How to make cs go round time. Ways to increase the duration of sex - how to prolong sexual intercourse

How to increase the duration of sexual intercourse and does a man need it? Undoubtedly, it is necessary, since a short duration of intimate fusion can cause discord in a relationship for a long time. Many myths and own guesses about the norms of erection in men give rise to a lot of psychological problems, which sometimes can only be solved with the participation of a specialist.

Myths and reality of long-term intimacy

Is it true that the longer the erection lasts, the better? The desire to be the first in everything sometimes plays a cruel joke on men, because, like a short sexual intercourse, an artificially prolonged one will also not bring proper satisfaction to the partner.

The main reason why sexual intercourse becomes too short is ejaculation that begins prematurely. According to clinical data, the average duration of sexual intercourse is 2.5 minutes, counting from the moment of insertion of the penis until ejaculation.

If in men the duration of sexual intercourse falls within the average statistical indicators, then the question of how to increase the duration of pleasant moments is not relevant. When ejaculation occurs almost immediately at the minute of penetration into a woman’s vagina, a serious examination is necessary to exclude possible pathologies of the genitourinary system and increase the time of coitus.

Possible reasons for a short merger:

  • Organic.

They include the presence of any pathological conditions in the genitourinary system; possible physical anomalies in the structure of the genital organs in men are also taken into account. According to practical observations, rapid sexual intercourse and rapid ejaculation occur in men with inflammatory processes in the reproductive system or with increased sensitivity of the head of the penis. The duration of sexual intercourse increases immediately after eliminating all etiological factors.

  • Psychological.

A shortened intimate date can be observed in men due to neuroses, depression, complexes, increased anxiety, PA and phobias. All this can be successfully eliminated by visiting a psychotherapist (psychoanalyst).

Depression may be the cause of short sexual intercourse.

In the absence of obvious physical, physiological and mental abnormalities, the cause of rapid erection and ejaculation may be prolonged abstinence. If there is regular sexual activity, as well as frequent ejaculation, the intimate act is automatically prolonged: the more often a man has sex, the better it is to eliminate the “rate of fire.” But you also need to increase the number of intimate meetings with caution; obvious excess can affect your health.

Individual male egoism should not be considered as a physical pathology, when a partner does not seek to satisfy a woman, but cares only about his own pleasure, which does not depend on the time of intercourse - an orgasm is guaranteed to him in any case.

According to sociological surveys, for the majority of the fair half of humanity, a 3-4 minute fusion is enough; if the time of sexual intercourse is increased beyond measure, none of the partners remains completely satisfied.

Principles of therapy: all options

Before putting into practice all known methods of prolonging sexual intercourse, a man must remember that synthetic pathogens should not be abused if there are no serious impotence problems.

For a stable erection and increasing the time of copulation, you can use the following methods:

  • Non-pharmacological means.

Psychotherapy and a private conversation with a specialist will be very useful, during which the man will be able to calm down and take a more sober look at the existing problem. Sometimes, to prolong an erection, it is enough to learn to use some body functions and independently regulate the time of sexual intercourse to increase it. Physiotherapy treatments (acupuncture and reflexology) will also be very helpful to increase coitus.

  • Exercises to prolong coitus.

The benefits of physical activity have been known for a long time; they help relieve excessive sexual tension without losing libido power. The muscles of the musculoskeletal system and intimate muscles are subjected to stress (Kegel exercises). Regular exercises help eliminate congestion, control coitus and prevent the occurrence of pathology in the genitourinary system. What exercises are needed to prolong an erection can be found out from a urologist or from thematic videos on the World Wide Web.

  • Breathe correctly.

Even and deep breathing helps in many situations, including during sex. It calms, relieves excessive excitability and haste in men during coitus, and therefore increases the time of sexual intercourse.

Proper breathing can help you in almost all situations, even during sex.
  • Masturbation.

Its use is necessary for rapid fire, this is explained by simple physiological aspects: the previous number of ejaculations determines the number of subsequent ones. Therefore, masturbation shortly before an intimate meeting will help increase the time of subsequent coitus.

  • Special magnification techniques.

If exercise or “self-pleasuring” does not help, special techniques for delaying ejaculation can be used. Feeling the approaching minute X, you can think about something boring, gently pull back the scrotum or slightly squeeze the base of the penis. A special teaching of the Tao can provide an invaluable service, which contains techniques that allow you to control friction and breathing during coitus.

  • Traditional methods.

The quality of sexual life can be significantly improved if you know the properties of medicinal herbs and successfully apply this knowledge in practice. To increase the duration of an erection, the following herbs are used:

  1. Currant and raspberry leaf.
  2. Decoction of oak bark.
  3. Rose hip.
  4. Motherwort tincture.
Your sex life can be taken to a higher level with the help of quality herbal remedies.

For many men, treatment is more effective when using herbs and medications. When taken correctly, it is also a good prevention of problems with sexual desire and premature ejaculation.

  • Medications.

It is important to remember that with the high availability of stimulant drugs that help increase the duration of an intimate meeting, it is extremely undesirable to use them on your own. Without an adequate assessment of the “rate of fire” and clarification of its causes, such drugs can only do harm. If the cause is hidden in inflammatory processes, a set of therapeutic measures is needed that will eliminate them; for endocrine disorders, hormone therapy is needed.

Sometimes, in order to increase erection time, you simply need to use a condom with a special anesthetic that reduces the sensitivity of the glans penis. In severe cases, when the use of topical creams and ointments does not help, only surgical intervention (circumcision) can reduce sensitivity.

It is important for men to understand that if rapid ejaculation occurs repeatedly, you should consult a doctor. Lost time in the presence of obvious and hidden pathologies in the reproductive system and the lack of treatment for them can give rise to a lot of complexes that will subsequently put an end to normal intimate relationships. You should not hide the presence of obvious problems from a specialist; this will help eliminate them and significantly increase the duration of coitus to the delight of both partners.

Provides players with many options for settings, but sometimes even they are not enough. In particular, users are trying to find out how to increase round time in CS: GO. At least two methods are known.

How to increase round time in CS: GO via console?

We strongly recommend learning console commands, because you can achieve a lot with their help. Advanced players always use the console, but there are many commands. For a comfortable game you will have to use console commands, and for this you need to know how. It’s easy to increase the round time in CS: GO using the command: open the console (the “~” button) and write “mp_roundtime_defuse *arbitrary number*”. As you already understand, the number represents the time in minutes. If you set the value to 20, the round will last a full 20 minutes. The command itself will look like this: mp_roundtime_defuse 20.

By the way, the above command only works for maps where planting a bomb is possible. If on the map according to the scenario the special forces need to rescue hostages, then you need to enter “mp_roundtime_hostage *round time*”. Well, then restart the map, of course. Without him, the team doesn't work.

Restarting the map

After entering these commands, you must restart the card, otherwise it will not be activated. Some players forget to restart and the round time does not increase as a result. Enter mp_restartgame 1, and the map will reboot after 1 second with the new settings, that is, now the round time will be 20 minutes. You can set mp_restartgame 30 to allow players to finish the current round. This will reboot the card after 30 seconds.

How to increase round time in CS:GO using a text file?

Usually the first option is sufficient. But there is a second way to increase round time in CS: GO, it requires a little more effort. To do this, we need to change one configuration file in the game folder.

To do this, go to the disk with the game installed, then open the Steam directory. In it we go to the folders \csgo\cfg. Here you will find the gamemode_competitive.cfg configuration file. Open it and look for the following text: mp_roundtime, mp_roundtime_hostage. Opposite them by default will be the number 2, which means that the round lasts 2 minutes. Set the parameter to 20 and then you will have 20 minutes per round.

To the question CS:GO How to increase the time for CS:GO rounds? given by the author Neuropathologist the best answer is

If you want to know anything or any other commands, write to [email protected]

Answer from Victor Volk[newbie]
mp_timeround "time"

Answer from luxury[newbie]
mp_maxrounds - maximum number of rounds in a match (0 disables the limit).
mp_roundtime_defuse - maximum round time for de cards (in minutes).
mp_roundtime_hostage - maximum round time for cs maps (in minutes).
mp_roundtime - maximum round time for other maps (per minute).
mp_timelimit - maximum match time (in minutes, 0 disables the limit).

Answer from Dan nem[newbie]

Answer from philosophical[newbie]

Answer from [newbie]

Where to begin?

give weapon_aug - AUG / Aug
give weapon_awp - Awp / Awp

give weapon_g3sg1 - g3sg1

give weapon_hkp2000 - p2000

give weapon_m3 - Benelli M3

give weapon_mag7 - Mag-7
give weapon_mp7 - MP-7
give weapon_mp9 - MP-9

give weapon_p250 - p250
give weapon_p90 - p90

give weapon_usp - USP / YSP
give weapon_xm1014 - XM1014

give weapon_c4 - C4 / Bomb

give item_vest - Vest / Armor

Source: IGM

Answer from Daniil Shatalin[newbie]

Answer from Yovetlana Yuldasheva[newbie]

Answer from Ilya Osipov[newbie]
Here are the commands

Answer from Ivan Tikhy[active]

Answer from Young Yang[newbie]

Answer from Alexey Bulkin[active]
mp_roundtime time
mp_roundtime_defuse 0

Answer from Frost223[newbie]
mp_maxrounds - maximum number of rounds in a match (0 disables the limit).
mp_roundtime_defuse - maximum round time for de cards (in minutes).
mp_roundtime_hostage - maximum round time for cs maps (in minutes).
mp_roundtime - maximum round time for other maps (per minute).
mp_timelimit - maximum match time (in minutes, 0 disables the limit).
All commands work only in your lobby. Entered via the console (~).
Some commands may require sv_cheats 1.

Answer from Evgeniy Bobko[newbie]
mp_roundtime_defuse (For DE cards, with defuse)

Answer from Ivan Ivanovich[newbie]
CSGO console commands for training!
Where to begin?
sv_cheats 1 is the first command that you should write in the console. It will make a little magic happen.
noclip is a command that allows you to fly around the map very quickly. Why is this necessary? I use this command very conveniently to monitor where the smoke flies, for example. The most convenient way is to bind noclip to one of the mouse buttons. So, for example, for me it hangs on mouse5. It looks like this - bind "mouse5" noclip.
give weapon_ is a command that allows you to instantly receive any weapon, including grenades. After the slash you need to add what you want to get.
For example, give weapon_ak47 - you will receive a Kalash, respectively.
All give_weapon commands for weapons
give weapon_ak47 - Ak-47 / Kalash
give weapon_aug - AUG / Aug
give weapon_awp - Awp / Awp
give weapon_deagle - Desert Eagle / Deagle
give weapon_elite - Berettas / Berettas
give weapon_famas - Famas / Famas
give weapon_fiveseven - Five-seven
give weapon_g3sg1 - g3sg1
give weapon_galilar - Galil / Galil
give weapon_glock - Glock / Glock
give weapon_hkp2000 - p2000
give weapon_knife - Knife / Knife
give weapon_m249 - m249 / Machine gun
give weapon_m3 - Benelli M3
give weapon_m4a1 - m4a1 / Plump Emka
give weapon_mac10 - Mac-10 / Mac
give weapon_mag7 - Mag-7
give weapon_mp7 - MP-7
give weapon_mp9 - MP-9
give weapon_negev - Negev / Negev - Terov machine gun
give weapon_nova - Nova / Nova
give weapon_p250 - p250
give weapon_p90 - p90
give weapon_sawedoff - SawedOff / Sawed Off
give weapon_scar20 - Scar-20 / Scar
give weapon_ssg08 - Ssg-08 / Fly
give weapon_sg553 - Sg553 / Terovskaya
give weapon_tec9 - Tec-9 for terov / СZ for counter
give weapon_ump45 - UMP-45 / UMP
give weapon_usp - USP / YSP
give weapon_xm1014 - XM1014
All give_weapon commands for grenades and everything else
give weapon_c4 - C4 / Bomb
give weapon_decoy - Decoy / Stun Grenade
give weapon_flashbang - Flashbang / Flash drive
give weapon_hegrenade - HEGrenade / Explosive Grenade
give weapon_incgrenade - IncGrenade / Incendiary Grenade
give weapon_molotov - Molotov / Molotov
give weapon_smokegrenade - Smoke Grenade / Smoke Grenade
give weapon_taser - Zeus / Zeus
give item_defuser - Defuser / Wire cutters
give item_vesthelm - Vest+Helm / Armor and helmet
give item_vest - Vest / Armor
Other quite important commands
r_drawothermodels 2 - includes Wall hack.
sv_infinite_ammo 1 - no longer runs out of ammo.
sv_grenade_trajectory 1 - the grenade flight trajectory is drawn, showing all points of contact with the textures. A very convenient thing.
ammo_grenade_limit_total 150 (more is possible) - the maximum number of grenades that a player can carry.
sv_showimpacts 1 - shows the points where your bullets fly.
sv_showbullethits 1 - shows at what point you hit the enemy, drawing his silhouette.
cl_disable_ragdolls 1 - a command that will help with FPS during training. Often, when there are 3-4 smokes, it becomes noticeable that the FPS sags. This command will remove physics from the Ragdoll game. True, it only works with sv_cheats 1.
dsp_slow_cpu 1 - similar to the previous command, it will help you increase FPS at the expense of a slight decrease in sound quality. +50 fps guaranteed.
mat_disable_bloom 1 - disable the unnecessary bloom effect. Another +50 fps minimum.
r_drawparticles 0 - another command for FPS. Removes almost all animation - shots, splashes of water, etc.
mp_warmuptime 99999999999 - thanks to this command, the warm-up will last literally forever.

Provides players with many options for settings, but sometimes even they are not enough. In particular, users are trying to find out how to increase round time in CS: GO. At least two methods are known.

How to increase round time in CS: GO via console?

We strongly recommend learning console commands, because you can achieve a lot with their help. Advanced players always use the console, but there are many commands. For a comfortable game you will have to use console commands, and for this you need to know how. It’s easy to increase the round time in CS: GO using the command: open the console (the “~” button) and write “mp_roundtime_defuse *arbitrary number*”. As you already understand, the number represents the time in minutes. If you set the value to 20, the round will last a full 20 minutes. The command itself will look like this: mp_roundtime_defuse 20.

By the way, the above command only works for maps where planting a bomb is possible. If on the map according to the scenario the special forces need to rescue hostages, then you need to enter “mp_roundtime_hostage *round time*”. Well, then restart the map, of course. Without him, the team doesn't work.

Restarting the map

After entering these commands, you must restart the card, otherwise it will not be activated. Some players forget to restart and the round time does not increase as a result. Enter mp_restartgame 1, and the map will reboot after 1 second with the new settings, that is, now the round time will be 20 minutes. You can set mp_restartgame 30 to allow players to finish the current round. This will reboot the card after 30 seconds.

How to increase round time in CS:GO using a text file?

Usually the first option is sufficient. But there is a second way to increase round time in CS: GO, it requires a little more effort. To do this, we need to change one configuration file in the game folder.

To do this, go to the disk with the game installed, then open the Steam directory. In it we go to the folders \csgo\cfg. Here you will find the gamemode_competitive.cfg configuration file. Open it and look for the following text: mp_roundtime, mp_roundtime_hostage. Opposite them by default will be the number 2, which means that the round lasts 2 minutes. Set the parameter to 20 and then you will have 20 minutes per round.

Why change the round time at all?

Different players have their own playing style. Someone goes ahead, as a result of which the round ends quickly, and someone tries to hide on the map and kill everyone on the sly. Also, on large maps, players do not have enough two minutes, and they simply do not have time to finish the game to the bitter end. If a round often ends with the terrorists not having time to plant explosives or the special forces not having time to free the hostages, then it is better to change the time of the round. This will make the game more interesting. Luckily, you now know how to increase your round time in CS:GO.

The popular computer shooter Counter Strike: Go provides players with many options for settings, but sometimes even they are not enough. In particular, users are trying to find out how to increase the round time in CS: GO. At least two methods are known.

How to increase the round time in CS: GO via the console?

We strongly recommend learning console commands, because you can achieve a lot with their help. Advanced players always use the console, but there are many commands. For a comfortable game you will have to use console commands, and for this you need to know how. It’s easy to increase the round time in CS: GO using a command: open the console (the “~” button) and write “mp_roundtime_defuse *arbitrary number*”. As you already understand, the number corresponds to the time in minutes. If you set the value to 20, the round will last a full 20 minutes. The command itself will look like this: mp_roundtime_defuse 20.

By the way, the above command only works for maps where planting a bomb is possible. If on the map, according to the scenario, special forces need to rescue hostages, then you need to enter “mp_roundtime_hostage *round time*”. Well, then there’s the map restart, of course. Without him, the team does not work.

We restart the card

After entering these commands, you must restart the card, otherwise it will not be activated. Some players forget to restart and the round time does not increase as a result. Enter mp_restartgame 1, and the map will reboot in 1 second with the new settings, that is, now the round time will be 20 minutes. You can set mp_restartgame 30 to allow players to finish the current round. So the card will be reloaded in 30 seconds.

How to increase round time in CS: GO using a text file?

Usually the first option is sufficient. But there is a second way to increase the round time in CS: GO, it requires a little more effort. To do this, we need to change one configuration file in the game folder.

To do this, go to the disk with the installed game, then open the Steam directory. In it we go to the folders \csgo\cfg. Here you will find the gamemode_competitive.cfg configuration file. Open it and look for the following text: mp_roundtime, mp_roundtime_hostage. Opposite them by default will be the number 2, which means that the round lasts 2 minutes. Set the parameter to 20, and then you will have 20 minutes per round.