How to treat a cut wound for a child. Wounds, abrasions, cuts in a child, what is the difference. How to treat a scratch or small wound on a child

Children are constantly on the move. They do not know fear and do not think about the consequences of their games, so wounds and scratches - common occurrence For active child. Sometimes babies do not show their injuries to their parents, and over time an abscess forms on the damaged area. What to do when purulent wounds how is the child?

Any wound should be treated before visiting a doctor, but if a purulent focus appears over time, it is recommended to consult a specialist

Symptoms of an abscess in a child

Abscesses can appear on any part of the baby's body. Festering like deep cuts, and small scratches. Wounds on the finger near the nail are very unpleasant. Symptoms of an abscess:

  • redness of the skin around the wound;
  • the place of suppuration is hot to the touch;
  • throbbing pain;
  • swelling of adjacent tissues;
  • headache, weakness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the appearance of a vesicle with pus.

Causes of purulent wounds

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Suppuration occurs when an infection enters the wound. This often happens in children with weakened immune systems. Predisposing factors include high humidity, poor personal hygiene and improper treatment of cuts.

Hangnails and the habit of biting nails can provoke the development of suppuration on the fingers

The main reasons for the appearance of purulent wounds on the fingers in children include:

  • burrs;
  • ingrown toenails (we recommend reading:);
  • fungus;
  • splinters;
  • habit of biting nails and putting fingers in mouth;
  • cuts from sharp edges of paper or toys;
  • getting dirt or sand into the wound while playing.

In newborns, suppuration is rare. The main cause is ingrowth or injury due to improper trimming of the nail. For this reason, it is recommended to remove overgrown areas of the nail plate in a straight line, preserving the corners.

Treatment using medications and folk remedies

If an abscess forms in a child, it is necessary to seek medical help. The specialist will prescribe treatment depending on the patient’s age. open purulent lesions You can’t do it yourself, as this can lead to the spread of infection.

Therapy is aimed at cleansing the wound of pus, getting rid of inflammation and restoring damaged tissue.

In infants

Treatment of infants is approached with caution. When choosing drugs, it is necessary to take into account possible side effects and do not exceed recommended doses. To cleanse the wound of pus, use hydrogen peroxide or a manganese solution. Antiseptics are used to treat the surface around the affected area.

After cleansing, apply a sterile bandage with ointment previously applied to the wound. All manipulations must be carried out with gloves. The dressing is changed at least once a day. The following ointments are used to eliminate the infection:

  • Levomekol;
  • 1% Salicylic;
  • Baneocin (we recommend reading:).

After pus stops accumulating in the wound and a crust forms, apply wound healing drugs. For infants, use ointment Bepanten, Methyluracil, Solcoseryl, Actovegin (see also:). The drugs are applied directly to the wound. You don't have to wear a bandage.

When choosing folk remedies treatment of abscesses must be taken into account individual reactions baby on herbal ingredients. Traditional methods contribute fast healing and facilitate the release of pus. For the treatment of children, they are considered the safest the following means traditional medicine:

  • Soda solution. You need to mix 2 parts of soda with 10 parts of water, soak a bandage in the solution and apply it to the site of inflammation for 15 minutes.
  • Boiled potato compresses.
  • Treatment of affected skin sea ​​buckthorn oil 2-3 times a day.

In children older than one year

Treatment of children over a year old occurs in the same way as in babies. However, the list of drugs used in therapy is much wider. To eliminate the infection, Vishnevsky, Streptocide, Ichthyol, Levomekol, Dioxidin ointments are used. After eliminating the pus - Dolobene and Troxevasin. If the spread of infection is suspected, children over 3 years of age can be given antibiotic tablets - the drug is prescribed by the attending physician.

To heal wounds, traditional medicine recipes based on honey or aloe are used. A popular remedy is an ointment made from 1 yolk raw egg, a teaspoon of honey and 1 tbsp. spoons of flour. Often a cut aloe leaf or gauze soaked in its juice is applied to the inflammation.

What to do to prevent the wound from festering?

Proper first aid will prevent the open wound from festering. First of all, you need to wash the wound with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine) or soap solution. Next, treat the edges of the wound with brilliant green or Fukortsin, and apply a sterile bandage over the deep wound. In case of severe injuries, after providing first aid, you need to take the child to the emergency room.

First aid for scratches and abrasions in children - instructions for parents

Children are, as every mother knows, little propellers with constantly running motors. Self-preservation instinct in at a young age is not yet fully developed, and children have no time to think about this topic - there are so many interesting things around, and everything needs to be done in time! The result is bruises, scratches and abrasions as a “gift” to mom. How to properly treat children's abrasions? Remember the rules of first aid!

How to wash a child's scratch or abrasion - instructions

The most important thing for any type of scratches, abrasions and wounds is to prevent infection. That's why washing abrasions with broken knees or scratched palms - the first task:

  • If the abrasion is not too deep, rinse it under running boiled (or running, if there is no other) water.
  • Carefully wash the abrasion with soap (gauze swab).
  • Rinse off the soap properly.
  • If the abrasion is heavily contaminated, carefully rinse with hydrogen peroxide (3%). For this procedure, you don’t even need bandages/napkins - just pour in a thin stream straight from the bottle. Atomic oxygen released when the solution enters the wound eliminates all microbes.
  • If hydrogen peroxide is not available, you can wash the abrasion with a solution of potassium permanganate (1%). Note: pour hydrogen peroxide into very deep wounds prohibited (to avoid embolism, in in this case– air bubbles entering the bloodstream).

  • Dry the wound with a sterile and dry gauze pad.
  • Make sure all cut edges are clean and come together easily.
  • We bring the edges of the cut together (only for light abrasions, the edges of deep wounds cannot be brought together!), We apply a sterile and, of course, a dry bandage (or a bactericidal patch).

If the abrasion is small and is located in a place that will inevitably get wet (for example, near the mouth), then it is better not to apply a plaster - leave the wound the opportunity to “breathe” on its own. Under a wet bandage, the infection spreads twice as fast.

How to stop bleeding from deep scratches in a child?

For the most part, wounds and abrasions bleed most profusely in the first few minutes - this time is enough to wash away the microbes that have gotten inside. What concerns urgent measures to stop bleeding - they are needed only in case of severe continuous bleeding. So, to stop the bleeding...

  • Raise the injured arm (leg) up to quickly stop the bleeding. Place the child on his back and place 1-2 pillows under the bleeding limb.
  • Wash the wound. If the wound is dirty, rinse it from the inside.
  • Wash the wound around the cut itself (soap and water, hydrogen peroxide, using a swab).
  • Apply several gauze “squares” to the wound and secure tightly (not tightly) with a bandage/plasters.

For heavy bleeding:

  • Elevate the injured limb.
  • Make a multi-layer thick square bandage from a clean bandage/gauze (handkerchief).
  • Apply the bandage to the wound and bandage tightly with a bandage (or other available material).
  • If the bandage is wet through, and help is still far away, do not change the bandage, put a new one on top of the wet one and fix it.

  • Press the wound over the bandage with your hand until help arrives.
  • If you have experience using a tourniquet, apply a tourniquet. If not, it’s not worth studying at such a moment. And remember that the tourniquet should be loosened every half hour.

How to treat a child’s abrasions and scratches - first aid for scratches and abrasions in children

  • Antiseptics are used to prevent wound infection and to heal them. . Most often used brilliant green (solution brilliant green) or iodine. Solutions based on ethyl alcohol can lead to tissue necrosis when penetrating deep into the wound. Therefore, it is customary to treat skin areas around a wound/abrasion and superficial light microtraumas with alcohol solutions.
  • It is not recommended to cover the wound with powdered medications. Removal similar drugs may further seriously injure the wound.

  • If hydrogen peroxide is not available, use iodine or potassium permanganate (weak solution) - around the wounds (not inside the wounds!), and then apply a bandage.

remember, that open abrasions heal many times faster. You can cover them with bandages while walking, but at home it is better to remove the bandages. The exception is deep wounds.

In what cases should a child see a doctor for scratches and abrasions?

The most dangerous injuries are those that children receive while playing outside. Contaminated wounds (with soil, caused by rusty objects, dirty glass, etc.) increase the risk of the tetanus pathogen entering the body through an open damaged area of ​​skin. Moreover, the depth of the wound does not matter in this situation. An animal bite is also dangerous - the animal may be infected with rabies. In such situations, it is not just timely, but urgent appeal to the doctor. In what cases is it necessary?

  • If the child has not been vaccinated with DTP.
  • If the bleeding is heavy and does not stop.
  • If the bleeding is different bright red and pulsation is noticeable (there is a risk of damage to the artery).
  • If the cut is on the wrist/hand (risk of tendon/nerve damage).
  • If there is redness that spreads around the wound and does not subside.
  • If the wound becomes swollen, the temperature rises, and pus is released from the wound.
  • If the wound is so deep that you can “look” into it (any wound longer than 2 cm). In this case, sutures are required.
  • If the tetanus shot was given more than five years ago, and the wound cannot be washed.
  • If the baby steps on a rusty nail or other dirty sharp object.

  • If the wound was caused to the baby by an animal (even if it is a neighbor’s dog).
  • If there is a foreign body in the wound that cannot be removed from it (shards of glass, stone, wood/metal shavings, etc.). In this case, an x-ray is needed.
  • If the wound does not heal for a long time, and the discharge from the wound does not stop.
  • If the wound is accompanied by nausea or even vomiting in the child.
  • If the edges of the wound diverge when moving (especially over the joints).
  • If the wound is located in the mouth, in the very depths of the mouth, on inside lips.

Remember that it is better to play it safe and show the baby to the doctor than to decide later serious problems(the development of infection in a wound occurs very quickly). And always remain calm. The more you panic, the scarier for a child and the more severe the bleeding. Stay calm and don't delay your visit to the doctor.

All information in the article is given exclusively in educational purposes, it may not be appropriate for your specific health circumstances and is not medical recommendation. The website с reminds you that you should never delay or ignore visiting a doctor!

The question of how to treat a child’s abrasions is especially relevant for parents whose baby, in the process of learning about the world around him, begins to crawl, and then walk and run, which very often leads to the appearance of small scratches, bruises, abrasions and wounds. Children especially often receive various injuries in early childhood. During this period, the child stands unsteadily on his legs, the coordination of his movements is impaired, and he may fall or collide with any object when moving. Especially often, scratches, abrasions and minor bruises appear in a child while walking on the fresh air.

Main types of damage

Nature of injuries in children of different ages may be different. The main types of injuries are considered to be bruises, wounds, abrasions and scratches. Their difference lies primarily in the depth and area of ​​the damage received and the methods of obtaining them.

For example, a scratch (cut) is formed when the epidermis (outer layer of the skin) is damaged shallowly by a sharp or rough edge any object made of hard materials: fragments of stones, wood, furniture, various tools, toys, household items, etc. In this case, a scratch is usually just a slightly bleeding strip of damaged skin of varying lengths. The depth of scratches is usually small. When they are received, the surface layers of the child’s skin are affected.

A wound, especially a deep one, is the most serious of the above-mentioned injuries. It is formed during deep destruction of the external skin, subcutaneous fatty tissues or mucous membranes. If foreign objects penetrate deeper, injury may occur. blood vessels, muscles and nerves. Therefore, deep wounds cause severe bleeding, pain syndrome, gaping. If a child receives such wounds, he will definitely need qualified assistance from a traumatologist. Shallow wounds usually do not cause serious internal damage and heal without special medical care.

An abrasion occurs when the integrity of the upper skin is damaged in one or more places. Often, an abrasion is a number of scratches or an area of ​​skin on the child's body that has been pulled down to the fatty layer or deeper. This damage is caused by exposure of the epidermis to rough, but not very sharp objects and materials. Abrasions are formed, as a rule, when falling in the area of ​​the joints with outside or on areas of the skin not covered by clothing. In particular, on the knees, palms, elbows and other parts of the body not protected by clothing. Sometimes there may be abrasions on the child’s face, as well as in the hairline area.

First aid for scratches, abrasions and bruises

Competent and immediate first aid is extremely important for general health child. This is especially true when bleeding occurs, severe bruises or deep damage. Timely help will protect the child’s body from penetration various infections through damaged areas of the skin, will prevent the formation of screeds and rough scars at the site of deep tissue injury.

First aid in case of emergency minor scratches and abrasions, parents can help themselves. Usually, small scratches and abrasions do not cause deep damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissues and heavy bleeding. For skin lesions that are small in depth and area, acute pain, as a rule, does not occur, the pain is aching and raw. If dirt, sand, small foreign objects or caustic substances get into the wound area, the pain from a scratch and abrasion can be quite severe.

First of all, the damaged area of ​​skin must be washed with warm water, preferably boiled water. If the surface of the abrasion does not bleed very much, then you can add a little baby soap to the washing water. The soap must be rinsed off thoroughly. You can use a lint-free cloth as a rinsing swab. soft cloth, sterile bandage or gauze. You should not use cotton wool to wash abrasions and scratches, as plant fibers may get into the wound. Washing abrasions and scratches is necessary to remove dust and dirt, small pebbles, grains of sand, particles of earth and plants that accidentally get under the skin.

Then you should treat the bruised area with an antiseptic: 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin or 1% solution of potassium permanganate. You can also use special antiseptic wipes, sold at the pharmacy. Parents of babies need to constantly have such wipes on hand, especially in the summer, when the number of abrasions increases.

After initial disinfection, it is not necessary to smear the abrasion over the entire surface with iodine, fucorcin or a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green). It is enough to treat only the edges of the damaged area of ​​skin. This will help avoid burns and severe pain. These solutions contain ethanol, causing necrosis when deeply penetrating damaged tissue. For prompt disinfection of the wound area, you can also use drugs such as lyoxazine, acerbine, and surfalgin. These drugs can be included in liquids impregnated with disinfectant wipes, or produced in the form of ointments, solutions or aerosols.

It is not advisable to use crushed tablets of furatsilin, streptocide or other powder products for the treatment of abrasions. These medications cause a scab, which irritates the wound and can seriously injure the damaged area during removal.

How to stop bleeding?

In order to stop the bleeding, cover the abrasion with a clean gauze pad, bandage, sterile bandage and hold it for a while, gently pressing it to the damaged area.

For this purpose, a dry dressing made from a sterile bandage, a gauze pad or a piece of soft cotton ironed fabric can be used. A sterile bandage is also applied to protect the bleeding area of ​​skin from dust and debris.

After blood has clotted and formed damaged skin Once the crust has dried, the abrasion can be kept open: this will speed up the regeneration of damaged skin.

Safety measures in case a child develops bruises, scratches and abrasions

When going for a walk or a picnic with their child, parents must take with them first aid supplies and treatment of damaged skin areas. These products should also be kept in a home medicine cabinet and periodically renewed after the expiration date.

This will save children's body from infection infectious diseases, speed up the healing of wounds, eliminate the possibility of suppuration and the appearance of screeds and scars.

Timely treatment of a child’s scratches and wounds will help avoid infection with tetanus, the causative agents of which live in open natural bodies of water or in open ground. A child can become infected with tetanus not only during out-of-town trips, but also while walking in a city park. Especially if this moment The validity period of the DPT vaccination has already expired.

Necessary medical care for scratches, bruises and abrasions

The reason for immediate appeal to see a doctor after receiving a bruise, scratch or abrasion is:

  1. Excessive bleeding that cannot be stopped on our own.
  2. Formation of swelling, redness, suppuration.
  3. Loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness.
  4. Temperature increase.
  5. Lack of means to immediately wash the damaged area of ​​skin and apply a bandage if necessary.
  6. Contact with an animal, especially an unfamiliar one.

Compliance elementary rules safety and hygiene will avoid negative consequences household injuries of a child and preserve his health for many years.

A wound is a violation of the integrity of the skin, internal tissues and even organs, caused by some external mechanical influence. Characterized by symptoms such as pain and bleeding.

Children of any age are very active and curious, so it is impossible to protect them from various injuries and scratches. It’s good if the damage is shallow, but there are also those that cannot be avoided without medical help. In any case, parents are required to know how to treat a child’s wound before visiting a doctor, no matter whether it is superficial or penetrating. The method of treatment will depend on the size, depth, location of the injury, and the severity of bleeding.

Small wound

Even a small scratch or cut can become a gateway for infection to enter the body, which will lead to the formation of an inflammatory process. To prevent this from happening, parents must know how and with what to treat a child’s wound, even of a small depth.

Wash the injury with hydrogen peroxide, which has not expired. If the skin around the injury is dirty, carefully clean the area with boiled water. warm water using foam from laundry soap (do not touch the wound). Water for washing children's wounds is excluded. Treat with any antiseptic from home first aid kit: alcohol, brilliant green, fucorcin, solutions of calendula or chlorophyllipt. The preparations “Eplan” and “Rescuer”, diluted in boiled water essential oil tea tree, solutions of furatsilin or potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine. Iodine can damage tissues (burn them), so it is not suitable for treatment. the ideal remedy. It is recommended to apply a sterile bandage over the wound (a bandage or bactericidal adhesive plaster will do). If the damage is small, there is no bleeding, the bandage is canceled: the scratch will heal faster in the air.

If even with a small wound you cannot stop the bleeding on your own, it is strongly recommended to immediately call a doctor or take the child to the emergency room.

Big wound

Sometimes quite deep and extensive damage skin and nearby tissues. Accordingly, first aid for the baby will be of a different nature. Not many people know what is the best way to process open wound to avoid subsequent purulent-inflammatory process and complications.

First, the wound must be carefully examined. If there are foreign objects in it, they must be removed immediately (if they are not eyes). Extensive wounds are washed with hydrogen peroxide, solutions of furatsilin or potassium permanganate. Apply a bandage: cover with a sterile napkin, bandage. Such injuries are almost always accompanied by heavy bleeding, which must be stopped. To do this, the bandage is made tight enough, but not so tight that it cuts off blood circulation. If blood seeps through the bandage, there is no need to remove or tighten it any further: another bandage is applied on top of it.

In such cases, the child should be taken to the emergency room or hospital as quickly as possible. At the same time, the victim is not recommended to drink or eat: if there is an operation under anesthesia, this will be inappropriate.

On the face and on the head

If a child has a wound on his face or head, the situation is quite serious. Not only is it very painful, but in the future any facial injury can disfigure the baby’s appearance with scars. On the other hand, it is the skin of the face that recovers the fastest, as it is well supplied with blood.

The most difficult thing will be with the head: if the hair is short, it will be easy to treat the wound. Long strands around the injury will have to be cut. Rinse with peroxide. Treat with an antiseptic. Apply a sterile bandage. Go to the emergency room. If the depth of a wound on the face can be determined independently and, given its small area, one can limit oneself to home remedies, then the degree of damage to the skin on the head is very difficult to determine independently. In this case, it is recommended to show the baby to the doctor.

If you are not sure that you can provide first aid to a child yourself, immediately call a doctor or take him to the hospital yourself.

Weeping wound

Sometimes a constant separation of fluid - ichor, pus, blood - forms on the surface of the injury, which complicates and slows down the healing process. A doctor should tell you how to properly treat a weeping wound, since with such a complication you must definitely seek qualified medical help.

Use water-soluble ointments to treat the wound (Levosin and Levomikol are the safest for children). Change dressings as needed as soon as they become wet, but at least twice a day. Wash wet wounds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Maintain maximum sterility. When the wound begins to dry out, its healing can be accelerated with Kalanchoe juice, rosehip oil or sea buckthorn oil.

If you are not sure that you can change your child’s bandages on a weeping wound yourself, it is better to take him to the nearest hospital every day, where the damage will be treated sterilely and efficiently.

In order for any wound received by a child to heal, a certain period is necessary. Occasionally, re-dressing and debridement may be required in the emergency room or surgeon's office. If the injury is infected, antibiotics may be prescribed. Treatment of any type of wound should be carried out under the constant supervision of an experienced surgeon and in strict accordance with his instructions and recommendations.

A child's wound: how to treat it?

A child's wound is quite common occurrence. In most cases, children are active, mobile and inquisitive, which means that their chances of getting a wound, abrasion, bruise, scratch and other injuries are very high. Of all the listed injuries, the wound is the most dangerous looking injuries. Therefore, all parents should know how to behave if their child receives a wound, how to properly provide first aid to the child, and how to treat the child’s wound.

What is a wound?

This refers to damage to mucous membranes, skin, tendons, muscles or internal organs through exposure to sharp objects, firearms, chemical and thermal factors. The degree of danger depends on the depth of the damage, its area, the nature of the application, the presence of infection, location, and the volume of blood loss. The same factors affect the rate of restoration of damaged tissue.

There are chipped, cut, torn, scalped, chopped, gunshot wounds received as a result of bites, bruises, burns. The speed of restoration of damaged areas depends on the presence/absence of pus, the width of the cavity, and the amount of exudate.

Providing first aid for treating wounds in children

Providing first aid if a child is injured has its own characteristics. Since the violation of the integrity of the skin is accompanied by blood loss, the child may panic or go into shock at the sight of blood. Therefore, it is important to calm the baby as soon as possible, divert his attention and give him first aid. first aid. At the same time, watch yourself, act clearly and harmoniously: seeing your excessive anxiety, tears and helplessness, the child may panic.

If the wound is small, shallow and its appearance is accompanied by slight blood loss, you need to remove foreign objects (if any) from it and rinse it. For cleansing, you can use clean warm water or weak soap solution. After the damaged area has been cleaned, it should be disinfected. Hydrogen peroxide, a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, and fucorcin are suitable for this. If you use iodine, treat it exclusively to nearby areas of the skin and make sure that it does not get into the wound cavity itself. Finally, apply a sterile bandage to the damaged area. For minor injuries that are not accompanied by heavy bleeding, you can do without a bandage.

If a child’s wound has a large area and depth, you should call ambulance and deliver little patient to the nearest medical facility. Before the ambulance arrives, try to calm the baby and provide him with first aid. If a lot of blood is flowing from the wound, after cleansing and disinfecting, apply a pressure bandage to the damaged area. Please note: the bandage should be so compressive that blood circulation is not impaired. Therefore, if blood continues to ooze through the bandage, do not tighten it further. Simply apply an additional layer of bandage or gauze. If an artery has been damaged and blood is gushing out, it is necessary to apply a tourniquet just above the wound, placing a cloth under it with a note about the time of application.

What to apply to a child's wounds?

Choice suitable remedy depends on the healing phase.

The first period of tissue restoration is characterized by the active release of exudate, so it is recommended to anoint the child’s wound with an ointment that has antibacterial and absorbent characteristics.

The second stage of regeneration is represented by the growth of granulations: at this time, the child’s wound should be sufficiently moist and protected from penetration secondary infection. During this period, creams and gels that have a hydrophilic rather than fatty base are usually used.

Often parents are faced with the fact that the child scratches the wounds, trying to tear off the scab that has formed. It is important to prevent this from happening, as it may leave a scar.

Remember: the choice of drugs that can be used to treat a child’s wound is made by the doctor. This is especially important in cases where the wound is extensive, deep or accompanied by inflammatory process. The exception is shallow injuries - for example, wounds on a child’s knees, abrasions, minor cuts and scratches.

Traditional methods of treating wounds in children

To speed up the healing process of wounds in children, you can use traditional medicine. However, keep in mind that they are auxiliary and cannot replace qualified medical care.

Aloe juice can be used to treat children's wounds. Cut off the lower leaves of the plant, wash them, cut off the skin and wipe the damaged area with the pulp.

You can also use plantain. Clean leaves should be crushed and applied to the wound, first wrapped in a bandage.

La-Cri products and their help in treating childhood wounds

To prevent the formation of a scar, as well as to prevent the child from scratching the wound, we recommend using La-Cri restorative cream. This remedy effectively combats itching, which is inevitable during wound healing in children. It also has an anti-inflammatory antimicrobial effect, which significantly accelerates tissue restoration.

Read also

A scratch is a violation of the integrity of the surface layer of the skin (epidermis), resulting from contact with a thin sharp object and usually having a linear shape.

A wound is a damage to the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane (in some cases also muscles, tendons and internal organs), which occurs under the influence of mechanical, thermal or chemical factors.

Every person who has received some kind of damage to the skin, subcutaneous fat, tendons and muscles should remember the possibility of inflammation of the wound.

The speed of healing of the injury largely depends on how well and timely first aid is provided for abrasions.

Children are always active, love to run and play outdoor games. This means that minor injuries are not uncommon for them.


Behavioral tactics for injuries accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin depend on the depth, size of the wound, severity of bleeding, as well as on the location of the damage.

What to do if the wound is small? Rinse the wound with hydrogen peroxide. If there is contamination around the injury, clean the area of ​​skin without touching the wound with boiled water with laundry soap. Wash the wound plain water is not recommended, as this can cause infection in the muscles. Treat the wound antiseptic: alcohol or alcohol solutions of brilliant green, fucorcin, calendula, chlorophyllipt, etc. In addition, the damage can be treated with the drug “Eplan”, tea tree oil, solution of furatsilin, potassium permanganate, chlorhexedine, balm “Rescuer”. Iodine is not very suitable for disinfection; it can burn delicate damaged tissue, so only carefully lubricate the edges of the wound with it so that it does not get inside. If you are in hiking conditions and there is no antiseptic at hand, apply a cloth with a strong solution to the wound table salt(1 tbsp per glass of water). If necessary, apply a sterile bandage on top of the wound (tie it with a sterile bandage) or seal the damage with a bactericidal adhesive plaster. If the wound is very small and the bleeding has stopped, closing the injury is not necessary and is not even useful, since air is the best means for speedy healing. For severe cuts or tissue tears, especially if the injury is on the face, the wound must be stitched. To do this, go to the nearest emergency room or hospital where there is a surgeon and works treatment room. What to do if the wound is large? Examine the wound. If there are foreign objects in the wound, try to remove them. The exception is penetrating eye injuries. Also, don't try to remove foreign objects, if it is difficult and takes a long time, and the child’s condition is serious. It is better to immediately take the victim to the hospital. Wash the wound using hydrogen peroxide or solutions of furatsilin or potassium permanganate (light pink). Apply a sterile dressing: cover the wound with a sterile cloth and bandage it. To the bleeding from the wound stopped, the bandage should be tight enough, but not so tight as to completely cut off blood circulation in the limb. If blood seeps through the bandage, do not change the bandage, but add additional layers of gauze over it. Take the child to an emergency room or the nearest hospital immediately. Before this, do not give the victim anything to eat or drink, as he may have to undergo surgery under anesthesia. What to do when blood flows heavily from a wound?

Usually for stop bleeding enough overlay tight bandage on the wound. If a limb injury occurs, you should raise the injured arm or leg up (above your head) and shake it thoroughly for several minutes. The bleeding should stop soon. You can apply cold to the wound (pieces of ice in a plastic bag). Damage large vessels arteries and veins is accompanied by arterial or venous bleeding.
Particularly dangerous arterial bleeding when damaged major artery. Blood flows out in a scarlet pulsating stream or even splashes out like a fountain. Fast and profuse blood loss, accompanying such bleeding, leads to the development of shock and can result in the death of the victim. If you see a similar phenomenon, apply a tourniquet above the bleeding site.
For a tourniquet, use a rope, a belt, shoe laces, a rolled up handkerchief or scarf, any fabric, basically anything that is at hand that is strong and long enough to tie the limb and keep the blood flowing. An indicator that the tourniquet has been applied successfully is the cessation of bleeding from the wound. If you cannot quickly find something to bandage the wound with, and the blood is gushing out in full force, try to clamp the bleeding area with your hands, pressing the damaged artery to a nearby bone.
Transporting the patient to the nearest medical institution It may take long time. Remember: during the journey, so that blood circulation in the limb is maintained and it does not become dead, you need to remove or loosen the tourniquet for 5-10 minutes every hour.
Venous bleeding looks like a slow flow of dark blood from the wound. To stop it, it is enough to apply pressure bandage on the wound or on the area located below the bleeding site (farthest from the heart relative to the wound).

What to do if soil gets into the wound?

If dirt gets into the wound, there is a risk of infection and tissue suppuration. The best remedy prevention of complications is treatment of the injured area antiseptics(alcohol, brilliant green, etc.). There may also be spores of tetanus bacillus in the ground. However, there is usually no danger of developing tetanus in a child vaccinated with DTP or DPT.

Additionally, to prevent tetanus, antitetanus serum is administered in the emergency room (in cases of an extensive wound with significant soil contamination).

What to do if there is a wound on the face?

Wounds on the face very unpleasant, as they can further disfigure the child’s appearance. Secondary infection by microbes and torn edges of the wound contribute to the formation of unsightly rough scars, remaining for life. Therefore, it is imperative to prevent suppuration: treat the wound with an antiseptic, and if the damage is deep enough, sew it up. Wounds on the face are sutured in the emergency room using special cosmetic sutures.
Since the skin of the face is well supplied with blood, wound healing is usually rapid; in the case of uncomplicated cases, the tissue is restored in about a week.

What to do if there is a penetrating wound to the abdomen?

A penetrating wound to the abdomen ends in inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis), it is required emergency surgery. It is necessary to provide the child with specialized assistance as soon as possible medical care, otherwise he may die. A mistake that is often made when damaged abdominal cavity: they are trying to return the organs that have fallen out of it back into place. If organs have prolapsed from an abdominal wound, apply a sterile bandage directly to them (cover them with gauze or a clean cloth) and go to the ambulance immediately.

What to do if you have an eye injury?

Everyone understands that eye damage can lead to vision loss. Therefore, if he is injured, one must observe special caution. If after eye injuries a foreign body (stick, splinter, sliver, etc.) sticks out of it - under no circumstances should you try to remove it. This way you can only worsen the patient’s condition and cause even more damage. internal structures eyes. Apply a sterile antiseptic dressing over foreign body and take the child to the eye department of the hospital immediately. Removal of foreign body and further processing eye wounds should be done by a professional.

If nothing serious happened and the child did not go to the hospital, but was released on home treatment After visiting the emergency room, it takes some time for the wound to heal. At certain intervals, the baby may be called to re-dress and treat the wound at the emergency room or to the surgeon’s office at the children’s clinic. If the wound is infected, when dirt or soil has gotten into it (for example, a child stepped on a rusty nail on the street), the patient is prescribed antibiotics. Further treatment wounds are carried out under the supervision of a surgeon in accordance with his recommendations.

Most children are very active and inquisitive, which sometimes leads them to receive various wounds. Therefore, every parent should know how and with what to properly treat a child’s wound.

How to treat a scratch or small wound on a child?

You need to process it like this:

clean the area with boiled water; rinse with hydrogen peroxide; treat with any antiseptic ( alcohol solution, chlorophyllipt). If they are not there, apply a bandage moistened with a strong salt solution (1 tablespoon per glass of water); Just treat the edges of the wound with iodine or brilliant green.

When processing, it is better not to use cotton wool or bandage (provided there is no bleeding); such wounds heal faster in the fresh air.

How to treat a large wound in a child (with bleeding)?

1. Stop bleeding:

limb injury - lift above the head, apply ice; venous bleeding (dark blood flows slowly) - apply a tourniquet below the bleeding site; arterial bleeding (scarlet blood flows out like a fountain) - apply a tourniquet above the bleeding site.

2. Examine the wound.

3. Remove foreign bodies;

4. Rinse with hydrogen peroxide, a weak solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate.

5. Cover the wound with a sterile napkin and bandage it tightly enough. If blood continues to seep out, do not change the bandage, but simply add additional layers on top.

After providing first aid with such wounds, you must immediately go to the hospital.

When the integrity of the skin is damaged, bacteria enter the child’s body, which leads to complications during wound healing. What should you use to apply to such wounds in children?

Treatment of a weeping wound in a child

These are wounds in which a lot of fluid is released, most often after burns, dermatitis or ulcers. Basic treatment:

change the dressing as it gets wet, but at least once a day; application of water-soluble ointments, levomikol; you can wash the wound disinfectants; at difficult cases use Biaten Ag (sponges with silver ions) as a dressing.

Treatment of purulent wounds in children

Treatment is carried out in 3 stages:

removal of pus, necrotic tissue and toxins (hydrogen peroxide); fight against infection (Vishnevsky ointment).

anti-inflammatory treatment with water-soluble ointments; protecting the surface from damage by fat-based ointments; stimulation of regeneration (methyluracil ointment, aloe juice).

For drying, water-salt antiseptics should be used again, and to speed up wound healing - laser procedures, sea buckthorn and rosehip oil, aerosols. It is not recommended to tear off the bandage to avoid scarring.

Whatever wound your child receives, it is better not to self-medicate, and if it is serious, be sure to see a doctor.

Sometimes the baby’s activity results in dangerous wounds appearing on his body that need immediate attention. sanitization. A wound on a child's head can cause purulent formations, and therefore it must be eliminated immediately after detection.

Dealing with a small wound

A wound on a child’s head may appear due to various reasons, but most often this problem occurs due to careless play or strong blow received during the fall. There is no need to panic, because in such a stressful situation It is important that both the baby and adults maintain sobriety.

The first thing adults should do is to carefully examine the wound that appears and try to clean its edges with a bandage and warm water. Once the dried blood and dirt have been removed, you can proceed to treatment with hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide should only be used that has not expired. When interacting with an open wound, this composition will begin to foam actively. The child may also feel a burning sensation, so parents should blow on sore spot.

The next stage is treating the wound with brilliant green, iodine or alcohol. The composition should be applied not only to the wound itself, but also to the area around it. Here the child may also feel a sharp burning sensation. Now all that remains is to apply a sterile bandage to the sore spot and carefully secure it with an adhesive plaster.

These procedures must be repeated until the wound begins to decrease in size and disappears completely. Light scratches should not be ignored, because infection can enter the child’s body through them. Scratches need to be treated with peroxide and iodine, but applying a special bandage will be unnecessary. Parents should carefully examine the wound for several days. acute inflammation. If such inflammations occur, it means that the wound has become infected with microbes, and you should immediately consult a doctor.

Sometimes even the smallest wound can cause severe bleeding, which parents are unable to eliminate on their own. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, since a professional can easily resolve the problem.

Necessary actions when detecting large wounds on the head

It is extremely dangerous to eliminate large wounds on a child’s head on your own. The most important thing here is to eliminate profuse bleeding and remove foreign objects that may be in the wound. It should be carefully examined, try to clean it and then fill it with hydrogen peroxide. Also, such wounds can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

It is useless to treat a large wound with iodine or brilliant green, since the primary task is to stop the bleeding. That is why parents need to carefully bandage their head, applying a bandage to the wound in advance. After the manipulations have been performed, it is necessary to monitor the child’s condition. If the bleeding cannot be stopped, you should immediately consult a doctor for qualified assistance. Large wounds are often deep and can be life threatening to the child. Parents, instead of going to the hospital, prefer to tightly bandage their head, limiting the access of oxygen to the sore spot. The bandage should not be tight, should not interfere with the child and limit his movements.

As soon as the bleeding stops, parents need to start antibacterial treatment of the wound. By washing with alcohol or brilliant green, it will be possible to prevent the wound from festering. Typically, large wounds take a very long time to heal, and therefore parents have to monitor the condition of the baby for several weeks.

If the bleeding cannot be stopped by applying a bandage and treating with hydrogen peroxide, you should contact a specialist. The wound may have to be sutured, and only a doctor with sufficient qualifications is capable of such manipulations.

Large wounds around the eyes are considered the most difficult, since they are very difficult to remove on your own. With such wounds there is always a risk of damage optic nerves, so self-processing seems impossible.

An attentive parent will always be able to notice a wound that appears in time, before it begins to threaten the life and health of the baby. Eliminating such damage is a very serious matter, and it is worth taking on it only if the parents are confident in their own abilities.