The location of the spiral in the uterus. Is this an intrauterine device? Contraindications for the use of the spiral

Of all the intrauterine devices today, perhaps the most effective option. The reliability of this method, according to the latest data, is 99%! Such high rate has not yet beaten any other method of contraception. And numerous positive reviews about the intrauterine device speak only in its favor.

An intrauterine device is a miniature device that is made of polyethylene with the addition of barium sulfate. The last component provides the possibility of x-ray inspection. Next, let's try to figure out which intrauterine device is better.

Types of intrauterine devices

Basically there are the following types intrauterine devices:

  • Copper-containing;
  • Gold-containing;
  • Silver-containing;
  • Hormone-containing (levonorgistrel).

If we judge which intrauterine device is better, then we can confidently say that we should choose the latter type of this contraceptive. It is the most reliable. In addition to the mechanism of action of the spiral, the effect is added hormonal contraceptives. One such intrauterine device is the Jaydess system.

How does the intrauterine device work?

How the intrauterine device works can be understood from the following facts:

  • The coils affect the ability of sperm to pass through the uterine cavity;
  • They act on the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes;
  • Spirals prevent implantation (attachment ovum to the wall of the uterus).

Intrauterine device pros and cons

As the majority testifies positive feedback about the anti-pregnancy device, its main advantages are:

  • High efficiency and reliability;
  • Effective immediately after administration;
  • Not directly related to sexual intercourse;
  • Does not affect breastfeeding;
  • Does not interact with any medications;
  • An examination by a doctor (if there are no complaints) is required once a year;
  • Represents relatively inexpensive method contraception.

However, if we consider the pros and cons of intrauterine devices, we can highlight the following disadvantages:

  • Required gynecological examination patients before administration;
  • Screening for sexually transmitted infections is required;
  • The participation of a trained specialist is required both for insertion and removal of the coil;
  • Gain menstrual bleeding and pain in the first few months (for copper coils);
  • Independent expulsion, that is, exit of the spiral, is not excluded;
  • May increase risk inflammatory processes female genital organs.

The above side effects of intrauterine devices are extremely rare phenomena and they are usually short-term in nature.

Who cannot use an intrauterine device

  • Pregnant women;
  • Women who experience abnormal uterine bleeding;
  • Women with genital tract infections;
  • Women who have suffered acute pelvic inflammatory disease or septic abortion within three months;
  • Women with congenital anomalies uterus or tumors;
  • Patients who have genital cancer;
  • Women who have more than one sexual partner ( more risk infection with sexually transmitted diseases).

Starting to use and removing the intrauterine device

Your antenatal clinic doctor will tell you how to choose a suitable intrauterine device. The choice is made in individually. If menstrual cycle regular, the intrauterine device can be inserted within 12 days from the start of menstruation (not only during menstruation) or on any day of the menstrual cycle if the woman knows for sure that she is not pregnant.

Removing the spiral – simple procedure. Produced in outpatient setting trained medical specialist. The intrauterine device is removed by gradually pulling up the control threads using a surgical clamp. This contraceptive must be removed after the time specified in the instructions for its use or earlier, if the woman so desires. The timing of use of intrauterine devices is determined by their type and the manufacturer’s instructions. Typically terms range from 3 (copper-bearing) to 10 years (gold-bearing).

Often, from the conversations of friends or in queues at the antenatal clinic, you can hear stories about intrauterine devices, various reviews their impressions of this contraceptive. But what is it and what does it do? Won't this affect hormonal background women, her possibility of someday becoming a mother and, of course, will she be able to protect her from certain diseases? Is this method reliable for preventing unwanted pregnancy and are there any differences between them?

Let's try to understand these issues, consider 6 popular intrauterine devices and find out what the differences between them are. Which spiral to choose?

What is an IUD (intrauterine device)?

- this is one of the effective means contraception, which is often used by women who have given birth, who most often have a permanent partner and are not ready for this moment back to motherhood.

Like any other type of contraception, spirals vary in their composition, type, period of use and other parameters.


There are 2 groups of spirals:

  • hormonal;
  • non-hormonal.

Both perform the same task - protection from unwanted pregnancy. But some of them have additional properties. For example, often used in gynecological practice as a way to treat certain diseases, and non-hormonal spirals with the addition of silver or gold have bactericidal effect and protect women's reproductive system from unwanted infections.

There are 3 generations of spirals:

1st generation

  • An IUD without any metal or hormone, consisting only of medical grade plastic.
  • Their contraceptive effect is achieved only through the mechanical impossibility of attaching the fertilized egg to the endometrium.
  • Often cause complications (infectious diseases, ectopic pregnancy and loss of the spiral - expulsion).

1st generation IUDs are no longer used because more reliable and effective IUDs exist.

2nd generation

  • IUDs containing metal. That is, these are spirals that also consist of medical plastic, but have a contraceptive effect due to additional components - copper, silver, gold.
  • Metals affect not only the female body, but also male factor– spermatozoa, and thereby reduce the risk of unplanned pregnancy.

3rd generation

  • Hormonal IUDs, which at this stage are used as therapeutic and contraceptive agents.

Intrauterine devices have different shapes:

  • T-shaped;
  • round or semicircular;
  • in the form of an umbrella;
  • horseshoe-shaped (semi-oval).

Each spiral has its own advantages and disadvantages and is selected individually depending on the characteristics of a particular woman’s body.

All IUDs have the same operating principle – protection against unwanted pregnancy.

So, how does the IUD help prevent conception?

All spirals consist of medical plastic, which rarely causes an allergic reaction in women. But such cases do occur. For this reason, you need to carefully monitor your sensations and monitor the body’s reaction after installing the spiral.

In addition to medical plastic, modern spirals include:

  • metals (silver, copper, gold);
  • hormones.

Hormonal IUD

This type of IUD releases a certain amount of a hormone that affects not only the female body, but also reduces the activity of sperm. The spiral does not affect male potency and on man's health! Only on sperm that have already entered the woman’s reproductive tract. The only noticeable disadvantage that intrauterine devices can bring to a man is the feeling of the antennae of the device during sexual intercourse. This issue can be easily resolved: you need to come to see a doctor, and the gynecologist will simply shorten the interfering tendrils of the spiral.

The hormone in the spiral affects the maturation and release of eggs by a woman’s ovaries and does not have a destructive effect on the hormonal balance as a whole.

The very presence of the IUD in the uterus prevents the attachment of the fertilized egg and, accordingly, pregnancy does not occur. This is a mechanical factor in preventing pregnancy. The spiral also causes local reaction, which has a detrimental effect on sperm, inhibiting and destroying them.

Hormonal IUDs affect many women's diseases(, etc.) and are recommended for use by gynecologists for the treatment of the latter.

Non-hormonal IUD

As for IUDs containing metals, such designs, in addition to the mechanical factor of pregnancy protection inherent in all spirals, have a detrimental effect on the male factor. For example:

  • Copper, oxidizing the environment, inhibits the movement of sperm that enter the uterine cavity and damages them.
  • Silver and gold increase the shelf life of spirals and have a beneficial effect on local immunity, protecting a woman from inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

All types of spirals have a stimulating effect on the fallopian tubes and enhance their peristalsis. While the fertilized egg is rapidly moving into the uterine cavity, the endometrium does not have time to prepare to accept a new life, and as a result, the embryo ends up in an unfavorable environment that is not suitable for further development.

To summarize, we can identify the links of fertilization that are influenced by any spiral:

  • On the male factor (inhibitory and spermicidal effect).
  • For the maturation and release of the egg from the ovaries.
  • For the delivery of the egg and fertilized egg through the fallopian tubes.
  • Attaching the fertilized egg to the endometrium.
  • A local reaction that causes the release of enzymes that are harmful to sperm.

Who can get an intrauterine device?

  • The desire of the woman herself at this stage of life not to become a mother (provided that there is already a history of childbirth).
  • Frequent pregnancies with other types of contraception (if they are used incorrectly or are not taken carefully).
  • Protection against unwanted pregnancy during lactation (breastfeeding).
  • In order to save money. IUDs are placed for several years, which allows a woman not to worry about other types of contraception ( oral contraceptives, condoms).

Important! IUDs do not protect against STIs (sexually transmitted infections)! It is recommended to use a contraceptive if you have a regular sexual partner ( low risk transfers venereal diseases). It should also be mentioned that IUDs are used in women who have given birth and are not recommended for contraception in young nulliparous girls.

Method of setting up a spiral

The spiral is installed both during menstruation and immediately in the first days after it, since at this time it is possible to more likely. In addition, the cervix is ​​slightly open during this period, which makes it easier for the device to enter the uterine cavity and cause minimal discomfort to the woman.

Before installing the spiral, the doctor conducts tests for the presence of inflammatory diseases and, if necessary, prescribes anti-inflammatory therapy. This reduces the risk of complications and the IUD falling out in the future. The process itself takes place only in a gynecologist’s office, under aseptic conditions.

If a woman decides, she should wait some time (about 6 weeks) for the uterus to return to its previous state. The fact is that during pregnancy the uterus overstretches, and after childbirth it gradually returns to its previous size. This process is called uterine involution. In order to avoid complications after installing the IUD, gynecologists recommend waiting until the end of involution.

It is not recommended to place an intrauterine device immediately after an abortion. The patient should be monitored for complications and various inflammatory diseases that could provoke an abortion. As soon as the obstetrician-gynecologist is convinced of in full health women, the IUD can be placed in the uterine cavity.

The instructions for some IUDs contain instructions about inserting a contraceptive immediately after an abortion. This issue should be resolved individually with an experienced doctor and follow his advice in this matter.

Review of intrauterine devices: the most popular means

Available on the market great amount intrauterine devices contraception, which have different shapes, composition, terms of use and, of course, price range. They all have their advantages and disadvantages.

So, let's look at the most commonly used and popular spirals:

Spiral Multiload (Multiload CU-375)

This is a copper wire spiral that has a T-shape. It is not hormonal. The metal affects spermatozoa, causing their death and the impossibility of further fertilization.

The shelf life of the spiral is 4 years. After this period, the spiral must not be used under any circumstances!

Rod length – 35 mm. This is a standard length; the spiral has no other variations in size. It is suitable for women whose uterine cavity, after measuring the size of the uterus with a probe, is between 6 and 9 cm long.

Among the features of the spiral, it should be noted that its use is prohibited in the following situations:

  • if you have an existing allergy to copper;
  • in the first 3 months after an abortion;
  • during the period of breastfeeding.

If a woman long time takes immunosuppressants to treat another pathology - the IUD is not suitable, and another method of contraception should be selected.

It should be noted that the presence of copper in the contraceptive will not affect total copper in the body.

The price range is around 2.5-3 thousand rubles.

Spiral Copper (Copper TCu 380A)

Just like the previous spiral, it contains copper. Spiral dimensions: vertical – 36 mm, horizontal – 32 mm. A feature of this spiral is a greater release of copper into the uterine cavity, which causes a stronger local reaction.

Duration of use – 5-6 years.

Another tip: After installation, you should lie on the couch in the doctor's office. IN in rare cases after insertion of the IUD, a decrease in pulse rate and clouding of consciousness are observed.

All other properties are the same as those of the Multiload spiral.

The price fluctuates around 2 thousand rubles

Spiral Goldlily

It contains both copper and one of noble metals- gold. Gold covers the copper surface, protecting it from early oxidation and corrosion. By creating a potential difference, it is created additional protection from unwanted pregnancy. Gold has a powerful bactericidal effect and prevents the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Another advantage of the contraceptive is the availability of several sizes. Every woman will be able to choose exactly the option that she needs.

The period of use is 7 years.

A significant disadvantage is the price. Due to the presence of gold, the cost of an intrauterine contraceptive is about 4-5 thousand rubles.

Spiral Juno Bio-T with Silver (Ag)

Another spiral in the line modern means contraception. The instructions offer the following indications for the use of the spiral (except for the woman’s desire):

  • Treatment and prevention of Asherman's syndrome (formation of adhesions in the uterine cavity).
  • For post-coital protection (can be administered within 3-4 days after unprotected intercourse).

It contains copper and silver, which increases the service life up to 7 years. Silver prevents early and rapid oxidation of copper, which gives the spiral a longer-term effect.

Another useful quality silver – bactericidal effect. Juno protects the woman’s body from inflammatory diseases and other infectious complications associated with the presence of the spiral in the uterine cavity.

Juno works on the same principle as other spirals, influencing all links in the chain to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The price of this product is also attractive - about 400-500 rubles.

Spiral Nova T

T-shaped coil containing copper and silver (copper wire with silver in the core). As in Juno, in the Nova T spiral, silver prevents early fragmentation of copper. But the difference is the period of use - Nova T should be changed every 5 years. No specific features were identified for other mechanisms of action.

The price is about 1500-2000 rubles.

Mirena spiral

One of the most common means of intrauterine contraception is the hormonal system. This product contains a synthetic gestagen - levonorgestrel. It is released per day at a certain time required quantity, which is sufficient to perform two functions - contraceptive and therapeutic. That is why this spiral is often recommended for women with gynecological diseases(fibroids, endometriosis, etc.).

Mirena inhibits ovulation and prevents the formation of a fertilized egg, which increases it contraceptive effect. Perl's hormonal index intrauterine system is 0.1-0.5, whereas for conventional IUDs it reaches 3.

Important aspects:

  • The IUD does not affect hormonal levels.
  • Not contraindicated in women with metal allergies.
  • Approved for use during breastfeeding.
  • It is a 3rd generation spiral.

The shelf life of Mirena is 5 years. Further use is not recommended due to the depletion of the hormone reserve in the spiral and the increased possibility of development infectious diseases pelvic organs.

This contraceptive has a high cost - about 10-12 thousand rubles.

Dear girls and women! Remember that for an accurate and correct selection of the spiral, you must consult a doctor, because every female body is unique and inimitable!

In contact with

An intrauterine device (IUD) is contraceptive, which is familiar to almost every second woman. This small device is made of plastic with copper, which does not allow active sperm enter the uterine cavity. It also shortens the life of a mature egg and prevents the implantation of the fertilized egg into the walls of the organ. Women have many questions, for example: when can a spiral be installed and how is it installed correctly?

Intrauterine device: what is it and what are they?

Part large quantities The spirals contain silver and copper, which reduce the likelihood of inflammatory processes and suppress the activity of seminal fluid.

Intrauterine devices for women are uterine method protection against unwanted pregnancy, which is considered one of the most effective. A small device is inserted into the uterine cavity and prevents it from closing.

The leg of the spiral itself is made of copper, which acts as a local inflammatory substance, so the sperm loses its ability to fertilize the egg. This is the main effect of the uterine device.

The main tasks performed by the intrauterine device:

  • inhibits the active movement of seminal fluid along the cervix;
  • destroys the ability of sperm to fertilize;
  • shortens the life span of a mature egg;
  • reduces the thickness of the mucous layer of the endometrium, subsequently the zygote cannot integrate into the walls of the uterus; if, by some miracle, fertilization occurs, an early spontaneous abortion occurs.

The effectiveness of the IUD is 99%, since not one method of contraception can provide a 100% guarantee. The spiral protrudes non-hormonal agent protection, and this is an undeniable plus, since it can be used by women for whom hormonal drugs are contraindicated.

After removal of the spiral, restoration occurs in as soon as possible, so pregnancy is possible soon.

However, it is important to note! Experts began to say that after using the IUD, the genital organs reduce the level of their work and the threat of miscarriage is too great, since after spontaneous abortions, the endometrium is depleted.

Of course, one of the main advantages is convenience and ease of use: it was installed for 5 years and all that remains is to visit the gynecologist regularly.

After all, these are not oral contraceptives that need to be taken hourly, not barrier methods protection that may not be available at the right time.

The IUD in the uterine cavity does not need to be monitored every day, hour, week, it is important to general examination after menstruation and visit a gynecologist every six months. Today, the installation period ranges from 3 to 10 years.

According to the principle of influence of the spiral, there are: neutral and medicinal. The latter, in turn, are divided into: hormonal and copper content.

Neutral ones do not release any into the cavity active substances. They prevent the fertilized egg from attaching and developing.

Medicines are distinguished by the material from which they are made: containing copper, silver or gold. Hormonal devices contain the hormone levonorgestrel.

It is also customary to distinguish spirals by their shape:

  • semi-oval;
  • spiral, round and semicircular;
  • T-shaped.

The most popular intrauterine devices for women are:

  • "Mirena"
  • "Multiload";
  • "Nova-t";
  • "ParaGard"

Indications and contraindications

The IUD, like other methods of contraception, has its own indications and contraindications. In some cases there are adverse reactions in the form of pain during insertion of the device, for some time after installation. Painful periods may also occur. Another point to remember: the spiral does not protect against infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs.

Installation of the spiral is suitable for women with the following indications:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • surgeries on the pelvic organs;
  • arterial type hypertension;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • migraine;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • endometriosis;
  • smoking.

Absolute contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • infections in the pelvis;
  • congenital anomalies of the uterus;
  • bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • gestational trophoblastic disease.

Also, sometimes, depending on the type of spiral, there may be special contraindications, for example, copper-containing ones cannot be used during Wilson’s disease, and hormonal ones cannot be used with breast cancer or liver tumors.

Preparation and installation of the intrauterine device

Before inserting the IUD, it is imperative that you have an extensive consultation with your doctor on all issues: which one to choose, what side effects, indications, contraindications, expiration date and other important nuances. Remember, you absolutely cannot engage in arbitrariness. Only an experienced gynecologist installs an IUD into the uterine cavity.

24 hours before the procedure you cannot have intimacy. You should refrain from washing with detergents. intimate hygiene with chemical and other additives, do not douche. 2 days in advance you need to stop taking any medications: suppositories, ointments, gels, suppositories and topical tablets.

Attention! If you suspect you are pregnant, you must notify your gynecologist.

Since pregnant women should absolutely not have the device installed, it is recommended to conduct a jet pregnancy test. It is important to take a smear on the vaginal microflora to detect the presence of infections and inflammations in the cavity.

Preparatory activities:

  • consultation with a specialist;
  • general gynecological examination;
  • laboratory examinations;
  • colposcopy;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

After all the procedures, if the woman is healthy and not pregnant, the doctor decides to install an IUD.

The spiral is placed on an outpatient basis. As a rule, the procedure is carried out a couple of days before the expected period, at which time the cervix allows the IUD to be carefully and successfully inserted without any problems.

How to place a spiral in the uterus: stages

After the examination, the doctor fixes the cervix special device and inserts the coil. The installation is often accompanied by pain similar to menstrual pain. The pain goes away quite quickly.

After installing the device in for preventive purposes to prevent infection, the gynecologist prescribes antibacterial drugs. To ensure that the IUD is inserted and positioned correctly, there are preventive examinations. The first is after one month, then after 6 months, and then every six months.

After the procedure, a woman must follow the following rules for 5 days:

  • not have sexual intercourse;
  • do not douche;
  • wash only in the shower;
  • do not lift heavy objects and do not exercise excessively physical activity;
  • It is prohibited to take drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid;
  • in unexpected and emergency situations Seek medical help immediately.

The IUD can be removed at any time according to the woman’s wishes, but before doing so, she must undergo a series of medical and clinical tests.

Pregnancy and the birth of a baby are important and significant event in the life of every woman, but it must be planned and desired. For those girls who are not yet ready to become mothers or already have children, as contraception The best option is to use an intrauterine device (IUD). At correct use their efficiency reaches 98 percent. What types of intrauterine devices are there and how do they work? How much does such a tool cost and what is the cost of installing it? Many women ask these questions.

What is an intrauterine device and how does it work?

An IUD is a special small device for effectively preventing pregnancy, which a gynecologist, using a guide, inserts into the uterine cavity through the vagina. This device is popular in modern medicine due to a number of advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • after removal of the product, the ability to bear children is quickly restored;
  • allowed for use during breastfeeding;
  • high efficiency remedies (pregnancy occurs in only 2% of cases);
  • hormonal balance not violated;
  • long (from 3 to 10 years) period of use;
  • easy to install and remove;
  • does not cause discomfort and is not felt during sexual intercourse;
  • no need to take oral agents contraception.

Depending on the type of intrauterine device, the principle of its operation is as follows:

  • Copper and other metals in IUDs have a detrimental effect on sperm.
  • Promotes the secretion of viscous mucus, which interferes with the movement of sperm and fertilization of the egg.
  • Hormone-containing IUDs suppress ovulation.
  • If fertilization of the egg has occurred, then VSM increases the contractile activity of the uterus, and the egg dies.

Classification by composition

There is no one universal VSM suitable for all girls. Depending on the physiological state the patient, the structural features of the uterus, the gynecologist selects the optimal type of intrauterine devices. On modern market more than 50 varieties are presented contraceptive IUDs. Their creation and improvement took place in stages, so all types of IUDs are divided into 4 generations: inert, copper, silver and gold, hormone-containing. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


An outdated version of intrauterine devices (invented about a century ago), it belongs to the first generation. Inert IUDs are low-effective and have a high risk of dislodging or falling out, which is why their use is prohibited in many countries. Representatives of this group are:

  • Lips plastic loop made in the shape of the letter S.
  • Steel Mauch ring with two scrolls.
  • Double helix Saf-T-Coil.
  • Dalkon's shield.

This is the second generation of vaginal IUDs and represents small sizes T-shaped or semi-oval device, the rod of which is entwined copper wire. The product is easy to install and remove. Due to the presence of copper, an acidic environment is created in the uterine cavity, which significantly slows down the activity of sperm. Copper intrauterine contraceptives are installed for a period of 3-5 years. The most popular models are:

  • Multiload;
  • Nova T;
  • Juno Bio;
  • Para Grand.

With silver

Any metal tends to oxidize and deteriorate, so in order to extend the life of the copper IUD, manufacturers began to use silver in its rod. At the same time, the spermatostatic effect is doubled, and silver ions, which have antibacterial and disinfectant effects, have a beneficial effect on the woman’s body. Intrauterine contraceptives with silver content in pure form or with copper it is allowed to be introduced into the uterine cavity for 5-7 years.

From gold

As an alternative to silver and copper products, an improved gold version was developed. The main advantages of the gold IUD are absolute biological compatibility with female body, absence allergic reactions, resistance of gold to damage by corrosion. Products of this type have anti-inflammatory properties and effectively protect against unwanted pregnancy. Golden spirals are installed for a long period - from 5 to 10 years. Women's ability to bear children, after their removal, remains normal.

The fourth generation of intrauterine devices includes products containing hormones. According to doctors, this is the most the best remedy contraception. This new generation IUD has the shape of the letter T, in the stem of which there is hormonal drug(levonogrestrel, progesterone), evenly released in small doses into the uterine cavity. This contraception has no contraindications, since the hormone does not enter the blood, but only has local action: relieves inflammation, slows down ovulation, prevents egg fertilization. You can wear an IUD for 5-7 years.

Shapes of contraceptive devices

It is impossible to say which IUD is better. Depending on the anatomical features uterus and personal preferences of each woman, the form of the contraceptive product is individually selected. Before you choose ideal remedy contraception and decides to use it, you must consult a gynecologist. Let's look at the main forms of intrauterine devices, how they look in the photo and their distinctive features.

  • T-shaped

The most popular type of intrauterine device among women. They are easy to use and easy to install and remove. The T-shaped IUD has the form of a rod from which two flexible shoulders extend. With the help of hangers, the product is fixed in the uterine cavity. A special thread is attached to the end of the rod, allowing the doctor, if necessary, to easily remove the spiral from the uterus.

  • Ring shaped

Ring-shaped intrauterine device – modern method contraception, which is recommended for patients who have had an abortion. In production this remedy made of plastic and contains gold, silver or copper. The product is securely attached to the uterus and is easily removed, so the presence of special ropes attached to the contraceptive product is not necessary.

  • Loop or umbrella shaped

The outer edges of the umbrella-shaped spiral have protrusions in the form of spikes, due to which the product is securely fixed inside, this reduces the risk of its spontaneous falling out. The umbrella-shaped contraceptive device is used by women who have a non-standard uterine structure, which makes it impossible to install a T-shaped intrauterine device.

The most popular IUDs for contraception

Available in pharmacies a wide range of various means for protection. Contraceptive IUDs are in particular demand among women all over the world. Depending on your financial capabilities and the characteristics of your body, your doctor will determine which model is best for you. Let's look at the most popular types of intrauterine devices, their photos and descriptions.

It is considered the most effective hormone-containing IUD. It has a T-shape, consists of a vertical membrane, inside of which there is a hormone, and two horizontal hangers (attached to the uterus). The tool provides high degree protection against unwanted conception, suppresses the ovulation process, reduces the risk of ectopic pregnancy, relieves inflammation of the woman’s genital organs, and regulates the menstrual cycle. The cost of the product ranges from 7-10 thousand rubles, the validity period is 5-7 years.


This spiral has the shape of an umbrella, on the side elements of which there are spike-like protrusions used for reliable fixation on the walls of the uterus. The leg of the spiral is wrapped in copper, which has a depressing effect on sperm and suppresses their ability to fertilize. Multiload is allowed to be installed nulliparous girls. The cost of the spiral is from 3.5 thousand rubles.

This intrauterine device is T-shaped. The products are made of plastic and copper; in more expensive versions, it is possible to add silver. Nova T has a detrimental effect on sperm, slows down their movement and reduces the ability to fertilize an egg. The cost of the spiral is from 2 thousand rubles, the shelf life is up to 5 years.

Invention Belarusian doctors. Pharmacies sell many varieties of Juno spirals. There are options for both women who have children and those who have not. The cost of a contraceptive varies from 250 to 1000 rubles. We list the common types of contraceptive devices of the Juno model:

  • Juno Bio-T is a budget option. A spiral in the shape of an anchor, the rod of which is covered with copper thread.
  • Juno Bio-T Super. Identical to the previous model, but has an antimicrobial composition.
  • Juno Bio Multi Ag. A T-shaped product, the leg of which is wrapped with copper and silver thread.
  • Juno Bio Multi. It has an F-shape with jagged edges. Suitable for use by women after childbirth or girls who have had an abortion.
  • Juno Bio-T Au. Dear Spiral, which contains gold. Designed for patients with allergies to metals.

Where to buy and how much does it cost to install a spiral?

You can purchase an intrauterine device at any pharmacies in your city or order it from specialized online catalogues. Price vaginal contraceptive depends on many factors: model, material of manufacture, manufacturer, shape, presence or absence side effects. Sales of intrauterine devices are carried out in such retail outlets Moscow:

  • "Lepharm". Customs Prospect, 9, building 8. Price 700-9000 rub.
  • "Omega". st. Skobelevskaya, 25. Cost – 169-10000 rubles.
  • "Social Pharmacy". st. Dubninskaya, 44a. Price 200 -5000 rub.

Online stores where you can order a spiral:

  • Cost from 300 to 5500 rubles.
  • Price 250-6000 rub.

In order to correctly install the spiral, you must contact an experienced gynecologist. There are many in Moscow gynecological offices, where this service will be provided to you, however, please note the following factors:

  • How many years has the clinic been operating?
  • Experience of a gynecologist, and what patient reviews about him.
  • Service cost.

The price for installing an intrauterine device in some Moscow clinics is as follows:

  • OOO Medical clinic“NORMA”, Nikitsky Boulevard 12, building 3. Price – 2000-3000 rubles.
  • Gynecology Sikirina O.I., Bolshoi Demidovsky Lane, 17/1. The cost of the service is 1500 rubles.
  • MEDICAL CENTER, st. Koktebelskaya, house 2, bldg. 1. Price – 2500-3500 rubles.
  • ON clinic. Tsvetnoy Boulevard, building 30, building 2. Cost from 5,000 rubles.

Video: doctors’ opinion on installing an intrauterine device

Navy – reliable method, preventing unplanned pregnancy. You can learn about the principle of operation of this contraceptive device by reading an article with instructions on the Internet, going to a consultation with a gynecologist, or watching the following video. TV presenter Elena Malysheva will tell you how effective the use of intrauterine devices is, what the possible consequences are, how to place them correctly and when.

An intrauterine device is a contraceptive device installed directly into the uterine cavity. The drug mechanically prevents sperm from passing through and meeting the egg, and also prevents implantation of the fertilized egg if conception does occur. Today, hormonal intrauterine systems (Mirena) are very popular. This contraceptive, among other effects, partially suppresses ovulation, thereby significantly reducing the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy.

So, here are the most frequently asked questions about - everything you wanted to know from the doctor, but still did not dare to ask.

Which IUD is better: hormonal or non-hormonal?

Today they are considered a much more effective and reliable remedy. The Pearl index of the Mirena intrauterine system is less than 1, while for copper-containing IUDs it is up to 3. The final choice of the device is made together with the attending physician, taking into account all possible indications and contraindications.

Advantages of hormonal IUDs:

  • Provide reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy (Pearl index is less than 1, while for copper-containing IUDs it is up to 3).
  • Change the menstrual cycle: periods become scanty and less painful. Amenorrhea may develop when menstruation stops completely. It improves general state women and reduces the risk of anemia.
  • Possess therapeutic effect, are used for some gynecological diseases.

Advantages of non-hormonal IUDs:

  • They do not contain progesterone, which means they are excluded unwanted effects associated with its effect on the body.
  • They are cheaper than hormonal intrauterine systems.

What is Mirena?

Does the intrauterine device have an abortifacient effect?

The main mechanism of protection against unwanted pregnancy is an obstacle to the movement of sperm (and inhibition of ovulation for the Mirena system). If conception does occur, the fertilized egg will most likely not be able to attach to the thinned endometrium, and a miscarriage will occur at very early stages. In this situation, the intrauterine device can be considered an abortifacient system, but in practice similar outcome happens extremely rarely. The effectiveness of the IUD is quite high, and in most cases, conception does not occur.

Is pregnancy possible with the IUD?

Yes, this happens. In rare cases, such a pregnancy goes well, and the woman manages to carry the child to term. Future mom should be observed by a gynecologist, monitor the condition of the fetus and monitor your own sensations. Quite often it ends in miscarriage in the first trimester. This statement is true for both Mirena and non-hormonal IUDs.

Can there be an ectopic pregnancy due to an IUD?

The IUD located in the uterine cavity increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy. The following symptoms indicate the location of the fertilized egg outside the uterus:

  • delayed menstruation;
  • pain in the lower abdomen (usually on the side of the affected tube);
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract.

Expose accurate diagnosis Ultrasound will help.

Does your partner feel the coil during sex?

When the intrauterine device is installed correctly, it is not felt at all during intimacy. In rare cases, the partner may notice the tendrils of the IUD. In this case, you need to see a doctor. The doctor will carefully trim the long mustache, and the problem will be solved.

How to check the spiral correctly?

After the end of menstruation, you should carefully insert two fingers into the vagina and try to feel the antennae of the spiral. Thin threads are located deep in the vagina, but usually a woman can find them inside. If the antennae cannot be identified, you need to consult a doctor.

What to do if the antennae of the spiral are not palpable or visible in the vagina?

The antennae of the spiral must be accessible to a woman for independent recognition. If the antennae cannot be felt with your fingers, you should immediately consult a doctor. At the appointment, the doctor will find out whether the IUD is in place and, if necessary, correct its location in the uterus.

Who should insert and remove the coil?

Only an obstetrician-gynecologist should insert and remove an intrauterine device. Self-insertion or removal of an IUD is prohibited!

The insertion of an intrauterine device is carried out in the first days of the cycle. At this time, the cervix is ​​slightly open, and the contraceptive easily passes into the uterine cavity. The IUD is removed after 5 years or more (depending on the type of IUD). If complications develop, the contraceptive can be removed at any time directly at the doctor's appointment.

Is it possible for nulliparous women to have the IUD?

Women who have not experienced the joy of motherhood are not given an intrauterine device. The exception is Mirena. The hormonal system can only be established with therapeutic purpose and according to strict indications, when other methods are ineffective or unavailable. The fact is that the intrauterine device naturally leads to the development aseptic inflammation, which is extremely undesirable before the first pregnancy.

Is it possible to use the Mirena hormonal device for diabetes?

Yes it is possible. Diabetes is not a contraindication to the installation of a spiral. Before using an IUD, it would be a good idea to consult an endocrinologist and undergo the necessary examination.

Is it possible to install a spiral for uterine fibroids?

An intrauterine system can be installed for a subserous tumor or interstitial myoma, located entirely in muscle layer. In the case of a submucosal node that deforms the uterine cavity, its preliminary removal is indicated. Before installing an IUD, you must undergo an ultrasound and other examinations. The hormonal system Mirena is usually administered.

Is it possible to use Mirena for submucous fibroids?

Submucosal or submucosal fibroids are located close to the endometrium or even extend into the uterine cavity. With this localization of the node, the spiral is not inserted. Installation of Mirena is possible after removal of fibroids.

How long is the IUD inserted and what happens if it is not removed on time?

The intrauterine device is usually placed for a period of 5 years. After this time, it is necessary to remove the IUD, otherwise complications may develop:

  • inflammation of the uterus and appendages;
  • cervical lesions;
  • infertility.

If the IUD remains in the uterine cavity for a long time, it can grow into the walls of the organ, and the IUD can only be removed surgically.

Long-term use of Mirena is also not recommended. After the expiration date, the hormone levonorgestrel stops being released, and the contraceptive effect ends. An unwanted pregnancy may occur. All other risks associated with long-term use spirals are also preserved.

Can I use an intrauterine device for emergency contraception?

Yes it is possible. The IUD is inserted within 5 days after unprotected sexual intercourse according to the standard procedure. Since installation of the spiral requires full examination patients, this method has not found widespread use.Used as postcoital drugs .

Navy as emergency contraceptive not used:

Is it possible to put the Mirena spiral on a nursing mother (during lactation)?

Yes it is possible. The spiral does not affect lactation, the hormone levonorgestrel does not penetrate into breast milk. The chosen method of contraception is not dangerous for the child. Before installing the spiral, you must consult a doctor.

When can an intrauterine device be inserted after childbirth, cesarean section, or abortion?

Time to install the IUD or Mirena hormonal system:

  • After – after 6 weeks.
  • After caesarean section– in 3-6 months.
  • After an abortion - on the day of termination of pregnancy.

On what day of the cycle is the intrauterine device placed?

The IUD is inserted on days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle. At this time, the cervix is ​​slightly open, which makes insertion of the IUD easier. In addition, during this period the risk of unwanted pregnancy is minimal.

Is it painful to have an intrauterine device inserted?

When inserting an IUD, there may be minor nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which disappear within half an hour. Special treatment not required. If pain persists or intensifies, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Is it painful to remove an intrauterine device?

Removing an IUD from the uterus is a somewhat unpleasant, but not at all painful process. The procedure takes a few minutes and does not cause discomfort to the woman. No anesthesia is required. After removing the coil, you may feel moderate nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which goes away within 24 hours.

How does the menstrual cycle change after insertion of the IUD?

After insertion of a copper-containing IUD, the volume of discharge during menstruation may increase slightly. Conversely, the use of the Mirena hormonal system reduces the intensity of bleeding. Amenorrhea – a complete absence of menstruation – may occur, and this is a variant of the norm.

Is it possible to use tampons if there is a spiral?

In the first month after installation of the IUD, it is better to use sanitary napkin. In the future, you can safely insert tampons during menstruation. The IUD is in the uterus, the tampon is in the vagina, and these two devices do not touch. Even if the tampon touches the antennae of the contraceptive, this does not threaten the woman with anything dangerous.

What to do if your period does not come despite the spiral (Mirena)?

When using the Mirena system, some women experience amenorrhea - complete absence menstruation for a long time. This is normal, and after removing the device, the menstrual cycle will resume. No treatment required.

In certain cases, the absence of menstruation may indicate pregnancy. It is recommended to do a test or donate blood for hCG.

Is it possible to play sports with an IUD?

Yes, the intrauterine device does not interfere with physical activity, training in the gym, visiting the pool and playing sports. Restrictions are imposed only in the first month after the installation of the IUD. During this period, it is recommended to refrain from physical activity. In the future, you can lead your usual lifestyle without restrictions.

Can intrauterine contraception lead to cancer?

To date, there is no evidence that the IUD (including Mirena) provokes the development of malignant tumors uterus or appendages. For existing tumors of the reproductive organs, the IUD is not placed.

Is Mirena compatible with other medications?

It is known that some drugs (antibiotics, aspirin) reduce the contraceptive effect of the IUD. Consultation with your attending physician is necessary. If a long course of treatment is required, potentially dangerous drug, it is recommended to additionally use condoms or spermicides during treatment.

Should I take a break from using an intrauterine device?

If it is well tolerated and there are no contraindications, a break is not taken. A new IUD can be inserted on the day the previous one is removed. According to indications, the doctor may recommend taking a break (for example, if inflammatory processes develop in the uterus or vagina).

When can you have sex after having an intrauterine device installed?

In the first seven days, it is recommended to abstain from intimacy or use a condom. Unprotected contact at this time can lead to unwanted pregnancy. There are no restrictions on sexual activity in the future.

How much does it cost to install a spiral?

The cost of an intrauterine device ranges from 500 to 10 thousand rubles (for Mirena).

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