Can monthly reviews come after conception? Menstruation and pregnancy: can menstruation occur after conception?

If your period begins after conception, you need to pay attention to the signs of its appearance. Bleeding is possible at the time of the expected menstruation in the first week of pregnancy, which falls at the beginning. The reason for this is ovulation, rupture of the vesicles of the Graaf, the entry of the egg into the abdominal cavity. However, spotting that is mistaken for menstruation may have a completely different origin.

If you pay attention to the discharge, you will notice a big difference. Yes, if you are definitely pregnant and your period arrives at the end of the cycle, there are abnormalities in the body and you need to sound the alarm. But, there are exceptions to the rules. The fact is that with the arrival of menstruation, hormones are released as a result of the influence of the brain on the endocrine system. It is under their influence that the egg is ready for fertilization, and the uterus is ready to accept the fertilized egg.

The body of a young girl contains up to 2 million eggs, of which more than 400,000 are mature. With the arrival of each menstruation, up to 20 cells in the fertilized egg mature, one of them, located in the Graafian vesicle, is the leader. During the process of ovulation, the cell moves into the uterine tube due to its processes and remains viable for approximately 24 hours.

Women experience pain and discomfort. This is a signal about the conception of an egg, but only a spotting, light red discharge that lasts no more than 2 hours. They may intensify after sex, as a result of stimulation of the cervix, and this fact cannot be called pathological. The arrival of menstruation in the first week of pregnancy, according to the obstetric week, and this is normal. There is no conception yet, but it will come later, closer to the 3rd week.

Bloody discharge can be considered ovulatory due to the rupture of the follicles in the ovary and the release of the egg. If the blood vessels are damaged, blood can migrate into the peritoneum, the ovary will experience apoplexy, but the condition is not dangerous and does not threaten the woman and the fetus. Discharge can also occur in the 3rd week at the time the embryo attaches to the endometrium of the uterus. They say that menstruation began through the fetus. The onset of bleeding is associated with the onset of pregnancy.

There are cases when 2 eggs mature at once. One is fertilized, the other dies, comes out accompanied by bleeding, and even when conception occurs, menstruation comes.

Menstruation occurs during conception due to the rapid restructuring of the body if fertilization occurs in the middle of the cycle. They simply follow the usual pattern if the fertilized egg does not have time to attach at the beginning of menstruation.

A lack of estrogen in a woman’s blood leads to menstruation. Hormonal imbalances happen, and women often find out they are pregnant only at 12–13 weeks.

What if it's a miscarriage?

If the fact of pregnancy is confirmed and bleeding occurs, you should consult a doctor immediately. This condition is not the norm, and in the case of an unconfirmed diagnosis - a miscarriage based on ultrasound results, it is recommended to take an additional test for hormones. Inflammatory processes in the body are possible.

If there are hormonal disorders, then in the first two months of pregnancy normal menstruation may occur, but the discharge is insignificant and short-lived.

During a miscarriage, cramping, severe pain appears along with the usual bleeding during scheduled menstruation. To save the baby’s life, an ambulance must be called as quickly as possible. While waiting for her, lie down without making unnecessary body movements.

Pregnancy, signs

At the very beginning of pregnancy it goes away, and this is the norm. The woman is unlikely to yet know about her interesting situation. The bleeding stops before the test shows 2 lines. This is due to the time of attachment of the fertilized egg, which usually falls on ovulation days, in the middle of the cycle. With a 30-day cycle, this occurs from days 14 to 16. The fertilized egg moves into the uterine cavity through the tubes from 10 to 14 days, and is implanted into the walls from 24 to 27 days of the cycle. In 2-3 days your scheduled periods should begin and this bleeding is real during pregnancy and is not dangerous. These are the physiological characteristics of the female body.

If women are not expecting pregnancy, they do not always attach much importance to discharge that appears ahead of schedule. However, when planning a pregnancy, you should understand that only implantation bleeding is normal in the early stages of pregnancy, at the time of its conception.

It is important for every woman to learn to distinguish vaginal bleeding from other bleeding. Unfortunately, untimely periods are often associated not with pregnancy, but with inflammatory processes, infections, diseases occurring in the body, which urgently need to be treated. Learn to recognize the nature of bleeding. For a woman of childbearing age and planning children, this is extremely important.

When is bleeding dangerous?

Many women fear miscarriage when bleeding occurs more than 24 hours after conception. There is no need to panic, it is better to see a doctor. There is a possibility of a threat, but the cause of prolonged bleeding may be completely different. For example, an inflammatory process in the body, a malfunction of many systems and organs.

The consequences are unpredictable. This is a serious complication. When a fertilized egg implants outside the uterine cavity, a discharge similar to menstruation begins. In fact, this is a pathology that leads to rupture of the fallopian tube. In some cases, if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, this pregnancy can be managed. When the problem starts, sometimes it is impossible to do without surgical intervention. If bleeding does not go away or appears at the end of the menstrual cycle and the girl is sure that she is pregnant, then she needs to visit a gynecologist. Serious abnormalities in the body are possible.

There is no threat if the spotting with small discharge occurs at the beginning of pregnancy due to the onset of menstruation. This is a symptom, not a disease.

It is important for every woman to understand the reasons that provoked the appearance of discharge and bleeding if the test result is positive. A timely visit to a gynecologist will help avoid many problems. Slowness in most cases is harmful during menstruation already during pregnancy. However, bleeding that occurs during pregnancy is normal and occurs in rare cases. Do not jeopardize the life that has arisen within you. Consult a doctor at the slightest suspicion of problems in the body. Hormonal imbalance is unstable and begins to change upon conception. Symptoms during pregnancy can actually be very diverse.

Can menstruation occur after conception, and is this considered a deviation from the normal course of pregnancy? This question often worries girls who are waiting for the coveted two stripes. What does medicine say about this?

As a rule, the onset of pregnancy in many girls is diagnosed based on the absence of menstruation. After fertilization of the egg, a lot of various processes are launched in the woman’s body, due to which the menstrual cycle stops until the birth itself and, in some cases, until the end of lactation. But it is not uncommon for menstruation to continue after pregnancy. Therefore, most patients faced with a similar situation do not realize for a long time about their “interesting” situation.

The physiological process of the menstrual cycle is as follows:

  1. In the body of each girl at birth, a certain number of eggs are laid in the appendages. Throughout life, they mature in a certain order and, in the event of fertilization by a sperm, a fetus is formed from them.
  2. Every month during the period of ovulation, one egg matures, leaves the follicle, moves into the tube and, so to speak, waits for fertilization.
  3. If there is no fertilization process, the egg dies and is released in the form of menstruation, which is familiar to many women.

The inside of the uterus is covered with a layer of endometrium. Its work depends entirely on hormonal processes. As the menstrual cycle progresses, the hormonal levels begin to actively increase. In turn, endometrial tissue, in the case of pregnancy, is necessary to provide the fetus with nutrition, and therefore, they have an excellent blood system, and their detachment is characterized by bleeding.

In the absence of implantation, a signal is not sent to the cerebral cortex to produce the appropriate complex of hormones, which leads to rejection of the intrauterine layer and its release to the outside. Simply put, if pregnancy does not occur, the egg ruptures and the period “comes.”

During conception, the fertilized egg is implanted into the endometrial tissue, which completely changes the hormonal picture of the body - progesterone begins to be released, a hormone that strengthens the walls of the uterus and promotes the growth of the endometrial layer. This ensures reliable attachment of the fertilized egg in the uterus. In addition, due to this hormone, contraction of the walls of the uterus is eliminated, which, in turn, prevents the rejection of a foreign organism, which, in fact, is the fertilized egg.

Can I get my period after conception?

The phenomenon of menstruation after conception occurs. True, this is not the norm. If pulling pain in the lower abdomen begins, as during menstruation, then this indicates a contraction of the uterine cavity, which is not good in the early stages of pregnancy.

In gynecology, there is such a thing as “color pregnancy,” which means the presence of menstruation in the period after fertilization of the egg. Most experts admit the fact of menstrual flow in women in the first 2-3 cycles after pregnancy. But this phenomenon has its own explanation. Most often, this is due to disruptions in the menstrual cycle. So, if a girl’s periods did not follow a certain cycle, then the likelihood of menstrual flow after conception is very high.

I would also like to add that in the early stages of pregnancy, in rare cases, so-called breakthrough menstrual bleeding occurs, when the body has not yet had time to adapt to a “different mode” of operation and, upon the onset of the cycle, menstruation begins. True, they are not as intense and abundant as in the case of normal menstruation.

In both cases, the traditional symptoms characteristic of normal menstruation are not observed. There are no headaches, fatigue, constant desire to sleep, peculiar irritation and other signs of PMS.

If the pregnancy was planned, there was unprotected sexual intercourse during a period favorable for conception, and then light and spotting periods began, then it is necessary to do a pregnancy test at home. It is worth understanding that menstruation cannot influence the test results.

At the same time, some spotting does not pose a danger to the fetus, nor to the expectant mother, while others can cause a lot of problems, even threatening the life of the woman. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor if spotting or spotting occurs in order to prevent undesirable consequences such as the threat of miscarriage.

What does spotting in early pregnancy indicate?

If your period begins after conception, this can be caused not only by breakthrough bleeding. There are a number of other reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Implantation bleeding. The most harmless discharge, which is one of the signs of conception. As mentioned earlier, during the attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, the latter becomes loose and new blood vessels form in it, which, in fact, causes light spotting.
  2. An ectopic or frozen pregnancy can also cause spotting and spotting from the genitals. In this case, it is necessary to solve this problem as quickly as possible, otherwise the woman’s genitals may suffer greatly.
  3. Active sexual intercourse. After a passionate night and physical activity, slight spotting may occur.
  4. Development of pathological processes. For a number of pathologies, the main sign of their presence is bloody discharge, which can begin during pregnancy as well.
  5. Bloody discharge after conception may indicate placenta previa or abruption. In this case, without consultation and properly prescribed therapy, pregnancy may not take place.
  6. Cervical erosion may also be accompanied by bleeding.
  7. The presence of inflammatory and infectious processes leads to bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy. And if in the case of erosion, therapy waits until the birth itself, then in the presence of infection, it needs to be treated as quickly as possible in order to protect yourself and the unborn baby from danger.
  8. Miscarriage is one of the causes of bleeding. As a rule, in this case, the discharge of blood is very profuse, and there is also abdominal pain. It can also be noted that if there is a threat of spontaneous abortion, bloody smear may also be observed.
  9. A lack of progesterone, the hormone responsible for strengthening the uterine walls, provokes thinning of the uterine tissue and is often accompanied by light bleeding.

Bottom line

Summarizing all of the above, let's highlight the important points:

  1. You may get your period in the first trimester of pregnancy. In terms of abundance and intensity, they will differ from normal menstrual flow. This is more of a spotting discharge.
  2. It is important not to confuse breakthrough menstruation with bleeding, which has more serious causes.

For any uncharacteristic manifestations of pregnancy, if there is spotting or spotting, do not delay a visit to the doctor. This will not only calm your nervous system, but also, if necessary, help avoid the threat of miscarriage and protect your health.

Have you or someone you know encountered a similar phenomenon? Did this affect the course of the pregnancy?

The main sign of pregnancy is the cessation of menstruation. But it happens that a woman does not know about her interesting situation, since menstruation continues. Whether menstruation can occur after conception, is this considered normal or a deviation, the gynecologist will explain during the consultation.

If conception has occurred, and bleeding occurs, most likely, fertilization occurred in the middle of the cycle, the embryo did not have time to attach to the uterine wall, and menstruation follows the usual pattern.

The functioning of the body and its systems is subject to certain rules. By the beginning of menstruation, a woman has matured more than 20 thousand eggs in the fertilized egg, one of them moves into the fallopian tube and remains there for ovulation. If conception does not occur, the egg dies and is released along with menstrual blood.

The intrauterine cavity is lined with a functional layer - the endometrium, which grows rapidly after menstruation. Its role is to provide the necessary nutrition to the unborn child, so it is well supplied with blood.

In the absence of conception, the endometrial layer is torn off and comes out, since there is no need to provide nutrients to the embryo.

When fertilization has occurred, the egg is implanted into the endometrium, the hormonal background changes: progesterone is released, and the uterine walls, together with the endometrium, begin to thicken and thicken to reliably protect the embryo.

Bleeding or menstruation


Sometimes menstruation during pregnancy is not dangerous. Implantation of the zygote usually occurs within 2–3 days after fertilization, but sometimes takes up to two weeks. The brain does not receive a signal about conception, and menstruation occurs at the usual time.

Also, a small amount of reddish discharge may appear when the zygote attaches to the wall of the uterus.

Hormonal disorders

Discharge similar to menstruation may occur due to hormonal deficiency. Low progesterone levels, hCG and other metabolic imbalances lead to spotting after conception.

There is a risk of spontaneous abortion. The expectant mother should consult a doctor who will prescribe hormonal medications to preserve the baby.

Cervical injury

After conception, the mucous membranes become loose and vulnerable, and the blood vessels become thinner. Bloody discharge may appear due to injury to the vagina and cervix. This happens after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination.

Discharge from the genitals is not prolonged and does not pose a threat to the life and health of the child.

Incipient miscarriage

Discharge accompanied by cramping pain in the early stages indicates a threat to the life of the fetus. This means that the fertilized egg has been rejected, died or is close to death. Clots are clearly visible in the discharged blood.

In this case, you cannot do without medical help. If fragments of the embryo remain inside, an inflammatory process will develop, which can be complicated by sepsis. The only way out is surgery.

Hydatidiform mole

The embryo has a temporary membrane (chorion), which later transforms into the placenta. It can mutate in the uterine cavity, growing into a special tissue similar to clusters with vesicles, which increases in size, resembling a tumor, and sometimes degenerates into a malignant formation. It is impossible to bear a child with such a diagnosis.

To remove the mole, the patient is given anesthesia, the cervix is ​​dilated and the contents are scraped out. As a result of surgical treatment while preserving the reproductive organs, a woman remains able to become pregnant after the menstrual cycle is restored.

Are menstruation dangerous during pregnancy?

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe examinations and tests to rule out spontaneous abortion. If there is a serious pathology, the specialist will insist on terminating the pregnancy. And if bleeding is caused by a lack of hormones, the woman will be advised to take them.

By following all medical instructions, you can avoid miscarriage and be able to carry and give birth to a healthy baby at term.

It is believed that the cessation of menstruation is the main and main thing. This is what most women focus on: they turn to a gynecologist only if there is a delay in menstruation. In principle, this is the right approach, since the absence of menstruation may indicate that fertilization has been completed successfully, the embryo has settled in the uterus, and the body is being rebuilt and prepared for bearing a fetus. However, everything does not always happen as described in anatomy textbooks. A woman may be bothered by spotting after the test has shown a positive result and the fact of conception has been established.

How does fertilization occur?

To figure out what is the likelihood that menstruation will begin after conception, and how this threatens the fetus, you need to remember your school lessons in anatomy and physiology.

A woman's ovaries contain eggs. Every month, one of them leaves the “storage” and enters the fallopian tube, where it must be fertilized. Then there are 2 options for the development of events:

  • If an egg meets a sperm, the zygote (fertilized egg) is sent to the uterus, where it attaches to the inner wall. A signal is sent to the brain that conception was successful. The body begins to rebuild. Immediately after fertilization, there may be changes in hormonal levels. As a result, the process of separation of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) stops, since the zygote attaches itself to it.
  • The egg does not meet the sperm. Then she dies. The brain receives signals that conception has not occurred, and we need to prepare for the next cycle. Then the egg is destroyed, and the inner layer in the uterus is renewed. In this case, there may be bloody discharge, since it is necessary to get rid of the old endometrium and disintegrated cells. For this purpose, other hormones are released.

Therefore, if fertilization is successful, menstruation should stop, since the endometrium and egg are not destroyed, but are used for their intended purpose. Discharge, on the contrary, should alert you, because it can pose a threat to the fetus. However, there are exceptions to this rule.

Why menstruation continues: possible reasons

However, it happens that a woman does not suspect that she is pregnant because she has started her period. There are a number of reasons why:

  • the presence of any genetic pathologies in the mother or embryo;
  • hormonal imbalance, which does not allow the pregnancy to be maintained or the zygote to implant well;
  • development of defects;
  • detachment of the egg or endometrium;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • lack of so-called "corpus luteum";
  • unreliable attachment or implantation of the zygote in an unfavorable place;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

In most cases, spotting is an alarming symptom. The risk of their appearance is highest at 4-5, 8-9 or 12-13 weeks. That is, the most dangerous is the first trimester. At these times, the risk of miscarriage is highest. This is due to the specifics of embryo development.

Most often, spotting indicates problems during pregnancy, detachment of the egg or endometrium for any reason, or the threat of miscarriage.

If they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Harmless situations

Fortunately, situations are not always so sad. There are also completely harmless ones, when a woman has:

  • It takes the zygote 2-3 days to travel from the fallopian tubes to the implantation site, but sometimes this period can increase to 2 weeks. If the egg did not have time to consolidate after fertilization, then the brain did not receive a signal about the beginning of pregnancy, so menstruation can pass as usual and on time.
  • Another rare case is the simultaneous release of 2 mature eggs. Usually both are fertilized, which subsequently leads to the birth of twins. But sometimes there are exceptions: only one egg meets the sperm, and the second dies and is released naturally. In this case, menstruation may occur at the expected time.

In addition, spotting similar to menstruation may occur for other reasons. Usually they are short-term, scanty and do not pose a threat to the fetus:

  • A small amount of reddish discharge may appear as the zygote attaches to the uterine wall. This is due to the fact that the blood vessels are very thin and can be easily damaged even during implantation. The discharge may continue for several days, but it is less abundant and more like a “smudge.”
  • Even minor hormonal imbalance can cause bleeding. With a slight deviation from the norm, there is no threat to the fetus.
  • Red discharge is observed in women suffering from cervical erosion. Then it's not menstruation, but bleeding. In this case, it is not the uterus itself that is bleeding, but erosion. It is necessary to contact a gynecologist to prescribe treatment.
  • In some cases, spotting is observed after a gynecological examination. The fact is that the walls of the vagina become very thin and sensitive, they are easy to damage.
  • For the same reason, discharge appears after active sexual intercourse or douching.

"Colored" pregnancy

It is rare to encounter such a phenomenon as a “colored” pregnancy. This term means that periods continue to occur regularly after the egg is fertilized for the first weeks or even months. However, the nature of the discharge is somewhat different from the usual menstruation. Also absent are many of the signs that precede menstruation. For example, swelling does not appear, breasts do not enlarge, there are no characteristic nagging pains in the lower abdomen, the emotional background does not change, etc. Of course, in this case it is more difficult to understand that pregnancy has begun. However, the absence of many familiar symptoms should be alarming. Before visiting a doctor, you can do a rapid test at home. The presence of discharge will not affect the accuracy of the result.

Of course, there were cases when pregnancy could not be established immediately, because it was asymptomatic. And the woman found out that she was pregnant quite late, when the belly was already becoming noticeable. However, this refers more to the past century, when there were not so many diagnostic methods: rapid tests, blood tests for hCG, ultrasound. Currently, this is a very rare occurrence and is due to the fact that the woman herself does not see a doctor.

Modern research methods make it possible to accurately establish that a girl is pregnant already 10-12 days after conception. Therefore, with careful attention to your own body, the risk of the scenario described above is minimized.

Ectopic pregnancy

Another option when menstruation may be bothersome after conception is an ectopic pregnancy. This situation is considered dangerous and difficult. As the name implies, the fetus is implanted not in the uterus itself, but in the fallopian tubes. In this case, spotting is not menstruation, but a consequence of the development of a pathological process.

The fact is that the embryo grows and develops, but the fallopian tubes are very narrow, so the presence of a fetus in them can easily lead to rupture. Then the bleeding becomes profuse, and the woman’s life is threatened. That is why timely diagnosis of pregnancy and correct determination of the location of the fetus is so important!

What's the result? It turns out that there may be spotting during pregnancy. There are many reasons that can cause them. But it's not always menstruation. Most often this is bleeding. If there is scant “daub”, then most likely there is no threat to the fetus. Copious discharge, accompanied by acute pain, indicates the development of pathological processes. In any case, if you have your period after conception, you should immediately contact a gynecologist to find out the reasons and promptly carry out treatment.

When a woman notices her period during early pregnancy, she may think that this is normal. But is this so, and what does menstrual bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy indicate? Can menstruation occur during early pregnancy? Let’s look at everything in detail.

Can I have periods after pregnancy?

According to female physiology, menstruation and expecting a child are completely incompatible concepts. The menstrual cycle can be divided into three important periods: before the onset of ovulation (follicular), immediately after ovulation and the time after it and before the onset of menstruation (luteal). In the first half of the cycle, the endometrium grows on the walls of the uterus. If, upon the onset of ovulation, the egg is not fertilized, the endometrium begins to peel off and is released along with the blood at the end of the cycle. This cycle repeats every month.

If fertilization occurs during ovulation, the fertilized egg descends through the fallopian tube into the uterus, where it is implanted into its cavity. From this moment on, the level of the hormone progesterone increases in the female body. It does not allow the endometrial layer to be rejected, but, on the contrary, strengthens it for additional protection of the unborn child. Therefore, there are no periods during pregnancy.

Often women call any bleeding from the vagina as menstruation. But the presence of blood can be due to various reasons not related to the menstrual cycle.

Causes of spotting in early pregnancy

In the early stages, vaginal discharge mixed with blood may be similar to menstruation. A pregnant woman may think that this is most likely her period during pregnancy. However, this discharge is called bleeding. This phenomenon occurs quite often and cannot be called safe.

Discharge with blood during pregnancy is due to the following reasons:

When there is a threat of miscarriage, a woman experiences dark, scanty discharge. They are usually accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen. This phenomenon may occur due to immune disorders in the female body, due to which the embryo is perceived as a foreign body. The mother's body tries to get rid of it.

A frozen pregnancy may not manifest itself for a long time. But minor dark discharge, softening of the mammary glands and acute abdominal pain can reveal the problem. This phenomenon occurs due to congenital abnormalities in the development of the embryo, increased uterine tone or genetic pathologies.

With an ectopic pregnancy, pain also occurs, localized at the site of implantation of the fertilized egg. The pain intensifies with changes in body position and physical activity. In this case, light dark bleeding occurs. Strong and prolonged discharge mixed with blood may indicate the most favorable outcome of an ectopic pregnancy - spontaneous detachment of the fertilized egg.

Ectopic and frozen pregnancies require urgent surgical intervention.

Any of the above conditions is very dangerous for women's health. If a pregnant woman's condition worsens, she should immediately seek medical help. In addition to severe pain, a woman may notice a rise in body temperature, headaches and dizziness, nausea and vomiting, weakness, and increased heart rate.

When are periods during pregnancy safe?

As a rule, any spotting in the early stages of pregnancy is a pathology, but there are still cases when there is no need to sound the alarm. Sometimes, in a short period of pregnancy, menstruation may occur in the early stages for the following reasons, which do not pose a threat to mother and baby:

  • implantation of the fertilized egg;
  • structural feature of the uterus;
  • fertilization immediately before menstruation;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • release of two eggs in one cycle, one of which is fertilized;
  • increased blood flow to the pelvic organs;
  • endometriosis and benign tumors of the endometrium and myometrium.

Sometimes slight bleeding occurs at the time of implantation of the fertilized egg. But it is a scanty spotting that a woman can mistake for menstruation during pregnancy. They are caused by damage to the vessels of the uterus during embryo attachment. But most often this moment is not accompanied by bleeding, so most women do not notice it.

With a bicornuate uterus, the fertilized egg is implanted in one part of it, and the second continues to menstruate for some time. With a bicornuate uterus, the fertilized egg is implanted in one part of it, and the second continues to menstruate for some time. This is exactly the option when conception has occurred and at the same time menstruation can occur during pregnancy. Of course, these periods during pregnancy are not the norm, but in practice a very small number of women experience such a pathology.

Doctors do not exclude the possibility of becoming pregnant even during menstruation. In reality, this also happens before the onset of menstruation, when late ovulation occurs. In this case, menstruation will begin as planned. In rare cases, the fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus for two weeks. In this case, the hormonal background does not have time to adjust, and scheduled menstruation begins.

Because of this, sometimes a woman simply incorrectly determines the duration of her pregnancy. So, for example, if there was unprotected intercourse in the last cycle, the scheduled menstruation passed, there was no more intimacy, and after a while the woman finds out that she is pregnant. She thinks that she had her period after pregnancy. But in fact, the beginning of pregnancy is not the moment of conception, but the time of implantation of the fertilized egg. In this case, there is a logical explanation for the past menstruation - late ovulation, when fertilization occurred in a cycle with an unprotected act, but the egg has not yet been implanted into the uterus.

A woman should know that hormonal changes characteristic of pregnancy, as well as the production of the hCG hormone, begin after implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity.

Hormonal imbalance may be associated with a lack of progesterone or an excess of androgens in the female body. In this case, long-lasting brown discharge may appear, which is not dangerous. The problem is solved by taking hormonal drugs. For several months a woman may not even realize that she is expecting a child. This phenomenon is dangerous because she leads a normal lifestyle: she takes medications that are incompatible with pregnancy, experiences stress, heavy loads, and does not get rid of bad habits.

It also happens that an egg matures in both ovaries at the same time. Only one of them is fertilized, and the second leaves the body along with menstruation.

Regular periods during pregnancy can occur only once and in very early stages. The occurrence of bleeding in the second month is a pathology. It indicates a disruption in the course of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, so a woman may experience slight bleeding after sexual intercourse or examination by a gynecologist. This occurs due to damage to the uterine mucosa and, as a rule, does not pose any threat to the child.

During pregnancy, diseases such as endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, fibroids or polyps can also provoke discharge similar to menstruation during pregnancy.

How to distinguish spotting from regular periods

From a physiological perspective, rejection of the inner lining of the uterus, into which the fertilized egg is implanted, during pregnancy threatens the life of the embryo. Therefore, doctors call any bloody discharge during pregnancy bleeding.

Many bleedings do not pose a threat to the life of the mother and the unborn baby, but it is important for a woman to listen to her feelings. If menstruation in the early stages is caused by hormonal changes, and the expectant mother feels well and there is no pain, then nothing terrible will most likely happen.