Plastic surgery on the inner thigh. How hip plastic surgery is performed, possible complications after. Immediately after thigh lift surgery

Thighplasty involves surgically changing the contours of the upper legs - from the knee joint to the hip. This could be a lift, liposuction or lipofilling. The type of procedure is determined by the nature of the problem being solved. During the operation, the surgeon eliminates cosmetic defects, restores tissue tone and creates aesthetically correct thigh parameters.

Why is there a need to correct the hip area and what does it represent?

With age, under the influence of constitutional, hormonal and gravitational factors, as well as various pathological processes, changes occur in the hip area. Subcutaneous fatty tissue and skin relax, which entails a change in the surface relief of the thighs, primarily the inner surface. Soft tissues and local fat deposits accumulating on the thighs become flabby and sag. In severe cases, disruption of the surface of the thighs entails not only aesthetic, but also medical problems, such as rubbing of the skin when walking, the formation of abrasions, and wounds.

Difficult to perform using conservative methods. Massage, physical exercise, corrective underwear, and hardware techniques are good as a preventative measure or as methods accompanying surgical correction, consolidating and enhancing its results.

If the main reason for the change in the contours of the hips is the presence of excess fat deposits, and the elasticity of the skin is satisfactory, then the correction is carried out due to. Depending on the severity of the problem, liposuction is performed in several ways.

With minor changes, a good result is obtained by the lipolysis procedure, which consists of injecting drugs that break down fat deposits at the molecular level. In this case, the breakdown products of fat cells are eliminated naturally. The injections are given in a course of several weeks, they are painless and have virtually no side effects, but they are not applicable to large areas of the thighs.

Three-dimensional liposuction, in which fat is removed through microcannulas with a diameter of several millimeters using vacuum, allows the correction of large areas. 3D modeling ensures precise and uniform fat removal. At the same time, the upper fat layer is preserved, which helps maintain the softness of the outline.

Large volumes of adipose tissue can also be removed using vibroliposuction. Fat is destroyed by vibration of the cannulas.

But liposuction methods are also the most popular. Ultrasound and laser destroy adipose tissue into an emulsion, which is removed through small punctures in the skin. In this way, it is possible to remove such large volumes of fatty tissue that subsequent surgical excision of excess skin may be required.

A thigh lift is most often the elimination of ptosis of loose, stretched and tone-deprived skin and subcutaneous tissue. As a result of this intervention, excess skin is eliminated, tissue tone and thigh contours are improved.

This operation is a very extensive intervention, performed only under general anesthesia.

Incisions may begin in the groin folds and extend into the subgluteal area. The skin and subcutaneous layer are peeled off from the muscle layer. If skin tightening is accompanied by liposuction, then the destruction of adipose tissue occurs before the incisions are made. After excision (removal of excess skin flaps), the soft tissue is stretched and sutured to the tendons. All stitches are placed inside the skin in a cosmetic manner. A drainage is installed in the intervention area, which is removed after 1-2 days, and an elastic aseptic bandage is applied to the thigh.

The incision may be made vertically along the inner thigh and combined with an incision in the groin. The length of the incision directly depends on the amount of skin planned to be removed. For example, plastic surgery of the inner thigh is performed. When lifting the outer and back parts of the thighs, other types of incisions are used.

When planning hip surgery, the patient must keep in mind that such an operation inevitably entails the formation of scars, the quality of which largely depends on the physiological characteristics of the patient and the skill of the surgeon.

Sometimes the opposite problem may occur - excessive thinness. In this situation, it is possible to perform lipofilling, which consists of injecting one’s own adipose tissue through tiny incisions in the area of ​​natural folds of the skin - under the knees or in the groin. Enlargement of the hips in this way has a lasting result.

Thigh enlargement surgery is performed relatively rarely. Much more often, lipofilling is performed when it is necessary to fill sunken scars or depressions formed as a result of injury or unsuccessful liposuction in the past.

Possible complications and risks

Thighplasty always entails scarring. This should be taken into account when planning the operation. The size of the incisions and the method of sutures should be discussed with the doctor in advance.

The hips are a high-risk area for infection and, even more dangerous, blood clots. Therefore, after surgery, a preventive course of anticoagulants and antibiotics is often prescribed.

Asymmetry of the hips may occur, requiring additional correction.

Dreams of beautiful, toned buttocks push many girls to experiment with their appearance, including surgical interventions.

Modern procedures correction of hips and buttocks are carried out not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for very serious reasons.

These include:

  • flat, saggy buttocks,
  • tissue atrophy (resulting in too small volume),
  • loss of volume after sudden weight loss,
  • asymmetry,
  • deformation of the buttocks as a result of injury,
  • loss of elasticity with age-related changes.

If you need quick and long-term results, the best option is buttock surgery. We will look at surgical methods for butt lift that have been proven over the years.

The most common types of correction include the following:

1. – this type of correction involves the implantation of implants that allow you to create buttocks of the required size and shape.

Implants are placed under fatty tissue in the upper buttock area, or under a large muscle. Gluteoplasty is performed for sagging and drooping skin, asymmetry, and congenital defects.

2.Surgical lift – aimed at improving the shape, as well as eliminating ptosis (drooping) of the buttocks. A plastic surgeon will be able to restore lost volume by removing excess tissue and tightening the skin.

The procedure is indicated for cellulite and slight tissue ptosis. After filament lifting, no scars remain, but the effect lasts for an average of 5 years, after which the correction will have to be repeated.

4.Lipofilling– correction is performed by injecting the patient’s adipose tissue into problem areas. The fatty tissue is removed from the patient's body, then processed and injected into the area that needs correction.

Celebrities with buttock correction

The effect of the procedure – more voluminous, toned buttocks, if the doctor’s recommendations are followed, lasts for many years. Traces of the intervention are invisible, and the correction itself takes no more than 2 hours.

Contraindications to any surgical correction of the buttocks are:

  • endocrine diseases,
  • oncology,
  • bleeding disorder,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Buttock lift surgery can only be performed by an experienced doctor, so it is important to pay attention to the choice of clinic and specialists to whom you will entrust your health.

Ask to provide documents and licenses for this type of activity, read reviews from other patients.


An alternative to plastic surgery - hardware correction of the buttocks

If you are not ready to go under the plastic surgeon's knife, pay attention to the following non-surgical methods:

1.Macroline– a filler designed specifically to increase the volume of the buttocks and breasts. This gel based on hyaluronic acid, getting under the skin, fills hollow areas and creates additional volume.

With the help of pulsed currents, it is possible to influence hard-to-reach muscles, including those that are not subject to stress in normal life.

3. Radio wave lifting – the results of such correction are often compared with the results of liposuction. Tightening the skin, eliminating cellulite and excess fat, returning the skin of the buttocks to its former elasticity - this can be achieved using a special device with radio waves.

It has a thermal effect and warms the skin up to 45 degrees. As a result, the production of elastin and collagen fibers is activated, volumes are reduced, and skin elasticity is restored.

4. Vacuum massage– aimed at warming up tissues and affecting fat stagnation. The device used during the session has special attachments: a vacuum “tightens” the skin and tissues and exerts a mechanical effect on them, an RF lifting attachment warms up the subcutaneous layers, and infrared heating “destroys” fat and removes it through the lymphatic system.

To achieve maximum effect from vacuum massage, a course of 6-12 procedures is recommended.

5. LPG massage– carried out using a special device to eliminate fat deposits, strengthen and tighten the skin of the buttocks, and combat cellulite. The doctor assesses the condition of the buttocks, selects the necessary programs, and changes them depending on the results achieved.

During a course of several sessions, the doctor manages to pay attention to different areas, which allows you to get the most noticeable results. During the procedure, the patient must be dressed in a special suit, tailored individually to his figure.

These non-surgical methods of buttock correction are carried out in many beauty salons and beauty salons. Contraindications to them are minimal, and with proper nutrition and physical activity, these types of lifts give good results.

How to tighten your buttocks without resorting to plastic surgery and hardware techniques

You can tighten your buttocks and improve their shape using traditional methods that are quite accessible to everyone.

  • Proper nutrition. Avoiding fatty, salty, and sweet foods will help reduce the appearance of cellulite and get rid of excess weight. Enrich your diet with fruits and vegetables, drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
  • Physical exercise. Fitness instructors will help you choose exercises to build muscle mass in the buttocks. You can perform exercises not only in the gym, but also at home. Fast walking, jogging, swimming, and dancing are also useful.
  • Cosmetic procedures. At home, wraps with special creams and gels for figure correction will be useful.
  • Shapewear. The stores offer a large selection of slimming breeches, shorts, and bodysuits that will visually tighten problem areas; underwear with a push-up effect with sewn-in inserts is very popular. This “overlay” will help create additional volume, which will not be superfluous if you want to wear tight clothes.


In the pursuit of the perfect “butt,” all means are good. Both traditional methods, plastic surgery, and hardware cosmetology give excellent results.

Well, if there is a special event coming up, buy high-quality shapewear to look irresistible.

Hips are an attractive part of the female body, so any lack of them spoils the figure. A common problem is the deposition of fatty tissue on the thighs. Fat tends to linger and is often resistant to exercise and diet. The skin on the inner thighs is also very vulnerable. Unsightly folds and sagging cannot be hidden, and over time the situation gets even worse.

Of all the possible options, tightening the skin of the thighs and reducing the volume of their inner part in a plastic surgery clinic is the most effective way to get in shape.

Method of performing plastic surgery on the hips

The intervention lasts from 1 to 3 hours and is performed exclusively under general anesthesia. An inner thigh lift is often combined with correction of the buttocks and abdomen. Surgeons use two types of incisions based on the characteristics of the defect and the patient's anatomy.

  • Along the line under the buttock to the inguinal fold

A section of skin and fatty tissue is removed, followed by strong sutures and installation of drainage tubes.

  • Vertically along the inner thigh

This method makes it possible to remove excess thigh diameter, but there is one very important point: the scar will be visible, since in most cases it is necessary to remove a significant area of ​​sagging skin and make a long incision from the groin to the knee.

What to prepare for after an inner thigh lift?

Sutures in the groin area are at risk of infection due to the close proximity of the genitals. In this regard, you should not be surprised that the doctor will prescribe antibiotics after surgery: there is nothing to worry about. Blood thinners may also be prescribed to help prevent blood clots. Two days after the intervention, the drainages are removed, and the sutures are removed on the 14th day. You will have to wear surgical tape for some time to fix the scar. In the first month you should not put any strain on your legs, but you will return to an active lifestyle in a couple of weeks.

Plastic surgery of the inner thigh in the photo

The most reliable source of information for patients is always reviews and photos of those who have already performed an inner thigh lift and want to demonstrate the results. Our website allows you to share opinions and impressions without restrictions, post photos, comment on publications and be active on blogs. In the process of communicating with project participants, you will make the right decision and change yourself for the better.

Age plays a positive role in life for many. It adds solidity, wisdom, prudence and experience. However, years also accumulate a number of delicate problems associated with skin aging, soft tissue sagging, decreased elasticity, and cellulite. Changes in the hips appear not only after childbirth or dieting; flabbiness can be caused by genes. Any lady is unlikely to be happy with such an inheritance, but what can you do? You need to pull yourself together and get your body in order! How? More on this later.

The formation of fat cells in humans occurs in the embryo. The amount of fat in the thighs and abdomen is much higher than in other parts of the body. A woman is forced to struggle with such a gift of nature all her life, since deposits in these areas “go away” with difficulty. Even after achieving weight loss and volume reduction using liposuction, you still have to deal with sagging skin and an unaesthetic appearance. A thigh lift is an excellent option for women and men who, as a result, have medical indications for surgery.

A thigh lift is performed on patients if:

  • The presence of an obvious cosmetic defect, pronounced sagging skin
  • Medical indications for a fairly wide subcutaneous fat layer and tissue sagging, the appearance of diaper rash, abrasions and wounds between the legs when walking

Is it possible to have a facelift without surgery?

It’s possible, but to do this you need to sweat a lot in the gym, maintain a stable weight, and regularly visit a cosmetologist. And this is provided that the skin is slightly stretched.

  • Sport exercises

Exercising in the gym helps strengthen the body, improve blood circulation, and accelerate metabolic processes. When tightening, exercises affect skin tone and reduce fat deposits through the active work of the muscular system. At first, the results may upset a woman, since the muscles, increasing their volume, squeeze out excess fat. This whole process is reflected on the skin in the form of tubercles. Then things will become easier, and with regular work on exercise machines, the percentage of deposits will only decrease.

But often, having seen the initial unwanted changes, women quit training and give up. After reading many reviews about diets, they decide to starve. But in this case, muscle mass begins to disappear first, and the fat layer “doesn’t even blow.” And only after a large loss of muscle volume does fat begin to be consumed. With such a diet, the skin undergoes changes and, without having time to shrink, sank under the force of gravity. Hence the sagging and cosmetic defect on the inner thighs. Thus, things can turn into worse problems.

  • Massage

Massage tightening can be a little successful if you choose a good specialist. But, it should be remembered that not every type of procedure will help change the situation. Aggressive movements will break up the fat deposits in the form of tubercles, but will disrupt the functioning of the lymphatic system. The intensive work of a massage therapist can result in swelling in the legs and lower abdomen. Since anti-cellulite massage must be repeated from time to time in courses, regular disruption of blood and lymph circulation will cause the thigh lift procedure to fail. In addition, there are a number of contraindications for massage, which also need to be taken into account.

With a less pronounced cosmetic defect and a slight fat layer, you can use a manual preventive massage. It stimulates metabolic and restoration processes, helps smooth the skin and get rid of adipocytes. But, it is worth considering that this method will not cope with pronounced skin folds after losing weight.

  • Hardware cosmetology

It is not possible to fight fat traps with the help of electrical stimulation or microcurrents, so hardware procedures such as mesotherapy, mesodissolution, lipomassage and LPG endermology are used to tighten the thighs. The breakdown of fat and its removal from the body is the basis for these manipulations.

Lipomassage and LPG endermology improve skin texture and increase elasticity, as well as stimulate lymph flow and treat cellulite. Thus, the indications for these procedures are fatty deposits in the lower abdomen, “breeches,” sagging buttocks and inner thighs. Minimum course – 8 sessions.

Tightening with mesotherapy consists of injecting special cocktails into problem areas. They contain drugs with a lifting and lipolytic effect: complexes MPX, SlimBodi, RevitalCelluform, etc. Mesodissolution also does an excellent job of tightening the thighs, but unlike mesotherapy, injections are not given over all surfaces, but into fat traps. Under the influence of the drugs, volumes are reduced, the skin is tightened, the proliferation of connective tissue is stopped, and the removal of decay products is stimulated. Reviews say that sometimes it is possible to get rid of 30% of fat in just 6 sessions.

  • Liposuction

This method can be performed in isolation or in combination with surgery. Excellent visual data can be obtained only when the volume of adipose tissue is not significant and the skin has a high reserve of contractility. If you ignore this condition, the result will be a worsening of the cosmetic defect.

However, even in such situations, it is possible to carry out the procedure in conjunction with surgical measures with excision of excess tissue through the groin and tightening the thighs from the inside. The liposuction procedure takes place under general or intravenous anesthesia for 1 hour.

Lifting with surgery

Dermolipectomy is a surgical procedure. The essence of the procedure is to remove excess subcutaneous fat in the upper third of the thighs, skin, stretch the free edges and stitch them. This method removes flabbiness, looseness, skin swelling, and smoothes the surface.

Indications for surgical lift

Candidates for plastic surgery are patients who have:

  • Loss of skin elasticity after sudden weight loss
  • Flabbiness and unevenness, cellulite
  • Fat traps that are not removed by exercise
  • Excessive accumulation of tissue causing friction and wounds

Preparing for surgery

To be sure that the operation will be successful, the patient must carefully prepare for it. During your consultation with a doctor, you should talk about past illnesses, pathologies, and injuries that may be a direct contraindication for a facelift. Particular attention is paid to the issue of bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs and medications. It is also worth mentioning herbal treatments, since some of them can directly affect blood clotting and blood pressure. When talking with an anesthesiologist, you need to remember about allergies to certain medications and the outcome of previous operations.

After collecting anamnesis, the surgeon gives directions for the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood and urine analysis
  • Blood biochemistry
  • Coagulogram
  • Blood sample for group and Rhesus affiliation
  • Blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C

The date of plastic surgery is set after receiving all test results and additional studies. Before the intervention itself (6-8 hours), it is forbidden to eat or drink.

Progress of the operation step by step

On average, the intervention lasts 2-3 hours and depends on the volume, condition of the skin, the amount of excess tissue, etc. A thigh lift is performed in isolation or combined with liposuction, implantation, etc. At the patient’s request, gluteoplasty is performed - endoprosthetics of the buttocks, which makes them more expressive and attractive. If the skin of the lower abdomen is very loose and sagging, a thigh lift is combined with abdominoplasty. The possibility of performing certain procedures in conjunction with plastic surgery is discussed with the surgeon.

Step #1. Anesthesia

The lift is performed under general anesthesia. Sometimes the patient is offered pain relief by spinal injection of the drug. In any case, an experienced anesthesiologist will always choose the optimal anesthesia depending on the type of plastic surgery and the patient’s health characteristics.

Step #2. Incision

The area of ​​the operation and the degree of correction determine the location of the incisions. When lifting the inner thighs, they are carried out in the groin folds and, subsequently, are perfectly hidden under underwear. The inner or midsection lift is the most popular because it suits many patients.

A lift on the outside runs from the groin around the hip joint, and when combined with an internal lift, the seam encircles the entire thigh through the top of the buttocks. Specialists also often use the spiral method in their practice, incisions for which are made below the gluteal folds and pass along the inguinal fold and pubis.

Step #3. Suturing the incisions

When sutures are applied after plastic surgery, drains are placed through which the accumulated fluid is then released. Suturing is carried out carefully and carefully, since the aesthetics of the result and the complexity of the rehabilitation period depend on it. Then the seams are closed with a sterile bandage, and compression garments are put on.

Step #4. Result of the operation

As a result of the tightening, the skin is significantly tightened, straightened, and sagging goes away not only in the upper part, but also in the middle. You will have to wear special shapewear for several weeks, which will minimize swelling and speed up the healing of stitches. The result of the intervention is noticeable immediately, but it can be finally assessed when the swelling has completely disappeared and the scars have healed.

Thigh lift: recovery rules

The patient will need the first 2-3 weeks after the lift for initial recovery. Complications may include pain, bruising and swelling. Painkillers are prescribed according to indications. Sometimes patient reviews indicate slight numbness in the groin area, but this symptom does not last long - 48-72 hours after the intervention. The sutures must be kept dry and sterile until they are removed by the surgeon. This is usually done 10 days after plastic surgery. At first, patients worry that the scars are rough and red, but over time they will begin to fade and become less noticeable. In any case, you should not put pressure on the scars, rubbing or scratching to avoid complications. Complete rehabilitation until the final result is obtained takes 4-6 months.

Complications after plastic surgery

  • Deformation of the genital organs
  • Formation of keloid scars
  • Infection and necrosis
  • Thrombosis
  • Bleeding and seroma

The development of complications is not mandatory. In most cases, if the rules of rehabilitation are followed, recovery proceeds normally.


  • Acute infectious diseases
  • Exacerbation of somatic diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Oncopathology
  • Bleeding disorder
  • Tendency to thrombosis and keloidization of scars
  • Inflammation of the veins of the lower extremities
  • Pregnancy and lactation

If there are contraindications, lifting is recommended to be carried out using other methods (mesotherapy, lipomassage, mesodissolution, etc.).

Cost of intervention

The price directly depends on the specific case, volume, area of ​​correction, and combination with other procedures. The authority of the plastic surgeon and the clinic also plays a big role. On average across the country, the intervention will cost the patient from 50 to 300 thousand rubles. The price includes hospital stay, postoperative care, anesthesia.

All women dream of having unusually beautiful and straight legs that would attract the gaze of passers-by, but not everyone knows that if nature has not rewarded her with a perfect figure, a thigh lift will help correct this. This part of the body, unfortunately, is most susceptible to both age-related changes and the accumulation of fat deposits, which also greatly deforms this area.

Sometimes the female femoral part “suffers” from individual anatomical features. These problems, as well as flaws acquired during intensive weight gain or, conversely, sudden weight loss, can be solved with the help of such a procedure. Let's figure out what a thigh lift is and how it is performed.

Indications for use

A thigh lift essentially refers to certain measures during which fat folds and sagging skin are removed from this part of the body.

There are two main reasons for the desire to carry out such a procedure:

  1. extreme complexion of a woman, when completely unsmooth skin and excess fat make her feel uncomfortable even in front of her beloved man, and generally prevents her from wearing the clothes she likes;
  2. medical indications, when huge fatty tissue and very sagging skin contribute to friction of the legs when walking, resulting in the formation of diaper rash, which causes a lot of unpleasant sensations, disrupting blood circulation and contributing to the occurrence of abrasions.

Therefore, this procedure is used by patients who have in the hip area:

  • ugly appearance;
  • loose sagging skin;
  • ears on the hips - fat deposits on their outer part;
  • various irregularities on the inner thighs;
  • pain and discomfort when walking.

If all these disorders or one of them are at the initial stage, that is, they are just beginning or have arisen not so long ago, they can be corrected with the help of special gymnastics or massages. If it gets worse, you will most likely have to contact a plastic surgeon.

REMEMBER! Before using surgical thigh lift techniques for body contouring, first try to pump up your legs and make them slimmer using other measures. You can always get rid of fat using liposuction or a scalpel!

Radical measures to lift the thighs

Unfortunately, in most cases, people who come to doctors need a surgical lift. The procedure eliminates fat and sagging skin on the thighs. By the way, such a radical measure is used mainly after sudden weight loss or gastric reduction surgery, or after liposuction.

If the patient, after surgical intervention to correct defects in the hip area, adheres to a healthy lifestyle and controls his weight, which is especially important, all previously lost body contours can regain almost their original appearance. But if a person does not and will not care about himself and his body, neither surgery nor more conservative methods will ever help anyone.

Contraindications for surgery

The doctor should determine what to do and how to treat for all the above-described symptoms. He will also inform the patient whether plastic surgery is indicated for him or not. In most cases, after studying the clinical picture, there are no contraindications to the operation. However, in some cases, a thigh lift may be canceled. This happens when the patient has certain abnormalities:

  • the presence of severe pathologies in internal organs;
  • mental problems;
  • various types of infections;
  • high blood sugar;
  • poor blood clotting.

For these main reasons, plastic surgery may not be performed.

Ways to tighten your thighs

Like any other operation, a surgical lift is also performed using anesthesia - epidural or drug sleep. It happens that in addition to general, the patient is also given local anesthesia. This is resorted to when a very complex operation is ahead. Typical surgery lasts about 2-2.5 hours.

During the operation, the plastic doctor cuts the skin in the upper part of the thigh and tightens it in the following ways:

A lift in the inner or middle side of the thigh (in other words, femoroplasty) is the most well-known and popular method, because it leaves almost no visible seams: the surgeon makes a section of the skin in the area of ​​the inguinal folds.

Lifting the upper thigh area - using this tactic, large fatty tissues and sagging skin are perfectly removed. This method has one significant disadvantage - after such plastic surgery, a noticeable long scar remains, since the skin on the thighs is cut from the bend in the groin down to the knee.

External lift - the section is made along the top of the hip area.

Spiral lift - so called because the incision through which all the necessary manipulations are done shapes the thigh from all sides. It is usually prescribed when the patient has severely sagging, loose skin, for example, after sudden weight loss.

And another popular method is laser liposuction - the most harmless way to get rid of excess skin and fat. It is used to lift the thighs and buttocks and leaves no scars, since it involves only small punctures, which after the procedure heal quickly and become almost invisible. Liposuction is performed with a special hardware device that easily removes unnecessary subcutaneous fat and tightens the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity.

REMEMBER! The doctor should determine which method will restore the slimness and beauty of your legs. It will also warn about possible postoperative consequences, such as the formation of blood clots, unaesthetic appearance of external sutures, partial tissue necrosis, etc.

During the consultation, the attending surgeon should familiarize his client with various methods of hip correction and tell in detail how the operation will take place. And then warn about possible undesirable side effects.

Actions after the operation is scheduled

In addition, when the operation has already been scheduled and the preparatory period is underway, the patient must:

  • eliminate bad habits: stop drinking alcohol, smoking and other “benefits” of civilization;
  • stop taking medications that thin the blood;
  • include only healthy foods, vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.

Also, during the initial consultations, the doctor must determine the layer of fatty tissue that needs to be removed, the condition of sagging skin, anatomical features and other nuances. And only after such careful preparation will it be possible to carry out surgical correction.

Thigh lift and post-operative period

After plastic surgery, the patient remains in the hospital under observation for at least another 2-3 days. During this period, wounds are treated, sutures are formed, and doctors make sure that no complications arise.

But even in the normal course of events, after being discharged from the hospital, the patient who underwent a thigh skin tightening will remain under the close attention of doctors for about another 3 months. Only he will be observed on an outpatient basis, that is, come to the appointment at the appointed time.

If the dynamics are positive and if the patient has used only one method of pulling up, he will be allowed to sit down slowly on the same day, stand up, and walk the next day. But when using several methods, for example, if the patient underwent both surgical tightening and liposuction at the same time, the recovery time is extended, and getting up and moving is allowed much later.

A little later, at the end of the first week after plastic surgery, as a rule, certain restorative procedures are prescribed. And after about two weeks, the patient’s stitches are removed, unless the operation was performed using self-absorbable threads. A month later, people who have undergone facelift surgery return to normal life: they go to work, start playing sports, etc.

REMEMBER! Painful discomfort in the places where the incisions were made, and indeed in the entire part of the thighs, will accompany you for several months after the operation. They will be especially noticeable when walking, sitting or standing up.

A speedy recovery after surgery is facilitated by following certain rules:

  • for the first 2-3 months it is strictly forbidden to play sports and visit gyms;
  • It is not recommended to visit baths and saunas until the swelling has completely gone and the stitches have healed;
  • There is also a ban on sunbathing; do not drive or go to the beaches until a scar has formed, this will help avoid unsightly pigmentation in the area of ​​correction.

Move confidently and moderately, doctors advise, then the thigh lift will take place without complications or discomfort.

Subtleties of liposuction

This non-surgical method also has a number of its own features. Well, first of all, a woman who wants to improve her appearance through liposuction must understand that it is carried out for “polishing” at the final stage of a new image, after applying a balanced diet and certain physical activities. After all, without this miracle will not happen!

Therefore, before planning this procedure, remember:

  1. Initially, you must lose weight - the doctor cannot do this for you. Perhaps this is the most important limitation, because if this is not done, all the fat removed from your thighs will return very quickly, and with interest;
  2. Do not go for liposuction if you are still losing weight or have just finished going on another diet - the effect of the procedure may be zero because of this. First, stabilize your weight and only six months after that, feel free to go for the procedure;
  3. Do not try to get rid of cellulite using this method, because it removes subcutaneous fat in very small and specific areas of the skin. To get rid of cellulite crust in modern medicine and cosmetology, completely different methods are used;
  4. The same can be said about stretch marks - after liposuction they can only increase the sagging of the skin and minimize all your efforts;
  5. liposuction also has a number of serious complications, even fatal, because after it one out of 5 thousand patients necessarily develops thromboembolism and other complex reactions.

List of tests for liposuction

To prevent them, before performing this method, the patient must undergo the necessary laboratory tests. They will show how healthy a person is and whether he has any contraindications to this procedure. You, as in the case of an inner thigh lift, will have to pass:

  • urine and blood;
  • do a coagulogram test (determines blood clotting);
  • echocardiogram;
  • a thigh lift requires fluorography;
  • determine the performance of the liver and kidneys;
  • get tested for AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis.

If the person wishing to undergo this procedure has chronic illnesses, the list of tests may be increased at the doctor’s discretion.

Non-surgical correction

Various irregularities and bulges on the surface of the thighs can be corrected without plastic surgery. In the modern world there are many other ways to solve this problem. But, as mentioned above, only at the initial stage of their occurrence and when there are not too many such skin defects. A non-surgical method for the buttocks and the whole body, it also uses special training.

Let's consider several of the most effective types of exercises:

Active movements will help to significantly tighten and correct the thigh area and buttocks: running in place with high knees, jumping, intense walking and swinging your legs in different directions. Do these simple exercises daily and you will see results that will not take long to arrive;

To correct the inner thighs, professional fitness trainers recommend doing the following: lying on your back, place your hands under your buttocks and begin to lift them 30 cm in height, spreading them apart and then crossing your legs. At the same time, you will feel how much the muscles of the upper legs tense. Do this exercise three times a day and see ideal results;

Tightening your thighs with yoga involves the following: standing with your back straight, spread your legs the width of your hips. Inhale deeply and slowly lift and place, bending your right leg at the knee, its foot on your left thigh, after standing for a while, return to the original position and do the same with your left leg. Don’t be alarmed, sometimes this exercise doesn’t work out right away. Nothing, a little effort and you can do it absolutely correctly.

Sometimes massage helps to cope with problem areas on the body. Forcing the surface of the thighs is considered one of the most effective methods of combating fat deposits, but you need to “press” on the skin so that it “burns”, that is, it is red and hot, even to the point of bruising. Hurt! - you say, - but it’s effective! Thanks to this effect, some ladies prevent sagging and sagging skin, making it elastic and silky!

Other methods of thigh lift

There are many methods in the world that can solve skin problems on the legs. However, many of them today are not used by everyone and not everywhere. But let's call them anyway:

Lifting - the desired result is achieved using radio frequency radiation. During the procedure, skin cells begin to regenerate, collagen and elastin are produced, which only contributes to its elasticity;

Threads - their plexuses are applied to problem areas for tightening. But many modern clinics specializing in lifts question the effectiveness of this method. In addition, the threads can move during walking or other body movements, which will lead to terrible discomfort;

Mesotherapy is a procedure (lasting more than half an hour), during which special injections are administered to problem areas. The advantage is that the result lasts for a long time; the disadvantage is that you need to attend at least 12 such sessions;

Mesodissolution is one of the types of mesotherapy, which involves injecting lipolytic drugs into the area of ​​large fat deposits;

Myostimulation - the name speaks for itself; during the procedure, intense impact on the surface of the thighs helps to get rid of excess fat. Often, to achieve a more effective result, it is combined with massage, wraps and lymphatic drainage.

Thigh lift at home

You can correct figure flaws that appear with age or weight changes at home. To do this, you need to purchase a smoothing cream based on natural ingredients, preferably with red pepper and menthol in the composition. This will help to achieve a quick effect and, by the way, not only on the hips, but also on the stomach or buttocks.

Buy yourself modeling underwear - as you know, it perfectly hides flaws in your figure and makes it smoother without visible folds. In addition, it is the corset inserts in such underwear, in combination with the above-mentioned cream and proper nutrition, that help get rid of extra pounds in the desired areas of the body.

Well, and finally, start eating right - make it a rule to eat only low-calorie foods. Completely remove all flour, fatty and sweet foods from your daily diet, eliminate alcohol - it also contributes to the accumulation of fatty deposits. Drink as much water as possible and exercise (this will help burn accumulated fat). This approach to your own health and body will, perhaps, be the most effective and miraculous method of correcting figure defects. It will help build muscles, remove fat and make your legs smoother and more graceful, and a surgical thigh lift will not be necessary.

REMEMBER! But even if you solve figure problems on your own, you definitely need to consult a trainer, cosmetologist and surgeon. They will determine the load and means to help you achieve the desired result!

Don't sit idly by

Remember, your appearance is entirely up to you. Therefore, when you see a problem, take action immediately. If your efforts do not bring visible results, contact specialists. They will help you make your figure perfect, and you won’t be ashamed to undress on the beach or in front of your husband.

However, remember, if you cannot do without plastic surgery, then to achieve the maximum effect, lead the right lifestyle for the rest of your life, eat the right foods, and watch your weight. Because otherwise all your efforts will be completely useless.