Laennec. Restoration of the reproductive system during premenopause. Infertility

According to statistics, approximately 15-20% face certain problems in conceiving and carrying a pregnancy to term. married couples in Russia. Infertility does not belong to the group of independent diseases; it always appears as a result various diseases certain systems of the body. And the leading role here belongs to the pathology of the endometrium - the mucous membrane of the uterus, responsible for the reception and development of a fertilized egg.

The choice of agents selectively aimed at restoring the endometrium is not large enough and requires further search. Alternative methods accelerating the processes of endometrial maturation are being actively studied and in this regard, the use of human placenta hydrolyzate in the form of a solution for intravenous injections Laennec®.


Infertility is the inability of a couple to conceive a child under conditions of regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptives for a year. In gynecology it represents a very important problem. After all, according to statistics, every third couple faces difficulties in conceiving a child. The causes of female infertility can be disturbances in hormonal or endocrine system, pathologies of the uterus, various acquired pathologies due to treatment or surgery.

Like other gynecological diseases, infertility treatment requires an integrated approach. First, a thorough diagnosis is carried out, based on the results of which the treatment tactics are determined. So, hormonal disorders can be eliminated by taking medications, inflammatory and infectious processes- a course of antibiotics, immunomodulatory drugs and additional methods treatment.


One of important reasons infertility and miscarriage is ovarian dysfunction and disorder menstrual cycle associated with insufficient endometrial function. One of the most striking examples is chronic endometritis, representing serious problem modern gynecology. Endometrial dysfunction due to a chronic inflammatory process (endometritis) is one of the main causes of female infertility and miscarriage in general. The basis of rational therapy for chronic endometritis is the removal of inflammation of the uterine mucosa while simultaneously restoring its reproductive properties.


The important stages of preparation are, first of all, restoration of the endometrium, normalization of immunity, regulation of autonomic nervous system, stress relief. In preparation for the IVF procedure, it is necessary to treat identified infections, relieve intoxication, and normalize metabolic processes, including in the uterine mucosa. Successfully solve the problems of preparing for pregnancy in complex therapy possible with the drug "Laennec" - a hydrolyzate of human placenta (Japan). All this leads to pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.


Laennec® is an immunomodulator and hepatoprotector, used to restore functions and stimulate cell regeneration, restore them life cycle, has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic effects, prevents fibrosis and adhesive process. Since the violation recovery processes in the endometrium in most cases is associated with sluggish inflammation in it, the administration of placenta hydrolyzate can solve the problem of endometrial growth while suppressing excess inflammation. This effect plays a positive role in terms of embryo survival after the Laennec course before IVF.

Laennec launches internal mechanisms normalization hormonal levels, which has been convincingly proven in clinical trials foreign doctors. The drug does not contain hormones, but due to its activity it is highly effective in the treatment of infertility. Thus, in the reviews of Indian scientists in a comparative study of standard therapy inflammatory diseases pelvic organs and treatment with injections of human placenta extract, 90% of women showed a noticeable reduction in dysmenorrhea, symptoms of inflammation, endometritis and abdominal pain when using placental extract. This indicates the ability of human placenta hydrolyzate to restore the intrinsic potential of the female genital organs.

When treating many gynecological diseases, first of all, infertility, chronic adnexitis, endometritis, adhesions Laennec repeatedly increases the effectiveness of such therapeutic and preventive methods as gynecological massage, physiotherapy, mud therapy and hirudotherapy.

Thus, the use of Laennec when planning pregnancy, before IVF, in women with infertility or spontaneous miscarriages, especially in combination with the above methods, expands therapeutic options restoring the ability to conceive and bear a child.



In Russia, the drug Laennec passed pre-registration tests at the Department of Gastroenterology of the Federal State University them. N.I. Pirogov Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, in the main clinical military hospital named after. N. N. Burdenko of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, at the Institute of Immunology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia. As a result of research in 2003, Laennec was approved in Russia for intravenous administration as a hepatoprotector and in 2009 - as an immunomodulator. This is the only one among others similar drugs(pharmacological, cosmetic, biological food additives), which, due to its effectiveness, breadth of use (for 80 diseases) and safety, is included in the register of medicines.


Packaging of a different type and format, as well as non-Russianized packaging, is 100% counterfeit goods. of dubious quality, released in a country other than Japan. Such products enter the Russian Federation illegally and are distributed illegally! No one is responsible for the quality and safety of such a drug. Beware of cheap fakes - they are dangerous to your health!

According to the instructions, Laennec normalizes individual physiological mechanisms and body functions, has properties antioxidant protection and recovery metabolic processes in tissues, is able to accelerate regeneration processes in them, restore hepatocytes (liver cells), increase general immunity Thanks to the immunomodulatory effect, it effectively heals the body without the use of medications, or in combination with them. Thanks to these properties, it has positively proven itself not only in the complex therapy of many diseases, in which it leads to long-term clinical remission and even recovery, but also as a prophylactic, and also as an anti-aging drug used in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology.

This universal drug well tolerated by patients and can be combined with any medications medications, leveling them side effect and potentiating healing effect. The product also increases potency in men and stimulates libido in women.


preparation for IVF
climacteric syndrome,
Endometritis, inflammation of the appendages, adhesions, STDs
Menstrual irregularities Decreased libido, anorgasmia Condition after operations
Chronic fatigue, asthenia Atopic dermatitis, herpes Keloid scars, post-acne


Doctors in reviews recognize the high potential of the drug Laennec in gynecology. In this area, it is used to restore fertility in infertile people. married couples, including in IVF programs for infertility. Gynecologists also prescribe course regimens of Laennec - droppers for hormonal dysfunction, premenstrual and menopausal syndromes, after surgical interventions. Treatment with a placental drug gives a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, which is used in programs for the treatment of chronic sluggish inflammatory processes in the pelvis (inflammation of the appendages, uterus, adhesions).

The course and regimen of treatment with Laennec for women's diseases determined by a gynecologist after a preliminary examination. Usually prescribed intravenous drips, and/or intramuscular injections, as well as biological injections active points(BAT). BAP techniques - influence points in the lumbar region, allow you to improve the function of the pelvic organs, eliminate sexual dysfunction. Effective in combination with physiotherapy and gynecological massage.

This tool It is well tolerated by patients and can be combined with other medications and treatment methods. In the treatment of many gynecological diseases, primarily infertility, chronic adnexitis, endometritis, adhesions, the drug Laennec greatly increases the effectiveness of such therapeutic and preventive methods as massage of the pelvic organs, physiotherapy, mud therapy and hirudotherapy.

Female infertility- this is the inability of the body to conceive and appears due to many reasons, much more complex than in the case of male infertility. There is primary and secondary infertility in women. In the first case, the diagnosis means that the woman has never had a pregnancy in the past, in the second - there was a pregnancy, and difficulties in conceiving arose after it.

Causes of infertility

The causes of female infertility can be disturbances in the hormonal or endocrine system, pathologies of the uterus, and various acquired pathologies due to treatment or surgery.

  • The endocrine factor is associated with dysfunction of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland, as a result of which the menstrual cycle becomes irregular and interruptions in ovulation are observed;
  • Impaired functioning fallopian tubes which can cause: disruption of the synthesis of sex hormones; dyskinesia of cilia on the inner lining of the uterine tubes;
  • Impairment, incoordination or decreased contractile activity of the muscle layer in the fallopian tubes;
  • Endometriosis is the growth of the inner layer of the walls of the uterus beyond acceptable limits. This causes a disruption in the normal transport of the egg into the fallopian tube;
  • Uterine factor - damage to the uterus with subsequent disorders physiological processes implantation They can be either congenital or acquired;
  • Immunological factor- enough rare reason, it is characterized by the presence of antisperm antibodies in the cervical mucus or blood, which interfere with the normal movement of sperm;
  • Age factor. It occurs only after 35-40 years. The reasons for this decrease in fertility are physiological and are an absolutely normal natural process;
  • Infection;
  • Ovarian hyperstimulation after unsuccessful IVF.

Infertility treatment

First of all professional doctor will help identify real reasons inability to become pregnant with the help of tests and ultrasound, then comes the treatment stage. Together with your doctor, you will accurately calculate the time favorable for conception. In case of hormonal imbalance, it is regulated with the help of medications.

Infertility caused by pathologies of the fallopian tubes is initially treated conservative methods, and if they do not help, surgical ones.

IVF is one of the most effective methods for treating infertility in women today. young, as well as women over 40 and even older. This procedure involves stimulating the ovaries and retrieving several eggs in one cycle. Fertilization occurs outside female body using the sperm of your husband/partner/donor. The transfer of embryos grown in test tubes takes place within a few days and is absolutely painless. This method saves even with obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

LAYENNEK-THERAPY. An integrated approach to the treatment of infertility.

Kuznetsova Irina Vsevolodovna

gynecologist-endocrinologist, doctor medical sciences, professor, chief Researcher research department women's health scientific and educational clinical center GBOU VPO First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov

For the most common causes of infertility (besides hormonal), the drug “Laennec”, a hydrolyzate of the human placenta (Japan), actively restores damaged organs of the female apparatus.

  • So with adhesions on the internal genital organs, after surgical methods treatment (obstruction of the fallopian tubes), the drug prevents the formation of repeated adhesions and restores the inner surface of the tubes.
  • In preparation for IVF, it normalizes the immune status, prevents the development viral infections, restores the endothelium of the uterus.
  • In case of endometriosis, it restores the endometrium, normalizes the immune system, regulates the autonomic nervous system, and relieves stress.

Treatment is carried out as prescribed by the doctor, after providing tests and ultrasound of the organs abdominal cavity. The drug can be administered intravenously (droppers) or pharmacopuncture at biologically active points (patented administration regimens). The set of procedures is selected individually.



It is applied for:

Sources and meaning




Glucose uptake

added less than a minute ago

Drugs affecting FSH levels:
“Inositol” usually refers to myo-inositol, a small molecule structurally similar to glucose that is involved in cell signaling. Inositol is an effective anxiolytic when used in high doses, and is also quite effective means for the treatment of insulin resistance and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) when using standard dosages.


The word "inositol" refers to nine stereoisomers, molecules with similar structures. The term "inositol" itself is commonly used in dietary supplement names, and typically refers to a specific stereoisomer called myo-inositol. Inositol belongs to the category of pseudovitamins, which is often incorrectly classified as a B complex vitamin. large quantities found in citrus fruits and also found in grains and whole grains. Myo-inositol is quite promising food additive to enhance female fertility, restore insulin sensitivity in cases of resistance (type II diabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome), and to reduce anxiety. Due to its mixed effects on insulin resistance and fertility, myo-inositol is considered a good treatment for PCOS in women. The substance also has some promise as an antidepressant (although its antidepressant effects are not as impressive as its anxiolytic and panic effects), and for some other anxiety-related conditions such as panic disorder and binge eating. Inositol is relatively ineffective in schizophrenia and autism, as well as in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. stress disorder, despite its anti-panic effects. This is partly because myo-inositol is effective on fertility and PCOS, and also has a calming effect, potentially relieving PMS symptoms(such as dysphoria and anxiety), it is sometimes prescribed as a supplement to improve overall women's health. Some studies have shown that the antidepressant effects associated with the use of this supplement only affect women. It is a very safe oral supplement and all side effects associated with myo-inositol are only mild. gastrointestinal disorders, when using high doses. High doses (usually in the range of 12-18g) of myo-inositol are used for any neurological disorders, and lower doses (2-4g) to improve fertility and insulin sensitivity. Also known as: Myoinositol, Cyclohexane, Cyclohexane-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexol
It is one of the forms of Pseudo-vitamin. It goes well with:
D-chiro-inositol (increases the effectiveness of myo-inositol in PCOS treatment)
Melatonin (helps improve female fertility)
Phytic acid(has anti-cancer effect)
Lithium (moderate doses of myo-inositol may reduce the peripheral side effects of lithium without affecting the central effects)
It is applied for:

Treatments for polycystic ovary syndrome
Improved fertility (women)
Treatment of type II diabetes and insulin resistance
Inositol: instructions for use

For the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), myo-inositol is used at a dose of 200-4,000 mg once daily before breakfast; the higher the dose and the more often it is used, the more effective it is. Neurological disorders typically require more high doses inositol, and while antidepressant effects have been noted with as little as 6g of the drug, the standard dosage is 14-18g daily. Myo-inositol is more effective in capsule form in soft shell than in powder form. To produce equal effect, 30% of the equivalent dose of myo-inositol in capsule form is required. This means that powdered myo-inositol at a dose of 14-18g exhibits psychopharmacological effects comparable to a dose of 4.2-5. 4g myo-inositol capsule.
Sources and meaning


Inositol (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-cyclohexanehexol or simply cyclohexanehexol) is a molecule that is often classified as a B vitamin, although to a greater extent, it is a pseudovitamin because it is very common in the diet and is an important substance in the human body. It is known as a cyclic polyol, which is a precursor to phosphorylated compounds known as phosphoinositides, which are involved in signal transduction and other second messengers, including diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol triphosphate (IP3). 1) Inositol is a small molecule structurally similar to glucose. It is a vitamin-like compound (pseudovitamin) that is involved in cell signaling and is a component cell membranes. There are nine different inositol molecules, known as stereoisomers2), these include:

Most supplements come in the form of myo-inositol, since it is the main stereoisomer of inositol in the body (providing more than 90% of cellular inositol; scyllo-inositol comes in second). Other supplements labeled "inositol" may include scyllo-inositol (ELND005) and D-Chiro-inositol. 3) The term "inositol" refers to a group of molecules, not a single molecule; the molecules that are in this group are called "stereoisomers" of inositol. They all have important biological significance However, today, myo-inositol is the most popular stereoisomer used in dietary supplements. For marketing purposes, the terms “inositol” and “myo-inositol” are used interchangeably.
Interaction with glucose metabolism


Inositol (myo-inositol) is a second messenger of insulin signaling (downstream of the receptor), acting through inositol phosphoglycans. Exist Various types inositol phosphoglycans, which are P-type (D-Chiro-inositol couples to galactosamine) or A-type (eluted at pH 1.3 to 2.0 P-type). 32) F-IPG activates the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex, which is an enzyme involved in glycolysis that is positively regulated (increases its activity) by the mitochondrial phosphatases pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDP) and negatively regulated (inhibited) by pyruvate dehydrogenase kinases (MPC); PDC activity depends on two last groups regulatory proteins

Glucose uptake

It is known that when the insulin receptor is activated, inositol derivatives are used in the signal transduction process. In particular, the insulin receptor can activate phosphointisol 3-kinase, which ultimately activates protein kinase B and PDH1, which are required for GLUT4 translocation and glucose uptake (via AC160), but the ability of PI3K to act on protein kinase B/PGD1 is mediated through phosphatidyl. called phosphatidylinositol (3, 4, 5)-triphosphate or FIP3. Specifically, PI3K produces phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, which then produces PIP3 (or it can produce diacylglycerol if this does not produce PIP3) and anything that inhibits PI3K (eg wortmannin) inhibits insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, beyond due to inhibited formation of FIP3. FIP3 affects the functioning of the IP3 receptor, which exists in three isoforms that regulate the release of calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum, where the receptors are expressed. 33) This process(specifically FIP3 and its contribution) is negatively regulated by FIP3 phosphatase, PTP (overexpression interferes with insulin signaling and causes hypersensitivity), SHIP2 (production interferes with glucose uptake and causes insulin hypersensitivity), and SHIP (production interferes with glucose uptake, enhances insulin signaling ), which is mainly expressed in muscle tissue. Activation of the insulin receptor causes glucose uptake into GLUT4 vesicles, this occurs in a sequence of events linked by intermediate enzymes such as PI3K and protein kinase B; In steps between PI3K and protein kinase, an inositol signaling molecule known as PIP3 helps determine the overall activity of insulin signaling levels. 34) Endogenous phosphatidylpropylene glycol 3-phosphate (PIP3 with two or fewer phosphates) may also independently promote GLUT4 mobilization. Glucan3, a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked proteoglycan that stimulates the translocation of GLUT4 when overexpressed. In addition to FIP3, there are other inositol derivatives that promote GLUT4 mobility. D-chiro-inositol and its methylated derivative D-pinitol are known to have insulin-mimetic properties that extend to all inositol metabolites (although epi and muco-inositol have highest efficiency). 1 µM of many of these metabolites is as potent as 100 nM insulin in translocating GLUT4 to the cell membrane. It was noted that following GLUT4 translocation in vivo, 1000 mg/kg myo-inositol in mice, when measured 30 minutes after ingestion, with or without an additional 2 g/kg glucose, the concentration reached 2.67 ± 0.72 µM ( without increasing D-Chiro-inositol concentration) with a doubling potential that was comparable to 1000 mg/kg D-Chiro-inositol. 35) Ingestion of myo-inositol causes GLUT4 translocation, with or without additional oral administration glucose.

added less than a minute ago

Serum glucose levels

When 1000 mg/kg myo-inositol is ingested in mice, an acute hypoglycemic effect is observed when the drug is combined with 2 g/kg glucose (without restoring blood glucose levels and with slightly less efficacy than the same dose of D-pinitol), presumably , this is associated with an increase in GLUT4 translocation. In animal studies, it has been shown that large oral doses of myo-inositol (human dose is 80 mg/kg) can aid in glucose uptake when taken with carbohydrates, without a hypoglycemic effect. 5. 4. Diabetes and Insulin Resistance 2000 mg of myo-inositol twice daily for six months in postmenopausal women with metabolic syndrome was associated with improvements in all biomarkers of glucose metabolism (insulin and glucose, and insulin sensitivity), and The treatment benefits were slightly greater when the trial lasted for a year. In women with insulin resistance, supplementation with myo-inositol helps improve insulin sensitivity. Just as an increase in the content of inositol metabolites in the urine appears with insulin resistance (type II diabetes and PCOS), the same phenomenon is observed with gestational diabetes. The use of 4,000 mg of inositol daily in women during pregnancy improved biomarkers of gestational diabetes (in particular, decreased insulin sensitivity, glucose intolerance was significantly reduced). In more recent studies of women with polycystic ovary syndrome who became pregnant, this same dose was associated with a significant reduction in the risk of developing gestational diabetes, down to 17.2%, compared with 52% in the control group. 36) Supplementation had no effect on overall weight changes during pregnancy. Inositol supplementation during pregnancy can reduce the risk of developing gestational diabetes by half, and even when the patient does not develop gestational diabetes, the supplement may have an effect on improving insulin sensitivity.

Diseases associated with diabetes

Myo-inositol is critical for development peripheral nerves(due to the fact that its transporter into cells has a vital important), due in part to its intrinsic role in nerves, as well as general insulin-sensitizing effects, myo-inositol is considered to help with diabetic neuropathy. Myo-inositol is useful in diabetic neuropathy (degradation of peripheral neurons that leads to deterioration of sensory abilities). 37) Supplementation of 4,000mg myo-inositol in diabetic men experiencing erectile dysfunction (general by-effect for type II diabetes and insulin resistance in men associated with neuropathy) is more effective in promoting erections than placebo. Folic acid was also used in this study (400µg), although its effect on improving erectile function not installed. Myo-inositol shows limited but promising evidence of reducing the effects associated with erectile dysfunction in diabetes when using a standard oral dose.

Interaction with fat mass


Many studies have been conducted in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, the use of supplemental myo-inositol, in doses as low as 200 mg, has shown effective improvements, most studies were conducted in the dose range of 1,200-2,000mg. There have also been some improvements in obesity in women; inositol has been shown to promote weight loss in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, but the supplement has no effect in women with a BMI greater than 37. Supplemental inositol in insulin-resistant women without PCOS has no therapeutic effect at 4,000 mg daily. during a year. 38) Women with PCOS are known to have great difficulty losing weight, and additional dose Inositol may alleviate this difficulty. But it may not be effective in any other situation.

Impact at the stage of the disease

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) occurs in more than 10% of women. This disease is associated with disturbances in glucose metabolism (increased fasting glucose levels and decreased insulin sensitivity) and disturbances in androgen metabolism (excessive amounts of circulating testosterone), which lead to difficulties losing fat, impaired fertility and acanthokeratoderma (velvety hyperpigmentation of the skin, usually formed in folds). To make a diagnosis, two of the following three factors must be present: anovulation, androgen excess, or polycystic ovary syndrome. Although the disease does not cause trouble in its early stages, it may predispose to one of the chronic metabolic complications such as metabolic syndrome and a significant decrease in overall physical condition. 39) Impaired insulin sensitivity may be associated with increased levels androgens and decreased fertility; insulin-sensitizing medications (first line therapy for PCOS) may reduce androgens during this process painful condition. Since women with polycystic ovary syndrome and diabetics generally have impaired excretion of inositol metabolites, it is believed that supplementation may be considered therapeutic measure. PCOS is associated with high content androgens in women, affecting a decrease in fertility, an increase in body weight, which may be associated with insulin resistance. Because myo-inositol increases insulin resistance, it is being studied to determine its role in the development of PCOS. Other studies have noted improvements in androgen levels and glucose metabolism (the main health concerns of PCOS), with supplement use for 12 weeks using 1200 mg myo-inositol, 8-12 weeks using 2000 mg myo-inositol, up to three months using a myo-inositol supplement at a dosage of 4,000 mg, and combination therapy with myo-inositol (550 mg) and D-chiro-inositol (13.8 mg) for 12 weeks. Studies that failed to demonstrate an improvement in glucose metabolism used doses of 200 mg myo-inositol for 12 weeks. 40) The use of myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol (550 mg and 13.8 mg respectively) significantly improved lipid profile with a reduction in LDL (14.3%) with a concomitant increase in HDL (45%), changes blood pressure and triglycerides were insignificant. An increase in HDL was noted in another study using 200 mg myo-inositol. Studies evaluating androgen biomarkers and glucose metabolism (in PCOS) have found therapeutic effects at lower doses; It takes 12 weeks or longer for the supplement to start working. PCOS is known to impair female fertility, and long-term use of inositol supplements (2000 mg for 12 weeks) has noted the restoration of menstruation in women whose cycles were temporarily disrupted due to PCOS. 1, 100mg inositol combined with 27.6mg D-chiro-inositol in women with polycystic ovary syndrome may improve the formation of subsequent eggs and the quality of embryos before fertilization, increasing pregnancy rates. In another study, taking 2000 mg of inositol along with 200 mg folic acid, over twelve weeks, reversed ovarian dysfunction (folic acid alone was found to be ineffective) and improved pregnancy rates by up to 32% by improving ovarian quality (oocyte maturation). The effectiveness of using a combination of these supplements for three months (4,000 mg myo-inositol and 400 mcg folate acid) has been confirmed in other studies. 41) Doses of 200 mg (100 mg twice daily) are effective in improving ovulation in women over twelve weeks, compared with other inositol preparations at a dose of 4,000 mg (plus 400 mcg folic acid). Inositol was more effective than metformin (1,500 mg) in increasing pregnancy rates to 36.6°C% (rather than 18.3%). There are many studies using a drug called INOFERT (myo-inositol plus 200mg folic acid) or myo-inositol plus 400mcg folic acid that show the benefits of using a combination supplement. One study that divided patients into groups that were given either INOFERT or folic acid noted that myo-inositol supplementation was vital for improving glucose metabolism and fertility; A comparative study between inositol plus folic acid versus folic acid noted that folic acid alone was ineffective. In these latest studies, folic acid is added to inositol to increase fertility in women. Supplementing with folic acid from conception reduces the risk of birth defects, which myo-inositol supplementation does not. Using folic acid with inositol prevents birth defects during pregnancy, which may occur secondary to inositol therapy.

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Tribestan is a herbal medicine obtained from the herb extract of Tribulus terrestris. Various tinctures, extracts and decoctions prepared from Tribulus have been used in recipes for centuries traditional medicine Bulgarians and other Balkan ethnic groups. In 1981, the empirically identified properties of Tribulus herb received their scientific confirmation in studies conducted by specialists from the Research Institute of the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry in Sofia. It was from this moment that the Bulgarians registered trademark, and began to produce and sell Tribulus extract in the form medicinal product called "Tribestan". Tribestan enhances the production of testosterone and estrogen hormones, improving sexual function, erection, spermatogenesis, libido and other summary indicators sexual activity and the ability to reproduce in both men and women. In addition, the drug has a positive effect on mental and physiological state men and women who have undergone various surgeries to remove genital organs, such as the uterus, prostate, ovaries, etc. Tribestan reduces the intensity and severity of symptoms that develop during menopause in men and women, or after surgical castration (for example, after removal of the prostate due to a tumor, or the uterus along with fibroids, etc.), such as insomnia, excitability, tension etc. This universal effect on men and women is explained by the stimulating effect of Tribestan on the brain structures responsible for the production of hormones that control the activity of the genital organs. Besides beneficial influence on sexual function, Tribestan improves immunity, increases the resistance of cell membranes to damaging factors, and also has the ability to reduce cholesterol concentrations. Thus, Tribestan can be used as a general strengthening and tonic drug, as well as improving the ability to conceive and preventing atherosclerosis.
therapeutic effects All therapeutic effects of Tribestan are caused by substances of biological origin belonging to the group of steroidal saponins of the furastanol type. The main active component of the extract is protodioscin, which is already formed in the human body as a result of a series of chemical transformations of its precursors contained in Tribestan tablets. Protodioscin is chemical structure steroid saponin, which is a precursor for the synthesis of its own steroid hormones. That is, when protodioscin, which is a kind of “semi-finished product,” appears in the body, its own sex hormones are synthesized from it, which are also steroids in chemical structure. This explains the versatility of Tribestan - the ability to stimulate the production of testosterone in men and estrogen in women. In addition to the ability to normalize the concentration of sex hormones, Tribestan has the following therapeutic effects: 1. Antibiotic (destroys a number pathogenic microorganisms). 2. Antiviral effect(destroys herpes and influenza viruses). 3. Lipid-lowering effect (normalizes concentration total cholesterol blood, reduces the content of atherogenic fractions and increases the level of antiatherogenic lipid fractions). 4. Powerful anti-inflammatory effect (the severity is almost the same as that of dexamethasone and other glucocorticoids). 5. Anti-edema effect. 6. Stimulate sexual function, including fertility and libido. 7. Fungicidal effect (destroys pathogenic fungi). Thus, Tribestan is a herbal medicine that has a general strengthening and hypolipidemic effect, and also improves the functioning of the reproductive system of men and women. In addition, protodioscin improves immunity, increases the stability of cell membranes, which maintain integrity even when exposed to strong damaging factors (for example, free radicals). Also, steroid saponins in Tribestan improve fertility (the ability to conceive) and normalize cholesterol metabolism. The drug reduces the amount of cholesterol absorbed from the intestine and reduces the concentration of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the blood, which are atherogenic fractions that lead to the development of atherosclerosis. At the same time, the drug does not affect the concentration of lipoproteins high density(HDL), which, on the contrary, prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Thus, the herbal medicine effectively prevents atherosclerosis of various vessels. By reducing the concentration of cholesterol and atherogenic lipid fractions, Tribestan helps reduce blood clotting. This means that the drug prevents a tendency to thrombosis or already existing increased thrombus formation. Tribestan has a general strengthening and tonic effect on the reproductive system of both men and women. This influence is achieved by activating central mechanisms regulation located in brain structures. Therefore, the drug improves the functioning of the genital organs in both men and women. However, there are some gender differences in the effects of the drug.
Tribestan for women Tribestan normalizes ovulation cycles in women. His therapeutic effect similar to that of hormonal drugs containing estrogen and testosterone (for example, combined oral contraceptives). Along with the normalization of ovulation, Tribestan reduces the risk of developing tumors of the breast, ovaries, uterus and other genital organs. Normalizing ovulation means increasing the ability to conceive, that is, the ability to become pregnant and bear a child. And that’s why the Bulgarians have long used this plant for the treatment of infertility. In addition, Tribestan stimulates the production of pituitary hormones, which in turn regulate and balance the process of synthesis of sex hormones - estrogens. In women, Tribestan affects mainly the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is “responsible” for ovulation, as well as estradiol. Wherein medicine does not suppress the natural mechanisms of hormone production - it simply enhances the stimulating effect of the brain and leads the body to a balanced state, that is, healthy state. According to studies, taking Tribestan for 5 days leads to an increase in estrogen concentration by 40% of baseline. However, when using the drug, an increase in the concentration of hormones above normal is excluded, and all fluctuations occur within physiological values. Normalizing the hormonal balance in the body leads to the restoration of libido and the ability to conceive. Tribestan also normalizes the psychological and physiological state of a woman after removal of the genital organs (for example, the uterus due to fibroids, etc.) or during menopause. The tablets eliminate the main symptoms of these conditions - hot flashes, headaches, insomnia, irritability, lethargy, tension, etc.
Summarizing all the mechanisms of action of Tribestan, we can say that its use has the following positive effects for women: stimulates the production of estrogen; improves sexual attraction(libido); inhibits the development of menopause; reduces severity negative phenomena developing during menopause due to a lack of estrogen; normalizes hormonal balance; stabilizes and normalizes body weight; grinding

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