What is rose oil used for? What is known about the beneficial properties of rose oil. Use and treatment with rose essential oil

One of the most popular floral cosmetics is rose essential oil. It is excellent for skin care of any type. This is a real find for dry, sensitive and mature skin. Legends have been written about him since ancient times, and chronicles different countries and peoples mention magical properties.

Characteristics, beneficial properties and composition

The most noble types are Moroccan and damask rose. Their compositions vary according to percentage components, but the action is identical. Moroccan rose oil is a strong aphrodisiac.

The color of the oil depends on the source raw material: from muted yellow to pale green. The lower the storage temperature, the thicker the consistency. Normal thickness returns as the temperature rises.

Main components:

  • geraniol;
  • roseola;
  • farnesol;
  • citronellol;
  • phenylethynol;
  • nerol;
  • eugenol;
  • acids: lauric, palmitic and arachidic.

Essential oil rosewood has the following effects:

  • helps in the fight against flaky and irritated skin;
  • nourishes and moisturizes dry skin, evening out its color;
  • treats neurodermatitis and dermatitis;
  • reduces or completely eliminates the appearance of stretch marks on the skin;
  • helps maintain youthful skin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and vascular patterns on the face;
  • brightens with the ability complete elimination age spots and wrinkles.

The oil rejuvenates the skin, saturates it with moisture, tones and softens. It returns skin firmness and elasticity. Result regular use- fresh healthy look.

It is one of the best means for inflammation and irritation of the skin, it has powerful antiseptic properties.

Receipt methods

There are several ways to get this wonderful product:

  1. Ether is produced in production;

Rose oil in industrial conditions produced in two ways:

  • distillation

Hot steam is distilled through the mass of petals. The final substance is separated into essential oil and hydrosol (flower water). Both products are sold at average prices due to the relative simplicity of the process and large production volumes.

  • enfleurage

The petals are placed on plates with odorless fat and left until the esters are absorbed by the base mass. The portion of roses is changed many times with fresh ones at intervals (several days). The result of this stage is fondant. The second step of enfleurage is mixing it with alcohol or another pure solvent. The fat is separated from the rest of the solution, then the alcohol is separated from the oil. The resulting oil is called absolute. It is so concentrated that it can even solidify at room temperature. The price for such a product is always high. To make 1 liter, you need to use at least 3-5 tons of flowers of the first freshness.

Absolute is considered the ideal for skin care. It goes on sale diluted to 5% concentration. The complementary base is usually jojoba.

Aromatherapy properties. Dosage in aroma lamp

Aromatherapy is one of the forms alternative medicine. There are two mechanisms of its action: direct pharmacological effect and the influence of aroma on the brain through the olfactory system.

Directions for use:

  1. Inhalation directly to disinfect the respiratory tract and achieve a psychological effect.
  2. Contact use for skin care, massage, addition to baths.
  3. Indoor aromatization and air disinfection.

In aromatherapy, rose oil is used as an effective sedative. It is very popular among the fair sex. Using just a few drops of this essence you can relieve stress, get rid of nervous tension and create a more positive outlook on the world. Rose oil will help women become more self-confident and reveal their inner reserves of femininity and beauty. Being a powerful aphrodisiac, it helps solve whole line questions related to sexual problems.

Properties of rose oil:

In aromatherapy, as in any treatment, there are rules:

  1. The first procedures are carried out using small doses.
  2. Rose oil is not used in pure form, but dissolves in base ones (almond, apricot, peach, olive).
  3. Entry into aromatherapy sessions should be gradual - to begin with, no more than 20 minutes in duration. To achieve the most effective result Aromatherapy requires creating certain conditions: - create dim lighting, without bright light sources; - eliminate everything in your environment that creates stress for you; - create silence; - isolate yourself from others, it is better not to be disturbed or distracted during aromatherapy.

Pmedicinal use

In medicine the spectrum therapeutic effects oils are quite wide and varied. So it is successfully used for normalization menstrual cycle in women, treatment of infertility in men, improves heart function and normalizes the activity of the digestive tract.

Popular effective recipes:

  1. Dry and cracked areas of skin are treated with a compress: a tablespoon of vegetable oil is heated in a water bath; it should not be hot. Add 3 drops of ether, moisten a cotton cloth with the composition and apply to the damaged area until it cools completely. The procedure is performed twice a day. The result will be noticeable within 2-3 days.
  2. An irregular cycle can be evened out using a mixture of calendula juice with rose ether (2-3 drops per 100 ml of juice). Inserted into the vagina by douching.
  3. For cleansing and healing inflammatory processes of different nature in the body, it is recommended to take baths for 15-20 minutes (start with five minutes). Add the mixture to the collected water rose oil And sea ​​salt- 5 drops per 20-30 grams of salt (Approximately 2 tablespoons. Such baths increase the overall tone of the body. The course of treatment is two to three weeks (daily or every other day), in for preventive purposes once a week is enough.
  4. In order to treat a sore throat, rose oil in the amount of one or two drops is applied with a pipette to the affected area (application with a cotton swab is possible). The procedure is repeated 3 times a day for three days. The frequency of application is 4-5 hours apart.
  5. Pulpitis is treated by filling the canal with a mixture that includes rose oil. It completely kills microorganisms in 5 minutes.
  6. Toothache can be relieved for 3-4 hours by applying diluted ether into the cavity affected by caries.
  7. Treatment of periodontal disease is carried out by applying a swab moistened with rose water. The compress is applied to the affected gum. Bleeding gums and disturbing pain go away after several sessions. Inflammation processes are treated and gums are strengthened.

Application in cosmetology

Rose ether is widely used for cosmetic purposes: for the face, hair and body.

  • To nourish and moisturize tired, dry and dehydrated skin, add 5 drops of ether to 100 grams of heavy cream and wipe your face once a day.
  • Baths for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Pour 0.5 - 1 liter of water heated to 80 degrees into a large container, add 3 drops of ether. The procedure is carried out by bending over the steam, while covering the head with a towel. Breathe for 7-10 minutes. Afterwards, masks containing oil or aromatherapy are recommended.

You can enrich the composition of the cream daily use: per bottle with a capacity of 50 ml. Three drops will be enough.

  • Face masks can come in a wide variety of styles. You can add a couple of drops to your usual masks or make one next recipe: dissolve a couple of drops of essential oil in one tablespoon of base (honey, olive oil, egg yolk or fermented milk product). Apply the mask evenly onto the skin with massage movements and leave for five minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Rose water for washing: dilute three drops of rose oil in half a teaspoon of emulsifier. Vodka (40% alcohol), honey or whey is used as an emulsifier. The resulting composition is mixed with half a liter warm water. Rinse the skin and pat dry gently with a towel.
  • Rose oil is very effective for hair - it restores shine, strength and stimulates hair. active growth. Dry hair ends are restored by applying a mixture of almond oil and rose ether - approximately 1 tablespoon per 3 drops. A massage mask is suitable for the roots. The basis of care is a nourishing scalp massage. You need to prepare the mixture: add five drops of ether to 1 tablespoon of almond or olive oil. Apply over the entire hair growth surface and massage the scalp for at least 10 minutes. Distribute the remainder over the entire length of the hair. To create a greenhouse effect, wrap your hair in a towel and leave for 1-1.5 hours, then rinse. If during or after the procedure there is any headache, the concentration should be reduced.

Combination of rose oil with various ingredients

Ideal companion oils as base oils: almond, apricot, olive.


Use in everyday life

Rosewood oil can repel insects and is often used as a natural repellent.

With regular aromatherapy sessions, it helps to quit smoking.

If you are planning a long trip, be sure to take rose oil with you - it increases your attention and will not allow you to lose vigilance on the road.

Dosage and emulsifiers

The most commonly used emulsifiers are: - ethanol 40% (vodka); - honey; — dairy products(kefir, curdled milk, yogurt); - bran; - sea and salt; - soda. The dosage is maintained according to the prescription. Most often it is 3-5 drops of ether per 1 tablespoon of emulsifier. Primary aromatherapy procedures are carried out for a short period of time - up to 20 minutes. The dosage of rose oil is minimal - 1-2 drops. With absence side effects and individual intolerance it increases to 3-5 drops.

How to choose a quality product.

  • Natural essential oil is packaged in a dark glass bottle. It should not be stored on display - sunlight detrimental to this product.
  • The plug must be tight to prevent oil from evaporating.
  • The package includes a dropper or pipette with the ability to calculate the volume (does not apply to small bottles of 1-2 ml).
  • Medicines are packaged with tamper evident protection.
  • The label and packaging must contain full information about the manufacturer.

The myth that natural ether will completely evaporate if dropped onto paper is not true. This is not an indicator of quality.


Rose oil is very valuable product. And its production requires a lot of raw materials: to obtain 1 kg. 5000 kg of raw materials are consumed. The final price averages 250-300 rubles per 5 ml. If the price is lower, then most likely you purchased a diluted product - it will not lose its beneficial properties, but for therapeutic and preventive purposes it will be necessary large quantity oils

Oil for the health of women and children:

Women are beings of a subtle soul who always want to remain young and desirable for their other halves. Men help us in every possible way in this difficult matter, inventing, developing and introducing new skin care products. In all centuries, humanity has enjoyed the benefits of nature, which gave the world medicinal plants having miraculous properties.

IN modern world little has changed. Science has learned to recycle more efficiently Natural resources, from which excellent cosmetic products are obtained. Manufacturers of the 21st century have achieved great achievements. These include essential rose oil - a universal liquid with high therapeutic activity.

In Russia, they began to produce it on the territory of Crimea. Entire plantations were created where fragrant roses were grown. But most of The herbal product is exported mainly from Italy, Bulgaria and Moldova. The price of the products is quite high, since at least 5000 kg of petals are consumed to produce a kilogram of flower liquid.

But believe me, the end justifies the means. It is surprising that rose extract is considered almost a panacea for physical and mental adversity. Product plant origin known since the time of Cleopatra, which is probably why it is in great demand among female population planets. The oil is widely used in the cosmetology, household, and culinary industries. He is favored by both popular aesculapians and people of science. Let's find out the truth of the above!

Rose oil: application in cosmetology

One aroma of a fragrant extract lifts your spirits and inspires. It cannot be confused with anything else. However, before applying to the skin, we recommend testing the product for allergic reaction. True, it rarely provokes rashes and is well tolerated. Professional cosmetologists say that if you want to maintain youth for a long time, use rose oil.

It is easy to use at home, for example, for tired and strained eyes, swelling of the eyelids. It is enough to apply a tampon soaked in floral liquid to the eyeballs and hold for a few minutes. The next morning there will be no trace of fatigue left. The product has a lymphatic drainage effect, tightens, moisturizes, and tones.

The extract is recommended for use for deep cleansing, getting rid of excess secretion sebum and narrowing of pores. You need to wipe your face with essential oil every day or add a few drops to the cream. From such procedures upper layer the epidermis will become velvety and smoother.

Over time, the skin will become smooth, noticeably tightened, and cleared of inflammation. For older ladies, cosmetologists advise regularly applying this mask: combine yellow clay, a drop of olive oil, rose oil and water. Apply the thick paste with massaging movements onto the face and décolleté area.

The flower extract is credited amazing properties. It has long saved people from viral and fungal diseases. Has hemostatic, astringent and antiseptic effect rose oil. The use of the product is indicated when dental problems. Helps heal cuts, wounds, burns.

Used internally to strengthen blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Healing liquid normalizes heartbeat, eliminates spasms. Can be used for prevention against respiratory diseases. Traditional healers prescribed for respiratory diseases, cough. The essential liquid is excellent assistant in the fight against nervous disorders, depression. It eliminates weakness, dizziness, headaches, elevates mood and restores strength.

How to use for treatment?

You can relieve the symptoms of ARVI with inhalations based on rose oil. Sore throat rinse with a solution of water in which a drop of essential extract, salt and honey are dissolved.

For a runny nose, you should prepare the following remedy: mix rose oil (2 drops) and St. John's wort oil (3 drops). Instill three drops every two hours.

You can get rid of migraines using the same remedy: every half hour, lubricate the temples and forehead with a mixture of pink (3 drops) and base oils (10 drops).

You can normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanse the intestines and eliminate the manifestations of dysbiosis by taking orally next medicine: For 100 grams of honey, take 5 drops of extract. Drink 5 ml 4 times a day, washed down with any fermented milk drink (kefir, fermented baked milk, ayran).

Lifesaving remedy for women

Rose oil is suitable for treatment gynecological pathologies especially in complex therapy. Douching with floral liquid destroys pathogenic bacteria, relieves itching, discharge, and inflammation. The procedures are indicated for cystitis, candidiasis, urethritis, and vaginitis. It is not prohibited to use it to restore the menstrual cycle. The product is recommended in menopause: relieves symptoms. It has found application in the treatment of endometriosis, endometritis and adnexitis.

How to make rose oil with your own hands?

If you don’t have the money to buy a high-quality extract, you can prepare an analogue yourself. Certainly, medicinal properties such a drug will be much weaker. Rose oil is made at home from any variety of roses. Remove the petals from the buds before sunrise, place in a glass container, pour in olive or sesame oil. It should be left in a dark room under a lid for about two to three weeks. Shake the container periodically.

What do people say about the properties of the flower remedy?

Rose oil receives only positive reviews from specialists and satisfied patients. Women claim that the liquid is absolutely safe, does not contain dangerous chemical additives, and has rejuvenating and tonic qualities. Exudes a pleasant aroma, has beneficial effect on psycho-emotional state. Taking advantage herbal remedy You can prevent depression and avoid nervous tension.

Applications, recipes and medicinal properties of rose oil.

APPLICATION. Rose oil – obtained from rose petals, which contain up to 0.02% essential oil quite complex composition.

Rose oil for the health and rejuvenation of women, the body inside and outside, and the child. Video

HEALING PROPERTIES OF ROSE OIL. Rose oil How remedy has been known since ancient times. The oil was applied internally to the liver. Rose oil was also included in cosmetic products in ointments.

Rose essential oil fights hemophilia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. It is included in inhalation mixtures and ointments for physical procedures carrying out.

Rose oil. Roses flowers - source of valuable oil, which, in addition to enhancing beauty female body, have a calming effect on the senses, especially during periods of depression, and also soften the manifestations of tension before menstruation. Rose aroma gets rid of fatigue.A mixture of rose oil and vinegar can be used in the treatment of infected wounds. , diseases in the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis and flu.

Rose essential oil. Oil smell- sweet, tart. Oil helps to get into a romantic mood, promotes emancipation. Relieves headaches and has a beneficial effect on the skin.
Rose oil has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and calming effect. There is evidence that this product has an antiseptic effect for catarrhal (non-fibrotic) types of gingivitis.

Rose oil. Video


For the production of rose oil, such varieties of roses are used as Damask rose, Kazanlak rose and some other types.
To prepare rose oil according to the recipe below, Damask rose raw materials are used.
Damask rose– a thorny shrub up to two meters in height. It has pink or red petals. This species was bred in a special way by crossing different varieties.


Natural rose oil can be called the most widespread and popular among all women. Cosmetic preparations from roses are widely used in cosmetology, and it is not at all accidental that Rose has a wonderful effect on the skin and makes it extraordinarily beautiful and well-groomed. Rose It’s not for nothing that youth was also considered a symbol of beauty. Roman beauties lay for hours in a bath with pink petals, after which to their skin became unusually fragrant, fresh, tender and elastic.
Cosmetic products with rose oil or rose water have a number of advantages and extensive effects. Never does not cause allergic reactions, therefore, if Your skin is too sensitive and you can't suitable remedy When you find out how to care for it, you can be confident that rose oil will definitely help you out and give you beauty and health to your skin.
Rose oil has an antimicrobial and healing effect, promotes rapid skin regeneration and renewal of the surface layer . With rose oil preparations for sensitive skin ideal, as well as for aging and fading skin. You can use creams prepared on the basis of rose oil and special tonic lotions that have a number of positive properties.

Pink water– This is a universal toning lotion, perfect for any skin type. This product is excellent for the care of sensitive skin, as when used systematically, young skin is gradually cleansed, energized protective properties it occurs and fat balance normalization, completely preventing the appearance of pustules and pimples. Besides, the water is pink remarkable property It has: it moisturizes the skin, nourishes its tone, raises it and helps the disappearance of small wrinkles.
Rose water You can buy it ready-made in a store, but it’s better to make it yourself, at home. It can be used not only as a lotion, but also as an additional component added to water when bathing.

RECIPE WITH ROSE OIL 1. You will need: thirty grams. rose petals, four hundred ml. olive oil.

Method of production and use: remove impurities rose petals cleaned with olive oil mix. Store the product in a tightly sealed glass container exposed to the sun. This rare case when raw materials are not placed in a cool place for manufacturing dark place, and under Sun rays substituted. Infuse for at least seven days.

ROSE WATER RECIPE 2. At home, you can get rose water, which contains essential oil in dissolved form. Process distillation of essential oil and obtaining aromatic water distilling it involves (oil) with water steam.
This is one of the most ancient and reliable ways of obtaining essential oils. So that with water steam volatiles drive it away, load the crushed raw material into the apparatus, fill it with water and heat it to a boil. Essential oil and water vapor enter the refrigerator, where the condensation process occurs. Thus the liquid obtained called distillate. In a special vessel (florestin), it is split into water, in which oil particles are dissolved, and essential oil itself.
For obtaining rose water at home, it is necessary to have a glass flask with a wide neck (thirty to forty mm) with a capacity of two to three liters (made of heat-resistant glass), a rubber stopper (for the flask), two to three meters of rubber tube with an internal diameter of eight to ten mm, tripod.
Technological process fragrant rose water (distillate), in which are dissolved oil particles is as follows: fill the flask one third with crushed raw materials and tap water add until flask is 0.500 full. After this, close the flask with a rubber stopper and place it on the electric stove with the heating element closed, having first placed an asbestos sheet.
When in the flask water will boil with raw materials together, essential oil distillation begins. Condensed essential oil vapors, and the distillate flows into the jar.
Monitor the intensity of boiling in the mixture flask. During violent boiling, overshoot is possible. Adjust the boiling intensity t of the heating element, or raise the flask above the electric stove using a tripod.
To drive away essential oil completely, evaporate approximately half of the water in the flask.
Quantity is insignificant essential oil from distillate separated in the form of a thin film due to their specific weight difference. Everything else remains dissolved in it. This is what it is eared or aromatic water. For long-term storage, add thirty to forty ml to this water. 96% ethyl alcohol.

Rose essential oil:
- has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal effects;
- concentrates attention, improves memory and tones;
- calms down when overexcited;
- cardiac systems - vascular activity normalizes;
- ;
- is an aphrodisiac;
- ;
- ;
- hormonal background restores;
- eliminates dysbacteriosis.

EXTERNAL USE. INDICATIONS FOR USE OF ROSE OIL. Rose essential oil is called “feminine” oil , since the oil helps on days darkened by PMS, it acts as a pain reliever and normalizes the amount of discharge on menstruation days, relieves thrush, and relieves postpartum stress.
Rose essential oil is used in cosmetology to care for body skin and hair. . Acting on the skin, it rejuvenates well and smoothes out fine wrinkles, increases its firmness and elasticity. In combination with other components, it regulates sebaceous glands work, eliminates skin irritation and peeling, makes it healthy and beautiful. And moreover, it is used for scar removal, scars and stretch marks.


Treatment of thrush with rose essential oil. To eliminate thrush at home, douching helps based on the following calculation: three drops rose essential oil(drop a teaspoon of soda) per five hundred ml boiled water.

emergence with rose oil. Rinsing your mouth with a solution of one drop will help. rose essential oil(drop half a teaspoon soda) per hundred ml. water. For general well-being improvement rose essential oil Take three times a day before meals - one drop of oil per piece of sugar.

You can add rose essential oil to your bath (ten drops) for stress relief and relaxation and improved skin and hair condition. Due to rose essential oils molecules penetrate quickly into the epidermis, there is no need to take a bath for more than ten minutes.
Can be done special mixture for baths, which will make your skin soft and velvety. Mixture composition:milk(one litre), honey(one tablespoon tbsp.), oil ethereal roses (ten caps.). Warm up milk with honey m and mix, Add rose essential oil and pour everything into the bath. For greater simplicity, instead mixture of milk and honey, a glass of kefir will do or regular liquid yogurt.

MASSAGE OIL FOR LOVERS: rose essential oil (four drops), sandalwood oil (five drops), oil essential ylang- ylang (one drop), peach oil (fifty ml.).



PINK WATER. The simplest thing you can do from rose essential oil- This pink water, which can be wiped skin instead of lotion. You will need two hundred and fifty ml for this. boiled water and two drops of rose essential oil. Regular use of this lotion greasy shine will relieve the T-zone, narrow pores, “ crow's feet" will remove it from the eyes. Rose water moisten a couple of cotton pads and place them on closed eyelids, this It will relieve swelling, and after several procedures, it will get rid of bags.

MASK - SCRUB FOR THE DECOLLETE AREA AND FACIAL SKIN. Compound: honey(0.500 teaspoon), pink water(one teaspoon), ground almonds(a couple of teaspoons). Mix everything, apply gently to the skin, cool water wash off after fifteen minutes.

ANTI-AGING NIGHT CREAM. Cream composition : rose essential oils o (three drops), (three drops), (two drops), neroli oil(two drops), (thirty ml.). Mix everything, seal it tightly and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks, after which you can use it, applying it to previously cleansed facial skin before going to bed.

You can “enrich” your cosmetics with rose essential oil, add four drops to cream, tonic, shampoo, hair mask, shower gel, or you can make your own completely natural products.

CREAM WITH ROSE OIL. Required: fifteen grams. beeswax, sixty gr. almond oil, ten ml. rose oil. Method of preparing the cream and application. Beeswax and almond oil heat it in a water bath and melt it. Remove the pan from the heat and whisk the mixture vigorously until homogeneous creamy mass education. Add drop by drop rose oil and continue beating. Store the finished cream in the refrigerator. Use as moisturizing cream after the bath.

Be healthy!

Rose oil, treatment. Video


“How to always be beautiful and well-groomed?” - this question worries women of all ages, from ancient times to the present day. For several centuries one of the most famous cosmetics for appearance care is an extract obtained from the petals damask rose. The secret of using this precious ether originates in the ancient East, in Persia.

Rose oil for face

Skin cleansing lotion.

  • 10 drops rose extract
  • 1 glass of warm purified or mineral water
  • 0.5 cups glycerin
  • 50 ml alcohol

Mix and wipe the skin after washing.

For dry skin

  • 2 tbsp. l. rosehip oil
  • 2 tbsp. l. jojoba
  • 4 drops rose extract

The product should be used at least 2 times a day (preferably morning and evening).

Mask for treating acne marks

  • almond olein
  • 5 drops rose essential oil
  • 5 drops tea tree essential oil
  • 5 drops liquid vitamin E

We use almond oil as a base. You need to add components to it. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 15-20 minutes.

To combat blackheads

  • 2 tsp black clay
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice
  • 3-4 drops of rose ether

Dilute the clay with water to a paste consistency. Mix all ingredients and distribute over the skin. You need to keep the mask for 10-15 minutes.

To rejuvenate aging skin

  • 20 ml almond olein
  • 10 ml wheat germ olein
  • 6-7 drops of rose petal ether

Apply the mixture every day to cleansed skin.

Anti-wrinkle mask

  • 1 or 2 tbsp. l. fresh kefir
  • 2 drops of rose essential oil

Use the resulting mask 3-4 times a week.

Mask that improves skin elasticity

  • 2 tbsp. l. honey
  • 5 drops of rose extract,
  • 2 yolks
  • 6 tbsp. l. flour (necessarily coarse grind)

Heat the honey and butter in a water bath, then remove and add the already beaten yolks to the mixture and carefully, stirring, add the flour. Leave on skin for 20 to 30 minutes.

For the eye area

Soften dry skin around the eyes

  • 2 drops rose petal ether
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. almond oil (or any carrier oil)

Apply regularly to the area around the eyes, making sure that it does not get into the eyes.

Eliminate wrinkles around the eyes

  • 1 tsp. olive oil (1 teaspoon)
  • 1 drop sandalwood essential oil
  • 1 drop rose essential oil

Apply to the area around the eyes every other day.

For body

Fighting stretch marks

  • 15 ml almond olein
  • 15 ml wheat germ olein
  • 4 drops rose essential oil

Areas of the body with stretch marks should be massaged with the resulting mixture.

Making skin soft and smooth

  • 0.5 - 1 liter of warm fresh milk (kefir)
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey
  • a few drops of rose essential oil

We take a bath with the addition of this mixture. Bath time: 20-25 minutes.

For weight loss

  • We do it every day intense massage problem areas with rose extract, diluted with vegetable olein.
  • Take a bath with rose and grapefruit esters (5 drops each), diluted in 200 ml of fresh warm milk. Bath time: 15-20 minutes.

How to use rose oil for hair?

Growth mixture

  • 100 ml aloe tincture
  • 10 drops rose essential olein
  • 10 drops cedar essential olein

Mix the ingredients. Rub the resulting rose oil for hair into the scalp, cover your head with a towel and keep the mixture for 20-30 minutes.

For hydration and hair growth It is also recommended to carry out aroma combing sessions with rose ether (apply a few drops to a comb and run through the hair).


Damask rose essential oil cannot be used in its pure form. It is also prohibited to use in case of individual intolerance and during pregnancy.


  • Massage: 5 drops of essential oil for every 15 grams of base olein.
  • Bath: 5 to 10 drops of oil (emulsify in salt or milk).
  • Adding to finished creams: 5 drops for every 15 grams.
  • Aroma combing: 3-4 drops.

In Ancient Greece, the following parable was known: the philosopher Socrates came up with a competition for the shortest and wittiest answer. The question was asked: what is the most useful and beautiful thing in nature, one of the students picked a rose and handed it to the philosopher. He won.

The rose is a favorite flower for many; it pleases the eye with its perfection, unique forms and wonderful smell. Today I want to talk about rose oil, which is very popular because of its medicinal and cosmetic properties.

The use of rose oil is very popular, but do not forget about contraindications, these are primarily pregnancy, allergies, childhood up to 6 years old. Never use pure oil, dilute it vegetable oils or other ethereal ones.

So how to use rose essential oil?

Essential rose oil medicinal uses

Rose oil contains:

  • citronellol-20-30%;
  • geraniol-50-60%;
  • nerol up to 10%;
  • phenyethyl alcohol 1-2%;
  • other substances.

For what diseases is rose oil used?

How to use rose oil?

Using Rose Oil on the Face

Rose oil has an excellent cosmetic effect, eliminates various problems with skin.

What is the effect of using rose oil on the face?

Recipes for using rose oil for the face

1) You can prepare a wonderful tonic - 5 drops of oil in a glass of water and wipe your face.

2) If you mix 10 drops of almond oil and rose oil and you get excellent remedy from wrinkles

3) A massage with the following mixture will help against cellulite:

  • wheat germ oil-5ml;
  • rose oil - 3-4 drops;
  • almond oil - 20 ml.

4) Mix:

  • a teaspoon of almond oil;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • a drop of rose oil;
  • vitamin E capsule.

A wonderful mask to combat wrinkles and dry skin is ready. Apply for half an hour and rinse.

5) Make a mixture for the bath that will make your skin velvety and soft:

  • milk-1l;
  • rose oil - 10 drops;
  • 1 tbsp honey.

Heat the milk and honey slightly, stir, add a drop of oil and pour the wonderful composition into the bath. It is fashionable to replace the milk-honey mixture with a glass of kefir or yogurt.

6) Massage Oil for lovers:

  • rose oil - 4 drops;
  • ylang-ylang oil - 1 drop;
  • sandalwood oil - 5 drops;
  • peach oil - 5o ml.

7) To prepare anti-aging cream with rose oil you will need:

  • rose oil - 3 drops;
  • patchouli oil - 3 drops;
  • ylang-ylang oil - 2 drops;
  • neroli oil - 2 drops;
  • almond oil - 30ml.

Mix everything and put it in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, then apply it to your face, preferably before bed.

I always add 4 drops of rose oil to all my creams, masks, tonics, shampoos, and hair gels. I felt that my skin became fresher, softer, and my hair was falling out less. I also always add to olive oil, based on a tablespoon of oil - 2 drops of rose oil) rose oil is obtained excellent remedy for the face and eyelids.

How many beneficial properties does rose oil have? I think that you will definitely choose something for yourself and apply it.

I look forward to your comments on the use of rose oil.