Tattoos on a woman's body in intimate places. Tattoos on intimate places for men: the most intimate options. Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

Intimate tattoos are no less in demand than tattoos in accessible visible places on the body. Therefore, it is worth separately considering what such works are in general and what they look like. The most common intimate tattoos for men, such as banana, snake, dragon, elephant, monsters, Pinocchio, all have their own special meaning.

Each drawing can also be executed in different interesting styles and shades; the article will offer current trends. When choosing a sketch, you should pay attention to fashionable ideas and their interpretations, and only then draw up your own original sketch and follow the advice of experts. All this will be described in more detail with photos in the article below.

Since a tattoo on intimate places, namely in the groin, on the pubis, on the butt, directly on the penis or on the balls, is accessible only to the owner himself, it does not entail any special sacred meaning. But at the same time it is not a simple decorative element. Let's look at the sexiest and coolest ideas and their decoding:

Banana– it is most often placed on the pubic part or on the penis, drawing an association between it and the male genital organ. There is no semantic meaning here; rather, it is a cool idea.

Snake– a man can apply a snake wrapped around the penis or eggs, or only its scales covering the genital organ. This is a sign of his passionate, ardent nature.

The Dragon– a creature located on the penis, and its spread wings on the groin, will look original. The man seems to call his organ a fire-breathing lizard that emits flames.

Elephant- the most creative guys stuff the elephant in the intimate area, where the penis will act as the trunk. No subtext is provided in such an experiment, except for a sense of humor and a manifestation of imagination.

Monster- these can be various mythical characters, frightening creatures, as a hint that the guy himself is a courageous and powerful male, dominating his partner.

Pinocchio– another manifestation of humor, when a guy places Pinocchio’s head in the groin area, and instead of his nose, a penis protrudes. You shouldn’t look for any subtext in such work, other than the desire to show off your dignity.

Flame– tongues of fire in the groin area speak of an emotional and passionate nature, which is sometimes even prone to aggression. In the intimate sphere, such a guy is dominant and an active, temperamental partner.

Rabbits- a symbol of fertility, sexuality in the owner, his sensuality and dependence on intimate life.

Bumblebee, bee– a subconscious desire to taste the nectar of sexual life, increasing attractiveness in the eyes of a partner.

Lizard- such a sketch anywhere on the body will work as a talisman, giving a man wisdom and good luck.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

Practice shows that more than 5% of men are ready to get a tattoo directly on the penis. We can talk about such experimenters as cool guys with an unconventional approach to life. But it is important to remember that serious symbols, signs and pictures with sacred meaning are contraindicated here, otherwise they may not work for the benefit of the owner.

Features of tattoos on intimate places in men

A tattoo on an intimate place is not only a way of self-expression and aesthetics, it is also a great opportunity to influence a sexual partner. Psychologists say that this is a sign of dissatisfaction with sex life and a desire to change something in it and achieve sexual harmony.

Let's look at the advantages of such a bold decision:

  • Aesthetic pleasure– an act of this nature can add variety to the relationship and a touch of piquancy, attracting the attention of a woman;
  • camouflage– such drawings do not have to be hidden from others, they are, therefore, accessible only to the sexual partner;
  • painlessness– almost everywhere the procedure for applying a tattoo will not cause discomfort and pain due to the fat layer;
  • self-expression– this is also a way to increase self-esteem, correct your attitude towards yourself, life and intimacy;
  • low price– since the size and complexity of the design here are small, the cost of the work will also be relatively low.

There are also disadvantages, especially if the salon client has a low pain threshold. Also, in such places the risk of allergic reactions increases. Also, age-related changes can cause the drawing to become irrelevant.

Is it painful to get a tattoo in intimate areas?

The degree of pain of tattooing in the intimate area depends on a number of factors. Therefore, it is stupid and inappropriate to focus on the feelings of the friend who made the tattoo. What reduces sensitivity:

  • thick skin;
  • fat layer;
  • minimum nerve endings;
  • minimum blood vessels nearby;
  • high pain threshold.

Most masters note that work on the buttocks, below the navel and in the groin is relatively easy and painless for guys. Directly on the penis it will be more painful, since there is thin skin and many blood vessels.

Have you already decided on an intimate tattoo?


Styles and colors that are popular for tattoos in intimate places for men

Today, masters practice a huge number of styles and trends, thanks to which the same picture can be executed in completely different versions. Regardless of the selected sketch, the styles can be as follows:

3d– a hit of 2019, a realistic and three-dimensional image of a drawing with an optical illusion effect;

realism– believable representation of the sample through the use of light and shade;

blackwork– brutal monochrome drawings by men using only black paint;

finishing touches– creation of a drawing by dots;

minimalism– simplified sketch image;

Chicano– gangster color drawings;

old school– a classic in the field of tattooing;

new school– a new creative version of the sketch image.

The drawing can be either monochrome, that is, the artist uses only a black and white color palette, or color, where basic colors and their similar shades are used.

Inscriptions with meaning

The most common type of tattoo for men is inscriptions; they are also relevant in the form of application to the intimate area. The following words are most often depicted in the groin and penis:

  • "extra long"
  • "Welcome",
  • "destroyer",
  • "lover",
  • “the last warrior”, etc.

One thing is certain, in this way the guys show imagination and creativity, and for greater aesthetics they select interesting fonts, languages ​​and symbols. Oriental hieroglyphs will look original.


The largest and brightest pictures can be depicted below the abdomen, closer to the groin and on the buttocks. Images such as animals, birds, sea inhabitants, and plants look original and stylish.


Drawings with wild animals and predators will identify oneself with them. That is, the guy associates himself with the chosen character, emphasizes his instincts, danger, strength and masculinity. Who could it be:

  • elephant;
  • wolf;
  • bear;
  • panther;
  • jaguar;
  • tiger;
  • lion, etc.


If the choice fell on a bird, the tattoo will speak of the owner’s independence and love of freedom. If the bird is a bird of prey, it is also a manifestation of strength, leadership, and determination. Who could it be:

  • owl;
  • crow;
  • hawk;
  • eagle;
  • owl;
  • falcon.


Different flowers and trees are the choice of sensual, romantic and creative individuals. A drawing in the groin will speak of amorous, passionate nature; these could be the following sketches:

  • peony;
  • rose;
  • lotus;
  • orchid;
  • thistle;
  • tree.

Sea inhabitants

Various fish and other inhabitants of the sea (ocean) are the personification of a curious adventurer, a lover of intrigue, drama, and new discoveries. Ideas worth trying:

  • shark;
  • dolphin;
  • carp;
  • Starfish;
  • octopus;
  • catfish, etc.


Another relevant topic, despite the piquancy of the place for tattooing, is symbolism. Guys may consider options such as:

  • compass;
  • anchor;
  • Sun;
  • heart;
  • key;
  • castle, etc.

It is not customary to stuff sacred and magical symbols into the groin area, such as amulets, talismans, religious signs, runes, ancient patterns and ornaments. This may cause a “reverse effect” when the symbol worsens the quality of life.

For a tattoo to be a thoughtful and carefully weighed decision, the guy needs to determine the following criteria:

  • sketch– the drawing must be drawn up independently, without using other people’s ideas;
  • location– work can be on the groin, in the buttocks, genitals, lower back;
  • scale– you need to think in advance how large the sketch will be, how much skin area it should occupy;
  • style and color– upon arrival to the master, a man needs to firmly decide on the style, as well as the colors in the drawing;
  • meaning– the guy must understand what exactly he wants to convey with such an act, what meaning the tattoo carries.

Important! Due to the sensitivity of the place on the body under a tattoo, it is extremely important for a potential client to find an experienced artist. Saving means risking your health, since we are talking about genitals and serious consequences. And removing low-quality work with a laser will be many times more expensive and painful.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

You need to get a tattoo in a reliable salon that has a website on the Internet, reviews, recommendations, modern equipment, professional inks, and experienced artists. Only in this case will the service provide guarantees of safety and quality.

What is better to avoid in the context of a tattoo on the pubic area? The list of the stupidest ideas includes the following:

  • satanic symbols, which always attract negativity and danger;
  • prison stories that repel, create the wrong impression about the owner;
  • subcultural symbols that may provoke conflicts of interest;
  • names that sooner or later they will lose their meaning;
  • love ideas, which always have a temporary effect.

For reference! A win-win option is a tattoo that will balance with the image and character of the owner, and even over the years will not lose its relevance.

You can go to the master only if you are in excellent physical shape and have a stable psycho-emotional state.


If you are in doubt about whether it is worth getting a tattoo in the groin area, what ideas might be interesting, how best to convey your ideas, in the article you will find answers to all your questions. And the given advantages and disadvantages of such an experiment, as well as advice from experts regarding application, can push you to the right decision.

Tattoos are a true fine art on the human body. People decorated their bodies with indelible inscriptions and drawings hundreds of years ago. Today, tattoo culture has reached a new level, technology is constantly being improved, and there are more and more people who want to decorate themselves for many years. You can get tattoos not only on open areas of the body, but also in intimate places - completely secret and invisible to prying eyes. Contrary to popular stereotypes, intimate tattoos have many advantages: they inevitably seduce, intrigue and surprise.

Tattoos on intimate places are quite in demand - it is quite possible that your friends also have little secrets that they are ready to share only with their significant other. You can decide to get such a tattoo for many reasons, for example, to please a loved one, to feel more sexy, or to diversify your personal life. Intimate tattoos can be located in the following places:

  • on the buttocks;
  • in the chest area;
  • on the lower back;
  • on the pubis;
  • in the lower abdomen.

Depending on the choice of location, the tattoo can be partially open to prying eyes or completely hidden. If a tattoo on the lower back or stomach can be shown to others with the help of revealing clothing, then the design on the pubic area will remain your little secret. If you believe the representatives of the stronger sex, even the thought that a girl has an intimate tattoo literally drives you crazy. Thus, we can conclude that the main goal of this type of tattoo is to seduce and conquer.

Intimate Tattoo Ideas

You can get absolutely any tattoo on intimate places - it all depends on your imagination and the level of skill of the artist. It is important to forget about prejudices and think about what you really like. There are several motifs that look best on intimate areas of the body. Firstly, these are the inscriptions. They can be in any language - from English to Arabic. Chinese characters are extremely popular (the main thing is to translate them correctly to avoid possible incidents). It is not recommended to write the names of your loved ones, unless you are 100% sure of the seriousness and duration of your relationship.

Animalistic motifs

The ideal choice is cute animals that suit the feminine nature so much. Passion, grace and sexuality are embodied by images of cats. A cat on the pubic area or buttock is one of the classic options for an intimate tattoo. Also, girls often prefer bears, insects, reptiles, wolves and birds. Each symbol embodies certain character qualities, so any choice will be positively received by the tattoo artist. Such tattoos can be colored or made with black paint - it all depends on your taste preferences.

Flowers and plants

Roses, peonies, lilies, poppies and other flowers look great on girls' intimate places. Since ancient times, they have embodied beauty and femininity, so it is not surprising that they are so often preferred as long-lasting jewelry. Flowers and other plants look especially attractive on the innermost parts of the body. It doesn’t matter in what style they are made, plant motifs turn every representative of the fair sex into a queen.


You can also decorate intimate parts with the help of abstract symbols - hearts, stars, etc. Such tattoos look best in a small size: hidden from prying eyes, they will definitely make your loved one’s heart beat many times faster. Even people who reject tattoo culture will like small intimate pictures. They are like a small and always appropriate decoration, to the taste of absolutely everyone.

Original ideas

Recently, girls prefer to decorate their bodies with skulls and original revolvers. Tattoos in the form of stocking garters or lace are popular. Lace motifs are great not only for the hips, but also for the area under the bust. In the chest area, mandalas and Vedic patterns also look appropriate, embodying the girl’s calm and harmonious inner state.

Intimate tattoos are a way to diversify your personal life and add bright and unforgettable sensations to it. With them, every day with your loved one will turn into an endless first date, full of stunning emotions. But it is important to remember that tattoos in intimate places do not have to be done for someone - with their help you can simply please yourself and love your own body even more.

Good afternoon, today I present to your attention a very interesting topic in the field of tattooing -

intimate tattoos, tattoos on intimate places and the meaning of intimate tattoos. Let's start in order.

Intimate tattoos and what they mean to us.

Why do we make intimate tattoos on our bodies? Just like an ordinary tattoo, just because you want it, and sometimes in order to stand out from the crowd. Women's intimate tattoos not only decorate but also excite our male imagination. Women's intimate tattoo is very beautiful and sexy, often young girls get such tattoos for their beloved men, let's say an intimate gift and for variety. By the way, intimate tattoos do not mean that the tattoo will be done somewhere in a sexy place; it can be done on the arm, back, neck and any other place. Girls usually get a wide variety of intimate tattoos, but mostly they are some beautiful flowers, a cat, a butterfly, an inscription with the name of a loved one, etc. Men's intimate tattoos, everything is much simpler here, basically these are quite simple drawings of a quality mark, an inscription, an image of a naked girl. It’s sad to say, but men’s intimate tattoos are not that interesting. And not many men have the desire to get an intimate tattoo.

The meaning of intimate tattoos.

Let's now talk about the meaning of intimate tattoos. Contrary to the prevailing opinion that intimate tattoos have some kind of meaning than an ordinary tattoo, I’ll tell you right away that this is not so, if for example you get a tattoo in the form of a butterfly on an intimate place, then the meaning of this tattoo will be the same as that of an ordinary butterfly tattoo, the meaning does not change anyway, that's how it is.

Excerpts from the story about intimate tattoos, as well as the place of their application.

In ancient times, tattoos on intimate places showed the opposite sex their readiness for sexual relations.

relationships, and paid attention to very specific parts of the body. Nowadays, the main reason why representatives of both sexes apply tattoos to intimate areas is the desire to stand out, draw attention to their body, and emphasize sexuality.
Intimate tattoos are applied using various colors and shades. In order to emphasize your individuality, an intimate tattoo may not be large at all.

Intimate places on a woman’s body that are popular when applying intimate tattoos are the chest, hips, pubis, and tailbone. Most often, the chest, pubis and tailbone are chosen for intimate tattoos.
Much depends on the physiology of the person himself. If a girl has small breasts, then why pay attention to them. Or vice versa, those with beautiful breasts can emphasize their dignity with an intimate tattoo.
As tattoo artists say, the most common design is paws with claws. As psychologists say, such a drawing expresses a woman’s readiness for passionate sex. Most girls get themselves a temporary colored intimate tattoo.

Women's intimate tattoos were popular long before our era. For example, in the fourth millennium BC. the inhabitants of Mesopotamia decorated their chests with the sun, moon and stars, floral ornaments were depicted on their stomachs, and the “king’s house” was depicted below. Such intimate tattoos were almost an integral decoration of the female body.

The topics of modern intimate tattoos are very diverse and depend on the goal that the woman wants to achieve. In artistic tattooing, intimate sketches are not always erotic in nature. Intimacy is rather determined by the location of the pattern: on the chest, lower abdomen, buttocks, pubis and below the lower back. For every representative of the fairer sex, such a tattoo carries a special meaning.

Intimate tattoos for girls usually symbolize individuality, originality, purity and femininity. The floral theme in such cases is most relevant. Often flowers are selected according to the horoscope sign. Violet is recommended for Aries, daisies for Taurus, hawthorn for Gemini, oak leaves for Cancer, holly for Leo, hazel branches for Virgo, bindweed for Libra, hop flowers for Scorpio, chrysanthemum for Sagittarius, holly for Capricorn, snowdrop for Aquarius, primrose for Pisces .

But intimate tattoos for women most often serve to spice up relationships, intrigue, and diversify sexual relationships.

Not every woman chooses erotic drawings. This topic is much more popular among men. But tattoos on intimate places are more often done by women.

The main theme for tattoos on the chest are flowers - a symbol of tenderness and beauty. There is an opinion that tattoos on the chest are dangerous. But in fact, in the absence of pathologies, such a tattoo does not threaten anything. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is age-related changes. It is not recommended to tattoo the nipples; they are usually framed with patterns of flowers or ornaments.

Intimate pubic tattoos are erotic or symbolic in nature. In addition to flowers, butterflies, cats, and scorpions are especially popular.

Until recently, the image of a butterfly was considered a distinctive sign of prostitutes. But now, when tattoo art takes on a more artistic meaning, many symbols and images have regained the original meanings that our ancestors gave them. The butterfly is a symbol of rebirth, freedom, beauty and sophistication. Among different peoples, the butterfly was endowed with the best qualities and was associated with the human soul and immortality.

Scorpio in Japan is considered a symbol of courage; in combination with a flower - fidelity, love, and a long married life.

Cats represent grace, sexuality, unpredictability, and self-sufficiency.

Wild cats symbolize courage, strength, freedom.

The mystery of this animal gives erotic meaning to cat drawings. In many cultures, cats were considered sacred animals and were endowed with magical powers.

With the development of realism in tattoo art, images of portraits and photographs are becoming popular. As intimate tattoos for girls, a photo of a lover is symbolic - a sign of fidelity and eternal love. Most often this is an original gift for a man. Although, for an intimate tattoo, the photo is not entirely suitable due to physiological characteristics.

By getting a tattoo on intimate places, you can forget about prejudices - after all, this kind of jewelry is absolutely not intended for prying eyes. Here you can realize all your imagination and desires.

Natka 2014-11-05 16:38:34
I really like guys with nipple piercings because they can't feed them.
Louise 2016-09-16 23:33:10 tml

The art of tattooing develops along with society, becoming more interesting and diverse. People have been decorating their own bodies with drawings since ancient times, and today you won’t surprise anyone with completely covered “sleeves” or even a tattoo on the face. Such designs have become the norm, and in order to somehow stand out and impress their partner, men and women began to get intimate tattoos.

Drawings on piquant places make a person more relaxed and free, and for the opposite sex he becomes more attractive, like an interesting person with a special quirk.

Intimate tattoos

It is generally believed that a tattoo on a piquant place is more a female prerogative. Modern young ladies often order tattoos on their pubic area - it is very erotic, and some designs are made in such a way that they are not completely covered by panties, and the general public can see them - on the beach or in the pool.

However, men are also not averse to focusing on their private parts. Penis tattoos are not as common, but they are still done. And it must be said that in general they are much bolder than those of girls and much more vulgar. If young ladies have mostly butterflies, flowers and spiders on their pubic area, then men have bananas, dragons, snakes and scorpions.

Not everyone will decide to get a tattoo on the penis. But if you do something, it needs to be something impressive and grandiose. Here are the most interesting options:

  1. A dragon along the entire length of the penis, with wings extending to the groin. Sometimes a metal pin is inserted into the genital organ as beady eyes. The association here on the surface is a fire-breathing lizard breathing out flames.
  2. A snake - sometimes in a full version, sometimes - just an image of scales.
  3. Banana - according to the association.
  4. Tattoos on the penis are often made in the form of inscriptions - “extra-long”, “welcome”, “Destroyer”, “Lover”, “Last Warrior”, etc. In general, you can show imagination and creativity, the main thing is that there is enough space for ideas.
  5. Monsters of the most varied configurations - this is almost according to Freud, so that the partner feels the power and masculinity of her lover.
  6. Cute elephant with a trunk. There are similar swimming trunks, but some people go further and print an image of an elephant's head directly on the private part.

There are actually a lot of options. Each tattoo on the penis is practically exclusive, a one-piece product, and no two identical designs can be found. So if you want to get a piquant tattoo, then don’t deny yourself. But first you need to weigh the pros and cons.

How to make a tattoo on the penis

How do you get a penis tattoo? This area is incredibly sensitive and painful, and tattoos are painful even in ordinary places. In addition, it is not clear how the master will make the image - on an erect organ or not? And if not, how will he arrange the drawing?

First of all, you need to understand that tattoos on the penis cannot be done in every salon. This service is specific and needs to be discussed in advance. In general, the cost of such a procedure will be higher due to the specific location of the pattern. The point is not that the master will be embarrassed by the sight of the intimate area - it’s just that the skin on the penis is different in structure, it is mobile and paint does not adhere well to it. Because of this, the tattoo artist must be especially careful.

The drawing is not made on an erect penis. The artist simply pulls back the skin and applies the image. Because of this, in an erect state, the image often has defects in the form of gaps.

The most painful tattoo is on the head of the penis. And although the master applies an anesthetic gel, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the unpleasant sensations.

In addition, before focusing on an intimate place, you should think about the consequences of such a decision.

in men

Tattoos on the penis are most often done at a young age. And sometimes over the years they regret their decision. So the bartender from Grimbsy (Great Britain) - Lewis Flynn has not been able to start a relationship for a long time, and he has not had sexual contacts for a very long time. And the intimate tattoo depicting a vacuum cleaner with a hose along the entire length of the penis is to blame. As soon as the potential darling sees her, she immediately leaves Lewis. The Briton would be glad to get rid of the stupid drawing, but the removal procedure is so painful that he cannot endure it.

The story of a young 21-year-old Iranian who got a tattoo of the initials of his girlfriend is also noteworthy. Due to an unsuccessful puncture, he now has difficulty draining blood and constantly walks around in a semi-erect state. To correct this condition, surgical intervention is needed, but the young man so far refuses medical help and states that he does not experience any discomfort.

In addition, after a tattoo in an intimate place, complications are possible in the form of infections, strong reactions to the coloring pigment, a long healing period and other unpleasant surprises. So before the procedure, you must once again weigh the pros and cons.