure in the inflamed area, the pain becomes very intense, twitching and often deprives patients of sleep. The skin around the wound is hot. On initial stages, during the formation of pus, redness of the skin is observed. If the wound persists for a long time, the redness may give way to a purple or purplish-bluish coloration of the skin.

Two types of edema can be distinguished at the site of the lesion. The edges of the wound are warm and inflammatory. Coincides with the zone of hyperemia, caused by impaired blood flow. Distal to the wound – cold reactive. There is no hyperemia in this area, and swelling of the soft tissues is caused by impaired lymph outflow due to compression lymph nodes in the area of ​​inflammation. Dysfunction of the affected area is associated with swelling and pain; the severity of the disorder depends on the size and location of the purulent wound, as well as on the volume and phase of inflammation.

The main sign of a purulent wound is pus - a liquid containing bacteria, tissue detritus, globulins, albumins, leukocyte enzymes and microbial origin, fats, cholesterol, DNA admixture and dead leukocytes. The color and consistency of pus depend on the type of pathogen. Staphylococcus is characterized by a thick yellow or white pus, for streptococcus – liquid greenish or yellowish, for coli– liquid brown-yellow, for anaerobic microbes – brown, foul-smelling, for Pseudomonas aeruginosa – yellowish, shimmering blue-green on the bandage (pus acquires this shade upon contact with oxygen in external environment). The amount of pus can vary significantly. Under the pus, areas of necrotic tissue and granulation may be found.

Toxins enter the patient’s body from the wound, which causes the appearance of symptoms of general intoxication. Characterized by fever, loss of appetite, sweating, weakness, chills, headache. Blood tests reveal an acceleration of ESR and leukocytosis with a shift to the left. A urine test reveals protein. IN severe cases possible increase in the level of urea, creatinine and bilirubin in the blood, anemia, leukopenia, dysproteinemia and hypoproteinemia. Clinically, with severe intoxication, it can be observed severe weakness and disturbances of consciousness up to coma.

Depending on the predominant process, the following stages of the purulent process are distinguished: formation of a purulent focus, cleansing and regeneration, healing. All purulent wounds heal by secondary intention.


With purulent wounds, a number of complications are possible. Lymphangitis (inflammation lymphatic vessels, located proximal to the wound) appears as red stripes directed from the wound to the regional lymph nodes. With lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes), regional lymph nodes enlarge and become painful. Thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the veins) is accompanied by the appearance of painful red strands along the saphenous veins. With contact spread of pus, the development of purulent leaks, periostitis, osteomyelitis, purulent arthritis, abscess and phlegmon is possible. The most severe complication purulent wounds is sepsis.

If healing does not occur, the purulent wound may develop into chronic form. Foreign experts consider wounds without a tendency to heal within 4 weeks or more as chronic. Such wounds include bedsores, trophic ulcers, accidental or long-term surgical wounds. non-healing wounds.


Due to the presence of obvious local signs, diagnosing purulent wounds is not difficult. To exclude the involvement of underlying anatomical structures, radiography, MRI or CT of the affected segment can be performed. IN general analysis blood signs of inflammation are determined. To determine the type and sensitivity of the pathogen, the discharge is inoculated onto nutrient media.

Treatment of purulent wounds

Treatment tactics depend on the phase wound process. At the stage of formation of a purulent focus, the main task of surgeons is to clean the wound, limit inflammation, and fight pathogenic microorganisms and detoxification (if indicated). At the second stage, measures are taken to stimulate regeneration, it is possible to apply early secondary sutures or perform skin grafting. At the stage of wound closure, epithelial formation is stimulated.

If pus is present, surgical treatment is performed, which includes dissecting the edges of the wound or skin over the lesion, removing pus, examining the wound to identify leaks and, if necessary, opening these leaks, removing necrotic tissue (necrectomy), stopping bleeding, washing and draining the wound. Sutures are not applied to purulent wounds; the application of rare sutures is allowed only when organizing flow-through drainage. Along with traditional methods of treating purulent wounds, they are used modern techniques: vacuum therapy, local ozone therapy, hyperbaric oxygenation, laser treatment, ultrasound treatment, cryotherapy, treatment with a pulsating jet of antiseptic, introduction of sorbents into the wound, etc.

According to indications, detoxification is carried out: forced diuresis, infusion therapy, extracorporeal hemocorrection, etc. All of the above measures, both traditional and modern, are carried out against the background of rational antibiotic therapy and immunocorrection. Depending on the severity of the process, antibiotics may be prescribed orally, intramuscularly or intravenously. In the first days, broad-spectrum drugs are used. After determining the pathogen, the antibiotic is replaced taking into account the sensitivity of the microorganisms.

After cleansing the purulent wound, measures are taken to restore the anatomical relationships and close the wound (early and late secondary sutures, skin grafting). Secondary sutures are indicated in the absence of pus, necrotic tissue and severe inflammation of surrounding tissues. In this case, it is necessary that the edges of the wound can be compared without tension. If there is a tissue defect and it is impossible to compare the edges of the wound, skin grafting is performed using the island and brand methods, plastic with counter flaps, plastic with a free skin flap or plastic skin flap on a vascular pedicle.

With an open wound, treatment and the use of antibacterial drugs are required, because if an infection occurs, it can begin to rot. First of all, you need to disinfect the wound and seek help from a medical facility.


An open wound means the destruction of a whole skin and internal fabrics. If treatment is not started in time open wound, the following complications may occur:

  1. Severe blood loss and anemia;
  2. Affected important muscles and organs can cause complications in further treatment;
  3. Blood poisoning.

Symptoms of an open wound:

  • pain,
  • bleeding,
  • soft tissue defects,
  • improper functioning of legs and arms.

The patient may also be in shock and have an infection. When an open wound heals depends on the severity of the disease and timely treatment.


With timely and correct treatment, wound healing occurs quickly and does not cause complications. If bleeding is severe, seek medical attention and timely treatment wounds with medicinal preparations.

Open wounds are divided into several types:

  1. An incised wound is a cut made by some sharp object.
  2. A puncture wound, there is minor damage, but it is very deep and can affect important internal organs. For example, improper use of an awl.
  3. Laceration wound, this type of injury is formed as a result of ruptures of soft tissue. Characterized by heavy bleeding and severe pain.
  4. A surgical suture occurs as a result of surgical intervention.


To correctly prescribe treatment, the doctor must initial examination examine the patient, medical history and cause of injury. After this, he only begins to treat the patient.

The severity of the disease is assessed by the patient’s well-being, pain, presence of bleeding. It is also established by examining and questioning the victim what types of wounds were inflicted on him.


For a shallow cut wound, if the tendon or muscle is slightly damaged, treatment is necessary antimicrobial agents and tie with sterile gauze. If the cut is small, you can cover it with a band-aid.

A puncture wound needs to be examined and treated by a physician, as surgery is required in most cases. The treatment required here is as follows: stop the bleeding and treat with antiseptics. If the bleeding does not stop, apply a sterile bandage until the bleeding stops. The patient is given an injection of tetanus serum. In severe cases, oxygen is given to breathe, and if it is necessary to revive the patient, ammonia is given.

At laceration, you need to treat with hydrogen peroxide and apply a sterile bandage. To collect damaged skin You can consult a doctor so that he can do this correctly and provide timely treatment. Before starting treatment of an open wound, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its occurrence, the severity of the damage and the presence of infection.

Only surgeons know how to properly treat an open leg wound. Before you start treating an open wound on your leg that is caused by sharp object, you need to correctly determine why the damage occurred and the severity of the cut.

Treatment will be effective if a number of measures are taken:

  1. Provide first aid
  2. Treat damage correctly
  3. Take timely treatment and care.

Proper first aid

First you need to stop the bleeding, so a tourniquet is applied. The edges of the wound should be treated with antiseptics and a sterile bandage applied. Foreign bodies must be removed using tweezers; the edges can be pre-treated with alcohol. If there is a wound and there is deep damage, you should not remove the item yourself; it is better if a doctor provides assistance and prescribes correct treatment. To prevent infection of the damage, it is necessary to treat it with antibacterial agents. After completing all the required procedures, apply a sterile bandage.

What antiseptics are used to treat open wounds: furatsilin or chlorhexidine solution. Streptocide powder also has disinfecting properties. They also use 3 percentage solution potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and a 2% solution of chloramine. Iodine is not recommended for use; it can cause skin burns. You can use brilliant green as an antiseptic.

Healing ointments can also be used to treat open wounds. Even a small wound, in the presence of infection, can provoke the risk of disease. After proper treatment of the open wound, it is left alone for two days, then healing ointments can be used. The ointment quickly restores damaged tissue and has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Doctors advise treating wounds with ointment, after treatment primary care. With timely use of the ointment, not only will the wound heal quickly, but scars will disappear.

List of healing ointments:

  1. Baneocin, recommended for burns and deep wounds.
  2. Levomekol, very effective ointment, has antibacterial effect.
  3. Solcoseryl not only has a healing effect, but also reduces pain.
  4. Eplan is an effective remedy for all types of wounds.

To apply healing ointment to an open wound correctly, it is best to apply thin layer, this is done so that oxygen penetrates. Then the healing of the wound will be accelerated, in otherwise, with a thick layer of ointment, rotting may begin.

Subsequently, you can treat the wound with folk remedies, but first you need to consult with your doctor so as not to cause reverse effect. The following herbs and components have healing properties:

  • propolis,
  • willow bark,
  • St. John's wort and plantain leaves.

If the wound is festering, you can use the traditional method: apply a freshly cut aloe leaf, it draws out the pus from the wound. Once the pus disappears, the wound can be lubricated sea ​​buckthorn oil. Be sure to show purulent wound doctor and consult with your doctor about the use of these products. In some cases you will only need drug treatment. In case of complications, only a doctor can help.

Pledge fast healing open wound, this is timely disinfection of the cut with antiseptics and restoration muscle tissue. It is better not to self-medicate, but to treat a small open wound and seek help from a doctor. In case of a severe wound, you must call an ambulance or go to a medical facility where they will provide effective treatment from the first days.

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A non-healing wound does not go away for a long time; such a pathology is provoked by external, internal reasons, or a combination of both. Normal regeneration of the skin and soft tissues occurs after 3-4 weeks. For long-term non-healing wounded surfaces when carrying out standard treatment the process takes 1.5–2 months.

Why skin wounds do not heal well, what are the reasons for the long regeneration process, how to treat long-term non-healing wounds - you will learn about this and much more in our article.

Causes of non-healing wounds

Let's consider all the factors and reasons that answer the question - why do wounds on the skin take a long time to heal? Skin damage may not heal for a long time if ligaments, tendons, large blood vessels, and nerve fibers are damaged. Also, constant separation of the edges, surface bleeding, and infection increase the regeneration period.

General factors that affect the rate of tissue repair:

Local reasons:

  • Necrosis, wound pocket, infection;
  • Foreign body in the injured area;
  • Edema, hematoma, vascular pathology;
  • Edge tension;
  • Re-injury of an unhealed wound.

The healing time is increased by disturbances in cellular nutrition and respiration inside the wound, chronic general intoxication of the body, bad habits, non-compliance with dressing hygiene.

The presence of even one circumstance can have a significant impact; the risk increases if there are several such moments.

Chronic wounds

Initially, all traumatic or surgical defects are classified as acute injuries. With proper and timely first aid, proper care and treatment, such wounds heal without consequences.

A wound is called chronic when, with standard treatment, natural epithelization is inhibited and normal recovery almost completely freezes. This situation is called stagnation; it develops when recovery activity is insufficient or absent.


  • Venous insufficiency – trophic damage to the lower extremities occurs in the form of ulcers;
  • Diabetes mellitus – leads to diabetic ulcers of the lower leg and foot;
  • Prolonged pressure on any part of the body results in bedsores.

Necrosis in the wound is considered the most negative circumstance for recovery. From the very beginning, this reduces the guarantee that epidermization will proceed normally.

Due to chronic inflammation macrophages and granulocytes are constantly present in the wound area, they destroy proteins and prevent the formation of connective tissue, pathological process doesn't stop.

In such a situation, the healing process is possible only when high-quality sanitation of the wounded surface has been carried out and the injury has been returned from a chronic state to acute period. In this case, the recovery process will proceed in a natural physiological way.

Aging of the body

In old age, the epithelization process slows down, collagen synthesis decreases, as a result of which healing occurs much weaker and slower.

Previously, there was a theory that slow tissue repair is associated with a slowdown in all processes in old age.

In older people, the connection between the immune system and skin cells is disrupted, which causes a slower wound healing process.

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The duration of wound treatment increases with age also because older people have multiple pathologies, they use a large number of medicines that may not be in harmony with each other. Decreased tolerance to medications in old age also increases healing time.


During wound healing, local cellular and humoral changes occur, changes general reaction body, all this ensures restoration of the damaged surface.

There are three stages of healing:

In the first stage, a short-term narrowing of the blood vessels occurs, then they expand, and the blood flow slows down. At this time, vascular permeability increases, so traumatic edema increases.

Local metabolic disorders also influence the increase in edema.:

  • Acidosis;
  • Increased osmotic pressure;
  • Reducing surface tension.

Swelling impairs surface restoration various mechanisms– the distance for diffusion increases, nutrients and oxygen have difficulty penetrating the tissues.

Wound healing is affected systemic diseases, in which edema forms - this is venous insufficiency and renal syndrome.

In people with these diseases, it is necessary to control edema, so non-healing ulcers of the lower extremities with varicose veins are treated much more successfully.

Lack of nutrition

Various diets and insufficient intake food directly affects the condition of the body, including the regeneration of wounds. Despite the fact that this reason is quite rare, it should not be excluded.

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In the past when there was a shortage ascorbic acid A disease such as scurvy developed, the disease led to open, non-healing wounds, because the body needs vitamin C to produce collagen fibers.

Protein deficiency and protein imbalance also increase the healing time.

Causes of protein imbalance:

  • Lack of protein in food;
  • Predominance of low activity protein with amino acid deficiency;
  • Increased loss and consumption of protein in certain diseases (tuberculosis, infectious diseases, burns, severe injuries);
  • Intestinal diseases in which the breakdown and absorption of protein is impaired;
  • One-way nutrition for weight loss.

With a lack of protein, there is an increased consumption of fat reserves, the protein structures of one’s own tissues disintegrate, muscles atrophy, and the functions of internal organs become disordered.

Rational nutrition with high energy value, with easily digestible fats and carbohydrates, with sufficient vitamin content, provide beneficial influence at all stages of the wound process.

How to treat non-healing wounds?

Treatment of wounds that do not heal for a long time is based on several basic principles:

  • Identifying the cause that slows down the healing process and eliminating it;
  • Proper wound care, protection from contamination and pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Removal of necrotic tissue.

Therapeutic measures differ during the period of inflammation and during the period of active granulation:

  • In the first phase, chemical and physical antiseptic to reduce the virulence of microorganisms. During this period, bactericidal and antiseptic medications are used, such as sulfonamides, penicillin, chloramine, chlorocide, gramicidin, as well as bacteriophages and enzymes;
  • In the second phase most of microbes lose activity. The use of previous drugs is contraindicated, hypertonic solutions are prohibited, antiseptic drugs etc. At this stage, it is necessary to protect the granulation from secondary damage to the infection; dressings with oil-based ointments or open treatment, physiotherapeutic procedures are also widely used.

Effective means for local treatment non-healing wounds are:

  • Solcoseryl– the drug exists in the form of a gel or ointment, stimulates cell regeneration, and has a wound healing effect. The product is applied to the surface in a thin layer after preliminary cleaning 2-3 times a day. When applied to the surface, a slight burning sensation is possible;
  • Actovegin– a similar drug, also treats inflammation, weeping non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers lower extremities, bedsores, burns. Treatment is carried out 2 times a day for 14 days; if necessary, the course of treatment can be increased to a month;
  • Iruksol– the composition contains collagen, protease, an antibiotic with an effect on wide range microorganisms. The ointment is used for poor healing, for bacterially infected wounds, for the treatment of injuries diabetic foot, For different types gangrene. Permission for use and dosage should be obtained from the attending physician.

The drugs are used only after surgical cleaning of the wound and removal of all necrotic tissue.

Folk remedies

The inflammatory process in chronic wounds lasts for years, stages of exacerbation alternate with periods of remission. Unconventional methods help to achieve therapeutic effect, but should seek the advice of your healthcare professional before using them.

Alternative treatment for non-healing wounds includes the use of lotions, compresses, and ointments based on herbal ingredients. Non-healing wounds with traditional medicine It can be treated for a long time, but almost always without complications.

Traditional medicine recipes for long-term non-healing wounds:

Consequences and healing time

Do not take during treatment of non-healing wounds hot shower or a bath. If the non-healing wound is on the legs, you should not lift heavy objects or remain motionless for a long time.

Should be adhered to salt-free diet , eliminate spices, stop smoking and drink alcohol. It is also necessary to maintain wound hygiene to avoid re-infection.

It should be taken into account that one damaged surface may contain several different stages wound process, therefore different areas, can be treated with different ointments.

What medications should be used and the duration of treatment is determined only by a specialist. If ineffective conservative treatment Over a long period of time, the question of surgical intervention is raised.

In the life of every person, annoying troubles happen: abrasions, cuts, bruises. Besides the pain and discomfort, injuries are accompanied by a cosmetic defect. In our article we will talk about how to speed up wound healing and maintain the beauty of the skin. Wound healing is a natural physiological process called regeneration. This process is inherent in nature itself, and great amount The body's reserves are aimed specifically at healing all types of damage.

In the lower layers of the skin - the basal layer of the epidermis - reserve cells are located. When the skin and underlying structures are damaged: fiber, muscles and other tissues, reserve cells begin to divide, forming new skin cells. Gradually multiplying, new cells form new tissues and fill wound defects.

Tissue regeneration is a very individual process that depends on many internal and external factors:

  • Age;
  • The presence of diseases of the skin, endocrine and immune systems;
  • Vastness and depth wound surface;
  • The presence of foreign bodies in the wound;
  • Presence of wound infection;
  • Quality and speed of primary wound treatment;
  • Features and thoroughness of wound care.

Wounds heal poorly in older people, weakened and poorly nourished patients, people with diabetes mellitus and diseases of the immune system (HIV, AIDS, hereditary immunodeficiencies).

Wounds on the legs do not heal well in patients with varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Moreover, CVI itself can provoke the formation of wounds on the legs. Such non-healing wounds are called trophic ulcers.

Also heal very poorly primary or secondary infected wounds. Pathogenic microbes penetrate into such wound defects - immediately at the time of injury or after some time.

Scientific name " poor healing"is "healing by secondary intention." This means that the wound defect heals through the processes of suppuration or tissue rejection. In this case, gross skin changes are formed - keloid scars.


Let us list in detail all the factors that determine the speed and quality of regenerative processes.

First aid. High-quality and timely provision of first aid is very important. First aid includes washing the wound with antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, Mucosanin and others), treating the edges of the wound alcohol solutions(iodine, brilliant green, chlorophyllipt and others) and applying a sterile dressing.

First health care consists in the so-called primary surgical treatment or toilet of the wound. Treatment of wounds is the task of a surgeon or traumatologist. The doctor treats the wound with antiseptics and removes foreign bodies, blood clots, dead tissue and dirt, stitches as necessary.

It is very important to apply sutures on cut wounds, since bringing the edges of the wound together with suture material or special glue significantly improves healing and leaves a neat, thin scar.

Prevention of infection wound infection. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drugs general or local action. For small and shallow wounds that are properly treated, antibiotics may not be prescribed. In any case, the decision about the need to take antibiotics rests with the doctor.

Follow-up wound care. It is very important to regularly change bandages, keep the wound clean and dry, and also treat the wound surface with antiseptics and special healing agents.

We will talk below about what medications and folk remedies accelerate regeneration and how to quickly heal a wound.


Treatment of wounds is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the nature, extent and type of wound surface. Let's take a closer look at how wound healing products work and how to speed up the process with pharmaceutical drugs.

Most often, local agents are used to activate regeneration processes: ointments, gels, creams, powders.

I would like to immediately note that fat-based products are strictly not recommended for use on wet, weeping wounds. This does not speed up, but rather slows down the wound healing process.

Sea buckthorn oil is a natural component. Sea buckthorn oil contains a huge amount of vitamins and biologically active substances, which accelerate cell recovery processes.

Aloe extract also works great for skin damage, accelerating epithelization. Aloe extract also provides an analgesic effect and reduces the feeling of burning and tightness of the skin.

Methyluracil ointment has anabolic properties, accelerates the processes of cellular regeneration, wound healing, and increases activity local immunity, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Dexpanthenol and its various combinations with vitamin E and medicinal plant extracts. The product stimulates the regenerative processes of the mucous membranes and skin, accelerates cell division, increases the density of collagen fibers, and also normalizes cellular metabolism. The medicine penetrates perfectly into the deep layers of the skin.

Actovegin and Solcoseryl are widely known drugs used in all areas of medicine. Actovegin and Solcoseryl ointments significantly accelerate the wound healing process by increasing cellular energy metabolism - that is, they work at the very heart of regeneration processes.

Contratubeks – combination remedy, stated by the manufacturer to prevent the formation of rough keloid scars. The main effect of the drug is based on suppressing the activity of cells producing connective tissue, forming the basis of the keloid scar.

I would like to immediately note that the product shows its effect only on initial stage regeneration. Treatment with ointment on old scars, contrary to advertising, is useless.

Curiosin drops and cream. Zinc hyaluronate, which is part of the drug, eliminates the deficiency hyaluronic acid in the skin. This acid is a kind of supporting matrix for skin cells.

The product replaces the tissue defect and causes an acceleration of epidermal cell division. Hyaluronate also stimulates the skin's natural defense mechanisms. Zinc ions, in turn, have an antibacterial effect. Curiosin drops work well on wet wounds, burns and other wet skin injuries.

Various combination drugs based on polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E and A, extracts of sea buckthorn, rose hips and others medicinal components(ointments Reparef-1 and 2 and others).

Powders and “dry” creams on a fat-free basis containing zinc oxide, salicylic acid, bismuth oxide, oak bark powder, calamus root and other astringent and drying components, as well as antibiotics, work great with wet and weeping wounds. Examples of such products are powders Baneocin, Xeroform, Ambulance, ointment with zinc oxide and even banal baby powder for diapers.

Physiotherapy or treatment natural factors in some cases it gives an excellent effect. Most therapy methods have an accelerating effect on cell metabolism, improve blood supply to the lesion and stimulate local immune processes.

Most effective methods physiotherapy to accelerate regeneration are laser therapy, darsonvalization of tissues, UHF, Thermal treatments, ultraviolet irradiation, massage and drug electrophoresis. I would like to immediately note that any methods of physiotherapy are used on already healing wounds after the formation of primary epithelialization.

Folk recipes

Many medicinal plants contain components that can enhance the healing effect. Such grandmother's remedies include various decoctions and lotions based on chamomile, calendula, oak bark, celandine, comfrey, tea tree oil.

A proven means for healing wounds is mumiyo, as well as beekeeping products - beebread, propolis and various means based on honey.

Treatment with herbs and others traditional methods should only occur with the permission of a doctor, and only as a additional funds therapy. And before using any product, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to it.

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