Products with the lowest gluten content. A complete list of products containing gluten. Know where to find gluten

Gluten is a sticky substance found in the protein of wheat, barley, rye and most other grains. Gluten is found not only in all baked goods, regular bread, pasta and pasta, but also in all kinds of food products made with the addition of wheat flour (as a thickener) - semi-finished products, sauces and ketchups.

Because gluten is essentially like glue (that's why it's called "gluten"), it is widely used to give foods their elastic structure. However, gluten seems to glue the contents of the stomach together, causing inflammation and the development of food allergies in some people. In addition, foods containing gluten are usually...

Why is gluten harmful?

It is important to separate the harm of products with gluten from the harm of gluten itself. Since gluten is the main component of wheat flour (premium flour is approximately 30% gluten), it is found in large quantities in bread and baked goods. It is this kind of food that causes diarrhea, while avoiding it is useful for losing weight.

On the other hand, the immune system of some people perceives gluten as an allergen, forcing the body to “fight” it. Since gluten comes from food, the stomach is the first to suffer. Intestinal functions are disrupted, the level of absorption of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals decreases, and the condition of the skin and internal integument of the body worsens.

Celiac disease - gluten allergy

A disease called celiac disease, which is an acute allergy to gluten, affects approximately 1% of the population - on average, one in 100-150 people (2). In such people, consuming even small doses of gluten (up to a few grams of bread) can cause serious food allergies with unpleasant symptoms.

Modern science believes that gluten intolerance is a rare genetic disease, essentially similar to lactose intolerance. If your parents or relatives have celiac disease, you are probably also susceptible to it. In this case, you will have to adhere to strict rules all your life.

Symptoms of Gluten Allergy

Most symptoms of gluten intolerance relate to various disorders of the digestive system - from regular bloating and stomach upsets to chronic diarrhea. In most cases, the stool becomes pale and foamy and has a strong, unpleasant odor (2) .

Secondary symptoms of gluten allergy include chronic headaches, excessive hair loss, decreased immunity, and decreased metabolism. Despite this, diagnosing celiac disease is often difficult, and many patients are unaware of the presence of an allergy to gluten. In addition, gluten intolerance may appear after illness or pregnancy.

A way to detect gluten intolerance

The easiest home method for identifying gluten intolerance is to switch and complete eliminating all bread and any other gluten-containing foods from your diet for two weeks, and carefully assessing how you feel. The subsequent return of gluten to the diet will be significant.

It will take approximately 10-14 days for the intestinal microflora to restore - first you should feel an improvement in your health, and after returning to your normal diet - a deterioration. However, the only accurate method for detecting gluten intolerance is a medical test for celiac disease in a special clinic.

Symptoms and allergies to milk. Table of lactose content in food products.

Any food products made from wheat, rye and other grains contain a significant amount of gluten. It is estimated that the average person consumes between 10 and 40 g of gluten per day (1) - most of this consumption comes from bread, pastries, pasta, pasta and various baked goods.

Also, in quantities sufficient to cause an allergy, gluten as a thickener can be included in ketchup, sauces and other products (including) - in this case it is usually referred to as “modified food starch” or “hydrolyzed protein”. Additionally, gluten particles may be introduced into the product during the manufacturing process.

List of Gluten Free Products

  • beef, pork, chicken and other meats
  • eggs,
  • all types of fish
  • seafood
  • milk, kefir, natural yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, butter
  • potato
  • pumpkin, eggplant, zucchini, green beans and other vegetables
  • rice, corn (including cornmeal), peas
  • soybeans, mung beans, beans
  • buckwheat, quinoa, sorghum
  • all types of nuts
  • all types of berries
  • all types of fruits
  • mushrooms

Gluten-free foods include all types of meat and fish, eggs, potatoes, buckwheat, rice, corn, peas and other legumes, nuts, fruits and vegetables (3). A number of food products are gluten free due to the use of the same equipment as for wheat. For example, corn flakes may contain gluten, while pure corn does not contain it at all.

Separately, we note that if the meat itself does not contain gluten, then meat cutlets most often contain it, since bread crumb (gluten in its pure form) is used in their preparation. Likewise, pure chicken does not contain gluten, but deep-fried chicken may contain gluten due to the breading.


Gluten is a sticky substance found in wheat. In a small number of people, it can cause food allergies and disruption of the immune system, but for everyone else, the main harm from eating gluten-containing foods can only be gaining excess weight due to the high calorie content of such foods.

Scientific sources:

  1. How much gluten is in a normal diet,
  2. Symptoms Of Coeliac Disease,
  3. Mayo Clinic: Gluten-free diet,
  4. Celiac disease: Overview and considerations for development of gluten-free foods,

According to some doctors, only those with celiac disease need to know information about which foods contain gluten. It is this disease that is associated with intolerance to this component and, in the absence of an appropriate diet, leads to negative consequences. Other doctors strongly recommend that even healthy people avoid eating gluten-containing foods. They believe that it poses a threat to the human body. Where is truth and where is fiction? And what products still contain gluten?

On a note! A high molecular weight protein compound called gluten is present in excess amounts in cereals. Its other name is gluten. The name of this substance comes from gluten, which translates as “glue.”

The role of gluten in human life

In dry form, gluten is a practically colorless powder, tasteless and odorless. When in contact with water, gluten swells, turning into a viscous mass. It has adhesive properties, hence the name of the substance.

On a note! In the food industry, the homogeneous structure of moistened gluten is of greatest value, as it helps achieve a creamy product.

The role of gluten in human life is quite important. This substance is used as:

  • natural food preservative;
  • natural thickener;
  • component for improving the quality of bakery products;
  • household glue.

Most often, gluten is used to knead dough when baking flour products. After all, it is gluten that makes the dough viscous and pliable. As a result, the finished product is soft, porous and satisfying. Bread that contains a lot of gluten is considered first-class. In this regard, breeders from all over the world are trying to introduce varieties of cereals with a gluten content of 30%.

Harmful properties of gluten

Grain products such as wheat, barley and rye have long been known to mankind. Recently, breeders have been working on introducing new varieties of cereals that will be unpretentious, but at the same time will stand out for their high yields. In addition, it is planned that these grains will contain large amounts of gluten, the breakdown of which in the human body forms larger molecules than when consuming products from conventional cereals. And since it is much more difficult for the digestive system to digest them, new varieties of grains will not be very useful for human nutrition.

Thus, a significant amount of gluten requires the body to work hard to break it down. Remains of gluten that have not had time to digest gradually accumulate. This causes dysfunction of the digestive system and causes excess body weight.

If you constantly eat foods containing gluten, inflammatory reactions develop in the intestines and the permeability of its walls increases. Based on this, it is recommended to enrich your diet with gluten-free foods.

List of foods containing gluten

It is not for nothing that gluten is called “wheat protein”, because it is wheat that breaks records for the content of this substance. A large amount of it is included in products made from flour.

Thus, gluten is found in the following list of foods:

  • cereals: wheat, oats, rye, barley;
  • plant products from these cereals: bran, semolina, bakery products, pasta;
  • compote, lemonade, fruit drink, juice, kvass and other soft drinks (not too high gluten content);
  • sausages;
  • instant porridges and soups - these products use gluten as a thickener;
  • breakfast cereals, ready to eat;
  • mustard, mayonnaise;
  • fast food products;
  • candies;
  • semi-finished products;
  • crab sticks;
  • canned products;
  • confectionery powders;
  • undistilled vodka.

Thus, the list of products containing gluten is quite wide. Gluten is often included in sports nutrition products.

In addition, traces of “wheat protein” are found in the following products:

  • salo;
  • butter;
  • low quality vegetable oil;
  • industrially processed nuts and seeds;
  • sauces;
  • canned vegetables of puree consistency;
  • ice cream;
  • processed fruits;
  • dried fruits and candied fruits.

On a note! Coffee granules contain gluten, which makes the powder more crumbly and soluble. Gluten is also added to cocoa to reduce the cost of chocolate production.

So what can you do to avoid the harm of gluten? In fact, the products from the above lists can and even should be consumed, but not in excess. The diet must be supplemented with gluten-free foods.

Table of foods containing gluten

Below is a table with a list of products that contain gluten in either explicit or hidden form.

Products with obvious gluten content

Products with hidden gluten content


Baby food (canned)


Chewing gum

Granular cottage cheese

Yogurt (with additives)

Cocoa powder


Canned meat


Canned vegetables

Semi-finished meat products

Canned fish

Oatmeal (flakes)

Instant coffee

Barley porridge

Crab sticks



Wheat, porridge

Ice cream


Soy sauce

Beer (as an additive)

Instant chocolate drinks

Soy sauce

Breakfast cereal

Processed cheese

Barley porridge

Thus, gluten is found in plant foods and food products in which gluten is added during the manufacturing process as a thickener or for other purposes.

On a note! In the production of beer, gluten is necessarily used, since in this case it acts as a preservative. However, gluten-free drinks, which have been gaining popularity recently, are even more harmful. The fact is that the lack of gluten in it is compensated by flavor enhancers and other harmful substances.

Gluten Free Products Chart

There is no gluten in animal products. In addition, it is not found in some types of plant foods. Below is a table with a list of gluten-free products.

Gluten free diet for weight loss

Recently, show business stars are simply obsessed with the newfangled gluten-free diet, which helps to lose weight. There are even admiring reviews from celebrities showing off their curves. A gluten-free diet involves limiting foods containing gluten, and more restrictive types of diets completely exclude such foods. Among doctors there are also supporters and opponents of such nutrition.

Undoubtedly, a gluten-free diet has certain advantages:

  • reduces the amount of high-calorie foods in the diet - foods with gluten contain many calories;
  • increases the amount of vegetables in the diet - vegetables are loaded with vitamins and other beneficial components, and are also a source of healthy fiber;
  • contributes to the health of the human body.

Opponents of the gluten-free diet criticize this approach to nutrition. In their opinion, products containing gluten provide the human body with important components, so they should not be completely excluded from the diet. In addition, the quality of food is also important. If it is natural, then the gluten content in it will not harm your health. If, in addition to gluten, it contains preservatives and dyes, it should not be eaten.

On a note! According to scientists, many manufacturers include flavors, sugar, fat and other substances in their products to compensate for the lack of gluten. In fact, such products, although gluten-free, pose a greater danger to the human body than foods containing gluten, and contribute to the accumulation of fat deposits.

Gluten intolerance in children

If a child’s body is intolerant to gluten, the child should stop eating foods containing it.

On a note! Children at an early age often experience gluten intolerance, which is associated with an insufficiently mature digestive system. That is why modern pediatricians strongly recommend introducing gluten-free products into a child’s complementary foods first.

Gluten intolerance (celiac disease) is manifested by allergic reactions. The disease is temporary or permanent. In the first case, you will have to give up foods containing gluten for a certain period, and in the second, you will have to stick to diets for the rest of your life.

In general, parents of children with celiac disease should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • separate a cabinet for storing gluten-free products;
  • Prepare food for a child using separate utensils;
  • Wash your hands regularly, especially before handling gluten-free products, to avoid accidentally introducing gluten onto them;
  • It is prohibited to use the same oven for simultaneous baking of gluten-containing and gluten-free dishes;
  • there is no need to listen to the advice of other parents whose children also suffer from gluten intolerance regarding the safety of a certain product, each body is individual;
  • it is better to put prohibited products in a place inaccessible to the patient;
  • if a new product is introduced, on the same day it is forbidden to give another type of food that is unfamiliar to the child’s body.

On a note! Scientists agree that celiac disease is inherited. That is, if one of the parents has this disease, the probability of it affecting the child is 50%.

Gluten intolerance, which is permanent, cannot be completely cured, but unpleasant symptoms can be avoided if you follow a gluten-free diet throughout your life.

Video: What foods contain gluten?

If you want to lose a few extra pounds, you should review your menu. In particular, nutritionists recommend limiting the consumption of foods that contain gluten. People suffering from celiac disease will have to completely eliminate them from their diet. But first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of products containing gluten. This will be discussed in the following videos.

About 1% of the human population suffers from congenital gluten intolerance or celiac disease. Clinically, this is manifested by a number of unpleasant symptoms, and therefore such patients need to follow a gluten-free diet for life. Therefore, they need to know which foods contain gluten.

Dry gluten has no taste; when soaked in water it is a sticky gray mass.

What is gluten?

Gluten is a complex plant protein that consists of 2 other proteins: gliadin and glutenin. It is found in most cereals, such as barley, rye, and wheat. For example, at least 80% of the mass of a wheat grain is gluten. It is what gives baked goods their fluffiness and extends their shelf life. If the gluten content is low, then it will be practically impossible to get airy baked goods.

You can determine its amount in flour as follows: knead the dough from 2 parts flour and 1 part water, leave it for 20 minutes. After this, wash off the starch and do this until the water runs clear. Gluten does not dissolve in water and will remain in its pure form in the dough. It is squeezed out and weighed.

The protein got its name from the Latin word “gluten”, which means “glue”, so another name for the protein is “gluten”.

Benefits and harms

Beneficial properties of gluten

Gluten has the following positive qualities:

  1. Gluten increases the nutritional value of foods, which allows you to replenish the body with energy, plant proteins and nutrients.
  2. Gluten contains B vitamins, retinol, tocopherol, calciferol, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, and some essential amino acids that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
  3. Gluten can bind some nutrients and minerals, resulting in normal digestion.

For healthy people it is obvious. But if there are people who are intolerant to gluten and it can cause irreparable harm to them.

The harm of gluten

If a patient suffering from celiac disease consumes foods containing gluten, this can cause death.

Celiac disease is a rare hereditary autoimmune disease in which the body is intolerant to gluten.

The patient's immune system begins to perceive gluten as a foreign body and actively fights it. At the same time, in the human body, leukocytes begin to produce cytokines, proteins that destroy the intestinal mucosa. As a result, the villi that line the walls of the small intestine fall off and the organ cannot perform its function, namely, absorb useful substances.

In such patients, more and more antibodies will be produced each time, which will manifest itself as more severe symptoms.

Some people do not have celiac disease, but rather an inability of the body to digest gluten without affecting the intestinal mucosa.

The following symptoms may indicate plant protein intolerance:

You can suspect celiac disease in a child based on his mental state; such children often cry, they are restless, and they have no interest in life. An experiment was carried out, such children were given colored pencils and they chose only black from all the colors, which indicates their depressed state.

As you can see, the clinical picture of gluten intolerance is polymorphic. If you suspect celiac disease or a gluten allergy, you should exclude gluten-containing foods from your diet for a month and monitor how you feel. If all the above symptoms subside, then most likely there is gluten intolerance.

Today, you can purchase tests at the pharmacy that can detect gluten allergies.

Important! If you suspect gluten intolerance, you should not self-medicate. Since only a specialist can choose the right treatment regimen. Therefore, if you identify signs of an allergy to gluten or celiac disease, you should go to the hospital and do a DNA test to identify the gene responsible for the appearance of sensitivity to gluten and the development of celiac enteropathy.

In addition, gluten is harmful to patients suffering from autism and phenylketonuria (a rare genetic disease in which amino acid metabolism disorders are observed).

It is important for all these people to know what gluten contains.

Prohibited and permitted products

Prohibited Products

To follow a gluten-free diet, you need to exclude foods that contain gluten.

Which cereals contain large amounts of gluten? There is a lot of it in the following cereals:

  • barley;
  • rye;
  • oats;
  • wheat.

That is, gluten is found in baked goods and other carbohydrate-containing products to which vegetable protein is added as a preservative. Thus, gluten can be used to increase viscosity in the production of sausages, sauces, ketchups and ice cream.

Important! If gluten is included in store-bought sauces and ketchups as a thickener, it is usually referred to as “hydrolyzed protein.” You can also read on the packaging of such products that they contain “modified food starch,” which is nothing more than gluten.

When following a gluten-free diet, you should exclude the following foods from your diet:

  • couscous;
  • oat, wheat, rye and barley flour;
  • bulgur;
  • egg, semolina, pearl barley;
  • juices;
  • starch, which is used for the production of sausage and curd products (for example, cheese curds), instant coffee, cocoa, dairy products, yoghurts, ketchups;
  • cornflakes;
  • sweets containing licorice extract;
  • muesli;
  • any products containing cereals (yogurt with muesli, chocolate with cereals);
  • canned food in tomato;
  • crab sticks;
  • dishes containing flour, breading, for example, various sauces;
  • chewing gum;
  • drinks containing malt, barley, oats, for example, beer.

The following food additives are prohibited:

  • E150 - sugar color, food coloring known as burnt sugar or caramel;
  • E160 - carotene;
  • E 411 - stabilizer “Oatmeal gum”;
  • E 637 - ethyl maltol, flavor and aroma enhancer;
  • E 636 - maltol, aroma and taste enhancer;
  • E 953 - isomalt, sugar substitute;
  • E 965 - maltitol, sweetener.

Important! Gluten can be used to produce medicines, for example, Festal, Valerian dragees, Jungle vitamins. It helps the tablets maintain their shape. Therefore, patients suffering from gluten intolerance should carefully read the composition of the medications they use.

Authorized Products

While sitting, you are allowed to consume the following foods:

  • potato;
  • millet, rice, amaranth, corn, quinoa, buckwheat, soybeans;
  • legumes;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • fish, meat;
  • natural tea and coffee;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • vinegar;
  • honey, salt, sugar.

Important! You can determine the gluten content in non-flour products using an iodine solution. To do this, you need to put 1 drop of it on the food and if the solution changes its brown color to purple, therefore, the product contains starch, despite the fact that it may be rice or potato, it’s still not worth the risk.

Some companies offer gluten-free products, such manufacturers include:

  • "Mak Master", "Baltic Mill" - Russian companies;
  • "Provena", products made in Finland;
  • "Shar" and "Farmo" are Italian companies;
  • “Bezgluten” - gluten-free products produced in Poland;
  • SamMills is a Romanian company;
  • Glutano is a German company offering a wide range of gluten-free products.

Important! A gluten-free diet is low in fiber, so be sure to include high-fiber foods such as rice, potatoes and fresh vegetables in your diet. In addition, by adhering to a low-gluten menu, it is important to eliminate deficiencies of iron, calcium, cyanocobalamin and folic acid. For this purpose, your doctor may prescribe a vitamin-mineral complex.

Gluten-free pasta from Mak Master

Important! In European countries there is a law according to which food products must have an icon depicting a crossed out spikelet. It indicates that they are gluten free.

Tips for Parents of Children Who Should Go Gluten Free

The child must like a gluten-free diet, otherwise it will be difficult to give up prohibited foods. Since not only cereals will be banned, but also many sweets, such as ice cream.

If a child has a temporary allergy to gluten products, they will need to be excluded from the diet for a while, and then gradually reintroduced into the menu in small doses.

When a child has celiac disease, he will have to follow a gluten-free diet for the rest of his life.

Parents should remember that gluten can get into the diet from gluten-free foods, so a number of rules must be followed:

  1. It is necessary to allocate a separate cabinet in which gluten-free products should be stored. This should be a closet, and not a separate shelf in a common closet.
  2. The child must have separate cutlery and dishes. It should not be used by other family members. It is advisable to put a special mark on the dishes, which will allow you to avoid mistakes.
  3. Cooking for a child should be done using separate pots, baking sheets, molds, frying pans, a ladle, and a slotted spoon.
  4. There should be a separate board and knife for slicing gluten-free bread, they should be signed.
  5. When preparing food for a child or other family members, you must constantly wash your hands so as not to accidentally introduce gluten into the food intended for the patient.
  6. You cannot bake gluten-free and gluten-free baked goods in the same oven at the same time.
  7. When trying dishes, you should first try the dishes that are prepared for the child, and then the rest.
  8. All prohibited products must be kept in a place where a child cannot reach them.
  9. You should not listen to the advice of mothers whose child has celiac disease that some prohibited product does not cause unpleasant symptoms and can be given to the child.
  10. Any product that raises the slightest doubt should be discarded.
  11. If a product is given for the first time, then no other new products should be given on that day. It is important to monitor how the child tolerates a new product.

Celiac disease is a disease that will accompany a person throughout his life. It cannot be cured; the only thing that can eliminate the symptoms of the pathology is following a special diet. It will improve the patient’s quality of life and well-being.

The discussion about gluten has become more active lately. People have begun to think more about the quality of their lives, including the food they eat, and this is a rather controversial substance. There is no clear opinion about its benefits or harms, even among experts.

Gluten (another name for gluten) is a complex plant protein, the source of which is many cereals: barley, wheat, rye and others. It is contained in the hard shells of grains. In its original form, gluten is colorless and almost tasteless, however, upon contact with water it becomes gray and sticky.

Let's look at the pros and cons of this element and find out which products contain gluten and which do not.

The benefits of a well-known and complex protein

The benefits of this protein for the human body are enormous. It is an invaluable source of a large number of important substances:

  1. Gluten contains 18 amino acids that are not produced by the body, but enter it exclusively with food. They act as a natural immune stimulant, saturate cells with oxygen and perform other serious functions.
  2. Contains vitamins A, E and group B. Vitamin A supports healthy skin, hair and skeletal system, is necessary for good vision and immunity, and is an antioxidant. Vitamin E is involved in almost all biochemical processes in the body. B vitamins normalize the functioning of the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on the immune system and improve metabolism. It turns out that gluten porridges have a good effect not only on digestion.
  3. This substance is an excellent source of phosphorus and calcium., which have a beneficial effect on the skeletal system.
  4. The element enriches the body with iron, nitrogen, carbon, magnesium.

Having understood the benefits, you need to consider which foods and cereals contain gluten. But first, let's talk about its disadvantages. This is important information for parents who are interested in why gluten is dangerous for children.

Disadvantages that everyone should know about

First of all, there is a danger for people with a genetic disease called celiac disease. This is a congenital intolerance to this protein. It is foreign to the patient’s immune system, and it begins to fight it. As a result, the mucous membrane of the small intestine is affected, and its function deteriorates. According to statistics, about 1% of the planet suffers from this disease. A gluten-free diet is required for them.

About every third person experiences increased sensitivity to gluten, which results in damage to the small intestine (bloating, heaviness in the abdomen and other digestive disorders). This is due to the fact that it smoothes out the villi inside the intestines, slowing down the process of absorption of nutrients, and can lead to intoxication. This condition may worsen with age. Therefore, doctors talk about the advisability of gradually reducing the consumption of products containing gluten. But you shouldn’t completely abandon them.

With the active consumption of large amounts of gluten food, the element envelops the intestinal walls, which negatively affects its functioning, the absorption of nutrients and the absorption of food in general worsens. In addition, due to its “adhesive” properties, gluten impairs intestinal permeability, further complicating the digestion process.

Recently, information has emerged that this protein can be addictive. When it enters the human stomach, it is broken down into certain peptides (gluten exorphins), which act on the brain like drugs.

The element can negatively affect the condition of the skin. It has been proven that large amounts of gluten consumed often cause acne. Therefore, people with problem skin prone to rashes should reconsider their diet.

Where is gluten found?

The list of all food products is so huge that it is much easier to list those that do not contain this protein (but more on that later). Interestingly, this substance can be found in cosmetics and medicines.

When discussing what an element contains, it is worth noting that there is a so-called explicit and hidden form.


Products that contain explicit gluten include the cereals presented in the table:

Wheat Wheat flour and products made from it
Wheat starch
Rye Rye flour and products made from it
Kvass wort
Barley Barley flour
Barley malt
Barley grits
Pearl barley
Oats Oat flour
Oat groats

This substance, accordingly, will be contained in whole grain products, bread, cereal mixtures, bran and instant cereals.

Regarding oats, we need to talk separately. Initially, this cereal and its derivatives do not contain gluten. However, it has a special protein that causes a strong autoimmune reaction in people who are sensitive to gluten. Therefore, it is better to exclude oats from the diet.

As for the hidden form of the element, it can be found in most multi-component products and semi-finished products:

  • store-bought yoghurts, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream;
  • canned fish and meat;
  • sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup);
  • semi-finished meat products;
  • crab sticks;
  • condensed milk;
  • table vinegar;
  • ice cream;
  • chocolate;
  • sausages;
  • pates;
  • marshmallow;
  • halve, etc.

Gluten can also “wait” in soy sauce. Soy does not contain this protein, and it cannot be in the original sauce. However, unscrupulous manufacturers may add wheat extracts to their products. A list of gluten-containing foods can be printed for those who care about their nutrition and health.


It is important to know which drinks contain gluten. First of all, this:

  • beer;
  • whiskey;
  • vodka;
  • herbal teas;
  • store-bought juices;
  • instant cocoa;
  • flavored coffee.

Nutritional supplements

The hidden form of gluten is most often listed on packaging as “modified food starch,” “textured vegetable protein,” or “hydrolyzed plant protein.” It is also found in some other nutritional supplements:

Where there is no such element

The list of products that do not contain gluten is not very long. Among them:

  • eggs;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • nuts;
  • vegetables;
  • buckwheat;
  • fruits;
  • milk;
  • poultry meat;
  • millet (millet);
  • corn grits;
  • butter;
  • vegetable oils;
  • pseudocereals (quinoa, sorghum, amaranth);
  • legumes (beans, beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas, soybeans and others);
  • natural fermented milk products (ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt without additives, yogurt).

This list contains many favorite, frequently used products. Those who want to understand whether buckwheat contains gluten now know for sure that it does not.

Let's talk about porridge

As already mentioned, a huge amount of the substance is found in cereals: wheat, barley, rye. Accordingly, porridges made from these grains also have a high level of protein.

Let's figure out which cereals contain the interesting element gluten:

  • semolina;
  • bulgur;
  • couscous;
  • barley;
  • pearl barley;
  • wheat

Since the gluten content in these cereals is quite high, if you are intolerant to gluten, consuming these cereals is contraindicated. You should also not include oatmeal in your menu (although this substance is not on the list), since it can cause a similar reaction and allergy. Although there are rare cases when patients with celiac disease tolerate oatmeal normally.

List of gluten-free cereals and grains, from which porridges are often prepared:

  • buckwheat grain;
  • corn grits;
  • millet cereal;
  • exotic pseudocereals (quinoa, amaranth and others);
  • all types of rice (brown or wild rice, which undergoes minimal processing, is especially useful).

As you can see, the not well-known but important grain quinoa is also gluten-free. Therefore, it can be safely used by those who are against this protein.

Knowing which cereals do not contain such complex gluten is important, because cereals made from them can be consumed without fear by anyone who suffers from celiac disease.

But you need to pay attention that instant cereals, muesli, as well as various cereals (corn, rice) may contain traces of the element, since they are often processed on the same equipment as cereals, which are a source of harmful protein. In addition, they can “hide” it in the form of nutritional supplements. You need to carefully study the information on the packages.

For parents about baby food

Active control over the presence of the element in children's diets began after cases of celiac disease among this age group increased in the United States and European countries.

Since this is a hereditary disease, you need to be especially careful when introducing food containing this protein to children whose families have cases of this disease.

It turned out that acquired gluten intolerance is increasingly occurring in children whose mothers did not eat properly during pregnancy.

An initially healthy child who consumes large amounts of gluten (especially hidden gluten, which is found in large quantities in processed foods and industrially produced sweets) may experience digestive problems, and subsequently develop food allergies or even persistent intolerance. Therefore, it is important to control the quality of food entering children’s diets.

First of all, the child needs to be introduced to gluten-free cereals:

  • rice;
  • corn;
  • buckwheat

It is better to postpone oatmeal and millet porridge until a later period, since the former quite often causes allergies, and the latter is difficult to digest.

The above does not mean that you need to completely stop eating foods containing this protein (unless, of course, you have a congenital intolerance to gluten). After all, it is a source of many useful substances. It is best to hold off on introducing them into baby food. And in the future, carefully approach the choice of food for your children, minimizing the consumption of low-quality products. Of course, you need to know which cereals and cereals generally do not contain gluten, but this does not mean that you should eat only these foods.

The situation is difficult when a child is born with celiac disease, and for some reason breastfeeding is impossible. In this case, it is mandatory to use exclusively highly adapted gluten-free milk formulas. The packaging must contain relevant information.

Opinion of Dr. E.O. Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky says that the topic is extremely popular among young mothers: gluten - what is it in baby food and baby cereals. About 20-30 years ago, none of the ordinary people knew about it, in addition, not every doctor in his practice could somehow apply knowledge about such a protein. Parents of those children who suffer from intolerance to this protein should worry about the presence or absence of an element in the children's diet.

Of course, no one will dispute that gluten is harmful for patients with celiac disease. But often, with the introduction of cereals with protein into complementary foods, certain digestive disorders occur (increased gas formation, bloating, diarrhea, etc.). And here it is very important to correctly diagnose celiac disease. One of the main studies that will help determine this disease is a biopsy of the small intestinal mucosa, the results of which determine the presence or absence of the disease. The main thing is that the diagnosis must be made by a doctor.

Self-prescribing a gluten-free diet can have serious consequences.

The doctor claims that many food manufacturers “play” on the conscience of parents, popularizing this topic, thereby increasing their own income (after all, specialized products are an order of magnitude more expensive than regular ones). Therefore, if there are no problems with its tolerance, you should not prepare only porridge and other gluten-free products for children.

We answer frequently asked questions

Despite the fact that today you can find quite a lot of comprehensive information on our topic, some questions still arise quite often.

Is it in potatoes?

Potatoes, like other root vegetables (beets, sweet potatoes, tapioca), do not contain gluten, so people with intolerance can consume this vegetable without fear.

Does milk contain

For those wondering whether milk contains gluten, the good news is: it doesn't. Moreover, most fermented milk products do not contain it.

In rice

In corn and cornmeal

Corn is included in the list of gluten-free grains. There may be traces of gluten in instant corn flakes. This is due to the fact that often in such industries different grains are processed on the same equipment.

The same principle should be used to determine whether corn flour contains gluten. As you know, corn itself does not have gluten. But the equipment used to produce flour can be used for different types of cereals. Therefore, you may end up with traces of protein in your cornmeal.

Does millet contain

There is no need to think about whether millet contains gluten. It does not apply to products containing it in their composition.

Is it found in bananas?

It is important for fruit lovers to know whether bananas contain gluten. In some sources you can find information that bananas contain gluten, although official medicine still denies this. However, in patients with celiac disease, a so-called cross-reaction to bananas is possible, so they should be eaten with caution.

Are gluten free alcoholic drinks sold?

Protein is only found in alcohol that is made from grains. These are beer, vodka, bourbon, gin and whiskey. Safe from this point of view are rum, tequila, wine, sake.

Is there gluten free flour?

There is no gluten in flour that is made from products without it. These are rice, corn, buckwheat, soy, potato flour. However, it may still be contaminated with traces of it. You need to look for the appropriate labeling on the packaging.

At what age can cereals with gluten be introduced into children's diets?

The main rule regarding gluten in a child’s diet is that it should not be present before reaching 8 months of age.

Its presence in a baby’s diet is fraught with intestinal disorders and allergies. In addition, there are studies showing that the presence of this protein in baby food before the age of six months increases the likelihood of developing:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes mellitus

Until this age, you should only give rice, corn, and buckwheat, because gluten is dangerous for babies. But it is important to remember that the diet of babies at the right age should not be completely gluten-free.

In any case, after the child starts eating such food, parents should carefully monitor his general condition to see if there are any digestive disorders, if weight gain is getting worse, or if symptoms arise.

Is there gluten-free bread?

Yes, bread and other baked goods without this substance are on sale. It can be found in specialty stores or large supermarkets.

What vegetable oil can be used for celiac disease?

Almost all types of vegetable oils do not contain gluten. These are olive, sunflower, peanut, corn and soybean oils.

So, the topic of gluten in products is multifaceted and largely controversial. Its presence in food is definitely contraindicated for people with a complex genetic disease - celiac disease. They are required to follow a lifelong gluten-free diet. Fortunately, today you can find a sufficient number of products labeled “Glutenfree” on store shelves.

For everyone else, official medical science recommends not to completely exclude gluten foods from your daily menu, since they can provide the human body with a huge amount of beneficial vitamins, amino acids and minerals. However, everything needs moderation. Excessive amounts of gluten (especially hidden gluten) can lead to a number of digestive problems. This is especially true for children.

Boys and girls, hello everyone! I'm glad that you put things aside and looked at the pages of my blog. There's a hot topic on the agenda today.

In general, there is now a lot of debate about what is harmful and what is beneficial. And today another boom has hit gluten-containing products. On a fashionable wave, I also decided to figure out where gluten is found, what it is and why it is harmful to health. To be honest, the task was not an easy one.

What a terrible beast gluten is

And he himself is not scary at all. At least, no worse than any other protein, of which there are a huge number.

Important! Gluten is a group of proteins that are found in some types of cereals. Wheat is richer in gluten than others, and oats, rye and barley are slightly less rich in gluten.

This protein is also called gluten, due to its unique property of “gluing” the substance in which it is located. Therefore, its importance in the baking industry is very great - the gluten content largely determines the quality of flour. Dough made from high-grade flour is elastic and elastic, and baked goods made from it are fluffy and soft.

Gluten was first discovered by an Italian scientist at the beginning of the 18th century, and it was in flour. And only more than 200 years later, a Dutch pediatrician substantiated the harm that it causes to some categories of children.

But this is a component of natural origin, which is not a product of genetic engineering, has nothing to do with pesticides, poisons and other toxic substances... So why then is it considered harmful? There are several reasons for this.

  1. Each person's body is unique and sometimes does not want to digest certain substances. Gluten is also at risk. A condition in which the intestines, in simple terms, does not accept this protein, is called celiac disease.
  2. Like many other substances, gluten can cause an allergic reaction. This condition is symptomatically similar to celiac disease, but has a different nature and is a consequence of an atypical response of the immune system.
  3. Under the influence of various factors (infections, taking antibiotics, etc.), the body may develop temporary hypersensitivity to gluten.

According to statistics, approximately one in 150 people suffers from true celiac disease. Another five out of a hundred react negatively to the described protein for various reasons. The remaining 95% of people can eat foods with gluten. But is it necessary? Let's understand further.

When gluten is bad

Having found out what kind of beast gluten is, let’s return to the question of why it is harmful, or maybe, on the contrary, beneficial?

It is not entirely true that a gluten-free diet in itself is healthy. There are many gluten-free products that still cannot be called healthy. And yet, today many nutritionists strongly recommend eliminating gluten-containing foods from your diet. But this is completely justified only in a few cases:

  • for celiac disease and gluten allergies;
  • for obesity;
  • for diabetes.

There is no doubt that the restriction on rich buns and fluffy bread will benefit your figure. Therefore, for overweight people, a gluten-free diet will come in handy. It is also scientifically proven that this type of nutrition is also preferable for people suffering from diabetes. But does it make sense for a healthy person who adequately responds to gluten?

If you are asking this question, then think about the fact that gluten intolerance is a problem for a specific person, and the unfortunate gluten itself is not to blame. Some people can’t eat honey, others can’t eat citrus fruits, but this doesn’t mean that everyone needs to exclude these foods from their diet to improve their health.

Interesting! However, it is worth noting that some scientists are trying to draw parallels between gluten consumption and the development of psoriasis, colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, other diseases and even cancer. So far there is no reliable evidence of this.

A separate risk category consists of people over 40. If you have been following and playing sports all your life, then most likely your intestines work like a clock. Most people are less fortunate in this regard, which means that with age there is a need to limit potentially irritating foods to the intestines. This is not only gluten, but also casein and lactose.

How to recognize celiac disease

After reading and listening to what scares Malyshev on TV, people cheerfully diagnose themselves with celiac disease. Meanwhile, it is impossible to determine the disease without laboratory tests.

Important! Celiac disease is a hereditary disease that usually appears in early childhood with the introduction of complementary foods. In adults, celiac disease syndrome is more likely to develop, caused by a variety of factors (stress, intestinal diseases, medications, etc.)

The effect of gluten on predisposed children's bodies is especially dangerous. In children of the first year of life, the provoked disease manifests itself acutely:

  • foamy, foul-smelling, oily stools;
  • lethargy, isolation;
  • decreased appetite and weight loss;
  • bloated belly.

With a long course of the disease, the absorption of vitamins and microelements is impaired, which leads to dry skin, brittle hair and nails, and stomatitis. If gluten is not eliminated from the diet, the disease can be fatal for children.

It is unlikely that true celiac disease will be first identified in adulthood. Nevertheless, even celiac disease, although not an autoimmune disease, also requires adherence to a gluten-free diet.

Malabsorption in adults has the same symptoms as in children and can take a very long time to develop. The treatment is also long-term - after eliminating gluten-containing products, the intestinal microflora is restored for at least a month, provided that the original source of the problem is stopped.

Interesting! For many, giving up gluten is the first step towards a raw food diet. Whether this is good or bad, everyone has long determined for themselves, but one thing is indisputable - for people with celiac disease, this nutritional concept is one of the best.

What foods contain gluten?

Now it’s logical to find places that are worth avoiding so as not to meet today’s hero. In fact, as stated above, we encounter gluten in only a few types of cereals, which means it is definitely present:

  • in bakery products;
  • in baked goods, gingerbreads;
  • in pasta;
  • in cereals and drinks made from these cereals.

For convenience, I have summarized more detailed information about the products obtained from these cereal crops in a table.

Where else does gluten live?

In fact, it turns out that even if you eat almost none of the above, at least 10 grams of gluten enters your body every day. Don't be surprised, there is a simple explanation for this - this protein is used as a nutritional supplement.

Gluten makes the texture of the product softer, more elastic, and is also good as a thickener and preservative. Therefore, this substance can be found in many industrial products.

Given the above, people who are looking to eliminate gluten from their diet should carefully read the labels of the following foods:

  • canned fish and meat, pates;
  • cheap sausages, frankfurters, sausages, semi-finished minced meat products;
  • canned fruits;
  • dairy products with a long shelf life;
  • ice cream;
  • some types of vinegar;
  • store-bought sauces and mayonnaise;
  • alcoholic drinks based on cereals (whisky, beer, vodka, etc.);
  • flavored teas, coffee and instant drinks.

Some gluten is found in chocolate, halva, Turkish delight, condensed milk, cheeses and yoghurts with cereal additives. This protein can also be included in sports nutrition, especially in all kinds of protein shakes.

And, of course, there is gluten in baby food. But don’t worry, manufacturers produce special gluten-free cereals for children with celiac disease. By the way, about the principles of their selection, I suggest watching this video:

And I have sad news for pet owners - modern food contains grains. While veterinarians claim that this food is atypical for animals, which means it can provoke various pathologies.

The Phantom Menace - He disguises himself

Often, the manufacturer does not indicate information about gluten content at all, and therefore the buyer sometimes does not even realize that he has purchased a potentially dangerous product. However, there is another extreme. In the wake of the gluten-free boom, bright “gluten-free” labels are now found on products that cannot contain it under any circumstances.

Important! If you don’t find the word “gluten” on the product packaging, don’t rush to rejoice. The manufacturer may replace it with synonyms: “hydrolyzed protein,” “modified food starch,” or “textured vegetable protein.”

When purchasing, you should take into account such a small nuance as grain processing. In production, the same corn can “pick up” gluten in equipment where wheat was previously located...

In general, a nightmare, and nothing more. But is it worth focusing on this issue if you are healthy? For example, scientists claim that gluten also has benefits - the human body receives almost 20 amino acids it contains only through food.

If for some reason you are determined to go on a gluten-free diet, then your diet will still remain rich and varied. The only problem, perhaps, will be giving up bread.

It is quite possible to replace the baked goods with fruits or other sweets, and you will have to choose pasta from other types of flour. Here is a whole range of products - products made from corn, rice, buckwheat flour, and also funchose - a wonderful, tasty dietary product.

Otherwise, the list of permitted products is very wide:

  • absolutely all types of meat and fish;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • potato;
  • corn, buckwheat, rice, millet, sorghum;
  • all legumes (peas, beans, etc.);
  • “pseudo-cereals” (quinoa, amaranth, chia, etc.);
  • all vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • table greens;
  • fresh milk;
  • grain coffee and tea without additives.

By the way, despite the stickiness, there is not a single gram of gluten in rice. Therefore, you can freely eat white, brown, or black. Does not contain gluten and millet. If it diversifies your table and replenishes the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Whether gluten is dangerous or not for a healthy person is, it seems to me, a controversial question. But if you still decide to stay out of harm’s way and switch to a diet without these proteins, then you will have to show some ingenuity. Mustard and mayonnaise from your local supermarket almost certainly contain gluten, but you can easily make them yourself. As well as yoghurts and sausages. And homemade pate is absolutely something incredible!

As for baked goods, the stores are full of products marked gluten free - you will definitely find something to enjoy.

So, from top to bottom, we figured out what kind of substance gluten is and why it is harmful. What do you think? Share your opinions in the comments! I will be glad to have a productive dialogue. In the meantime - see you soon!