Is it good to lie on the floor? Is it good to sleep on the floor or any other hard surface? Benefits of sleeping on hard surfaces

Experts have proven that sleeping on hard floors is beneficial. This type of rest is indicated for back and lower back pain. But healthy people should also pay attention to their sleeping place. Incorrect body position during sleep leads to many health problems.

Who benefits from sleeping on the floor?

During the day, the spine is exposed to significant stress, because it plays the role of support for the whole body. Therefore, he especially needs rest. You should not buy a bed or sofa that is too soft. The surface should support the natural position of the spine. If after rest you feel groggy or tired, it means the mattress is not selected correctly.

Sleeping on a hard surface is useful for back problems and spinal diseases, since the main source of such problems is an improperly equipped sleeping place. As a result, the body takes an unnatural position, which negatively affects health.

The following facts support sleeping on a hard surface:

  1. The body weight is distributed evenly, the spine takes a natural position and does not experience additional stress. As a result, a person acquires correct posture. Sleeping on a hard surface, but not on boards, is an excellent prevention of back diseases;
  2. It is noticed that a person feels more rested in the morning. This effect is due to improved blood circulation. Tissues and organs are sufficiently supplied with oxygen, which leads to sound and complete sleep;
  3. Good blood flow promotes rapid cell renewal. The whole body is rejuvenated;
  4. Due to better functioning of internal organs, the body is naturally cleansed of harmful substances;
  5. The liver filters the blood and improves its composition;
  6. Over time, familiar beds become a source of dust and pathogens that are difficult to remove. And sanitizing the floor is extremely simple;
  7. According to the laws of physics, hot air is at the top, and fresh and saturated with moisture is at the bottom. Lying on the floor, a person gets the opportunity to inhale oxygen-enriched air, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the body;
  8. It's easy to choose a place to rest on the floor. Due to its large dimensions, it is not always possible to place a stationary sleeping place where you want. Sleeping on the floor easily solves this problem.

But you shouldn’t get too carried away with this practice. Sleeping on a completely hard surface without anything underneath is harmful to your health. Therefore, it is necessary to properly equip the future sleeping place.

How to properly arrange a sleeping area on the floor

An uncomfortable sleeping place leads to many problems over time. In particular, diseases O porno-motor system – osteochondrosis, scoliosis, radiculitis. When arranging a bed on a hard surface, blood circulation and overall well-being improve, and proper rest is ensured.

To prevent muscle pain after sleep, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a covering. Some people purchase orthopedic mattresses. But such a purchase requires serious financial costs. You can find a sheet of thick plywood, lay it on the bed and lie on top. But most people prefer to just sleep on the floor.

Initially, you should thoroughly wash the surrounding area and remove all dust. It is better to carry out wet cleaning daily. It is advisable to ventilate the room so that the air is enriched with fresh oxygen.

A surface that is too hard without any covering does not allow a person to fully relax and interferes with normal blood circulation, resulting in the body not resting during the night. You can choose a mattress with a dense structure, G imnastic rug or ordinary blanket. Then lay a sheet on the makeshift bed.

In order not to block the flow of blood to the brain, it is necessary to support the head in the desired position. A compact flat pillow or cushion is suitable for this. They are sold in specialized stores. Roller is possible do it yourself. To do this, just tightly roll up any blanket you have at home. You need to cover yourself with something that will be comfortable to sleep under. In winter - a blanket, in summer - a sheet.

It is best to place the bed away from possible sources of drafts, hot radiators or heaters. Windows and doors must be closed. It is extremely undesirable to sleep on an icy surface - you can become hypothermic overnight. If the floor in the apartment is made of concrete, then it is necessary to additionally insulate the bed so that it does not allow the cold to pass through.

The space in which the bed is arranged must be free. A person needs to be able to stretch out without hindrance and spread his limbs. Family members should be warned about the intention to lie on the floor so that they do not accidentally step on or trip over the body.

How could such a dream be dangerous?

If you approach the arrangement of your bed correctly, choose a thick mattress and a suitable place in your apartment for sleeping, then sleeping on the floor is not at all harmful, but beneficial. At first there may be discomfort. It will be especially uncomfortable to sleep on your side. But gradually the body adapts and finds the most suitable position itself. Within a few days, back and joint pain will begin to go away, and the quality of rest will significantly improve.

You can first prepare yourself to sleep on a hard surface. Buy an orthopedic mattress and sleep on it for a while before moving from the bed to the floor. As a result, the body will learn to independently choose the most suitable position, and the discomfort will disappear.

Sleeping on hard floors causes negative consequences in the following cases:

  1. Placing a sleeping place in a draft leads to the appearance of colds;
  2. The absence of a pillow or its incorrect choice causes pain in the cervical spine;
  3. Insufficient hygienic treatment can provoke an allergic reaction.

Sleeping on a hard surface is a healthy habit. If these rules are followed, it improves the quality of rest. At first you will have to endure some inconvenience, but your good health will compensate for the slight discomfort.

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Oddly enough, one of the main reasons for constant back pain is the lack of comfortable sleeping conditions. A person spends almost a third of his life sleeping - it is not surprising that the incorrect position of the body on the mattress as a result negatively affects the health of the spine. Many people think that to solve the problem it is enough to purchase a hard orthopedic mattress or, conversely, put the softest and most comfortable bedding in the bed. But is it really that simple? Perhaps it is time to analyze the most interesting question. Is it healthy to sleep on the floor?

In culture

Spending nights on the floor rather than in bed is typical for households in the Land of the Rising Sun. Many residents of developed Western countries also believe that such a habit, if it does not improve health, then significantly increases overall vitality and prevents back pain. Even in classical literature and cinema, if you wish, you can find examples of this habit. The Count of Monte Cristo, for example, did not at all wonder whether sleeping on a hard floor was beneficial: he simply got used to such rest during the time he spent in prison.

The interested reader is given the opportunity to make his own decision on this controversial issue.

Back pain and spinal problems

For unknown reasons, most patients with back pain believe that a soft mattress will certainly ease their discomfort, help eliminate pain and bring additional comfort to everyday life. In fact, too soft mattresses are simply not able to provide the back with sufficient support, as a result of which the position of the body (and, accordingly, the skeleton) in the lying position takes on an incorrect shape. Eventually, the spine curves to follow a set pattern of position on the bed.


If a mattress on a bed can cause significant harm, is sleeping on the floor beneficial? For the spine there is a clear answer: yes. The hard floor provides excellent support for the back and lower back, keeping the skeleton naturally straight even while sleeping.

People who tried to exchange a soft bed for a seemingly cold and uncomfortable floor for one night found that their back pain subsided a little, and their overall well-being noticeably improved. If you still doubt whether sleeping on the floor is beneficial if you have a herniated disc, try this method just once - and you will soon return to it.

How to do it right

Instead of a thick soft mattress, a very thin mattress or summer blanket is placed on the floor. You need to sleep without a pillow so that excessive elevation of your head does not compress the blood vessels in the neck area. The ideal sleeping position is lying on your back. In this form, the spine will remain in a neutral position, and you will be able to avoid discomfort in the shoulder blades and lower back.

  • If a thin mattress or blanket seems too soft for you, feel free to lay one suitable for yoga on the floor. It's thin enough to allow the ground to support your spine, yet soft enough to keep you comfortable as you change positions.
  • If you are determined to find out from your own experience whether sleeping on the floor is beneficial, try lying only on your back for the first time. In the morning you will be able to observe the results with your own eyes: absence of pain and discomfort, increased tone, excellent health. You can, of course, sleep on your side or stomach, but such positions do not provide adequate back support.
  • You should not sleep on your side in the baby position for more than five hours at a time, as this position can cause severe strain on the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and chest. Unlike healthy muscle strain when playing active sports, in this case you are not facing body improvement, but severe pain in both the upper and lower back.

Other tips

  • Is it beneficial to sleep on the floor if the pelvic bones and shoulder blades rest against a rigid structure? No, since the discomfort from an unsuccessful position neutralizes the benefits that a full night's rest on the floor gives people. Try bending your knees while lying on your back; in this position, the pelvis receives a rare opportunity to get rid of accumulated tension, and the body weight is more evenly distributed over the entire surface of the body in contact with the floor.
  • Make sure you have enough space left to feel at ease. The level of comfort will decrease significantly if your gymnastics mat is surrounded on all sides by furniture that does not allow you to turn around and spread your arms and legs.
  • If you sleep on a carpet, try to periodically change the resting place so that the carpet does not deteriorate or become dented from constantly placing the same weight on the same place.
  • You may have asked yourself another question: “Is it useful to sleep on the floor in a special one designed for hiking?” The usefulness of this option has not yet been studied, but it is quite capable of providing you with optimal conditions for a comfortable stay.

First nights

And yet, is it useful to sleep on the floor with osteochondrosis and other diseases? Yes, but within a few nights of starting to practice this popular method, a person may experience significant discomfort. Many people immediately begin to dream of a hundred pillows. However, if you are really concerned about the quality of your sleep, you can put only one pillow on the floor - under your head. Never sleep with your back buried in soft feathers or synthetic down. There is no need to provide the spine with softness - you need to guarantee it good and stable support.

If the question of whether sleeping on a hard floor is beneficial comes up in a friendly conversation, do not fall for the oratorical tricks of your friends who are trying to prove to you that sleeping on the floor is extremely harmful. Perhaps people who are overweight or are simply accustomed to relaxing on soft down mattresses will experience certain discomfort in the morning after a whole night spent on the floor, but such discomfort is quite natural and even similar to that divine muscle fatigue that covers the whole body after intense exercise. training in the gym.


For healthy people, the question of whether sleeping on the floor is beneficial, strictly speaking, is not even a full-fledged question. They give a clear positive answer. However, it should be kept in mind that sleeping on the floor also has contraindications. Experts do not recommend following new fashion trends in copying the lifestyle of the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans if your doctor has prescribed you to rest exclusively in a specially designed bed, or if you live on the first floor of an apartment building or country cottage, where concrete floors make sleeping at night an extremely dangerous experience. .

If you still have doubts, give the new technique a chance - sleep on a hard floor for a week or a little longer. You will see from your own experience: it is enough to endure a little discomfort in the muscles and unusual rigidity, as this method of night rest will become a habit, and you will no longer be able to settle down on a soft bed with the same comfort. It's not so much a matter of convenience as it is a matter of health: when you go to sleep on the floor for the first time, you take the first, but very significant step towards complete relief from back pain.

Many people wonder whether sleeping on the floor is beneficial. This worries everyone, everywhere, because experts have differing opinions on this matter. My back and neck often hurt after sleep. As a rule, this happens due to incorrect postures while resting and the use of an uncomfortable bed. People are starting to choose good mattresses for themselves so that their spine can rest at night and not hurt in the morning. But no one thinks about whether they are needed at all.

What is the benefit of this approach?

To prevent your spine from being disturbed in the morning, you need to sleep on a flat and firm place. But if a person has slept on a soft bed all his life, then when he switches to a hard surface, he will have to get used to the new bed. This will take very little time. The main thing is not to sleep on the bare floor; you need to put a mattress or blanket under it.

What should be the position of the body in sleep, on which a person’s morning state largely depends? To get the most benefit from floor resting, you should sleep on your back. This way the blood will easily reach all parts of the body, and the spine will be completely rested and will not hurt. For greater comfort, you can place a small cushion under your neck.

Those people who sleep on the floor never have back pain, and their health fails much less often than those who like soft mattresses. Not everyone is used to sleeping on a hard base; some find it extremely uncomfortable and prefer a cozy bed. But resting on a hard surface gives many good results.

Why is sleeping on the floor considered the most beneficial for a person? Because this happens:

  1. 1. Blood purification.
  2. 2. Restoration of skin cell activity. The process of slowing down aging is carried out.
  3. 3. The internal organs of the small pelvis do not descend.
  4. 4. Normalization of blood circulation, a person becomes mentally balanced. Your health is stabilizing.
  5. 5. Strengthening the functionality of various organs, as blood circulation is restored.
  6. 6. Maintaining perfect posture.
  7. 7. Relieving back pain.

Looking at the above advantages, every person will understand that sleeping on the floor is a step towards good health. Some people believe that, on the contrary, being on a hard surface causes back pain in the morning, but in fact this is not the case. Discomfort is felt only in the first days, out of habit. It gradually passes, and you can feel that the body has begun to function quickly and well, and the pain in the lower back and neck has completely disappeared.

If you decide to sleep on the floor, you should not forget to lay out a rug, blanket or mattress. Don't freeze your back. What if there is a draft? This situation can lead to very serious illnesses.

How to choose a place to sleep?

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with all the rules for sleeping on the floor. Choose the right mattress; don’t skimp on it. It is best to buy a straight orthopedic product and get rid of the old one, because it does not allow the spine to completely relax and displaces the vertebrae in different directions. And this, in turn, compresses the blood vessels and leads to curvature of the spine and poor posture.

It is also very important that the place chosen for sleeping at night is clean and hygienic. These criteria also influence the benefits of such a vacation. As a rule, a large amount of dirt and dust almost always accumulates on the floor, so before going to bed you need to wash this place and keep it clean in the future. You should choose a zone in the room where there is no draft nearby, otherwise there is a possibility of catching a cold not only in the throat or lungs, but also in the back and kidneys. The place must be suitable for sleeping!

When choosing bed linen, you need to focus on natural fabrics, since synthetic materials have a bad effect on human health and do not allow air to pass through. The right cotton underwear will allow your skin to breathe and absorb sweat from your pores. Your vacation will be complete and healthy. If pain or discomfort occurs, it is better to consult a doctor. The specialist will tell you what measures to take to make your sleep better and more useful.

Scientists have found that the closer to the ground, the higher the oxygen level. Therefore, sleeping on the floor is healthier for all parts of the body, including the brain. You need to choose a good pillow to prevent your neck from getting stiff.

Sleeping on the floor will solve problems with pain in the spine. People believe that if there is discomfort in the back, you urgently need to lie down on something soft - a bed, sofa, etc. But this is a wrong opinion! Mattresses that are too fluffy do not provide muscle support. The back takes an incorrect position on the bed, and the spine is curved, which causes severe pain and discomfort.

Is it good to rest on the floor? This question has a clear answer - yes! On a hard base during sleep, the back is well supported and does not bend, allowing the muscles to completely relax. It’s worth trying to sleep on the floor for at least one day to immediately feel an improvement in the condition of your body, spine and back.

  1. 1. Suffering from spinal curvature. A flat surface and body position while sleeping on your back will help get rid of poor posture and slow down the progression of scoliosis.
  2. 2. Those with a history of back injuries. In this case, restoration of blood circulation in muscles and bone tissue normalizes the functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system.
  3. 3. With herniated intervertebral discs. When you are on a flat surface, the vertebrae will be set in the correct position.
  4. 4. For frequent lower back pain.

Despite the fact that sleeping on the floor is recognized as healthy and can significantly improve a person’s well-being and health, it must be taken into account that it also includes some contraindications.

Thus, using this type of recreation is categorically not recommended for people with pathologies of a certain nature. Among them:

  • acute and chronic colds;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys, urinary tract, pelvic organs;
  • severe chronic illnesses such as diabetes, epilepsy, rheumatism, tuberculosis, etc.

If a person is healthy, then sleeping on the floor is not only not contraindicated for him, but is even necessary. Everyone knows that in the culture of the countries of the Far East, this way of relaxation is a familiar part of life. Chinese, Japanese and Koreans sleep practically on the floor. This allows them to maintain good posture and healthy back muscles and spinal column until old age. But it is necessary to take into account that before moving from a comfortable bed to a hard base, you should consult with a specialist. Only he will tell you whether this procedure will help improve the health of your back and spine or, on the contrary, will cause irreparable harm.

Many patients are interested in how to sleep with osteochondrosis. Such an unpleasant disease as osteochondrosis is a problem for office workers, car drivers and other people who are forced to sit a lot in uncomfortable positions.

How should you sleep with osteochondrosis?

This disease requires long-term and thorough treatment, because the consequences of osteochondrosis can be paralysis of the limbs, heart attacks, strokes, hypertension and other extremely life-threatening pathologies.

There are 4 types of osteochondrosis depending on its location:

  • cervical;
  • chest;
  • dorsal;
  • lumbar.

In addition to medication and physiotherapeutic treatment, and for greater effectiveness, it is worth reviewing some of your habits. For example, it is very important to sleep properly with osteochondrosis.

Such a seemingly trifle as the position in which you sleep plays a huge role in the success of the treatment of osteochondrosis and in the further avoidance of its exacerbations.

Let's look at how to sleep with osteochondrosis. The first and most important item for people suffering from osteochondrosis of any part of the spine is a mattress. The right mattress will not hurt people with a healthy spine, ensuring the prevention of back diseases and simply providing the highest quality rest for the entire body during sleep.

When choosing a mattress, you should pay attention to its hardness. A mattress that is too soft will not be able to ensure the correct position of the spine during sleep and will thereby aggravate the general condition of the ligaments and intervertebral discs, causing increased pain.

A mattress that is too hard will also not allow the body to take the correct position.

Is it good to sleep on the floor?

There is a misconception that you should sleep on a hard mattress, and some wonder whether sleeping on the floor is beneficial for osteochondrosis. The answer to this question is clear - no. This is due to the fact that a hard surface cannot provide the correct S-shaped position of the spine for a person lying on his back, and bend under the shoulder and pelvis while sleeping on his side. Under such conditions, the muscles and ligaments will be under tension, and the pain will intensify.

The ideal mattress for sleeping is a medium-hard mattress, preferably orthopedic, that is, able to adapt to the curves of a person’s body, regardless of the position in which he sleeps.

In addition to the mattress, you need to pay attention to the pillow. In specialized stores you can purchase which:

  • ensures correct head position;
  • relaxes the muscles and ligaments of the neck;
  • will help improve cerebral circulation.

When the pillow and mattress are chosen, all that remains is to figure out what is the correct sleeping position for people suffering from osteochondrosis.

How to choose a sleeping position with osteochondrosis?

Let's look at how to sleep properly with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. For people with this diagnosis, a sleeping position is suitable: lying on your back or on your side in the fetal position.

It is recommended to sleep in the same positions if you have osteochondrosis of the neck. Lying on your back relaxes all the muscles of the body, with the exception of the legs, but in order to relax them, you can put small pillows or a bolster from a sheet under the knees and lower back. Thanks to such supports, the lower back will bend, then all parts of the spine will take the correct position, and the patient will be able to relax completely. This pose is not suitable for people who suffer from problems such as difficulty breathing, snoring, apnea, etc.

This position is suitable for sleeping with thoracic osteochondrosis and neck disease, in addition, it is ideal for people with lumbar osteochondrosis. Lying on your back using the right pillow helps normalize cerebral circulation if the latter has been impaired, which increases the flow of oxygen to the brain.

But a person cannot sleep motionless all night. The fetal position is another option on how to sleep better with cervical and osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. In this position, according to scientists, you need to sleep on your left side due to the structural features of the human esophagus, the location of the cardiac aorta and liver, the functioning of which will be impaired when lying on the right side. In this case, these organs become displaced, and they cannot work properly while the person is sleeping.

How to get into the fetal position correctly:

  1. Lie on your left side, leaning on your left shoulder and pelvis, slightly bend your knees and move them towards your chest.
  2. If this position is not very comfortable for you, you can extend one leg and leave the other bent.
  3. In addition, you can put a small pillow between your legs in the hip area - this will relieve tension from the pelvic muscles and relax well.

For problems with the lumbar spine, in addition to the fetal position and the sleeping position lying on your back, sleeping on your stomach is acceptable. In this position, the load is removed from the lower back, but in this incorrect position the ligaments and muscles of the neck are very stretched. This can injure them and lead to cerebrovascular accident. It is better to use the position lying on your stomach not during sleep, but to lie down and rest when pain in the lower back worsens or simply when it needs to be relaxed.

So, if you have been diagnosed with osteochondrosis of one or more parts, in addition to the treatment prescribed by a neurologist, you should also take care to ensure a comfortable position for the spine at any time.

During the day you need to maintain your posture; if you cannot do this yourself, buy a special corset. And at night you need to learn to sleep properly. To do this, you will have to suffer a little from problems falling asleep in the correct, but unusual position. In addition, it is necessary to replace the sleeping place, or rather, change the mattress and pillow to orthopedic ones. It would also be a good idea to start leading a more active lifestyle and review your diet.

Changing your habits will be more difficult than buying a new pillow and mattress, but rest assured that your efforts will be worth it.

When it comes to sleep, many people don't need to be persuaded. Lying down and falling asleep is often not a problem. If, of course, you have a comfortable bed.

Not everyone has the habit of sleeping on their back, but if necessary, it develops very quickly.

A hard sleeping place is not suitable for you

  • if you are used to sleeping on your side and only sleep this way
  • if you are pregnant
  • you have obesity above the first degree

If you have poor posture or curvature of the spine (), sleeping on a hard surface helps relieve stress from those areas of the back that are always tense. At the same time, when the back is relaxed, the joints and muscles can work as levers during involuntary movements of the legs and arms during sleep. This helps the vertebrae gradually return to their normal position. This will improve your posture over time and make you feel better.

It is beneficial for you to sleep on the floor if:

  • your posture is far from perfect
  • you have had a back injury
  • you have a herniated disc
  • rachiocampsis
  • constant lower back pain
  • sleeping on a bed does not bring rest

Natalya Trokhimets