Faringosept spray instructions for use for children. Instructions and dosage. Applications and dosages

3D images

Composition and release form

10 pcs in blister; in a cardboard pack 1 or 2 blisters.

Description of the dosage form

Lozenges: round, flat, beveled yellowish-brown tablets with a few inclusions of more light color with solid edges.

Lozenges with lemon flavor: Round, flat, beveled tablets, yellowish-brown in color with a few inclusions of a lighter color, engraved with an “L” on one side.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- antiseptic, bacteriostatic, antimicrobial.


Has a local antimicrobial effect. Has a bacteriostatic effect. Active against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms (Streptococcus haemolyticus, Streptococcus viridans, Pneumococcus).

The antiseptic effect is achieved after 30 minutes.

Indications of the drug Faringosept ®

symptomatic treatment infectious inflammatory diseases oral cavity and pharynx (tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis);

prevention of oral infections during the perioperative period (tonsillectomy, tooth extraction);

prevention of occupational laryngitis.


Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, skin rash.


No interactions with other drugs were noted.

Directions for use and doses

Locally. The tablets should be dissolved until completely dissolved, 15-30 minutes after meals. After using the tablets, you should refrain from drinking and eating for 3 hours.

Adults - 4-5 tablets. (0.04-0.05 g) per day.

Children from 3 to 7 years old - 3 tablets. (0.03 g) per day. The course of treatment is 3-4 days.


There are no known cases of overdose. There is no antidote for ambazon. If a very large dose is used, induction of vomiting and/or gastric lavage is recommended.

special instructions

Increasing the dose does not have a greater clinical effect.


CO "Therapy JSC", Romania.

Storage conditions for the drug Faringosept ®

At a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Faringosept ®

lozenges 10 mg - 4 years.

10 mg lemon lozenges - 4 years.

lozenges 10 mg - 2 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
J02.9 Acute pharyngitis unspecifiedPurulent pharyngitis
Lymphonodular pharyngitis
Acute nasopharyngitis
J03.9 Acute tonsillitis unspecified (angina agranulocytic)Angina
Sore throat, alimentary-hemorrhagic
Sore throat secondary
Primary tonsillitis
Sore throat follicular
Sore throats
Bacterial tonsillitis
Inflammatory diseases of the tonsils
Throat infections
Catarrhal sore throat
Lacunar tonsillitis
Acute sore throat
Acute tonsillitis
Acute tonsillitis
Tonsillar tonsillitis
Follicular tonsillitis
Follicular tonsillitis
J04 Acute laryngitis and tracheitisInfectious and inflammatory disease of ENT organs
Cough in diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Laryngitis acute
Acute tracheitis
K05.0 Acute gingivitisGingivitis
Acute gingivitis
Acute ulcerative necrotizing gingivitis Vincent
Acute ulcerative gingivitis
K12 Stomatitis and related lesionsBacterial stomatitis
Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity
Inflammatory diseases of oral tissues
Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity
Fungal diseases of the oral cavity
Fungal infections of the mouth
Fungal infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity
Oral disease
Infectious and inflammatory disease of the oral cavity
Exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity
Recurrent ulcerative stomatitis
Angular stomatitis
Chronic recurrent stomatitis
Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa
Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa
Erosion of the oral mucosa
Ulcerative-necrotic diseases of the oral mucosa
Ulcerative-necrotic diseases of the oral mucosa
Ulcerative-necrotic lesions of the oral mucosa
Ulcerative-necrotizing gingivostomatitis
Ulcerative stomatitis

Everyone sooner or later faces health problems, after which they have to take various tablets. It is especially unpleasant if the oral cavity hurts, since the inability to talk painlessly, eat , Drinking any liquids causes a lot of inconvenience.

There is even more worry if this problem occurs in young children. One of the ways to combat discomfort or diseases of the oral cavity is the drug Faringosept. Is it possible to give Faringosept to children, how to do it correctly?

Composition and active substance

Each tablet is a lollipop, which includes ambazone monohydrate 10 mg, additional substances in the form of sucrose, lactose monohydrate, stearic acid, povidone K-30, cocoa and vanillin. Instead of the latter, manufacturers can use a lemon flavor.

Description and release form

Popular lemon flavored tablets They have a standard round and flat shape.

The edges are solid, and the body of the tablet itself is slightly beveled towards the edge and has an “L” engraving on one side.

The color of the tablet is yellowish-brown, but there may be inclusions of lighter or darker areas.

Faringosept is available in cardboard boxes, containing 1-2 blisters of 10 tablets.

Blisters are made of foil and matte brown PVC film.

Additionally Each box contains instructions for use, which tells you how to use Faringosept for children.

Both types of the drug - regular and lemon-flavored lozenges - are available in 10 mg doses.


The drug is used to treat throat diseases, infections of the oropharynx and mucous membranes.

Most frequent illnesses for which Faringosept may be prescribed:

It is also used for preventive purposes to avoid complications when removing tonsils and teeth.

Reviews of Efferalgan suppositories for children: how quickly this remedy copes with pain and fever, read.


There are no specific contraindications to the use of the drug. However, you should be careful with the composition of the tablets, since they contain lactose and sucrose. Parents of diabetics should take medication with caution to avoid spikes in blood sugar levels.

Also, do not use it if you are allergic to dairy products.

It is necessary to ask your doctor whether it is worth using the medicine, and tell him in advance about your existing health problems.

How does the drug affect the child’s body?

Ambazon is a fairly strong antiseptic that fights harmful microorganisms located in respiratory tract: streptococci and pneumococci. Quite actively resists.

Does not destroy intestinal microflora, that is, it does not cause dysbacteriosis.

Designed in the form of candies, it increases salivation, forcing the body to additionally fight germs on its own.


You can give medicine to children only from 3 years of age.

If the age is from 3 to 7 years, one tablet should be given three times a day for 3-4 days.
From the age of 7, a child can take pills on the same basis as adults and consume 3 to 5 tablets per day for at least 3-4 days.

Some doctors prescribe the drug from the age of 14, so it is not recommended to purchase Faringosept on your own and try to treat a child with it without the advice of a specialist, since the selection of medications depends on the capabilities and condition child's body.

Method of administration

The tablets are not swallowed but dissolve and are taken 20-30 minutes after meals. After dissolving the tablet, it is better not to drink or eat for 2-3 hours. Increasing the number of tablets per day will increase beneficial effect does not lead.

On the pages of our website you will find out. Tips and recommendations from doctors, list effective drugs.

Find out everything about the antibiotic Amoxiclav suspension for children. Let's talk about average prices in Russia and existing contraindications at the drug.

Reviews have been collected on the use of the antipyretic drug Ibuprofen in syrup for children; there are indications for the use of the drug.

Interaction with other tools

There was no information about possible negative effects of interaction of the drug with other substances.

However, if you or your child are taking other medications, tell your doctor.

Overdose and side effects

There are no statistical data on overdose, so if it is detected, it is necessary to either induce vomiting or rinse the stomach. Or you can use both options. There is also no information about side effects.

Storage and release conditions, shelf life

The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. It must be stored at a temperature not exceeding +20°C in original sealed blisters. Naturally, in order to avoid overdose, store it out of the reach of small children.

According to the instructions, the shelf life can be from 2 to 4 years, depending on the manufacturer. Therefore, this information must be checked on the insert in the box.

Approximate price in Russia

The cost of the drug may vary in different cities, so here are some approximate prices for Faringosept in different regions of the country:

The drug is sold at approximately the same price and affordable price , which can be considered one of its advantages.

Faringosept is an antibacterial drug for topical use. It almost never enters the bloodstream and has no effect overall impact on the body, therefore it has practically no contraindications and side effects. Produced by the Romanian pharmaceutical company S.K. Therapy S.A.

Mechanism of action of pharyngosept

Faringosept (international generic name– ambazon) is available in special lozenges and lemon-flavored lozenges. These are round, flat, beveled tablets of a brownish color with small lighter and darker inclusions with an “L” engraving on one side. The presence of light and dark inclusions is allowed.

As a result of prolonged resorption of the tablet, faringosept suppresses the vital activity of the microflora of the oral cavity and pharynx (bacteriostatic effect). Most pathogenic bacteria that cause infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs - staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci - are sensitive to pharyngosept.

Faringosept is a fairly effective drug, so it can be used independently for the treatment of mild diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.

Faringosept acts locally, so resistance of infectious agents to it develops rarely and slowly.

The slow resorption of pharyngosept leads to an increase in the secretion of saliva by the salivary glands, resulting in a decrease in dry throat, sore throat, discomfort when swallowing. Important feature pharyngosept is that it does not suppress the growth of natural intestinal microflora, that is, it does not cause the development of dysbiosis.

When the tablets are dissolved, faringosept accumulates in saliva and only by 3-5 days its amount becomes sufficient to exhibit a full antimicrobial effect.

Indications and contraindications for use

Often, after suffering an acute respiratory viral disease (especially if it was severe), a dry, obsessive cough and sore throat appear, which, if not treated, can continue for quite a long time. These are signs of a bacterial complication that occurs after a viral infection. In this case, faringosert will cope with the complication in a few days. It also helps very well with mild inflammation of the gums - catarrhal gingivitis, but if the gingivitis becomes purulent, then other remedies are used. Respond well to treatment with pharyngosept initial manifestations exacerbation chronic tonsillitis.

The use of pharyngosept is indicated for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx caused by pathogens sensitive to it. Inflammation of the pharynx (pharyngitis), inflammation of the oral mucosa (stomatitis), and periodontal tissues (gingivitis and periodontitis) are treated. palatine tonsils(exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis). Faringosept is also used to prevent bacterial complications before and after surgery to remove tonsils (tonsillectomy) and tooth extraction.

Take the tablets half an hour after meals; they should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

Before resorption, you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly; after resorption, you should not eat or drink for two to three hours. Adults are prescribed 5 tablets per day, that is, approximately every 2.5 hours, one tablet. Children can use pharyngosept from the age of three, not because it can cause complications, but because before the age of three they simply will not be able to absorb it. From three to 7 years old, children are recommended to take 3 tablets per day. After 7 years, the same dose is recommended as for adults. The course of treatment is 4–5 days, but it is possible to extend the course as prescribed by a doctor. If necessary, faringosept can be prescribed simultaneously with any other medications; there are no contraindications for this.

The only contraindication for taking pharyngosept is individual intolerance to the drug. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, faringosept is not contraindicated.

Side effects

Faringosept is usually well tolerated; the only side effects of the drug are allergic reactions in the form of skin rash.

When increasing the dosage above the recommended therapeutic effect the drug does not become more effective. When using faringosept in the dosages recommended by the manufacturer, there cannot be an overdose. If for some reason you take a lot of pharyngosept tablets at once, rinse your stomach boiled water room temperature and take Activated carbon.

Faringosept - time-tested antibacterial drug for topical use.

Galina Romanenko

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"Faringosept": instructions for use for adults and analogues

To treat inflammation in the oral cavity, doctors more often than other drugs prescribe Faringosept lozenges or spray. This medication is considered the most effective anti-inflammatory drug, but in addition, the drug can be used to achieve antiseptic and antimicrobial effects. Faringosept helps to quickly eliminate various inflammations in the oral cavity and achieve complete recovery in just five days.

"Faringosept" is widely known in the medical community and is actively used for inflammation infectious diseases caused by the development of viruses and microbes, as well as the proliferation of pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci and others pathogenic microorganisms.

About the drug "Faryngosept"

Faringosept is a powerful medication designed to treat inflammation in the oral cavity. It can get rid of numerous infectious diseases in just a few days. At correct diagnosis and maintaining the course of treatment, the medication eliminates numerous ailments. This effect is achieved thanks to the composition of Faringosept.

The active component of the drug is ambazone. It has an antimicrobial effect and destroys the source of the disease.

Form of the drug

Faringosept can be found in the form of tablets and lemon-flavored lozenges. They have round shape brown tint with different splashes of light shade. On one side of the tablet there is an engraving with the letter “L”.

Indications for use

Doctors prescribe Faringosept as the main treatment or to maintain the body’s condition after viral inflammation. The drug is active against acute respiratory illness or viral disease in the oral cavity.

When thinking about what Faringosept helps with, it is important to study the drug label. The medication eliminates dry cough, dry mucous membranes, sore throat, and others. acute symptoms for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Faringosept can be prescribed for diseases such as:

  • pharyngitis;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • acute sore throat;
  • chronic inflammation of the tonsils;
  • catarrhal gingivitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • inflammation of the pharynx;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity;
  • disease of periodontal tissues;
  • exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis;
  • disease of the palatine tonsils.

In addition, the medication is effective against bacterial infections of the throat and mouth, the appearance of which is caused by a viral infection. This complication can be cured in a few days.

Faringosept is often prescribed as a prophylaxis for tooth inflammation or caries removal, as well as in cases of surgical intervention to the palatine tonsils.


This remedy should not be used in case of acute sensitivity to the active components of Faringosept.

When dissolving tablets, make sure there are no contraindications, as the medication can cause redness in the mouth area, cause fever, tissue swelling, and signs of severe intoxication.

It is important to note that if the dosage is violated and the pill intake is increased, positive result does not appear. This way you can only provoke an overdose, so do not violate the prescribed course of treatment.

The drug is not contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects

As is known, Faringosept practically does not cause the development of side syndromes. Extremely in rare cases the patient has signs of an allergic reaction in the form of rash and itching skin. In this case, it is better to stop taking the drug.

How to use the tablets

The instructions for using Faringosept lozenges for adults warn that first you need to undergo a detailed examination and identify the cause of the disease. Only after confirming the diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe this drug to treat the disease.

Lollipops should be taken thirty minutes after eating. After resorption of the drug, it is forbidden to take any drinks or food for three hours. Otherwise, the patient may not expect healing effects medicine.

Patients often ask how to take Faringosept tablets for adults. When taking lozenges, it is important to completely dissolve the drug. It is important to first sanitize the oral cavity with decoctions of medicinal herbs or using special solutions. Adults are prescribed five tablets per day.

The course of treatment should not exceed five days. If at the end of the procedures the patient does not feel recovery, it is important to undergo re-diagnosis.

The course of treatment is considered individually in each case. For example, for laryngitis in adults, Faringosept acts only as one of the medications with a complex effect. And in case of inflammation in the tonsil area, the drug can eliminate the disease on its own.

Similar drugs

Before using the drug, many patients look for analogues of Faringosept.


The most popular alangog "Faryngosepta" is "Lysobakt". The drug has antiseptic properties, as well as a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Designed to eliminate signs of ARVI, tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, exacerbation of pharyngitis, stomatitis.

The drug must be dissolved in three tablets per day for one week. During this time, “Lizobakt” will destroy all the symptoms of the disease and eliminate the source of the disease itself. The product can be used as complex therapy.


Another effective drug designed to combat diseases in the oral cavity is Septolete.

Its composition is designed in such a way that within six days of treatment, the medication eliminates all germs and harmful microorganisms from the oral cavity and returns lost functions.

“Septolete” not only has a strong antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, but also restores immune function.

However, the drug has several contraindications and side effects, so before purchasing, make sure there are no restrictions in your case.


A popular medicine for the treatment of sore throat, the consequences of acute respiratory viral infections and long-term rhinitis, as well as other diseases in the oral cavity - "Strepsils".

Lozenges have a detrimental effect on most germs, which helps get rid of the disease in a matter of days.

However, the main direction of the medication is the antiseptic effect. Therefore, Strepsils can become a worthy analogue of Faringosept only in certain cases.


To treat diseases in the oral cavity, doctors often prescribe Hexoral-Tabs. The medication reduces painful sensations and eliminates germs in one course of treatment.

Hexoral-tabs can be used as an anti-inflammatory medication for pharyngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis and chronic inflammation of the tonsils.

The drug is prescribed as the main medicine for a period of seven days.

"Tantum Verde"

Another analogue of Faringosept is Tantum Verde.

This tool designed to combat infectious agents and various ailments due to gum inflammation, acute sore throat, catarrhal gingivitis, laryngitis and acute symptoms of laryngitis.

The effect of "Tantum Verde" is aimed not only at reducing symptoms, but also complete elimination diseases.

It has a strong antimicrobial effect and also has an immunostimulating effect.


Faringosept for real powerful tool for treatment various ailments in the oral cavity. The price of such a drug depends on the patient’s place of residence. A small package of the drug in Moscow and St. Petersburg costs about 150 rubles.

When purchasing a medicine, pay attention to the instructions and expiration date of the medicine.


Faringosept - antibacterial lozenges for throat diseases...

One of the drugs that enjoys deserved popularity among patients with various diseases of the ENT organs is Faringosept. Reviews of the medicine from patients and doctors are only positive, since, unlike many others, antibacterial agents, almost no addiction of infectious agents develops. In addition, Faringosept has virtually no contraindications for use.

Pharyngosept as an antiseptic. Abstract, composition

The drug Faringosept is an antiseptic for topical use, which is produced in special lozenges by the Indian pharmaceutical company Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited. The composition of the drug is as follows: its active active substance is ambazon, components additional substances- simple sugars (sucrose and lactose).

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Faringosept tablets are round, slightly beveled towards the outer edge, lilac-brown in color with engraving on the surface. Others pharmaceutical companies sometimes released medications– analogues. Faringosept has no such analogues.

In accordance with the instructions, Faringosept has a bacteriostatic effect (suppresses vital activity) on most bacteria, causing diseases oral cavity and pharynx. The medicine is effective only with prolonged resorption, since in addition to the antibacterial effect it also stimulates the secretion salivary glands, which leads to additional hydration of the mucous membrane and a reduction in such manifestations of the disease as dryness, sore throat and sore throat. The peculiarity of Faringosept is that with regular long-term resorption of tablets, it gradually accumulates in the tissues of the oral cavity and pharynx and also gradually increases its antibacterial effect. Maximum antibacterial effect is achieved no earlier than the third day of administration.

Faringosept has one more feature - it, while actively suppressing the vital activity of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora that causes various diseases of the oropharynx, has virtually no effect on the natural microflora living in the area of ​​the ENT organs. This is very important, because it is natural microflora inhibits the proliferation of yeast-like fungi that cause such a common disease as candidiasis (thrush).

What also distinguishes Faringosept from other medicines is the price - this inexpensive drug, nose high efficiency.

Application of Faringosept. Indications for use

Faringosept can be used alone or as part of complex treatment. This drug is suitable for treating not only adult patients. It is used for children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In most cases bacterial infection of the mouth and pharynx is a complication of a viral infection, which results in decreased immunity. In addition, it is easier for opportunistic microorganisms living on the surface of the oropharynx to penetrate the inflamed mucous membrane. Therefore, the use of Faringosept is justified for acute respiratory diseases, both viral and initially bacterial origin. In case of a viral infection, the tablets will moisturize the mucous membrane and remove unpleasant symptoms diseases and prevent bacterial complications. You can start using the drug on your own, but if the condition worsens, it is better to call a doctor to avoid severe complications.

For acute bacterial infections such as purulent sore throat, Faringosept tablets alone cannot be used, but they can be used in combination with antibiotics. But in the treatment of acute non-purulent bacterial inflammatory processes periodontal tissues (periodontitis), including gums (gingivitis) and the oral mucosa (stomatitis), Faringosept may well help.

As part of complex treatment, the medicine is also taken for chronic infectious and inflammatory processes in the oropharynx, for example, for chronic tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils), chronic pharyngitis(inflammation of the pharynx), chronic laryngitis(inflammation of the larynx). But the treatment of such diseases requires preliminary laboratory research– identification of the infectious agent and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. Therefore in in this case Before using Faringosept, you should consult a doctor.

Faringosept is often used with for preventive purposes, for example, to suppress vital activity bacterial microflora before operations on ENT organs. So, before removing the tonsils, Faringosept tablets (doctors' reviews) can prevent postoperative complications.

Rules for taking Faringosept

Take Faringosept tablets after meals (usually after 30 minutes) and thoroughly rinsing the mouth. The tablet is kept in the mouth (on the tongue or behind the cheek) until it is completely dissolved. After taking the tablet, it is not recommended to take anything by mouth for at least two hours (no drinking or eating).

Adults and children after seven years of age usually take one Faringosept tablet 5 times a day for 5 days, sometimes a longer course of treatment is possible. For full course treatment requires 2 - 3 packages of tablets (the price of one package is about 80 rubles, it contains 10 tablets). The drug combines well with any other medications, including antibiotics, sulfonamides and immunomodulators (immune restoration agents).

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications for taking Faringosept are hypersensitivity to its components. It should also be borne in mind that the drug contains simple sugars, so if the patient suffers from diabetes, the intake should be coordinated with the doctor to avoid a sudden rise in blood sugar (hyperglycemia). Patients with lactose intolerance or milk sugar. Some adults do not have enzymes that break down milk sugar, so foods that contain it cause digestive upset. The doctor will decide whether it is worth taking Faringosept in this case. Contraindications to this drug should be considered.

Faringosept tablets are also not prescribed to small children who will not be able to dissolve them. Usually these are children under 3–4 years old. It makes no sense to crush the tablets and pour them into the child’s mouth, because the drug should be absorbed slowly.

The drug does not give any side effects except allergies, which can develop to any medicine.

Faringosept is not contraindicated during pregnancy and is often the drug of choice for treatment in pregnant women. various diseases ENT organs. During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, a decrease in immunity always occurs; this is a physiological reaction, thanks to which the woman’s body does not reject the fetus. Therefore, colds and exacerbation of chronic infectious and inflammatory processes (for example, chronic tonsillitis or pharyngitis) are very typical during pregnancy.

But, as you know, during pregnancy, especially in the first 12 weeks, you should not take any medications without a doctor’s prescription. What should a sick woman do and can pregnant women take Faringosept? Can. The drug is prescribed to pregnant women by a doctor, but even before his arrival, you can start taking Faringosept tablets - there will be no harm, since they are almost not absorbed into the blood and have no general effect on the body.

When absorbed, the active substances of the drug suppress the vital activity of most pathogenic microorganisms living in the oropharynx. Therefore, the drug can be used by pregnant women for acute respiratory diseases, as well as for the prevention of exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis, etc. But if an exacerbation of these diseases begins, then you need to consult a doctor, since perhaps Faringosept tablets alone will not be enough. When asked whether Faringosept can be taken by pregnant women, obstetricians-gynecologists give a positive answer.

During pregnancy, take one tablet 4 times a day, completely dissolving. Duration of treatment is 4 – 5 days. The main thing is not to forget that after resorption of the tablet you should not drink or eat for 2 hours.

Faringosept during breastfeeding

When breastfeeding, Faringosept tablets are also not contraindicated. The drug is not absorbed into the blood, so it cannot pass into human milk. This allows the mother to treat acute respiratory diseases and to prevent exacerbations of infectious and inflammatory processes in the ENT organs, take Faringosept. During lactation it may be the drug of choice.

Pharyngosept can be prescribed to nursing mothers by a doctor, but you can also take it yourself (if there is no improvement within three to four days, you should consult a doctor). Taking the drug at the very beginning of the disease can save a woman from serious complications and the need to use antibacterial agents with general action that require interruption of breastfeeding.

Faringosept for children: how to use?

Faringosept is not contraindicated for children. For childhood characteristic frequent infections. This happens due to imperfect immunity. Children especially often begin to get sick at the age of three or four, when they first join a children's group. There is a constant infection in children's groups. And the smaller the children, the more there is.

For children, the drug can be a way out. It can be taken from 3 to 4 years of age, when the child already understands what resorption of tablets is. There is no point in giving it to very young children, even if you grind it into powder and put it in your mouth: it only works if it is absorbed for a long time, and the powder is instantly washed off with saliva.

The drug is prescribed for children from three to seven years old, one tablet 3 times a day for 4 to 5 days. Children after seven years of age are prescribed the same as adults.

One of the most popular and effective drugs for treating the throat today is Faringosept; almost anyone can afford to use it.

The article above and comments written by readers are for informational purposes only and do not encourage self-medication. Consult a specialist regarding your own symptoms and illnesses. When taking any medicine, you should always use the instructions that come with the medicine and your doctor's advice as a guide.

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Faringosept - instructions for the use of tablets for throat diseases in adults and children

A cold is often accompanied by a sore throat. The culprits of the pathology are pathogenic bacteria, affecting the mucous membrane of the larynx and mouth. Along with the main treatment, doctors prescribe topical medications. The best among them is Faringosept, which according to the instructions is indicated for both adults and children.

Faringosept - instructions

Faringosept (manufactured in Romania), according to the annotation, is used in dentistry and ENT practice. The active component of Faringosept - instructions for use shows - ambazone monohydrate. Additional ones include lactose and sucrose. The medicine is produced in the form of round brown-lilac lollipops with engraving. Faringosept's instructions state that the main substance suppresses the activity of bacteria that cause diseases of the oral cavity. The medication is effective with slow resorption, which leads to moistening of the mucous membrane.

The medication is taken as part of a complex treatment or as a single option. As a rule, a bacterial infection is a complication of a viral one, after which immunity decreases. For this reason, the use of lozenges is justified for acute respiratory infections of any etiology. Other indications for use of Faringosept:

  • angina;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • cough;
  • gingivitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • after tooth extraction;
  • after tonsillectomy;
  • to prevent infections.

Faringosept for children

Dissolving lozenges can be given to children after three years of age. Application is conditioned dosage form, but not chemical composition. Giving Faringosept to young children is dangerous. The main indication for treating a child is laryngitis. Faringosept is also prescribed for cough, when elevated temperature, difficulty swallowing, soreness and painful sensations in the throat and pharynx. This great choice for treating a child, because the tablets have a pleasant taste thanks to the added extracts. Supplements do not cause dysbiosis and do not affect the intestinal microflora.

The pediatric dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor in individually. According to the instructions, a child from 3 to 7 years old is recommended to take one 10 mg tablet three times a day 15 minutes after meals. Dose for older people, as for adults – 3-5 lozenges per day. Average rate treatment – ​​from 3 to 5 days. You can give your child lozenges for stomatitis and as a prophylaxis against infections after removal of teeth or tonsils.

Faringosept for pregnant women

main feature The drug is that it does not affect the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and does not interact with other medications. This is important at any stage of pregnancy and breastfeeding (lactation), so it is often prescribed to expectant mothers as a complex therapy for colds. Pregnant women should take 3-5 tablets of Faringosept per day. Afterwards, it is not recommended to eat or drink for two hours in order to prolong the therapeutic effect of the drug. If your health does not improve after 5 days of taking it, you should contact your doctor.

Judging by the reviews of people who regularly use the lollipops according to the instructions, it is well tolerated. However, in case of overdose, some side effects Pharyngosepta. As a rule, they develop in patients with hypersensitivity to the main component of the drug. These are allergic reactions such as:

  • Quincke's edema;
  • hives;
  • skin rash;
  • facial skin hyperemia.

Faringosept - contraindications

If a person has hypersensitivity to ambazone. then the drug cannot be used. There are no other contraindications for Faringosept. Caution should be exercised when using lozenges for people with diabetes, as the medicine may affect blood sugar levels. Taking medication does not affect control complex mechanisms and motor transport. Lollipops are not prescribed to children under three years of age due to the risk of swallowing them.

Faringosept - analogue

The original antiseptic Faringosept has no direct analogues, since medicine has not been developed that are similar in its active ingredient. However, the medication can easily be replaced with drugs similar in therapeutic effects on the human body. There are a large number of such analogues of Faringosept. Do not forget about adverse reactions to medications, so before looking for a replacement medication at the pharmacy, you should consult your doctor. Medicines with similar effects:

  • Azivok;
  • Abisil;
  • Ampicillin;
  • Afenoxin;
  • Bactrim;
  • Biseptol;
  • Vibramycin;
  • Hexadreps;
  • Hexalize;
  • Hexoral;
  • Grammidin;
  • Grunamox;
  • Zanotsin;
  • Iodinol;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Lysobacter;
  • Microflox;
  • Palitrex;
  • Ribomunil;
  • Septolete;
  • Stopangin;
  • Strepsils;
  • Falimint;
  • Faringopils;
  • Tsiprolet.

Price for Faringosept

Cough lozenges are sold at any pharmacy. You can buy them inexpensively in an online store, but it will be more profitable if you order several packages from the catalog at once, because you will have to pay additional shipping costs. How much does Faringosept cost? The price of the drug varies depending on pricing policy point of sale, so there may be slight differences in each pharmacy. average cost in the Moscow region - from 135 rubles per pack of 10 pieces and from 180 rubles per pack of 20 pieces.

Video: Faringosept for sore throat

Faringosept - reviews

Larisa, 32 years old

Faringosept is an excellent replacement for an antibiotic. What to take for a sore throat: ampicillin or other antimicrobials synthetic products, it is better to take lozenges. Moreover, they are not addictive. I sucked lollipops during pregnancy, and then when breastfeeding when your throat hurts. No adverse reaction did not have.

Marina, 27 years old

I have known Faringosept for a long time, because for as long as I can remember I have had a sore throat every year. Previously, even during pregnancy, I took ampicillin-based antibiotics. Now, at the first signs of illness (I have already learned them by heart), I buy and suck lollipops. According to the instructions, no more than 5 pieces are prescribed, but I take them one after another all day, and there is no sore throat.

Vasily, 43 years old

Cheap and effective medicines not much for a cold. Since I earn little, I barely have enough to live on, and I suffer from various illnesses. colds up to three times during the cold season, then Faringosept lozenges are my salvation. I like the price, the method of administration - resorption, and the taste is pleasant: eat with lemon, cinnamon, chocolate, and a quick medicinal effect.

Children most often suffer from acute respiratory inflammation. Their immune system is unstable, so any activation infectious inflammation ends with serious complications. To avoid the development of the disease, it is necessary to actively strengthen the baby’s health from the age of two and treat even common runny nose. But a caring parent wants to minimize any contact with medications, so not every mother and father will give their baby a medicine without first making sure there are no side effects or contraindications.

If the child encounters acute inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, it is important to take immediate action. To stop the progression of the disease and eliminate acute symptoms, the baby can be given Faringosept. This is a medicine intended to combat unpleasant signs and diseases in the oral cavity.

If the baby’s oral cavity is inflamed, it is necessary to begin serious treatment, before complications develop. During the period of activation of infection in this cavity, the child in the first hours complains of pain when swallowing liquids or eating food, so it is not difficult to notice the onset of inflammation. To get rid of inflammation it is necessary to undergo complex treatment. One way to eliminate symptoms is Faringosept tablets or spray.

Despite the wide popularity of the drug, parents are still concerned about the question: Can Faringosept be taken for children? This question is justified because active substance The drug may cause some side effects.

Tablets in the form of lozenges are not prohibited for the treatment of children over three years of age, but it is first important to make sure that the child does not have hypersensitivity to ambazone monohydrate. This substance is considered the main component of the drug.

In addition, the product contains sucrose and lactose monohydrate, as well as some additional substances.

The combination of active ingredients is considered allergenic, therefore Using Faringosept without a doctor's prescription can be dangerous.

When wondering at what age you can give your child Faringosept, it is important to get examined by a doctor. Usually the drug prescribed only from three years of age, but at urgent need A specialist can prescribe medicine from the age of two. Use the medication for more early age forbidden.

When can it be used

Instructions for use of Faringosept for children warn that The drug can be used to treat children with sore throat, as well as infectious inflammation of the oropharynx and mucous membrane.

Most often, doctors prescribe this medication for the following ailments:

  • chronic inflammation of the tonsils;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • tracheitis.

In addition, you can use “ ” as a preventive measure, as well as with the activation of infectious inflammation, for example, in kindergarten. At timely application, the drug will be able to protect the child’s body from the penetration of harmful organisms.

How to be treated correctly

Faringosept can be used from three years of age. At this age of the baby, doctors prescribe one tablet at a time. A total of three lozenges are allowed per day. It is necessary to use the medication four days.

From the age of seven The child is allowed to dissolve up to five tablets per day for no more than five days.

From the age of fourteen dosing is calculated on the same basis as for adults. At this age, six tablets of the drug per day are needed. Treatment should continue for five days.

You can use Faringosept thirty minutes before eating. After the medication has been absorbed, you should not eat or drink anything for three hours.

Before using the drug, make sure that the dosage is consistent with your doctor. At improper treatment the patient may experience an allergic reaction and other side symptoms.

Do not swallow the drug! During treatment, tablets must be dissolved.


Strict contraindications Faringosept does not. However, remember that the drug contains lactose and sucrose. Therefore, the medication should not be used for diabetes mellitus, as well as for allergies to milk.

Lollipops enhance the functions of the salivary glands, so when the drug is absorbed, the child may experience active salivation. Thus, the medicine begins to fight harmful microbes.


If you have violated the rules for using the drug, acute signs overdose.

It is important to remember that increasing the number of lollipops will not speed up the recovery process, but will only worsen the patient’s condition.

What to do first in case of an overdose of Faringosept in a child? If an overdose occurs, the patient experiences dryness in the nasopharynx, itching and burning in the throat, as well as changes in complexion, general signs intoxication.

You can get rid of such signs by inducing vomiting or washing the stomach.

If the doctor prescribed the medication along with other medications, check the possibility of undesirable consequences. At hypersensitivity The child may develop an allergy to the medicine in the form of itching and burning, as well as severe redness around the mouth.

In some cases, with an overdose, the baby develops itchy blisters, and in especially severe cases appears Quincke's edema. With such symptoms it is important to urgently call an ambulance.


Before purchasing Faringosept, parents may inquire about analogues of the drug. Analogues of Faringosept for children are presented in the form of sprays, lozenges and aerosols intended for topical use.

The most effective similar drugs are considered:

  1. « Lysobacter"is a powerful antiseptic and antimicrobial agent. In addition, the drug has an effect on immune system, allowing you to speed up the healing process of inflammation in the mouth.
  2. « Septolete" - an antiseptic intended for the treatment of children from four years of age. Its properties make it possible to eliminate germs and viruses within eight days of treatment. Can only be used after consulting a doctor.
  3. « Strepsils"is a well-known antiseptic that has a detrimental effect on microbes. Prescribed for children over five years of age.
  4. « Hexoral-tabs" - another analogue of "Faryngosept". The medication has an anti-inflammatory effect, but in addition, the drug can be used for severe pain in the mouth caused by infectious inflammation. Prescribed for treatment from the age of five.
  5. « Tantum Verde» - similar medicine"Faryngosepta", intended to eliminate infectious inflammation. Tantum Verde not only provides antiseptic effect, but also antimicrobial, immunostimulating and analgesic effect.

Remember that you can use any of the listed remedies only after consulting a doctor. Self-treatment can become dangerous and cause a number of complications.

Which is better for children: “Lizobakt” or “Faryngosept”

The main analogue of Faringosept is "Lizobakt". The medicine is created on the basis natural ingredients, which have a powerful antibacterial effect.

By destroying the cells of harmful microorganisms, “Lizobakt” quickly removes the infection and restores the functions of the nasopharynx.

I wonder what "Lizobakt" is made from chicken egg whites. Enzymes active component are contained in human saliva, so the medication is easily accepted by the patient’s body.

By providing the necessary protection, “Lizobakt” accelerates the healing process of affected cells and inflamed areas in the oral cavity.

"Lizobakt" is prescribed for inflammation of the oral cavity, as well as in the case of gingivitis, stomatitis and the formation of mouth ulcers. Doctors often prescribe this medication as a prophylaxis during the cold season, as well as for inflammation of acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis. However, at Faringosept this list much higher.

Lizobakt, like Faringosept, can be used to treat children from three years of age. It is prohibited to use the product before this age., since the medication must be absorbed in the mouth for a long time. Due to age, it is important to monitor this factor throughout treatment.

The dosage of the drug is as follows:

  • from three years old, you can use half of one lollipop in the morning, afternoon and evening;
  • from the age of five, one tablet is prescribed three times a day;
  • from the age of seven you can use the medication four times a day, one tablet;
  • From the age of twelve, two tablets are prescribed three times a day.

After the medication is absorbed, you should not eat or drink for thirty minutes. The course of treatment must be maintained for seven days.

When comparing two medications, It is believed that Faringosept has a more powerful effect on the source of inflammation, but Lizobact is more gentle in its properties. Since "Lizobakt" is produced on an ingredient similar to the components human saliva, parents often prefer this particular remedy.

Of the obvious advantages of Faringosept, it is necessary to highlight limited contraindications. Therefore, when choosing from these drugs, doctors most often prescribe Faringosept. They, unlike Lizobact, do not irritate the mucous membrane and are not absorbed into the bloodstream.


In case of inflammation of the throat, pain in the mouth and strong activation of bacteria in the nasopharynx, it is important to begin comprehensive treatment. In this case, doctors prescribe Faringosept as a comprehensive treatment. Do not use the product without a certificate from your doctor, or without accurate diagnosis illness.

Faringosept must be stored in dark place, where the air temperature does not exceed twenty degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the medicine is two years.

Faringosept is one of the most popular topical drugs that people use when the first symptoms of a sore throat appear. Many perceive this medicine, like regular lollipops, making breathing easier and eliminating pain in the tonsils and oropharynx. In fact, Faringosept has nothing to do with candy, but is an antibacterial drug that is effective against most known pathogens sore throat and tonsillitis.

When should you use Faringosept, and in what cases is it better to avoid it? Is the drug safe and can it be given to children? Doctors hear questions like these every day. The drug developers claim that local application antibacterial components of the drug prevents its absorption into the blood, and therefore does not entail the development of a huge amount unwanted effects. Faringosept does not provoke the emergence of microbial resistance and is not capable of causing changes in the composition of the intestinal microflora.

Instructions for use of Faringosept

Faringosept is a medicine whose main active ingredient is ambazone, a substance with antibacterial properties that inhibits the viability of pathogens that cause diseases of the mouth and throat. Most pathogenic microorganisms are sensitive to the action of the drug, including staphylococci, streptococci and pneumococci. Faringosept has local action and can be used as an independent therapy for simple inflammatory processes in the throat.

Resorption of Faringosept stimulates the secretion of saliva, which prevents drying of the mucous membranes of the lips and oral cavity. In addition, thanks to the effects of the drug, the patient quickly loses the feeling of discomfort when swallowing, sore throat and sore throat, and the redness and swelling of the affected areas decreases. The medicine does not affect vital functions normal microflora intestines and does not cause symptoms of dysbiosis.

What does Faringosept help with? The main indications for the use of the drug are conditions after viral infections when a person has complaints of soreness in the throat, severe soreness and dry cough. All of them indicate the presence of bacterial complications in the patient pathological process that require antibacterial correction.

Among such violations the following should be highlighted:

  • pharyngitis of bacterial origin;
  • inflammation of the gums moderate degree expressiveness;
  • purulent gingivitis on initial stages development;
  • exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis;
  • periodontitis provoked by microflora sensitive to Faringosept.

To prevent the development of pathology of the ENT organs, the drug is prescribed before surgical interventions after removal of teeth or tonsils, as well as after surgical correction.

The main contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • the patient has an individual intolerance chemical substances, which are part of Faringosept;
  • children up to seven years of age.

The medicine can be taken by pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding their babies.

The drug is well tolerated human body and extremely rarely provokes the development of side effects in the form of allergic reactions on the skin with rashes and itching. According to studies, an overdose of Faringosept is impossible even in the case of simultaneous administration of a dose of the drug that significantly exceeds its recommended amount. When using Faringosept tablets in large quantities Doctors strongly advise rinsing the stomach with water and taking activated charcoal.

Faringosept tablets - special instructions

Faringosept is available in the form of lozenges containing 10 mg of ambazone. Each package contains 20 such tablets.

It is better to use the drug after consulting a doctor. According to the instructions for use, lollipops should be taken by adults and children after seven years, 3-5 pieces per day (30-50 mg of ambazone) for 4-5 days. As a rule, it is during this period that complete refurbishment oral cavity and pharynx, which helps reduce pathological symptoms local infection. It is recommended to dissolve the lollipops slowly in the mouth.

Faringosept should not be swallowed, as this prevents the onset of the therapeutic effect.

It is better not to combine the use of the drug with the use of other medications.
Faringosept should be taken 20 minutes after a meal and you should not eat or drink for 2-3 hours.

The recommended dose for children aged 3–7 years is one lozenge 3 times a day (30 mg of ambazone) for 4-5 days. Increasing the recommended dose does not increase the severity of the therapeutic effect.

Price of the drug Faringosept

How much does the drug cost? Faringosept is particularly popular today. Among doctors and their patients, it has established itself as an effective medicine that is affordable, easy to use and does not cause side effects.

Today you can buy Faringosept in a network of retail pharmacies and on the Internet. In the latter case, it is important to ensure the quality of the medicine and its authenticity.

Analogs you can trust

Like most other antibacterial agents, Faringosept has great amount analogues. Among them there are drugs with a fairly high cost, but there are also drugs with budget price, available to everyone. Among the substitute medications for Faringosept, the following medications are especially popular:

  • Angilex is a drug with a pronounced antimicrobial effect, which is successfully used for inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, nasopharynx and larynx, as well as in the case of the development of purulent gingivitis, periodontitis, tonsillitis;
  • Hexasprey is a medicine for local treatment throat diseases, the main active ingredient of which is biclotymol (before changing the drug, you should definitely consult your doctor);
  • Decathylene - lozenges, indicated for most infectious diseases of the ENT organs, as well as before and after operations to remove tonsils, teeth, etc.;
  • Cameflu is a spray that is widely used for acute and chronic, as well as inflammatory processes in the nasal cavities;
  • Septefril is an antibacterial drug against throat diseases, the main advantage of which is its low cost (domestic drug);
  • Eucalyptus tincture – herbal remedy against inflammatory diseases, with a pronounced antiseptic effect and a minimum of side effects.