Word catcher. What is a dream catcher, its history. What is a dream catcher for and what does it look like?

The dream catcher amulet was once very popular only on the American continent, but now it is well known throughout the world. Dreamcatcher has so much ancient history, that now it is not possible to even approximately determine where, much less by whom, it was first created. Only legends and traditions about the origin of the talisman have survived to our times.

Some believe that the amulet traces its history back to one of the now defunct American Indian civilizations. This is quite possible, but does not exhaust all possible assumptions. Others, also quite possible option, is that the Dream Catcher amulet or, as it is also called, the dream catcher for the spirits of dreams came to us from the indigenous northerners or aborigines of Eastern Siberia.

This talisman looks like a sieve, only instead of a mesh it has threads stretched, woven into various patterns. Thread patterns are not just a connecting part of the frame, they always contain hidden semantic content.

Differencesamuletsin different cultures

The Dream Catcher amulet has semantic varieties that people put into it different cultures. Here are two examples:

  • The Indians of North America give the amulet the property of attracting good and evil spirits of dreams. The amulet entangles evil spirits in intertwined patterns, and there they die at sunrise. The good spirits of dreams know the right path, they come to the sleeping person, gently descending from the feathers, and bring him light, colorful and joyful dreams;
  • The meaning of Dream Catcher among Siberian aborigines is somewhat different. In Siberia, this is a magical item for shamans and serves as an assistant in shamanic practice. The spirits that fall into the Siberian talisman have no division into evil and good. Perfume in daytime, having fallen into the web of patterns, they linger in the Catcher and at night they bring the images to the shaman, reaching him using the main cord. At the same time, the shaman’s dream becomes rigid and active; in a dream, the shaman fights with spirits and must emerge from this fight with victory. The images that a shaman sees in a dream are not intended to create pleasant impressions, but they help the shaman to realize himself in a dream, and this is one of the most basic shamanic practices.

We must warn you that only a person with certain training can use the Dream Catcher. Careless and inept use of the amulet can lead to unpredictable consequences. The Dream Catcher amulet has the shape of a circle (sieve shape), and sacred meaning the circle is infinity, and it is in this meaning that it is used in shamanic practice. The path of the sun across the sky and the shape of the talisman are identified during magical rituals.

The Dream Catcher amulet is primarily a symbol of strength and power, so you need to make it yourself, having the appropriate intentions and psychological attitude. Specialized stores can offer you many options for such amulets, but assembly line production is unlikely to meet your expectations. Even if the Dream Catcher is technically flawless, remember the need for appropriate emotional state, and it will become very clear to you that the purchased amulet will not have the power that you expect from it.

To make the frame of the amulet, a willow rod is usually used, but metal can also be used. In a word, you can choose the material yourself, there are no strict restrictions, it’s even easier to work with metal.

The fundamental point that matters in making a Dream Catcher is the feathers. The fact is that the amulet must have differences according to the gender of its owner, so for a female amulet you will need polar owl feathers, and for a male amulet you can use eagle feathers. It is quite difficult to obtain the required feathers, since they are needed only from living birds. Feathers record information very easily, and the pen’s record of the owner’s death will be impossible to erase.

If it is not possible to obtain feathers from a living eagle or polar owl, then as a last resort You can use rooster or goose feathers, although the amulet's potential will be noticeably reduced.

The web for the amulet used to be made from tendons, but now thin strips of leather or cotton threads are more often used.

Important: the material for the web must be natural and of sufficient length so as not to be interrupted throughout the weaving.

Manufacturing processdream catcher

The prepared willow or metal rim must be braided with thread. If you use willow, then the thread should be thicker; on a metal hoop, the thickness of the thread does not matter.

The braiding should be done clockwise. It is better if your braid does not have fastening nodes when making loops. You can search for a method of such weaving on thematic sites (for example, on sites dedicated to macrame weaving).

When the rim is completely braided, they move on to weaving the web itself. The thread for the cobweb pattern is applied in stages, one turn of thread after another, one circle after another. The number of turns does not matter, it depends on the diameter of the rim, but it is better if the number is odd.

Weaving process

Pull the thread tighter while weaving to avoid sagging in the future; string beads onto the thread while weaving. Remember about psychological mood While weaving, feel your intentions, think about the desired positive aspects. It’s good if you accompany the weaving process with words or even poetry. You can say for possible troubles during sleep:

I createamuletfrom ethereal larvae, dark night spirits, black forces.

May he protect me from them in my dreams, in my house.

Will send themamuletto other places.

And if they disobey, he will sweep them awayamuletinto a deep quagmire with a filthy broom,

It will burn you with pure, immaculate fire, and drive you into the very pool with holy water.

As I say, soamuletand the job will be done.


You can also say words for light, happy dreams:

Joy always remains in my dreams,

How the church is inseparable from the Lord.

The words given here are not a rigid, unchanging form. You can use your own words as you see fit. You can use spells, affirmations, mantras you know; you can even just turn on and listen to meditative or relaxation music.

When your weave reaches the center point, you will need to take a thick needle, thread it through the crystal or main bead and secure the entire web.

When you weave beads, come up with a purpose for each: this bead is for love, this bead is for joy, and this one is for peace, and so on. Each of the beads will be a specific symbol in your talisman.

When you finish the web, you can say that your amulet is almost ready. You can place the prepared feathers and any other decorations at your discretion.

If desired, the Dream Catcher amulet can be complicated. The simplest option has just been discussed, but you can use several rims, arranging them in a chain or sphere. Here everything depends only on your imagination and desire to see your amulet in one form or another.

There is one condition on which the power of the amulet depends, this is the time of its manufacture. It is best to time the manufacturing ceremony to coincide with spring or summer. And one more thing: the weaving should begin and end with a knot.

How to useamulet

First of all, you need to determine a place for the Dream Catcher. It is often placed at the head of the sleeping place, but so that it can rotate freely. By rotating, the amulet will be able to catch passing dream spirits.

But the head of the bed is not the only option; you can hang the Dream Catcher, for example, under a chandelier. The main thing is that it can rotate freely, catching all the spirits.

The question of whether an amulet needs to be cleaned is not simple. The legend of the Indians of North America says, as you remember, that dark spirits caught in the amulet die when the sun rises, so, according to this legend, cleaning the amulet is not required. But in modern world There is so much negativity in the air that it would be a good idea to “ventilate” your talisman from time to time. Take it out in the winter under clean snow flakes, and in the summer in a clear Moonlight or morning sun rays.

The willow dream catcher is not very durable, the willow will dry out and the amulet will no longer work. You shouldn’t worry about this, just make a new one, and burn the amulet that has served its purpose or bury it in the ground with an expression of deep gratitude.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

A dream catcher is a Native American talisman that provides protection from evil spirits during sleep. However, some researchers claim that the amulet was invented in Siberia and was originally used by shamans to perform various rituals. Still no consensus about the history of its origin. There are many legends that are associated with the appearance of the amulet. About them today and we'll talk in this article. In addition, we will talk about its meaning and how it should be used.

Before considering the question of why a dream catcher is needed, you need to find out how it came into being. As already mentioned, the exact history of the origin of the amulet is unknown.

However, every Indian was sure that it arose according to this legend: one day one of the leaders of the Dakota clan indulged in reflection on a high hill. During these thoughts, he began to meditate and then the spirit of the tribe appeared to him in the form of a spider. A conversation began between him and the leader. They talked about various topics: about death, about life, the mystery of birth, about rebirth, etc. During the conversation, the spider tore a branch from the willow tree. After that, he bent it in such a way that it turned out to be a circle. Next, inside it he wove a pattern of cobwebs and then the spider said that everything good dreams that come to a person at night will pass through the web. Evil forces that give rise to bad dreams will become entangled in the web and will not disturb the person. It was after such a conversation that the dream catcher amulet appeared.

As for the theory of the appearance of the amulet in the vastness of Siberia, the history of its appearance has not survived to this day. However, it is believed that this talisman helped to catch spirits. It doesn’t matter whether they were good or evil. In the morning the magic dissipated, and they could calmly go to their worlds.

This talisman was used only by shamans. They hung it over the bed. It was believed that thanks to this amulet, shamans could predict the future.

If the dream catcher caught more evil spirits, then the person had a dream in which there was a lot of blood, there was a war, etc. the shaman had to take part in the battle and win, which means that he defeated the evil forces.

Anyway, modern interpretation amulets are the protection of a person during his night (as well as daytime) rest.

What does a dream catcher look like and its meaning?

The meaning of the dream catcher amulet is sifting bad dreams, it gives a person good positive dreams, which help not only to have a good rest, but also give good mood all day.

A dream catcher is a talisman that allows you to get rid of negative energy accumulated during the day. Thanks to him, a person can achieve spiritual peace, which will help him live in harmony both with himself and with the world around him.

This talisman relieves insomnia. Thanks to him, a person falls asleep easily and quickly and nothing disturbs his sleep until the morning.

This amulet is a willow circle with hanging feathers, inside of which threads are intertwined. This image is not accidental. The point is that different nations The circle is a symbol of infinity. It represents unity, integrity and perfection. In addition to this, this particular geometric figure connected by both mystery and magic.

As for the feathers that are woven into the circle, this is one of the elements that signifies breath and wind. For this amulet you need to take feathers from living birds. Only they carry positive energy, which enhances the actions of the amulet.

Traditionally, the catcher was again decorated with owl and eagle feathers. The owl is a symbol of the feminine principle. She is associated with wisdom. As for the eagle, it is a symbol of masculinity. It is associated with strength and fearlessness.

You can also use feathers from other birds, with the exception of chicken.

In addition, you should pay attention to the color of the threads, since each shade has its own meaning, namely:

  • a white dream catcher denotes purity and positive energy, cleanses and gives peace;
  • the black tint in the amulet symbolizes fortitude and perseverance, ‘then desired color for those who lack self-confidence, but must be handled with care, since the shade can become an obstacle to the development of a relationship with a loved one;
  • red is the color of fire and vital activity. It helps to identify and develop creative abilities, and also increases self-esteem;
  • pink color denotes love and tenderness;
  • the orange hue symbolizes harmony and light of the sun;
  • the yellow hue represents intuition and spiritual development;
  • green color symbolizes plants, its meaning is that it gives energy that allows you to carry out your plans;
  • the blue tint denotes purification and helps to know the truth;
  • blue color allows you to find harmony with yourself and with the world around you;
  • The purple tone calms and helps you comprehend everything that is happening around you.

Consequently, a dream catcher helps to solve problems not only with dreams, but also to gain harmony, self-confidence, etc. IN in this case it all depends on the chosen shade of thread.

Where to place the amulet

If we talk about where to hang the dream catcher, then it should be placed in the room where the person sleeps. There are two options for its location.

The first way is to hang the amulet above the bed. Most often, the talisman is hung above the children's sleeping place.

The second option is to hang the amulet on the window in the bedroom. The fact is that one belief says that dreams enter the apartment through the window. Consequently, the catcher will catch them at the entrance to the apartment and will miss only good and kind dreams.

In addition, the amulet must be hung in such a way that direct rays of the sun fall on it during the day. They will help cleanse the amulet of accumulated negativity. If the rays do not hit the talisman, then all the evil that it catches will accumulate in it and eventually it will pass to the person in a dream.

In any case, the amulet should be hung only in its in kind. Photos and any other image of the dream catcher talisman have no magical powers.

Dream catcher tattoo

IN modern society The dream catcher tattoo is very popular. It is relevant for both boys and girls. The meaning of a dream catcher tattoo will be the same for everyone - it is protection from any negative energy. Specifically speaking, this is protection from the evil eye, damage, bad rumors, bad people, etc. Another meaning of the dream catcher tattoo is to attract good dreams and protect against evil dreams. In addition, it is believed that with the help of such a talisman one can find “ mutual language"with nature.

In order for the amulet made in the form of a tattoo to completely merge with the energy of the owner, it is recommended to place it closer to the head. The best places for this are the neck and shoulder. However, most often the tattoo is performed on the back, since it is on this area of ​​the body that the artist can complete the entire design. In addition, dream catcher tattoos are done on the side. Here you can also complete the entire drawing without distortion.

A tattoo with this amulet is performed with other images - a horseshoe, flowers, etc. However, the dream catcher with the wolf is especially popular. The wolf in this case symbolizes strength, wisdom and protection. In this case, the predator is depicted with a calm expression in his eyes. The wolf's grin is not depicted in this tattoo. The fact is that such an image carries aggression, which in this case is unacceptable, since aggression cannot be combined with the positive energy of the talisman.

A dream catcher is a popular souvenir that can be used as a talisman for both adults and children, regardless of gender. He attracts good dreams and provides peace during sleep.

Having heard: “bawaajige nagwaagan”, we would never guess that we are talking about an ordinary talisman, which is designed to protect the peace and sleep of the sleeper. Dream catcher or dream trap - this is the name we know it by.

What is a Dreamcatcher?

As you yourself probably already understood, a dream catcher is a talisman that protects the sleep of a sleeping person. The authorship of the talisman belongs to the Indian people. Thanks to this invention, which, by the way, is not even a thousand years old, you can count on the fact that a sleeping person will dream favorable dreams. The dream catcher promises that nothing bad will happen to the sleeping person. The question naturally arises: why does this happen? It is generally accepted that bad dreams sent by evil spirits become entangled in the web of the Catcher, and with the appearance of the first sun rays, and cease to exist altogether. Good dreams can penetrate through the hole located in the middle of the Dream Catcher. The property of driving away (not giving the opportunity to pass bad dreams) is bad, is magical and fundamentally distinguishes the Catcher from other talismans or amulets designed to protect the sleep of a sleeping person.

DIY dream catcher

Having a dream catcher at home is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Especially relevant in our time. For the most part, we live in multi-storey buildings with neighbors above, below and on the sides. Everyone has their own energy, their own message, which is far from the most positive. A real mishmash of all sorts of things is forming around us. Naturally, the recovery process is a very important thing that is responsible for human health as a whole. And if you constantly have nightmares, if you don’t get enough sleep, if your sleep is intermittent - what kind of recovery, what kind of health can we talk about? There is a solution and this is a dream catcher, which can be made without any problems with my own hands.

Initially, the dream catcher was made from willow vines, nettles and deer veins. It is natural that modern man, living in the city, and not only in the city, will not be able to find deer veins. In any case, it will be very difficult to find them (with the rest, it’s not so simple either). But do not rush to worry, because long ago the veins were replaced by ordinary harsh (strong) threads.

So, to make a Dream Catcher, you will need a ring (with a diameter of 10 cm), coarse threads, a needle, beads, glue and feathers. That's all. Step by step process Making the Catcher can be seen in our video.

If you decide to make a Dream Catcher yourself, then it’s worth saying a few words about the symbols and color schemes used in the Catcher.

So, the weave in the center of the circle, reminiscent of a cobweb, is a kind of visual reminder of the spider, which, according to one legend, gave a dream catcher to man. Sometimes in the very center of the Catcher there is a large bead - it is the personification of that very spider. The four middle (or eight) beads located inside the Dream Catcher are symbols of the four cardinal directions.

Smaller beads are the personification of dewdrops, which always collect on the web in the morning.

The feathers of an owl or an eagle (these were the ones originally used in the Dream Catcher) symbolize wisdom and courage, respectively. Feathers are also a symbol of cyclicity, consisting of inhalation and exhalation, without which life is impossible.

The color scheme of the Dream Catcher can be varied, and before you start making your Dream Catcher, it’s worth understanding the color meanings.

  • White color– this is the color of snow, the color of winter and the color of death.
  • Black color– this is also the color of death, denoting those who are no longer in the world of the living, it is the color of illness and the color of night.
  • Red color– this is the color of the Earth and blood, the color of the day and thunderstorms.
  • Yellow– this is the color of dawn, this is the personification of the Sun itself.
  • Green color– this is the color of rain and awakening (or awakened) greenery, the color of the Earth during its flowering.
  • Blue color– this is the color of water and sadness, the color of the sky and rain, the color of the Moon and the personification of the Woman herself.

Dreamcatcher and shamanism

It is clearly imprinted in the minds of some that the Dream Catcher has something to do with shamans and shamanism, but what exactly is not entirely clear. In principle, those who think in this direction are right in their own way. After all, the Dream Catcher was known not only to the Indians.

As shamanism spread, which, as we all know, is also present in Russia (Buryatia, Altai, Tyva), people began to learn about such shamanic attributes as: tambourine, pochen, beater, eeren, shamanic mask. Nowadays it’s no secret to anyone what ritual is. In Russia, we mostly learned about the Dream Catcher from shamans or from shamanic practices. After all, shamans actively use this talisman, not only for protection from evil spirits during sleep, but also to control their own dreams.

A dream catcher, multiplied by the magical abilities of a shaman, gives truly magical results: clues that themselves come to the shaman in a dream. It is the Dream Catcher, acting as an antenna, that catches necessary information and immediately broadcasts it to the sleeping shaman. When he wakes up, he knows the exact answers to vital questions.

Dream catcher - amulet for children

Some people, for example, are confident that the Dream Catcher is exclusively a children's amulet, which is usually hung over a baby's crib. I bought it, hung it up and forgot about it. With all this, the people for the most part do not even delve into the features of this amulet, and in general do not really warm their heads over the question of how to use the Catcher and what it is actually needed for. IN best case scenario, knowledge is superficial and fragmented.

A dream catcher, in addition to its security function (while a person is sleeping), is really a talisman for a child. Moreover, thanks to the Catcher, parents can see and understand at least two more things:

  1. First, if the Catcher suddenly breaks down, it means that he has absorbed great amount negativity directed at the baby, and from this he became unusable. Accordingly, the Trapper should be thanked for his honest service, and rejoice in the fact that the negativity did not pass beyond the Trapper.
  2. Second important point, is that a broken Catcher indicates that the child has, as it were, moved to a new age. In other words, he has matured. The catcher is a guardian of time, it is a kind of time counter with which you can measure the life spans of a child’s growing up. However, in order for the Trapper to record the above-mentioned time periods, it must be done in accordance with all the laws of magic. Namely: The catcher must be made of willow twig, deer sinew and nettle. It is this combination that gives the desired effect. The same Dream Catchers that we have the opportunity to see on sale today are only some semblance of the Catcher that once existed. The remakes cannot even be called a replica, because they do not repeat, but only vaguely resemble the original.
  3. And finally, the third “gift” of the Catcher is that he entertains the child while he is awake. The baby looks at the colored pendants, bright feathers and, at least, does not cry. And at the most, the smooth movements of the Catcher calm him down, charm him and even lull him to sleep.

Dreamcatcher - history

There are a huge number of versions of the origin of the Dream Catcher, however, all of them, without exception, belong to the Indians. Based on this, we can say with almost one hundred percent certainty that it is this people who are the author of the Dream Catcher.

In some legends, the Catcher was given to the Indians by a certain guru who looked like a spider. While the Indian listened to the spider, it wove a web in a ring formed from a willow branch. The guru told the representative of the Indian people a story about the circle of life, the essence of which is simple: each generation takes care of its children, who, growing up, also take care of their kids. Thus, the willow vine is a symbol of endless human life. Watching the weaving of the web, accompanied by the story of the spider, fascinated the old Indian. Meanwhile, the spider, conscientiously weaving a web, left a small hole in the center of the willow circle and explained its presence as follows: “Everything that is good in a person (or for a person) will pass through the center of this web and remain with him, everything that If there is anything bad, it will get entangled in the web, and with the rising of the Sun it will completely disappear.”

Another legend says that the circle of the Dream Catcher is a symbol of the movement of the Earth around the Sun. By the way, the legend also talks about a spider, however, instead of a guru, an old spider appears before us, teaching her spider grandchildren.

Another legend, again pointing to a spider and a circle within which the web was located, speaks of a certain Indian old woman who did not allow her grandson to kill the spider sitting in the center of the web it had woven. As a reward for this, the spider told the woman about the possibilities and sacred secrets of the web.

To believe the legends or not is everyone’s personal choice. Something else is obvious - a dream catcher, especially if you make it with your own hands, is a talisman that will definitely protect the sleep of the person using it. If the Catcher is made with your own hands, taking into account all the requirements, then there will be no doubt about its effectiveness at all.

What is a dream catcher: what is it for and how is it used? The primary goal is to get rid of insomnia, nightmares, fears and phobias that prevent you from getting enough sleep and rest at night.

Dreamcatcher: history and facts

Why do you need a dream catcher? To understand the meaning of this subject, it is necessary to turn to the history of its origin. Here are some facts:

  • A dream catcher appeared in North America, but now its popularity is so great that it is used all over the world
  • The catcher is charged with a certain magical energy, which is fully revealed if you hang the talisman in right place. Most often this is the head of the bed. It should rotate freely
  • It is believed that the dream catcher, in the process of rotation, catches the spirits of dreams, which helps to have a happy time in the kingdom of Morpheus
  • The ancient Indians believed that the dream catcher had such strong energy that it was able to independently cleanse itself and recover from an attack by negative energetic forces.
  • The catcher is a very ancient amulet. It is not entirely clear whether it was invented by the North American Indians or someone else. There is an opinion that the authors of the idea of ​​​​creating a talisman are representatives of the ancient mysterious Mayan civilization

You can tell exactly what a dream catcher is for, but the history of its appearance will always be shrouded in a lot of mysteries and secrets.

How does a dream catcher work?

Mysterious catcher - what is it for and why does it work? This worries everyone who plans to purchase and use a talisman in their Everyday life.

The action of the catcher defies any logic: he is endowed magical power, which cannot be explained - you just have to take it on faith. Critical analysis unacceptable - just believe, and the amulet will act as desired.

Briefly, the principle of how a dream catcher works is as follows: it catches both good and bad spirits. Then the bad ones are sent to quarantine, where they remain until you awaken. And he directs the good ones towards the sleeping person, thanks to which they are calm, happy and joyful dreams secured.

This is the opinion of the ancient Indians. But Siberian shamans think differently. What is a dream catcher for in their understanding? They believe that there are no good and evil spirits - each of these entities just fulfills its own specific mission.

Thus, the catcher collects and catches all the spirits during the day, and at night they descend along the laces, but do not disturb the person, but only protect him in the kingdom of Morpheus. As a result, dreams become vivid, eventful, but at the same time they delight, not excite.

Dream catcher meaning: every detail matters

The dream catchers that are sold everywhere are very different. Made from all kinds of materials, each decorated in its own way. But there is something that unites all such talismans without exception:

  • Similar to a sieve or sieve: the round frame has many holes through which threads are threaded, folding into patterns
  • These patterns are a kind of trap for spirits. They get tangled in the weaves of threads, making them unable to disturb a sleeping person
  • The basis for the talisman is an even circle that symbolizes infinity. It is also the personification of the path that the Sun takes across the sky.

Important: no need to try to make a dream catcher yourself. This is too delicate work. By violating the technology, you risk radically changing the magical properties of the amulet or completely depriving the catcher of its power.

Only an experienced person is able to understand the peculiarities of weaving threads. Every detail is important here; deep knowledge and extensive experience are required. Therefore, it is better to contact trusted craftsmen who will make an individual talisman that suits you perfectly.

In principle, if you really want to, you can make a dream catcher with your own hands. But this will be more of a decorative detail of your interior: there will be no magical properties in such an item.

Watch a video about what a dream catcher is and why it is needed:

Cleaning the dream catcher

The dream catcher must be regularly cleaned of accumulated negative energy. If this is not done, over time it will lose its magical properties and stop working.

The easiest way to clean the amulet is using solar energy. Wait until noon and place it in a suitable place so that the sun warms the amulet. It is believed that such manipulation helps to literally burn away all negativity.

You can enhance solar cleansing in this way: try to place the catcher so that the wind blows on it. The air flow will seem to carry away the ashes from the burned bad spirits.

A high-quality amulet, which is regularly cleaned, only strengthens its magical properties over time. If your new dream catcher just helps improve your sleep a little, then gradually you will begin to see such vivid, beautiful and rich dreams that you will wake up in an excellent mood, completely rested.

Can a dream catcher be harmful?

An incorrectly made amulet can cause harm. For example, catchers made from synthetic materials: plastic, artificial fabrics are not very good. It is not advisable for it to contain chicken feathers or glass.

Such a catcher will not only not improve the quality of sleep, but will also provoke nightmares and insomnia. Therefore, make sure that your amulet is made according to all magical canons and brings only benefits.

It's good if the catcher is made of natural materials, decorated precious stones or minerals, feathers taken from a living bird. Owl feathers suit women, eagle feathers suit men.

Instead of glass - rock crystal, amethyst or topaz. These stones have their own magical properties, enhancing and complementing the energy of the amulet.

The dream catcher is a popular symbol in modern esoteric culture, which has an ancient sacred meaning that has not lost its relevance to this day. Dream catcher, traditional for the culture of North American Indians and Siberian peoples. Those tribes where shamanism and communication with otherworldly spirits were highly developed. Among the northern American Indians, the dream catcher was traditionally made from willow vine and was a hoop with a net stretched inside, which was decorated strictly individually with beads and feathers. The simplest use of Dream Catcher was in dream filtering. That is, the catcher only let through good dreams, and kept bad ones in his network.

Dreams played a huge role in the culture of many peoples. They were windows into other world, their symbols have been trying to unravel for many centuries and be used to understand the world around us. The same important role Dreamcatchers also began to play.
In the Ojibwe tribe, shamans made dream catchers oval shape and hung over children's beds to protect them from nightmares and evil spirits.
It is believed that the Dream Catcher helps us remember our dreams and become aware of ourselves within them. Modern esoteric culture practicing lucid dreaming, talks about the use of dream catchers to better orient the dreamer within his dream world. To do this, the dream catcher must be done by the dreamer himself, giving each bead its meaning of a certain place in his dream world. Further, using these beads it is easy to realize yourself in a dream and travel.

The dream catcher should be hung at the head of the bed or nearby so that it can rotate freely. Feathers are not required attribute dlytsa, although some Indian tribes believed that feathers could even get in the way, causing too confused, light dreams and dreams.


There are several legends about the origin of the Dream Catcher. Spider Woman was a metaphor for the Universal Goddess. It is as if she is weaving a web of reality, creating it from the Center. One day she will pull the thread and rewind the whole world back to the center, to the very source. For this reason, it is also customary to consider the Dream Catcher as a model of the Universe and the connection between Spider-Woman and the Goddess. Through dreams, our soul goes on a journey to the center of everything.
Native North Americans believed in such a goddess, Spider-Woman, who sits at the center of our Universe. She is a feminine force that creates everything around, connecting people, animals, plants into a single network with threads.

Another legend says that the trap was made by a Lakota shaman. One day he had a vision on the mountain where he used to communicate with the spirits of nature. In a vision, he saw the great teacher - Iktomi, in the form of a spider, who told him about the structure of life and death. During the conversation, the spider took a willow branch and, bending it into a circle shape, began to weave rings from its web inside, weaving beads and feathers into them.

While weaving a web, the spider said: “We start our lives as babies, then we grow up and grow old.” We must take care of children, ending our cycle. But! - said Iktomi, - at each age there are good thoughts and actions, and there are also bad ones. If you follow the good ones, they will guide you to better life. If you listen to bad actions and thoughts, they will bring you pain and lead you in the wrong direction. There are many forces and signs that guide life path person. Everyone chooses their own path. And at every moment of life, a person is controlled by passions. If these are good passions, then they lead him along the righteous path, and if they are evil, then the person turns onto the wrong path. The web is a perfect circle, but there is a hole in the very center. Good thoughts will pass through the center to the person. Evil thoughts will become entangled in a web and disappear with the dawn.” – Spider Iktomi finished speaking and handed the dream catcher with a net to the shaman.
The shaman passed on his vision to the Lakota people, who began making dream catchers and using them in everyday life. They began to hang them in their homes, above their beds, so that they would sift through their dreams and visions. A willow twig twisted into a circle symbolizes human life. The dream catcher swings over the sleeper's bed, catching dreams in its nets: the bad ones get entangled in the web and die at dawn, while the good ones penetrate the person through the central hole, remaining in the feathers until the next night. The Lakota believed that the Dreamcatcher held within itself the destiny of their future lives. This is what another legend tells.
The Ojibwe tribe lived on Turtle Island. One day, an elder told a story about how Spider Woman named Asibiikaashi helped the shaman Wakabozhoo return the sun that had flown away to people.

Asibiikaashi built a special net house out of cobwebs right before dawn. Some people may see this web before dawn if they haven't slept all night before. They will be able to see how Spider-Woman, from pre-dawn sparks, collects the sun in her web and then begins to rise above the horizon. This is how the goddess returns the sun to people again and again. Asibiikaashi ordered all Indian tribes to make dream catchers from willow twigs with a web in the center, which began to symbolize her feat of daily returning the sun to the world of people.

The Ojibwe tribe scattered across the earth and Spider Woman could no longer look after everyone. So that people would not lose her patronage, she ordered the settlers to make dream catchers in the same way, so that through them she could help people. Asibiikaashi also ordered people not to harm little ashibiikaashi when someone meets them on their way.
In honor of the origin of spiders, the number of points where the web connected to the hoop was supposed to be eight, for the number of Spider Woman's legs, or seven for the seven prophecies. The feathers were also traditionally placed in the middle of the Dream Catcher. This meant the breath or air in which dreams and the wisdom of the Universe were entangled.
An owl's feather was used to acquire wisdom, an eagle's feather gave a person courage.


Choosing a Dream Catcher is a responsible undertaking. Just like runes, Dreamcatcher is not bought spontaneously. First, ask yourself if you have any fears or dreams. disturbing dreams? Are these fears related to your deepest desire?

  • If there is excitement in your life about what you have planned, be sure to find yourself a Dream Catcher. It is also believed that the Dream Catcher perfectly protects against envious people, so the amulet is especially suitable for those who are on the verge of new beginnings. Do not choose Dream Catcher from mass websites or megamarkets.


  • The parts of the Catcher must be made very carefully.
  • If you need protection and reassurance, give preference dark colors(black, gray, brown), if you want to clear the space of negativity and replenish yourself with fateful decisions - take light colors(white, green, turquoise, blue).
  • Do not associate the Dream Catcher with Zodiac signs, year of birth, etc.


After purchasing the Dream Catcher, place it on the windowsill at night so that moonlight can reach it. This procedure is especially effective during a full moon. Before going to bed, say everything you want from the Catcher. In this way, he will receive all the necessary energy and collect all your wishes.