Adhesive prosthetics. What types of microdental prosthetics are there? Dentures on pins

Microprosthetics is a popular dental procedure, the main task of which is to restore the integrity and functionality of a damaged or missing tooth. It is performed using a conventional prosthesis made of ceramic or composite material. However, microprosthetics of a missing tooth differs from other similar techniques in a number of features:

  1. Restoration of teeth is more gentle and does not involve any impact on neighboring ones.
  2. Designs are created in laboratory conditions based on individual casts. This means that the finished inlay or veneer will suit the person perfectly.
  3. This dental procedure makes it possible to create “ Hollywood smile"and restore the functionality of the dental system.

This approach allows you to forget about the presence of defects for a long time. This eliminates the need for periodic adjustments, which is very beneficial financially.

Types of microprosthetics

The procedure can be performed in several different ways:

  1. Adhesive. Suitable for restoring one or two missing teeth. The work uses fiberglass, which is distinguished by its impressive strength. Due to this property, it is possible to create bridges with a long service life. Microprosthetics looks like this: a fiberglass beam is attached to adjacent teeth, on which a tooth is formed from a light-polymerizing material. This technique is relatively inexpensive.
  2. Veneers. These pads look like thin plates, installed on the outer part of the tooth. With the help of microprosthetics with veneers, the maximum cosmetic effect is achieved. You can improve the color and shape of your teeth and disguise defects. In addition, the overlays additionally protect the enamel from negative external influences(tea, wine, etc.).
  3. Tabbed. These are analogues of conventional fillings. However, they are microprostheses and are manufactured in dental laboratories. Thanks to this, it is possible to create an ideal prosthesis that completely matches the shape of the tooth. The material used is ceramic, which will look natural even when light is refracted.
  4. With pins. This type of microprosthetics involves installing a pin into a healthy root and further forming a crown. This procedure allows you to place a prosthesis without the need for grinding. adjacent teeth.

The choice of one technique or another usually depends on the individual situation. It is also worth considering that the price of microdental prosthetics will vary.

Features and stages

Microprosthetics are often performed in two visits. Each of them involves carrying out certain manipulations. The first visit looks like this:

  • the dentist removes dead tissue;
  • a place for the tab is formed;
  • impressions are created using hardening paste;
  • The impressions are sent to the laboratory where a microprosthesis will be created.

The following procedures are performed at the next arrival:

  • the doctor checks the readiness and suitability of the microprosthesis;
  • the structure is installed and secured;
  • the mouth is treated with antiseptics.

Dental prosthetics is a very complex procedure. Therefore, it is so important to trust its implementation to professionals.

Indications and contraindications

Prosthetics using microprostheses is prescribed only in certain situations. The procedure is suitable for those who:

  • pathological abrasion of tooth enamel;
  • the crown is completely or partially absent, but the root is healthy;
  • there are cosmetic defects;
  • edentulous

There are also some contraindications to performing microprosthetics. It is not recommended to install structures when:

  • advanced stage of caries,
  • presence of mental illness;
  • allergies to impression materials;
  • poor hygiene oral cavity.

In any case, before prescribing the procedure, the dentist interviews the patient and carefully conducts initial examination. Only after this is a decision made regarding the possibility of performing microprosthetics.

Service life and cost

Everyone is interested in the lifespan of microprostheses. It is worth considering that it depends on the type of structure. For veneers, the service life is approximately 20 years or more. Tabs and bridge are able to retain their properties for 12 and 5 years, respectively.

Regarding the cost, prices for microprosthetics of a missing tooth in Moscow vary dramatically. However, in general, the final cost is formed on the same factors:

  • degree of tooth damage;
  • quality of the material used;
  • dentist's qualification level.

Remember that the price is too low for a complex dental procedure indicates insufficient quality of services provided. Therefore, you cannot rely only on cost when choosing suitable type microprosthetics or clinics.

Trust the professionals

Contact dental center"ESKULAP", where you will undergo high-quality microprosthetics, splinting or any other procedure. Our team consists of specialists with extensive experience, so we are guaranteed individual approach to every client. We use only the latest techniques and materials, and use modern equipment. At the same time, we try to maintain competitive prices in the market. dental services, providing everyone with the opportunity to receive professional help.

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- Microdental prosthetics - what is it?

This type of dental restoration is a good alternative to standard dental prosthetics. Microprosthetics is aimed at reconstructing damaged chewing rows. Influence at adjacent teeth at the same time, it is minimal or completely absent.

-What classifications of inlays for microprosthetics exist?

  1. Adhesive dental prosthetics.
  2. Microprosthetics with veneers
  3. Microprosthetics with inlays
  4. Microprosthetics using pins

-What is the service life of the tabs?

On average, the service life of a fiberglass bridge is 5 years

Microdental prosthetics is a technique that allows you to save even severely damaged teeth. The point is to install a prosthesis small size made of ceramic or composite material. Microprosthetics is a gentle technology that allows you to avoid affecting nearby healthy units.

General description of the equipment and the need for installation

Microprostheticsthe latest technology in dentistry, which allows you to restore damaged chewing rows, in which the impact on neighboring healthy units is minimized or completely eliminated.

Existing defects are corrected using prostheses made of ceramic or fiberglass material. They are fillings made to individual sizes. These elements match the decayed tooth both in color and shape.

The dimensions of the microprosthesis are determined by a specialist based on the amount of tooth destruction.

Indications for microprosthetics are:

  • damage to carious and non-carious teeth;
  • need for teeth straightening;
  • crown defects in which 50% of the tissue is preserved;
  • severe abrasion of teeth;
  • jaw defects;
  • increased sensitivity to temperature stimuli;
  • unsatisfactory shape or color of crowns;
  • chips;
  • slight curvature of teeth;
  • large gaps between teeth;
  • unattractive looking smile by nature.

Note! With a large volume of caries damage, microprosthetics is not practiced.

The advantages of this method of dental restoration include the following:

  • long service life of microprostheses;
  • the ability to restore the aesthetic appearance of crowns without compromising their functionality;
  • use of high-quality materials in the manufacture of prostheses;
  • maximum similarity of the microprosthesis to natural teeth.

There are several types of microprostheses, so it is quite possible to solve the problem of unaesthetic appearance of teeth or their partial destruction.


Depending on the material used, there are several types of microprosthetics.



These are thin pads that are fixed on the front side of the teeth. These microprostheses hide flaws such as minor curvatures, dark areas, crevices and cracks. Veneers also allow you to safely whiten teeth and protect enamel from the effects of coffee, tea and cigarettes.

The main purpose of veneers is to make teeth aesthetically pleasing. These structures are made directly or indirectly.

With direct installation, veneers are created during the installation process. The selected material is applied in layers to the destroyed wall of the unit and then polished, giving the plate a natural shape.

Indirect, or liquid, veneers are prepared before they are placed. First, the specialist makes an impression of the tooth with the flaw, which is used to create a porcelain plate.

Before and after installation of veneers.

The table lists the advantages and disadvantages of microprosthetics with veneers.

Important! With proper care of the oral cavity, the lifespan of veneers will be about 20 years if they were made of ceramics. Composite veneers filling material will last 3-5 years.

The cost of installing veneers in medical institutions– from 11,000 rubles for one veneer.

Adhesive microprosthetics of a missing tooth

Adhesive microprosthesis

This method will allow you to restore a lost or damaged tooth. For this purpose, a structure is installed. It has thin plates on the sides. These elements are attached to the back supporting elements and therefore remain invisible.

The method is suitable if you need to fill one or two missing frontal teeth , as a temporary option when carrying out two-stage implantation, if necessary, urgently correct a defect in the dentition.

Such plates are made of plastic or fiberglass. The latter material is especially durable. In addition, it is hypoallergenic, so even allergy sufferers can install such structures.

The technology of adhesive microprosthetics involves making small notches on the teeth adjacent to the damaged one, onto which a fiberglass beam is then attached.

Installation of the structure takes only one visit.

The expected service life of fiberglass elements does not exceed 5 years.

The price of the structure is from 13,000 rubles.

Using Tabs

Ceramic inlay

Dental tab for microprosthetics - this is a copy of the tooth cavity, which is made of durable material. It almost exactly copies the natural cavity. The working material can be ceramics, metal, or composite. Inlays are used instead of filling material.

This method is used to solve following problems:

  • unaesthetic appearance teeth. Currently, dentists use inlays that do not differ in color and shape from the natural crown;
  • violation of tooth structure. When inserts are installed, a person gets the opportunity to fully chew food;
  • instability of dental tissues. They need to be strengthened if further prosthetics are planned.

There are these types:

  • Inlay– a tab placed inside the tooth;
  • Pinlay- an element that has cavities of an additional nature to ensure better fixation;
  • Onlay– element for restoring the upper part of the crown;
  • Overlay– an inlay that restores almost the entire damaged crown.

Microprosthetics of teeth with inlays is performed as follows:

  • an insulating coating is applied to the inner surface of the cavity;
  • a two-layer impression is taken;
  • install a temporary filling;
  • they make a model according to individual measurements and the actual insert for microprosthetics;
  • carry out polymerization, polishing and processing of its surfaces;
  • secured with fixing materials.

The service life of dental inlays depends on the material from which they are made. Ceramic structures last about 6 years, gold ones - 10 years.

Price - from 6,500 rubles for plastic tabs to 15,000 for combined ones.

Microprosthetics of teeth on pins

Microprosthetics on pins

This method is suitable if one or more crowns are missing in the dentition. A pin is a special rod, one end of which is screwed into the root of the tooth. The second end of the installation is used to insert the prosthesis into it.

Pins required where available next indications:

  • tooth damage more than 50%;
  • pronounced weakening of the dental covering caused by dental pathologies or improper treatment;
  • there is no support required to install the prosthesis.

The following types of structures are used:

  • anchor. They are made from alloys of various metals. Active pins are fixed in root canal using the carvings on them. Passive elements are threadless, so they are attached to special fixing compounds;
  • fiberglass. They are hypoallergenic, so pins based on it can be installed in patients with hypersensitivity to metals. Fiberglass is flexible so it is easy to install;
  • carbon fiber. Such elements are created from carbon fibers and are as close as possible to the composition of tooth tissue;
  • stump inlays. Designs are made to individual measurements. They are required for severe crown destruction;
  • parapulpal. The rod of this pin consists of a metal alloy and is coated on top with a polymer material. Parapulpal pins are not installed in the tooth cavity; their main task is to support the main structure.

Pins can be installed if the roots are of sufficient length. They must be longer than the length of the crown being installed.

Installation is done as follows:

  • the root canal is thoroughly cleaned;
  • the element rod is inserted into it;
  • carry out filling;
  • the tooth is prosthetized using a crown or artificial prosthesis.

After installation is completed, the specialist conducts a reliability test of this design.

Advantages: Negative sides:
  • the ability to restore the integrity of hard tissue even with a pronounced degree of destruction;
  • preservation of tooth roots;
  • the ability to choose the material from which the pin is made;
  • long period of use of the structure
  • risk of thinning of the remaining tooth walls;
  • increased risk accelerated tooth destruction and the development of complications if complications occurred during the installation of the pin;
  • in the future, the element will need to be deleted, the structure will need to be deleted along with the saved roots

The service life of these elements is up to 15 years. The final service life depends on the material. Thus, fiberglass structures last about 5 years, veneer structures – up to 20 years.

The cost of staging one element is from 9,500 rubles.

Removable microprosthetics

Removable microprosthesis

They are required to fill the void left after tooth decay or loss.

There are structures that can be removed completely or partially. The first type is the attachment of an orthodontic device to the gums and hard palate. The structures are made from alloys of plastic, silicone, and acrylic.

The installation of partially removable structures is practiced to replace units on the jaw arch, temporarily replace lost units, and restore a removed group of crowns on one side of a row.

Indications for removable microprosthetics are:

  • complications caused by periodontal disease or periodontitis;
  • complete loss of teeth on the jaw arch;
  • defects in the lateral or frontal areas;
  • absence chewing molars on one side of the jaw.

Lost teeth are restored in this way:

  • first, impressions of the jaw arches are taken;
  • a prosthesis is made from impressions;
  • install a microprosthesis.

The period of adaptation to new designs lasts several months.

Service life is about 6 years.

Cost – from 10,000 rubles.


Microprosthetics is not always appropriate or acceptable. Contraindications to this procedure are:

  • systematic manifestations of bruxism;
  • widespread dynamic caries;
  • inability to ensure complete dryness of the surface of damaged crowns;
  • periodontal diseases;
  • malocclusion.

Note! Relative contraindications microprosthetics are due to the poor condition of the oral cavity due to insufficient hygiene care, gingivitis, periodontal disease.

In every special case The feasibility of microprosthetics is determined by a specialist.

Risks and possible complications

Removable microprosthesis in the mouth

Complications often arise as a result of an incorrectly performed microprosthetics procedure.

The most common complications include the following:

  • the development of inflammation that spreads to the gums under dentures;
  • physical discomfort;
  • development of allergic reactions to the materials from which the microprosthesis was made;
  • pulpitis;
  • caries;
  • galvanic syndrome;
  • weakening of structural fastenings.

When these complications develop, the patient exhibits the following symptoms:

  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • inflammation salivary glands;
  • pain in the head;
  • darkening of metal parts of prostheses;
  • redness and swelling of the oral mucous tissues;
  • skin rash;
  • dry mouth, burning sensation.

Microdental prosthetics is a new direction in dentistry, the goal of which is to preserve severely damaged teeth, improve their appearance and restore their function.

The difference between microprosthetics and the techniques already known to us:

Types of microprosthetics

1. Adhesive dental prosthetics.

Adhesive dentures allow one or two missing teeth to be replaced with dentures. Most often, fiberglass is used for prosthetics, which has unique strength. This property makes it possible to produce bridges with a long service life.

In addition, microprosthetics using fiberglass allows you to install a bridge in one visit to the dentist.

The fiberglass beam is attached to adjacent teeth with a special adhesive, and a tooth is formed on the beam from a light-polymerizing material. Neighboring teeth are not depulped. Microprosthetics of a missing tooth using fiberglass is especially indicated for those who have allergic reactions on metal parts of dentures. The cost of a bridge made using fiberglass will be less than other methods of prosthetics.

2. Microprosthetics with veneers (onlays).
Veneers are thin plates that are attached to outer surface teeth and improve the appearance of teeth. Microprosthetics with veneers can improve the shape and color of teeth, hide areas of abrasion and darkening of the enamel, and chips. This is how the overlays are made and protective function, protecting the enamel from aggressive influence coffee, tea, cigarette smoke, physical influences. Microprosthetics of the front teeth using onlays allows you to hide unsightly gaps between the teeth.

3. Microprosthetics with inlays.

Microprosthetics with inlays involves the use of special fillings, which are made in the laboratory, have an aesthetic appearance and are much stronger and more durable than conventional light fillings.

4. Microprosthetics using pins.

In the event that the crown of the tooth is destroyed and the root is healthy, microprosthetics using pins is used. The pin is placed into the root of the tooth and then a crown is formed on its basis. This method of prosthetics allows you to install a prosthesis for a destroyed tooth without grinding the teeth on both sides of the crown being installed.

Video: Nylon microprosthesis for an undeveloped tooth

Stages of microprosthetics

The production and installation of a microprosthesis is carried out in several stages. Typically, the patient needs to visit the dentist twice.

During the first visit, the diseased tooth is treated: dead tissue in the carious lesion is removed, a cavity is formed, which will subsequently be closed with an inlay.

When a cavity in the tooth is formed, a hardening paste is applied to the teeth of both jaws on one side on a special tray to take impressions. An impression of the diseased tooth will be used to make a microprosthesis, an impression from the second jaw will be used to accurately adjust the microprosthesis, especially its chewing surface, to the shape of the teeth of the opposite dentition.

Impressions of the patient’s teeth and the color of the patient’s enamel are sent to the laboratory, where a dental technician makes a microprosthesis.

During the production of a permanent microprosthesis (1-2 weeks), the cavity in the tooth is closed with a temporary filling.

During the second visit, the dentist checks whether the manufactured microprosthesis fits in shape and color and installs it in the previously prepared tooth cavity.
Using the same algorithm, dental prostheses can be made for installation on pins, veneers and temporary “Butterfly” dentures.

Service life of fillings, onlays, crowns and dentures

The advantage of microprosthetics is that all the elements that replace dental defects in microprosthetics are manufactured in the laboratory, under conditions that cannot be reproduced in the human oral cavity.

Special conditions for the manufacture and processing of inlays and veneers ensure their 100% polymerization, greater strength, lightness of construction (if we are talking about the manufacture of bridges), and less damage to the tissues of the tooth being restored during the installation of microprostheses. All this significantly increases the service life of microprostheses.

On average, the service life of a fiberglass bridge is 5 years, a tooth inlay is 10-12 years, and veneers are more than 20 years.

The specified deadlines may be shifted either shorter or longer. big side depending on the individual characteristics patient.

Indications and contraindications for microdental prosthetics

Microprosthetics are indicated in the following cases:

  • the presence of significant dental defects of carious and non-carious origin (30-50% of the tooth tissue above the gum);
  • for prevention increased erasure teeth;
  • to reduce mobility and prevent loosening of teeth in periodontal pathology;
  • when the patient wants to improve the shape and color of teeth with for cosmetic purposes. In this case, before and after photos are indicative, when an ordinary guy or girl suddenly becomes a star with a dazzling smile.

Contraindications for performing microprosthetics are:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • active and widespread carious process;
  • insignificant cavity depth;
  • inability to ensure absolute dryness of the treated tooth surface.

Cost of microdental prosthetics services

The price for various types of microprosthetics may differ not only depending on the degree of tooth damage, but also on the quality of materials and the qualifications of the dentist.

Price various types microprosthetics work varies from 4000 to 25000 rubles.
But the quality of microprostheses, their excellent aesthetic properties, durability and ease of care justify the costs of their manufacture and installation.

Video: Microdental prosthetics

This type of dental restoration is a good alternative to standard dental prosthetics. Microprosthetics is aimed at reconstructing damaged chewing rows. The impact on neighboring teeth is minimal or completely absent.

Today, several types of microprosthetics are used, each of which is designed to eliminate small defects.

Pros and cons of microdental prosthetics in dentistry - how is it different from dental prosthetics?

The considered method of restoring the dentition has a number of positive aspects:

  • Preservation of adjacent teeth during restoration. Often they are not affected at all or the impact on them is minimal.
  • High-quality restoration of aesthetics and functionality of teeth. Patients are able to chew food without difficulty.
  • Full identity to the manufactured casts. This makes microprostheses high-quality products.
  • Inability to distinguish dentures from regular teeth by color.
  • A good option for correcting front teeth.
  • Long service life. Veneers can last 20 years or more, tooth inlays can last about 11 years, but fiberglass bridges should be replaced every 5-6 years. These terms may change, either decreasing or increasing.

This manipulation also has its disadvantages:

  1. Several sessions are required to obtain the final result.
  2. The cost of the procedure in question is an order of magnitude higher than the price for conventional dental filling.

Video: Microdental prosthetics technique using ceramic inlays

Types of microdental prosthetics today

Today, microprosthetics is represented by the following varieties:


These products are mounted on outer surface the crown of the tooth, in order to protect it and ensure an aesthetic smile.

There are a number of contraindications to this type of microprosthetics: teeth grinding, predisposition to abrasion of enamel, contact types sports, malocclusion.

For those who have bad habits You shouldn't bite your nails or crack seeds; you shouldn't install veneers either - they won't stick.

Due to the absence of discomfort when wearing, patients do not need time to get used to the installed microprostheses.

Problems that can be solved through the use of veneers:

  • Correction of the shape and color of teeth. The material from which the structures in question are produced is almost identical in structure and color to natural teeth.
  • The need to protect teeth from harmful influence coffee, tobacco smoke, drinks with dyes. The surface of veneers, due to its properties, does not change its color.
  • Elimination of unsightly gaps between teeth and other defects with minimal grinding of the tooth enamel of the damaged crown part.
  • Teeth whitening in cases where professional bleaches are not able to cope with their task. The enamel of your natural teeth is not damaged.

2. Microprosthetics using inlays

Indicated for large destructions of predominantly lateral teeth.

These products are special seals that differ from light seals in their strength and longer service life.

There are restorative and stump inlays:

  1. The first type is used when it is necessary to restore the color and shape of a tooth.
  2. The stump structures are approached for the purpose of carrying out restoration work regarding the crown.

The main materials used in the manufacture of inlays are:

  • Composites. The differences between composite and conventional fillings are minimal.
  • Ceramics. Zirconium dioxide inlays are distinguished by their aesthetic qualities and reliability. Although the price for them will be appropriate. In practice, pressed ceramic products are also used.
  • Metal ceramics. Cheaper and lower quality than the previous version of microprosthetics.
  • Metals. Relevant in cases where it is necessary to restore teeth that are not included in the smile line.

3. Microprosthetics using pins

Relevant for significant destruction the crown part of the tooth, provided that its root is preserved.

A thin rod is installed in the root canal, where the prosthesis is subsequently attached, which must match in shape and color healthy teeth.

4. Adhesive microprosthetics - it is also called microprosthetics using fiberglass

This type of reconstruction is used for patients who have hypersensitivity to metal products.

By using this method You can restore 1-2 damaged teeth during one visit to the dentist. The structure is attached to the adjacent healthy teeth, on which the doctor first makes shallow incisions, after which a fiberglass beam is attached using special adhesives.

The positive thing about all this is that there is no need for healthy teeth, and the patient ultimately receives an aesthetic, lightweight structure.

Video: Algorithm for adhesive microprosthetics

5. Microprosthesis “butterfly”

Often this technique is used in relation to teenagers, when it is necessary to temporarily replace fallen milk teeth.

It can also be used by patients while waiting for a permanent prosthesis.

This device is removable and can be used to hide defects on 1-2 teeth.

Indications for microdental prosthetics – are there any contraindications?

The manipulation in question can be prescribed for the following conditions:

  1. Prevention of over-abrasion of tooth enamel.
  2. Minimizing the consequences caused by periodontal diseases.
  3. The patient’s desire to improve the aesthetics of a smile: straighten the dentition, make teeth white, etc.
  4. Damage to teeth that is carious or non-carious in nature. If the dental crown is completely destroyed, the doctor may decide on the need for a procedure to install pins.

Microprosthetics cannot be prescribed in the following situations:

  • Bruxism.
  • Inability to ensure complete dryness of the tooth surface.
  • Some errors in bite.
  • The presence of an aggressive carious process.
  • Limited amount of tooth enamel.
  • Periodontal pathologies.
  • Unsanitary oral cavity.

In general, only after full examination The patient's doctor makes a decision on the advisability of installing microprostheses.

Technique for performing microdental prosthetics - stages of the procedure, video

The manipulation in question often takes place in two stages.

At the first visit, the dentist performs the following procedures:

  1. Professional treatment of teeth susceptible to decay.
  2. Elimination of caries (if any).
  3. Formation of a cavity in the tooth.
  4. Taking an impression for further production of a microprosthesis. For such purposes, a hardening paste is used, which is applied using a special spoon. The doctor takes two impressions - from the top and mandible. One impression is necessary to replace a damaged tooth, the second is necessary to adequately adjust the product to the opposite side of the dentition.
  5. Closing a tooth cavity with a temporary filling. This is necessary to protect the cavity from contamination. On average, it takes 10-14 days to produce a microprosthesis.

After the impression is formed, it is sent to the laboratory where a microprosthesis is made. Nowadays, computer technology is often used for such purposes.

During the second visit The dentist checks that the microprosthesis received from the laboratory matches the color of the patient’s teeth. The shape of the product is also tested.

If there are no comments regarding the design from the patient, the manufactured structure is installed. Composite cements are used as an adhesive, which ensures high-quality fastening of the product.

Prices for different types of microdental prosthetics in Russian clinics

The cost of the type of dental restoration in question will be determined by several factors:

  • The medical institution where the treatment will take place, as well as the reputation of the dentist.
  • The size of the defect that needs to be eliminated.
  • The type of materials that are used for a particular microprosthesis.
  • The volume of work that should be performed for high-quality restoration of the dentition.

For prosthetic treatment of small dentition defects, removable micro-dentures for 1-2 teeth are sometimes used (Fig. 1). Such micro-prostheses are called “butterfly prosthesis”. This term is probably used because the clasps of the micro-prosthesis (with the help of which it is fixed to neighboring teeth) resemble the wings of a butterfly.

A butterfly prosthesis is used for one tooth, usually in two cases. Firstly, as a permanent prosthesis, if the patient does not want to grind down adjacent teeth for crowns (to make a bridge), or install an implant in place of a missing tooth. Secondly, for temporary restoration of aesthetics, for example, during the healing of an implant.

It should be noted that this type of prosthesis is made not only to restore a missing tooth for aesthetic reasons. For example, if you only have 1 chewing tooth missing, there are no aesthetic reasons, and this will not affect the efficiency of chewing. A butterfly denture is made in such a situation in order to prevent the displacement of adjacent teeth towards the defect.

Important : making a butterfly prosthesis is only possible if you still have your own teeth on both sides of the missing tooth, which is necessary for good fixation of the prosthesis. If there is a terminal defect in the dentition, it will be impossible to achieve good fixation of such a prosthesis, and in this case it is better to make a one-sided clasp micro-prosthesis on attachments (see below).

Butterfly denture: types

Removable micro-dentures for 1-2 teeth are most often made from the following materials: regular acrylic plastic, nylon, modern slightly elastic acrylic plastic (Acry-free). Below we will talk about each manufacturing option, list their pros and cons, and also tell you how much a butterfly denture costs for one tooth (from each material).

1. Butterfly prosthesis made of acrylic plastic –

This version of the prosthesis is made from a regular one (Fig. 2-4). The prosthesis consists of a small plastic base Pink colour, which will be set to 1 or 2 plastic tooth- by the number of missing teeth. From the base of the prosthesis there are 4 retaining clasps, also made of plastic (similar to processes), due to which the prosthesis is fixed to the adjacent teeth.

one of the advantages is that a microdental prosthesis made of acrylic has affordable price(see below), acceptable aesthetics, long term service (6-8 years). This is the most budget option for a butterfly prosthesis. However, saying that a prosthesis made from this material is much cheaper than others does not mean that it is a bad option. In fact, the material of manufacture is more important for long-term dentures, but for dentures of 1-2 teeth you will hardly notice the difference.

An exception would be the case if it is front tooth, and at the same time you have a gummy type of smile (that is, if the gums are exposed when you smile). The fact is that ordinary acrylic plastic imitates the patient’s own gums much worse than dentures made of nylon or Acry-free material. When using the last 2 materials, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to notice that you even have a butterfly denture.

Another disadvantage is that this type of prosthesis cannot be made if you are allergic to plastic. Conventional acrylic plastic is made, among other things, using the monomer “methyl methacrylate,” to which allergies often occur. But it must be said that in truth, in 90% of cases, allergies occur due to the dental technician violating the proportion of plastic components, because Almost all techniques pour monomer into the eye, which leads to its excess and the development of a local toxic reaction.

Nylon is a fairly flexible and elastic material, and therefore dentures made from it are also called soft/flexible. During manufacturing large quantities missing teeth, the prosthesis has more flexibility negative qualities, because leads to rapid atrophy of the bone under the prosthesis, subsidence of the prosthesis, as well as painful chewing.

However, with nylon dentures for 1-2 teeth (Fig. 5-7), the flexibility will be minimal, and therefore all these disadvantages are practically not expressed. Base, as well as holding clasps nylon prosthesis, are made of pink translucent nylon, making the prosthesis practically invisible in the oral cavity.

One of the advantages is that the nylon microprosthesis has amazing aesthetics, that’s basically all. The disadvantages are the high price (see below), this type of denture cannot be used for gum inflammation, and chewing with such a denture will not be as comfortable as when using a denture made of conventional acrylic plastic.

3. Prostheses made of “Acry-free” material –

One of the advantages is amazing aesthetics, because... dentures made of this material, like nylon ones, are invisible on the teeth. The Acry-free material is also translucent and is practically invisible against the background of the oral mucosa. A slightly more rigid denture base will allow them to chew tougher foods without much pain. The downside is the fairly high price (see below).

4. Another option for a microprosthesis -

We do not recommend this type of microprosthesis, and we will talk about it only for encyclopedic purposes. It's about about a small clasp prosthesis with metal clasps (Fig. 10). The clasps of such a prosthesis, like the legs of a bird, securely clasp the adjacent teeth. This type of denture really has a different fixation, and you can chew the toughest foods with it.

However, it has two significant disadvantages. Firstly, poor aesthetics, because metal clasps, falling into the smile line, will be very noticeable. And secondly, metal clasps will gradually destroy as a result of micromovements hard tissues supporting teeth. That is why, with this type of prosthetics, the supporting teeth are taken under metal-ceramic crowns.

Butterfly prosthesis for one tooth: price

Prices below are based on cost analysis of this type prostheses in economy class clinics and mid-range clinics price category Moscow. A butterfly prosthesis for one tooth, the average price for 2019 will be –

  • butterfly prosthesis made of ordinary acrylic plastic - from 6,000 rubles.
  • made of nylon - from 16,000 rubles.
  • made from Acry-free material – from RUB 18,000.

What material is the best microdental prosthesis?

If we are talking about a tooth that falls into the smile line, then it is better to make a micro-prosthesis from Acry-free material. However, you must understand that, together with the crown, it will start from 35,000 rubles (which is only 2 times higher than the cost of such a prosthesis). If we are talking about chewing tooth, or you need a prosthesis for short term and you do not require high aesthetics from it - a regular acrylic prosthesis will be enough.

Micro-prostheses for terminal defects of the dentition –

If you do not have 1-2 teeth located at the very end of the dentition, then in this situation the use of a microprosthesis is a problem associated with poor fixation. Those. such a dental microprosthesis will constantly fall off, which is due to the fact that it will be fixed to the remaining teeth on only one side.

True, there is a way out for this case too. We are talking about a one-sided tooth, which will be fixed to the last remaining tooth on this side using a micro-lock (attachment). There are really two for this last tooth will have to be ground for metal-ceramic crowns, and the cost will exceed the cost of installing 1 implant with a crown. So the ideal option is implantation. We hope that our article was useful to you!