Raspberry berry: beneficial properties and contraindications. Medicinal properties of raspberries. Use of raspberries in traditional medicine

Fragrant, deliciously flavored, bright red raspberries are the source of countless health benefits. Its fruits are rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. It occupies one of the first places in food consumption. They love berries not only for their taste and aroma, but also for their numerous medicinal properties.

Inclusion in daily diet will help reduce the risk of developing cancer, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and so on.

What it looks like and where it grows

Raspberries belong to the Rosaceae family, like many other berry plants. This perennial shrub, reaching a height of up to 2 meters. The branches are erect, with small thorns.

The leaves are pinnate. They have from 3 to 7 cloves. The underside is covered with hairs.

The flowers are white and can reach 1 centimeter in diameter. Collected in inflorescences of up to 10 flowers.

The fruit is a drupe, which consists of several tiny drupes with juicy pulp and a small stone.

The berries can range from the traditional red to black. There are varieties with yellow and white berries. In our country they begin to ripen in early July. The weight of one berry is only 2-4 grams. The taste depends on the variety and ranges from sweet to sour.

What place is the ancestor of this fragrant berry is still not known exactly. It is assumed that this is northern Asia or eastern Europe. The shrub was first found on Mount Ida in Greece.

It grows wild almost everywhere, with the exception of the regions of the Far North. In places with colder climates it prefers lowland forests and heaths. With warmer temperatures – high mountain forests.

Very hardy. Seeds can germinate after overwintering at minus 40 degrees. Easily and quickly propagated by seeds, layering, root suckers, occupying large areas.

The Romans first started domestication. During excavations, seeds dating back to the times are found Ancient Rome. The first written mentions date back to the 4th century AD.

In the Middle Ages, its fruits were eaten and used for therapeutic purpose.

Beneficial features

Raspberry is one of the most delicious berries, which is loved by adults and children. Rich in vitamins, antioxidants, dietary fiber and other beneficial substances, brings many health benefits.

Raspberries are an excellent source of:

Vitamins C, E, A, group B;

Minerals: among which the most important are manganese, potassium, copper, iron;

Organic acids: salicylic, ascorbic, gallic, ellagic and others;


Phenolic compounds;

Sugars: glucose, fructose, xylitol;




Raspberry seeds contain fixed oils. It is interesting for cosmetologists, because it contains vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acid. Has sun protection properties.

Ascorbic acid is the main assistant in maintaining strong immunity, an antioxidant.

In addition to it, the fruits contain other antioxidants: vitamins A and E, flavonoids, anthocyanins.

Berries are considered the best natural method cancer prevention, cardiovascular disease prevention. Red raspberries have stronger antioxidant properties. The lighter the berry, the less pronounced these properties are.

Xylitol is a low-calorie sugar substitute. One teaspoon contains only 9.6 calories compared to regular sugar, which has 15 calories.

In addition, it is slowly absorbed in the intestines, which has certain benefits for diabetics.

100 grams of raspberries contain only about 52 calories. They provide 65 grams of fiber, which is 16% of the daily value.

Scientific studies have shown that eating raspberries is more beneficial than taking nutritional supplements.

Medicinal properties

It has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The first written mentions of medicinal use date back to the beginning of the 16th century. All parts of the bush are used for treatment: flowers, roots, leaves, berries.

The composition of raspberry berries, leaves, and flowers provides it with the following properties:






Mild painkillers;

Blood purifiers;




Raspberries are used for:

Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

Normalization of alkaline balance;

Improved appetite;

Relieving joint pain;

Decrease in temperature;

Normalization of the menstrual cycle;

Treatment of cough and bronchitis.

Raspberry leaves are used for:




The decoction is drunk for colds.

Roots and flowers help with:




Skin diseases.

Due to the presence of magnesium, raspberry tea has a calming effect. Relieves tension and stress after a hard day at work.

Organic acids cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol and strengthen the walls. Indicated for hypertension.

Berries can be consumed to get rid of constipation, because... they contain a lot of pectin and water.

At heavy consumption alcohol, raspberries have a sobering effect.

Decoctions and gruel from berries or leaves are used for treatment acne, other inflammatory skin rashes.

The main application is, of course, treatment colds. Tea with berries, a decoction of leaves and flowers is taken for respiratory diseases, flu, cough, bronchitis. You can rinse with the decoction sore throat and the oral cavity.

It is noteworthy that it retains its properties during heat treatment.

Benefits for the body

Raspberries are delicious and healthy berry. Be sure to include it in your diet. It will help cope with and prevent many health problems.

Regular use:

Helps to lose weight;

Prevents aging;

Prevents age-related changes retina;

Suppresses the growth of bacteria in the body.

Despite his small size, raspberries are rich in dietary fiber. They slow down the digestion process, creating a feeling of fullness for a longer period.

Manganese provides high speed metabolism, thus helping to burn fat. This is one of the delicious ways to lose weight.

Three servings of raspberries maybe an excellent remedy to prevent macular degeneration – macular spot eye.

Retinal dystrophy – age-related disease which affects vision. Many older people suffer from this. Subsequently, the disease can lead to complete loss vision.

Add fresh or frozen berries to your morning porridge or yogurt. You can simply prepare a salad by including other fruits and berries.

Many studies have confirmed the role of raspberries in preventing cancer. Rich in Antioxidants, including ellagic acid, can suspend unwanted growth cells by neutralization free radicals.

Anthocyanins also have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Quickly stops the overgrowth of bacteria and fungi in the body.

Vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants - all these substances strengthen immune system, help to cope with the disease faster.

Its berries are beneficial to all women. Raspberry leaf tea can regulate menstrual cycle, relieve pain in these critical days. In nursing mothers, increase milk production. Relieves nausea in pregnant women.

Useful properties in cosmetology

Prevents aging. This is another pleasant fact for women. Smoothes out wrinkles well, makes the skin radiant and fresh. Not only masks are useful. Eating berries also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

It protects the skin from sun rays. Antioxidant properties will help significantly reduce age spots and discoloration.

There is no need to look for a miracle mask recipe. Simply mash the fruits with yogurt or kefir and apply to your face. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse off.

How to select and store

Most of us buy raspberries at the market. When purchasing, you need to choose fresh, not wrinkled, without signs of spoilage or mold. Remember that raspberries do not last long. This is the most perishable berry.

For medicinal purposes, the berries are dried. Better yet, freeze it. You can prepare raspberry puree by grinding the fruits in a meat grinder or crushing them with a masher.

Chopped berries are mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1 part puree and 2 parts sugar. Then mix well and transfer to clean, dry jars. This way it can be stored in the room throughout the winter.

You can dry it in the sun or in an oven or electric dryer. The collected fruits are laid out in one layer on a pallet. Turn over periodically to dry evenly.

Store in a closed container. The shelf life is 2 years.

Flowers are harvested during the flowering season. Dry under a canopy or in an electric dryer.

The roots are dug up in early spring or autumn. They are cleared of soil and dried under a canopy or in a fruit and vegetable dryer.

Leaves are collected throughout the growing season.

Contraindications and side effects

First of all, it can cause allergic reaction as:


Runny nose;



and other allergy symptoms.

Therefore, people who are allergic to this berry should avoid eating it.

May lead to the formation of oxalates. For those who are predisposed to developing kidney stones, bladder You should not eat berries in large quantities.

Contraindicated for use during an exacerbation:


Peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines.

Use in folk medicine

Raspberries in winter are the first savior against colds and flu. Tea is brewed with frozen or dried berries. 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water is enough. Leave for 5-10 minutes and drink, adding honey to taste and lemon.

Raspberry tea has diaphoretic and antipyretic properties. Therefore, you can drink it even at fever.

After a couple of glasses of tea, wrap yourself up well and fall asleep. The disease will go away with sweat.

Cough infusion

It combines well with other expectorant herbs.

Take 1 tablespoon:

Raspberry fruit

Raspberry leaves

Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15-30 minutes. Strain and drink. You can add honey and lemon juice to taste.

Take in equal proportions:

Raspberry fruit

Mother and stepmother

Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave. Drink a glass 3-4 times a day.

To strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance, you can add rose hips.

How to distinguish raspberries from blackberries

Although raspberries are quite similar to blackberries, they are fairly easy to tell apart. Blackberries are black when ripe. While raspberries are red.

Unripe blackberries are bright red and have a very sour taste.

Another way to tell the difference between the two fruits is the way they are separated from the plant. Picked raspberries have a cavity. They are separated from the stalk. At the blackberry, they fall off along with it.

Learn more about the healing properties of raspberries in this short video:

Not only raspberries are used for medicinal purposes. Branches, roots and leaves have beneficial properties, but before consuming and preparing decoctions and infusions, it is necessary to study the issue of “raspberries - benefits and harm to health.” The components contained in the plant tone and strengthen the body, improve digestion. Learn recipes for making medicinal tea, elixir, raspberry tea and ointment.

What are the benefits of raspberries?

You should know what raspberries are - health benefits and harm when using them can be combined in the most bizarre way. The entire plant contains essential oils and substances that have therapeutic effect on the human body. Decoctions and infusions can act as sedative that can cure depressive disorders, keep the body in good shape. Promote weight loss - excess fluid and salts are removed, stimulated metabolic processes. The plant has wide range uses:

  • treatment of colds, relieves cough and fever;
  • excellent prevention of fungi and viruses;
  • relieves dizziness;
  • treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • decoctions are used for rinsing in inflammatory diseases;
  • treatment of anemia (anemia), bronchitis, radiculitis, diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • useful for pregnant women.


Healing properties and the benefits of raspberries are due to its composition: it contains vitamins and minerals. The berries of the plant contain beta carotene, a vitamin called the elixir of youth, and. a nicotinic acid, which strengthens the immune system, regulates metabolism and neutralizes viruses. Berries contain pectins and other useful material:

  • macro and microelements (the berry is rich in copper, potassium, iron);
  • dietary fiber (fiber);
  • organic, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • folic acid;
  • mono and disaccharides;
  • antioxidants;
  • water.

Calorie content

Raspberries are berries containing minimal amount calories. There are 46 kcal per 100 g, including carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Nutritionists classify the fruits of the plant as low-calorie foods, approved for use during weight loss. If you eat a glass of berries (250 ml) daily, you will get 82.8 kcal nutrients every day.

Healing properties

All parts of the plant have immunostimulating, rejuvenating, anti-cold, and analgesic properties. Raspberries are useful for every person (if there are no contraindications to taking them), regardless of gender and age. The benefit of the plant for men lies in its potassium content: by consuming the berries, a person notes an improvement in heart function and urinary function. Yagoda renders preventive action on the prostate, potency. Other healing properties of the plant:

  1. For children, raspberries are a dessert that improves appetite, helps cope with sore throats, increase resistance to viruses, and reduce elevated temperature.
  2. During pregnancy, you can eat this berry, because it relieves toxicosis, problems with constipation and urination, but in the early stages it can cause harm and cause miscarriage (due to increased contractions of the uterus).
  3. During lactation, the berry increases the amount of milk and improves the baby's immunity.

What are the benefits of raspberries for women?

Eating fresh berries, the woman feels the effect of rejuvenation: wrinkles are smoothed out, substances have a beneficial effect on skin health, and the amount of light pigment age spots decreases. Tea prepared from raspberry leaves stabilizes the menstrual cycle, normalizes hormonal background and serves as a pain reliever for painful periods. In cosmetology, scrubs and masks are made from seeds. By including raspberries in your diet for weight loss, you can speed up your metabolism, remove excess liquid from the body.

Benefits and harms in diseases

What is the main purpose of eating raspberries - what health benefits and harms does it bring? Raspberry bushes are not just sweet berries, but also medicine, which helps alleviate the condition of a number of diseases, eliminate symptoms and direct all protective forces body to fight the disease. Like any effective remedy, raspberries can bring not only benefits, but also cause harm. In what cases is it harmful:

For pancreatitis

It is not recommended to use the product in acute phase pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) due to the acids contained in raspberry seeds, which are harmful and irritate the gastric mucosa. Filtered raspberry compotes and diluted raspberry juices can be introduced into the patient’s diet from 10-15 days. At chronic pancreatitis a person is allowed to eat fresh berries and jam in moderate amount.

For diabetes

To a person who is sick diabetes mellitus, it is allowed to eat black raspberries every day, but in limited doses. The exact norm that is safe for the patient is determined by the attending physician. Berries have a reduced glycemic index– this means that the product does not cause sharp increase blood sugar levels. The healing plant does not cause harm, but has a beneficial effect on the body of a patient with diabetes, as it reduces body weight, stabilizes blood pressure and removes fluid.

For a cold

Raspberry jam is an ancient medicine, has diaphoretic properties and helps cope with unpleasant symptoms colds. The natural medicine has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. When you have a cold, raspberry lowers body temperature (due to salicylic acid), causes profuse sweating. Antimicrobial action The berry is due to tannins (anthocyanins).

For gastritis

Garden raspberries cause inflammation of the stomach mucosa (gastritis) and cause harm to the body, but you can prepare a decoction from the leaves of the medicinal plant. To do this, you need to brew the leaves in boiling water, leave and drink half a glass 6 times daily. If a person has low stomach acidity, then raspberry juice, squeezed from the fruit through gauze and diluted with pure boiled water.

For gout

In case of joint disease caused by impaired metabolism in the human body, it is necessary to strictly observe determined by the doctor diet. Eating raspberries for gout is undesirable, since an exacerbation of the disease is possible due to great content purines in the composition of plant fruits. Gout is characterized by increased production of uric acid. Purines are substances that, when broken down, release uric acid, which harms the body.

In folk medicine

Raspberries are used dried, fresh and frozen. Flowers, leaves, fruits, roots, and fresh shoots are beneficial for the body. IN medical purposes You can use all parts of the plant. Best options Preparing plants for the winter is by drying the fruits or freezing them. Ripe berries separated from the receptacle are suitable for drying. Prepared from dried, frozen raw materials medicinal decoctions, infusions.


Raspberry leaves are brewed to eliminate skin problems and get rid of hemorrhoids. The prepared product is beneficial in the treatment of stomatitis, tonsillitis, and pharyngitis. An infusion of leaves is made according to the recipe: grind the dried raw material (10 g), pour it with 2 glasses of water. Leave for 20 minutes, strain, squeeze. Take 100 ml orally three times a day, and for external use you can rinse your mouth. The leaves can be used to make healing ointment for rashes, decoction for treating kidneys:

  1. Ointment. Dried leaves grind. Squeeze out the juice, combine with Vaseline, mix thoroughly. Apply the product to problem areas of the skin and store in a cool place.
  2. Decoction for oral administration. Grind the leaves of medicinal plants (St. John's wort, lingonberry, birch, sage, centaury, raspberry). Brew 2-3 tablespoons of leaves in 1 liter of water. Filter, take 50 ml three times a day.


The most beneficial thing for the body is to eat berries in fresh, but what to do in winter, when there is no opportunity to purchase miraculous fruits? An infusion made from dry wild raspberries will help you cope with colds, flu or sore throat. Preparation instructions: pour 100 g of raw material into 750 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Take the resulting diaphoretic 250 ml at night. For benefit, you can make an additional anti-cold mixture by drinking raspberry juice:

  1. Collection against colds from dried linden flowers, dried berries raspberries Combine 1 tbsp. l. ingredients, brew with 3 cups of boiling water. Boil over low heat for about five minutes. When the broth has cooled, strain with gauze. Take half a glass 3 to 4 times a day. Before use, the decoction needs to be warmed up slightly.
  2. Raspberry juice. Collect the berries, wash, and remove the receptacle. Squeeze the juice out of the fruits through cheesecloth. It is recommended to drink 50-100 ml 3 times a day before meals, diluting with boiled water. Helps with colitis, gastritis, colds.


Take raspberry root for coughs, colds, and asthma. A decoction of crushed roots of the yellow variety will help cope with attacks. To prepare it you need to take 2 tbsp. l. roots, pour 250 ml of boiling water. Put on fire, cover with a lid, cook for 15 minutes. Allow the product to cool and filter. For asthmatics, drink 50-70 g of decoction after meals. Benefits in treatment purulent otitis (infectious inflammation in the middle ear) brings an infusion of rhizomes, and the use of an elixir to increase immunity gives positive results:

  1. Infusion for the treatment of otitis. Dry, grind required amount roots, brew in boiled water. Let it brew for a day. Take 100 ml orally 2 times daily for 13 days.
  2. Elixir to strengthen the body. Chop 500 g of roots, 1 kg of tops of pine or fir branches, add 1.5 kg of honey. Pour in 200 g of boiling water and leave to steep for 24 hours. Simmer in a steam bath for 8 hours, then leave again for 2 days. Use the elixir for adults: 1 tbsp. l., children - 1 tsp. Use the product for 10 days, 4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.


Tea made from raspberry branches brings benefits. Healthy drink used for flu, colds, to increase immunity, as a diaphoretic, pain reliever. Branches help with cough. To brew tea, you need to prepare the raw materials: cut branches (6-7 pieces) need to be washed, dried, and chopped. Place on the bottom of the pan, pour half a liter of water. Boil for 20 minutes. Before drinking tea, you need to let it brew for 6 hours. There are other recipes taken for flu and colds:

  1. Decoction. It is necessary to chop dry or fresh stems of the plant. Pour 1 tbsp. l. raw materials into a container, pour 20 ml of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes. To treat colds, drink 125 ml three times a day.
  2. Infusion. To prepare the drink you need to take 1 tbsp. l. branches, dry leaves, pour half a liter hot water. Place on the fire until it boils. Leave for 3-4 hours. You can drink the infusion warm.


Raspberries have been known as a medicinal plant since ancient times. Russian healers used it to cure colds, scurvy, stomach colic, fever, and also as an antiemetic and hangover remedy.

All parts of the plant benefit: leaves, flowers and fruits, as well as young shoots and roots. Raspberries are quite widespread, so recipes with them are found among many peoples; for example, there are known recommendations using raspberry flowers as an antidote to snake and insect bites, and even scorpion bites.

Experts identify raspberries as medicinal plant valuable carbohydrates sucrose and fructose. Organic acids (caproic and malic, formic and citric, as well as salicylic in significant quantities), pectin, vitamin C and dextrose. The fruits contain tannins and nitrogenous substances, as well as copper and potassium salts, cyanine chloride, acetoin, traces of B vitamins and essential oil.

Indications for use

In folk medicine, an infusion of leaves is used to rinse the throat, taken orally for diarrhea, as well as for gastritis and enteritis, eczema and febrile conditions.

An infusion of raspberry fruits, leaves and young shoots is actively used for influenza and scurvy, rheumatic attacks and malaria, as well as for loss of strength and stomach pain.

A decoction of raspberry flowers has long been used by healers as a lotion for skin rashes, erysipelas, conjunctivitis of different nature, and a decoction of the roots - for malaria and bleeding from hemorrhoids.

Decoction of leaves. Pour ten grams of raw material with 200 milliliters of boiling water and boil in a steam bath for ten minutes. take a quarter glass at intervals of eight hours. Facilitates the course of adnexitis and other inflammatory diseases of the female genital area. For osteoporosis, in combination with a decoction of licorice roots, it prevents the progression of the disease.

Leaf ointment. Grind thoroughly washed raspberry leaves, squeeze out the juice, mix with Vaseline or butter, in volumes of one to four. Apply to affected areas skin for rashes of various nature, eczema, burns.

Collection for colds

Raspberry leaves (five volumes), strawberry leaves(four volumes), cinquefoil (two volumes), linden inflorescences (four volumes), leaves coltsfoot, and birch leaves and meadowsweet flowers in one volume.

To stir thoroughly. Take forty grams of the mixture and pour it into a thermos, and pour 500 milliliters of boiling water into it. Leave for 2 hours. To soften the taste, it is recommended to add a little honey. Throughout the day, everyone drinks half a glass per meal.

Collection for gastritis, enteritis and diarrhea

Raspberry stems and leaves (five volumes), galangal root (two volumes), red root (one volume), toadflax (two volumes), meadow rank (one volume), burdock and bergenia roots one volume each, blueberry berries two parts, bird cherry fruits (one volume), heather (four volumes). Chop all components thoroughly and combine in one container.

Brew 40 g of the collection in a thermos with half a liter of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours and strain before use. Take 100 milliliters every 2 hours.

Improved appetite

Raspberry leaves (five volumes), plantain leaves (two volumes), as well as burdock leaves (four volumes), dandelion leaves (four volumes), wormwood (one volume), yarrow (two volumes).

20 grams of the resulting mixture is brewed with a cup of boiling water and simmered in the oven for ten minutes. After careful filtering, take 40 milliliters before meals with an interval of eight hours.

Bleeding hemorrhoids

In case of severe exacerbation of hemorrhoids, a decoction of raspberry roots helps - simmer 40 grams of dry raw material in 300 ml of boiling water over low heat. After thirty minutes, filter and take orally throughout the day.

Cold, flu

During the epidemic season of rising incidence of ARVI, an infusion of dried raspberries in combination with linden flowers will help prevent symptoms - add ten grams of components to a mug of boiling water. Leave for about an hour, filter, drink as tea.

Elixir to boost immunity for frequent colds and coughs

Mix 500 grams of crushed raspberry roots with 1.5 kg of honey and 1 kg of the tops of fir or pine branches. The roots and branches should already be prepared - thoroughly washed and dried. Chop the ingredients, mix and layer, adding honey. When the jar is filled to the top, pour in 200 grams of boiling water. Insist on dark place day.


  1. Treatment with folk remedies based on raspberries is contraindicated if there is inflammatory phenomena in renal tissues.
  2. These products are used with caution in children's practice - there is a high risk of allergic reactions.
  3. Raspberry infusions and the tendency to form stones in various organs are also contraindicated.

Consultation with a specialist to assess the indications and contraindications for treatment with raspberry-based preparations is strictly required. The presence of individual intolerance to raspberries is difficult to predict. But a specialist will help eliminate other risks.

Traditional medicine serves only as a useful addition to the main course of treatment; it should not replace medications prescribed by a specialist.

Raspberry is a plant with aromatic berries. She has been well known to everyone without exception since childhood. About her taste qualities There are whole legends, many songs have been composed and a large number of stories have been written. But raspberries are notable not only for their excellent taste. It is also a berry that has healing properties. Suffice it to remember how they gave someone tea with raspberry jam if they happened to catch a cold. The healing properties of raspberries have been known since ancient times. They have been adopted for a long time traditional healers. But not only the berries of this plant, but also the leaves have benefits.

Chemical composition of raspberry leaves

If you analyze the set of components that the leaves of this plant contain, you will be amazed at how generous nature turned out to be in relation to this plant. What can you find here? The set of chemical components can be represented as follows:

  1. The leaves of the plant are rich in vitamin substances. They contain especially a lot ascorbic acid and vitamin E. You can also find tocopherol, which takes part in the processes responsible for blood clotting.
  2. The fiber content in the leaves is quite sufficient.
  3. Organic acids are represented in a wide range. Here you can find succinic, lactic, and malic acid.
  4. Raspberries contain a lot of flavonoids and sugars.
  5. The leaves are characterized by the presence of tanning and astringent compounds.
  6. Differs in great variety mineral composition plants. It contains a lot of iodine, manganese, calcium, and other trace elements.
  7. Characterized by the presence of a unique biological substance salicylate. By the nature of its action, it resembles a medicine such as aspirin.
  8. Raspberries contain a large number of substances with antioxidant properties. The mechanism of their action is associated with the inhibition of the formation of free radicals, which cause the occurrence of aging processes at the intracellular level.

Raspberries also contain quite a large amount of mucus, resins and other substances with pronounced biological activity. All this wealth is contained in the leaves of this wonderful plant. Together, they endow plants with medicinal properties, with the help of which it is possible to correct various undesirable pathological conditions. This is what they've been doing for a long time, actually. traditional healers, actively using this plant for their own purposes.

Beneficial features

The variety of beneficial properties allows the use of raspberries for various pathological conditions:

  • Feverish conditions.
  • Treatment of wound surfaces.
  • Various inflammatory manifestations.
  • Pathology of the skin.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Acne.

Where are raspberries used?

The use of raspberries is characterized by a very wide range of uses. This possibility is due to the versatility of its action:

  1. Raspberry acts as a regulator of activity digestive tract. If diarrhea prevails, then a good helper will drink strong tea with raspberries. This will lead to normalization of stool.
  2. Herbal remedies, which include raspberry leaves, improve blood composition.
  3. Raspberry leaves promote wound healing.
  4. The action of this plant allows you to reduce body temperature, which has found its application in the fight against fever.
  5. External use of raspberry decoction can stop bleeding.
  6. Raspberries allow you to defeat any cold and respiratory infection.
  7. Tea made from raspberry leaves can strengthen the immune system, and this, in turn, will help in the fight against colds and will not allow representatives pathogenic microflora infiltrate the body and do their “dirty” deeds.
  8. Drinking tea with raspberry leaves V to a large extent increases resistance to various infections.
  9. The leaves of this bush are widely used in practical gynecology. In this case, both shoots and inflorescences of raspberries are used. Cervical erosion, the presence of inflammatory processes in the female genital area are indications for the use of raspberry leaves.
  10. Syrup from the leaves can relieve cough-related conditions. It will promote better sputum discharge and significantly facilitate the function associated with external respiration.

It is easy to understand that the indications for the use of raspberries are very extensive and multifaceted. But, despite this, like any other plant, raspberries have certain contraindications for their use.


They boil down to the following points:

  • It is not recommended to consume raspberries for pregnant women under 34 weeks.
  • It is contraindicated for people suffering from chronic constipation.
  • We should not forget about cases of individual intolerance.
  • Nephritis, nasal polyps, and gout are also contraindications for consuming raspberries.

Since the plant contains salicylates similar to aspirin, it is necessary to use raspberries with extreme caution for people with inflammatory diseases digestive tract. The fact is that aspirin can irritate the gastric mucosa. In addition, raspberries contain a lot essential oils, and this is extremely unhelpful for asthmatics.

Otherwise, raspberries can be consumed without restrictions. But everything should be in within reasonable limits and it is better to consult a doctor before doing this.

From the Arsenal folk remedies You can borrow the following recipes.

  1. We treat colds with raspberries, others accompanying illnesses and hemorrhoids. Raspberry leaves in the amount of six tablespoons should be steamed with boiling water in a volume of one liter. The composition is taken warm several times a day. For sore throat, gargling with this composition is recommended. This composition will also relieve stomatitis. If you have overcome conjunctivitis, then this remedy can be instilled into the eyes. If you have hemorrhoids, it is useful to use baths with a similar composition.
  2. We are preparing the ointment. It will help you get rid of acne, the presence of acne and other problematic conditions. The leaves are thoroughly washed and crushed using a blender. Vaseline is added to the resulting mixture in a ratio of 1:2. You can prepare the ointment in another way. From fresh leaves juice should be squeezed out. Then it must be added to Vaseline or melted lard. Everything is thoroughly mixed. Used as an external remedy. To one part juice add 4 parts fat.
  3. We lower the temperature. You will need dry twigs. They must first be crushed. After this, they should be taken in the amount of two tablespoons. To prepare the infusion, they are poured into a thermos and filled with a glass of boiling water. The composition is infused in a thermos for two hours. After the composition is filtered, it is ready for use. You should take half a glass every three hours. The use of this infusion will help people with gastritis and enteritis. You can take it if you have a fever.
  4. Stop the bleeding. Dry leaves in the amount of three tablespoons are added to a glass of boiling water. Infuse the composition for a quarter of an hour. Reception is carried out several times a day.
  5. If the genitals are inflamed or there is thrush, using a composition prepared according to the following recipe will help. Three tablespoons medicinal raw materials pour boiling water in the volume of one glass. The composition sits in a water bath for 10 minutes. It is infused for an hour and then used as a douching solution.
  6. Raspberry leaves can help with ovarian dysfunction. They are mixed with currant leaf in a ratio of 3:1. Medicinal raw materials are poured with boiling water in a volume of 500 ml. The composition is infused for a quarter of an hour. Take half a glass several times a day
  7. Raspberries and infertility. It turns out that the plant can help even with this condition. The leaves are mixed with red clover in equal volumes. Add a cup of boiling water to them. Exposure when infused is 10 minutes. You should take one cup for 3-4 months.
  8. Bronchitis. You need to mix raspberries, coltsfoot and oregano in equal volumes. If you measure 1 tablespoon of the mixture, then add a glass of boiling water to this volume. To improve the taste, honey is added to the composition.
  9. If they bother you heavy menstruation, then you can use the following composition. Raspberries, cinquefoil, oak bark and yarrow are mixed in equal volumes. One tablespoon of the mixture of medicinal raw materials is measured. 200 ml of boiling water is added to it. The composition is placed in warm place and infused for 6 hours. Then it should be put on fire, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Drink warm, one glass per serving for a week.

Renal colic
The following collection is required:

  • dry raspberry leaves - approximately 20 g;
  • young birch leaves - about 10 g;
  • leaves of cuff and cucumber - 10 g of each type.

Add 5 liters of boiling water to the entire volume of the mixture. Exposure when infused is exactly one hour. Composition in in full added to bath water. The temperature in it should be 38 degrees.


To make childbirth easier, pregnant women after 34 weeks can prepare the following composition:
  • raspberry leaves - dessert spoon;
  • boiling water – 1 cup.

Infusion is carried out for half an hour. Then the solution is filtered and taken warm.

Insect bites
If you are bitten by insects, redness, itching and swelling appear at the site of the bite. A composition prepared according to the following recipe will help eliminate these phenomena:

  • fresh leaves - 5 tablespoons;
  • vodka 40 degrees – 1 glass.

It is necessary to insist for three weeks. The composition should be kept in a dark place. After the exposure is complete, it should be strained. Must be used as compresses. At the same time, 1 teaspoon is taken orally. Reception is carried out three times throughout the day.

Raspberry leaves and pregnancy

Raspberries are considered a female berry. It will rejuvenate the skin and normalize activity reproductive system. And during pregnancy it will be a good alternative for many synthetic drugs. Eating raspberries leads to softening of the ligaments located around birth canal. This will provoke the occurrence of uterine contractions. As a result, with the help of natural natural remedy stimulation can be performed birth process. But its use is allowed only on later pregnancy. It cannot be used before 34 weeks, since there is real threat miscarriage.

Video: raspberry leaf tea

Raspberries are among the favorite berries, and this is not surprising. In addition to its delicate taste and special consistency, it is also endowed with mass useful qualities. Most often, the fruits are consumed fresh and as part of sweet treats. People love to eat raspberries in winter because special properties strengthen the immune system. Let's take a step-by-step look at the main value and possible side effects from eating fruits.

Properties of raspberries

  1. It is based on a large amount of ascorbic acid, and everyone knows that vitamin C acts as natural antioxidant and an immunostimulant.
  2. The berry has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. It is taken for naturally low immunity, bronchitis, pneumonia and other ailments of this type.
  3. Contains many antioxidant substances that are necessary for binding salts heavy metals, as well as removing them from the cavity of internal organs.
  4. Thanks to the inclusion of pectins in the bush, dietary fiber, tannins the functioning of the digestive organs, kidneys, liver, and gall bladder is improved.
  5. Healers who have been practicing the use of raspberries for many years have identified its main property. In any form, the berry is useful for fever, because it increases sweating and relieves fever.
  6. By strengthening and cleansing the blood channels, prevention is carried out serious illnesses like atherosclerosis. All this becomes possible thanks to the breakdown of cholesterol plaques.
  7. Magnesium and potassium are mineral compounds that are extremely valuable for the “core”. They are contained in raspberries in a decent volume, and therefore are incredibly useful for the main muscle.
  8. Incoming vitamin K is necessary for proper blood clotting, increased production of red blood cells, increased hemoglobin and faster healing of wounds.
  9. Raspberries are eaten after a large feast and drinking alcohol. The next morning she takes off hangover syndrome, splits ethanol and removes it from the body faster, relieves the liver.
  10. Due to the reduction intracranial pressure The berry is used for severe headaches and constant susceptibility to migraines. An infusion of the branches is effective as a tonic and suppressant. chronic fatigue.
  11. Antiemetic properties encourage girls who are on early stages pregnancy, consume fruits to combat toxicosis. The berry is also used by women in cosmetology as masks.
  12. The main benefit of raspberries is concentrated in its chemical list of substances. It contains a lot of iron, which is needed to prevent anemia and increase hemoglobin.
  13. Folic acid and other B vitamins contribute to the full development of the fetus in accordance with the period of gestation in the womb. Raspberries are valued by pregnant women.
  14. Not without the beneficial qualities of the berry for categories of people suffering from high blood pressure. Raspberries for short term reduces and normalizes indicators.

In order to experience all the delights of the berry, as well as to derive only one benefit from its consumption, you must follow daily norm. The first acquaintance is carried out starting with small portions. If the body reacts normally, adults can eat up to 2 glasses per day, and children - 160-200 grams. Be sure to consider contraindications.

  1. Not only fruits are eaten, but also healing infusions and teas based on the leaves of the bush. Their ascorbic acid content significantly exceeds that of vitamin C, for example, in citrus fruits or currants. In addition, the leaves are famous for their tonic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. To carry out the usual strengthening of the immune system, overcome chronic fatigue, and promote better body resistance to viruses, drink leaf tea twice a day.
  3. During the period of spread of ARVI or influenza, it is necessary to prepare strong decoctions of leaves and fresh (or dried) raspberry fruits. Such remedies are also effective for vitamin deficiency and in the off-season.
  4. For better hatching sputum from the cavity respiratory tract, it is necessary to prepare decoctions from leaves, fruits, roots or twigs of shrubs.
  5. If you drink tea when you have high blood pressure, you will increase urine output and reduce your readings. Raspberries also have a beneficial effect on the health of diabetics, reducing the concentration of sugar in the blood.
  6. To cope with skin problems or lichen, you need to prepare a paste based on fresh leaves of the raspberry bush. This product also effectively eliminates acne.
  7. To improve the condition of the hair, moisturize and nourish it, fight dandruff and seborrhea, it is necessary to rinse the mop with decoctions of raspberry leaves after each shampooing.

Useful properties of raspberry branches

  1. Tea is prepared from the branches, which is useful for the treatment and prevention of colds, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, sore throat, asthma, flu.
  2. This drink also strengthens the immune system and removes excess water. Against the background of the latter quality, swelling of the extremities is significantly reduced, fatigue and heaviness in the legs disappear.
  3. To cope with severe cough, speed up the discharge of sputum, remove painful sensations and sore throat, prepare some tea. To do this, chop 6 large branches and brew 500 ml. boiling water and leave for half a day.
  4. If you are faced with the flu or the first signs of a cold, prepare a decoction. Chop the twigs, measure out half a handful and mix with 0.2 liters. boiling water Boil for a quarter of an hour, then cool, filter, and consume with honey three times a day.
  5. To cleanse the blood of toxins, remove toxins and other harmful substances, it is necessary to use the infusion on the branches. It can be cooked from a tablespoon of ground raw materials and 450 ml. boiling water

Beneficial properties of raspberry roots

  1. The good thing about raspberries is that all of its parts are suitable for use in folk healing to eliminate diseases of varying severity. IN in this case the roots will be beneficial for otitis media, low immunity, chronic fatigue, cough, asthma, ARVI.
  2. Prepared using the roots of a yellow variety of raspberry bush various decoctions from a cold. To do this, just chop the roots to get a tablespoon of raw material and brew 300 ml. boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and leave. After cooling, the composition is filtered and taken three times a day.
  3. To strengthen the immune system, cure asthma or bronchitis, it is better to use red raspberries. Its roots are crushed, then 2 tablespoons are mixed with 350 ml. hot water. After cooking for a third of an hour, the composition must be filtered, cooled slightly and consumed 60 ml. 4 times a day.
  4. Root tincture is used to treat otitis media. Dry the raw materials, grind, brew and infuse. Take 0.1 l. every day for 2 weeks. Frequency of administration: twice a day.

Berry of any variety is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of varying complexity. But the final prescription varies depending on what symptoms need to be excluded. It is worth remembering the harm that raspberries will cause. It should not be used by children under 2 years of age, people with intolerance to this berry or allergies to it, chronic diseases kidney

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas, which is accompanied by inflammatory processes of this internal organ. Raspberries should not be consumed in any form when pancreatitis worsens.

The berries contain acids that harm the mucous membranes. If the disease is in chronic stage, you can make it easier by introducing a little jam or raspberry compote into your diet.

Since ancient times raspberry jam used as a panacea for all colds. The raw material has pronounced diaphoretic properties. The product easily copes with cold symptoms in a short period of time.

The natural medicine has antiviral, antipyretic and antiviral properties. When you have a cold, the treat perfectly reduces elevated body temperature. As a result, profuse sweating occurs. The effect is achieved due to the presence of salicylic acid in the composition of the raw material.

It's important to know that fresh fruits plants have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is forbidden to eat raw materials if you have such an illness. The same cannot be said about a decoction of leaves. This remedy, on the contrary, has a positive effect on health.

For a wellness course, you should prepare a fairly simple remedy. Brew the leaves with boiling water and drink 120 ml of strained decoction. 5-6 times a day. At low acidity Raspberry juice will help. It is enough to dilute the fresh juice with water in equal quantities.

For articular inflammatory processes, which are caused by impaired metabolism in the body, you should adhere to a special diet prescribed by a specialist. In this case, eating raspberries should be limited. The raw materials contain purines.

Such enzymes can aggravate the course of the disease. When gout occurs in the body large quantities starts to accumulate uric acid. As for purines, enzymes precisely promote increased production such an acid.

If you have diabetes, the patient is allowed to eat only black raspberries in limited quantities. The prescribed daily intake should be determined by the attending physician individually.

The advantage of berries is that they have a low glycemic index. This factor means that there will not be a sharp jump in blood sugar. The healing plant has a positive effect on the condition of the whole body.

Systematic eating of such fruits helps to cope with excess weight. Black raspberries are excellent for removing excess fluid from the body. Blood pressure also stabilizes.

Raspberry contraindications

  1. In addition to its benefits, raspberries can significantly harm a person. Berries are among allergenic products. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful when eating.
  2. If raw materials are abused, health problems may develop in the form of stones in the kidneys, urinary and gallbladder. Raspberries also aggravate gout, ulcers and erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

It's safe to say that raspberries do more good for the body than harm. When eating the product, take into account contraindications and follow the daily intake of fruits. In this case, no health problems will arise.

Video: medicinal tea from raspberry leaves