Pulling in the lower abdomen during menstruation. Sharp and acute pain in the lower abdomen in women. Video: Causes of pain in the lower abdomen

Painful sensations during menstruation are something that many women are accustomed to. And although ideally the stomach should not bother you during menstruation, mild discomfort is also normal. It’s another matter when the stomach hurts like during menstruation, but there is no menstruation and there should not be, for example, at the beginning or middle of the cycle. What does this pain mean and how?

Why might things like this happen? menstrual pain in a stomach

Painful sensations during menstruation are something that many women are accustomed to. And although ideally the stomach should not bother you during menstruation, mild discomfort is also normal. It’s another matter when it shouldn’t be, for example, at the beginning or middle of the cycle. What does such pain mean, and how to behave?

For what reasons does it occur:

For each pathology on this list, pain, like during menstruation, is not the only symptom. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at the symptoms of each of these conditions in order to understand which specialist you need to contact first and how urgently.

PMS is by no means a topic for jokes. The cause of the syndrome is hormonal changes in the body that precede menstruation. Due to hormonal imbalance, symptoms such as depression and nervousness, aggressiveness, headache and dizziness, tachycardia, swelling. There may be pain in the abdomen, and the breasts may become sore and swollen. These symptoms can be more or less pronounced, in about 10% of cases they manifest themselves so clearly that the woman becomes unable to work.

Ectopic pregnancy

Main symptom ectopic pregnancy there is a sharp, although not immediately pronounced, pain in the part of the abdomen where it is attached ovum. The pain intensifies when walking or changing body position. If the pain is combined with bleeding and positive test for pregnancy, exists high probability namely ectopic pregnancy. An ultrasound is performed to confirm the diagnosis.


You should immediately consult a doctor if the pain is accompanied by even slight bleeding, since these symptoms indicate a spontaneous abortion, threatening or in progress.

On early stages pregnancy with a threatened miscarriage, the pain sensations are more pulling, pressing, on later– cramping. An abortion that has begun is manifested by intense cramping pain with more profuse bleeding, even bleeding.

Ovarian cyst

A cyst is a fluid-filled formation located on the surface of the ovary. Basically, a cyst is formed from a follicle when it is “overripe”. In most cases, such formations do not manifest themselves in any way; once they appear, they themselves decrease in size and disappear within a month or several months.

However, the cyst may become too large, and then symptoms such as pain, severe, acute, heaviness in the pelvic area, cycle disorders, bloody discharge from the vagina, and bladder appear.

The cyst may rupture. In this case, the pain intensifies, heavy bleeding occurs, and the body temperature rises above 38 degrees.

Ovarian torsion

As a rule, the pathology occurs against the background of a cyst, but it can also occur due to developmental anomalies, weakness ligamentous apparatus. The typical symptom is the appearance of a sudden sharp pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the hips, sides, and back. This may cause nausea, constipation or diarrhea, slight increase temperature. The abdomen may be tender to the touch.

Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs

Why does my stomach hurt, although my menstrual cycle is normal, my period came on time and ended as usual? The reason may be various diseases uterus and its appendages. The most common diseases are adnexitis and salpingitis. All these pathologies can be acute or chronic, unilateral or bilateral. Treatment involves antibacterial therapy, taking immunomodulators. After eliminating inflammation, it is prescribed.


Adnexitis is called inflammation fallopian tubes, ovaries and other adjacent organs located in the pelvic area. The cause of adnexitis in most cases is an ascending infection.

The main symptoms of the disease are pain, as during menstruation, dull, constant, as well as mucopurulent discharge, possibly an increase in body temperature.


Like other inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs, salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes) is caused by bacterial or viral infection, which entered the vagina, and from there into the fallopian tubes.

Symptoms of salpingitis: but constantly, regardless of the phase of the cycle.

The pain radiates to the lower back, and can “shoot” in the leg. It is localized on the side of inflammation or on both sides of the abdomen - with bilateral salpingitis. There is always vaginal discharge with unpleasant smell, but their color and consistency depend on the causative agent of the disease. There may be a burning sensation and pain when urinating, discomfort during sex, cycle disruption, and increased temperature.

Diseases of other organs and systems

When there is pain in the lower abdomen, this does not always indicate a “problem” in the reproductive system. In many cases, problems may be in other organs located near the uterus and appendages.


Inflammation of the appendix manifests itself in several ways characteristic symptoms:

  • pain that can be localized in the navel, right lower abdomen, and pelvic area;
  • weakness;
  • nausea, vomiting without relief;
  • temperature increase.

The primary diagnosis is to apply pressure to the appendix (right bottom part sides) – with appendicitis, the pain increases significantly. In addition, they progress if you lie on your left side. A characteristic symptom is a dull sound when tapping on the right side of the abdomen.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Pain in the lower abdomen is characteristic of diseases Bladder: cystitis, stones, cancer. However, pain above the pubis is accompanied by other, more characteristic symptoms: rapid, difficult and painful urination, general malaise, with cystitis increased body temperature.

Inflammation of the lower intestines

Diseases lower section The intestines, or more precisely, the lower part of the colon, are manifested by many symptoms, in addition to pain in the lower abdomen:

  • diarrhea;
  • intoxication;
  • temperature increase;
  • dry skin;
  • indigestion.

What to do for abdominal pain

First of all, if, you should contact a specialist: a gynecologist, urologist or gastroenterologist. The doctor will order an examination and, based on its results, determine the course of therapy. You should not self-medicate, especially with such pain, because it can occur against the background of serious disorders that need to be treated urgently.

Self-medication is only permissible when taking painkillers. Antispasmodics or combination drugs(analgesic + antispasmodic). But taking painkillers should not be self-treatment, consulting a doctor is mandatory.

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No matter how it is, everyone listens to their self-feelings and is wary or happy when below at the beginning menstrual bleeding. There are a large number of reasons, some harmless, others requiring contact with a gynecologist. Let's look at the most common reasons.

Ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the follicle. Statistics show that in 20% of women, the ovulatory period is accompanied by pain in the ovarian area. There is nothing strange about this.

The ovulation process is an “explosion” of fluid-filled dominant follicle. appears due to minor bleeding from the ovary. Over time, this bleeding is absorbed, but it still irritates the peritoneal wall, and this leads to pain.

The degree of pain is directly proportional to the individuality of the body and the amount of bleeding. The nature of the pain syndrome during ovulation is spasmodic, cramping pain and can be traced only in one side - on the side of the ovary. This pain, like during menstruation, can mislead a girl.

The pain syndrome can begin to manifest itself from the moment the egg is released and last for several days.

Usually ovulatory phase begins in the middle of the cycle, on average the 14th day. And in those cases when monthly cycle irregular - it is possible that the attack will occur immediately after menstruation or before it.

Premenstrual syndrome and lower abdominal pain

Scientists conducted a study and found that the number of women suffering from PMS with lower abdominal pain in Lately has grown significantly. Today, 40% of girls have this problem.

The pain syndrome during PMS is felt not only by the lower abdomen, but also by the lumbar region and legs. Why does this happen?

Stretching pain in the lower abdomen, but no menstruation, is a consequence of a hormonal surge. Female body prepares for rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium, hence changes in hormonal levels.

Such pain usually appears the day before the onset of menstrual bleeding and may accompany it for 24 hours after the onset of menstruation.

If the pain associated with PMS is not severe and it does not worsen the woman’s condition, there is no need to worry. This process absolutely natural. But when an additional symptom is added, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

Nature's gift - pregnancy

Another option when your stomach hurts during... ordinary pregnancy. If the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy, this indicates an increase in the tone of the uterus.

At the beginning interesting situation a girl will not be able to guess her condition using self-awareness; other symptoms of pregnancy will appear much later. In such cases it is worth doing. It happens that the test does not show the result too early.

If the cause of pain in the lower abdomen is pregnancy, you should not drink. That is why it is better to first make sure of your position, and only then take any steps.

If the test is positive, then the next step for the woman should be a visit to the doctor. As we have already found out, during pregnancy due to the tone of the uterus, and this can provoke a spontaneous miscarriage. Especially if the pain is severe, like during menstruation.

In addition, severe pain during a delay may be a consequence.

In particular, if symptoms such as:

  • Dizziness;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Transfer of pain to the rectal area.

All this indicates a possible ectopic pregnancy.

As you can see, in any case, it is better to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

External factors of pain

The body does not tolerate any pain very well. It causes discomfort bad feeling And much more.

But not always in the lower abdomen pain syndrome associated with the female reproductive system, even if the nature of the pain is very similar to the approaching menstruation.

There are also external factors, affecting physiological process in the female body.

These include:

  • Depression;
  • Inexplicable feeling of anxiety;
  • Loss of interest in the surrounding life;
  • Drowsiness or insomnia;
  • Feeling of uselessness;
  • Increased appetite or no appetite;
  • Weight gain;
  • Headache;
  • Lack of oxygen;
  • Severe stress;
  • Excessive force loads;
  • Similar.

Analyzing the above reasons, it is worth thinking about your life. Most likely, you need to change your usual lifestyle. And menstruation is not to blame here, even if the pain is similar to that of menstruation.

For example, to relieve abdominal pain, it is worth conducting active image life. Avoid people who provoke stressful situations, communicate more often with like-minded people.

Pathological causes of pain

Pain can appear not only before menstruation. Uncomfortable sensations Lower abdominal pain can be associated with many reasons, sometimes even very dangerous.

The lower abdomen hurts, but there is no menstruation - the reason may lie in the development of the disease.

Among pathological reasons There is:

  • Infections and inflammatory process in the pelvic area;
  • Inflammation of the ovarian appendages;
  • Inflammation of the cervix;
  • Internal hemorrhage;
  • Apoplexy;
  • Abdominal disease: appendicitis and pancreatitis;
  • Oncological neoplasms in the pelvis: ovarian and cervical cancer;
  • And much more.

In conclusion, let's draw a conclusion. When your stomach hurts below, like, but bloody discharge no, this could be due to many reasons. This may be a harmless reason, or it may be a serious one. Therefore, there is only one piece of advice, and it is the surest – see a doctor for help.

In this way, a woman will maintain her health for life.

Severe pain in the lower abdomen in women can have many causes, since the abdominal cavity contains important internal organs Gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, main blood vessels. Pain syndrome often accompanies inflammatory processes and may be a consequence of compression or injury. Situations in which the lower abdomen hurts after menstruation are in most cases associated with other gynecological pathologies. It is even more worth suspecting the presence of a disease when severe pain on the background frequent delays menstruation. There are unpleasant sensations different intensities, appear before menstruation begins, accompany it, or haunt women after.

Causes of pain

The onset of menstruation is always associated with fluctuations hormonal balance: usually in last days cycle higher risk of exacerbation chronic pathologies, possible inflammation. Characteristic feature Some women have a specific pain syndrome during menstruation. The reasons why the lower abdomen hurts during menstruation, in the preceding or subsequent days, can be combined into several groups:

  1. Algomenorrhea. This condition is being closely studied by doctors, since the mechanism of its development has not yet been identified. It is known that pathology appears in different periods in approximately 15% of women and is difficult to treat.
  2. The onset of pregnancy. The process of embryo implantation into the endometrium is painful for many women.
  3. Diseases and appendages. IN similar situations pain appears in the lower abdomen on the right or left, may be accompanied high temperature and other negative symptoms.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy. Very dangerous condition, requiring immediate surgical care. Characterized by sharp shooting pains, often occurring against the background of delayed menstruation.
  5. Diseases of the intestines, liver or urinary tract. IN similar cases the symptoms can be very strong, cannot be treated with medications, and can cause serious complications.
  6. Severe stress. Abdominal spasms often have a neurological origin.

Before your period

Pain in the lower abdomen a week before the expected period is often one of the symptoms. In such cases, mild or moderate pain is sometimes possible. If women have work disorders, the condition may be aggravated by constipation, flatulence, a feeling of heaviness and abdominal cramps. Premenstrual syndrome, in addition to pain, is manifested by weight gain, swelling, causeless mood swings, irritability, physical weakness, etc. If health problems are not intense, appear periodically, and are not accompanied by a malfunction menstrual cycle, A menstrual flow Dont Have putrid smell, blood clots and pus, nothing to worry about.

Possible complications

Any irregularities in the menstrual cycle: too scanty or heavy periods, sudden appearance pain, nausea or vomiting almost always indicate developing pathology. To ignore health problems means to provoke complications.

Very often women have stomach pains like during menstruation, but they are still far away. This discomfort may occur during ovulation and is called ovulatory pain. For many women reproductive age There are similar pain sensations in the abdomen.

Causes of pain

At the beginning of each menstrual cycle, when menstruation is still far away, in the right or left ovary, the process of follicle formation begins. A follicle is a component of the ovary that consists of an egg. In the first menstrual cycle, 1 follicle matures and by the end of the second week of the menstrual cycle it looks like a vial of liquid, quite large sizes. After a while, the egg is released from the follicle, tearing its wall. This may be the cause of abdominal discomfort, at a time when “those days” are far away.

Also, if the follicle wall ruptures, bleeding is possible. Usually small vessels are damaged and heavy bleeding not happening. But in some cases, a large vessel ruptures. This can lead to a large outpouring of blood into the abdominal cavity. Therefore, if your stomach hurts, and your period is still far away, you should consult a doctor. After the examination, it will be clear whether there is any threat or the approach of menstruation is normal reason for discomfort.

Duration of pain

Pain before menstruation can last from about a couple of minutes to several hours. Very in rare cases the woman experiences discomfort throughout the day. The pain can be either dull or sharp. If the time period pain has passed well beyond 24 hours and is accompanied by nausea and fever, you should immediately consult a doctor.


At initial examination Not every doctor will be able to accurately determine the cause of abdominal pain.

Therefore, the primary source of discomfort associated with the approach of menstruation is determined on the basis of:

  1. woman's complaints of pain in the lower abdomen (especially when physical activity), weakness, bleeding;
  2. analysis of medical history (menstruation);
  3. analysis menstrual function(cycle factors, duration, regularity, pain, etc.);
  4. general examination and palpation, that is, feeling the abdomen;
  5. results basal temperature(temperature in the vagina and rectum). During the period of ovulation, the temperature in these organs rises by one degree or a little more. This may serve as indirect confirmation that painful sensations associated with the onset of menstruation;
  6. examination of the pelvic organs using ultradiagnostic methods.


Pain before menstruation is not considered a disease. Therefore, medicine does not provide any treatment.

Not every woman is tall pain threshold. Therefore, such discomfort can limit it
performance and she will not be able to walk far or for a long time. The doctor may prescribe special medications that relieve spasms. It is also recommended:

  1. sexual abstinence (except in cases of planning pregnancy);
  2. avoid heavy physical activity.

In the vast majority of cases, women experience such abdominal pain before menstruation for 1–3 days. After this the pain goes away.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back is familiar to every woman. Most often they are characteristic of the first days of menstruation. On the remaining days of the cycle healthy women feel good. However, nagging pain, like during menstruation, can appear on any day of the menstrual cycle. If this happens, they become a cause of concern for women. So, let’s figure out what the cause of pain is and when you need to see a specialist with this symptom.

Causes of nagging pain in women

If a woman’s stomach feels tight and hurts like during menstruation, but there is still a long wait before the onset of menstruation, the cause of this condition may be:


The first days of pregnancy are characterized by sensations premenstrual syndrome: The lower abdomen may hurt, and the lower back may feel tight, like during menstruation. Irritability, nausea, and a feeling of breast swelling may also occur.

As a rule, all symptoms are observed within a week, while the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine cavity. Sometimes minor spotting may appear during this period. Brown, which women may also confuse with the onset of menstruation.

As pregnancy progresses, due to stretching of the muscles of the uterus, symptoms may periodically appear. pulling sensations. Normally, they should not be strong and last more than a week.

Mild pain, like during menstruation, is also characteristic of an ectopic pregnancy, especially if the lumens of the tubes are narrowed.

Risk of miscarriage

In the early stages of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is high, especially if the woman is not yet aware of her situation. In this case, a failed attempt by the egg to implant in the uterine cavity may result in normal menstruation. However, if you already know that you are pregnant and your lower abdomen and lower back hurt like during menstruation, you should consult a doctor. Most often it gives such pain increased tone uterus If you ignore this, the pregnancy outcome may be unfavorable.


Inflammatory processes can cause pain like before menstruation. They are not clearly expressed in nature, more often they are nagging, aching pains, sometimes radiating to the lower back. But this condition is typical only for initial stage inflammatory processes. As the disease progresses, the pain intensifies.

Cysts with partial twisting of the leg can also cause mild pain. This occurs due to impaired blood supply.


Pain similar to menstrual pain can provoke urinary tract infections and the activity of sexually transmitted diseases.

Hormonal disorders

At the right balance hormones, women do not experience discomfort during any period of the menstrual cycle. If a woman’s lower abdomen and back hurt like during menstruation, prostaglandins may be the cause. This hormone, when produced in excess by the body, increases contraction of the uterine muscles, making this process painful. With such a disruption of the body's functioning, nagging pain most often appears after the end of menstruation.

Reason hormonal disorders most often is increased activity thyroid gland. As a rule, other symptoms are also associated with this, for example, insomnia, changes in weight, etc.

Hormone balance may also be affected by taking hormonal drugs. In this case, if you complain about the symptoms that appear, you must consult your doctor.


Inflammation of the appendix can also manifest itself as nagging pain in the lower abdomen, similar to the onset of menstruation. This is the result of a shift in the localization of pain.

Should I see a doctor if I have lower abdominal pain?

In the presence of unusual for the body nagging pain, similar to menstrual symptoms, in any period of the cycle, it is worth contacting a specialist to find out the cause. The latter’s help will be especially needed if the pain is joined additional symptoms. Both diagnosis and treatment in this case must be entrusted to a specialist.