Dishes without salt, sugar, butter. Slimy rice soup with vegetable oil. Vegetarian rice soup

What is the essence of the diet?

The essence salt-free diet quite simple: do not add salt. The secret is that vegetables and fruits already contain salt. Therefore, the body will receive the required minimum of this mineral for 14 days. As for nutrition, you need to eat little and often. On average: 5 meals a day. Vegetables and fruits can serve as snacks. Compose delicious and healthy diet Correctly selected recipes will help.

The dietary salt intake ranges from 2.8 to 5 g per day. For athletes or manual workers, this norm rises to 7 g, since a lot of salt is lost through sweat. Therefore, remember that a salt-free diet should not be followed in the heat, since at this time the body, on the contrary, needs salt.

Products from the green and red lists

Diet is synonymous with healthy eating. A salt-free diet means, for 14 days, eating foods prepared in the healthiest way: steamed, baked, boiled. The main thing is to take ingredients from the permitted list of products:

  • vegetables: cucumbers, carrots, beets, radishes, cabbage, beans, tomatoes;
  • fruits: any except bananas;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • meat - low-fat varieties(chicken, beef);
  • fish - low-fat varieties;
  • cottage cheese;
  • coffee Tea;
  • products that contain potassium: dried apricots, figs, raisins. They are great for snacking between meals.

But products from the “red” list should not be included in the menu. For 14 days you should not consume:

  • salted and dried fish;
  • various smoked meats, including sausage;
  • canned food;
  • semi-finished products: cutlets, cabbage rolls, etc.;
  • bread, pasta, bakery products;
  • sweets: pastries, cakes, sweets, chocolate;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • You should avoid eating fatty foods and alcohol.

Detailed menu for two weeks

The main thing is not to overeat. There should be about 200 grams of nutritious food on your plate. Moderate physical activity is acceptable. Don't overdo it in the gym. As for water, it must be in the diet. The daily norm of its consumption in pure form– from 1.5 to 2 liters. The diet is effective: in 14 days, subject to the menu and diet, it makes it possible to lose about 10 kg of weight.

How to distribute the diet for 14 days? Example of a dietary menu.

First day menu:

  • Breakfast: coffee or coffee drink.
  • Lunch: salad of boiled vegetables, such as cabbage. Boil two eggs. You can drink a glass of juice, for example tomato.
  • Dinner: baked or boiled fish, vegetable salad.

Second day menu:

  • Breakfast: coffee or coffee drink. Accompany it with a portioned piece of dried bread.
  • Lunch: baked or steamed fish. Vegetable Salad.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken breast or beef – no more than 200 g. Low-fat yogurt.

Third day menu:

  • Breakfast: coffee or coffee drink.
  • Lunch: two boiled eggs. Vegetable salad with the addition of celery root. Can be done vegetable stew. Fruits: tangerines.
  • Dinner: a piece of chicken breast without skin or boiled beef. 300 grams of meat is sent to the plate. Vegetable salad (you can use cabbage).

Menu fourth day:

  • Breakfast: black coffee or coffee drink, can be substituted green tea.
  • Lunch: soft-boiled egg. A salad consisting of three large boiled carrots with olive oil. About 15 g of low-fat hard cheese.
  • Dinner: any fruit, excluding bananas.

Fifth day menu:

  • Breakfast: vegetables. For example, carrots with lemon juice and a drop of sunflower oil.
  • Lunch: you can eat half a kilo of fried or baked fish, or you can stew the fish in tomato. Wash it down with a glass of tomato juice.
  • Dinner: about 200 grams of vegetable salad and 100 grams of fresh vegetables.

Sixth day menu:

  • Breakfast: a cup of coffee or coffee drink and a cracker.
  • Lunch: boiled meat (beef or chicken breast) - about 200 g. Vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: two boiled eggs and grated carrot salad.

Seventh day menu:

  • Breakfast: a cup of green tea.
  • Lunch: about 200 g of boiled meat (beef) and fruit.
  • Dinner: you can do any of the above, except for the dinner on the third day.

A salt-free diet for weight loss will give greater effect, if you repeat the course again, starting from the first day.

An analogue of a diet with the addition of cereals

There is a less strict version of the diet. According to him, the list of dishes can be varied to your taste by choosing necessary products. A diet without salt will give results, the main thing is to adhere to the following scheme:

  • Breakfast: every day - any porridge with water. A glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir.
  • Lunch is filled with protein foods. The menu includes about 200 g of either fish (low-fat varieties), or meat (chicken breast, beef), or no more than one or two boiled eggs.
  • Dinner (no later than 19:00): vegetable salad, a glass of low-fat kefir. You can have a boiled egg.
  • You can and should use fruits (except bananas) for snacks.

A salt-free diet is good, but in order not to harm the body, you need to exit it gradually, carefully introducing familiar foods. For about two weeks after its completion, continue to follow drinking regime.

What can replace salt

How to live without salt for 14 days? Few people know, but taste buds can be deceived. Salt will be replaced:

  • lemon juice. If the proportions are observed, it will give the food an exquisite taste and will not allow you to miss salt on those days when the salt-free diet lasts;
  • spices, namely:
  • thyme, basil, cilantro, parsley;
  • dill, green onion, Bay leaf and a mixture of peppers;
  • ginger can not only replace salt, but also give the body a feeling of vigor and increase performance;
  • celery root has a salty taste and can easily replace NaCl for first and second courses, as well as salads.
  • "I am losing weight". A familiar phrase, right? She sounds especially decisive after her favorite jeans have stopped stretching. And the button on the skirt treacherously refuses to fasten at the waist.

    And how to get rid of the hated kilograms? Food without salt and sugar for the next two weeks will become a reliable assistant in this matter. Try it - you won't regret it. And we'll tell you what we're talking about.

    What is this for?

    The most important question to ask yourself before going on a diet without salt and sugar is "Why?" Why lose weight? Typically the answer options are:

      To please my husband.

      Attract the attention of men.

      Buy your favorite new item.

      Get rid of complexes.

    And with that we say stop. There is no need to lose weight. Live as you live.

    Now there will be outrage about this. Well, we want to achieve certain goals. Do you seriously think that you will lose weight and get rid of your complexes overnight? Or will you start attracting crowds of men? This is nonsense, all the problems are in our heads. You can be a breathtaking fatty who gathers crowds of admirers next to you. Or you can have the figure of a model, a mop of luxurious hair, huge eyes and at the same time be notorious.

    Is that harsh? Yes, but honestly. A woman loses weight in order to please herself first and foremost. Let's remember this: we are the only ones always at home. Husbands leave, dresses are torn, new clothes turn into old clothes. It's all superficial. Therefore, we agreed - we’ll lose weight for ourselves.

    The harm of salt and sugar

    Why do we choose a diet without salt and sugar? Because these two products are quite harmful to the body.

    It has long been proven that salt retains in the body excess liquid. Which leads to swelling. Only 5 grams per day is enough for a person to satisfy the need for this product. As for sugar, its excessive consumption leads to problems with the pancreas, decreased immunity and the deposition of fat reserves. This is to speak very briefly about sugar, beloved by many. Doctors say that there are many more health problems caused by sugar. Over 70 at least.

    Most of us love to eat delicious food. Is it possible to eat normally on a diet without salt and sugar? Oddly enough, it is possible. And then we will talk about this. Now let's move on to the pros and cons of the diet.


    What is good about the diet we have chosen?

      No feeling of hunger. You'll have to eat in small portions, 5 times a day (if a standard diet is chosen).

      Despite the lack of sweets, it is easily tolerated. The usual chocolate bars are replaced with fruits.

      Positively affects cardiovascular system.

      Helps remove toxins from the body.

      All products can be purchased at any grocery store. There are no frills.

    • And the best part: in two weeks the weight loss is 8-13 kg.


    Are there any downsides to a 14 day salt and sugar free diet? Like all diets, there are some.

      It is psychologically difficult to withstand the absence of your favorite sweets in your diet. Especially for those who cannot live without them.

      The diet is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

      Those who suffer from gastrointestinal problems will have to give it up. In principle, like any other diet, except for therapeutic ones.

      The first two days are the hardest. You may feel dizzy and feel slightly unwell.

    What do you need to know when going on a diet without salt and sugar?

    First of all, as mentioned above, meals should be fractional. If we are talking about the classic version of the diet, then it involves eating 5 meals a day. If we're talking about about the French or Japanese version, the quantity is reduced to 3 times.

    Anything else that needs to be said?

      Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water. If possible, you can drink as much as you can.

      If you add physical activity to your diet, things will become more fun. The kilograms will go away, and your figure will begin to tighten. Can't go to the gym? Practice at home.

      An evening walk is better than sitting late in front of the computer or TV. Go to Fresh air. Spend 20 minutes, and they will bring enormous benefits.

      We strictly adhere to nutritional rules. No indulgences or violations of the regime.

      Lost it? Let's start over.

      Measure your volumes every day. An excellent motivation to achieve a goal is to see the result of your own efforts.

    What can you eat?

    This is a great question that concerns every person who is losing weight. What should I eat? Fortunately, the diet we have chosen provides a completely decent diet:

      turkey meat, chicken, beef or veal;

      cottage cheese, kefir, milk, natural yogurt;


      unsweetened fruits;

    • unsweetened fruit drinks.

    It is quite possible to hold out for two weeks. Especially knowing recipes for dishes without salt and sugar. Do not know? We will advise you, you can be sure.


    What should you not eat under any circumstances? All the most delicious and favorite things, alas. This:

      baked goods, including bread;


      sweet fruits and berries;

    • smoked;


    • sausages and sausages;

    • carbonated drinks;

      semi-finished products.

    Don't be sad ahead of time. Now we will create a sample menu. You will see that there is nothing wrong with the diet.

    Salt-free diet: menu for every day

    What will we eat? How to diversify your diet and not feel sad at all while dieting?

    Let's make a reservation right away that only boiled, stewed or baked dishes are allowed. And also a grill. Our recipes do not include any frying.

    And further - the strictest ban for alcohol. Do you like red wine? I'll have to refuse. The struggle for a figure requires sacrifices.

    Let's get back to the diet. The menu is shown in the table. It is approximate, it all depends on the taste and imagination of the person losing weight. Feel free to experiment, adjust and share your own achievements with others.

    Day of the week Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
    Monday Cottage cheese, cup of coffee Orange Grilled chicken with vegetables, cup of tea Glass of fruit drink Vegetable casserole, a glass of milk or kefir
    Tuesday Omelet with pieces of meat, a cup of tea or coffee Apple Vegetable soup with beef, cup of tea Vegetable salad Boiled shrimp, glass of fruit drink
    Wednesday Two eggs, a glass of milk Kiwi Steamed pink salmon steak, cup of tea or coffee Stewed zucchini Boiled chicken, a glass of kefir or milk
    Thursday Carrot salad with lemon juice, cup of coffee Mandarin Vegetable stew with veal, a cup of tea or a glass of fruit drink A glass of kefir Cottage cheese casserole, glass of milk
    Friday Vegetable salad, cup of coffee Steamed chicken pancakes Boiled fish, cup of tea Fruit salad with yogurt Apple, glass of kefir
    Saturday Omelette with vegetables, cup of coffee Stewed zucchini Grilled chicken, cup of tea Milk soup Zucchini pancakes, a glass of kefir or milk
    Resurrection Vegetable soup, cup of coffee Fruit salad with yogurt Baked fish, cup of tea Cottage cheese casserole Vegetable stew, glass of fruit drink

    Greetings from Japan

    We have now talked about the classic diet. What is the Japanese diet without two main components - salt and sugar? She's tougher than normal. The number of meals is reduced to three. As in the previous option, avoid smoked, fried, pickled foods, pickles, cheeses, and sausages. The emphasis is on eating protein foods. The body obtains fats from olive oil. That is, salads can be dressed with a sauce of lemon juice and olive oil.

    Where to get carbohydrates? In vegetables, fruits and rye crackers. While following this diet, it is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible, especially tea and coffee.

    The diet menu without salt and sugar is presented above. Necessary adjustments can be made to it based on which diet option is chosen.

    French diet

    Another option for a salt-free diet. It is based on reducing caloric intake. You are allowed to eat no more than 1300-1500 calories per day. They eat three times a day, snacks are strictly prohibited. If the feeling of hunger has completely overcome you, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat a cucumber.

    If you follow this diet option, you can lose up to 10 kilograms in two weeks. Don't forget about the drinking regime. Drink as much water, tea and coffee as possible.

    Eating salt and sugar is harmful to the human body. Salt retains fluid and contributes to swelling. Avoiding these foods in their pure form not only has a positive effect on the body, but also helps get rid of extra pounds.

    A diet without salt and sugar is quite difficult for many. You can stick to it from one week to a month. However, the effectiveness of a diet that excludes sugar, salt and bread is impressive. The weight loss after 7 days of following the method is 3-4 kilograms. In a month you can get rid of 12-14 extra pounds.

    Diet rules without salt and sugar

    A diet without salt for 2 weeks requires compliance with a number of rules and restrictions:

    • The system involves the refusal of fast foods and meals in any catering establishments.
    • While following the technique, you will have to give up sausages, cheeses, canned food, semi-finished products, baked goods, and seasonings.
    • Can be eaten natural products: white meat, fresh vegetables, fish, yogurt without preservatives, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, fruits, with the exception of banana, grapes, figs, melon.
    • It is forbidden to eat smoked, fried, fatty, floury foods, including bread.
    • Meat and fish can be boiled, steamed, or stewed.
    • Daily menu should include citrus fruits: lemons, grapefruits, oranges, tangerines.
    • Meals should be portioned. The interval between meals is 3-4 hours.
    • Three out of 5 meals should consist entirely of dairy products and fresh vegetables.
    • You must get up from the table with light feeling hunger.

    You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day.

    The benefits of a diet without salt and sugar

    A diet without sugar and salt for 2 weeks not only promotes weight loss, but has a therapeutic and preventive effect:

    • Refusal of salt takes the load off the kidneys.
    • The technique allows you to reduce and normalize blood pressure.
    • Metabolism is normalized.
    • The condition of blood vessels and joints improves.

    Thanks to the abundance useful properties the system is approved for use even by pregnant women in the third trimester, as well as people with kidney and genitourinary diseases.

    Diet menu without salt and sugar

    So, a diet without salt and sugar - menu for the week:

    • 1 day. Breakfast: natural coffee without sugar. Lunch: Two hard-boiled eggs, cabbage salad dressed with any vegetable oil, tomato juice. Dinner: cabbage salad, boiled or baked fish.
    • Day 2. Breakfast: coffee. Lunch: steamed fish, fresh vegetable salad. Dinner: 200 g of boiled beef, natural yogurt.
    • Day 3. Breakfast: Coffee or black tea. Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, salad with celery root, citrus fruits. Dinner: boiled veal with vegetables.
    • 4. Day. Tomorrow: natural coffee. Lunch: grated carrot salad, dressed with olive oil, 1 soft-boiled egg. Dinner: fruit.
    • Day 5 Breakfast: Grated carrots, seasoned with lemon juice. Lunch: oven-cooked fish, tomato juice. Dinner: steamed or boiled veal, fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
    • Day 6 Breakfast: coffee and crackers. Lunch: boiled turkey or chicken breast, carrot or cabbage salad. Dinner: carrot salad with vegetable oil, 2 eggs boiled in any way.
    • Day 7 Breakfast: black or green natural tea. Lunch: boiled veal - 200 g, fruit. Dinner: fresh vegetable salad, boiled or baked fish.

    The salt-free diet menu for 2 weeks is the same as the weekly one. The same applies to following the nutritional system for a month.

    You can eat fruit between meals. Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink natural yogurt or kefir.

    It is necessary to exit the diet gradually, adding foods one at a time. In this case, the consumption of bread, pasta, legumes and salt should be limited or minimized.

    During the diet, exclude foods containing hidden sugar

    Excess weight is not only body fat, but also swelling, which a salt-free diet copes well with. Find out 7 menu options, as well as recipes for delicious seasonings that can replace salt, and lose up to 7 kg in a week!

    The salt-free diet is one of the most simple techniques weight loss that does not require significant dietary restrictions. From use in mandatory Only salt is removed, partially with a gentle version of the diet or completely with a strict one.

    Table salt is a substance sodium chloride, which is necessary for the body to provide normal life. It is part of almost all tissues, extracellular and intracellular fluids, and is also involved in maintaining the acid-base balance and is the main component of water-salt metabolism. To maintain all body functions, an external supply of no more than 7 g of sodium chlorine per day is required (in the summer, this norm doubles). But most people use significantly large quantity salt, excess of which leads to water retention in tissues, which causes swelling, increased blood pressure, the appearance of excess weight.

    The main goal of a salt-free diet is to restore water-salt balance. It is prescribed not so much for weight loss, but to normalize the condition of a number of kidney diseases and of cardio-vascular system, as well as with hypertension and a tendency to edema.

    Sodium chloride promotes more active production of gastric juice and is involved in the process of fat breakdown, which has a significant effect on the normalization of body weight. A deficiency of this substance impairs electrolyte balance and leads to the loss of many microelements, and its excess harms the body, first increasing the need for fluid, and then retaining it in the cells. As a result, all metabolic processes are disrupted, and the load on many organs and systems increases.

    Therefore, you need to eat salt, but not exceeding daily norm. And for the purpose of treatment or for weight loss - minimize its amount or even refuse for a while.


    Temporary refusal of salt, on which the salt-free diet is based, will help improve the health of the body and normalize body weight without special effort. It is recommended to adhere to several basic rules:

    1. Cook food without salt or add it to already prepared dishes (with a gentle diet).
    2. Stick to fractional meals(5-6 times a day in small portions).
    3. Use only “healthy” methods for preparing dishes - boiling, steaming or baking.
    4. Add oil to the finished dish in minimal quantities.

    In the classic version, the duration of the salt-free weight loss method is 14 days. Giving up a favorite product for 2 weeks becomes a big challenge for many, since most dishes lose their usual taste. But if the specified period is maintained, then the body usually gets used to new taste sensations, A eating habits become more useful than with excess salt. Moreover, this substance itself is already contained in many products, giving them an excellent natural taste.

    To apply salt as much as possible less harm, you must also adhere to some principles of salting food:

    • the meat is salted only lightly and at the end of cooking (just before turning off);
    • the fish is generously salted before cooking, allowed to sit for a while to absorb, and then washed;
    • add salt to liquid and semi-liquid dishes 5–10 minutes before the end of cooking;
    • vegetables in any form are added before eating;
    • When preparing any flour dishes and cereals, salt is added to the water before boiling.

    A salt-free diet is considered ineffective for obesity and is never prescribed by doctors, especially if the problem of excess weight is associated with increased appetite. Unsalted, tasteless food does not satiate well and significantly increases the desire to eat something forbidden, which significantly increases the likelihood of a breakdown. dietary ration. Therefore, a strict salt-free diet is recommended only in medicinal purposes when running chronic diseases. For the purpose of losing weight, minimal salting of dishes is used, which helps get rid of edema, reduce the production of gastric juice and somewhat enhance fat burning. Therefore, an effective salt-free diet for weight loss is not a complete abstinence from salt, but a reduction in its consumption to a minimum, which will provide the body with the necessary amount sodium chloride and at the same time will launch the processes necessary for weight loss.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Based on these principles and rules, we can highlight several advantages of a salt-free diet for weight loss:

    • does not have strict dietary restrictions;
    • assumes frequent appointments food, which promotes quality digestion and improves metabolism;
    • reduces the load on the kidneys, liver, heart, blood vessels;
    • eliminates swelling;
    • promotes weight loss.

    Considering the benefits that reducing the amount of salt in the diet brings, there are practically no disadvantages to this technique. The disadvantages can only be associated with complete refusal from the product. All that is harmful about a salt-free diet is a violation of the water-salt balance, in which the body compensates for the lack of sodium chloride, pulling it out of the bones and significantly weakening them. Therefore, to lose weight, a strict salt-free diet should not be followed for too long. You should also take into account existing contraindications.


    A strict salt-free diet is contraindicated:

    • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • with constant high physical or sports activity;
    • in the presence of diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, thyroid gland.

    In addition, this diet is not suitable for children and adolescents, and is also not recommended during the hot season.

    But even in the absence of contraindications, you should not switch to salt-free nutrition too often. Regarding how long you can stay on such a diet, experts recommend following it 2-3 times a year and only for a regulated period of time - no more than 14 days. When used correctly, this technique allows you not only to normalize weight, but also to improve your health, cleanse the body of toxins, and rejuvenate your appearance.

    How much weight you can lose during a salt-free diet depends mainly not on giving up salt, but on the right choice products and calorie content of the menu. If you strictly follow all these rules, you can get rid of swelling and lose up to 5–7 kg of excess weight in a week on such a diet.

    Authorized Products

    In terms of dietary restrictions, a salt-free diet is not considered too strict. Therefore, the list of permitted products is quite diverse. It includes:

    • dairy and lactic acid products;
    • vegetables, fruits, berries in any form without restrictions;
    • lean meats and fish;
    • porridge;
    • legumes;
    • eggs – no more than 1 per day;
    • bakery products – no more than 200 g per day;
    • dried fruits, nuts;
    • dry spices, vinegar;
    • coffee, green tea.

    When using these products, it is necessary to take into account the list of dishes prohibited for consumption on a salt-free diet. The following should not be included in the diet:

    • fried, fatty, salty foods;
    • rich meat broths;
    • smoked meats, semi-finished meat products;
    • fast food;
    • pasta;
    • store-bought sauces, marinades;
    • canned food, including vegetables and fruits;
    • sweets;
    • alcohol.

    To prepare even permitted dishes, be sure to follow the above rules regarding salting different types of foods. The main thing is that the amount of salt should be minimal and mainly used to add flavor to already prepared food immediately before consumption. An alternative could be lemon juice, spices, onions, garlic.


    The classic salt-free diet is presented in two versions - for 7 and for 14 days. In a shorter version, cereals must be excluded from the diet. All other products can be selected according to the list above.

    For 7 days

    To compile weekly diet You can use this menu option:

    • breakfast – unsweetened coffee with milk;
    • lunch - apple;
    • lunch – boiled chicken breast, cabbage salad with lemon juice and vegetable oil, 2 hard-boiled eggs;
    • afternoon snack – vegetable stew;
    • dinner – steamed fish, carrot salad.
    • lunch - orange;
    • lunch – baked fish, sliced ​​vegetables;
    • afternoon snack – a glass of kefir;
    • dinner – boiled veal, vinaigrette.
    • lunch - pear;
    • lunch – vegetable soup, cottage cheese;
    • afternoon snack – boiled chicken breast;
    • dinner - omelet with vegetables.
    • breakfast - slice rye bread, tea without sugar;
    • lunch - apple;
    • lunch – zucchini pancakes, beef stew;
    • afternoon snack – cottage cheese with yogurt;
    • dinner – 2 boiled eggs, cabbage salad.
    • breakfast – carrot salad with sour cream;
    • lunch - any citrus;
    • lunch – fish baked with vegetables;
    • afternoon snack - fermented baked milk;
    • dinner - fruit salad.
    • breakfast – unsweetened coffee with milk;
    • lunch - apple or pear;
    • lunch – boiled chicken, sliced ​​vegetables;
    • afternoon snack – vinaigrette, kefir;
    • dinner - omelet, carrot salad.
    • breakfast – tea without sugar;
    • lunch – any citrus or a glass of fresh juice;
    • lunch - vegetable soup, boiled fish;
    • afternoon snack – kefir, baked apple;
    • dinner - vegetable casserole, boiled breast.

    Since the duration weekly diet is not critical for the body; for this period it is allowed to completely abandon salt. Moreover, the products from which the menu is compiled contain natural sodium chloride, which will partially replenish the body’s needs.

    For 14 days

    To achieve a given weight loss goal, a type of salt-free diet designed for 2 weeks is considered optimal. When compiling a diet, you can use the list of allowed foods, taking into account personal preferences, or take the menu option below as a basis.

    First week

    • breakfast – 100 g of oatmeal with milk and honey, coffee without sugar;
    • lunch - fruit salad;
    • lunch - vegetable soup, 100 g of boiled veal with a pinch of salt, 200 ml of low-fat yogurt;
    • afternoon snack - a handful of dried fruits with nuts;
    • dinner – 200 g of baked fish, one egg, cabbage salad.
    • breakfast – 200 g of buckwheat porridge, crackers, coffee with milk;
    • lunch – 2 fruits of your choice;
    • lunch – 300 g boiled breast, 100 g vegetable stew, 200 ml tomato juice with a pinch of salt;
    • afternoon snack – 200 ml low-fat kefir, boiled egg;
    • dinner – 200 g of cottage cheese casserole.
    • breakfast – 2 egg omelet with vegetables, coffee with milk;
    • lunch - a piece of fruit pie;
    • lunch – 200 g rice porridge, 100 g boiled fish, vegetable mix;
    • afternoon snack – fruit salad;
    • dinner – 150 g of vegetable stew, 100 g of baked beef with a pinch of salt.
    • breakfast – 200 g of cottage cheese casserole, tea without sugar;
    • lunch – 2 fruits of your choice;
    • lunch – 200 g of boiled chicken breast with a pinch of salt, a boiled egg, 100 g of vegetable stew;
    • afternoon snack – 200 ml low-fat kefir;
    • dinner – 200 g of fish baked in foil, cabbage salad.
    • breakfast – 150 g of oatmeal with raisins, coffee with milk;
    • lunch - fruit salad;
    • lunch - fish soup with a piece of fish, braised cabbage with a pinch of salt, 200 ml low-fat kefir;
    • afternoon snack – 2 baked apples stuffed with cottage cheese;
    • dinner – 200 g chicken breast, baked with vegetables.
    • breakfast – 200 ml low-fat yogurt, a slice of rye bread;
    • lunch – a handful of dried fruits with nuts;
    • lunch – a serving of vegetable soup, 100 g of buckwheat porridge, 2 veal cutlets, baked in the oven;
    • afternoon snack – 200 g cottage cheese casserole;
    • dinner – 150 g of boiled fish, an egg, 200 ml of tomato juice with a pinch of salt.
    • lunch - fruit salad;
    • lunch – 200 g of vegetable stew, boiled egg, 200 ml of low-fat kefir;
    • afternoon snack - a handful of dried fruits with nuts;
    • dinner – 100 g of stewed zucchini, 100 g of vinaigrette with a pinch of salt.

    Second week

    • breakfast – 150 g oatmeal with raisins, 200 ml low-fat kefir;
    • lunch - fruit salad;
    • lunch – a serving of vegetable soup, 200 g of fish baked with vegetables, 200 ml of tomato juice with a pinch of salt;
    • afternoon snack – 2 baked apples with cottage cheese;
    • dinner – 200 g of boiled beef, 100 g of vegetable stew.
    • breakfast – 2 egg omelet with vegetables, tea without sugar, crackers;
    • lunch - fruit salad;
    • lunch – a serving of vegetable soup, 2 fish meatballs, cabbage salad with olive oil and a pinch of salt;
    • afternoon snack – a piece of cottage cheese, 200 ml of low-fat yogurt;
    • dinner – 200 g of vegetable stew, 100 g of baked chicken breast.
    • breakfast – a piece of apricot charlotte, tea without sugar;
    • lunch – 200 g of buckwheat porridge, 100 g of veal stewed with vegetables with a pinch of salt;
    • afternoon snack – 2 any fruits;
    • dinner – boiled egg, vinaigrette.
    • breakfast – 4 cheesecakes, coffee with milk;
    • afternoon snack – baked pumpkin;
    • lunch – 200 g skinless chicken baked in foil, boiled egg, 100 g vegetable stew with a pinch of salt;
    • afternoon snack – fruit salad;
    • dinner – cabbage and carrot salad with olive oil, 100 g of boiled fish.
    • breakfast – apple pancakes (4 pcs.) with 1 tsp. honey, tea without sugar;
    • lunch – 200 ml low-fat yogurt, a slice of rye bread;
    • lunch – a serving of vegetable soup, 2 jacket potatoes, 100 g of baked fish, 200 ml of tomato juice with a pinch of salt;
    • afternoon snack - a handful of dried fruits with nuts;
    • dinner – 150 g cottage cheese casserole, 200 ml low-fat kefir.
    • breakfast – 150 g of oatmeal with dried apricots, tea without sugar;
    • lunch - fruit salad;
    • lunch – a portion of fish soup with a piece of fish, 200 g of vegetable stew with a pinch of salt;
    • afternoon snack – 200 ml low-fat kefir, crackers;
    • dinner – 100 g of boiled veal, 100 g of squash caviar.
    • breakfast - a piece apple charlotte, coffee with milk;
    • lunch - a handful of dried fruits with nuts;
    • lunch – a serving of vegetable soup, one egg, 100 g of boiled chicken breast with a pinch of salt;
    • afternoon snack - fruit salad dressed with yogurt;
    • dinner – 200 g of pumpkin rice porridge with milk.

    All dishes listed in the menu above must be prepared without the use of salt. A small amount of it is added only during one meal per day.

    There is also a more strict version of the salt-free diet for 2 weeks, in which the menu for each day consists of only one type of product:

    • 3 days – 500 g of boiled chicken breast per day;
    • 3 days – 500 g of boiled or baked low-fat fish;
    • 3 days – 200 g of porridge cooked in water (preferably buckwheat, oatmeal or pearl barley);
    • 3 days – 2 kg of boiled vegetables (except potatoes);
    • 2 days – 2 kg of fresh fruit (except bananas and grapes).

    These days you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water. Salt is completely excluded from the diet. By eating this menu, you can lose up to 6–7 kg of excess weight in 14 days.

    Other types of diet

    Weight loss techniques based on avoiding salt come in many varieties. The most famous are the following salt-free diets:

    • Japanese;
    • Chinese;
    • rice;
    • protein;
    • Malysheva;
    • Kristina Orbakaite.

    Any of these weight loss programs requires careful treatment of the body and an understanding of its needs. Moreover, they are all based on different principles. Thus, Dr. Malysheva’s diet uses alternating protein and carbohydrate meals. Menu Japanese system weight loss is carefully balanced and requires strict adherence, otherwise the results may be zero. In terms of the composition of the products, this technique is similar to the classic version of the salt-free diet given above, but low-fat cheese is added to it, and meat dishes are almost completely excluded.


    This version of the method under consideration is one of the most strict and stringent. The diet is designed for 7 days and allows you to get rid of 7 kg of excess weight during this period. Another salt-free diet offered by the Japanese, designed for 14 days, is milder. In each option, the diet consists mainly of vegetables, fish and eggs, a small amount of meat and fruits (mainly apples).

    Menu for 7 days

    The weekly diet is based on 3 meals a day without snacks.

    • breakfast - unsweetened coffee;
    • lunch – 2 boiled eggs, carrot salad;
    • dinner - a portion of boiled fish, carrot salad.
    • lunch – a portion of boiled fish, a raw egg, cabbage salad;
    • dinner – 2-3 apples.
    • breakfast - unsweetened coffee;
    • lunch – raw egg, carrot salad;
    • dinner – 2-3 apples.
    • breakfast – unsweetened coffee, a slice of whole grain bread;
    • lunch – zucchini stewed with vegetable oil;
    • dinner – cabbage salad, 2 boiled eggs, a portion of veal.
    • breakfast – carrot salad;
    • lunch – a portion of boiled fish, a glass of tomato juice;
    • dinner – 2-3 apples.
    • breakfast – unsweetened coffee, a slice of whole grain bread;
    • lunch – half baked or boiled chicken, carrot and cabbage salad;
    • dinner – carrot salad, 2 boiled eggs.
    • breakfast – unsweetened green tea;
    • lunch – boiled or steamed beef, apples;
    • dinner - any of the previous days.

    In 7 days Japanese diet salt is completely excluded from the diet. Moreover, its duration does not harm the body, in particular the water-salt balance, which is facilitated by the introduction of daily diet portions of meat or fish.

    There is also a 2-week version of this weight loss program, but its menu is somewhat different from the previous one.

    Menu for 14 days

    A feature of this diet is the repetition of days on the menu. Meals also remain 3 times a day.

    Day 1 and 13:

    • lunch – cabbage stewed in vegetable oil, 2 boiled eggs or an omelette made from them, 200 ml of tomato juice or 2 tomatoes;
    • dinner – a portion of boiled or baked fish.

    Day 2 and 12:

    • breakfast – natural coffee, unsalted bread;
    • dinner - 200 g of boiled veal, a glass of kefir (can be used as a sauce with the addition of herbs, garlic, dry spices).

    Day 3 and 11:

    • breakfast – natural coffee without additives;
    • lunch – squash caviar in vegetable oil or vegetable stew;
    • dinner – 200 g of baked veal, 2 boiled eggs, cabbage salad.

    Day 4 and 10:

    • breakfast – natural coffee without additives;
    • lunch – boiled carrot salad with vegetable oil, boiled egg, 15 g of low-fat hard cheese;
    • dinner – 300 g of fresh unsweetened fruits or berries.

    Day 5 and 9:

    • breakfast – carrot salad with lemon juice;
    • lunch - a portion of fish stewed in tomato juice, or boiled fish and separately 200 ml of tomato juice;
    • dinner - apples.

    Day 6 and 8:

    • breakfast – natural coffee without additives;
    • lunch – two boiled or baked chicken breasts, carrot and cabbage salad;
    • dinner – 2 boiled eggs, carrot salad.

    Day 7 and 14:

    • breakfast - unsweetened tea;
    • lunch - veal steak;
    • dinner - any of those suggested earlier.

    If 3 meals a day is not enough, you can use vegetable broth as snacks.

    The Japanese salt-free diet for 14 days is suitable for rapid weight loss. Her diet is easy to follow and good for people who cannot long time limit your diet.

    An indication for following this technique may be not only excess weight, but also health problems, in particular, salt deposits. To speed up the process of fat breakdown and dissolution salt deposits It is necessary to maintain a drinking regime, drinking at least 2 liters of clean water per day.


    The Chinese version of the fresh weight loss method lasts 14 days and involves giving up not only salt, but also all high-calorie dishes. This allows you to lose up to 10 kg in 2 weeks overweight. The list of permitted products is very meager - it includes: boiled veal and fish, eggs, vegetables, apples. Breakfast for the entire two weeks of the diet is unchanged and is a cup of natural coffee; on the 2nd and 9th days you can add a cracker. You can drink clean water, coffee, green tea, low-fat kefir, tomato juice.

    The most common menu option for the Chinese salt-free diet is the following:

    Day 1 and 8:

    • lunch – cabbage salad with olive oil, 2 boiled eggs, 200 ml of tomato juice;
    • dinner - 200 g of fish, the same cabbage salad.

    Day 2 and 9:

    • lunch – 200 g of fish, cabbage salad with olive oil;
    • dinner – 200 g of veal, 200 ml of kefir.

    Day 3 and 10:

    • lunch – one egg, boiled carrot salad;
    • dinner - apples.

    Day 4 and 11:

    • lunch – stewed zucchini, apples;
    • dinner – 2 soft-boiled eggs, boiled veal, cabbage salad.

    Day 5 and 12:

    • lunch – baked fish, vegetable salad;
    • dinner - vegetable stew.

    Day 6 and 13:

    • lunch – boiled chicken breast, cabbage salad;
    • dinner – carrot salad, 2 egg omelette.

    Day 7 and 14:

    • lunch – veal baked in foil, apples;
    • dinner - vegetable stew.

    During the day, you should constantly drink clean water and green tea to dull the feeling of hunger.

    The Chinese bland diet is very strict and not everyone can follow it to the end. But those who reach the finals receive not only relief from excess weight, but also a high-quality cleansing of the body by removing excess fluid, and along with it, accumulated waste and toxins. Drinking plenty of fluids in the absence of salt allows you to “wash” all organs and systems, improve their functioning, and normalize lipid and water-salt metabolism.


    In eastern countries, rice is a staple food product that brings great benefits to the body, helping to cleanse it, providing beauty and youth. It contains many useful substances and is completely free of sodium salts, so rice is ideal for a salt-free diet. There are two options for this feeding method:

    • mono-diet based on eating only rice;
    • long-term cleaning program.

    In the first case, you can get rid of 4 kg in 3 days, the second is designed for 30 days and the loss of 10-12 extra kilos along with the removal of all salts from the body.

    Menu for 3 days

    This mono-diet involves eating only rice porridge. To prepare it, boil 1 glass of rice cereal, then the entire amount is divided into 5-7 equal portions and consumed throughout the day at regular intervals.

    In between meals, you can drink pure water and green tea. When severe hunger You are allowed to eat 2 apples per day.

    You are only allowed to be on this diet for 3 days. You can repeat it once a month. Results depend on individual characteristics body, lifestyle and the amount of extra pounds.

    Menu for the month

    This version of the rice weight loss method is much gentler than the first, and its duration increases to 30 days. The diet itself is based on the following principles:

    • need to go to proper nutrition, giving up everything harmful to the figure (flour, sweet, fatty, etc.);
    • for dinner, 4 hours before bedtime, eat a portion of boiled rice prepared according to a special recipe.

    Before cooking, rice cereals are washed in several waters, then poured with boiling water at the rate of 200 ml per 100 g of rice and left for 24 hours. You need to prepare this porridge every evening for your next dinner, without salt or spices.

    In another version of this diet, you can eat rice not for dinner, but for breakfast. To do this, rice is prepared in a slightly different way:

    • washed with 2 tbsp. cereals;
    • pour 200 ml of cold water;
    • the next day, this portion is drained, washed, refilled, and a new portion is prepared;
    • another day - wash and refill these 2 portions, and also prepare another one.

    This is repeated for 4 days in a row. On the fifth day, the first portion of rice is boiled and eaten for breakfast. After this, you should not drink or eat anything for 4 hours. Then - normal nutrition in compliance with the above rules. In this case, the menu should be composed of the same products as the previous ones, minimizing the amount of salt.


    Reducing the amount of carbohydrates and fats consumed while increasing protein in the diet can provide fairly quick and comfortable weight loss. That is why all protein weight loss methods are considered the most effective. Protein products activate the functions of the body; a lot of internal energy is spent on their absorption, so their use has a positive effect on the figure. If at the same time salt intake is limited, the effectiveness of the diet increases significantly. Moreover, in meat, which is one of the main components protein diet, contains natural salt, which not only improves the taste of cooked dishes, but also replenishes the body's needs for this substance.

    A salt-free protein diet is a fairly gentle way to lose weight, practically eliminating the appearance of strong feeling hunger. Combined with moderate physical activity it ensures preservation muscle tissue and helps create a beautiful relief and the desired volume of the body.

    An important feature of such weight loss techniques is their duration. To achieve optimal results, it takes from 2 weeks to 1 month. In this case, a visible effect can be obtained within 14 days.

    The diet system based on eating unsalted protein foods is very common among celebrities and really has high efficiency. But to achieve real weight loss is possible only if all rules are followed.

    To create a fresh protein diet, foods with a minimum amount of fat are used:

    • lean meats (chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal);
    • low fat (up to 2.5%) dairy and lactic acid products;
    • eggs;
    • lean types of fish;
    • seafood.

    It is also allowed to include non-starchy vegetables and a small amount of unsweetened fruits in the menu.

    The list of prohibited products includes:

    • bakery and pasta products, any pastries;
    • sweets;
    • porridge;
    • potato;
    • sauces;
    • pickles, marinades;
    • alcohol.
    • fried, smoked, spicy dishes.

    The following rules should also be observed:

    • add vegetable oil to ready-made dishes;
    • drink at least 2 liters per day;
    • eat food at least 6 times a day;
    • last meal – 3 hours before bedtime;
    • To improve the taste of dishes, you can add milk, lemon juice, and dry spices.

    With a gentle diet, you can lightly salt ready-made dishes.

    Menu for 14 days

    When creating a menu, it is recommended to use the example below. At the same time, the diet rules do not establish requirements for its strict adherence. Dishes can be changed at your discretion, observing their category and calorie content.

    Day 1 and 14:

    • lunch - cabbage salad;
    • lunch – 150 g of boiled veal, 200 ml of kefir;
    • afternoon snack – 150 g of cottage cheese;
    • dinner – 150 g of boiled fish, chopped vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes);
    • 3 hours before bedtime – 200 ml natural yogurt.

    Day 2 and 13:

    • breakfast – boiled egg, tea or coffee with milk;
    • lunch – stewed cabbage;
    • lunch – 150 g of boiled fish, 100 g of cottage cheese with herbs;
    • afternoon snack – 200 ml kefir;
    • dinner – 200 g of grilled veal;

    Day 3 and 12:

    • lunch – 2 apples;
    • lunch – 200 g stewed chicken breast, 100 g carrot salad;
    • afternoon snack – vegetable stew (cabbage, zucchini, onions);
    • dinner – 200 g of boiled fish, 200 ml of tomato juice;
    • 3 hours before bedtime – 200 ml of fermented baked milk.

    Day 4 and 11:

    • breakfast – egg, tea or coffee with milk;
    • lunch – chicken pancakes (3 pcs.);
    • lunch – 300 g of squash caviar, 50 g of hard cheese;
    • afternoon snack – grapefruit or apple;
    • dinner – 200 g of baked fish fillet with lemon;

    Day 5 and 10:

    • breakfast – egg, tea or coffee with milk;
    • lunch - vegetable salad;
    • lunch – 200 g of boiled turkey, 200 ml of yogurt (can be in sauce with herbs and garlic);
    • afternoon snack – 200 g cabbage salad;
    • dinner – 200 g of boiled fish;
    • 3 hours before bedtime – 200 ml of tomato juice.

    Day 6 and 9:

    • breakfast – egg, tea or coffee with milk;
    • lunch – 150 g stewed cabbage;
    • lunch – 200 g boiled chicken breast, seasonal vegetables;
    • afternoon snack – 150 g of cottage cheese;
    • dinner – 200 g of baked or boiled fish;
    • 3 hours before bedtime – 200 ml of kefir.

    Day 7 and 8:

    • breakfast – egg, tea or coffee with milk;
    • lunch – baked apple stuffed with cottage cheese;
    • lunch – 150 g of stewed veal, 200 ml of fermented baked milk;
    • afternoon snack – 200 g curd soufflé;
    • dinner – 200 g fish casserole;
    • 3 hours before bedtime – 200 ml of tomato juice.

    To the specified menu of a salt-free protein diet, you can optionally add a few grams (a pinch) of salt to one of your meals. It should be borne in mind that excess protein can negatively affect the condition of the kidneys, liver, heart and blood vessels. If there are any problems with these organs, it is better to use Dr. Malysheva’s salt-free weight loss system, which is based on alternating protein and carbohydrate meals.

    Elena Malysheva

    Elena Malysheva’s diet, which involves giving up salt, is designed for 14 days. The most important rule of this technique is the absence of hunger. During the period of weight loss, it is necessary to follow a 5-meal diet, and the amount of food consumed per meal should be limited to 250 g (or a glass for bulk and liquid foods).

    Elena Malysheva pays special attention to the volume of water she drinks - in her opinion, she more important than food, therefore it should exceed it in quantity and be at least 2 liters per day. The last meal is until 19:00.

    An approximate menu of Malysheva’s salt-free diet for every day is as follows:

    • breakfast - oatmeal, coffee or tea;
    • lunch – any fruit (except bananas);
    • lunch – any protein dish;
    • afternoon snack - any vegetables except starchy ones;
    • dinner - any protein dish, lactic acid product.

    During the period of following this weight loss system, Malysheva recommends giving up flour and sweet products, potatoes, cereals (except oatmeal for breakfast), fats, alcohol and other foods harmful to your figure.

    As a result of such a 2-week diet, you can lose up to 5–7 kg of excess weight. At the same time, the effect lasts for a long time if overeating is not allowed in the future. According to Elena Malysheva, the main thing is psychological attitude. A sufficiently balanced diet along with a minimum amount of salt and fat allows you to follow this program without harm to health.

    Kristina Orbakaite

    Orbakaite's salt-free diet consists of seven days, the number of which can be unlimited. But Christina herself recommends following the proposed diet for no more than 4 months, then take a break for 1 month and you can repeat the course again. During these 7 days, salt is completely excluded from the diet. In this case, for the first 4 days you need to eat permitted foods, and for the remaining 3 days, the diet consists only of 5 boiled egg whites and 5 grapefruits.

    When losing weight using the Orbakaite method, you must follow the following rules:

    • completely abandon fatty foods, including meat and fish, as well as flour products (except bran bread), sugar, smoked meats and pickles;
    • the volume of one meal should correspond to the amount that fits in a handful (cupped palms);
    • the amount of water drunk per day should not be less than 2 liters;
    • You can drink liquid 1 hour before and after meals;
    • the interval between meals should be 3 hours;
    • The last meal is 1 hour before bedtime.

    An approximate menu for the first 4 days of the diet could be as follows:

    • breakfast – buckwheat steamed overnight (100 g of cereal per 200 ml of boiling water), kefir;
    • lunch – boiled egg, carrot salad, dressed with yogurt and garlic;
    • lunch – 200 g of baked zucchini, 150 g of boiled breast, dried compote;
    • afternoon snack – baked apple with cinnamon and 0.5 tsp. honey;
    • dinner - cabbage salad, 150 g of steamed fish;
    • 1 hour before bedtime – natural yogurt with added cinnamon.
    • breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, coffee;
    • lunch – a slice of bran bread, 2 tomatoes;
    • lunch – 200 g breast baked in foil, 150 g vegetable stew;
    • afternoon snack – apple, 30 g nuts;
    • dinner – 200 g cabbage salad, 150 g boiled fish;
    • 1 hour before bedtime – 250 ml of natural yogurt with cinnamon.
    • breakfast – 2 egg omelet, carrot salad with apple and lemon juice;
    • lunch – 100 g of boiled chicken, cucumber salad;
    • lunch – 200 g of buckwheat porridge, eggplant baked with garlic, rosehip infusion;
    • afternoon snack - bars of almonds, dried apricots, prunes, minced;
    • dinner - fish baked in foil with green beans;
    • 1 hour before bedtime – kefir with cinnamon.
    • breakfast – 200 g of cucumber and tomato salad, 50 g of boiled veal;
    • lunch – baked apple with cinnamon and 0.5 tsp. honey;
    • lunch - okroshka on kefir with chicken breast, baked zucchini;
    • afternoon snack – strawberries;
    • dinner – vegetable stew (stewed cabbage);
    • 1 hour before bedtime – natural yogurt.

    In the period from days 5 to 7, you need to eat 5 egg whites and 5 grapefruits daily. The intervals between meals should be 1.5 hours, for example:

    • 7:30 – protein;
    • 9:00 – grapefruit;
    • 10:30 – protein and so on until the food runs out.

    It is allowed to reduce the break between meals to 1 hour, but in any case everything must be finished before 22:00. If you wish, you can squeeze the juice from the grapefruit rather than eating it whole.

    Kristina Orbakaite’s salt-free diet helped her lose 12 kg and also get rid of 20 kg. But to obtain such a result, you must strictly follow all these recommendations.


    There are no special features in preparing dishes for a salt-free diet. You can take any recipe and cook everything as indicated, but without using salt. This additive only changes the taste of the dish, but does not affect its nutritional quality. Therefore, the most necessary in such a food system are recipes that will help prepare natural salt substitutes, with the help of which you can give other dishes a more piquant touch.

    Garlic seasoning

    Peel 10 heads of garlic, chop it with a special “masher”. Grease a baking sheet with a small amount of vegetable oil and spread the garlic mass in a thin layer. Keep in the oven at 100°C until completely dry. Store in a jar or paper bag.

    Onion seasoning

    Peel several onions and cut into thin half rings. Fry in a large amount of oil (deep fat) until caramel color. Place the onions on a paper towel to absorb excess oil. Place the resulting dry crispy onion in an oven heated to 100°C for 30 minutes for final drying. Grind the finished flakes into powder. Store in an airtight jar.

    Lemon-fucus seasoning

    Pour 200 g of chopped fucus (finely chopped) onto a dry baking sheet, pour in the juice of 1 lemon, mix thoroughly until the whole mass is soaked. Dry at room temperature, then pour into a jar with a tight lid.

    Green mixture

    Mix finely chopped herbs - dill, parsley, rosemary, sage, marjoram, basil, thyme, oregano. Place in a thin layer on a baking sheet and place in a warm oven. Dry completely. Grind with your hands and sift through a sieve. Store in a paper bag.

    Salad dressing

    Mix 100 g of finely chopped basil and 100 ml of olive oil in a jar. Place in the refrigerator for 3 days to infuse. Strain, add juice from 2 lemons. Keep refrigerated.

    All these seasonings will help significantly improve the taste of bland dishes and make dieting much more comfortable. They can be used not only during weight loss, but also during the period of leaving the diet, and also in the future as an alternative to salt to reduce its amount in the diet.

    Quitting the diet

    To maintain the results of a salt-free diet, it is very important to properly exit such a food system. It is recommended to go out gradually and for the same amount of time as the weight loss process itself lasted.

    A competent exit from a salt-free diet requires compliance with the following rules:

    • introduce foods prohibited by the diet into the menu, in particular any salty food, smoked, fatty and other similar dishes should be gradually increased, gradually increasing the portions to the usual volume;
    • If possible, it is better to completely avoid excessive consumption unhealthy dishes, since they negatively affect health, even if various healthy diets are periodically followed;
    • overeating should not be allowed, especially when using flour, confectionery and other products that contribute to weight gain;
    • You should not over-salt your food even after finishing your diet - dishes should be moderately salty.

    The main principle of this nutritional system is to normalize the intake of sodium chloride into the body, but not so much for weight loss, but for the purpose of restoring the water-salt balance, getting rid of toxins, general health improvement and rejuvenation.

    If not everyone, then many know that excess salt in the daily diet increases blood pressure. According to scientists, excess of this spice causes more than two million deaths every year. Death occurs as a result of a heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular diseases. Fortunately, you can cook deliciously without salt. Here are healthier alternatives.

    1. Ginger

    Ginger is famous for its unique taste: on the one hand, it is spicy, piquant, on the other, sweet. This makes it suitable for many dishes, especially protein dishes, in particular fish, chicken, pork, and beef. The spice goes very well with garlic: thanks to this “mix” of spices, not a grain of salt is required! Ginger is a very healthy product. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves digestion, helps fight colds, and improves immunity.

    2. Parsley

    This is the queen of spices. First of all, parsley is very healthy because it contains a large amount of vitamin C, as well as iron, beta-carotene, chromium, vitamin K. Greens are always useful in the kitchen, especially since they are available throughout the year; you can grow them yourself on the windowsill . Greens should be used as a tasty final “accord” to a dish. Parsley is suitable for soups, eggs, casseroles, and main dishes. There is no need to cut it very finely: large pieces will be an excellent addition to the meal. And one more interesting fact: chewing parsley helps get rid of the pungent odor after garlic.

    3. Lemon juice

    Did you know that it can also replace salt? Squeeze lemon juice onto grilled meat or fish, add it to egg dishes - it will have a good effect on the flavor balance. You can also use other citrus fruits: grapefruit, lime or orange. Their juice also goes well with many dishes. Moreover, these fruits are a rich source of vitamin C, vitamins E, A and K. Scientific research show that their consumption helps fight cancer, cleanses the body and improves immunity.

    4. Basil

    Adding basil to main dishes eliminates the need to add salt. Fresh spice goes well with tomatoes (which we all love to season with salt), and goes well with vegetables, grilled meat or fish. This is an indispensable component of Mediterranean cuisine (added to pizza, pasta, etc.). To prevent basil from losing its aroma, you need to eat it raw or add it when preparing dishes. last minute, put in a saucepan or frying pan at the very end of the process. Another fact about this plant: basil contains powerful antioxidants.

    5. Rosemary

    Rosemary is a very aromatic forest spice. Pairs perfectly with any pasta sauce and goes great with potatoes, especially baked ones. If you want to make a quick marinade (for potatoes, meat, fish), pour olive oil into a bowl, add garlic and a pinch of rosemary - no salt will be needed. In addition, it is a very healthy seasoning: it has a good effect on the heart and brain, improves digestion, and acts as a pain reliever.

    6. Apple and wine vinegar

    You can use red wine vinegar or white wine vinegar: both are very aromatic and enhance the flavor of the dish. This seasoning is great for preparing salads, good for red borscht, sweet and sour dishes, and meat. A good substitute for salt is also Apple vinegar. It is great for any marinades, different varieties of cabbage, fish, meat (especially stewed). If you add it to a dish, you won't need salt.

    7. Cinnamon

    This is surprising, because cinnamon is a spice that is associated primarily with desserts. However, it can replace both sugar and salt. Suitable for food that does not require a lot of salt, for example, barley or millet porridge, wheat dishes, rice. Cinnamon goes well with meat. Just one stick thrown in while stewing meat will help the dish acquire an unusual taste, and there will be no need for salt. Quick tip: cinnamon goes especially well with chili.

    8. Coriander

    Some people love him, others don't. It's better to be in the first group, because coriander is a very good salt substitute. The seasoning is, first of all, a basic addition to rice dishes. If you love Asian cuisine, then the first thing you need is not salt, but coriander. However, you need to remember that it withers very quickly, so fresh plants should be used as soon as possible. Among other things, coriander is good for digestion and is recommended for diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

    9. Mint

    This is a somewhat underrated seasoning in the kitchen. It goes well with many main dishes, which thanks to it acquire a unique taste. Pairs well with pasta (especially spaghetti), cheeses (especially feta), couscous, and quinoa. Mint is a great addition to salads. Because they are easy to grow, you can stock up on greens for all occasions. An additional benefit of mint is its richness in vitamin C.

    10. Wine

    In many foreign cuisines, wine is the basis for giving dishes a unique taste and aroma. Suitable mainly for meat dishes (poultry, pork, beef, game), and is involved in creating delicious sauces. You can also serve a glass of wine with dinner - thanks to this, you may not notice the lack of salt on the plate. There is no need to worry that alcohol will harm you, because during the cooking process most of the wine will evaporate. Also, it doesn't hurt to remember that moderate consumption This drink reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

    11. Umami

    Umami is the fifth taste, full, deep, rich. Its source is glutamic acid. Synthetic analogue Umami - monosodium glutamate - is present in maggi seasonings and some foods. Adding this equivalent of salt makes the dishes delicious and any other spices are unnecessary. IN natural form Glutamic acid is found in mushrooms, cheeses (eg Parmesan, Roquefort), tomatoes, grapes, nuts, broccoli, garlic and seaweed.

    12. Seasoning mix

    More than one spice can replace salt. Combining them will create a combination that will make the dish more aromatic and tasty. For example, rosemary can be combined with oregano or basil. Can be combined hot spices with more tender, soft ones. This is a good idea for another reason: many herbs have similar health benefits. Therefore, by combining them, you ensure that more valuable compounds enter your body.