Wedge-shaped beak in Latin. Sphenoid bone: its parts, holes and their purpose. Pterygoid process. Edges of the large wing

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(os sphenoidale), unpaired, air-filled, located in the middle of the base of the skull (Fig. 1, 2). It connects to many bones of the skull and takes part in the formation of a number of bone cavities, fossae, and partially in the formation of the cranial vault. The bone is divided into 4 parts: the body and 3 pairs of processes, 2 pairs of which are directed laterally and are called small and large wings. The third pair of processes (pterygoid) faces downwards.

Body (corpus) makes up the middle part of the bone and contains the sphenoid sinus (sinus sphenoidalis), which is divided by a septum into 2 halves. The posterior surface of the body fuses with the basilar part of the occipital bone in children through cartilage, in adults - through bone tissue.

Front surface body facing the nasal cavity, adjacent to the posterior cells of the ethmoid bone, closing them behind wedge-shaped shells (conchae sphenoidales). Along the midline of the anterior surface there is wedge-shaped ridge (crista sphenoidalis) on both sides of which are aperture of the sphenoid sinus (aperturae sinus sphenoidalis). Through their sinus, it communicates with the nasal cavity. Adjacent to the sphenoid crest in front is a perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone. Inferiorly, the wedge-shaped ridge passes into wedge-shaped beak (rostrum sphenoidale).

Rice. 1.

a — topography of the sphenoid bone;

b — front view: 1 — body of the sphenoid bone; 2 - wedge-shaped shell; 3 — small wing; 4 - superior orbital fissure; 5 - temporal surface of the large wing; 6 - spine of the sphenoid bone; 7 - maxillary surface; 8 - wedge-shaped ridge; 9— pterygoid canal; 10— round hole; 11 - infratemporal crest; 12 — orbital surface of the greater wing; 13 - aperture of the sphenoid sinus;

c — rear view: 1 — back of the sella turcica; 2 - pituitary fossa; 3 - anterior inclined process; 4 - superior orbital fissure; 5 - large wing of the sphenoid bone; 6 - pterygoid canal; 7 - spine of the sphenoid bone; 8 - scaphoid fossa; 9 - lateral plate of the pterygoid process; 10 — pterygoid fossa; 11 - pterygoid notch; 12 - groove of the pterygoid hook; 13 - vaginal process; 14 - wing-shaped hook; 15 - pterygoid process; 16 - carotid groove: 17 - groove of the auditory tube; 18 — wedge-shaped tongue; 19 - round hole; 20 - medullary surface of the greater wing; 21 - parietal edge of the large wing; 22 — small wing; 23 - visual channel; 24 - posterior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone;

d — bottom view: 1 — wedge-shaped beak; 2 - opener; 3 - pterygoid fossa; 4 - lateral plate of the pterygoid process; 5 - oval hole; 6 - foramen spinosum; 7 - medial plate of the pterygoid process; 8 — opener wing; 9 - body of the sphenoid bone; 10 - scaphoid fossa; 11 - groove of the auditory tube; 12 - spine of the sphenoid bone; 13 - infratemporal surface of the large wing; 14 - infratemporal crest; 15 - temporal surface of the large wing; 16 — small wing; 17 - wedge-shaped shells

Rice. 2. Sphenoid bone and occipital bones, posterior, right and superior views: 1 - spine of the sphenoid bone; 2 - foramen spinosum; 3 - oval hole; 4 - large wing of the sphenoid bone; 5 — small wing; 6 - anterior inclined process; 7 - visual channel; 8 - pre-cross groove; 9 - superior orbital fissure; 10 - round hole; 11 - tubercle of the saddle; 12 - carotid groove; 13 - pituitary fossa; 14 - posterior inclined process; 15 — back of the saddle; 16 — slope; 17 - large hole; 18 - occipital scales; 19 - lateral part of the occipital bone

On lateral surface there are bodies on each side carotid groove (sulcus caroticus), to which the internal carotid artery is adjacent. Posteriorly and laterally, the edge of the groove forms a protrusion - wedge-shaped tongue (lingula sphenoidalis).

Top surface body, facing the cranial cavity, forms the so-called Turkish saddle (sella turcica)(see Fig. 2). At its bottom is pituitary fossa (fossa hypophysial), which houses the pituitary gland. Anteriorly and posteriorly, the fossa is limited by projections, the anterior of which is represented by tubercle of the sella (tuberculum sellae), and the posterior one is a high ridge called back of the saddle (dorsum sellae). The corners of the back of the sella turcica are extended down and back in the form posterior inclined processes (processus clinoidei posteriors). On each side of the tubercle of the sella there is middle inclined process (processus clinoideus medius).

In front of the tubercle of the sella, on wedge-shaped eminence (jugum sphenoidalis) there is a transversely running shallow precross groove (sulcus prehiasmatis), behind which is the optic chiasm.

Human anatomy S.S. Mikhailov, A.V. Chukbar, A.G. Tsybulkin

Sphenoid bone, os sphenoidale, unpaired, resembles a flying insect, which explains the name of its parts (wings, pterygoid processes).

The sphenoid bone is the product of the fusion of several bones that independently exist in animals, therefore it develops as a mixed bone from several paired and unpaired ossification points, forming 3 parts at the time of birth, which in turn fuse into a single bone by the end of the first year of life.

It has the following parts:
1) body, corpus(in animals - unpaired basisphenoid and presphenoid);
2) large wings, alae majores(in animals - paired alisphenoid);
3) minor wings, alae minores(in animals - paired orbitosphenoid);
4) pterygoid processes, processus pterygoidei(its medial plate is the former double pterygoid, develops on the basis of connective tissue, while all other parts of the bone arise on the basis of cartilage).

Body, corpus, on its upper surface has a depression along the midline - Turkish saddle, sella turcica, at the bottom of which there is a hole for pituitary gland, fossa hypophysialis.

In front of her is eminence, tuberculum sellae, along which passes transversely sulcus chiasmdtis for chiasm(chiasma) of the optic nerves; at the ends sulcus chiasmatis visual channels are visible, canales optici, through which the optic nerves pass from the cavity of the orbits to the cavity of the skull. Posteriorly, the sella turcica is limited by a bony plate, back of the saddle, dorsum sellae.
On the lateral surface of the body there is a curved carotid fissure, sulcus caroticus, trace of the internal carotid artery.

On the anterior surface of the body, part of the posterior wall of the nasal cavity, crest visible, crista sphenoidalis, below entering between the wings of the opener. Christa sphenoidalis connects anteriorly to the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone. Irregular shapes are visible on the sides of the ridge openings, aperturae sinus sphenoidalis leading to the air sinus, sinus sphenoidalis, which is placed in the body of the sphenoid bone and is divided septum, septum sinuum sphenoidalium, in two halves. Through these openings the sinus communicates with the nasal cavity.

In a newborn, the sinus is of very small size and only around the 7th year of life begins to grow rapidly.

Lesser wings, alae minores, are two flat triangular plates, which with two roots extend forward and laterally from the anterosuperior edge of the body of the sphenoid bone; between the roots of the small wings are the mentioned visual channels i. Between the small and large wings is superior orbital fissure, fissura orbitalis superior, leading from the cranial cavity to the orbital cavity.

Large wings, alae majores, extend from the lateral surfaces of the body laterally and upward. Near the body, behind fissura orbitalis superior available round hole, foramen rotundum, leading anteriorly into the pterygopalatine fossa, caused by the passage of the second branch trigeminal nerve, n. trigemini. Posteriorly, a large wing in the form of an acute angle protrudes between the scales and the pyramid of the temporal bone. There is a spinous foramen, foramen spinosum, through which it passes a. meningea media.

Much more is visible in front of him oval foramen, foramen ovale, through which the third branch of n. trigemini passes.

Large wings have four surfaces: cerebral, facies cerebralis, orbital, facies orbitalis, temporal, facies temporalis, And maxillary, facies maxillaris. The names of the surfaces indicate the areas of the skull where they face. The temporal surface is divided into the temporal and pterygoid parts by infratemporal crest, crista infratemporalis.

Pterygoid processes, processus pterygoidei extend vertically downward from the junction of the large wings with the body of the sphenoid bone. Their base is pierced by a sagittally extending canal, canalis pterygoideus, - the place of passage of the named nerve and vessels. The anterior opening of the canal opens into the pterygopalatine fossa.

Each process consists of two plates - lamina medialis and lamina lateralis, between which a rear is formed fossa, fossa pterygoidea.

The medial plate is bent at the bottom hook, hamulus pterygoideus, through which the tendon that begins on this plate is thrown m. tensor veli palatini(one of the muscles of the soft palate).

Video lesson on the anatomy of the sphenoid bone:

The bones of the skull, located on the outside, play an important protective role. In the very center of the facial part is the sphenoid bone, which plays an important role in the structure of the skull. It is represented by many different grooves and openings that distribute nerve and blood branches. In addition, it borders many cranial regions on different sides.

The sphenoid bone of the skull is shaped like a butterfly, which suggests that it is symmetrical, as if it were made of two identical parts, but this is an erroneous guess. This element is integral, and its upper edges are pointed. Almost all important vessels and nerve branches pass through this part of the skull, so it has an important purpose.

Like all elements of the human skeleton, the sphenoid bone can be subject to various pathological disorders, which provokes the development of diseases of the internal branches. Moreover, this segment is involved in the production of pituitary hormonal substances. Thus, the sphenoid bone performs three main functions.

  1. Protects important branches of the central nervous system from damage, as well as blood vessels supplying the brain.
  2. Connects the superficial parts of the skull, ensuring their strength.
  3. Synthesizes pituitary hormones.

Structural features

The structure of the sphenoid bone distinguishes several parts, which completely grow together during the formation of the body, representing the formation of paired and individual elements. At birth, it consists of only three segments, but in a fully formed person, the main bone formation consists of four sections.

  1. Bodies.
  2. Large and small wings.
  3. Pterygoid processes.

Primary fragments of ossification appear in the first two months of fetal development, directly on the large wings; the remaining fragments appear a month later. At birth they appear in wedge-shaped concave plates. The small ones fuse together in the womb in the third trimester of pregnancy, and the rest by the age of two years. Complete formation of the sinus begins after six months, and the fusion of the body with the occipital region is completely transformed by the age of twenty.

Body of bone

The department in question is the central part. It is presented in the form of a cube, and includes many smaller segments. At the top there is a plane directed into the inside of the skull. It has a peculiar notch called the sella turcica. In the middle of this element is the pituitary recess, the depth of which directly depends on the size of the pituitary gland.

The anterior part of the body is expressed by the crest of the saddle, and on the posterior side of the lateral plane of this element, the middle inclined process is localized. On the front side of the tuberous segment there is a transverse cross groove, the rear part of which is expressed by a plexus of nerve ganglia responsible for visual functions. Laterally, this canal becomes the orbital groove. The front side of the upper plane has a jagged surface. It unites with the dorsal edge of the plate of the ethmoid bone, forming a wedge-ethmoid suture.

The dorsal part of the body is expressed by the back of the saddle-shaped protrusion, which ends on both sides with inclined processes. To the right and left of the sella is the carotid canal, which is an intracranial groove of the carotid artery and nerve branches. A wedge-shaped tongue is observed on the outer part of the canal. Considering the localization of the dorsum sella on the dorsal side, one can observe a smooth transition of this element to the upper segment of the basilar region of the occipital part.

The frontal plane of the wedge-shaped bone with some part of its lower element rushes towards the nasal cavity. In the middle of this plane a vertical wedge-shaped ridge is formed, the lower spine of which has a pointed shape, thereby forming a wedge-shaped beak. It directly combines with the wings of the vomer, forming a kind of beak-shaped groove. To the side of this ridge are curved plates.

The shells form the outer part of the lower septum of the sphenoid sinus - the cavity that occupies its main area. Each of these shells has a small round passage. On the outer plane of this segment there are recesses that cover the cells of the rear section of the lattice fragment. The outer ends of these elements combine with the ocular plates of the ethmoid bone, forming a wedge-shaped ethmoid suture.

The body is a communication center of nerve and blood fibers, so any damage can cause serious complications. This once again proves the features and importance of the cranial elements, since their condition affects the health of the entire organism. In addition, this segment performs the following functions:

  • Protects almost all important vessels and nerves of the human brain passing through it;
  • Participates in the formation of the wedge-shaped nasal cavity;
  • Reduces the weight of the skull due to the large number of cavities and holes;
  • The body of the central bone of the skull has special receptors that help support the body in its impulse response to changes in pressure from the interaction of external factors;
  • Promotes the secretion of the pituitary gland.

Small wings

They are paired elements that extend from two opposite sides. They have the shape of horizontal plates, at the beginning of which there are holes. Their upper planes are directed to the cranial roof, and the lower ones are directed into the cavity of the orbit, forming the upper eye opening. Their ends have thickening and jagged edges. The back part has a smooth surface and a concave shape.

Due to these elements, the wedge-shaped bone has articulation with the bony segments of the nose and frontal region. The bases of both fragments have a canal through which orbital blood vessels and optic nerve fibers pass. This factor determines the main functions of the wing-shaped formations.

Big wings

This element is also paired and originates from the lateral part of the body, rushing upward. Both fragments have 4 planes:

  • brain;
  • orbital;
  • maxillary;
  • temporal

However, there is an opinion according to which there is a fifth surface formed as a result of the division of the infratemporal crest into the temporal and pterygoid.

The brain plane is directed towards the inside of the skull and is located at the top. At the bases of the large wings there are also oval holes that perform certain functions. In addition, the segments have other openings, which indicate their complex anatomical structure:

  • Round. Intended for nerve branches emanating from the maxilla;
  • Oval. It is a channel for the passage of mandibular nerve fibers;
  • Spinous. Forms a groove through which the aforementioned nerve, together with the meningeal arteries, exits into the cranial cavity.

As for the front part, it has a jagged end. The dorsal squamosal portion articulates with the wedge-shaped edge, forming a wedge-shaped squamosal end. The process of the wedge-shaped bone is the point of fixation of the mandibular ligament with the muscles responsible for the functions of the soft palate. If you look deeper, you can see the dorsal portion, meaning the large wing of the sphenoid bone, which is adjacent to the petrous part of the temporal part, thus separating the wedge-shaped petrosal cleft.

Pterygoid processes

The pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone originates at the point of articulation of the previously considered elements with the body, and then descends below. They are formed by the lateral and median plates. When they are connected by their anterior ends, a pterygoid fossa is formed. Unlike them, the lower segments do not have common formations. Thus, the medial sphenoid bone ends with peculiar hooks.

The dorsal upper section of the medial plate has a wide base, where the scaphoid recess is localized, next to which the ear canal is located. Then it smoothly flows into the lower plane of the dorsal part of the large wing, and the sphenoid bone, the anatomy of which is determined by the location of the segments under consideration, determines their main functions. They consist in facilitating the activity of a group of muscles responsible for the normal functionality of the soft palate and eardrums.

Fracture of the sphenoid bone

Mechanical injuries to the wedge-shaped segment are a dangerous phenomenon from which anything can be expected. The cause may be a fall or a strong direct blow from a hard, heavy object. Fractures of the skull often have serious consequences, which cause disruption of brain activity, and therefore the entire body. First of all, the nerve or blood branches that supply the brain center are affected, which can cause a severe headache. Without a clinical atlas, it is difficult to determine what complications may cause such injuries.

Until 7–8 months of intrauterine development, the sphenoid bone consists of two parts: the presphenoid and postsphenoid.
  • The presphenoidal part, or presphenoid, is located in front of the tubercle of the sella turcica and includes the lesser wings and the anterior part of the body.
  • The postsphenoidal part, or postsphenoid, consists of the sella turcica, dorsum sellae, greater wings and pterygoid processes.

Rice. Parts of the sphenoid bone: PrSph - presphenoid, BSph - postsphenoid, OrbSph - orbital part of the lesser wing of the sphenoid, AliSph - greater wing of the sphenoid. In addition, the diagram shows: BOc – body of the occipital bone, Petr – petrous part of the temporal bone, Sq – squama of the temporal bone. II, IX, X, XI, XII - cranial nerves.

During embryogenesis, 12 ossification nuclei are formed in the sphenoid bone:
1 core in each large wing,
1 core in each small wing,
1 nucleus in each lateral plate of the pterygoid processes,
1 nucleus in each medial plate of the pterygoid processes,
2 nuclei in presphenoid,
2 nuclei in postsphenoid.

Division into cartilaginous and membranous ossification of the sphenoid bone:

Large wings and pterygoid processes are formed as a result of membranous ossification. In the remaining parts of the sphenoid bone, ossification occurs according to the cartilaginous type.

Rice. Cartilaginous and membranous ossification of the sphenoid bone.

At the moment of birth, the sphenoid bone consists of three independent parts:

  1. Body of the sphenoid bone and lesser wings
  2. The right greater wing together with the right pterygoid process in one complex
  3. The left greater wing together with the left pterygoid process in one complex
During the first year of life, the three parts of the sphenoid bone fuse into a single whole.

Anatomy of the sphenoid bone

The main parts of the sphenoid bone of an adult are the body in the form of a cube and three pairs of “wings” extending from it.
Small wings extend from the body of the sphenoid bone in the ventral direction, and large wings of the sphenoid bone extend laterally from the body. Finally, caudal to the body of the sphenoid bone lie the pterygoid processes. The wings, or pterygoid processes, are attached to the body by “roots”, between which channels and openings are preserved.

Body of the sphenoid bone

The body of the sphenoid bone has the shape of a cube with a cavity inside - the sphenoidal sinus (sinus sphenoidalis).

Rice. Body of the sphenoid bone andsphenoidal sinus.

The sella turcica, or sella turcica, is located on the upper surface of the body. .

Rice. Turkish saddle, orsella turcica of the sphenoid bone.

The small wings of the sphenoid bone extend from the body by two roots - upper and lower. There remains a hole between the roots - visual channel ( canalis opticus), through which the optic nerve (n. opticus) and the ophthalmic artery (a. ophthalmica) pass.

Rice. Lesser wings of the sphenoid bone.

The small wings of the sphenoid bone participate in the construction of the posterior (dorsal) wall of the orbit.

Rice. Wings of the sphenoid bone in the construction of the dorsal wall of the orbit.

The small wings are projected onto the lateral surface of the cranial vault in the area of ​​the frontozygomatic suture of the outer wall of the orbit. The projection of the lesser wing corresponds to an almost horizontal segment between the frontozygomatic suture ventrally and the pterion dorsally.

In addition, the lesser wings are a “step” between the anterior cranial fossa with the frontal lobe of the brain, and the middle cranial fossa with the temporal lobe.

Large wings of the sphenoid bone

The greater wings of the sphenoid bone arise from the body by three roots: the anterior (also known as the superior), middle and posterior roots.

A round opening (for. rotundum) is formed between the anterior and middle roots, through which the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve (V2 - cranial nerve) passes.
Between the middle and posterior roots, an oval foramen (for. ovale) is formed through which the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve (V3 - cranial nerve) passes.
At the level of the posterior root (either in it or at the junction of the greater wing with the temporal bone), a spinous foramen (for. spinosum) is formed, through which the middle meningeal artery (a. meningea media) passes.

The large wings of the sphenoid bone have three surfaces:

  1. Endocranial surface involved in the base of the middle cranial fossa.
  2. The orbital surface forms the dorsolateral wall of the orbit.
  3. Extracranial surface of the pterion region.

Rice. Endocranial surface of the greater wings of the sphenoid bone.

Rice. Orbital surfacegreater wings of the sphenoid bone posterolateral wall of the orbit.

Rice. The large wing of the sphenoid bone on the lateral surface of the cranial vault.

The infratemporal crest divides the large wing into two parts:
1) Vertical, or temporal part.
2) Horizontal, or infratemporal part.

At the very back of the great wing is the spine of the sphenoid bone, or spina ossis sphenoidalis.

Sutures of the sphenoid bone

Connection of the sphenoid bone with the occipital bone. Spheno-occipital synchondrosis, or as osteopaths say: “S-B-S” has no equal anywhere in its importance. For this reason, to describe it along with other seams would be completely insulting and inexcusable. We'll talk about it later and separately.

Connection of the sphenoid bone with the temporal bone.
Presented in the form of sutures with the petrous pyramid and with the scales of the temporal bone.

Wedge-squamous suture, or sutura spheno-squamosa:
The sphenoid-squamous suture is the connection of the large wing of the sphenoid bone with the squama of the temporal bone. The suture, like the large wing, begins on the vault of the skull and then passes from the lateral surface of the vault of the skull to its base. In the area of ​​this transition there is a reference point, or pivot - punctum spheno-sqamosum (PSS). Thus, two parts can be distinguished in the wedge-squamoid suture.

  1. The vertical part of the suture is from the pterion to the supporting point, punctum sphenosquamosum (PSS), where the suture has an external cut: the temporal bone covers the sphenoid;
  2. The horizontal part of the suture is from the point of support (PSS) to the spine of the sphenoid bone, where the suture has an internal cut: the sphenoid bone covers the temporal bone.

Rice. Scaly-wedge-shaped suture, sutura spheno-squamosa. The vertical part of the seam and the beginning of the horizontal.

Rice. Scaly-wedge-shaped suture, sutura spheno-squamosa. The horizontal part of the seam.

Rice. A scaly-wedge-shaped suture, sutura spheno-squamosa, on the inner surface of the base of the skull.

Sphenoid-stony synchondrosis. Or, as people say, wedge-petrous. Aka synchondrosis spheno-petrosus.

Synchondrosis connects the posterointernal part of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone with the pyramid of the temporal bone.
The sphenopetrosal suture runs dorsolaterally from the foramen lacerum (for. lacerum) between the greater wing and the petrosal. Lies above the cartilage of the auditory tube.

Rice. Wedge-stony synchondrosis (synchondrosis spheno-petrosus).

Gruber, or petrosphenoidal syndesmosis, or ligamentum sphenopetrosus superior ( syndesmosis).

It goes from the apex of the pyramid to the posterior sphenoid processes (to the back of the sella turcica).

Rice. Sphenoid-petrosal ligamentGruber (ligamentum sphenopetrosus superior).

Connection of the sphenoid bone with the ethmoid bone, or wedge-ethmoidal suture, or sutura spheno-ethmoidalis.
In the extensive connection of the anterior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone with the posterior part of the ethmoid bone, three independent sections are distinguished:

  1. The ethmoid process of the sphenoid bone connects to the posterior part of the horizontal (perforated) plate of the ethmoid bone (in green in the figure).
  2. The anterior sphenoid crest is connected to the posterior part by the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone (in red in the figure).
  3. The hemi-sinuses of the sphenoid bone are combined with the hemi-sinuses of the ethmoid bone (in the picture in yellow and weaving).
Rice. Wedge-ethmoid suture, sutura spheno-ethmoidalis.

Connection of the sphenoid bone with the parietal bone occurs through sutura spheno-temporalis.
The connection lies in the region of the pterion, where the posterosuperior edge of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone connects with the anteroinferior angle of the parietal bone. In this case, the sphenoid bone covers the parietal bone on top.

Rice. The connection of the sphenoid bone with the parietal bone, or sutura sphenotemporalis.

Connection of the sphenoid bone with the palatine bone.
The connection occurs in three independent areas, which is why there are three seams:

  1. The sphenoid process of the palatine bone is connected to the lower surface of the body of the sphenoid bone by a harmonious suture.
  2. The orbital process is connected to the anterior inferior edge of the body of the sphenoid bone by a harmonious suture.
  3. The pyramidal process with its posterior edge enters the pterygoid fissure. Shuttle movement.
Connection of the sphenoid bone with the frontal bone, or sutura sphenofrontalis.
The greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone ventrally connect to the frontal bone and form independent sutures:

The connection between the anterior surface of the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone and the posterior edge of the orbital plates of the frontal bone is a harmonious suture (green in the figure). This deep suture is projected onto the lateral surface of the skull in the area of ​​the frontozygomatic suture.

The suture between the L-shaped articular surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and the outer columns of the frontal bone (in red in the figure). The L-shaped suture is more complex, and consists of a small shoulder (directed towards the sella turcica) and a large shoulder (directed towards the tip of the nose). Part of the L-shaped suture is accessible to direct palpation on the lateral surface of the cranial vault in the area of ​​the pterion: ventral to the greater wing of the sphenoid bone.

Rice. Connection of the sphenoid bone with the frontal bone.

Connection of the sphenoid bone with the zygomatic bone, or to
In the outer wall of the orbit, the anterior edge of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone connects with the posterior edge of the zygomatic bone.

Rice. TO zygomatic suture, or sutura sphenozygomatica.

Connection of the sphenoid bone with the vomer, or sutura sphenovomeralis.
On the lower surface of the body of the sphenoid bone there is a lower wedge-shaped ridge that connects to the upper edge of the vomer. In this case, a compound is formed: schindelosis. It allows longitudinal sliding movements.

Craniosacral mobility of the sphenoid bone.

The role of the sphenoid bone in the implementation of the primary respiratory mechanism is immeasurable. The movement of the anterior quadrants of the skull depends on the sphenoid bone.

Axis of motion of the sphenoid bone.
The axis of craniosacral mobility of the sphenoid bone passes transversely through the lower edge of the anterior wall of the sella turcica. We can also say that the axis lies at the intersection of two planes: the horizontal plane at the level of the bottom of the sella turcica and the frontal plane at the level of the anterior wall of the sella turcica.

Rice. Movement of the sphenoid bone during the flexion phase of the primary respiratory mechanism.

The transverse axis of the sphenoid bone emerges onto the surface of the cranial vault, crossing the sphenosquamous pivots (PSS – punctum sphenosquamous pivot).
Continuing further, the axis of movement of the sphenoid bone crosses the middle of the zygomatic arch.

Rice. The crosshair corresponds to the projection of the axis of movement of the sphenoid bone. The arrow is the direction of movement of the large wings during the flexion phase of the primary respiratory mechanism.

During the flexion phase of the primary respiratory mechanism:
The body of the sphenoid bone rises;
The large wings extend ventro-caudo-laterally towards the mouth.
The pterygoid processes diverge and descend;

During the extension phase of the primary respiratory mechanism:
The body of the sphenoid bone descends;
Large wings extend upward, posteriorly and inwardly;
The pterygoid processes converge and rise.

Sphenoid bone

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