Why can't you take a light bulb out of your mouth and why put it there? Bearded experiment with a light bulb. And why doesn't she come out?

Everyone knows the joke about the light bulb that has long become famous. Try to put a light bulb in your mouth, and you will not be able to pull it out without outside help. In fact, this is true. Those who have personally experienced this funny theory can say that the light bulb goes in very easily, and you don’t even need to bother - just open your mouth harder. But getting it out of your mouth is not so easy!

If you have not yet tried this trick on yourself, do not, under any circumstances, grab the light bulb and try to put it in your mouth. You really won't be able to get it without any problems! Now let's figure out why this happens.

So, let's start from the very beginning - by inserting the light bulb into the oral cavity. Please note that the light bulb has a very unusual pear-shaped shape, so when you open your mouth to the width of the maximum diameter of the light bulb, it easily fits into your mouth. Now comes the fun part. Very few people manage to pull the light bulb back out.

So why can’t you pull the light bulb back out of your mouth if it fits in there so easily?

In fact, there are several reasons that explain this amazing phenomenon. Firstly, the special pear-shaped shape of the light bulb causes the expanding part of the object to rest against the teeth.

The second reason why you can't take the light bulb out of your mouth is more complicated. It turns out that our oral cavity is designed in such a way that when a foreign object appears in it, the muscles squeeze the jaws much tighter. Most likely, this property was passed down to us from our ancient ancestors, who held prey in their teeth.

If suddenly you decide to check for yourself the veracity of our conclusion, you should find out how to remove the light bulb from your mouth?

There are two options for solving this problem. The best thing would be, of course, to see a doctor. Depending on the situation, doctors will help you more qualified than you yourself.

If you can’t see a doctor, you can try to remove the light bulb from your mouth yourself. To do this, lean perpendicular to the floor and open your jaws more, helping yourself with your fingers. The sensations, of course, are not pleasant, but eventually the light bulb will simply fall out.

Why do people put a light bulb in their mouth?

In our lives, we can often meet people who, out of curiosity, conduct original and even very dangerous experiments on themselves. As a result, such experiments often make doctors smile, although the experimenters themselves are sometimes not amused. Some desperate people put a light bulb in their mouth, and then simply cannot pull it out. Why do they do this, and who most often becomes the victim of such an experiment? First of all, these are teenagers who decided to take such a desperate act as a result of an argument. Also, these are some self-confident and quite adult people who think that they can do anything. And, of course, not quite sober citizens who are knee-deep under the influence of alcohol fumes and the sea. Therefore the question is how to remove a light bulb from your mouth, remains relevant for many such daredevils. After all, if a problem exists, then it must be solved. Let's look at it in more detail.

Why is it not so easy to remove a light bulb from your mouth?

As everyone knows very well, the light bulb is shaped like a pear, and its shape is very streamlined. Putting such an object in your mouth is not difficult. After all, the muscles of the mouth are initially relaxed, so the light bulb enters the mouth quite easily. But, after this glass device is inside, the muscles of the oral cavity immediately tense and squeeze tightly around this lighting object. And here, on an instinctive level, the jaw closes; in addition, the teeth significantly interfere. Any of us understands perfectly how dangerous such a trick is, because the light bulb itself is made of thin glass and also has small metal components. And this is fraught with damage to the experimenter’s gums, tongue and cheeks. But, since the light bulb is tightly wrapped around the jaw, and pulling it out is quite problematic, the best and most correct solution is to seek help from a doctor. And since not everyone will decide to take such a step (it’s a shame, what’s there to hide), there is a way to remove this item yourself, without resorting to medical help.

How to remove a light bulb from your mouth at home?

If, nevertheless, the “stuntman” with a lighting device in his mouth flatly refuses to go to the hospital or call an ambulance at home, then he has no choice but to try to cope with this problem himself. The essence of this method is that the light bulb is crushed directly in the mouth, therefore, as you yourself understand, this method is very dubious and is not at all safe. To remove a foreign object from your mouth you will need a handkerchief, two shoelaces and a screwdriver. The laces on both sides are tied to a scarf, which is carefully pushed into the mouth with a screwdriver. This is done to wrap the scarf around the light bulb on all sides. When this part is completed, you need to undo the laces and then very carefully break the light bulb with the same screwdriver. As a result, the handkerchief along with the fragments is pulled out of the mouth. If you do everything very delicately, a person will not cut himself. But do not forget that this method is indeed very dangerous, since the light bulb can explode and injure the oral cavity. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to seek help from a doctor.

Medically removing a light bulb from your mouth

Why should you rely on a doctor to remove a light bulb from your mouth? Because the specialist will first eliminate the main problem: relieve spasm of the jaw muscles. This is done by injecting a drug that will relieve tension, such as Relanium. This procedure is very unpleasant, but after it the light bulb can be removed without much difficulty. Of course, the consequences of this, to put it mildly, not very smart act, will remind themselves for several more hours. Since the experimenter’s muscles were under tension for some time, he will experience some discomfort in the jaw area for a certain period. You need to endure this period, and soon everything will return to normal. It doesn’t matter for what reason a person put a lighting device in his mouth - out of stupidity, as a bet, or just wanted to impress his friends, but the fact remains: it’s absolutely not worth doing this. After all, the lack of adrenaline can be replenished in the safest ways.

Although for most readers this topic will only cause a grin due to the mention of another joke with a beard, the story is real and continues to this day. In its finale, the trauma center doctor usually explains to the sick (whole head) patient why the light bulb cannot be removed from the mouth without the help of doctors. Why this happens, it is worth understanding in more detail in order to avoid stupid and sometimes deadly manipulations that seem to have begun with an innocent prank or joke.

From Moscow to the very outskirts

The patients are usually men with high self-esteem that does not correspond to reality, who most often drank alcohol before the test of willpower and spirit called “why you can’t take the light bulb out of your mouth”:

  • Unexpectedly meeting old friends, comrades from military service, work, fishing, hunting.
  • Participants in parties in workers' dormitories such as the unforgettable Leningrad GOP, student places of common residence, often not much different from the first ones.
  • It would seem that the fathers of families, wise with life experience, gathered for men's gatherings on the occasion of Friday/Saturday in a garage cooperative, a gardening partnership.

It is precisely such events that regularly supply patients for traumatologists, who have to remove an incandescent electric lamp from the mouths of hapless naturalists, which does not want to come back out.

Doctors explain what happened very simply – a spasm of the jaw muscles. In details:

  • You can open your mouth completely when it was previously closed. This is how nature works.
  • When the mouth is partially open (the Ilyich bulb is not in the right place), the muscles are already too tense to allow it to open wider. Plus the general frightened state of the applicant for the title of “powerhouse of 1 human force”, which does not help much in such a situation.

Therefore, the only correct decision is to seek help from specialists who will give an injection that relaxes the muscles and use a special tool to unclench the jaws. Doctors have a lot of experience in this matter.

Regarding ridiculous, dangerous tips for removing a light bulb with your own hands:

  • If a person who finds himself in a stupid situation cannot remove an object from his mouth on his own, without the help of improvised means, go to the doctors. There are cases of such miraculous deliverance: either the ratio of the sizes of the mouth / light bulb is in favor of the former, or the test subjects have nerves of iron.
  • Trying to wrap a light bulb with rags, the base with ropes, especially breaking something (!), or following stupid advice from the Internet from armchair doctors is a sure way to seriously cut the tissues of the oral cavity saturated with blood vessels and not get to the hospital. Amen.

I would like to hope that the readers understood why the light bulb cannot be removed from the mouth without the help of doctors, that they themselves would not fall for the stupid prank, and that they would warn other people.

Mikhail Zadornov. "Dear Light Bulb"
Dear light bulb
A story told by one of the spectators after the concert
A lot of funny things happen in medicine. For example, a man came to the emergency room with a cast iron on his head. It turned out that he put it on for a bet, but couldn’t take it off. The head was stuck and swollen. It remains a mystery to everyone how he got to the emergency room if his head went into the cast iron along with his eyes. The doctor was not at the reception at that moment. The unfortunate person, or, as they say in such cases, the victim, was received by a nurse. What I saw, I wrote in the reception log: “Head in a foreign body.”
Doctors often talk about how people come to them with spoons in their stomachs, with forks, and chewed glasses. What our doctors haven’t seen inside the Russian careless body! What diagnoses did not appear in medical histories! "The whole grandma's bruise." "Hit your tailbone on the Kashirskoe highway." “Due to increased hairiness, I was unable to listen to the bronchi”...
But, perhaps, one of the funniest stories from this series was told by a spectator who was very impressed at my concert with the main conclusion: most of our men have energy without a vector. And I decided to give me one more proof of this.
Two friends in a pub, having taken to the point where the soul longs for creativity, argued who would put a light bulb in his mouth for a hundred dollars. Apparently, one of them was an instigator and knew that putting a light bulb in your mouth was possible, but “sticking it out” was no longer possible. Because it has such a shape that it gets stuck in your mouth. The second one very sincerely admitted that for a hundred dollars he would stick whatever he wanted into his mouth, especially in our impoverished times. Only money in advance.
We went to the store to buy a light bulb. The instigator chose the right size. (I don’t intentionally tell you how many watts, knowing that there will be readers who will certainly take this story as a guide to action.) We went around the corner of the store. The bettor, as expected, first took the money in his left hand. The right one tried several times to open his mouth as wide as possible. One hundred dollars was inspiring. Finally, hurray, I won. Eat! Light bulb in mouth. The only problem is that he is not even able to shout “hurray”. Because there is no way to take it out. He stands and looks at the instigator with victorious horror. The eyes themselves are like two light bulbs. In my hand it looks like I've won a hundred dollars. But what's the point! In this state it is even impossible to mark a victory on them. The instigator, looking at him, felt so ashamed that he took pity and said:
- Let's go to the doctor. By the way, you also have money for a doctor.
I took it. I didn’t go to the doctor myself. He brought the victim to the office door and knocked. When the door opened, he pushed the unfortunate man in and quickly disappeared around the corner. This is how friends usually return a drunk husband home to his wife the next morning.
The doctor, having opened the door, at first did not understand what kind of miracle was in front of him. When I figured it out, I was so confused that I asked the victim:
- Why, you idiot, did you put a light bulb in your mouth?
He asked and is waiting for an answer. Instead of answering, the client twists his finger to his temple: they say, you yourself are an idiot if you ask me about this. First, take out the light bulb, and then ask.
The doctor had to tinker with this matter. He twisted and turned and dislocated the patient’s jaw. Because in such a situation, a light bulb is more expensive than a jaw. Finally took it out. Intact. I set my jaw. He exhaled and said:
- Here, take the trophy home. Don't ever do this again.
He didn’t even take the money, he felt so sorry for this eccentric. The eccentric caught a taxi and rides in the front seat. He holds his jaw with one hand and a light bulb in the other. Trophy! The taxi driver looked and looked at him, then couldn’t stand it and asked:
- Why are you with a light bulb, like Danko with a heart in his hand?
“Can you imagine, this morning I was such a fool that I put this light bulb in my mouth for a bet for a hundred dollars.”
The taxi driver was from the same energetic, vectorless class of our men, so he immediately objected:
– Why “fool”? I would also put it in my mouth for a hundred dollars. Will you give me a hundred dollars?
Well, how can our man deny himself the pleasure of making sure that he is not the only such idiot in the world!
- Of course, I will.
The taxi driver wanted to earn a hundred dollars so much that he put the light bulb in his mouth much faster than his client in the morning. The client honestly gave him a little time to practice removing the light bulb from his mouth, after which, like his friend, he took pity:
- Go! I know one doctor who knows how to take out light bulbs. Turn around!
People at the intersection are in shock: a taxi driver behind a steering wheel with a light bulb sticking out of his mouth. Or rather, the tail of a light bulb.
When we arrived at the clinic, the one who was already experienced led the taxi driver to the door, knocked (like his friend) and also ran away...
In this whole story, the doctor was most surprised. When he opened the door, at first he couldn’t believe his eyes. The patient seems different, but with exactly the same light bulb! They say that he was in a very nervous state all day and even asked the nurse to turn on the radio. Maybe something interesting is happening in the country? And we have to wait for new patients?

Even as children, we have all heard stories and anecdotes about how, once you put a light bulb in your mouth, it will be impossible to get it out. There are many funny incidents associated with this that are used in films and TV shows. However, why can’t the light bulb be pulled out of the mouth, because since it goes in with ease without any effort, then can’t it be pulled back out? Will only medical intervention really help in this case? The answer to this question is very clear.

An explanation of why you can't take a light bulb out of your mouth

The light bulb is truly impossible to remove. Why is this happening? The thing is that the light bulbs are pear-shaped. Because of the teeth, which also interfere with the removal of the light bulb. Since our jaws clench, this seemingly myth is not worth testing for yourself. Another reason is that when an object of this shape enters the mouth, the jaw muscles contract even more under tension. That is why all such cases end in hospital.

Although on the Internet and on social networks you can find many experimenters who seem to easily perform such tricks, never try to repeat this. Like the taxi driver in the well-known story about a man who stuck a light bulb in his mouth for a bet and decided to test this story on himself, many may think that just because they can get in with ease, they will also be able to get out with ease. Not many people dare to check this, but such brave souls are still among us. One of these daredevils turned out to be correspondent Dmitry Buzin. He, like many others, did not believe in the myth of the light bulb.

For this experiment, a very ordinary light bulb with a power of 60 W was purchased. And, of course, as expected, our correspondent was unable to get it. So this myth was tested. According to doctors, a spasm occurs in the muscles, which prevents the jaws from opening to their full width. Our jaw can only be fully opened to its maximum limit from a closed state.

When the light bulb is already in the mouth, the jaw is already open, the muscles are already under sufficient tension, which is why they do not allow the jaw to open even wider.

Therefore, if you nevertheless decide to try the myth on yourself, and the experiment fails, only medical intervention will help you. Doctors can remove the light bulb by using a tool to spread the jaw apart, or by using an injection that relaxes the muscles. Now you know, Why can't you take the lamp out of your mouth?, and definitely don’t make such a mistake.