The harm of smoking hookah for men. The harm of hookah smoking to human health: the effect on the body of men and girls

Hookah came to us from eastern countries, where it is smoked everywhere. Previously, people considered such a strange design a curiosity. Now hookah is offered in almost all bars, nightclubs, cafes and even restaurants. There are specially equipped establishments - hookah bars, which offer their clients a pleasant time in a puff of smoke. Due to its high popularity, people are addicted to aromatic tobacco, so they are wondering about the benefits and harms of hookah.

Features of the hookah mixture

Hookah is very popular due to its special smoking mixture, which has a pleasant aroma. The smoking technique itself is also impressive; when exhaling, a ball of vapor is formed, which attracts attention.

Hookah tobacco differs from that used in cigarettes, cigars, and cigarillos. The difference is visible in appearance, taste, and the final result of the smoking process itself.

Overall, the mixture resembles a sticky mass with a slightly oily texture. The smoking composition is produced on the principle of molasses. Additionally, flavorings and flavor enhancers are added if necessary.

Some believe that the hookah smoking mixture is a collection of herbs, pieces of tropical fruits or berries. This is partly true, but for the most part tobacco is also added to the composition. If we talk about smoking mixtures without tobacco, they are the most useful.

An indispensable part of a hookah is a specific liquid that is poured into the flask of the device. The basis of this composition can be water, herbal decoction, fruit or berry juice, carbonated drinks, milk, wine, etc. Sometimes esters are added, the benefits of which have been known since ancient times.

What is more dangerous - hookah or cigarettes?

  1. When inhaling, a person creates much more effort than with regular cigarette smoking. As a result, all the smoke goes into the respiratory system and fills it. Toxic compounds are deposited there (yes, there are fewer of them, but they are still present).
  2. Not every establishment that serves hookah thoroughly cleans the device after previous customers. Due to this, bacteria and infections are easily transmitted to a new visitor. If hygiene standards are not followed, you can catch hepatitis or herpes if you use a hookah without a special attachment.
  3. On average, 1 person smokes a hookah for an hour, sometimes longer. During this period, about 180 mg is released. carbon monoxide. For comparison, one cigarette can “boast” 10 mg. Hookah smoking mixtures contain more beryllium, cobalt and nickel.
  4. Hookah smoke inhaled by a person accumulates no less nicotine than cigarettes. This leads to physical and psycho-emotional dependence on vaping a hookah pipe.
  5. In addition, avid hookah lovers poison the body with large amounts of carbon monoxide and smoke. To understand, just look at the cloud swirling around the table.
  6. Carbon monoxide, heavy metals, resin, and other toxic impurities accumulate in hookah smoke. All this often leads to the development of oncological diseases of various types. Smoking a hookah puts you at greater risk of getting cancer than smoking cigarettes.
  7. Hookah is harmful not only for avid lovers, but also for passive smokers. There is a particular negative impact on the respiratory system, skin, hair, nails, and heart muscle. When quitting smoking, a person becomes nervous and irritable.
  8. Smoking mixtures are more harmful than cigars, cigarettes, and cigars. When they are inhaled, the lungs expand more, therefore, more toxic substances are deposited in them.

  1. Hookah goes well with fruits, including peaches, bananas and apricots. Green tea or hibiscus is better as a drink. Keep in mind that hookah smoking should be done on a full stomach. This process increases juice production. On an empty stomach, you risk damaging your mucous membranes.
  2. It is prohibited to smoke hookah along with strong drinks. This combination causes alcohol poisoning. It is not recommended to fill the flask with red wine instead of water. Do not try to drink alcohol from a flask after smoking a hookah. It accumulates all the harmful compounds that remain after filtering the smoke.
  3. Mixing cigarette tobacco with hookah tobacco is not allowed. IN otherwise you could get a serious burn to your larynx. Maintain hygiene when smoking, use a disposable mouthpiece.
  4. According to the rules of Eastern culture, you cannot light ordinary cigarettes from hookah coals. Such an action is considered disrespectful. It is prohibited to place the hookah on the table at which you are eating. It is impolite to pass the phone from hand to hand; it should be placed on the floor.

The benefits of hookah

  1. Real hookah smoking looks like a full-fledged ceremony. The same cannot be said about our country. People do not strive to perform the so-called ritual in order to fully enjoy the ceremony.
  2. In the modern world, it is common to smoke hookah simply to relax and spend time with company. There are some differences here. Some come with everything ready and order what they need in a cafe, which cannot be said about spending time at home.
  3. In the second case, people prepare in advance for such a process (ceremony). This way you can relax and enjoy the atmosphere. When smoking a hookah, a pleasant smell is felt, which can be classified as aromatherapy.
  4. The benefit is that during the ceremony a person calms down significantly and finds peace. To some extent, you can say that there is a feeling of euphoria. At this moment, people do not think about the dangers of nicotine.
  5. The benefits of hookah are possible only with proper preparation. Instead of water and alcohol, pour a mixture of medicinal herbs into the flask in the form of a tincture. You can also exclude natural tobacco from the bowl and replace it with a nicotine-free mixture. This will give you a useful inhaler.
  6. This kind of smoking will have a positive effect on a person’s psycho-emotional background, but you should not get carried away. Unlike cigarettes, when you use a hookah, you essentially inhale the vapor. It appears precisely at the moment of tightening.

  1. If we do not take into account the dubious benefits, we can say with confidence that the harm from such a ceremony is much greater. Any smoking cannot but affect human health, it is worth understanding this.
  2. Despite numerous disputes, it can be understood that hookah smoking is more harmful than regular cigarettes. Minor harm to health can be caused if you smoke hookah rarely. Provided that you are not addicted to cigarettes.
  3. Systematic hookah smoking leads to the development of malignant tumors. Therefore, you should no longer wonder whether such a procedure is harmful. The answer will be clear.

Hookah is harmful to health in any form; in other cases, the positive effect is manifested only psychologically. You tell yourself that in this way you relax, and you need such a process.

Video: harm from smoking hookah - answers to all questions!

Numerous scientists who puzzle over the issue of the dangers of smoking claim that hookah and cigarettes do not provide beneficial substances to our body. But the harm from them is tangible. The central nervous system is destroyed, vision decreases, the lungs suffer and the heart rhythm worsens.

Hookah is flask filled with water. Tobacco smoke passes through it easily. Incense is created by lighting charcoal. Modern Chubouks are completely different from their ancient ancestors. Adherents of hookah smoking claim that this device is harmless and has nothing in common with cigarettes.

These long tubes first appeared in eastern countries. India is considered the founder of coconut chibouks. Historical documents also mention African, Persian and Ethiopian theories about the origin of the incense pipe.

In Turkey, aromatic smoking takes pride of place among traditions. The guest is offered a hookah and if he refuses, it is a sign of disrespect. In India, a long pipe is called Narcil, in Egypt - Nargile, among the Arabs - shisha. The word hookah comes from the Iranian name galyan (boiling).

In ancient times it served as a chibouk coconut, in which all the insides were cleaned. Then water was poured in and aromatic herbs were added. Almost no tobacco was used. In later centuries, chibouks were made from expensive materials: precious stones, gold. The mouthpieces were engraved. Only noble gentlemen used such incense burners.

Harm from hookah to the human body

Most naive smokers still believe in the harmless effects of a tobacco pipe on the body. There is a lot of comprehensive information on the Internet about the safety of this leisure activity.

Hookah, like cigarettes, has a negative impact, which exposes the respiratory tract to serious diseases.

Doctors are sounding the alarm about the growing popularity of fragrant incense. According to a study by the World Health Organization, the mixture contains beryllium, chromium, cobalt and nickel. Cigarette smoke contains 100 times less heavy metals.

In addition, smoking hookah is highly addictive. Dependent people cannot last two days without a chibouk.

Consequences for the lungs

If you smoke every day, tobacco tars deposit in huge quantities on the walls of your lungs. Inside a toxic film is formed covering the entire surface of the organ. A wild one appears dyspnea after physical activity or running. There are frequent fainting and headaches. In some cases they appear asthma symptoms.

If you do not stop in time, diseases such as bronchitis, chronic runny nose and oncology. A person who smokes cigarettes gradually destroys his body with a scattering of nicotine charges. Hookah addicts receive a destructive dose at one time.

Consequences for expectant mothers

Any smoking has a detrimental effect on women’s and fragile children’s bodies. There are cases when expectant mothers smoke irresponsibly from a cigarette holder and are unaware of the harm they cause to an unborn person.

Effect on vision

Regular inhalation of acrid smoke eyes weaken. They react to an incoming infection. Increases tearing and itching. Smog has a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane. Vision begins to deteriorate and a painful red look appears. The first signs of a central nervous system disorder occur when there is a strong dependence on the mouthpiece. If you abuse smoking, then mental activity of the brain deteriorates and memory lapses appear.

12 02.16

Good evening, my dear readers!

In my circle there are still those who regularly smoke hookah, so we can say that this article is dedicated to them. I don’t want to impose my views on life, rather I give information, and whether to listen or not is everyone’s business.

Smoking hookah became fashionable several years ago in our country. It is presented as a kind of trend. Hookah bars are opening one by one. Few people think about how hookah affects health. What will happen to the body even after several puffs? Let's figure it out!

Around the sacrament

Establishments where you can relax and smoke a mixture from an exotic device in a calm atmosphere are very popular. For example, in Surgut, not far from my house, there is a hookah bar that is always full of people. It is believed that there can be no harm from a hookah, since:

  • it can be easily purchased at any large store that specializes in selling such products at an inexpensive cost;
  • does not cause addiction to smoking;
  • is a necessary attribute of a vacationer, including women;
  • brings an element of mystery;
  • brings together those who like to smoke with an aromatic mixture.

The myth intensified when smoking tobacco in public places was prohibited by law, and hookah was left as supposedly harmless fun.

The most important idea: when smoking cigarettes, the smoke is hot, and cold smoke comes out of a hookah, due to which the body is deceived and becomes able to accept this smoke, much more deeply than when smoking cigarettes. In addition, hookah tobacco has all sorts of pleasant flavors and a person does not notice how he smokes a lot of it, without even realizing how harmful it is.

It is obvious that hookah cannot be harmless fun, no matter how hard those who benefit from it try to promote it.

The device itself consists of a flask and tubes through which smoke is inhaled. A filter is a kind of shaft that includes a container filled with water, juice, and milk. A tube is immersed into it and filtration occurs.

The inhaled mixture is cleaned and supplied through another pipe. Supposedly, smoking a hookah is not a cigarette and does not pose any danger. In fact, this is far from the truth.

One of the idle opinions is smoke purification. Due to the presence of filter elements, it seems to be completely safe for both girls and men. This is very attractive because hookah brings an element that shows a special lifestyle.

In fact, the content of nicotine and harmful substances in tobacco is higher; it is a concentrated product. At the same time, the harm is enhanced by the frequency and depth of puffs. Considering that much more smoke comes out when inhaling, the dangerous effect on a person is greater.

Hookah causes nicotine addiction, especially in teenagers. It cannot be harmless, since hazardous substances enter in any case through the inhaled air. Smoking in this way does not change the overall harm. This is an alternative to the traditional way of abusing tobacco products, which means it is very harmful to health.

Negative Impact

Despite assurances that there is nothing dangerous in smoking a hookah, you must always remember several facts.

  1. Going through temperature conditions, the effects of toxins from smoking are enhanced.
  2. For smoking, one pipe is often used, which is passed around, which is not hygienic. There is a threat of various diseases and infections.
  3. Inhaled smoke is especially dangerous during pregnancy.
  4. Passing through the oral cavity, it enters the larynx and stomach. Toxins settle on the walls of the mucous membranes. The risk of getting cancer increases many times over.
  5. Studies have shown that the toxins in the mixture lead to a state of mild euphoria, which explains the effectiveness of hookah when you want to achieve a mild degree of intoxication. In fact, the culprits are dangerous substances that enter the bloodstream with steam, affecting the release of adrenaline, which causes the heart to beat faster and the brain to work in a different mode.

When smoking, the risk of cancer increases due to the impact of the decay products of the tobacco mixture on the lungs, blood, and blood vessels. As a result, all vital organs and systems will suffer, being exposed to the dangerous effects of the smoking mixture.

This becomes a threat to the loss of life, the reduction of its terms. Regardless of fashion, always refuse an offer to smoke a hookah. Think about the fact that your body will suffer much more than you will enjoy.

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Until we meet again, your Evgenia Shestel

Especially young people think little about their health. Smoking a hookah seems like a harmless joy, because the smoke is so light and pleasant. The harm from hookahs for men is similar to the harm from smoking cigarettes, because the tobacco used for hookahs also contains nicotine. In addition, the vapor passes through a glass flask, which is not always filled with water.

The composition of hookah smoke and its effect on men's health

Hookah smoke has a pleasant aroma, the presence of enveloping clouds of steam and a pleasant taste, unlike cigarettes. Men believe that hookah is practically harmless, but this is not true. In many respects, hookah is even more dangerous than cigarettes. From a physiological point of view, inhaling hookah smoke is more dangerous.

When taking a drag from a cigarette, a person takes the smoke into his mouth and then inhales with his lungs. With hookah things are different. When you apply your lips to the mouthpiece, you need to inhale the smoke directly into your lungs. This process tightens the pectoral muscles and diaphragm. Therefore, especially for beginners, the pain that occurs after smoking a hookah is associated precisely with overexertion during inhalation.

What is included in hookah smoke:

  • Directly tobacco itself, which also contains a lot of poisons and carcinogens, just like cigarette tobacco. Nicotine, which is a mild drug and is addictive. For hookahs, tobacco varieties are mainly used: Burley, Oriental, and Virginia.
  • A marinade used for tobacco to prevent it from drying out. Natural honey was previously added to its composition, but this is expensive and impractical, so sugar syrup is used.
  • Flavorings and preservatives. This point is especially important because manufacturers, in order to expand the sales market and in order to attract more interest from their customers, add a lot of impurities that are extremely harmful to the health of men.
  • Glycerol. This additive is widely used in the food industry and in electronic cigarettes to add thickness. It is thanks to glycerin that hookah vapors are so voluminous and fluffy. Glycerin is harmless to the body, but it has one unpleasant property - it absorbs water up to 40% of its own weight, which adds harmfulness to hookah vapors.

Glycerin absorbs water not only in the steam itself, but also in the body when it gets there. It is for this reason that after smoking a hookah, people experience dry mouth and a feeling of dehydration. Glycerin, getting into the lungs, dries out the mucous membrane, so a cough and sore throat may occur.

Glycerin dries out the groin muscles, leading to impotence

By absorbing water in muscle tissue, especially in the groin area, glycerin leads to weakness of these muscles and a decrease in their tone. Therefore, hookah smoking has a detrimental effect on erection. Long-term use of hookah several times a day significantly reduces a person’s libido. A man simply does not experience sexual attraction and desire.

When metabolic processes in the groin muscles are disrupted due to water loss, erections become difficult to control. It can arise spontaneously and completely inappropriately, while when necessary it does not arise at all.

Does hookah affect potency?

The problem of impotence is increasingly developing throughout the world. According to statistics, impotence is twice as common among men who smoke. On the one hand, hookah is less dangerous, since the content of nicotine, tar and carcinogens in its vapor is much less than in cigarette smoke. On the other hand, the vapor contains other impurities that are added by manufacturers to improve the taste and smell.

The effect of hookah on potency is determined not only by the tobacco used, but also by the liquid through which the steam is filtered. Bars and restaurants do not always use ordinary water. Fans of experiments add milk, hemp infusion, and alcoholic products. This makes the pairs even more harmful.

Often a little alcohol is added to the water or white wine is poured into the flask. Ethanol vapor instantly reaches the nerve endings in the brain. The person feels relaxed and intoxicated. Ethanol has a detrimental effect on the functioning of muscle tissue, blocking protein synthesis. Metabolism is disrupted. Over time, under the influence of ethanol vapor mixed with glycerin and nicotine, the groin muscles of men weaken.

When men first try to smoke a hookah, they experience a surge of masculine strength. This is due to the euphoria that the body succumbs to. But such pleasures quickly disappear, replaced by sexual weakness. Impotence develops gradually. It doesn't happen suddenly. Initially, a man periodically cannot get aroused at immediately necessary moments. Spontaneous ejaculation begins to bother you not only in the morning, but also during sexual intercourse.

Regular hookah abuse leads to infertility

Why hookah is harmful to a man’s health:

  • The strain on the lungs when inhaling hookah smoke weakens them. The lungs become clogged with carcinogenic impurities. During sexual intercourse, a man may suffer from severe shortness of breath.
  • The heart muscle weakens from prolonged exposure to nicotine. Metabolic disorders lead to heart obesity. A man cannot withstand intense physical activity for a long time.
  • Nicotine, aggravated by ethanol vapor, leads over time to impotence. It affects one third of all men who smoke.
  • Glycerin vapors, penetrating the body, cause dehydration of all muscles and tissues, including the groin muscles, which leads to erectile dysfunction.
  • The poisons contained in tobacco have a detrimental effect on the maturation of sperm. This can cause a man to become infertile. His sperm are inactive and non-viable.

The overall impact of hookah on men's health is extremely negative: potency decreases, which over time can develop into impotence. Sperm are inactive and lifeless, which results in male infertility. Constant smoking of hookah leads to the fact that sperm do not mature, and therefore cannot participate in the process of conception. Male infertility has become increasingly common in developed countries.

Men suffer from unstable potency and non-viable genetic material, which affects a man’s mental health, since he can no longer perceive himself as a full-fledged representative of the stronger sex. The absence of tar in hookah smoke is an undeniable advantage over cigarettes, which clog the bronchi and lungs, causing cancer. But hookah vapors also contain other pathogenic elements.

Toxins present when smoking hookah

Among fragrances, flavors, and preservatives there are heavy metals and other elements that negatively affect men's health, accumulating in tissues and organs. Components of smoke:

  • Nitrosamines.
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Benzopyrene and anthracene. These elements easily integrate into the crystal lattice in the atoms of body cells, disrupting their functioning. As a result, chronic diseases arise.
  • Volatile aldehydes. Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein. Extremely toxic substances that affect nerve fibers, especially in the brain, including disrupting hormonal background.
  • Heavy metals: arsenic, chromium, lead. Substances hazardous to men's health. They are able to accumulate in cells for a long time without leading to any visible consequences. But at one point their critical mass reaches its apogee - then a man may feel regular headaches, nausea, dry mouth, decreased vitality of the body, as well as problems with potency. The danger lies in the fact that heavy metals are removed from the body with great difficulty and this requires time and a special diet.
  • Carbon monoxide. The gas easily replaces oxygen, penetrating cells throughout the body, causing disruption everywhere.

Heavy metals are especially harmful to men's health. They lead to complete impotence, which is very difficult to cure. Since metals accumulate in cells, it is difficult to remove them from there. Another problem is the harmful effects of toxic elements on the conception and birth of children. Men who smoke are more likely to have children with developmental pathologies or deformities.

It is important not to abuse smoking; it is especially not recommended to combine it with alcohol.

Nicotine and other carcinogens contained in hookah vapors destroy the walls of blood vessels, which can burst. This leads to unstable and weak erections. Nicotine leads to fatty heart and blockage of blood vessels, which ultimately can lead to complete impotence. The harm from hookah for men is a decrease in potency and the occurrence of male infertility. Dehydration causes weakness of the groin muscles, which leads to impotence.

Another important problem is male infertility and the birth of children with developmental pathologies. Hookah vapors do not contain tars, which clog the bronchi and lungs, but have a lot of other impurities, including the so common nicotine, which is addictive and disrupts the functioning of nerve fibers and the vascular system. Impaired blood flow leads to sexual weakness.


The article examines the influence of hookah smoking on the state of the functional systems of the human body. Research data from a number of scientists on this issue is also presented.

smoking hookah

public health

health risk factors

1. Shapovalova T.G., Valuysky P.F., B.T. Katarova, G.M. Baigelova., Magazine No. 3 “Topical issues of developing a healthy lifestyle, disease prevention and health promotion”, On the dangers of smoking in promoting a healthy lifestyle among adolescents. – 2013. – P. 86.

2. VI International Student Electronic Scientific Conference “Student Scientific Forum”, 2014

3. World Health Organization:

4. World Health Organization Study Group on Tobacco Product Regulation (TobReg) an advisory note, 2014.

5. American Association for Cancer Research. Water pipe smoking causes significant exposure to nicotine and cancer-causing agents, 2014.

6. Waterpipe smoking: construction and validation of the Lebanon Waterpipe Dependence Scale (LWDS-11).

8. Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Healthy lifestyle” for 2008–2016.

9. Prevalence of tobacco smoking and lifestyle of children and adolescents in Almaty, Zh.E. Battakova, G.Zh. Tokmurzieva, T.P. Paltusheva, D.O. Dlimbetova. Magazine No. 3 “Topical issues of developing a healthy lifestyle, preventing diseases and promoting health.” Prevalence of tobacco smoking and lifestyle of children and adolescents. – Almaty, 2013. – P. 28.

Today everyone knows that smoking hookah is harmful to human health. However, there are many people who still naively believe that smoking a hookah is harmless fun. According to experts from the World Health Organization, hookah smoking and its effects on the body are no less harmful than smoking cigarettes. Of course, the hookah has a pleasant taste and aroma, ensured by the obligatory addition of dried herb leaves and pieces of fruit to its tobacco. However, tobacco remains tobacco with all its impurities. Therefore, non-smokers who are addicted to hookah also easily become addicted to cigarettes.

Smoking a hookah is a rather long process - 30-40 minutes. During a typical one-hour session, a hookah smoker can inhale as much tobacco smoke as is contained in more than 100 cigarettes. There is no doubt that the smoke inside the flask is filtered, but the smoker inhales a volume of smoke that significantly exceeds the volume that is inhaled when smoking a cigarette. Thus, the harm from one hookah session is equal to the harm from smoking a pack of cigarettes. Like tobacco, hookah smoke, according to research from the World Health Organization, contains large quantities of carbon monoxide, heavy metal salts, beryllium, chromium, cobalt, cotonine, nickel and chemical compounds that cause cancer. However, even after passing through a water filter, the content of these substances in hookah smoke is many times higher than in cigarette smoke. The main difference is the quantity and quality of the tobacco smoke inhaled by the smoker. The water filter retains some of the nicotine, but does not guarantee the safety of smoking and does not prevent addiction.

All tobacco contains a poison that causes addiction - nicotine, and nicotine is a drug that is one of the regulators of the amount of tobacco consumption. The smoker smokes until the body is satisfied with the usual dose of nicotine. It takes 20-80 minutes to satiate your nicotine hunger when smoking a hookah. If a cigarette smoker takes approximately 8-12 puffs within 5-7 minutes and inhales 0.5-0.6 liters of smoke, then when smoking a hookah, 50-200 puffs are taken, each of which contains 0.15-1.0 liters of smoke .

The level of nicotine in the urine after smoking an average dose of hookah increases 73 times, cotinine - 4 times, tobacco nitrosamines, which can cause cancer of the lungs and pancreas - 2 times, and the content of breakdown products of benzene and acrolein, which can cause cancer, also increases. respiratory diseases.

Since hookah smoking is traditionally a group process, the shared use of a hookah mouthpiece by several smokers increases the risk of contracting any serious infectious disease: hepatitis, herpes, tuberculosis, etc.

The problem of passive smoking is not going away. For non-smokers, being in the company of hookah smokers is just as harmful as being in the company of cigarette smokers. Not only carcinogens, but also combustion products of charcoal, which is a flammable substance in hookahs, negatively affect health.

A state of relaxation and euphoria appears in everyone who smokes a hookah. But the negative impact on human health from hookah smoking is not limited to the effects of nicotine. When tobacco is burned slowly or incompletely in a hookah, according to some authors, other narcotic substances are added, but this assumption has not been proven. For this, it has been proven that in hookah smoke passed through water, the concentration of carbon monoxide increases, causing an increase in heart rate and promoting vasodilation. This would seem to be an argument in favor of hookah smoking, but after the blood vessels dilate, they sharply narrow, leading to an increase in blood pressure. This effect is similar to the effect of drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. In addition, carbon monoxide also contributes to a decrease in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

In March 2013, the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan introduced a ban on hookah smoking in public places, including clubs, restaurants, cinemas, as well as in any indoor establishments intended for public recreation. The reason for the adoption of the resolution was the results of a sanitary and epidemiological examination of smoking pipes, hookah liquids and their containers, in which Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, yeast, and fungi that are dangerous to human health were found.

It seems advisable to make a corresponding change to the legislation on a complete ban on synthetic cigarette products, including hookah, within the framework of the law restricting tobacco smoking and the framework Convention. Because despite the official ban on hookah smoking in public places, Kazakhstanis continue to smoke it in cafes and restaurants. But due to the imposed moratorium on business inspections, it is not possible to prove this. Taking advantage of this advantageous position, private entrepreneurs, in pursuit of profit, continue to sell hookahs in their own restaurants and food outlets, without thinking about the health of the population, including young people.

Recently, hookah smoking has become fashionable among young people. Hookah has become an integral attribute of holidays and dinner parties; girls and boys love to take pictures with a hookah and show off their ability to exquisitely inhale and exhale tobacco smoke. Young people who are not educated in health issues believe that smoking cigarettes is harmful to health, but hookah is completely harmless. The fragrant puffs of hookah smoke, in their opinion, calm the nervous system and help relax the body. In addition, they claim that, unlike cigarettes, hookah is not addictive. Youth hookah parties are also not uncommon, where alcoholic drinks (mainly wine) are used in hookahs instead of water, or smoking tobacco is replaced with hemp.

Thus, smoking a hookah is significantly more harmful than smoking cigarettes, and the harm from a hookah can definitely be caused to many systems of the body, and with constant use, not to mention addiction, can have very disastrous consequences. To the question: “Is hookah smoking harmful to health?” You can answer in the affirmative - yes. Hookah smoking is a significant risk factor for chronic pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases, cancer, it is addictive and poses a serious potential danger to the health of the younger generation and is not a harmless alternative to cigarettes.

In order to prevent the harmful effects of hookah smoking on the body of children and adolescents, as well as reduce the risk of motivation to smoke, it is necessary to intensify awareness-raising work about the dangers of hookah on health, both among children and adults, using all sources, including the media and Internet. All of the above suggests the need to create a system of anti-smoking education, especially among students. This can be a fairly effective measure to improve the level of public health.

Bibliographic link

Zhurunova M.S., Abisheva Z.S., Zhetpisbaeva G.D., Asan G.K., Dautova M.B., Aikhozhaeva M.T., Iskakova U.B., Ismagulova T.M. INFLUENCE OF HOOKAH SMOKING ON THE HUMAN BODY // International Journal of Experimental Education. – 2015. – No. 11-4. – P. 539-540;
URL: (access date: 02/22/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"