Methodology for testing and assessing indicators of the development of physical qualities and motor abilities. Requirements for the selection of physical games and exercises

Tests to assess physical qualities

muscle strength

Kraus-Weber test

1. To determine the strength of the abdominal muscles and hip extensors, use the exercise “squat from a supine position, hands behind the head.” In the event that a student cannot rise, he receives 0 points; if he performs the exercise partially with the help of a teacher, he receives 5 points; if performed correctly independently, he receives 10 points.

2. To determine the strength of the abdominal muscles, use the exercise “squatting from a supine position with bent knees.” Scoring is done in the same way as when performing the first exercise.

3. To determine the strength of the hip flexor muscles and abdominal muscles, the exercise “raising the legs from a supine position” is used. The student being tested must raise his feet 10 inches (25.4 cm) above the floor and hold them there for as long as possible. One point is awarded for every second. The maximum number of points awarded is 10.

4. To determine the strength of the back muscles, use the exercise “raising the torso from a prone position.” The person being tested lies on his stomach on a special pillow and places his hands behind his head.

The partner fixes his legs, after which he raises his torso and holds it in this position for 10 s. Scoring is carried out as in the previous exercise.

5. The starting position of the next exercise - “raising the legs while lying on your stomach”: - is the same as in the previous one. The partner fixes the upper part of his body, after which the subject raises his straight legs above the floor and holds them in this position for 10 s.

Scoring is carried out in the same way as in exercise 3.

6. The last exercise - bending the torso - is performed to determine the level of development of flexibility. The test taker must touch the floor with his fingertips - in this case, the exercise is considered completed. If it does not reach the floor, then the result is the number of centimeters from the floor to the fingertips with a minus sign.

The total number of points is calculated. Kraus believes that individuals who are unable to meet these minimum requirements cannot be considered sufficiently physically developed.

Tests to determine speed

a) Sitting at the table, hand on the table. Performing movements only with a brush, in 10 seconds apply the maximum number of dots on a sheet of paper with a pencil.

b) Standing, in your right hand bent at a right angle, take the ruler vertically so that its zero mark is at the same level as your little finger. Unclench, releasing the ruler, and immediately clench your fingers again as quickly as possible. The shorter the distance from the bottom edge of the ruler to the palm, the better.

c) Run in place for 10 seconds. The more steps you can take during this time, the better the result.

Endurance tests

1. We measure the pulse

Take your pulse. In a healthy person it should be about 60–80 beats per minute. Start squatting at a relaxed pace. After you have squatted 20 times, take your pulse again. If it increases by more than 20 beats per minute, it means that your cardiovascular system is not responding well to light physical activity. Therefore, it makes sense to think about being examined by a doctor - firstly, and secondly, that you do not have enough physical activity in your life.

2. We measure the pressure

Almost the same way to assess your endurance exists with measuring blood pressure. A healthy person's blood pressure is about 120 over 80. After measuring the pressure, take a new measurement. If your blood pressure rises by more than 20 millimeters of mercury, you need to examine your blood vessels: your cardiovascular system is not ready for such stress.

3. Get on the path

A more difficult way is to go to the gym and get on a treadmill, turn on the speed of 6 kilometers per hour and see how long it takes for your heart rate to increase by 20 beats per minute. If this happens after 3-4 minutes or earlier, this is also a reason to think about the state of your cardiovascular system.

4. Measuring your breathing

You can evaluate your endurance by counting the number of inhalations and exhalations. Typically, a person makes 14–18 breathing movements per minute (inhalation and exhalation). Then give yourself a load - the same 20 squats or 5 minutes of walking on a track at a speed of 6 kilometers per hour and see how fast your breathing increases. If you experience shortness of breath, if you find it difficult to breathe, or if your breathing rate has increased by a third or more, it means that you have problems with the endurance of your respiratory system; it does not adapt well to physical activity.

Tests to determine flexibility

1. Mobility in the shoulder joint. The subject, holding the ends of a gymnastic stick (rope), twists his straight arms backwards. The mobility of the shoulder joint is assessed by the distance between the hands when twisted: the smaller the distance, the higher the flexibility of this joint, and vice versa. In addition, the smallest distance between the hands is compared with the width of the subject’s shoulder girdle. Active abduction of straight arms upward from a position lying on the chest, arms forward. The greatest distance from the floor to the fingertips is measured.

2. Mobility of the spinal column. Determined by the degree of forward tilt of the body. The subject, standing on a bench (or sitting on the floor), leans forward to the limit without bending his knees. The flexibility of the spine is assessed using a ruler or tape based on the distance in centimeters from the zero mark to the third finger of the hand. If the fingers do not reach the zero mark, then the measured distance is indicated by a minus sign (-), and if they fall below the zero mark, by a plus sign (+).

"Bridge". The result (in cm) is measured from the heels to the fingertips of the subject. The shorter the distance, the higher the level of flexibility, and vice versa.

3. Mobility in the hip joint. The subject strives to spread his legs as wide as possible: 1) to the sides and 2) back and forth, supporting himself on his hands. The level of mobility in a given joint is assessed by the distance from the floor to the pelvis (tailbone): the shorter the distance, the higher the level of flexibility, and vice versa.

4. Mobility in the knee joints. The subject performs a squat with his arms extended forward or his arms behind his head. A full squat indicates high mobility in these joints.

5. Mobility in the ankle joints. Various parameters of movements in joints should be measured based on compliance with standard testing conditions: 1) identical initial positions of body links; 2) the same (standard) warm-up; 3) repeat flexibility measurements at the same time, since these conditions somehow affect mobility in the joints.

Passive flexibility is determined by the greatest amplitude that can be achieved due to external influences. It is determined by the greatest amplitude that can be achieved due to an external force, the magnitude of which must be the same for all measurements, otherwise an objective assessment of passive flexibility cannot be obtained. The measurement of passive flexibility is suspended when the external force causes pain.

Agility Tests

1. Shuttle run 3 times 10 m (determines the ability to quickly and accurately adjust your actions in accordance with the requirements of a suddenly changing situation).

The child stands at the control line, at the signal “march” (at this moment the teacher starts the stopwatch) three times covers a 10-meter distance, at which cubes (5 pieces) are located in a straight line. The child runs around each cube without touching it. The total running time is recorded.

2. Static balance (the test reveals and trains the coordination abilities of children).

The child stands in a stance - the toe of the back leg is closely adjacent to the heel of the front leg - and tries to maintain balance at the same time. The child completes the task with his eyes open. The time required to maintain balance is recorded with a stopwatch. Of the two attempts, the best result is recorded.

3. Tossing and catching a ball (dexterity and coordination test). The child takes the starting position (feet shoulder-width apart) and with both hands throws up a ball with a diameter of 15-20 cm as many times as possible. The child is asked to make 2 attempts. The best result is recorded.

Assessment of the level of development of physical qualities and motor abilities is carried out based on the results of testing based on a set of various exercises. The standard testing program for all sports includes:

    Running 30 m from a high start;

    Continuous running for 5 minutes;

    Shuttle run 3 x 10 m;

    10-second run in place with maximum frequency of movements;

    Standing long jump;

    Standing jump;

    Jumping with “increases”;

    Hanging pull-ups;

    Medicine ball throw;

    Twist with a stick;

    Lean forward.

During the Cycling Day, 5 types of testing are offered that most reveal the level of indicators of the development of physical qualities and motor abilities.

Organization and conduct of testing

When conducting testing, special attention should be paid to compliance with the requirements of the instructions and the creation of uniform conditions for performing exercises for all students of the Sports and Youth Sports School. Testing is carried out in accordance with the internal calendar of the Sports and Youth Sports School 2 times a year (October, May annually). The test results are entered into the athlete’s personal card. When transferring to another sports school, it serves as the basis for the inclusion of the athlete in the lists of training groups.
Below are brief instructions for testing young athletes according to the specified program.
Run 30 meters from a high start.It is carried out on the stadium track in sports shoes without spikes. The number of starters in a race is determined by the conditions under which the runners do not interfere with each other. After a 10-15 minute warm-up, the start is given.
Standing long jump, cm- is performed by pushing two legs from the line and edge of the board onto a surface that prevents a hard landing. The jump distance is measured using a steel tape measure.
Hanging pull-ups on the bar, number of times. Execute from hanging position with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart, tempo of execution -
arbitrary. The pull-up is considered completed if, when bending the armsthe chin is above the bar. Attempts are not counted auxiliary movements of the legs and torso.
Throwing a medicine ball weighing 2 kg forward from behind the head, cm. Performed from a position with legs apart, the ball in outstretched arms behind the head. Before throwing, the athlete takes a position at the starting line in which the pelvic angle formed when spreading the legs does not go beyond the starting line. The throwing distance is measured with a tape measure.
Forward tilt, cm. Performed from a position standing on a gymnastic bench, legs together and straightened. The depth of the inclination is measured by the distance between the tips of the fingers and the upper surface of the bench using two rulers fixed vertically to the bench, so that the zero marks coincide with the upper edge of the bench. One ruler faces up, the other faces down. If the test subject's fingertips are below the top edge of the bench, the result is recorded with a + sign, if higher - with a - sign. It is not allowed to bend your knees or make jerking movements.

Evaluation of test results.

The tables show scales of uniform regulatory requirements for assessing the level of development of physical qualities and motor abilities. For a number of exercises (Down Bend), which mainly characterize joint mobility or some psychophysiological mechanisms important for sports, the regulatory requirements are the same for all age groups. These indicators may show negative changes with age.
The total assessment of the results of testing indicators of physical qualities and motor abilities in groups of cyclists should be 15 points for completing 5 tests.

Standards for assessing the development of flexibility





Forward tilt, cm

11 and more

16 and over

From 0.5 to 10.5

From 5.5 to 15.5

From 0 to -10

-5 to +5

From -10.5 to -20.5

-5.5 to -15.5

From -21 and over

From -16 and more

Regulatory requirements for assessing indicators of the development of physical qualities and motor abilities



Age groups, years (Young men)


15 and art.

Run 30 m, s

5,6 and men.

5.3 and less

5.0 and men.

4.7 and men.

4.4 and men.

4.2 and men.


















5,3 - 5,7

7.2 and more

6.9 and more

6.6 and more

6.3 and more

6.0 and more

5.8 and more

standing length

186 and more

196 and more

211 and more

226 and more

236 and more

251 and more


181 -195




236 - 250



181 - 195


206 - 220

221 - 235

141 - 155



181 - 195


206 - 220

140 and men.

150 and men.

165 and men.

180 and men.

190 and men.

205 and men.

Medicine ball throw

366 and more

396 and more

436 and more

486 and more

536 and more

586 and more




436 - 485

486 - 535

536 - 585



346 - 390




211 -260

261 - 305



386 - 435

436 - 485

210 and men.

260 and men.

300 and men.

335 and men.

385 and men.

435 and men.

Suspenders hanging from the hang,

11 and over

13 and over

15 and over

18 and older

21 and older

25 and over








8- 12

9- 14


1 -4




15 and art.

Run 30 m, s

5.8 and men.

5.6 and more

5.3 and less

5.0 and men.

4.8 and men.

4.5 and less



5,4 - 5,8



4,6 - 5,0






5L -5.5







7.4 and more

7.2 and more

6.9 and more

6.6 and more

6.4 and more

6.1 and combat

Jump in standing length

171 and more

181 and more

191 and more

206 and more

221 and more

231 and more

161 - 170

171 - 180

181 - 190




151 - 160

161 - 170

171 - 180

186- 195



141 - 150


161 - 170


191 - 200

201 - 210

140 and men.

150 and men.

160 and men.

175 and men.

190 and men.

200 and men.

Throw medicine ball
weighing 2 kg, cm

271 and more

301 and more

361 and more

391 and more

43 I and more

501 and more


271 - 300

321 - 360



461 - 500



281 - 320







271 -310

341 - 370


180 and men.

210 and men.

240 and men.

270 and men.

340 and men.

380 and men.

from hanging to
hands, quantity

8 and over

9 and more

10 and more

14 and over

15 and over

16 and over





3 and men.

As you know, there are two types of strength: static (isometric) and dynamic (isotonic). Dynamometers are used to measure the level of development of static strength of various muscle groups.

In secondary schools in different countries, the tests below are most often used to assess the level of strength development. Their implementation does not require any special expensive inventory and equipment.

1) Pull-ups.

Used to assess the level of development of strength and endurance of the flexor muscles of the elbow, hand, fingers, shoulder extensors, and depressors of the shoulder girdle. Strength indicator is the number of pull-ups.

A simplified version of pull-ups is used when testing students with a low level of training.

Testing procedure. The crossbar is installed at the level of the subject’s chest, he takes it with an overhand grip (palms facing away from himself) and lowers himself under the crossbar until the angle between the outstretched arms and the torso is 90°. After this, maintaining a straight body position, the student performs pull-ups.

2) Push-ups on parallel bars.

This test can assess the level of strength development of the elbow extensor, shoulder flexor and shoulder girdle depressor muscles. The test can be performed simultaneously by two students (at different ends of the bars), which gives the teacher the opportunity to test 60 students within 40 minutes.

Testing procedure. The subject stands facing the ends of the bars (it is necessary to select and set a comfortable height and distance between them), jumps up and takes a position in support, after which he bends his elbows at an angle of 90° or less, and then straightens them again. The goal is to perform as many push-ups as possible. Their counting begins with taking a position in support. A correctly performed push-up is worth 1 point, an incorrect one - 0.5 points.

3) Push-ups from the floor. A simplified version of push-ups is used when testing students with a low level of training. There are several modifications to this exercise. Here are the two most common: push-ups from a bench 20 cm high; pushups

with bent knees (performed in the same way as push-ups, but with emphasis on bent knees).

4) Raising the body from a lying position.

Testing procedure. The subject lies on his back, clasping his hands behind his head, then, without bending his knees, takes a sitting position, alternately touching the opposite knee with his bent elbows and returning to the starting position.

5) Raising the body from a lying position with bent knees.

Like the previous one, this exercise is used to assess the level of development of strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles.

Testing procedure. The subject lies on his back, clasping his hands behind his head and bending his knees so that the entire surface of his feet touches the floor (the partner holds his feet in this position). The rest of the exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one.

6) Hanging on bent and half-bent arms.

The exercise is used to assess the strength endurance of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle.

Testing procedure. The subject assumes a hanging position on a high bar. Then, independently or with the help of a teacher, assumes a hanging position on bent arms (with an overhand or underhand grip, chin over the bar) or a hanging position on half-bent arms (the angle between the forearm and the humerus is 90°). The time of holding this position is determined from the beginning of its adoption until the exercise is stopped or the initial position is changed (the angle of holding bent or half-bent arms is changed).

7) Test to assess the strength of the knee and hip extensors.

Testing procedure. The subject stands with his back close to the wall and begins to lower himself along it until the angles at the knee and hip joints are 90°. The time it takes to hold a given pose is assessed.

  • 8) Lifting a barbell, kettlebell, other weights of the maximum weight for the test subject, as well as a weight of 50-95% of the maximum.
  • 9) Lifting with a coup on a high crossbar.

Testing procedure. After doing a pull-up, the subject does a flip-up lift and moves into a point-blank position. Then he lowers himself to the hang position again. The number of repetitions is determined

10) Rope climbing.

Testing procedure. In the first option, the subject, using only his hands (legs down), strives to rise to a height of 4 or 5 m as quickly as possible. In the second option, he tries to do the same, but maintaining a right angle between his legs and torso (for students with a high level of strength). In the third, the subject performs the same control exercise with the help of his legs (for students with a low level of strength readiness).

For measuring speed-strength abilities The following tests are used:

  • a) jump up from a place with a swing and without swinging your arms. The test is carried out using a device designed by V.M. Abalkova. The height of the jump is determined;
  • b) standing long jump with two legs;
  • c) triple (quadruple) jump from foot to foot, option - only on the right and only on the left foot;
  • d) throwing a small ball (another projectile) from a place to a distance with the leading and non-dominant hand. The flight length of the projectile is determined. The motor asymmetry of the subject is determined by the difference in throwing lengths separately with the right and left hands. The smaller it is, the more symmetrical the student is in this exercise;
  • e) throwing (push) a medicine ball (1-3 kg) from various starting positions with two and one hand.

Testing procedure. Throwing a medicine ball from a sitting position with legs apart, the ball is held with both hands above the head. From this position, the subject leans back slightly and throws the ball forward as far as possible. Out of three attempts, the best result is counted. The throwing length is determined from the imaginary line of intersection of the pelvis and torso to the closest point of contact of the projectile.

Throwing a medicine ball with both hands from the chest in a standing position. The subject stands 50 cm from the wall in the starting position. On command, he strives to push the ball with both hands from his chest as far as possible. Out of three attempts, the best result is taken into account.

Same as the previous control test, but the subject holds the medicine ball with one hand at the shoulder, while the other supports it. The medicine ball is pushed with one hand to a distance of flight.

Throwing a medicine ball with both hands from below. The subject holds the ball with both straight hands below. On command, he throws with both hands from below (the hands move forward and upward), possibly simultaneously lifting onto the toes.

Throwing a medicine ball from behind the head with two hands, standing with your back to the direction of throwing. The subject, holding the ball down with both hands, tries to push the ball over his head as far as possible.

f) Long-distance kick (pass, pass) of a soccer ball. The distance from the line where the ball is hit to the point where the ball first touches the floor is determined.

In addition to individual tests to assess the level of development of strength qualities, batteries of tests are often used in secondary schools in different countries. The result of a battery of tests provides more complete information about the level of development of strength qualities, since the results of individual tests can be used to judge the level of strength development of only individual muscle groups. An example of such test batteries is Roger's test, including measuring the strength of the muscles of the hand, back, arms and determining the vital capacity of the lungs (VC). Based on the results of performing special exercises, the muscle strength of the upper shoulder girdle (UPG) is calculated using the following formula:

SVPP = number of pull-ups + number of push-ups * 10 (weight/10 + height - 60).

Then the strength index (SI) is calculated using the formula:

IP = SVPP + right hand strength + left hand strength + strength

back muscles + leg muscle strength + VOL.

The obtained result is compared with the relevant standards.

Another example of a battery of tests to assess the level of strength development is the so-called minimum strength test. Kraus-Weber. It consists of 6 exercises:

  • - to determine the strength of the abdominal muscles and hip extensors, the squat exercise is used from a supine position with your hands behind your head. If a student cannot rise, he receives 0 points; if he performs the exercise partially with the help of a teacher - 5 points; if performed correctly independently - 10 points.
  • - to determine the strength of the abdominal muscles, use the squat exercise from a position lying on your back with bent knees. Scoring is done in the same way as in the first exercise.
  • - to determine the strength of the hip flexor muscles and abdominal muscles, the leg lifting exercise is used in a supine position. The test taker should raise his straight legs 10 inches above the floor and hold them in this position for as long as possible. One point is awarded for every second. The maximum number of points awarded is 10.
  • - to determine the strength of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, the exercise of lifting the torso from a lying position on the stomach is used. The person being tested lies on his stomach on a special pillow, with his hands behind his head. The partner fixes his legs, after which he raises his torso and holds it in this position for 10 s. Scoring is done in the same way as in the previous exercise.
  • - the starting position of the exercise, lifting the legs while lying on your stomach, is the same as in the previous one. The partner fixes the upper part of the subject’s torso, after which he raises his straight legs above the floor and holds them in this position for 10 s. Scoring is done in the same way as in Exercise 3.
  • - the exercise of bending the torso from a standing position is performed to determine the level of development of flexibility. The test taker must, bending down and without bending his knees, touch the floor with his fingertips. In this case, the exercise is considered completed. If it does not reach the floor, then the result is the number of centimeters from the floor to the fingertips with a minus sign.

To assess physical fitness, test exercises recommended by V. I. Lyakh were used:

Six minute run

Pull up

Shuttle run (3x10 m),

Standing long jump

Running in place with a high hip raise for 10 s (times),

Bend forward from a sitting position on the floor (one time). Six-minute run (m).

This test was carried out in the gym. The girls ran, trying to cover a given distance in the shortest possible time. Time was recorded to the nearest tenth of a second. This test helped determine the level of endurance development.

Pull-ups (number of times). It was used to assess the development of strength endurance of muscles - flexors of the elbow, hand, fingers, shoulder extensors, depressors of the shoulder girdle. The strength indicator is the number of pull-ups. Testing procedure. The pull-up was performed on a high bar, the subject grabbed it with an overhand grip (palms facing away from you) and lowered herself under the bar. After this, while maintaining a straight body position, stretching was performed.

Shuttle run 3×10 m (sec). Used to assess coordination and speed abilities. The test was carried out in the gym. The subjects ran at maximum speed for three ten-meter segments. At the command “Start!” The subjects took the high start position. When they were ready, the command “March!” followed. The subject ran ten meters to another line, touched it, came back, touched the line again, ran ten meters three times and finished. Time was recorded to the nearest tenth of a second.

Standing long jump (cm). Used to assess speed and strength qualities. Testing procedure. The test was carried out in the gym. The subject stood on the line, pushed off with both feet, without crossing it with her toes. The legs were placed shoulder-width apart and the arms were swinging. The jump was performed three times, the best result was counted, which was determined by the place where the heels touched the floor.

Running in place with a high hip lift for 10 seconds (times). The girl must perform the maximum possible number of bends in the knee joint in 10 seconds, while the thigh should be located at a horizontal level. Bend forward from a sitting position on the floor. The legs are straightened at the knee joints, the feet are vertical, the distance between them is 20–30 cm. Bending the legs at the knees is not allowed.

Pedagogical experiment

The pedagogical experiment was carried out to study the effectiveness of the use of health-improving gymnastics in the physical improvement of girls aged 16-18 years.

Before conducting the pedagogical experiment, physical qualities were tested. At the end of the experiment, a comparative analysis of these indicators was carried out.

Methods of mathematical statistics.

Methods of mathematical statistics were used for statistical processing of the research results. The results were processed using specialized software. The numerical characteristics of the samples were determined: arithmetic mean (x av), standard deviation (δ).

The significance of differences was calculated using the Mann-Whitney U test.


H0: The level of the trait in sample I is not higher than the level of the trait in sample II.

H1: The level of the trait in sample I is higher than the level of the trait in sample II.

Calculation of the U-test value for each sample

Finding Uamp equal to the smallest of the values ​​UA and UB:

Uamp. = min(UA;UB)

If Uamp.≤Ucr. at a certain level of significance, then H0 is rejected, and H1 is accepted at this level of significance.

If Uamp.>Ucr. at some level of significance, then H0 is accepted at the same level of significance.

The smaller Uamp. the more likely it is that the shift in the typical direction is statistically significant.

2.3. Organization of the study

The study was conducted at the “Specialized Children and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve” Sports Complex “Neftyanik” from April 20 to May 17, 2016.

The study involved 2 groups of girls 16-18 years old, 10 people each.

The girls of the experimental group were trained in recreational gymnastics.

The control group studied according to the school curriculum.

The physical education program was carried out over a period of 4 months. In December, both groups of girls were tested and a comparative analysis of the tests was carried out.

Chapter 3. Study of the effectiveness of the use of health-improving gymnastics in the physical improvement of girls 16-18 years old

3.1. Methods of health-improving gymnastics

Physical education is part of universal human culture and is considered as the basis for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for a child. Here children grow, develop, gain knowledge and life experience, the vital physiological systems of the student’s body mature and improve, they increase adaptive capabilities and resistance to external influences, acquire the necessary motor skills and abilities, physical qualities, and the personality as a whole is formed.

One of the main tasks of physical education is to develop in students the need for systematic physical exercise and sports, to form the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle (HLS), and to acquire knowledge in the educational field of “Physical Education”.

In both groups (classes), physical education lessons were conducted according to the school curriculum (V.I. Lyakh, 2011), which included sections: athletics, sports games (basketball, volleyball), gymnastics, etc.

The experimental group included health-improving gymnastics lessons: rhythmic gymnastics and aerobics complexes.

Depending on weather conditions, classes were held both at the school stadium and in the gym.

When compiling sets of exercises, we were guided by the fact that at high school age it is necessary to teach ways to creatively apply acquired knowledge, independently engage in physical exercises, compose sets of exercises, and consciously apply them for the purposes of relaxation, training, and improving performance.

The gymnastics lesson consisted of three interconnected parts: preparatory, main and final.

The main part of the lesson is decisive and dominant in the structure of the lesson. It is in this part of the lesson that almost all planned educational work with students is carried out and the maximum load on their body is also carried out in this part of the lesson.

The purpose of the preparatory part of the lesson is to organize the class and ensure the physiological preparation of the students’ bodies for the upcoming educational work.

The main part of the lesson solves the most important problems of gymnastics - studying and improving gymnastic exercises, developing physical qualities (strength, flexibility, agility, speed, endurance), improving the functioning of the functional systems of the body and the psychomotor skills of schoolchildren.

The purpose of the final part of the lesson is to complete the students’ educational work, reduce the load and bring their body to a relatively calm state, sum up the lesson and orient students to subsequent activities.

Rhythmic gymnastics

The main exercises are various types of walking and running, spring and wave-like movements of the torso and arms, swings and swings of certain parts of the body, jumping, turning, clapping, stamping, in order to more accurately and quickly master the counting tempo of the exercises being learned. To make the exercises easy and beautiful, exercises for flexibility, joint mobility and jumping are included.

Rhythmic gymnastics is very popular among high school girls, because... In addition to the beneficial load on the body, it develops hearing, musical memory and a sense of rhythm.

The proposed rhythmic gymnastics complex is designed for high school girls. The music accompanying the classes was chosen to be quite rhythmic, with a high emotional charge, delivering aesthetic pleasure and causing a desire to move. We started mastering the complex with five exercises and added one at each lesson. Physical activity is monitored by heart rate indicators: before classes, 2-4 times during classes after the most strenuous exercises, immediately after finishing gymnastics and after 5-10 minutes. recreation. Classes on the complex should be carried out 2-3 times a week. When performing exercises, breathe freely without holding your breath.

A set of exercises is presented in Appendix 2.

When performing exercises to develop the respiratory muscles (8-19), special attention was paid to head movement. Exercises 20-26 help strengthen the abdominal respiratory muscles. They need to be repeated 6-8 times.

One of the varieties of rhythmic gymnastics is aerobics.

Aerobics is an excellent means of versatile physical development, and a health aerobics lesson is the most successful form of comprehensive exercise for high school girls, allowing them to develop physical qualities and contribute to the correction of their physique. Strength, endurance, flexibility plus beauty and health - this is the formula for healthy aerobics.

Rhythmic music makes an aerobics lesson attractive and emotional. Under it, the physiological and psychological functions of the body are activated: the heart rate increases, blood vessels dilate, metabolism improves, and performance increases. Music sets not only the rhythm, but also the tempo of movements, and as a result, increases physical activity.

Regular aerobic exercise increases the functionality of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, activates metabolic processes, and leads to other beneficial changes in the human body.

An approximate set of aerobics exercises is presented in Appendix 3.

The exercises were performed 3-4 times in a row.

Another form of recreational activities for girls is shaping (translated from English as getting in shape). This is a system of strength exercises for girls aimed at correcting their figure and improving the functional state of the body. Shaping allows you to find a beautiful figure, regardless of age and external data.

The difference between shaping and aerobics is that in aerobics classes everyone repeats the same exercises after the teacher, regardless of whether they are difficult for you or, conversely, too simple. In shaping, there is a calculated and individual approach to those involved. Each girl is checked for her state of health, degree of readiness for exercise, and anthropometric data. Tests are carried out for flexibility, reaction speed, and strength endurance. Then a recommended training and nutrition regimen is given, the nature of the exercises and the model that the girl will strive for differs. Once a week, repeated testing is required to determine how much the rating has increased during the classes, since almost every girl faces the same eternal problem - getting rid of excess weight and fat folds. The exercises are chosen to be quite simple in terms of coordination.

3.2. The effectiveness of health-improving gymnastics

The effectiveness of the program was tested by testing the physical qualities of girls before and after the pedagogical experiment.

The results of testing the girls of the experimental group are presented in table. 1, control group – table. 2.

Table 1 – Test results for girls in the experimental group

No. of subjects Run 30 m, sec Pull-up, times Shuttle run, 3×10 m Standing long jump, cm
5,5 8,9
5,6 8,7
5,3 9,1
5,6 9,5
5,5 8,2
5,9 8,6
6,0 9,0
5,5 9,1
5,6 8,9
5,4 8,5
М±m 5.59±0.02 2.4±0.24 8.85×0.04 165.2±5.76 15.8±0.58 15±0.81

Let us present the results of the control group.

Table 2 – Test results for girls in the control group

No. of subjects Run 30 m, sec Pull-up, times Shuttle run, 3×10 m Standing long jump, cm Running in place with a high hip raise for 10 s (times) Bend forward from a sitting position on the floor, once
5,8 8,5
5,2 8,6
6,1 8,1
5,3 9,3
5,8 9,0
5,6 8,4
5,8 8,6
5,8 9,2
5,5 8,4
6,0 7,9
М±m 5.69±0.81 3.0±0.22 8.6±0.07 165.5±4.46 16.1±0.7 14.9±0.48
Uamp 49,5 43,5
R* >0,05 >0,05 >0,05 >0,05 >0,05 >0,05

So, the testing of the physical qualities of the girls made it possible to establish that the girls of both groups do not differ from each other in physical development, which was statistically proven by the Mann-Whitney test. Consequently, girls of almost the same level of development were selected for the study.

After the pedagogical experiment, the girls were re-tested and the effectiveness of the use of health-improving gymnastics in physical improvement was assessed.

The test results are presented in table. 3 and 4 experimental and control groups, respectively.

Table 3 – Results of testing girls in the experimental group after the pedagogical experiment

No. of subjects Run 30 m, sec Pull-up, times Shuttle run, 3×10 m Standing long jump, cm Running in place with a high hip raise for 10 s (times) Bend forward from a sitting position on the floor, once
5,0 7,8
4,9 6,0
5,1 7,9
5,2 7,2
5,0 6,2
4,9 6,9
4,8 5,9
5,2 6,0
5,1 5,9
5,0 6,2
М±m 5.02±0.01 5.7±0.45 6.6±0.21 181.7±7.04 19.6±0.53 25.9±0.63

Table 4 – Test results for girls in the control group

No. of subjects Run 30 m, sec Pull-up, times Shuttle run, 3×10 m Standing long jump, cm Running in place with a high hip raise for 10 s (times) Bend forward from a sitting position on the floor, once
5,7 8,4
5,2 8,5
6,0 8,1
5,3 9,3
5,7 8,9
5,6 8,4
5,8 8,5
5,7 9,0
5,4 8,4
6,0 7,7
М±m 5.64±0.02 3.4±0.3 8.52±0.07 165.5±4.46 16.5±0.91 15.6±0.61
Uamp 6,5
R* <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05

* in relation to the experimental group

So, as a result of the study, significantly different indicators of the physical development of girls in both groups were established. The experimental group has significantly better results, with a probability of more than 95%.

Let's look at each indicator.

In Fig. 1 we present the results of the test “without at 30 m”.

Rice. 1. Results of the 30 m run test, sec

Before the experiment, the “30 m run” in the experimental group was 5.59 ± 0.02 seconds, after the experiment it was 5.02 ± 0.01 seconds. The result improved by 10.2%, which is statistically significant with a probability of more than 95%.

In the control group, “running 30 m” was 5.69±0.03 seconds before the experiment and 5.64±0.02 seconds after the experiment. The result improved by 0.9%, which is not statistically significant (p>0.05).

Pull-up on the bar. The test results are presented in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Pull-up test results, times

In the experimental group, girls did pull-ups on average 2.4±0.24 times before the experiment, and 5.7±0.45 times after the experiment. The result improved by 137.5%. The results are statistically significant (p<0,05).

In the control group, girls did pull-ups 3.0±0.22 times before the experiment and 3.4±0.3 times after the experiment. The test improved by 0.4 times or 13%. The improvement in the result was not statistically confirmed (p>0.05).

In Fig. Figure 3 shows the results of the “shuttle run 3x10 m” test.

Rice. 3. Results of the test “shuttle run 3×10 m”, sec

The girls in the experimental group passed the test 8.85±0.04 seconds before the experiment, and 6.6±0.21 seconds after the experiment. The test improved by 2.25 seconds or 25.4% (p<0,05).

In the control group, the test improved by 0.08 seconds (0.9%). The differences in the results are not statistically significant (p>0.05). So, before the experiment, the girls’ test time was 8.6±0.07 seconds and after the experiment – ​​8.52±0.07 seconds.

In Fig. Figure 4 shows the results of the standing long jump test.

Rice. 4. Results of the standing long jump test, cm

In the experimental group, before the experiment, the test for girls averaged 165.2±5.76 cm, after the experiment - 181.7±7.04 cm. The test improved by 16.5 cm or 10%. The differences in the results are statistically significant.

In the control group, the test for girls was 165.5±4.46 cm and after the experiment - 166.2±3.99 cm. The test improved by 0.7 cm or 0.4%.

In Fig. Figure 5 shows the results of the test “running in place with a high hip lift for 10 seconds.”

Rice. 5. Results of the test “running in place with a high hip lift for 10 seconds”, sec

Before the experiment in the experimental group the test was 15.8±0.58 times, after the experiment – ​​19.6±0.53 times. The result improved by 3.8 times or 24.1%, the differences in the results are statistically significant.

In the control group, the test was 16.1±0.7 times before the experiment and 16.5±0.91 times. The result improved by 0.4 times or 2.5%. The differences in the results are not statistically significant (p>0.05).

In Fig. Figure 6 shows the “bend forward from a position on the floor” test.

Rice. 6. Results of the test “bending forward from a position on the floor”, times

The forward bends from a position on the floor in the girls of the experimental group were 15±0.81 times and after the experiment – ​​25.9±0.63 times. The result improved by 14.9 times or 99%. The differences in the results are statistically significant.

In the control group, the test was 14.9±0.48 times and after the experiment – ​​15.6±0.61 times. The result improved by 4.7%.

So, the presented data clearly shows us the effectiveness of the use of health-improving gymnastics, in particular rhythmic gymnastics and aerobics, in the physical improvement of girls 16-18 years old.

Health-improving gymnastics allows you to develop such physical qualities as speed endurance, strength, agility, speed, and flexibility.

Considering that the tests used to assess physical fitness reflect the level of development of basic physical qualities, it can be assumed that the proposed sets of health-improving gymnastics exercises can effectively influence the improvement of the physical qualities of girls aged 16-18 years.

Thus, the research conducted and the results obtained allow us to conclude that the complexes of health-improving types of gymnastics we proposed have a positive effect on the physical fitness of girls.


As a result of the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, it was established that the current state of school education is characterized by a constant increase in educational loads against the background of pronounced psycho-emotional stress, low physical activity of students, which, in turn, leads to a systematic violation of the main elements of the daily routine of schoolchildren: the average duration of sleep is reduced , time spent outdoors and physical education. This situation is complicated by the socio-economic crisis in the country, the decline in the living standards of the population, the deterioration of the environmental and crime situation, etc. All this creates the preconditions for chronic fatigue and overwork, a decrease in academic performance, physical development and, ultimately, a decrease in the quality of health. One of the main tasks of physical education is to develop in students the need for systematic exercise and sports, to form the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle (HLS), and to acquire knowledge in the educational field of “Physical Education”.

However, as practice shows, for most children, physical education is limited to physical education lessons, where the tasks of creating a healthy lifestyle are not properly set.

In modern conditions, the role of searching for optimal means and methods in the field of physical culture aimed at strengthening human health is increasing, one of which is health-improving types of gymnastics. They represent a system of specially selected exercises, the variety of which makes it possible to successfully solve the problems of comprehensive physical education, health improvement, increased performance and maintenance of human life. They contribute to the development of basic physical qualities, the formation of correct posture, accuracy and beauty of movement.

Health-improving gymnastics are modern comprehensive physical culture and health-improving areas and systems of physical exercises (rhythm, rhythmic gymnastics, aerobics and its varieties, stretching, bodyflex, Pilates, strength gymnastics, etc.), aimed at the physical improvement of all segments of the population, increasing and maintaining mental and physical performance in everyday educational and work activities, the formation of physical and sports culture.

In the process of forming the research hypothesis, it was suggested that it is possible to effectively use health-improving gymnastics, in which the management of the process of development of the student’s physical and mental sphere is implemented unidirectionally both in terms of the content of the pedagogical means used and in terms of the recipient of the influence.

As a result of the study, the following were made conclusions.

1. Physical education is an integral part of general education. With its help, not only educational, but also health-improving tasks aimed at improving the physical and mental condition of students should be solved. Health-improving gymnastics is an integral part of physical culture.

2) Two groups of girls aged 16-18 years took part in the pedagogical experiment, who made up the experimental and control groups. For the experimental group, sets of health-improving gymnastics exercises were compiled, including rhythmic gymnastics and aerobics. The classes began with performing exercises of the aerobic part, namely rhythmic gymnastics, with stretching exercises, the content of the exercises of which consisted of unusual poses in the position of lying on the back, stomach, on the side, sitting on the heels with the torso tilted forward, resting on the knees, promoting stretching and relaxation of muscles, and also used general physical training exercises (GPT), carried out using the circuit training method with dosed physical activity of varying intensity and rest intervals. Special sets of physical exercises in some cases of an applied nature consisted of 8–9 stations.

The content of the complexes consisted of exercises: for flexibility and mobility in the articular parts of the musculoskeletal system, of a strength nature for the flexor and extensor muscles of the arms; special exercises for the abdominal and back muscles using gymnastic equipment; leg muscles (front and back of the thigh muscles); applied exercises for the muscles of the whole body. The duration of the exercises at each station was about 40–50 seconds with rest intervals of 1–1.5 minutes.

3) The effectiveness of the use of health-improving gymnastics was carried out by testing physical qualities. Testing was carried out before and after the experiment. As a result of the study, it was found that in the experimental group, the tests of 30 m running, pull-ups, shuttle running, long jump, running in place with a high hip raise, and bending forward were significantly better compared to the control group. In the experimental group, significant changes occurred in these tests. There were no significant changes in the control group.

Therefore, the application various types Health-improving gymnastics allows girls to develop such physical qualities as speed-strength, endurance, and flexibility.

So, the conducted pedagogical experiment showed the effectiveness of using health-improving gymnastics as a method and means of physical improvement. The hypothesis has been proven.

1. The data obtained on assessing the physical fitness of girls should be taken into account by teachers and medical workers in order to achieve harmonious physical development and maintain high level health.


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Annex 1

Level of physical fitness of senior schoolchildren

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Control tests-exercises

Test 1.30m run from a high start. At least two people take part in the race. At the command “Start!” participants approach the starting line and take their starting position. At the command “Attention!” lean forward and at the command “March!” run to the finish line along their own path. Time is determined with an accuracy of 0.1 s.

Test 2.Standing long jump. A line is drawn on the site and a measuring tape (tape measure) is attached perpendicular to it. The student stands near the line without touching it with his toes, then, moving his arms back, bends his knees and, pushing off with both legs, making a sharp swing of his arms forward, jumps along the marking. The distance is measured from the line to

behind the standing heel of any leg. Three attempts are given, the best result counts. The exercise requires preliminary preparation to develop coordination of movements of the arms and legs.

Test 3.Shuttle run 3 x 10 m. Races can be one or two people at a time. Before the start of the race, two cubes are placed on the starting line for each person. At the command “Start!” participants go to the starting line. At the command “Attention!” they bend down and take one cube at a time. On the command “March!” they run to the finish line, place the cube on the line and, without stopping, return for the second cube and also place it behind the finish line. Throwing dice is prohibited. The stopwatch is started at the command “March!” and turns off the moment the cube touches the floor. The result is recorded with an accuracy of 0.1 s.

Test4. Pull-up: boys hanging on a high bar, girls hanging lying on a hanging bar (up to 80 cm). Both are pulled up with an overhand grip. At the command “Start exercise!” Pull up to chin level and lower onto straight arms. Perform smoothly, without jerking. The body should not be arched, bending the knees or jerking the legs is not allowed. In this case, the attempt is not counted. The number of correct executions counts. The girls pull themselves up without lifting their feet off the floor.

Test 5.Forward bends fromprovisions sittingon the floor. Draw a line A - B on the floor with chalk, and to its middle - a perpendicular line, which is marked every 1 cm. The student sits down so that the heels are on the line A - B. The distance between the heels is 20-30 cm, the feet are vertical. A partner (or two) presses the exerciser’s knees to the floor. Three warm-up bends are performed and a fourth test for the result, which is determined by touching the centimeter markings with the middle finger of the hands joined together.

Test 6.Six-minuterun. Running can be done both in the gym along a marked track, and in the stadium in a circle. 6-8 people participate in the race at the same time. The same number of students, as instructed by the teacher, are engaged in counting circles and determining the total footage. For a more accurate count, it is advisable to mark the treadmill every 10 m. After 6 minutes, the runners stop and the controllers count the footage for each of them.

Test 7.Overcomingstripesout of fiveobstacles Vsportshall For its construction, ordinary gymnastics equipment and tools are used. This exercise is complex, has practical significance and requires students not only to exert physical effort, but also to demonstrate such character qualities as courage, determination, and resourcefulness. Before covering the entire course, children must undergo preliminary training in individual exercises under the supervision of a teacher. The course is set up so that each obstacle requires the manifestation of certain motor qualities and their alternation. The complexity of the stages is determined by the teacher. Below is a rough description

obstacle courses for students in grades I - II and III - IV. In accordance with the size of the hall, the availability of inventory and equipment, each teacher independently modifies and supplements the obstacle course.

I - II classes. 1. On two gymnastic mats in length, from a lying position on your back, arms up, rolls onto your stomach, onto your back (2 times), stand up.

2. Walking on the rail of a gymnastic bench, arms to the sides.

3. Pull-ups while lying on your stomach on an inclined gymnastic bench, one end of which is fixed to a goat (height 80-90 cm). After pulling up, stand on the goat and dismount onto the gymnastics mat into the gymnastics hoop.

4. Crawling on your bellies on three gymnastic mats in length.

5. Moving with your feet along the gymnastic wall with your hands intercepting it to the left or right up to the 4th rail from the floor, followed by a deep jump onto the gymnastic mat.

Ill - IV classes. 1. On two gymnastic mats, two somersaults forward (together) in length, stand up.

2. From 3-5 steps of take-off, jump onto the goat wide, pointing to your knees; move onto your toes, stand up, dismount onto the gymnastic mat in the manner indicated by the teacher.

3. Walking on a log (height 60-70 cm), arms to the sides, bending dismount onto a gymnastics mat.

4. Crawling on one's bellies on three gymnastic mats in length under stretched elastic bands (braid) fixed on racks at a height of 35-40 cm. Do not touch the tape!

5. Throwing a small ball at a vertical (horizontal) target from 5-7 m. This stage can be replaced by a long jump through a “ditch” up to 80 cm wide, landing on a gymnastic mat.

All the described test-exercises, as we have already said, are assessed using special tables, and the level of students’ preparedness is determined by the amount of points scored. Low preparedness - less than 7 points, satisfactory - 7-18 points, good - 19-35, excellent - more than 35 points.



Age (years)

Shuttle run 3x 10 m (sec)

Lying hanging pull-up (one time)

Six minute run (meters)


Age (years)

Control exercises (tests)

30m high start run (seconds)

Standing long jump (centimeters)

Shuttle run 3x 10 m (sec)

Hanging pull-ups (quantity)

Bend forward while sitting on the floor (centimeters)

Six minute run (meters)

Overcoming five obstacles in the gym (number of mistakes)