Stomach hurts what to take from medicines. What to drink for stomach pain. What diseases cause pain

Abdominal pain is one of the most non-specific symptoms. This means that the causes of abdominal pain are diverse, and can be due to diseases of the stomach and intestines, biliary and renal colic, in women - inflammatory diseases of the uterus with appendages, premenstrual syndrome.

The easiest way to get rid of abdominal pain is to use some kind of pain medication, and best of all - taking pills.

True, taking pills for abdominal pain is not always effective. And in some cases, this may be associated with a risk to life.

The fact is that some surgical and gynecological diseases require urgent surgical intervention. These include acute appendicitis, perforated (perforated) ulcer, intestinal obstruction, ectopic pregnancy, torsion of the legs of an ovarian cyst, and much more.

Painkillers in this case are not only useless, but also harmful. The fact is that the temporary elimination of pain in these conditions distorts the clinical picture and makes it difficult to diagnose during a medical examination.

Warning signs in terms of acute pathology are:

  • Intense nature of pain
  • Board-like tension of the abdomen and sharp pain when trying to palpate (palpate) the abdominal wall
  • Pale skin
  • Cold clammy sweat
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Frequent loose stools
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Sharp weakness, flashing flies before the eyes
  • Confusion, fainting
  • Difficulty passing intestinal gases
  • Women have bloody vaginal discharge.

If abdominal pain is combined with one or more of these symptoms, then there are indications for a medical examination.

Although abdominal pain is such a prognostic sign that it is better to play it safe, and in any case pay a visit to a medical institution.

And only after the doctor has ruled out an acute pathology requiring surgical intervention, you can start taking pills - but, again, according to the doctor's recommendation.

Fortunately, most cases of abdominal pain do not require surgical resolution and are easily resolved by taking pills.

As a rule, such pains are associated with functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). These violations are based on:

  • Spasm of the intestinal muscles
  • Reflux - the backflow of gastric juice into the esophagus, manifested by pain and heartburn
  • Change in gastric acidity
  • Difficulty moving the food bolus through the intestines
  • Accumulation of gases in the intestinal lumen.

In most cases, a combination of one or more of the above factors underlies the onset of abdominal pain. In this regard, in order to eliminate them, drugs of the following groups are shown:

  • Myotropic antispasmodics - eliminate spasm of the smooth muscle of the intestine
  • Antacids - reduce the acidity of the stomach
  • Cholinolytics - block the influence of the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system on the gastrointestinal tract, and thereby have an antispasmodic and antacid effect
  • Peristalsis stimulants - normalize peristalsis (wave-like contractions of the smooth muscle of the intestinal muscles), and thereby eliminate gas formation and congestion in the intestines
  • Digestive enzymes - improve the digestion of food.


Among the most effective pills for stomach pain:

myotropic antispasmodic, eliminates spastic phenomena in the gastrointestinal tract. By and large, this drug needs no introduction. Its effectiveness and reliability has been proven for decades. Eliminates intestinal spasm, and also expands the lumen of blood vessels, while reducing blood pressure.

For this reason, no-shpu should not be taken in any hypotonic conditions accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure. Other contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, liver and kidney failure.


Combined tablet preparation. It includes three ingredients: Pitofinone hydrochloride (myotropic antispasmodic), Fenpiverinium bromide (anticholinergic), and Metamizole sodium, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. These ingredients mutually reinforce each other's action.

Side effects include nausea, dry mouth, palpitations, and allergic reactions. The drug is not prescribed for cardiac arrhythmias, glaucoma, liver and kidney failure.


Central action drug. By blocking specific receptors in the brain, it normalizes intestinal motility. Eliminates nausea and vomiting. Among the side effects are drowsiness, impaired coordination of movements. In this regard, metoclopramide should be taken with caution by drivers and persons working with complex machines and mechanisms.


Antacid. Blocks H2 histamine receptors in the gastric mucosa responsible for the release of hydrochloric acid. Prevents the development of gastric ulcer and its symptoms - abdominal pain, nausea, heartburn. Side effects - headache, dizziness, skin rash. Contraindications: impaired renal function, pregnancy, lactation, age up to 14 years.

It is also an antacid. Refers to the so-called. proton pump inhibitors - reduces the acidity of gastric juice by blocking specific enzymes that control the formation of hydrochloric acid. It is effective for pain in the stomach caused by gastric reflux, peptic ulcer and pancreatitis. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the drug, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Pain in the abdomen can have a different nature of manifestation. The pain may be:

  • aching;
  • stabbing;
  • cramping;
  • constant;
  • stupid.

The pain syndrome may have accompanying symptoms: nausea, vomiting, intestinal disorders, etc. Removal of pain symptoms helps to take analgesics, antispasmodics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Diagnosis with severe pain in the abdomen may indicate inflammation of the appendix, malignant neoplasms, severe intoxication due to poisoning or infection with an intestinal infection. In this case, it is especially important to avoid taking pills until the doctor arrives and establishes an accurate diagnosis. Under no circumstances should these types of pain be self-treated. This can not only affect the establishment of the exact cause of pain, but also greatly harm the further healing process. For pain in the abdomen, before the doctor arrives, you can use local anesthesia: heat on the stomach, light massage, complete rest.

2Groups of drugs

If the stomach hurts and this appears due to increased flatulence, spasms, reflux, changes in the state of acidity of gastric juice, malfunctions in the digestive process, doctors prescribe the main group of drugs that helps eliminate these factors:

  • myotropic antispasmodic drugs help eliminate spasms of the smooth muscles of the intestine;
  • antacids normalize intestinal motility, which helps to eliminate stagnation in it and remove the symptoms of increased gas formation;
  • anticholinergics have an antispasmodic and antacid effect by reducing the influence of the autonomic nervous system on the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • digestive enzymes help in improving the absorption of food.

For abdominal pain, the most popular and effective are:

  1. No-shpa. Eliminates spasticity in the gastrointestinal tract and spasm in the intestines, refers to myotropic antispasmodics. The medicine lowers blood pressure. Due to this property, the drug is contraindicated for pregnant women and those suffering from kidney and liver diseases.
  2. Spasmalgon is a tablet preparation that includes anti-inflammatory components, as well as substances that have the properties of myotropic antispasmodics and anticholinergics.
  3. Metoclopramide is a centrally acting drug. It normalizes intestinal motility by blocking specific receptors in the brain. The drug eliminates nausea and vomiting, but due to its activity-reducing properties, it cannot be used by people who work as drivers.
  4. Ranitidine. Prevents the release of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice, the development of stomach and duodenal ulcers, eliminates nausea and gag reflex. Contraindicated in pregnancy, children under 14 years of age and people suffering from renal insufficiency.
  5. Omez. Belongs to the group of antacids that reduce the acidity of gastric juice. The effectiveness of this medicine is pronounced in pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, stomach pain caused by reflux. This medicine should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  6. Drotaverine is an antispasmodic.
  7. Rennie is an antacid.
  8. Cerucal - a drug that normalizes intestinal motility, eliminates the symptoms of strong gas formation.

Modern pharmacology can offer a large list of tablet preparations that help remove the painful manifestation in the abdomen.

3 Menstrual

In women, in most cases, menstrual pain is the most common. According to doctors, this type of pain syndrome can have different causes, but the main ones are hormonal disorders. The hormones progesterone and estrogen are the main regulators of the menstrual cycle, so violations in their production can result in pain, which can only be eliminated by painkillers. As a rule, the characteristic signs of this condition are severe pain manifestations that occur with other disorders in the body: headache, diarrhea, fever, gag reflex, bleeding.

A medicine taken to relieve a pain symptom will not have a lasting effect if the cause of this condition is the existing pathology of the urinary organs, neoplasms and diseases of the female genital organs. In this case, pills for abdominal pain will not be able to remove the underlying cause of the pain. If the cause is hormonal disruptions or inflammatory processes, then non-steroidal drugs that the doctor recommends taking 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation will help eliminate discomfort. This enhances the effect of the drug. In this group of drugs, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Ketoprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Piroxicam are especially distinguished.

Contraindications to taking these tablets are sensitivity to individual components of the drug, exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, pregnancy and breastfeeding. The second group of drugs that help with this type of pain syndrome are antispasmodics: No-shpa, Drotaverine, Papaverine, Galidor, Spazmalgon, Spazgan. Doctors may prescribe a replacement for these tablets only if the patient has glaucoma, kidney failure, allergies, low blood pressure.

Among analgesics during menstruation, Baralgin, Analgin, Piretin, Novalgin, Dicinon and others help.


Abdominal pain can also be caused by stomach problems. Before correctly prescribing an effective medicine, the doctor diagnoses the location of the main pain manifestations. An assessment is also made of the nature of the pain, its duration. Soreness of the stomach is expressed in pain, which manifests itself in the lower chest in the intercostal space. If its localization is observed in the lower abdomen and, in addition to it, the patient notices increased gas formation, impaired stool, then, most likely, the cause of this condition was the inflammatory processes of the lower sections of the large intestine.

In this case, the doctor prescribes not only which pills to drink, but also recommends switching to a diet that excludes carbohydrate-rich foods that help relax the intestines and increase flatulence. The list of tablets prescribed by a doctor may include Linex, Allochol, Gastal, Mezim, Motilium, Penzital, Trimedat. What to take for pain and what to drink as a pain reliever? Papaverine, Galidor, Himecromon, Mebeverine are prescribed. This group of antispasmodics, acting on smooth muscle tissue, improves blood circulation in the stomach. Drugs reduce cell activity and affect the receptors of the nervous system. In addition, if necessary, doctors may prescribe another group of antispasmodics, which include Atropine, Aprofen, Difacil.

5 Discomfort in a child

Before giving a medicine to a child with painful manifestations in the abdomen, it is necessary to find out what caused the discomfort and pain. Do not immediately give him an anesthetic when the baby complains of pain. Such a step can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the body, and in severe cases, cause him to be hospitalized. It's about appendicitis. If the parents give a pill for abdominal pain when the appendix is ​​inflamed, the pain may temporarily subside, but the inflammation process will not be eliminated and can lead to such serious consequences as peritonitis or sepsis. A child can be given a pill only if the stomach hurts, but there is no temperature and signs of intoxication of the body. Diarrhea, which is a mild bowel disorder, can be treated with tablets, but not diarrhea caused by intestinal intoxication.

As a single dose, it is allowed to give the baby a stomach pill before the doctor arrives if he has increased flatulence or intestinal spasm caused by malnutrition. With the localization of pain in the upper abdomen, medicines that contain enzymes can help him: Festal, Mezim, Penzital. Pain in the lower abdomen is eliminated by taking drugs that relieve spasm in the intestines, improve the movement of food through it, and also eliminate bloating: Mebeverine, Fenikaberan, Buscopan, Riabal.

If a child complains of a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the abdomen, it is better to give him medicines such as Simethicone, Filtrum, Polyphepan, Enterosgel, Espumizan. Of great importance after pain therapy associated with disorders in the gastrointestinal tract is the intake of tablet preparations containing beneficial bacteria and restoring intestinal microflora after illness: Bifiform, Linex, Enterol.

If symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea have joined the pain in the abdomen, you should immediately call an ambulance. This may indicate the development of severe gastrointestinal pathologies in the child's body.

6Painkillers during pregnancy

Sometimes heaviness in the lower abdomen and pain in this part of a pregnant woman may indicate a hormonal imbalance, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. In addition, the cause of this condition can be inflammatory processes, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the special position of a woman during this period of life, not all medicines that have an analgesic effect can be taken with abdominal pain.

The doctor, after analyzing the condition of a pregnant woman, can prescribe her drugs that do not adversely affect the development of the fetus and its bearing. The best option is to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the most famous of which is paracetamol. This medicine has not been shown to adversely affect pregnancy during pregnancy. The only contraindication may be individual intolerance to its active substance.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the existing pain in the abdomen can be eliminated by means such as analgin, which cannot be used only in the first trimester and after 34 weeks.

A widely used drug during pregnancy is No-shpa, an antispasmodic that is used for gastrointestinal disorders that cause abdominal pain. Only in violation of the heart rhythm and glaucoma, this drug can be prohibited by the doctor. Riabal helps relieve pain in the lower abdomen, which relieves tone in the uterus.

Sometimes, in small dosages, a gynecologist may prescribe Baralgin or Spazmalgon, but only with a very strong pain syndrome. Like any other remedy, painkillers only help relieve the symptom. The main thing in the treatment of abdominal pain is the elimination of their causes. If the pain is tolerable, it is better to wait for the doctor and fully rely on his professionalism and literacy.

Pain accompanies many diseases of the internal organs. In most cases, it is associated with spastic muscle contraction. To endure such pain is very painful. To cope with it, special drugs have been created - antispasmodics. These drugs act either on the very smooth muscles of the internal organs, or on the process of transmission of nerve impulses in the brain. Due to the relaxation of the muscles, the pain goes away, in many cases this happens quite quickly. Therefore, antispasmodics are so popular with doctors and patients. The list of these drugs is not very large, and many of them have been used for many years. Such medicines quickly relieve spasms and alleviate the suffering of the patient.

What are antispasmodics?

These drugs relieve pain caused by muscle spasm. They are also able to dilate blood vessels and bronchi, stimulate cardiac activity. Antispasmodics and painkillers are now widely used in medicine. Back in the middle of the 19th century, papaverine was isolated from poppy heads. But only in the 20s of the 20th century was its ability to relieve spasms discovered, and it began to be widely used. Research in this area continued, and Dibazol was created, which also had a vasodilating effect. And in the 60s, after the creation of No-Shpa, antispasmodics became even more popular. These drugs are used for pain in the stomach, renal colic, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, migraine and menstrual pain, cerebrovascular accident and high blood pressure. Some of them are able to relieve bronchospasm or heart pain, while others are used only for gastric diseases.

Classification of these drugs

  1. Neurotropic antispasmodics. Their action is based on the fact that they block the transmission of nerve impulses that send a signal to the smooth muscles of the internal organs. Some of them affect the brain and have a complex effect on internal organs, others have a more selective effect on receptors in the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system.
  2. Myotropic antispasmodics. These drugs are more common, as they act directly on the smooth muscles of the internal organs. They affect the biochemical processes occurring in the cells, and are able to quickly relax the muscles.
  3. neuromyotropic antispasmodics. They have a stronger effect, as they combine the advantages of other groups. These include Baralgin, Tempalgin, Spazgan, Maksigan and others.

Neurotropic antispasmodics

These drugs are divided into two groups depending on the mode of action.

  1. The most common neurotropic antispasmodics are Atropine sulfate, Platifillin, Scopolamine and Hyoscyamine. They act on M-cholinergic receptors involved in the passage of nerve impulses through the brain. Therefore, in addition to relieving spasms of smooth muscles, neurotropic antispasmodics reduce the activity of the endocrine glands and the release of hydrochloric acid, increase the heart rate and increase intraocular pressure.
  2. The drug "Hyoscine butylbromide" has a more selective effect. It does not penetrate the brain and does not affect other organs. Its effect extends only to the receptors of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system. This medicine is more popular abroad, and in our country it is known under the names "Butylscopolamine", "Buscopan", "Spanil" or "Spasmobrew".

Myotropic antispasmodics

This is the more well-known group of drugs. They are used much more often than neurotropic antispasmodics. These drugs act on the smooth muscle cells of the internal organs and do not penetrate the brain. They block the entry of calcium ions and some enzymes into cells and thus prevent muscle contraction. Very often used myotropic antispasmodics for the intestines. These drugs are known to many and are often prescribed by doctors. Sometimes drugs with the same active ingredient are produced under different names:

  • preparations based on drotaverine: Bespa, Bioshpa, Drotaverin, No-Shpa, Spazmol, Spazmonet, Spazmoverin and others;
  • drugs with papaverine: "Papaverine", "Papaverine hydrochloride" and "Papazol";
  • drugs that include mebeverine: "Mebeverine hydrochloride", "Duspatalin", "Niaspam", "Sparex";
  • medicines with the active substance trimebutin: "Trimedat" and "Neobutin".

Antispasmodics of plant origin

Many plants are also able to act on the smooth muscles of the internal organs. They have long been used as antispasmodics in the form of decoctions and infusions. These are herbs such as mint, belladonna, tansy, chamomile, fennel and others. Now there are new herbal antispasmodics (drugs). Their names are becoming more and more known, as such drugs are better tolerated and have fewer side effects. The most popular of them:

  • "Plantex" relieves intestinal spasms and can be used even for small children.
  • "Iberogast" is based on 9 herbs that are effective in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • "Azulan" containing chamomile extract.
  • "Prospan" is an antispasmodic based on ivy leaves.
  • Tanacehol contains tansy extract.
  • "Altaleks" in addition to antispasmodic has an anti-inflammatory and sedative effect.

Complex preparations

In recent years, pain medications that contain several active ingredients have become more popular. They allow one tablet not only to relieve muscle spasm and reduce pain, but also to eliminate its cause. For example, non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, relax muscles, relieve inflammation and fever, and relieve pain. The most famous complex drugs are:

  • "Novigan" is used for renal and intestinal colic, dysmenorrhea, migraine and joint pain.
  • "Spazmalgon" is effective for various pains and spasms, fever, high blood pressure.
  • The drug "Trigan" contains paracetamol and dicycloverine and well relieves spastic pain.
  • "Pentalgin" is a very popular analgesic drug containing five active active ingredients that are effective not only for pain and spasms, but also for fever.
  • "Andipal" helps well only with various spastic pains, but slightly reduces pressure.

The most famous antispasmodics

The list of drugs that relieve pain and spasms is growing every year. But some of them have been popular for a long time. These are "Papaverin", "Drotaverin", "Dibazol", "Papazol" and others. But the most popular drug is No-Shpa. It was created on the basis of drotaverine, but is considered more effective and safer.

All these drugs are most often used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, antispasmodics for pancreatitis are in great demand. These drugs help relieve severe pain, inevitable in this disease. Best of all, No-Shpa, Platifillin, Atropine, Papaverine help with this. They are also effective in cholecystitis, renal and intestinal colic. In addition to gastrointestinal diseases, Galidor, Dibazol, Nomigren, Papazol, Nikoshpan and others are effective in spasms of blood vessels and circulatory disorders. And "Teopek", "Eufilin" and "Erespal" relieve bronchospasm well.

Contraindications and side effects

Most antispasmodics are well tolerated even by small patients. Therefore, many of them can be purchased without a prescription. Moreover, they drink such drugs one-time - only to relieve pain. But in this case, you must first consult a doctor. After all, not everyone can take antispasmodics. They are contraindicated in:

  • tuberculosis;
  • bacterial infections;
  • serious pathologies of the intestine;
  • severe disorders in the work of the heart, liver and kidneys;
  • individual intolerance.
  • indigestion, nausea, flatulence and dry mouth;
  • disturbances in the work of the central nervous system - anxiety, convulsions and nervous excitement;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system - tachycardia, decreased pressure.

I have a stomachache? Pills are an effective and quick way to get rid of such pain. However, not in all cases and situations, taking various drugs in tablet form gives a positive effect. Sometimes it can lead to negative consequences and only aggravate the condition. When and what pills can be taken for abdominal pain? Let's talk further.

What are stomach pain pills?

A wide variety of diseases and pathologies can manifest themselves as pain in the abdomen. To quickly relieve pain, people often resort to using stomach pills, which can be of different types. The main groups of drugs for abdominal pain- This:

NSAIDs. It is this group of drugs that has become very popular and in demand in recent years. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a pronounced analgesic effect. The pain "subsides" within 30-40 minutes after taking them.

The most common NSAIDs: Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Piroxicam, Naproxen etc. Such drugs should be taken shortly before meals with plenty of water. Despite their benefits and effectiveness, nonsteroidal drugs have a negative effect on the digestive tract, and therefore can be used for a short time - no more than 4-5 days.

NSAIDs have many contraindications, so before taking them, it would be useful to consult a specialist.

Antispasmodics. Tablets from this drug group can be used either alone or in combination with NSAIDs. Taking antispasmodics allows you to quickly relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the internal organs, due to which it is possible to achieve partial or complete relief of the pain syndrome.

As a rule, antispasmodics are used for a short time, no more than two days. Such drugs for abdominal pain should be abandoned for people suffering from kidney and heart failure, glaucoma, and allergies to individual components of the drugs.

Analgesics. Directional drugs that allow you to get rid of not only abdominal pain, but also other types of pain (headache, menstrual, muscle, bone, etc.). They do not eliminate the cause of pain, but only “mask” it, relieving the pain syndrome only for a while.

If abdominal pain is caused by problems and malfunctions of the digestive tract and is accompanied by concomitant symptoms (heartburn, bloating, manifestations of reflux, etc.), the pills of the following groups will help to cope with it:

  • Myotropic antispasmodics. They relieve spasms that occur in the smooth muscles of the large and small intestines.
  • Antacids. Drugs that improve bowel function by reducing stagnant processes in it, help fight increased gas formation.
  • Cholinolytics. A group of drugs that provide an analgesic effect due to the effect on the autonomic nervous system, which, in turn, has a direct effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Enzymes for digestion. Improve the processes of digestion and assimilation of food.

For different types of abdominal pain, different pills are used. Only a doctor can choose the most suitable drug, having previously established the cause of such pain.

The most popular and effective pills for stomach pain

Most often, when pain occurs in the abdomen, the following drugs are used:

  • Spazmalgon. A popular and quite effective pain reliever in tablet form, which has not only an analgesic, but also a slight anti-inflammatory effect. From what else Spazmalgon helps - you will find out here.
  • "No-shpa". Tablets that reduce spasms in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, primarily in the intestines. "No-shpa" reduces blood pressure, which is why it is not recommended for pregnant women, hypotensive patients, as well as people with problems with the liver and kidneys.
  • "Ranitidine". A drug that reduces the amount of hydrochloric acid secreted in the gastric juice. Prevents the development of peptic ulcer, helps fight increased gag reflex and nausea.
  • "Omez". Tablets that work well. To relieve pain in case of problems with the pancreas, stomach ulcers, reflux. The drug has a mild analgesic effect and helps to reduce the acidity of gastric juice.
  • "Cerukal". An effective remedy that improves intestinal motility, reducing such a negative phenomenon as flatulence.
  • "Festal", "Pancreatin", "Creon". Enzymes that promote better digestion and assimilation of food.

The pharmaceutical industry offers the widest range of different tablets for abdominal pain, which quickly relieve unpleasant pain and accompanying symptoms.

Medicines for stomach pain (video)

How to safely help the stomach? From the video you will learn about the prevention and treatment of pain (what are the effective drugs for "stomach" pain).

Tablets for abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating

Very often, pain in the abdomen occurs against the background of problems with the stomach and / or intestines. Before you start taking any drugs, you should accurately determine the location of the pain.

Pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by stool disorder (diarrhea), bloating, increased gas formation, as a rule, indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in certain sections of the large intestine.

In such a situation, the attending physician may recommend taking the following drugs: "Mezim", "Linex", "Gastal", "Motilium", "Allohol", "Trimedat" and others. In addition to treatment with pills, the patient is necessarily recommended a sparing diet, which provides for the rejection of products that cause fermentation processes in the intestines, bloating, and gas formation.

Diet and treatment for problems with the gastrointestinal tract should be aimed at relaxing the intestines and its timely emptying, eliminating pain, concomitant symptoms.

With severe pain in the stomach and intestines, antispasmodics can be recommended for use, improving blood circulation in the digestive tract, providing relaxation of smooth muscles - "Papaverine", "Mebeverine", "Galidor" and others.

Tablets for painful periods

Menstrual pain is the most common cause of abdominal pain in women and girls. Doctors say that such pain can occur for various reasons. Most often - against the background of hormonal disorders. Only painkillers can help to cope with them.

Most often, abdominal pain during menstruation occurs against the background of other unpleasant symptoms:

  • diarrhea
  • migraine;
  • bleeding;
  • slight increase in body temperature.

If the pain is caused by the presence of neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system or serious gynecological diseases and pathologies, then taking conventional painkillers is ineffective.

Pain of a hormonal nature, as well as pain syndrome that occurs against the background of the inflammatory process during menstruation, is well stopped with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For women who regularly suffer from abdominal pain during menstruation, the doctor may recommend starting NSAIDs a few days before the onset of menstrual bleeding, without waiting for the onset of severe pain.

The most common NSAIDs for menstrual pain are Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Naproxen, Indomethacin. Nonsteroidal drugs are not recommended for exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney problems.

In addition to NSAIDs, antispasmodics can be used for menstrual pain: "Spazmalgon", "Papaverin", "No-Shpa", "Spazgan". The doctor will recommend to abandon such drugs for women suffering from low blood pressure, allergies, kidney failure.

Effective analgesics for pain during menstruation are considered Analgin, Baralgin, Novalgin, Ketanov, Ketonal.

Pills for abdominal pain during pregnancy

Everyone is well aware that pregnant women are not recommended to take any medications while carrying a child without first finding out the causes of pain and consulting a doctor. Abdominal pain is no exception.

Most often, pregnant women complain of pain in the stomach. If they are really caused by problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then the doctor will first of all recommend:

  • adhere to a special diet;
  • refuse salty, spicy, sweet;
  • exclude strong tea and coffee from the diet;
  • minimize the consumption of any "heavy" food;
  • switch to fractional and frequent meals;
  • include herbal teas in the daily diet (based on chamomile, St. John's wort, etc.).

If the above measures do not give a positive effect, and the pregnant woman continues to complain of abdominal pain, the specialist may prescribe the following medications: Maalox, Almagel, Phosphalugel, Aktimel. They improve digestion processes, relieve such unpleasant symptoms as heartburn, reflux, heaviness in the stomach, increased gas formation, etc.

With severe abdominal cramps, pregnant women are allowed to take "No-Shpu".

An effective remedy for abdominal pain in pregnant women is the popular "Paracetamol". The drug belongs to the category of NSAIDs, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Numerous studies have shown that these pills do not have a negative effect on the fetus, the course of pregnancy.

Abdominal pain in a child: cope with one, two, three

If a child complains of abdominal pain, before giving him any pill, you should find out what caused the pain syndrome. Uncontrolled intake of painkillers in children can result in very deplorable consequences for a growing body: worsening of the condition up to hospitalization (for example, with inflammation of appendicitis).

Doctors say that a child can be offered to drink an anesthetic pill only if the pain in the abdomen is not too pronounced, while the body temperature is within the normal range, and there are no symptoms of intoxication of the body.

One-time antispasmodics and analgesics can be used if the pain is caused by increased gas formation, spasm in the intestines, which arose against the background of an improper diet, eating "harmful" foods (for example, fast food).

If a child complains of abdominal pain in the stomach area, then a tablet of digestive enzymes will help alleviate the condition: “ Mezima", "Festala" and so on. With intestinal spasms and colic, drugs in tablet form such as " Riabal", "Buscopan", "Mebeverin". They improve intestinal motility, promote faster movement of food through the colon.

When should you call a doctor immediately? Abdominal pain in a child is accompanied by:

  • severe diarrhea;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • symptoms of general intoxication of the body.

Children's doctor. Abdominal pain in a child (video)

Pain in the abdomen in children. Effective drugs and methods of dealing with pain, recommendations of a children's doctor.

Alternative to pills for stomach pain

If your stomach hurts, it is not at all necessary to grab your first-aid kit and take any pills at the same moment. Initially, you can try to relieve pain using the following methods:

  • Starvation. Doctors advise to take a horizontal position and completely refuse to eat for a while. For pancreatitis or gallbladder problems, fasting for the next 24 hours is good for reducing or eliminating pain.
  • Drinking warm mineral water. Slightly warmed alkaline liquid without gas, slightly salty taste, effectively relieves abdominal pain. Drink warm mineral water should be in small portions in large quantities and as often as possible.
  • Mint infusion. Doctors say that pain caused by problems with the pancreas, inflammation of the gallbladder can be effectively removed by taking 30 drops of myta infusion.
  • warm heating pad. If the pain is not caused by an acute inflammatory process of the internal organs, then a warm (not hot) heating pad on the abdomen will help to relax the muscles and relieve the pain syndrome.
    During menstruation or exacerbation of any diseases of the digestive tract, thermal procedures are contraindicated.
  • Milk with soda. An excellent remedy for abdominal pain, which arose against the background of increased acidity in the stomach or stomach ulcers. Method of preparation: for 1 glass of warm milk, 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda.

As you can see, the modern pharmaceutical industry offers a lot of pills for stomach pain. However, pills are not always a panacea. Sometimes taking them can cause irreparable harm to the body. To prevent this from happening, you should find out the causes of abdominal pain and only after consulting a doctor, start taking any medications.


In subsection


Spasms are an involuntary contraction of the smooth muscles of the internal organs and blood vessels. The resulting pain is, unfortunately, familiar to many. To relieve pain, antispasmodics are prescribed (from the Greek "spasmos" - reduction and "litikos" - capable of dissolving).

All antispasmodic drugs are divided into groups according to the direction of action: bronchodilators, vasodilators, etc. Special mention should be made of drugs that are used to eliminate spasms of the abdominal organs: stomach, intestines, biliary and urinary tract. Spasms of these organs can be caused both by local causes (inflammation, formation of stones), and by a violation of the coordinating functions of the central nervous system in vegetative neuroses. In this regard, antispasmodics are divided into myotropic, that is, acting directly on muscle fibers, and neurotropic - eliminating spasms due to the effect on nerve elements.

The ancestor of antispasmodic drugs is papaverine. It was isolated from the heads of sleeping poppy as early as 1848, but it became widely used only from the 20s of the last century, when its ability to eliminate muscle spasms was discovered.

As soon as papaverine was in the arsenal of doctors, it immediately became one of the most popular drugs, as it was considered a universal and very effective antispasmodic. It was prescribed for spasms of the abdominal organs, spasms of the vessels of the heart and brain, for hypertension and other diseases. However, after a while it turned out that the use of papaverine to eliminate spasms of the heart vessels is not effective. To expand the vessels of the heart, the dose of papaverine should have exceeded the usual therapeutic dose by 2-4 times. In addition, when it is taken, the need of the heart muscle for oxygen increases, and the strength of its contractions decreases, which can worsen the patient's condition.

Currently, papaverine hydrochloride is used mainly for spasms of smooth muscles of the abdominal organs (with intestinal, renal, hepatic colic) - 1 tablet 3-4 times a day, as well as for spasms of cerebral vessels and for obliterating endarteritis. In the treatment of hypertension, it is used in combination with other drugs: phenobarbital, nicotinic acid, etc.

In the 40s of the last century, a new drug was synthesized, called dibazol. Possessing the same general antispasmodic activity as papaverine, dibazol surpasses it as a treatment for unstable hypertension, providing a more pronounced vasodilating and hypotensive effect. It is also used to relieve spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs (stomach, duodenum). It should be taken 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day 2 hours before meals or 2 hours after meals.

In addition, dibazol has an immunostimulating effect, that is, it increases the body's defenses, in particular in certain infectious diseases. Ingestion of 1 tablet of dibazol daily for 3-4 weeks is considered a reliable prevention of influenza.

Later, a complex preparation papazol was created, which includes dibazol and papaverine. Unlike papaverine, papazol is more active and has no significant side effects. It relieves spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs, dilates the vessels of the heart and brain, lowers blood pressure, which allows it to be used to treat hypertension and even angina pectoris. Papazol is taken 1 tablet 2-3 times a day 2 hours before meals or 2 hours after meals.

In 1963, a drug called no-shpa was obtained in Hungary. Now it is one of the most versatile antispasmodics. It is used for many diseases and ailments associated with an increased tone of the smooth muscles of the internal organs - the kidneys, intestines, biliary tract, uterus. In addition, no-shpa has the ability to moderately dilate blood vessels. This drug can be taken with headaches, intestinal, renal and hepatic colic, with premenstrual and menstrual syndromes, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, spastic colitis, with increased excitability of the uterus during pregnancy (especially if there is a threat of miscarriage), with exacerbations of urolithiasis .

However, despite such a wide range of applications, no-shpa itself does not eliminate the cause of the disease, and therefore cannot be the main medicine in the treatment of a particular disease. So, in case of hypertension after taking no-shpa, the tone of peripheral vessels decreases and blood pressure decreases somewhat, but a hypertensive crisis, for example, cannot be stopped in this way.

No-shpu tablets can be taken even by children under 6 years of age (single dose - no more than 10-20 mg, daily dose - up to 120 mg), at the age of 6 to 12 years, the daily dose increases to 200 mg. For adult patients, a single dose of the drug is 40-80 mg, daily - no more than 240 mg. One tablet of ordinary no-shpa contains 40 mg of the active substance drotaverine hydrochloride, and a tablet of no-shpa forte contains 2 times more. Therefore, no-shpu forte should not be given to children.

No-shpa also has a number of limitations and side effects. It is contraindicated in people suffering from severe diseases of the liver, kidneys and heart. Almost everyone who takes this drug for a long time develops constipation. In some cases, after taking no-shpa, dizziness, nausea, palpitations, and a feeling of heat may appear. As a rule, such conditions disappear after 30 minutes and do not require special treatment.

In recent years, a number of less active, but safer antispasmodic herbal preparations have been obtained. Thus, the drug Avisan was created from the fruits of ammi dental, which has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the ureters. It also reduces or relieves pain in renal colic and promotes the passage of stones from the urinary tract. In acute and chronic cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), Avisan reduces dysuria (difficulty passing urine). Take it 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day after meals. To facilitate the release of stones from the urinary tract, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids while taking the drug.

With spasms of the biliary tract and intestines, tanacechol is used - a drug made from common tansy flowers. It is taken 1-2 tablets 3 times a day after meals. If necessary, the number of doses of the drug can be increased up to 4 times a day.

Particularly popular are drugs that include both myotropic and neurotropic antispasmodics. Among them, the most famous are baralgin and tempalgin.

Baralgin is a combination drug, which includes analgin. It has a pronounced analgesic and antispasmodic effect. It is widely used for pain caused by spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs (with renal and intestinal colic, spasms of the stomach and biliary tract), as well as for migraine and angina pectoris. Take baralgin 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. With atony of the intestines and bladder, with glaucoma, severe hypotension, this drug should be discarded.

Spazgan, spazmalgol, trigan and maxigan also have a similar effect.

With biliary and renal colic, with headache, tempalgin is often used, which includes tempidone and analgin. In addition to a pronounced analgesic effect, it has a mild sedative effect. Tempalgin is taken 1 tablet 1-4 times a day. Contraindications for taking this drug are severe liver disease and decompensated heart disease.

If none of these drugs is at hand, any antispasmodic prescribed for spasms of the vessels of the heart and brain, such as nitrong, sustak, trinitrolong, nitrosorbitol, erinite, can be used to eliminate colic and spasms of the abdominal organs. With a sudden attack of colic, people with a healthy cardiovascular system can safely take finoptin (verapamil), cavinton, xanthinol nicotinate (complamin), etc.

Remember that for abdominal pain, you should not take any medications without the doctor's instructions, unless the cause of the pain is definitely determined.

Andrey Kashcheev

Children of all ages can suffer from abdominal pain. There can be many reasons for this symptom. How to help a child in such a situation and what means are best suited?

The action and effectiveness of drugs for abdominal pain in a child

What remedy should be given to the child for abdominal pain, only the pediatrician should decide. For this, the cause of the pain and its localization are determined. The doctor usually asks the parents what kind of food the child ate, how long ago he went to the toilet.

A common cause of abdominal pain in children is malnutrition.

The action of drugs

Depending on the cause of the pain and the symptoms that accompany it, drugs with different effects may be prescribed:

  1. Helps in the digestion of food when overeating. These products contain enzymes.
  2. Stops diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.
  3. Relieve heartburn. These drugs include antacids.
  4. They relieve spastic pains, relax the muscles and improve the blood supply to the internal organs.
  5. They help to collect and remove all toxic substances from the body in case of poisoning.
  6. They fight the accumulation of gases in the intestines. These are products based on simethicone or dill and fennel oils.
  7. Restore the microflora after a course of antibiotic therapy.
  8. Improve intestinal motility, soften feces and help to empty. Such preparations for children contain lactulose.

Possible causes of painful symptoms

When the stomach hurts in a child under one year old, this is often associated with infantile colic. Then the baby becomes restless, cries, tightens his legs. In these situations, the doctor advises parents preparations based on dill and fennel oil, which contribute to the discharge of gases.

In children after 1 year, the main cause may be infections, poisoning and infection with worms. These are serious conditions and require immediate medical attention.

Children 5 years old can already well show the place of pain. If it is localized near the navel, constipation and flatulence may be the cause.

If the child points to the right side of the abdomen, appendicitis can be suspected. In this case, you need to call an ambulance.

Acute pain in the abdomen on the right or in the navel may indicate an attack of appendicitis

Girdle pain in the stomach area may indicate problems with the pancreas. After consulting a doctor, you should adjust the child's diet and give enzymes that will help digest food.

There are symptoms in which you need to urgently go to the hospital. Help is required immediately when abdominal pain is accompanied by a rash, complete refusal of food and water, dark brown vomit, blood in the stool, difficulty urinating.

In any case, if the child complains of pain or discomfort in the abdomen, this should be the reason for going to the doctor. Self-medication can lead to the most undesirable consequences.

Release forms

Remedies for stomach pain come in a variety of forms. For children under three years old, suppositories, syrups, drops, suspensions are more suitable. An older child can take tablets and capsules.

When choosing the form of release of the drug, you need to consider that the syrup, suspension, powder will act faster than a capsule or tablet. It is better to put candles at night, their action begins later, but the effect is longer.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about abdominal pain in children

When can a doctor prescribe medication

When the cause of the pain is established, the doctor prescribes treatment. If nothing serious is found in the baby, the doctor advises parents to adjust the child's diet.

Medicines are prescribed in the following cases:

  • when the diet is not effective and the gastrointestinal tract cannot cope with the digestion of food on its own;
  • when abdominal pain is spasmodic;
  • if necessary, help the child's intestines empty and get rid of excess gas formation;
  • if poisoning is suspected;
  • with diarrhea, vomiting and nausea;
  • after taking antibiotics, with an imbalance in the intestinal microflora.

For abdominal pain, a child can be prescribed a homeopathic remedy. Before its use, a thorough diagnosis of the body is also necessary.

Homeopathic remedies are selected based on the symptoms that appear.

From homeopathic preparations in pediatrics can be used:

  • Hamomilla - for pain in the navel with pronounced rumbling in the abdomen and belching;
  • Etuza - with frequent regurgitation in newborns;
  • Belladonna - with pain that arose due to experiences and shocks.

The use of homeopathic remedies is not safe without the advice of specialists.

Video: what parents should do if their child has a stomachache

Contraindications and possible side effects of medications

Contraindications for remedies for abdominal pain can be:

  • allergic reactions to components;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute appendicitis.

If you use the funds incorrectly, increase the dosage yourself, side effects may occur:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • rashes;
  • flatulence.

How to take medicine for stomach pain

It must be remembered: in no case should you give the child pain medication before the arrival of the doctor. After the medicine begins to act, the symptoms will not be so obvious, it will be difficult for a specialist to make a correct diagnosis.

All drugs prescribed to the child must be used without exceeding the dosage.

Table: what can be given to a child if the stomach hurts

Folk remedies

It is necessary to use traditional medicine for children carefully, before consulting a doctor.

It is unacceptable to use traditional medicine recipes for allergic reactions of the child to any component of their composition.

The following methods will help:

  1. An hour before a meal, dilute 20 grams of honey in a glass of warm water and drink in small sips. The tool will help get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and spasms.
  2. Chamomile tea will relieve stomach pain. To do this, pour a tablespoon of dry chamomile with a glass of boiling water. Wait 15 minutes. Drink a third of a glass before meals.
  3. To relieve pain in the abdomen, it is recommended to drink warm cabbage juice, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  4. An infusion of dandelion root and fennel fruit helps well. A tablespoon of this mixture is poured with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. Consume on an empty stomach 3 times a day.

Abdominal pain

Indigestion (dyspepsia) is a term that characterizes the condition:belching, nausea, bloating and general discomfort in areas upper abdomen, including pain. The cause of this condition can be one or many, including overeating, eating spicy fatty foods, gastroesophageal reflux, stomach ulcers. Some medications, such as antibiotics, can also cause indigestion. Here are some home remedies for stomach pain or discomfort due to indigestion.

Cumin seeds for abdominal pain - a folk remedy


  • Cumin seeds - 2 tbsp.
  • Water - 4 glasses


  • Put the cumin seeds into the water
  • Boil water with seeds for five minutes - this is caraway water.
  • Let the cumin water cool down.
  • Strain and drink daily on an empty stomach.

Folk remedy - lemon juice for pain

Citric acid in lemon juice triggers the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, together with hydrochloric acid, the proenzyme of the stomach is released, which digests proteins - pepsinogen, in an acidic environment it turns into the active enzyme pepsin. Violation of the digestion of proteins in the stomach is one of the main causes of indigestion.

How to Use Lemon Juice for Stomach Pain

  • Take 1 glass of warm water, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tsp. honey. Mix well and drink warm after each meal.
  • Take half a glass of water, 2 tsp. lemon juice and ¼ tsp. kitchen salt (sodium chloride). Mix well and drink this lemon drink thrice a day.
  • Take 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp mint juice, 1 tsp ginger juice and a pinch of salt. Drink this mixture. You will get immediate relief from stomach discomfort due to indigestion.

Homemade probiotic drink on yogurt - a folk remedy for stomach pain

One of the causes of indigestion may be a violation of the normal intestinal microflora. There is no doubt that the intestinal microflora governs the immune system, its health and disease. Probiotics are good bacteria that should force out the bad outsiders from the gut. An affordable and certainly effective probiotic is yogurt, but the one that you cook at home.


  • Yogurt - 1-2 tbsp
  • Coriander leaves - a few of them (enough to make 3 tsp juice)
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Cardamom powder - ½ tsp
  • cup of water


  • Add yogurt to a cup of water.
  • Add salt and mix well to get buttermilk - a type of drink.
  • Grind the coriander leaves and squeeze the juice out of them.
  • Add 3 tsp. juice from coriander leaves to yoghurt-water mixture.
  • Add cardamom powder and mix well
  • This excellent complex probiotic to drink an hour after a meal.

Remember to use live bacterial culture yogurt.

Fennel seeds for stomach pain is a folk remedy

Fennel seeds are excellent for helping to cope with indigestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices. The active compound is anethol. Anethol helps relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa and relieve pain caused by inflammation.

  • After spicy and fatty foods chew half - one teaspoon of fennel seeds.
  • 1 tsp Pour fennel seeds into a cup and pour over hot water. Cover and let steep for 8-10 minutes. Strain and drink this tea three times a day.
  • You can chew raw fennel instead of seeds: take a fresh cut of a raw fennel bulb and chew it after eating.

Rice decoction is an effective folk remedy for abdominal pain

If indigestion is accompanied by diarrhea, it is useful to use rice in various forms. Rice water acts as a sedative, as it creates a protective barrier over the inflamed mucosa.


  • Rice - ½ cup
  • Water - 6 glasses
  • Honey (optional) - 1-2 tsp


  • Rinse the rice
  • Boil water.
  • When the water boils, add rice to it.
  • Cover with a lid and simmer for 15 minutes or longer, stirring occasionally until the rice is tender.
  • When the rice is cooked, strain and save the rice for later use.
  • Let the rice broth cool slightly.
  • Add honey if needed and drink this warm rice water to relieve stomach pain.

Gas formation, abdominal pain and folk remedies

When your stomach growls, groans, you have unbearable cramps and pain - this can be caused by gases. You may feel discomfort, bloating, nausea, headache, even chest pain in the area of ​​the heart,

Baking soda is an affordable effective folk remedy for abdominal colic

Baking soda neutralizes excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach, giving relief from stomach pain.

Ways to use baking soda for colic in the abdomen

  • Dissolve ½ - 1 tsp. baking soda in 1 cup of water (cold or warm), drink immediately for instant relief from gas that causes stomach pain.
  • Squeeze the juice of half or 1 lemon into half a cup of water. Add 2 tsp. soda and a pinch of salt, mix - got lemon water. Drink lemon water. After a while, an eructation will appear, with which the gases that caused pain will leave.

Folk remedy - ginger for abdominal pain caused by gases

How to use ginger for stomach pain

  • Ginger Tea: Rinse and peel fresh ginger root. Cut off 1-2 pieces, 2-3 cm thick (there is no excess), and finely chop with a knife. Boil 1-2 cups of water, add ginger pieces and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Let stand for 3-5 minutes - ginger tea is ready. Strain and optionally add 1-2 tsp. honey. Drink warm.
  • If you don't have ginger root, you can use ginger powder. Add a teaspoon of ginger powder to a cup of plain water, stir and drink.
  • You can just chew a fresh piece of ginger.
  • You can extract the juice from the ginger root. Mix 1 tsp. fresh ginger juice with ½ tsp. ghee, swallow.
  • For pain in the abdomen, especially in children who cannot swallow ginger, rub the lower abdomen with fresh ginger juice.

Peppermint tea - a folk remedy for gas and gas stomach pain


  • Fresh mint leaves - a handful or dried mint leaves - 1-2 tsp
  • water - 1 cup


  • To boil water.
  • Add mint leaves.
  • Close the lid and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.
  • Drink tea slowly, feeling it go away pain.

Chewing mint leaves will give the same effect.

Folk remedies for stomach ulcer pain

Dandelion root tea for stomach ulcer pain relief

Any part of the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) plant can be used as a remedy for stomach ulcers. You can add dandelion to salads or stir potatoes in vegetables. However, the juice extracted from the dandelion root is the most effective remedy. Dandelion root tea is effective.


  • Dandelion root or leaves - 1-2 tsp
  • Water - 1-2 cups


  • To boil water.
  • Add Raw Dandelion
  • Cover and let steep for 5-10 minutes.
  • Strain and drink tea

If you take this tea for 2-4 weeks, you can cure stomach ulcers and stop taking it. However, if you are allergic to plants such as ragweed, marigolds, chrysanthemums, you should not use dandelion root.

Potato juice is a folk remedy for stomach pain with ulcers.

Potatoes contain unique antibacterial substances that can kill Helicobacter pylori, the microbe that causes stomach ulcers. Potato juice can, in addition to peptic ulcer, can cure heartburn, constipation and even gout and rheumatism!


  • Potato - Enough to get ¼ cup of juice
  • Water - 3/4 cup
  • Lemon juice (optional) - 1-2 tsp
  • Honey (optional) - 1-2 tsp


  • In the morning, grate the potatoes, strain the juice to get ¼ cup.
  • Add 3/4 cup water to potato juice. You now have 1 cup of diluted potato juice.
  • Drink this juice on an empty stomach every morning.
  • If you can't stand the taste of raw potato juice, add lemon juice and honey.

Stomach pain is a sign that your stomach needs rest. Be kind to your digestive system and eat light and simple food. Avoid spicy and hot foods, as well as foods rich in fats. The diet should include rice, toast, bananas, herbal teas, kefir, buttermilk, lemon juice, etc. Use spices like cumin, dill, fennel, etc. in your meals. Chew mint or fennel seeds after meals. If you suffer from gas, try to exercise regularly, even if you walk 30 minutes a day. However, if abdominal pain persists and you are not getting relief from any home remedy, you should consult your doctor.

More than half of the world's women experience pain of varying severity during menstruation. It can be both light pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, and severe cramping pains, which are extremely difficult to endure. In most cases, discomfort is a variant of the norm, and it is not necessary to deal with them. If only they are concerned, then pills for pain during menstruation, which can be found in any pharmacy, can become a salvation.

But if, in addition to pain, there is diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, and even fainting, a doctor's consultation is necessary. A severe degree of dysmenorrhea can indicate serious disorders in the body.

If there are no other reasons for concern and the main complaint of a woman is pain during menstruation, then you should not worry. Such pain may occur due to active uterine contractions.

The menstrual cycle takes place in such a way that approximately once a month the uterus, intensively contracting, begins to reject the inner layer of the epithelium. Contractions are caused by a large release of active substances - prostaglandins. The result is pain of varying severity.

Pain during menstruation may increase in the presence of the following circumstances:

  • malnutrition;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • recent childbirth or;
  • hereditary factor;
  • the presence of an intrauterine contraceptive;
  • stress, shocks or increased emotionality.

Many women immediately ask themselves: what to drink if the stomach hurts during menstruation? But knowing its causes, you can not bring it to medication.

Eating fatty, fried and spicy foods is not recommended during and before menstruation. The more the outflow of water from the body is delayed, the more likely it is that the pain will intensify.

The same can be said about physical activity. Moderate activity allows you to digest food faster, prevents stagnation of water and improves blood circulation.

If a woman has had an abortion, childbirth or surgery in the last six months, then pain during menstruation may be a natural consequence. This phenomenon is normal and is the result of physical interference.

These pains usually go away within a few months. Also, the pain may intensify due to a contraceptive installed in the uterus or another.

Dysmenorrhea - normal or a reason to see a doctor?

The degree of pain depends not only on the number and strength of contractions, but also on the level of the pain threshold - some women tolerate pain more easily than others.

But if the discomfort is too strong, you need to pay attention to the presence of other alarming symptoms, since dysmenorrhea can accompany such serious disorders as:

  • spontaneous abortion ();
  • low calcium levels;
  • lowering the level of progesterone;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • bending of the uterus;
  • various inflammations of the genital organs.

Primary dysmenorrhea appears in young girls immediately after the onset of menstruation or within 3-4 years. Most often, emotional girls experience severe pain. There are two types of dysmenorrhea: adrenergic and parasympathetic. They differ in associated symptoms.

Adrenergic type It is expressed in an increase in the level of dopamine and adrenaline, as a result of which the hormonal background of a person changes. This is manifested by tachycardia, constipation, headaches, vasospasm.

With parasympathetic type of dysmenorrhea, on the contrary, diarrhea, edema appears, the heartbeat decreases, excess weight appears. Both types do not pose a danger to the body and are the norm, especially often manifested in girls with asthenic physique.

You need to sound the alarm in the following cases:

  • pills for stomach pain do not help;
  • severe bleeding, with many clots;
  • unbearable pain, nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms.

You need to see a doctor urgently. Sometimes the cause may be a miscarriage that has begun, which can be easily confused with menstruation. Since, ignoring its symptoms and untimely seeking help can cost not only health, but also life.

How to prevent menstrual pain?

Unfortunately, the realities of modern life are such that, regardless of the nature of the pain during menstruation, it is impossible to fall out of the schedule of daily activities. Therefore, many women find many ways not only to get rid of the onset of abdominal pain, but also to prevent it.

Approximately 3-4 days before the expected date of the onset of menstruation, you should refuse coffee, fried, fatty, dishes with a lot of spices, as well as sweets.

It is undesirable to consume dairy products. Raw or boiled vegetables, fruits and berries will be useful. You should eat boiled lean meat. By the way, the liver, which is rich in iron, is necessary for the body that is losing blood. Be sure to eat cereals, especially buckwheat.

The best drinks that you can drink with monthly pain to eliminate them are herbal teas - with lemon balm, mint or chamomile. They can also be used before menstruation. Additionally, you can use multivitamins, preparations with magnesium and calcium.

Physical activity has a beneficial effect on blood flow and uterine contractions. Experts say that female athletes are much less likely to experience discomfort during menstruation. It's all about physical activity.

Unprepared girls, of course, do not need to set Olympic records. For those who are far from sports, an active walk in the park, walking, cycling or rollerblading is perfect. Women who attend fitness clubs can and should continue training, slightly reducing their activity.

On the eve of menstruation, you need to protect yourself from stress and shocks as much as possible.

Medicines for pain during menstruation

The first solution that comes to mind is to take painkillers. But not every woman knows exactly which pills will help with pain during menstruation. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have the fastest effect.

They relieve menstrual pain in 15-20 minutes and can even prevent severe pain if you start taking them 1-2 days before your period starts.

The principle of action of NSAIDs is to block the production of prostaglandins that cause too strong uterine contractions. After taking the pill, contractions become less pronounced, and the pain subsides, while the work of rejecting the epithelium does not stop.

From pain during menstruation, NSAID tablets containing active ingredients such as:

  • ibuprofen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • diclofenac sodium;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Piroxicam.

Aspirin also belongs to anti-inflammatory drugs, but its analgesic effect is much lower compared to other drugs in this group. In addition, aspirin preparations have a blood-thinning effect and may increase bleeding.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations specified in the instructions, since exceeding the maximum dose can lead to serious side effects. No matter how severe the pain during menstruation, you can not drink more than two tablets of NSAIDs at a time. During the day, such a drug is allowed to take no more than 4 times.

Various antispasmodics, such as Drotaverine (the well-known No-Shpa), Papaverine and others, or analgesics (Analgin, Baralgin), have proven themselves well. Such tablets must be taken in a course and strictly adhere to the recommendations on the package.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that such drugs have an extensive list of contraindications. It is best to consult a gynecologist or therapist before using them.

The name of the pills for pain during menstruation can be different, so you need to pay attention to their active ingredient. This is especially true in cases where side effects or an allergy to a particular drug were noticed earlier.

It is necessary to drink medicines exclusively with plain water at room temperature. It is strictly forbidden to take the tablets with milk or hot tea. The temperature of tea and the composition of milk enter into undesirable reactions with the tablet. As a result, it will not have the desired effect, but it can be extremely harmful to the liver or pancreas.

Often, gynecologists answer questions from women about which pills to drink for pain during menstruation simply - contraceptives. By prescribing them, the doctor expects not only to protect the girl from unwanted pregnancy, but also to normalize the hormonal background of her body.

In the absence of strong hormonal surges, the pain during menstruation will become much less pronounced. To achieve this effect, contraceptives should be drunk for a long time, and only a doctor can choose them for the needs of a particular organism.

How to relieve pain without medication?

If the pain is taken by surprise, you can perform several breathing exercises. To do this, you need to take a comfortable position, sitting or reclining, and take a deep slow breath in through your nose, and then exhale through your mouth.

Another option for this exercise is with weights on the stomach (a medium-sized book will do, in no case do you need to use very heavy objects!). It is enough to perform 5-6 repetitions to relieve pain.

From sharply emerging pain, heat helps well. For example, a heating pad or a plastic bottle of warm water placed on the stomach for 15 minutes. To eliminate the pain that has already occurred during menstruation, you can drink something that will increase blood circulation, such as hot black tea or non-alcoholic mulled wine.

Herbal infusions also have a beneficial effect. Most often, during menstruation, they drink an infusion of raspberry leaves, oregano herbs and fees from chamomile and lemon balm.

An effective remedy for pain is massage. With menstrual pain, the following types of it will help:

  • light stroking of the abdomen clockwise;
  • back massage;
  • acupressure.

Acupressure massage consists in massaging a point on the inside of the lower leg, 4–5 cm above the ankle. Short presses on it will relieve abdominal pain.

Moderate exercise can also be helpful for stomach pain. Here are some of them:

  1. Lie on your back and place your bent legs on the wall. Focus on your feet for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.
  2. Lying down with your feet on the floor. Gently, without straining the abdominal muscles, lift the pelvis up and return to the starting position. Repeat 3 times.
  3. Lying on your stomach, rest your hands on the floor and arch your back as much as possible. Hold this position for a few seconds while maintaining calm breathing. Do 3 sets.

In the exercise therapy program, there are other exercises to relax the lumbosacral region. All of them can help in the fight against pain during menstruation.

Before thinking about which pills to drink when the stomach hurts during menstruation, you should consult your doctor. It is he who will determine the degree of pain, its causes and acceptable methods of dealing with it.

In the conditions of the gynecological office, the doctor will conduct all the necessary studies, do an ultrasound scan and prescribe the correct treatment. If a woman keeps track of her menstrual cycle, noting the dates of the beginning and end of menstruation, the time of onset of pain and the presence of any other symptoms, this can greatly facilitate the diagnosis.

In most cases, dysmenorrhea does not require serious treatment and may go away on its own, for example, after childbirth. But it can be a signal of negative changes in the body and respond to them - the duty of every woman who monitors her health.

Useful video about pain during menstruation


Before swallowing another unnecessary pill, you should figure out why your stomach hurts, establish a connection between sensations and food intake.

Colic in the abdomen occurs due to irritation of the mucous membrane. Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid, pepsin, which break down protein molecules into amino acids. The mere secretion of juice causes unbearable pains in the stomach in a healthy person. To alleviate suffering, it is worth drinking water, milk, green tea in one gulp. Experts recommend taking Maalox, Almagel from hungry colic.

In case of poisoning, allergic reaction

After eating the product, the stomach begins to rumble, becomes heavy, aching pains appear with downward thrust. Sometimes an unpleasant sensation occurs: intestinal, gastric gas formation, girdle pain, accompanied by belching. Rarely observed nausea, gag reflexes, loose stools, constipation, cutting pain in the abdomen. Observing these symptoms, the patient is given pills that restore the normal course of digestion. They prescribe medications: Sorbex, Enterosgel, Festal, Activated charcoal. Frequent manifestations of intolerance to the product indicate an allergic reaction of the body, you should refrain from using it.

Binge eating

The feeling of hunger does not go away immediately after eating. In a stressful situation, a person is able to consume more than required. Increased load exerts incredible heaviness, internal pain. Anesthetize and improve the functioning of the digestive system will help: No-shpa, Mezim, Creon, Omez.


Psychological breakdowns cause intense production of gastric juice. They notice a reaction according to the state of a person in conflicts, going through troubles, fatigue, lack of sleep, increased mental stress. Tablets for stomach pain do not help. In stressful moments, it is desirable to take sedatives: Novo-Passit, Evening, Valerian officinalis. Tablets will calm the nervous system, digestion will recover on its own. It is worth checking with a doctor with an increased concentration of gastric juice, otherwise there will be irreversible consequences.

When to run to the doctor?

Pain on an ongoing basis requires the passage of diagnostics. You should not postpone an appointment with a specialist in special cases - if your head starts to hurt, there is a high rise in temperature or incessant vomiting, especially mixed with blood, diarrhea, twisting for more than three hours, a violation of the menstrual cycle.

With such manifestations of signs, it is dangerous to self-medicate. All this leads to very serious consequences or even death.

Frequent appointments of medical professionals

The paramedic prescribes a pain medicine to the patient, a prescription for drug therapy, recommends a strict restriction in food with the transition to diet food. Carbohydrate foods are removed from the diet, significantly relaxing the gastrointestinal tract.

In the fight against ailments, a medical worker draws up a certain list of medicines according to the patient's illness. It includes: Ibuprofen, Omez, Gastal, Mezim, Festal, Activated charcoal. To eliminate pain, Papaverine, Mebeverine are prescribed. By acting on smooth muscle tissue, they increase the internal blood circulation of the intestine.

Medicines for disorders

New effective methods:

Pain during menstruation and pregnancy

The most common torture found in women. It carries a variety of reasons, starting with hormonal excesses, ending with severe failures of the female organs. There are many characteristic reasons: unpleasant tingling, dizziness, headaches, fever, heavy bleeding. Everything speaks of internal violations. It is worth drinking a fast-acting dragee, removing the main colic, the effect of this will be small. Against the pain of the urinary tract, the female genital organs, pills will not help at all.

To normalize hormonal disruptions, drugs are prescribed that are consumed three days before the start of menstruation. Such use enhances the effect of drugs. The list of such drugs includes: Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Piroxicam. Eliminate twisting during menstruation will help Ibuprofen, Analgin. It won't cost a lot.

Antispasmodics are able to relieve cramps during menstruation: Spazmalgon, Spazgan, Papaverine.

Gynecologists prescribe Baralgin to drink, limited to very small doses. Painkillers only relieve the symptom, but do not eliminate the problem. If the pain is not severe, it can be endured. It is better to do this while waiting for a specialist.

During the first months of pregnancy, doctors advise less frequent use of medications. At this time, the main organ systems are formed, any external influence disrupts the complex process, leads to irreversible pathologies that cannot be cured. Then the remedy is drunk with extreme caution. Painkillers allowed:

  • Paracetamol.
  • Nurofen.
  • Ibuprofen.

Before purchasing other medicinal powders, read the instructions for use, go for a consultation with a healthcare professional. When taking, follow the prescribed dosage. It is advisable not to take pills for pain. For spasms of the uterus, use antispasmodics.

Painkillers for children

Early colic speaks volumes. Find out the cause of the discomfort before giving medication to your child. Every fifth cub is a liar and lies to sleep. Many methods do not eliminate the problem, but harm the general state of health. When the appendix is ​​inflamed, the pill hides the signals for a long time, the process of inflammation continues, leading to terrible consequences. So people get peritonitis, sepsis.

The child is allowed to take the medicine if the cramps are small and no other signs are noticed. Medicines should be given to treat diarrhea. A sick child needs the following remedies: Lactofiltrum, Acipol, Activated charcoal, Espumizan. After that, drugs are needed that normalize the environment in the intestines: Bifiform, Linex.

If, along with colic, vomiting, high body temperature is observed, then an ambulance should be urgently called. The approach to self-treatment of children should be cautious. They are still developing the body, and pain pills negatively affect life processes.

There are a lot of pills for stomach pain, they are given on time, based on the disease. Small children can be given Mebeverin or Laktofiltrum. You need to fight constipation with Microlax, Mezim and Festal.

Elimination of heartburn

Heartburn is a burning sensation in the upper abdomen. Occurs after eating the wrong food. This is an unpleasant symptom of gastritis or peptic ulcer. You can fix it by starting the treatment of the initial problem that caused it. In this case, doctors often prescribe a diet: meals every 2 hours (6 times a day). Excluded alcohol, fatty and spicy foods, soda. If the symptom arose due to increased acidity, then you will have to drink antacids.

Treatment of gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining. Provoke the disease stress, metabolic disorders, chronic diseases, improper use of alcohol. When eliminating pain in the stomach, do not use ibuprofen and medicines similar in composition that cause an irritating effect in the internal cavity. Usually take funds that envelop the stomach.

Ulcer treatment

Peptic ulcer occurs due to improper treatment of gastritis. It is dangerous, it can bring pain syndrome of peritonitis. Therefore, in no case should you postpone treatment. The doctor immediately prescribes antibiotics to fight the disease, some anti-inflammatory drugs. In the modern world, tools with a complex effect have been developed. They help kill the unfortunate bacteria and protect the mucous membrane. A diet for an ulcer is compiled by a doctor based on tests and consists of light food.

You can't self-medicate! Tablets are not toy pills. You can take them with caution and only with a prescription from a healthcare professional! In addition to medicines, nutritionists have compiled diets, the observance of which will lead to recovery.