How to treat open wounds. How to treat a child's wound after a fall

Probably every person knows what a wound is: everyone has received it at least once in their life. Fortunately, in most cases the matter is limited to minor damage, which, nevertheless, gives a completely clear idea of ​​the subject of our article. Even a person whose occupation is not a surgeon or even a physician must have not only theoretical knowledge of what a wound is, but also practical skills in the initial actions when receiving it. In serious situations, before qualified paramedics arrive, they can save a life - not for you, but for someone who, thanks to competent measures, will live until the ambulance arrives.

What is a wound from a medical point of view?

Despite everyone's awareness, let's give these somewhat vague ideas a clearer outline. If we give a more or less scientific definition of what a wound is, then we can say that it is a gaping, visible damage to the skin (often to the deeper tissues of the human body). It is accompanied by a number of symptoms. Common ones include:

  1. Bleeding of varying severity.
  2. Mandatory pain.
  3. Visual observation of the source of blood flow.

Local or private are considered:

  1. Acute anemia, that is, severe blood loss. It cannot be called a general symptom, since it does not occur with minor damage or quickly taken measures.
  2. Shock. It also does not accompany all wounds. Accompanies mainly deep and/or extensive damage.
  3. Infection is typical for individual or improperly treated injuries.

Other, more rare, symptoms may also occur. Any open wound (except perhaps the most minor ones) can lead to extremely unpleasant consequences. Therefore, such injuries require increased attention and constant medical supervision.

Types of wounds based on tissue damage

The upcoming treatment of a wound is fully determined by a number of its characteristics. The first of these is the extent to which the damage has affected the internal membranes lining the peritoneum, the membranes of the brain, any joint or pleura. Here they highlight:

  1. Penetrating wounds in which the integrity of one of the mentioned membranes is broken.
  2. Non-penetrating, affecting only the skin and upper muscle layer.

The first type is more dangerous: an open wound of this type takes longer to heal and requires an integrated approach to treatment. The most severe are considered to be penetrating wounds with damage to internal organs - one or more.

Types of wounds according to the presence of infection

A very important factor that largely determines the course of further treatment. Any wound - on the leg, arm, head or torso - can be classified into one of three groups:

Types of injuries by origin

The most extensive classification concerns the mechanism of the wound and the type of object that caused its occurrence.

  1. Puncture wound. Its entrance hole is small in diameter, but the wound channel is long, although narrow. Typically applied with a sharpener, nail or awl. It is considered the most dangerous due to the high probability of internal damage and the development of infections due to poor oxygen access.
  2. The cut one, on the contrary, is shallow, with a rather large entrance. Application tool - knife or razor. If large vessels and viscera are not affected, such wounds heal faster than others.
  3. Chopped is applied with a sharp and heavy object like an ax. The damage is extensive, severe, and often accompanied by bone fractures and fragmentation.
  4. A laceration caused by an uneven blade sliding across the body with simultaneous pressure is very difficult to treat. May be accompanied by partial loss of cover and underlying tissues.
  5. have a number of features caused by the type of weapon (shot, bullet, fragment) and the degree of damage. The easiest ones include tangents, in which the bullet does not penetrate inside, but only rips off the surface tissue layer. The most severe are blind ones, in which the bullet remains inside the body.

The key to successful healing

Basic treatment for a wound more serious than a scratch will be prescribed by your doctor. However, to ensure that it does not drag on for too long, primary measures must be taken. These include:

  1. Immediate If the wound is on the leg or arm, apply a tourniquet; if there is a pressure bandage on the body or head.
  2. Aseptic dressing, which will block the access of infection to open tissues.
  3. Immobilization of the injured part of the body: fixing a limb pressed to the body if the wound is on the arm, applying a splint to the legs, etc.
  4. Pain relief (if possible). It will prevent shock, which often ends in cardiac arrest, especially in older people.

If all these measures are taken even minimally, future treatment of the wound will be much more successful.

Why wounds don't heal

However, cases often arise when forecasts about which were quite optimistic. In most cases this is caused by objective reasons, including:

  1. Diabetes. In people suffering from this disease, even small scratches do not heal well. This is due to the fact that a high sugar content gradually destroys capillaries, which impairs blood circulation in the limbs and tissues, the situation with their nutrition becomes more complicated, and it becomes more difficult for them to regenerate.
  2. Obesity can be considered a special case of the previous case. The abundance of fat makes it difficult for the damaged tissues to receive nutrition, causing their recovery to be significantly delayed.
  3. Anemia is a continuation of the same topic. “Weak” blood is not able to sufficiently nourish the tissues with the necessary substances. This also includes a general weakening of the body, including that caused by all kinds of diets.
  4. Skin diseases such as eczema, dermatitis of various origins and psoriasis prevent wounds from healing quickly.

Immunodeficiency and cancer can be considered as a separate item. Here, wound treatment should be carried out by the efforts of doctors of various specializations.

How to speed up healing

In order to prevent a situation in which you have to find out why the wound does not heal, in most cases it is enough to zealously follow primitive hygiene rules.

  1. Change dressings regularly (at least 2 times a day).
  2. Periodically disinfect the skin around the injury (as directed by a doctor).
  3. Be vigilant about the sterility of the instruments used.
  4. Choose wisely (taking into account the doctor’s recommendations!) wound healing drugs.

Features of lacerations

Any laceration causes especially a lot of trouble and anxiety. It heals poorly and certainly requires medical intervention and a long period of time. The main problem with their treatment is disfiguring scars that remain for life. Therefore, if the wound is large and located in a visible place, the surgical method is preferred to the conservative method (healing by secondary intention). When using it, torn edges under anesthesia or pain relief are excised until healthy, undamaged tissue begins. Next, a suture close to cosmetic is applied; at the same time, the lacerated wound heals many times faster, and the scars remain almost invisible - provided that you do everything as the surgeon ordered, are not self-willed and show patience, even when experiencing nervous tension.

Purulent wounds can appear at any age in any person. If treated incorrectly or untimely, this leads to complex complications.

Therefore, it is extremely important to know what drugs and other means to use, how to carry out the procedures correctly.

If infection occurs when the integrity of the skin is damaged, then the issue of treating purulent wounds at home becomes acute. After all, suppuration leads to the most unpleasant consequences, including gangrene.

Abscesses are a lumen with purulent fluid, around which an inflammatory process occurs. The disease occurs against the background of infection of any wound (cut, scratch, puncture, etc.).

Simply put, pus is formed due to the penetration of a pathogenic microorganism into the wound.

A purulent formation can occur in any part of the body, but is most often found on the leg, arm, buttocks, abdomen, and fingers. Pus can have a thick or liquid consistency, as well as a different color.

It is the shade that allows you to determine the type of pathogen:

  • the whitish and yellowish color of the thick structure indicates infection with the staphylococcus bacterium;
  • with a liquid consistency of a brownish-yellow hue, we are talking about E. coli;
  • a watery structure of yellow and green color is characterized by infection with streptococcus;
  • brown, foul-smelling liquid – anaerobic microbes;
  • if the shade of pus inside is yellow, but changes color when in contact with air, then it is Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Symptoms of purulent wounds

  1. Bursting, throbbing or pressing pain.
  2. Redness of the skin around the lesion.
  3. On palpation, the skin feels hot.
  4. Change in skin color at the site of pathology.
  5. Swelling and headache.
  6. Increased body temperature, chills, weakness.
  7. Loss of appetite and increased sweating.

Causes of infection

As you know, purulent wounds occur due to infection. But why then does one person immediately notice the inflammatory process, while the other does not? It turns out that there are certain factors that influence the transformation of a simple wound into a purulent form.

First of all, this is a weakened immune system and the presence of certain pathologies (diabetes mellitus, HIV, etc.). Climatic conditions (high humidity) and extensive pollution of the area also play a huge role.

A pathogenic microorganism can be introduced into a wound through dirty hands or the use of non-sterile materials for processing.

The first question that arises is how to treat a purulent wound. Because the effectiveness and duration of subsequent therapy depends on this.

Not every person is ready to go to the clinic with such a minor problem. And it’s not always possible to see a doctor right away.

Therefore, it is necessary to know the rules of primary processing:

  1. Wound disinfection and rinsing. What to wash with? Every home has hydrogen peroxide, so use this liquid. You can use Furacilin, potassium permanganate diluted in water, or a solution of Chlorhexidine.
  2. Next you need to treat the area around the wound. To do this, you can take brilliant green or iodine. After this, you need to make a dressing (apply a sterile bandage).
  3. Further care includes application of ointments, daily rinsing and other types of processing.
  4. In particularly advanced cases, the doctor prescribes surgery. For example, if the wound is lacerated, open, with the presence of foreign bodies, etc. The surgeon performs a deep cleaning, removing blood clots, fragments, dead tissue and cells. This will speed up the healing process. If necessary, the doctor excises the uneven edges and then applies sutures.

Quite often, the doctor suggests administering a special anti-tetanus serum, and for bites from unvaccinated animals, a rabies vaccine. You should not refuse the procedure, as this will prevent complications.

The basis of the algorithm for treating purulent lesions is to remove dead epithelium, cleanse purulent fluid, accelerate regeneration processes and prevent the development and growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

For processing, you will need a sterile bandage and gauze pads, scissors washed in alcohol, sterile gloves, adhesive tape, solutions and ointments.

Initially, the area around the wound is washed and treated with hydrogen peroxide, manganese or other solutions. Next, use scissors to cut a sterile napkin to the size of the wound, apply ointment to it and apply it to the lesion. After this, bandage it. All manipulations must be done with gloves.

If you remove a bandage with accumulated pus, do it with rubber gloves. After removing the purulent napkin, be sure to change your gloves. Otherwise, you risk spreading the infection throughout your body.

Treatment methods for purulent wounds

Before treating purulent wounds, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic methods. Medical principles of treatment include the following:

  • cleansing of purulent fluid and dead tissues and cells;
  • neutralization of swelling and other symptoms;
  • destruction of bacteria.

If the pus cannot be removed naturally, drainage is performed. It can be passive or active.

In the first case, drainage from tubes, strips, turundas and napkins soaked in antiseptics is used. Active drainage involves the use of suction devices.

Since purulent wounds belong to the infectious group, the use of antibiotics is necessary. Depending on the severity of suppuration, various forms of drugs are used.

For example, with minor suppuration, local exposure is sufficient, and in more complex cases, complex treatment is prescribed. That is, the wounds are treated with antibacterial ointments and solutions, and the patient takes tablets orally. Injections are also prescribed quite often.

The most popular antibiotics for purulent wounds:

  • tetracyclines;
  • cephalosporins;
  • penicillins.

Modern pharmacology produces a huge number of universal ointments that have a comprehensive effect. But what ointment to use for purulent wounds in a particular case will be decided by the attending physician and directly by you.

List of the best ointments:

The most common and popular drugs:

Treatment at home: traditional medicine recipes

Modern medicine does not deny the positive effects of medicinal herbs and other components used in folk medicine.

After all, many drugs are made from plant extracts. Therefore, folk remedies are popular.

Juna is a folk healer, thanks to whom many people got rid of various pathologies. One of her recipes is Juna's unique ointment.

Although, she personally claimed that this remedy came from the people, and she only recommended it. The ointment can draw out any purulent fluid in a short time.

So, you will need 1 raw egg yolk, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and store in the refrigerator.

If necessary, apply the resulting mixture directly to the hearth, covering the top with a piece of toilet paper or a paper napkin. Be sure to apply a protective bandage.

The ointment can be changed every 3 hours throughout the day.. If you want to leave it overnight, feel free to leave it. After removal, you will find accumulations of pus that need to be removed. If there is no purulent liquid yet, then apply another layer of the mixture on top.

Almighty aloe flower

Aloe is a bactericidal plant that destroys pathogens, draws out pus and heals.

But how to use aloe correctly to achieve maximum effect? There are several ways:

  1. Wash the plant leaf and cut it lengthwise. Apply to the affected area and secure. To enhance the antibacterial effect, you can drop a little iodine.
  2. Peel the aloe and finely chop. Apply the paste to the wound.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the cleaned plant, soak a gauze napkin in it and apply to the damaged area.

Aloe needs to be changed every 2-3 hours. Try to use a 3 year old plant. Be sure to treat the wound with any solution before the procedure.

Horseradish recipes

Horseradish is a powerful antibacterial plant, so it is used to treat purulent formations. Horseradish infusion is used as lotions, compresses and rinsing solutions.

Grind the root part, take 1 tbsp. l. and pour boiling water over it. It is advisable to insist in a thermos for 1 hour.

You can make a tincture from fresh leaves. Weigh 200 grams of the plant and twist the leaves through a meat grinder. You should end up with a paste that needs to be poured with 1 liter of boiled water (temperature slightly above room temperature).

Now place the mixture in a glass jar and close the lid tightly. You need to insist for 12 hours. Do not forget to periodically stir the ingredients during this time.

Other recipes

Try not to self-medicate, this can lead to complications.. It is better to consult your doctor, as separate groups of drugs may be prescribed for each type of bacteria. And then you can easily get rid of the purulent wound!

Open wounds are a violation of the integrity of the skin, resulting from the destruction of deep-lying tissues. There are a number of dangers that open wounds can cause:

  1. Bleeding may begin, which can lead to anemia.
  2. The integrity of very important organs may be compromised.
  3. A state of shock that can lead to dysfunction of important organs.
  4. Beginning of infection progression.

Type of open wounds

As a rule, open wounds can rarely cause severe harm; they heal very quickly, but sometimes there are cases when it is impossible to cure the damage on your own. Open wounds are divided into several types:

  1. Cut. Has clear, smooth edges. This type occurs due to the not very careful use of thin, sharp objects. It's enough to just cut yourself with regular paper edges.
  2. Prickly. The damage area is small, but nevertheless may be too deep. You can get injured if you carelessly use thin, sharp objects (an awl, a rod). This type of wound is quite serious, as damage to internal organs or muscle tissue can occur.
  3. Torn. This type of injury involves rupture of soft tissue. You may find that tissue detachment has occurred, heavy bleeding has begun, and severe pain occurs.
  4. Operating room. This type is processed exclusively surgically, and is carried out by qualified physicians.

Necessary treatment of various types of open wounds

If a shallow cut wound is received and does not touch a tendon or muscle tissue, then in order to cure this damage, it will be enough to first treat it with antiseptic drugs and apply a sterile bandage to the injury site or, if the wound is small, cover it with a plaster.

With a puncture wound, as a rule, an examination by a qualified specialist is necessary, since surgical intervention is often simply inevitable. First of all, it is necessary to take measures to stop the bleeding. If bleeding continues to flow, you should immediately apply a sterile bandage and do not remove it until the bleeding stops.

In case of a lacerated wound, first of all you need to treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide, and also apply a sterile bandage. If the damage is severe, then you should not “assemble” the damaged area yourself. It is necessary to seek help from qualified specialists so that the required number of stitches is applied.

Wounds on the leg: treatment methods

Classification of wounds can be carried out according to numerous criteria, such as:

  • cause of occurrence;
  • degree of damage;
  • degree of infection;
  • degree of microbial contamination.

Only surgeons know thoroughly how to process and. First of all, a preliminary determination of the symptoms of the wound occurs, then the object that caused the damage and the characteristics of its course are analyzed. In cases where an open wound appears on the leg, certain symptoms arise:

  • sharp pain;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • tissue defect (gaping);
  • disruption of normal leg function.

The presence of shock, traumatic toxicosis and infectious complications can be added to the general symptoms. How long it takes for the damage to heal depends on numerous factors. Of great importance is how strong the microbial contamination was, whether there were foreign bodies in the wound, whether there was damage to nerves or bones, and whether there were other therapeutic ailments.

In order to cure an open wound on the leg, which was formed with the help of a sharp object, it is necessary to perform a number of measures. The main goal should be to restore the integrity of tissues that are damaged with complete subsequent restoration and preservation of all work functions.

Remember a number of priority actions:

  1. Properly provided primary care is the main key to success.
  2. It is necessary to do the first surgical treatment correctly.
  3. Carry out pathogenetic treatment and care daily.

First aid for an open wound on the leg

To stop bleeding, you need to apply a tourniquet or a very tight bandage. Next, you need to use special antiseptics, and then apply a sterile bandage.

If there are foreign bodies on the surface, you should remove them very carefully, but not with your fingers, but with sterilized tweezers. If this is not the case, you can use a clean bandage. When the foreign body is too deep, you should not pull it out, as you must first numb the injury and go to the hospital. Tetanus prophylaxis will be carried out at the clinic and, accordingly, the object will be removed.

If there are signs that an infection has occurred, it is necessary to rinse, then treat with antiseptics, and then apply a bandage.

Wounds on the hands: treatment

The types of open wounds on the hands are completely similar to the wounds on the legs. The damage should be washed with peroxide and then treated with iodine, but it is strictly forbidden to pour the medicine into the very center, as a burn may occur.

It must be remembered that correct treatment of injuries is the success of rapid healing. After several days, if no inflammatory process has occurred and there is no discharge of pus, you can treat the open wound with Vishnevsky ointment or with medications that contain streptocide.

One of the most famous products that have wound-healing properties is Panthenol. This drug contains a large amount of vitamin B, and it helps to normalize protein metabolism and helps the damage to heal quickly.

Head wounds: first aid

Open wounds on the head are also divided into all the previously mentioned types. They usually occur due to a fall or injury. First of all, it is worth providing first aid to the person, and then bringing him to the nearest medical aid station.

All actions are similar to the previous ones: sterilizing hands, removing dirt, etc. You need to remember that you should not use cotton wool, as it is quite difficult to remove later. If damage occurs on a part where there is hair, it must be cut off immediately, as it will interfere with processing. The space around the injured area should be well smeared with iodine or brilliant green. Be careful not to get the product into the wound, as this will cause tissue burns, which will greatly delay the healing process.

If there is bleeding that does not stop, you need to make a gauze tampon yourself and apply a pressure bandage over it. In order for pain and swelling to disappear, it is necessary to apply ice or a heating pad with cold water. With severe damage, if it is deep enough, an inflammatory process in the lining of the brain can begin, which can lead to dire consequences - death.

It is worth remembering the most important rule!

Regardless of where the open wound occurs, if it is deep or if there is a foreign body in it, after self-provided first aid, immediately contact qualified specialists.

This will help avoid unpleasant complications such as infection or disruption of the normal functioning of muscle tissue.

After proper treatment of the open wound, it is left alone for two days, then healing ointments can be used.

Anyone has been injured in childhood. Usually these are cuts.
The victim may not pay attention to the cut wound.

Orthopedist-traumatologist: Azalia Solntseva ✓ Article checked by doctor

Adults get injured in everyday life, cut with knives and razors.

Lesions with pus

Every person in his life has encountered purulent wounds. Such wounds should be treated twice a day.

It is necessary to rinse with an antiseptic. The most suitable substances are chlorhexidine and peroxide.

It is especially good to use these two substances at the same time. You can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Afterwards you can treat it with brilliant green.

A person is to put an ointment, for example:

  • Levomikol.
  • Levosin.

It is advisable to carry out this procedure in the morning and evening. This will get rid of the pus and will promote speedy healing.


It would seem, what could a cut on the skin lead to? However, the consequences of not paying attention to your body can be very costly.

A cut may damage a vessel or nerve.

If a fresh wound is not treated, germs will enter there, and this can lead to inflammation or even gangrene, followed by amputation.

With purulent ones, consult a doctor.

We treat at home

We treat the wound at home:

  1. For household cuts and - it is important to remove contaminants. This can be done under running cold water, carefully using soap.
  2. Disinfection. Usually hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green are used. If it happens that there are no medications at hand, then you can use a saline solution.
  3. Cover the area with a plaster or bandage. If the injury is serious and deep, consult a doctor.

Without medical education, you can help a person with an open wound.

If the wound is small and clean, then after proper treatment, you will not need to see a doctor.

First, stop the bleeding. It is not always possible to stop the bleeding. If the open wound is not deep, then it is enough to press this place.

But if the bleeding cannot be stopped and it has a rich scarlet color, then contact medical personnel. Just before this you need to apply a tourniquet. However, you should not overtighten the tourniquet, as this can only cause harm and further interfere with processing.

If an artery is injured, then the tourniquet is applied one centimeter above the wound site, and if it is a vein, then lower.

Once the bleeding has stopped, disinfect the area. Everything is done with clean and sanitized hands. Hydrogen peroxide is a cleanser and disinfectant.

After treating with peroxide, you can treat the area around the damage with alcohol or brilliant green. Then a bandage should be applied. If you don't have sterile bandages on hand, any clean cloth will do.

Even a small wound needs to be monitored. If necessary, the first few days can be treated with saline solution.


Disinfection after surgery

Surgery is a serious procedure that may involve the removal of nonviable tissue or foreign bodies to prevent infection.

The operation promotes scarring - rapid tissue healing. After the operation, stitches are placed on the wound. The wound after surgery is completely sterile - this is the key to rapid healing.

Clean postoperative wounds are treated with antiseptics, which include peroxide, chlorhexidine or furatsilin solution.

Dressings are done daily until the stitches are removed. After treatment with an antiseptic, the edges of the damage are lubricated with a solution of 70% alcohol or iodine. After treatment, you can lubricate the seam with ointment for speedy healing. When the procedures are completed, a bandage is applied.

Make sure the bandage is dry and does not get wet. If the bandage gets wet, it should be changed. The postoperative wound must be monitored especially carefully to prevent infection.

Head injury

There is a certain set of rules that will minimize the risk of infection.

Any damage to the soft tissues of the head must be washed and cleared of visible dirt.

It is important to remove foreign objects. Treat with hydrogen peroxide. If you are bleeding, stop the bleeding.

Bleeding can be stopped by packing it with a clean bandage or using cotton wool.

Press the tampon for ten minutes. If the bleeding does not stop, the tampon is pressed with a bandage for a while. In addition to cleaning the damage itself, it is important to treat the area around it. To do this, you need to shave off the hair and lubricate the edges with brilliant green or alcohol.

When cleansing procedures are completed, apply a sterile dressing. If the damaged area is very painful, then it is permissible to apply cold to the bandage. This will relieve pain and swelling.

After any head injury, it is advisable to consult a doctor, because often the injury is much more dangerous than it appears visually.

Shallow cut

A cut is the most common household injury. After proper treatment, a shallow cut will soon cease to bother the victim.

How to properly treat a wound:

  1. Remove contamination.
  2. Once visible dirt and objects have been removed, the area must be treated with peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate. You can also treat it with brilliant green or chlorhexidine. The use of various aggressive agents is prohibited.
  3. Cover the injury site with an adhesive plaster or bandage. If the injury is not big, then this can be enough.

Treatment after a burn

A burn is an extremely unpleasant injury, which is especially troubling in the first days. It is important to know that rapid healing will depend on first aid for the burn.

The damaged area after a burn must be cooled. The first time after a burn, you should not apply ointments to the damaged area of ​​the skin.

Clean the skin with ether and alcohol. If everything is done quickly, the skin can quickly regenerate.

At first, it is permissible to apply lotions with antiseptic agents.

When time passes, you can apply ointments that have a healing effect.

These ointments include:

  • "Solcoseryl".
  • "Rescuer".

They promote rapid tissue healing, dry the damaged area so that it heals faster, and provide the skin with the so-called building material for rapid regeneration.

Damage will heal faster if it is properly monitored and treated correctly. The body will fight on its own, it is important to simply help it with the healing process.

When to go to the doctor

Minor abrasions, scratches and cuts can be treated independently at home, using the right products and carrying out the necessary treatments in a timely manner.

If you have minor injuries, you should consult a doctor only if, despite all the treatments, an inflammatory process has begun in the wound and suppuration has appeared.

It is important to remember that only shallow cuts, the length of which does not exceed 2 cm, can be treated independently without contacting a doctor.

If you receive a larger cut after initial treatment, you should immediately consult a doctor, as stitches may be required.

If you receive serious or large wounds, you should consult a doctor immediately, and it is important to provide the victim with proper first aid before the ambulance arrives.

Possible consequences

Contamination of the injury is dangerous due to the penetration of anaerobic microbes. They do not require air, and they multiply very quickly, causing dangerous complications. The danger is not exaggerated - gangrene can result from suppuration.

Traumatic (hemorrhagic) shock is a severe pathological condition that is life-threatening. Develops at the time of injury, without proper assistance it will cause loss of consciousness and even death of the victim.

Seroma is an accumulation of purulent fluid due to inflammation. Exudate accumulates immediately, causing suppuration. It is necessary to pump it out using a puncture or making an additional incision.

Hematoma is an accumulation of blood clots under the skin. Appears if the bleeding has not been stopped immediately. A comfortable environment for the accumulation of microbes additionally puts pressure on the tissues, pinching them.

Blood must be removed from the tissue; for this, an additional incision is made or the blood is pumped out using a puncture.

Necrosis - appears due to damage to the functioning of blood vessels. Forms on the tissue around the cut site. Two types: wet and dry. Wet necrosis is removed immediately due to the accumulation of pus in deep tissues, dry necrosis does not need to be touched, it protects the skin from infection.

Pyrogenic infection - caused by bacteria (staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, etc.), microbes (clostridia), inflammation (streptococci).

Characterized by tissue sepsis. The period of appearance is 3 days after injury, in rare cases - 13 days.

Anaerobic infection - appears at lightning speed and can be diagnosed within a couple of hours immediately after injury.

Viruses - tetanus, rabies virus. Contamination leads to the development of viruses; the lack of specialized therapy or improper processing will lead to such dangerous consequences.

Dehiscence of the edges complicates healing and widens the “entrance” for infection.

How to properly treat an open wound

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People encounter wounds or cuts quite often. Someone inadvertently cuts their finger with a knife in the kitchen, someone injures themselves on broken glass, someone even accidentally steps on a nail. What measures should be taken in such cases, is it necessary and how to treat the wound, what means are suitable for this?

Does the wound need to be treated?

Definitely necessary. Of course, it may be that the wound will heal on its own and nothing will happen, but without disinfecting the wound you are at great risk. There may be dangerous bacteria on your skin or on something you cut yourself with, which, if it enters the bloodstream through an open wound, can lead to blood poisoning and death. You can easily die from a small cut on your finger!

How to treat a wound?

Of course, wounds are different - small and extensive, superficial and deep, so the way they are treated may vary somewhat. The usual procedure is:

How to treat the wound?

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. This is a cheap and effective remedy, which, moreover, does not cause any irritation or burning. Upon contact with organic tissue, hydrogen peroxide decomposes, releasing atomic oxygen, which kills all microorganisms. Hydrogen peroxide can be poured directly into the wound and used to clean it, and may help stop minor bleeding. You also need to treat the skin around the wound, for example, by wiping it with a cotton swab soaked in peroxide.
  2. Zelenka(brilliant green solution). Another popular remedy that can be used to treat wounds. Zelenka can cause slight skin irritation, so you shouldn't pour too much of it.
  3. Iodine. This is a reliable disinfectant, but it is not recommended for treating open wounds, because it causes severe irritation and burns the tissue, which will cause the wound scar to heal longer. It is useful to treat the edges of the wound and the skin around it with iodine.
  4. Miramistin. A highly effective disinfectant developed in the USSR specifically for astronauts. Kills all types of bacteria, viruses and fungi, has an immunostimulating effect. To treat wounds, you can use Miramistin in the form of a solution or spray, and you can wash the wound. The main disadvantage is the rather high price of the drug.
  5. Chlorhexidine. A relatively inexpensive and effective antiseptic, which (in the form of a solution) can also be used for treating and washing wounds.
  6. Furacilin. This product is usually sold in tablets; to disinfect the wound, you need to prepare a solution yourself. You need about 2 tablets per glass of water. Furacilin solution is quite effective for treating wounds; they can be washed with this solution, but furatsilin still has a noticeable drawback. The problem is that the tablets do not dissolve well in water, especially cold water, so the solution will have to be boiled, and all this takes time.
  7. Other means. If it suddenly turns out that you don’t have any of the above or any special antiseptic agents in general, you can use other means to treat the wound, which are probably available in every home. Among such means: alcohol, cologne, potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate solution), a strong solution of soda or salt, a weak solution of acetic acid.

What not to do.

First of all, you need to try not to introduce an infection into the wound yourself. There is no need to touch the wound with dirty hands, apply dirty leaves of any plants and other means of questionable effectiveness to it (from raw potatoes to cottage cheese and vegetable oil, which is often recommended by experts in folk recipes). For dressing, you need to use a sterile bandage, or, as a last resort, if there is no such bandage, boiled or well-ironed fabric.