Biocalcium instructions for use. Tianshi calcium capsules (brain calcium). Properties of calcium powder "Tiens" for children

Just 10-15 years ago, doctors and scientists were sure that a lack of calcium in the human body causes only two main diseases - rickets in children and osteoporosis in the elderly.

Research in recent years has proven that calcium deficiency causes many more diseases - from cardiovascular to cancer. (see below >>>) . The weakening of the immune system alone practically opens the gates to any infection and any disease.

Calcium is an element that maintains normal acid-base balance ( pH) blood level at 7.45. This is one of its main properties, allowing it to really and effectively fight various diseases.

We constantly don't get enough calcium
Calcium is absorbed through food the right quantity only up to 20 years of age (and then only in completely healthy people)!!!
From 20 to 40 years, the absorption of calcium from food constantly decreases due to changes in the composition of gastric juice.
From 40 to 70 years, the calcium content in human bones drops to 60% and all sorts of diseases begin to appear (not only those related to bones
and joints)

The human need for ionized calcium ranges from 800 to 1500 mg per day. According to statistics, a person receives approximately 400 mg of calcium per day from food.

The food we eat contains non-ionized calcium, which is most often converted into calcium phosphate and removed from the body as waste. WITH early age occurs in the process of life constant process removal of calcium from human bones and the entry of new calcium into them in a ratio of approximately 1:3, i.e. Conventionally, calcium leaves the bones in 1 month, and enters them in 3 months.
From the age of 20, the absorption of calcium from food begins to decrease rapidly, which over the years leads to a significant deficiency. The World Health Organization, taking all this into account, announced a competition for best drug calcium, since there was no such thing in the world that would be normally absorbed in the body and would not cause side effects

, in the form of stone formation, calcification.
Many countries took part in the competition, including Russia (D3 Nycomed - submitted to the competition - 40% of assimilation). managed to develop a drug, the absorption of which was 90 - 98%.
The competition was won by the Tianshi corporation, as the manufacturer of this calcium, and received its first gold medal for this.

Fortunately, today there is a way to overcome calcium deficiency, which affects 3 /4 population of the planet.
This means it is possible to warn many terrible diseases or find ways to overcome already acquired ailments.

In order to meet the human body's need for a rational dosage of calcium, the Chinese corporation "Tienshi" produces biologically enriched calcium active drugs.

The merit of the Tiens Corporation is that with the use latest technologies bioengineering, Tiens calcium is easily absorbed by the body by 95-98% (with all other technologies, the bioavailability of calcium ranges from 20 to 40%).

It is also important that the Tianshi series of biocalcium preparations also contain other vital components: B vitamins , A, C, D, E, P , proteins, amino acids (8 types) and 17 microelements without which full absorption of calcium is impossible.

Calcium is one of the main elements of our body.

IN human body Calcium occupies 5th place and importance after the main elements in the body - oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon. Calcium, which is directly involved in the process of life, is in ionized form and makes up 1.5-2% of the human body weight. Calcium is found in bones, teeth, nails, hair - (99%), in blood and soft tissue cells - (1%).

The main functions of calcium in the body

1. Contractive
Calcium is involved in the functioning of ion channels. Thanks to this element, all muscles of the body contract. When it enters a muscle cell, it contracts, and when it leaves, it relaxes. Everything in our body is based on muscle contractions- the work of the heart, intestines, skeletal muscles, eyes, and so on.

2. Transportation
Billions of calcium ions move in and out through biological membranes cells, carry nutritional elements into it and remove waste residues from there to be removed from the body. If their excretion is disrupted, the body becomes acidic, which contributes to a decrease in immunity and the development of various diseases.

3. Connecting
Calcium is involved in the process of connecting and binding cells. Calcium is a binding component - “glue” for inert tissue.

4. Regulatory
Takes part in the regulation of enzyme activity. Affects insulin secretion.

5. Participates in the program nerve impulses
6. Participates in the process of blood clotting
7. Participates in the process of fertilization
8. Creates elasticity to the skin, adds shine to hair and beauty to nails

Plant calcium it is not absorbed in our body

Calcium found in dairy products, bone broth, jellied meat is absorbed in best case scenario by 15%, while you must drink at least one liter of homemade unpasteurized milk daily (pasteurized - 10 liters) or eat jellied meat made from cartilage and bones. But drink a liter homemade milk- a problem because the pancreas, liver and other organs react poorly to this. We don't eat jellied meat every day. It is almost impossible to compensate for calcium deficiency with modern food.

Calcium preparations sold in pharmacies are absorbed at best by 30-40% and after taking them it is advisable to do a test for stone formation. We constantly lose calcium, which is dissolved in the blood, in urine. Under any stress and physical activity

calcium loss occurs in the body.When taking foods that “acidify” the blood (changing pH blood in the acidic direction), we intensively consume calcium (for example, when drinking coffee, the pH of which is 2.2-2.5).

It is not enough to simply consume calcium, the main thing is to absorb it.

There should be about 1% calcium in the blood and soft tissue cells - no more and no less. When there is not enough calcium in the blood, it begins to come from the teeth and bones. With calcium deficiency in the body, the level of the hormone parathyrin, produced by the parathyroid glands, increases, which increases the release of calcium from the bones into the blood and stimulates the excretion of calcium and phosphates by the kidneys. As a result, tooth decay and bone loss occur - osteoporosis, kidney stones form, gallbladder

- urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, deposits on the walls of blood vessels, in the form

atherosclerotic plaques

- atherosclerosis. As a result, all body systems suffer and various diseases develop. required amount ionized calcium in the body and most importantly does not have side effects, unlike others previously known drugs calcium, but on the contrary dissolves stones formed in the body.

The created "Biocalcium" by Tiens is a complex biological product that contains, in addition to calcium, in certain required proportions, all the necessary substances for human life - microelements, amino acids, vitamins.

Considering the versatility of calcium, the Tiens Corporation has used it as the basis for its products.

Biocalcium "Tiens" is absorbed almost instantly and completely and eliminates the problem of calcium deficiency in the body.

It perfectly restores bones by being absorbed into bone tissue. Takes part in all vital activities important processes. Helps maintain a slightly alkaline blood reaction of 7.0-7.4 pH, at which work is normalized thyroid gland, liver, kidneys and other organs, immunity increases, the functions of the whole body are restored, conditions are created under which all kinds of diseases do not develop.

Based on Biocalcium developed whole line calcium preparations, intended for children, for the treatment of osteochondrosis, for patients with diabetes, to improve brain activity.

Signs of calcium deficiency in the human body.
1. Numbness in the limbs.
2. Aching pain in the legs and lower back, pain in the joints, forearms and muscles.
3. Cramps during sleep or exercise.
4. Nervous tic or muscle twitching, tingling.
5. Curvature of the spine, bones of the lower extremities.
6. Caries, crumbling teeth, toothache, bleeding gums.
7. Weak growth bones, fractures.
8. Insomnia or drowsiness (sleep disturbance).
9. General weakness, malaise.
10. Frequent colds.
11. Hypertension, dizziness.
12. Stone formation in various organs.
13. Poor memory.
14. Thyroid dysfunction.
15 Overweight or underweight.
16. Dry skin, brittle hair, nails, deformation of nails.
17. Poor clotting for cuts.
18. Heavy menstruation.
19. Strong heartbeat (tachycardia), irregular heartbeat.
20. Diseases of blood vessels.
21. Arthritis, rheumatism.
22. Tendency to allergic reactions.
23. Oncological diseases - tumors.
24. Rapid aging of the body.

Powder "Tienshi" with calcium ( dietary supplement) is an easily digestible form of everything useful that it contains, in our case it is calcium. Biologically active additive, specially designed for children for whom calcium is vital for the development of the skeleton, teeth, tendons and is involved in other formation processes. Chinese nutritionists and pediatricians have long been familiar with this method of replenishing missing substances in the body, this is part traditional medicine of this country. The effectiveness is time-tested, and the buyer’s task is to purchase an authentic product. So, let's find out...

Other dietary supplements from Tiens:

Properties of calcium powder "Tiens" for children

It is difficult to invent and offer something for children without fearing for their health. Everything must certainly be the best. If there is food, then it should be complete, balanced, and as nutritious as possible. For example, in adults it is possible to diagnose a lack of some microelement or vitamin and quickly make up for it, but in children this will cause an imbalance and developmental delay, possibly even deformity. Therefore, responsibility for children's health very heavy.

The main thing that the manufacturers of Tianshi powder for children adhere to is not treatment, but only maintenance normal level calcium, so that the baby does not develop diseases associated with posture, problems with blood clotting, disruption of metabolic processes in cells, etc. It is always easier to cope with such troubles with mother’s milk, but it comes childhood when breasts are no longer needed. It is Tienshi powder that will help such children maintain their bones and avoid serious illnesses in the future.

Calcium powder also contains colecalciferol (Vit D3), which promotes calcium absorption. The Tienshi dietary supplement also contains amino acids, fatty acids, and microelements (including zinc lactate, which is involved in the production of pituitary hormones).

Calcium composition "Tiens" for children

The powder is indeed an easily digestible form and is healthier for children than pills. Everything that this product contains is passed into the baby’s body, into his blood. Here's what useful material contains "Tienshi" (in descending order):
  • milk powder (5420 mg);
  • calcium powder (2200 mg);
  • isomaltooligosaccharide (1500 mg);
  • creamer or dry vegetable cream (500 mg);
  • egg yolk, dry (300 mg);
  • maltodextrin (33.6 mg);
  • aspartame or E951, sugar substitute (35 mg);
  • or L-ascorbic acid(6 mg);
  • taurine (2.8 mg);
  • zinc lactate (1.5 mg);
  • iron lactate (1 mg);
  • vitamin A (0.091 mg);
  • vitamin D3 or colicalciferol (0.002 mg)
This full list all vitamins and microelements, so mothers need to carefully read everything that is indicated on the package. And it’s even better to consult a doctor.

Tianshi calcium powder for children has harmful food supplement aspartame (E951) is extra additive and she is harmful! Let them not fill people’s heads with the fact that this has no effect on a person. Taurine is also not important.

The benefits of children's calcium powder "Tiens"

Many mothers believe that there is nothing better for babies breast milk, and are right. Perhaps their children only need drops of vitamin D, which pediatricians prescribe for rickets and regular vaccinations. Moreover, there are mothers who feed their children with milk formulas (this is also considered balanced diet). Tianshi calcium powder is safer for older children, and is even useful when changing teeth from milk teeth to molars, during a period of intensive growth.

Let's list everything beneficial features calcium powder "Tienshi" for children:


  • Patients with phenylketanuria should not use dietary supplements.
  • Consumption of calcium powder can be dangerous for people who have an individual intolerance to this product.
  • Pregnant women and breastfeeding their babies should also refrain from using Tienshi dietary supplements. Although there are some mothers who actively drink this calcium powder during pregnancy and everything was fine and even better than it could have been. But, it is better to consult your doctor once again.

Cost of children's calcium from Tiens

In Ukraine, calcium for children is sold for 466 UAH. (one package), if you are a distributor, you can buy it for 432 UAH. In Russia, the price of a pack is about 1,790 rubles.

One package contains 10 sachets of 10 g of cream-colored powder. This is enough for 10 days.
Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacture.
Store: in a cool, dry place (not in direct sunlight).

Instructions for use of children's calcium

According to the instructions in the instructions for the powder, it is written that children from 5 years old can drink it. They are asked to drink 1 sachet 1–2 times a day (in general, practice shows that it is enough to drink only 1 sachet in the evening). The course is 1–2 months.

It is not necessary to prepare the powder for use; it can be added to an already prepared dish (preferably to porridge in the morning). Few children will drink Tienschi powder dissolved in warm water, although this is considered more correct. It tastes very pleasant, sweet, milky. Children love to drink it, and this is very important!

Warm up the water slightly (35–50 °C) in an amount of 100–150 ml and dilute a powder with a high calcium content for children in it. It is recommended to drink calcium in between meals: an hour or two before and after meals. It is better to drink at night before bed, an hour after your last meal. This way, children’s calcium will be better absorbed.

Main features of the product:
Thanks to enzymolytic processing, the product contains many nutrients, preserving their natural properties, therefore it is a product of fine processing and is easily digestible.
The ratio of calcium and fluoride is the most rational for absorption by the body.
Contains carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements, including magnesium.
Low fat, low calorie.
Product components of natural origin without antiseptic additives.
Does not contain sucrose; the taste is soft and aromatic.

Main product components:
enzymolytic bone calcium powder – 25%,
vitamins (including vitamin A – 5800 MO, C – 76 mg per 100 g),
microelements (iron – 10 mg per 100 g),
low fat powdered milk – 30%,
cocoa – 3%,
hydrogenated soybean oil - 5%,
dipotassium phosphate,
mono- and diglycerides,
natural vanilla flavoring.

A lack of ionic calcium in the body causes:
among women - aching pain in the legs and lower back, insomnia, bad memory, constant malaise, thyroid dysfunction, disorder internal secretion, myosthenia, rapid aging, rheumatism,
in middle and old age (for everyone) – osteoporosis, hyperostosis, impotence, numbness in the limbs, pain and discomfort in the lumbar region, stoop, hypertension, diabetes, constipation, drowsiness, general malaise, convulsions, psychasthenia, stone disease, decreased growth, vascular diseases of the blood and brain, vascular sclerosis, dullness, cancer, etc.

for osteoporosis of bones and teeth;
to improve blood clotting;
as a general tonic;
For caries prevention teeth;
at cardiovascular diseases;
at oncological diseases.

Complements daily need in calcium with modern poor nutrition of every person.

for osteoporosis of any origin,
in patients with any manifestations of allergies,
at endocrine diseases, including diabetes and thyroid diseases,
cardiovascular, including atherosclerosis,
oncological diseases,
diseases nervous system,
diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, chondrodystrophy, etc.),
for the prevention of caries,
hypogalactia (lack of milk in nursing breasted women),
in case of bad brittle hair, nails, with acne,
during menopause,
as well as for many other diseases and conditions.

There are no absolutes. Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Mode of application:
Dissolve the contents of 0.5 sachet in 100 ml clean water with a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees C (with more high temperature– the powder will coagulate), but not in tea, coffee or caffeine-containing liquids (caffeine blocks the absorption of calcium), drink, stirring, after meals. Take 1-2 times a day.
For colds: one coffee spoon every 2 hours up to 6-8 times a day, for 3 days.

Dosage: 0.5 - 1 sachet per day.

Release form: 10 sachets of 10 grams per package

Price: 7560 tenge

"Tiens Calcium" is a drug that allows you to replenish the daily need for calcium, taking into account poor nutrition modern man. This medicine is indicated for many diseases. Most often it is prescribed for osteoporosis, diabetes and thyroid pathologies. What is the peculiarity of the supplement, and how to take it correctly?

"Tiens Calcium": features

This drug is manufactured in accordance with modern bioengineering technologies. In this case, the recipes of Chinese traditional medicine are taken into account. "Tienshi Calcium" is sold in powder form. In addition to the main component, the product contains additional nutrients that are necessary for the body's cells.

Among the features of the drug, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • The drug has high degree digestibility. This figure is 98%. This is achieved through high biotechnologies.
  • Calcium ions are associated with proteins involved in the process of moving this substance into cells.
  • The drug is made exclusively from natural raw materials. In addition to calcium, it contains a variety of vitamins and microelements: more than 20 additional components.
  • Ideal for both adults and children. Safe and does not cause side effects. Medicine can restore calcium reserves in the body. Tiens Calcium powder is a product intended for intensive cell nutrition.

Basic composition of the supplement

The drug "Tienshi Calcium", reviews of which are mostly positive, is bone calcium powder, which is obtained from the vertebrae of large cattle. For its production, only fresh raw materials are used. The main component is isolated by enzymatic treatment.

In addition, the drug contains:

  • B vitamins: B 1, B 2, B 5, B 12.
  • Folic acid.
  • Vitamins D, C, E, A, K.
  • 17 trace elements: selenium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, silicon, manganese, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium.
  • Maltodextrin.
  • Mono- and diglycerols.
  • Dipotassium phosphate.
  • Lecithin.
  • Silica.
  • Skimmed milk powder.
  • Soybean hydrogenated oil.
  • Cocoa.
  • Natural flavoring - vanilla.

What is contained in 100 grams of product

One packet of the supplement contains up to 400 mg of calcium. 100 grams of the drug contains:

  • 25 g calcium.
  • 30 g milk powder.
  • 35 g oligosaccharide.
  • 3 g cocoa.
  • 1 g aspartame.
  • 0.18 g vitamins.
  • 5.82 g of auxiliary components.

Particular attention should be paid to the main microelements that "Tiens Calcium" contains.


Magnesium ensures calcium absorption. This substance is an intracellular element that also retains potassium. The more magnesium there is, the better calcium will be absorbed. A decrease in reserves of this component may be caused by the following factors:

  • Low content and water. It is worth noting that the element is destroyed when boiled.
  • When using antibiotics, folic acid, iron supplements, sugar, fatty acids, laxatives, diuretics, sedatives, some contraceptives, caffeine, alcohol and potassium supplements significantly reduce the absorption of magnesium.

"Tienshi Calcium" allows you to replenish the reserves of this substance and significantly improve the process of assimilation of other useful elements.

Iron and iodine

As for iron, this substance is one of the main microelements. It allows our body to perform functions such as breathing. A lack of this component can lead to the development of many diseases. Iron is found in respiratory pigments in the blood, including myoglobin and hemoglobin. This substance is involved in all processes that are associated with the transport of oxygen to tissues and carbon dioxide from tissues to the respiratory organs. In addition, iron stimulates the functions of hematopoietic organs.

Iodine is also necessary for our body. This component of the drug "Tienshi Calcium" is necessary for normal operation brain It takes part in the production of thyroid hormone of the thyroid gland and energy metabolic processes, and also affects activity immune system person. Iodine helps reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

Copper and manganese

Copper actively stimulates the formation of blood cells and the production of female hormones, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, takes part in the formation of elastin and bone formation. This component is necessary to maintain normal condition joints, as well as the nervous system.

As for manganese, this substance is also important for the normal functioning of the body. The component takes an active part in many biochemical processes, including the exchange and synthesis of neurotransmitters, immune response, bone formation, lipid and insulin metabolism, lipid oxidation.

"Calcium Tiens" contains many microelements, and each of them is simply necessary for our body to function normally. If there is a lack of one or another component, the risk of developing serious illness. Therefore, the company has developed a drug not only for adults, but also released “Tienshi Calcium” for children. Reviews indicate the effectiveness of this supplement. Thanks to unique composition the drug allows you to replenish nutrients in cells and restore some body functions.

For what diseases is it prescribed?

When to take "Tienshi Calcium"? Reviews from doctors indicate that this supplement can reduce the risk of developing many diseases. The drug is often prescribed in the presence of such ailments as:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for example, arthrosis, arthritis, and so on;
  • allergic reaction;
  • tendon damage and bone fractures;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • psychosthenia;
  • convulsions;
  • arachnoiditis;
  • discirculatory encephalopathy;
  • vertebrogenic lesions of the nervous system;
  • migraine;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neurasthenia;
  • neuralgia of the facial and trigeminal nerves;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • dry skin;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and so on;
  • constipation

As a preventive measure

Brain calcium "Tiens" is often prescribed as prophylactic. It can be taken:

  • during sessions and exams;
  • with increased physical and mental stress;
  • when a stressful situation occurs;
  • if hair and skin have lost their elasticity and shine;
  • V adolescence when intensive growth of the body begins;
  • for the prevention of caries and periodontal disease;
  • with memory impairment, dizziness and insomnia;
  • at increased irritability, drowsiness and general malaise.

Mode of application

How to take "Tienshi Calcium" correctly? The instructions say that the contents of one sachet must be poured warm water. In this case, the temperature of the liquid should not exceed 40°C. IN otherwise will happen In other words, the powder will simply curdle.

After diluting with water, the drug must be thoroughly mixed and then drunk 15 minutes before meals. The powder can also be added directly to food. It is best to mix it with yogurt, cottage cheese dessert or with cottage cheese. You should not add "Tienshi Calcium" to coffee or tea. These drinks contain caffeine, which prevents the main component of the supplement from being absorbed well.

Dosage of the drug

For those who suffer colds, it is recommended to consume 1 sachet of "Tienshi Calcium" every 30 minutes during the day. The powder must be diluted sufficiently large quantities water: from 500 to 800 ml. Those who suffer from insomnia should take 1/3 of a sachet for two weeks, and then 1/2.

In the presence of other diseases and for the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to take “Tienshi Calcium” in combination with rosehip infusion. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of fruit with a glass of boiling water and leave it in a thermos for 12 hours. Course of therapy in in this case ranges from 1 to 3 months. It is recommended to take from 1/2 to 1 sachet of the drug at one time.

Who should avoid the supplement?

The drug "Calcium Tiens" has many advantages. He can improve general state person. However, there is a list of contraindications. In some cases, the additive can only do harm. First of all, the drug is prohibited for those who suffer from a disease such as phenylketonuria.

In addition, you should avoid the supplement if you have an individual intolerance to any of the components of the product. Also, experts do not recommend taking "Tienshi Calcium" during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Of course, many women neglect this rule, but you should not take risks, but rather consult with specialists.

Total calcium of Tianshi is a fruit modern technology, it is formulated according to a specific recipe and contains many nutrients in a concentrated form and in a balanced dosage.

Vendor code:

10 sachets

Price: 0 rub 1710 rub

In our store you can profitably and cheaply buy Tianshi biocalcium, Ca powder with high content calcium. This is not calcium carbonate, not calcium acetate, not calcium gluconate, not calcium glycerophosphate, and not even superfine biocalcium hua shen, we offer to buy biocalcium tianshi, which is the most digestible by the body and gives good results in treatment and general health person. I only come across good reviews about Tianshi biocalcium for children, general, splat, gai bao and brain. I hope grateful buyers will leave a lot here too good reviews about biocalcium from Tibet. Our store has a very low price for biocalcium; we work directly with the manufacturer.

Main components of biological calcium:

    calcium ion stabilized by amino acid residues;

vitamins A, group B, C, D, E, folic acid;

17 microelements;

The amount of calcium in 1 pack. - 400 mg.

Indications, instructions for use of Tianshi biocalcium:

  • biocalcium - used for osteoporosis of any origin;
  • Tianshi calcium - used in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis;
  • biocalcium helps with osteochondrosis, arthrosis;
  • calcium thiens is used for allergic conditions;
  • biocalcium - helps with bronchial asthma;
  • Ca powder helps with diabetes;
  • Ca powder helps for diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • Ca powder helps in treatment for diseases of the nervous system;
  • Tianshi biocalcium - for arrhythmia, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, hypertension;
  • biocalcium is used to prevent caries;
  • Ca tianshi good remedy for acne;
  • A good remedy for brittle hair and nails;
  • Medicine for hypolactia;
  • A good drug for menopause;
  • A good remedy for hypoimmune conditions;
  • remedy for infertility, menstrual irregularities, uterine bleeding, sexual dysfunction;
  • Good treatment for cancer;
  • A good remedy for autoimmune diseases(including systemic lupus erythematosus), scleroderma, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis...

Intended use of Tianshi calcium:

The dosage of calcium is prescribed for each individual, but usually on average 1 sachet once a day.

One package contains 10 sachets of high calcium powder.

Tianshi calcium powder: every 100 g of product contains 4000 mcg of Ca. Sa Tianshi powder is better absorbed than super fine biocalcium Hua Shen

The Tiens company produces powder with a high calcium content as a natural biocomplex (i.e., it is presented in such a decomposed form, as if the body produced it, made it itself), so for the absorption of biocalcium Tiens does not require any additional conditions: normal acidity gastric juice, enzymes, proteins... That's why it is also called biocalcium. This is how it differs from calcium supplements other manufacturers: calcium gluconate, calcium glycerophosphate, calcium carbonate, super fine biocalcium hua shen.

Calcium Tiens this is an ion. It is stabilized by amino acid residues and already within the first 15 minutes. begins to work in the body, enters the cell and begins to act, the coefficient of absorption of calcium by the body is 98%.

Powder with high calcium content Biocalcium Tianshi low in fat and free of sucrose. The taste is very soft, aromatic, even if you are in the habit of only eating something sweet, the product will be to your taste. All components of the product are of natural origin, without the addition of preservatives.