What kind of discharge should there be during ovulation? Discharge during ovulation, what it should be and what it looks like

In this work you can find the answer to the most common question of girls dreaming of having a child: how to recognize ovulation? There are times when a couple has quite active sex, but the long-awaited result still does not come. What to do in this situation? Of course, you can sign up for quite expensive procedures and try to find out the reason there. But maybe it's because you're just having sex at the wrong time?

As you know, conception is possible only at the moment the egg leaves the follicle. This process is commonly called ovulation. Today we will talk about how to recognize ovulation not only with the help of specialists, but also independently, at home.

When is fertilization possible?

Before we look at all the possible methods, we suggest you get to know a little about the process of fertilization of an egg and the process of ovulation. It is also important to point out that the question of how to recognize ovulation also plagues those women who seek to avoid pregnancy.

In order to answer the main question, you need to get acquainted a little with female physiology. Ovulation occurs almost every month if the girl is of reproductive age and healthy. As a rule, the probability of pregnancy is high for only about two days a month. These days fall in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Here are some approximate calculations:

  • 28-day cycle - ovulation occurs on the 12th day;
  • 35-day cycle - on the 17th day.

It should be taken into account that everyone’s body is individual, you need to listen carefully to your body, then you will not be able to miss the moment of ovulation.

What is this?

Now we will tell you a little about what ovulation is. This concept is very important for girls who dream of getting pregnant. The ovulation process is of great importance when planning pregnancy. After all, if it does not happen, then pregnancy is impossible.

To put it briefly and in accessible language, ovulation is the process of an egg leaving the follicle that is fully mature and ready for fertilization. It lasts only a couple of minutes; as soon as the mature egg enters the abdominal cavity, the ovulation process is considered complete.

Even in prenatal development, girls lay eggs; there are about a million of them. Until puberty, the eggs remain dormant. However, some of them die without waiting to emerge from the follicle. By the time of her first menstruation, a girl has about 300 thousand follicles. Of this number, only about 500 ovulate during the entire reproductive period.

In order to answer the question of how to recognize ovulation, it is necessary to clarify the fact that ovulation may not occur every month. However, there are cases when several follicles mature and burst at once. If this happens, then a multiple pregnancy is possible.


From this part of the article you can learn how to recognize ovulation on your own or with the help of specialists. There are several methods in total:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • blood analysis;
  • rapid test;
  • listen to feelings;
  • observe vaginal discharge;
  • construction method

The most accurate result will be one confirmed by several methods for recognizing ovulation. However, some of them can take a big toll on your wallet. For example, if you go for an ultrasound every day or use rapid tests. The most correct option is to calculate the approximate days of ovulation using the calendar method, confirm or refute your calculations using a test strip.


In this section you will learn how to recognize ovulation by ultrasound. Ultrasound examination is carried out in a number of cases, from determining the cause of an irregular cycle to diagnosing infertility.

A gynecologist may prescribe an ultrasound to track ovulation if there are the following problems:

  • painful periods;
  • their absence;
  • when stimulating egg maturation;
  • in the treatment or diagnosis of infertility;
  • if a woman is preparing for an IVF procedure;
  • with poor results of hormone tests;
  • if a woman is planning a pregnancy after an abortion, miscarriage, etc.;
  • for the selection of contraceptives.

Many people are interested in the question: how is ultrasound performed to determine ovulation? There are three methods of examination:

  • transvaginal;
  • transrectal;
  • transabdominal.

The first two methods are internal, the last is external. The most common option is transvaginal. The transrectal method is used to study virgins, and the transabdominal method is used to study pregnant women.

It has already been mentioned that the transvaginal method is most widespread. During the procedure, a sensor is inserted directly into the vagina. An ultrasound examination using this method takes no more than 30 minutes, and the woman does not experience any pain during this process.

The advantage of this examination is that you do not need to prepare for it at all. You need to shower and empty your bladder. You need to take a regular condom with you.

Blood analysis

How does approaching ovulation manifest itself? How to recognize it using a laboratory method? In this section you will find out the answers to these questions.

As you know, the menstrual cycle is impossible without the participation of many hormones. The main ones are: FSH, LH, progesterone. Let's tell you a little more about each of them.

Follicle stimulating hormone, also called FSH, promotes the maturation of follicles that are located in the ovaries. If the hormone content exceeds the maximum norm, the follicle simply ruptures, thus releasing the egg. At this moment, ovulation occurs. Then the concentration gradually decreases.

Next on our list was luteinizing hormone. This is what the rapid ovulation test is trying to identify. It is important to know that the day before ovulation the amount of this hormone increases approximately tenfold. If you decide to take a blood test for hormones to determine ovulation, you also need to know that it is important not only its presence in the blood, but also its ratio with FSH. This ratio should be approximately this: LH:FSH = 1.5:2.0. With a regular cycle, this analysis must be done on the 3-8th and 19-21st days of the cycle. FSH is also given on the same days. If the cycle is irregular, then ovulation must be monitored by taking a test daily from the 8th to the 18th day of the cycle.

The last thing we noted was progesterone. It is also called the pregnancy hormone. It received this name for a reason; the whole point is that progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum and protects the embryo from miscarriage. Its deficiency can cause infertility.

This method of determining ovulation helps not only to determine the exact day of its onset, but also to identify hormonal imbalances. It is better to combine a blood test for hormones with an ultrasound examination, so the result will be more accurate.

Now we propose to identify the pros and cons of this method. This information can be obtained from the table below.

Test strips

We will now discuss another method. How to recognize ovulation with an irregular cycle? In fact, this is not so easy to do. You can spend a lot of time and money, go to the clinic for long studies. Regularly undergo ultrasound examinations, blood tests, and so on. There is a less expensive way.

Girls often use rapid tests to determine pregnancy, but few people know that there are similar test strips for determining ovulation. The advantage of this method is that you can carry out the test at home, on your own, and there are no significant material costs.

Prices for these express tests vary from 30 rubles to 1.5 thousand. The probability is quite high, approximately 90%.

Now a little about the method of application. First you need to decide on the day. With a regular cycle, subtract the number "17" from its length, then you will get the day of the cycle on which you need to test. With an irregular cycle, you need to take the length of the shortest one for the last half of the year and also subtract 17.

  • do not drink for 4 hours before the test;
  • refrain from going to the toilet 2 hours before;
  • follow the instructions specifically for your test;
  • do not use morning urine;
  • for a more accurate result, perform 2-3 times a day (the most suitable time is from 10 am to 10 pm).


In this section you will learn how to recognize ovulation by sensations. It is important to understand that you will not be able to feel the process of tearing the follicle. The reason lies in the fact that it does not have nerve endings. But the egg begins to move through the fallopian tubes as a result of their contractions, which can affect the physical and emotional state.

So, how to recognize ovulation by sensation? The following symptoms may appear:

  • slight pain in the ovarian area, it can have a different character (aching, cutting, stabbing, cramping, etc.), it lasts for 1-2 days;
  • pain after ovulation (this may indicate inflammatory processes, you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist);
  • the day before ovulation, a girl may be in a very good emotional state;
  • sexual activity increases;
  • Your mood improves and you feel confident.

It should be noted here that each organism is individual, the signs may be different. In order to determine ovulation, you need to listen carefully to your body.


In this section we will tell you how to recognize ovulation by discharge. It is important for all girls to know that the cervix secretes special mucus, which helps sperm survive and move through the reproductive tract. If a girl is attentive to her body, then she knows how to recognize ovulation by the discharge.

The first after menstruation is the so-called dry period. During this period of time there is practically no discharge, as there is a low level of estrogen. There may be discharge, but it is very thick, this is necessary for the formation of a cervical plug. It is needed to prevent any infection or sperm from entering the uterus.

Just before ovulation day, estrogen levels begin to rise and cervical mucus becomes thinner and stickier. After this, it acquires a creamy texture. Such discharge is considered normal if certain conditions are met:

  • the discharge resembles jelly and is transparent in color;
  • they are observed in small numbers;
  • have no odor;
  • do not have a bad effect on the skin;
  • no itching;
  • no pain;
  • no elevated body temperature.

As the egg matures, the nature of the cervical discharge changes. One day and up to 2 days after ovulation, they acquire a consistency similar to raw egg white. Don’t worry if the discharge becomes very heavy, this is considered normal.

It is also necessary to clarify that the nature of the discharge and its duration are individual for everyone.

Calendar method

Now we will share another method on how to recognize ovulation without a test. Previously, a regular calendar was used for these purposes. The essence of the method is as follows: be sure to mark every day of menstruation for a long period of time. For a more accurate result, it is usually analyzed from 6 months to a year.

It is also important to point out that the likelihood of determining the exact day of ovulation using the calendar method is very low. How it works? Record the start dates of the last 12 menstruation, then apply the Ogino-Knaus method. First formula: A = B - 18; second formula: C = D - 11. A is the beginning of a period favorable for conception, B is the duration of a short cycle, C is the end of a favorable period, D is the duration of the longest cycle.

Basal temperature measurement

In this part of the article, you will learn how to recognize the day of ovulation using paper, a pen and a regular thermometer. This method is more accurate relative to the calendar method. In order to calculate the day of ovulation, it is necessary to analyze the schedule of at least 3 cycles.

For these purposes, basal temperature is measured using one of the following methods:

  • in the oral cavity;
  • in the rectum;
  • in the vagina.

Since temperature must be measured every day (even during menstruation), the most optimal option is to measure it in the rectum.

To calculate, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • measure temperature daily;
  • if you use the oral method, then the thermometer should be held under the tongue for at least 5 minutes, while pressing your lips tightly;
  • if you use the vaginal or rectal method, you need to insert about 3 centimeters and measure the temperature for 4 minutes;
  • always use the same thermometer;
  • you need to measure your temperature in the morning without getting out of bed;
  • record the obtained result in a special chart.

Reading the graph

In the previous section, you learned how to recognize ovulation at home using a thermometer. Now a little about how to read the resulting graph.

From the first day of menstruation, the basal temperature is high; in the middle of the cycle it decreases. It is necessary to look for ovulation around this period. It can be recognized by a jump from 0.2 to 0.6 degrees. After this drop, the temperature will remain at this level for up to 2 weeks. On the eve of menstruation, the temperature drops. The day of ovulation is considered to be the day when the basal temperature is lowest before the jump.

Now you can easily predict the day of ovulation. The most favorable period for conception is two days before the jump and the day after it.

You can find out about the readiness of the female body for a possible pregnancy by changes in discharge during the period of ovulation. In order for a woman to become pregnant, it is important to know how cervical secretion changes on days suitable for conception. The type, consistency, and color of cervical mucus may indicate problems with the genital organs. Knowledge about the nature of changes in vaginal discharge will help you get pregnant successfully, as well as identify the presence of health problems in time.

When does ovulation discharge begin?

Most often, cervical secretion is released in the middle of the cycle, but can shift to its beginning or end.

  1. Determine the duration of the menstrual cycle. If your periods do not occur at the same period of time, you need to use the shortest cycle in the last year for calculations.
  2. Divide this number by 2.
  3. Count the resulting number from the first day of your last menstruation.

The ovulatory phase occurs when the egg matures, ruptures the follicle and is released from the ovary. It is during these 2-3 days that conception can occur. Physiological changes in the body increase the likelihood of fertilization. Cervical secretion liquefies, and abundant viscous mucus appears without color or odor.

After the onset of the ovulatory phase, progesterone levels increase and vaginal mucus becomes white. This secretion marks the end of the ovulatory phase.

How long does discharge last during ovulation?

Normally, secretion is released for 2-3 days. On average, the release of an egg takes 48 hours. However, within another day the sperm will be able to fertilize her.

If cervical secretion changes slightly and it is difficult to calculate the ovulatory phase from the discharge, ovulatory tests should be used.

At the beginning of the cycle, the maturation of the egg is just beginning. Until she is ready for fertilization, access to her is closed - something like a mucus plug is formed from the cervical secretion. Therefore, before the ovulatory phase there is practically no discharge.

Closer to ovulation, the amount of hormones increases and the secretion thins out. This is necessary to make it easier for sperm to get to the egg. To determine the day the egg is released, you can rub a fragment of the discharge between your fingers and spread them a little. If the mucus stretches, it means ovulation has occurred.

Normally, cervical secretion is transparent in color, but by the end of the ovulatory phase it becomes white. However, discharge of varying intensity and even color is possible. In each case, the color of mucus means a certain state of the body.

Bloody issues

Secretion mixed with blood before follicle rupture is an alarming symptom. This process is considered normal only if the woman takes oral contraceptives or has an intrauterine device.

In other cases, spotting before ovulation, which lasts for several days, is a signal of problems in the body. The cause of red mucus of any intensity can be:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system or genital organs;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • hormonal imbalance and others.

To correctly establish a diagnosis and select a treatment regimen, you must consult a gynecologist.

But if the spotting is insignificant (streaks of blood), this is normal. Such secretion should not be secreted for more than a few days and must be scanty. The reason for the appearance of blood streaks is damage to the follicle during the release of the egg. Discharge with blood often occurs in women with weak blood vessels.

Sometimes a red tint of secretion occurs when the walls of the vagina are damaged (due to sexual intercourse, medical examination or other manipulations). In this case, the mucus should not be brightly colored, and the discharge should not last longer than 2 days.


If the cervical secretion is yellow, then a bacteriological process is present. The proliferation of pathogenic bacteria provokes the appearance of yellow discharge before ovulation. This process changes the acidity level in the uterus, making conception nearly impossible. Yellow cervical secretion is secreted due to the presence of various diseases. For example, vaginosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.


Brown discharge during ovulation may appear after damage to the follicle. Sometimes this shade of mucus occurs during pregnancy. When attached to the uterus, the fertilized egg causes rupture of small vessels - implantation bleeding. This process can be assumed if sexual intercourse took place shortly before the discharge appeared.

However, the brown tint of mucus should not be ignored. Often it appears due to improper functioning of the reproductive system or even dangerous diseases. Possible causes are erosion, oncology. When brown secretion appears, it is important to get examined and get tested.


White mucous discharge after ovulation may indicate successful conception - the cervical fluid changes to a thick, jelly-like consistency.

To assume pregnancy, you need to know its other early symptoms:

  • mood swings;
  • change in appetite;
  • nausea, bloating;
  • fatigue;
  • swelling of the mammary glands.

If white discharge appears after ovulation, the symptoms described above indicate that the likelihood of pregnancy is high.

White discharge, accompanied by itching and burning, often means the development of thrush.


Pink mucus signals the presence of blood in the cervical secretion. There is no need to be nervous when pink discharge appears for the following reasons:

  • after installation of the intrauterine device;
  • after sexual intercourse;
  • after a gynecological examination;
  • when taking hormonal drugs.

Excluding the options described above, pink discharge does not occur during ovulation in the absence of pathologies. A pinkish tint means the development of infections or polyps, erosion. The main unfavorable symptom that accompanies the discharge of pink mucus is pain during sexual intercourse.

Pathological changes

If there are problems in the functioning of the reproductive system, ovulatory secretion changes. It is important to know the symptoms that indicate possible problems:

  • greenish, grayish discharge suggests the presence of infection;
  • itching, burning in the vagina, white mucus resembling cottage cheese - signs of thrush;
  • heavy bleeding – neoplasms in the reproductive system are possible;
  • watery mucus with foam is a signal of inflammation or infection in the body;
  • very dark, black discharge – endometriosis.

You should immediately contact a gynecologist and undergo treatment if you have the following symptoms:

  • putrid smell of mucus;
  • ovulatory secretion contains clots of coagulated blood;
  • discharge with pus;
  • increased body temperature;
  • constant itching, burning, redness of the vagina.

If you consult a specialist in a timely manner, you can detect diseases at an early stage and treat them quickly and without harm to health.

Signs of normal cervical secretion during ovulation

The appearance and consistency of mucus is affected by the amount of estrogen. Normally, cervical fluid during ovulation is viscous, sticky, relatively dense, and sometimes looks like water.

For many people, there is no change in discharge during ovulation. This does not mean the development of pathological processes or the absence of ovulation. Dryness often means low estrogen levels. This is normal, but pregnancy is unlikely.

With depression and intense stress, the secretion is slight and creamy.

On the best days for fertilization, the mucus is transparent and stretchy. The appearance of a white tint means that ovulation has already occurred.

Diagnostic tests for cervical mucus

Sometimes gynecologists observe changes in cervical mucus during ovulation. A fragment of secretion is taken with special tweezers and observed how far it stretches. During ovulation, the distance reaches about 10 cm, during the rest of the cycle - no more than 4 cm.

This type of diagnosis is now rarely used due to the large percentage of errors. A woman can conduct this test on her own by stretching a little cervical secretion between her fingers.

Some devices for determining ovulation are widely used to this day. To do this, cervical mucus or saliva is placed in a device and dried. The resulting pattern, similar to a fern leaf, indicates the onset of the ovulatory phase. This is due to the high content of salts and mucous protein.

Doctors calculate the properties of cervical secretion by the number of points. This test is performed in the treatment of female infertility. The normal result is 10 or more points. A score less than 10 means the presence of pathologies.

Gynecologists study the following indicators:

  • amount of secretion;
  • consistency;
  • crystallization;
  • stretchability when grasped with special tweezers.

Hygiene rules

Changes in mucus volume during ovulation can cause discomfort. Heavy discharge requires the use of panty liners. They absorb cervical secretions and prevent the occurrence of unpleasant odor. You should not use tampons during ovulation - they can change the vaginal microflora and cause vaginosis.

During the ovulatory phase, you should not swim in the sea or pool, take a bath or wash yourself with intimate hygiene products. This can cause the development of bacterial diseases.

These days it is especially important to wear underwear made from natural fabrics. If your panties get wet, you should change them. It is important to ensure that the genitals remain dry and clean.

Unprotected sexual intercourse during ovulation can lead not only to pregnancy, but also to contracting sexually transmitted infections.

To preserve women's health, it is important not to lose sight of the changes occurring in the body. The color and type of cervical fluid can indicate the presence of abnormalities or the ideal time for conception.

Vaginal discharge is observed in a woman throughout her life. Their character changes not only with age, but also throughout one menstrual cycle. By their changes, one can recognize ovulation, as well as suggest pathological changes in the female reproductive system. They are necessary to protect the genital tract from pathogenic bacteria by creating an acidic environment and maintaining the health of the reproductive system.

Reasons for changes in the nature of discharge

Each month, under the influence of hormones, one egg cell prepares for fertilization in one of the ovaries. At the moment of ovulation, it leaves the follicle and moves along the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. This time is best for conception. Therefore, physiological changes occur in the body that facilitate this process and increase the likelihood of fertilization. One of these changes is discharge during ovulation.

Thinning the cervical mucus allows sperm to penetrate the uterus faster and also creates a favorable external environment for them.

How long does discharge last during the ovulatory phase?

Sticky transparent mucus is noticeable only for 2-3 days. After the release of the egg, progesterone will begin to be synthesized in the ovary. Under its action, the contents of the cervical canal will become denser. White discharge is a sign of completion of ovulation.

If a woman uses a calendar method of protection against unwanted pregnancy, determining ovulation by discharge can help her identify “dangerous” days for conception. Sperm can survive in the vaginal and cervical mucus for up to 5 days before the oocyte is released and for about the same amount of time after that. This is a favorable time for pregnancy.

How to determine ovulation by discharge?

Creamy white dense mucus becomes more liquid, viscous and elastic, taking on the appearance of the white of a chicken egg. This happens on the day of ovulation and for 5 days after it.

Not all discharge in the middle of the cycle may be normal. Knowing the symptoms of the pathology, a woman can suspect the disease in time and consult a doctor.

Characteristics of cervical mucus during ovulation

Discharge from the cervix is ​​formed as a result of the work of the glands of the cervical canal. Under the influence of estrogens, in the first phase of the cycle the volume of mucus gradually increases, reaching 0.5 ml per day by the time the oocyte enters. At this time, the water content in it increases, which makes up at least half of the volume of secretions. Therefore, they acquire a watery character.

A mixture of water and proteins (mucin and other peptides) forms a hydrogel. It has increased elasticity and ductility. Cyclic changes in cervical secretion during ovulation are an important factor determining the successful penetration of sperm into the uterus for fertilization.

Signs of normal cervical secretion during ovulation

What should the discharge be like?

Normally they are light, but may contain a small admixture of blood or turn pink.

How many days does it take for their character to change?

Immediately after menstruation, the secretion is scanty and dense. About 5 days before expected ovulation, the mucus begins to gradually thin out and become more viscous and elastic. Before ovulation, cervical mucus from a dense plug turns into the so-called egg white - transparent discharge, elastic, stretching well for several centimeters.

Weak pink discharge in the middle of the cycle (1.5-2 weeks before the expected menstruation) occurs when a mature egg leaves the follicle. At this time, the level of estrogen increases and there may be a slight rejection of the internal tissue of the uterus - the endometrium, which is accompanied by minor bleeding. Such signs occur in a third of women and are the norm.

When pinkish mucus appears in the middle of the cycle, it must be taken into account that the probability of conception is somewhat reduced, since the rejected endometrium reduces the surface of the uterus functionally suitable for implantation of a fertilized egg.

If a woman has recently given birth to a baby, she may have pink discharge when ovulation resumes.

Simultaneously with the change in the nature of secretion, a woman may notice other signs:

  • promotion ;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • engorgement and

Can ovulation occur without mucus discharge?

Yes, this is not an absolute sign. For many women, no external changes occur in the body when the egg is released. Vaginal dryness is a fairly common problem that interferes with normal conception. It can be caused by low estrogen levels or the individual characteristics of the female body.

The absence of discharge does not mean that a woman has not ovulated, much less that she is infertile. Although the penetration of sperm into the uterus is somewhat difficult, pregnancy is still possible, especially during the “fertile window” - the next 5 days before and after the release of the egg.

Diagnostic tests for cervical mucus

Assessing the characteristics of cervical mucus is one of the methods for determining ovulation, which was previously used by gynecologists. To do this, the extensibility of the discharge was determined using special tweezers, capturing mucus from the external opening of the cervical canal and stretching it. During ovulation, the size of the divergence of the jaws of the forceps with a continuous mucous thread is 8-12 cm. During other phases of the cycle, it does not exceed 4 cm.

The sensitivity of this diagnostic method for secretions does not exceed 50%. The same principle applies to the home method of determining the extensibility of cervical mucus, when a woman independently stretches the vaginal discharge between her fingers. By increasing the length of a continuous thread, you can approximately determine the time favorable for conception.

If the mucus obtained during ovulation is applied to glass and dried, then under a microscope it will acquire a characteristic pattern in the form of a fern leaf. This is due to the increased content of salts and mucin (mucous protein) in it, which crystallize to form stripes. Such diagnostics are used in some reusable ones (based on saliva and cervical mucus).

To evaluate the properties of cervical mucus, doctors use a scoring system. It is used in reproductive medicine when examining patients with infertility. A score of 10 or more points is normal, a lower number is a sign of pathological changes.

The following characteristics are taken into account:

  1. Volume: absence of mucus – 0; 0.1 ml – 1; 0.2 ml – 2; 0.3 ml or more – 3 points.
  2. Consistency: viscous and dense – 0; minor – 1; watery – 2 points.
  3. Crystallization: atypical – 1; fern pattern with branches of the 1st and 2nd orders - 2; branches of the 3rd and 4th orders – 3 points.
  4. Extensibility when gripping with a forceps: up to 1 cm – 0; from 1 to 4 cm – 1; from 5 to 8 cm – 2; 9 or more cm – 3 points.

Additional indicators that affect the “quality” of mucus at the time of ovulation:

  • the presence of dead immune and epithelial cells during microscopic examination;
  • acidity during ovulation should be 7.0-8.0; acidification of the environment immobilizes sperm and is observed with vaginal infections;
  • the “pupil” symptom is the expansion of the external os of the uterus before ovulation up to 30 mm.

Pathological changes

The nature of discharge during ovulation usually does not change in one woman over several cycles. The appearance of unusual signs is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

Bloody issues

Caused by diseases of the reproductive organs of an inflammatory and non-inflammatory nature. Intermenstrual bleeding is observed with or.

Other possible causes of blood in the middle of the cycle:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • thrombocytopathy, a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood in hematological diseases;
  • side effects of oral contraceptives.

Bleeding in the middle of the cycle can be a sign of or, as well as vaginal injury.

Brown discharge is caused by the release of remnants of rejected endometrium and blood after menstruation. During ovulation, the cervix softens and opens, and this helps cleanse the organ cavity of unnecessary substances. Short-term spotting during ovulation should not bother a woman if it occurs rarely.

Constant dark discharge in the middle of the cycle can occur with the following pathology:

  • increased fragility of blood vessels due to lack of vitamin C and rutin;
  • severe liver disease;
  • vaginal infections, dysbiosis, .

Sometimes brownish discharge is a symptom of implantation bleeding. It is caused by damage to the endometrial wall when a fertilized egg is implanted into it. You can think about such a possibility if the last sexual contact was no later than 5 days before.

Yellow discharge

Usually associated with a condition when, instead of normal microflora, pathogenic microorganisms multiply on the vaginal mucosa, which do not cause inflammation, but lead to itching, burning, unpleasant odor, and problems with conception due to changes in the acidity of the vaginal environment.

If vaginosis appears, you should not douche or use tampons. It is necessary to use sanitary pads and wash daily with running water.

Yellow discharge can accompany infections such as candidiasis and. They have an unpleasant odor, are accompanied by itching, swelling and redness of the external genitalia, burning during urination and pain during sexual intercourse. If any of these signs occur, consult a doctor.

Copious secretion

If a woman experiences irregular or heavy discharge, she should consult a gynecologist. Such signs are not associated with ovulation and serve as a symptom of gynecological diseases. If you experience mucous or bloody discharge during menopause, you should definitely consult a doctor. These symptoms may be an early sign of cancer.

Every woman should be able to distinguish the normal pinkish color of discharge from bleeding. If in doubt, you should contact a gynecologist to get timely medical help, especially if the discharge has atypical viscosity, an unpleasant odor, is accompanied by fever, itching in the vagina, pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

Hygiene rules

Vaginal discharge during ovulation can cause discomfort because it is quite heavy compared to other phases of the cycle. A woman cannot change the amount of mucus, so she should follow some hygiene rules to improve her well-being.

To absorb excess secretions, you need to use sanitary pads. They will help prevent mucus from getting on your laundry and creating an unpleasant odor. Tampons should not be used, as their use at this point in the cycle can disrupt the vaginal microflora and lead to the development of bacterial vaginosis.

There is no need to use intimate hygiene products. Excessive removal of cervical mucus creates a breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, you need to wash yourself daily with clean running water and not take a bath.

Wear loose cotton underwear and change it daily. If liquid gets on panties, it is recommended to change them as many times during the day as necessary to keep the perineum clean and dry. Just in case, it’s better to have a spare pair of underwear in a clean bag in your woman’s bag in order to change clothes in time.

During these days, it is recommended to avoid unprotected sex unless the woman plans to become pregnant. Otherwise, the likelihood of infection with chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections increases. The risk of developing vaginal candidiasis increases.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 7 minutes


The maturation of the egg in the female body occurs during the menstrual cycle. In other words, the menstrual cycle is needed to prepare the uterus and maturation of the egg, the result of which is ovulation - the release of a mature egg from the follicle, and without its maturation and release, pregnancy cannot occur. For conceiving a child, the time of ovulation is the most successful period. Therefore, when planning pregnancy, it is very important to be able to determine when it occurs.

This article describes the signs of ovulation, as well as ways to determine its occurrence.

How to determine the days of ovulation?

With a menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the cycle , with a longer or shorter cycle, ovulation most often occurs 12-14 days before the start of the next regulation .

Signs of ovulation are very subjective, however, a woman, observing her body, can note some changes these days and be guided by these signs.

For example, some women notice during ovulation increased sexual desire . For some, in the middle of the cycle it occurs tingling feeling in the lower abdomen and nagging pain . Occasionally observed in vaginal discharge streaks of blood .
The amount and nature of vaginal fluid may increase and become more similar to clear stretchy mucus , it can be stretched by 5 cm or more. If you insert your well-washed middle and index fingers into the vagina, grabbing its contents, you can check the resulting discharge for stretchability. A day after ovulation, mucous discharge becomes less, it becomes cloudy and stops stretching.
The menstrual cycle in which ovulation occurred is characterized by breast engorgement before menstruation And slight weight gain in the second phase of the cycle.

All methods for determining ovulation

Even in women with a constant menstrual cycle, ovulation is possible on different days, so when planning pregnancy, specially designed test strips, ultrasound and other methods, which we will talk about, can be used to accurately determine the onset of ovulation.

  1. Ovulation tests
    To determine the onset of ovulation, kits have been developed that measure the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. Before ovulation, the increased flow of LH “signals” the ovaries to release an egg. This occurs approximately 14 days after your period. Ovulation kits come with detailed instructions as well as a chart to help you determine the days to start testing your urine. If the test strip records an elevated LH level, this means that ovulation will occur within 48 hours.
    The kits are test strips that resemble pregnancy tests. They are used as follows: the test is lowered into a container with urine, wait a few minutes. If one line appears on the test, then the result is negative, but if two lines appear, then it is positive, which means ovulation will occur in 1-2 days.
    Also, special devices have been developed to assess the level of LH in urine, which are sold with a kit for urine samples. The cost of such a set is 200-250 dollars, but its information content is by no means higher than ordinary test strips.
  2. Determining ovulation by basal temperature
    The second way to determine the onset of ovulation is. To chart changes in BBT, it is necessary to measure body temperature after sleep for several hours. By drawing up a temperature chart, it is possible to calculate when ovulation will occur. During ovulation, the active production of a hormone such as progesterone occurs, which helps the uterus prepare for the expected fertilization. It is the increase in progesterone levels that leads to fluctuations in BTT, which increases sharply after the release of a mature egg.
  3. Determining ovulation using ultrasound
    Another way to calculate favorable days for conceiving a child is ultrasound - ultrasound diagnostics. Ultrasound clearly shows the growth of follicles and the onset of ovulation. The ultrasound method is the most accurate in determining the onset of ovulation. However, to obtain diagnostic results, the study must be carried out several times over a short period of time.
    However, this method of diagnosing the onset of ovulation is most often used for those couples who have difficulty conceiving and who do not become pregnant for a long time.
  4. Determining ovulation by saliva or vaginal discharge
    The next way to determine the time of ovulation is based on measuring the increase in estrogen levels in saliva and vaginal mucus that occurs before ovulation. When samples of body secretions dry, a specific pattern appears. This study takes place using a microscope. A drop of saliva is applied to the glass (which is taken in the morning before brushing your teeth and breakfast). After which the glass is examined through a microscope. If, when the discharge dries, a clear pattern does not form, but dots appear in a chaotic order, then this indicates that ovulation did not occur (pictured in Fig. 1). As ovulation approaches, fragments of the pattern are formed (Fig. 2), which becomes clearest 1-2 days before ovulation (Fig. 3). After ovulation, the pattern disappears again.

    This is a method for determining the days of ovulation can be used at home , because When purchasing a special microscope, schematic drawings corresponding to the day of the menstrual cycle are attached to it. This microscope is small in size and can easily fit not only on a shelf in the bathroom, but also, if necessary, in a purse.
    The reliability of this method reaches 95% . However, the result may be distorted due to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, smoking or drinking alcohol before the study.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that the absence of ovulation in one particular menstrual cycle does not indicate the absence of ovulation at all. The most accurate results can only be obtained during a comprehensive examination .

The ovulatory cycle is the process of a mature egg leaving the follicle for fertilization. In the absence of health problems, it occurs in every menstrual cycle.

During ovulation, as well as before and after it, a special fluid is released. Its color, consistency, and quantity can tell a lot about the state of women's health. Based on what kind of discharge appears during ovulation, it is easy to understand how ready the body is for conception. Mucus during ovulation is natural. Its appearance is associated with an active increase in progesterone levels. Some fluid may be released from the follicle when it ruptures.

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    The nature of discharge before ovulation

    The end of menstruation implies the beginning of another process - the maturation of the egg. The duration of this period is about 2 weeks. But it can change with changes in hormonal levels, due to stress and sexually transmitted infections.

    The possibility of getting pregnant is extremely low. Too thick mucus before ovulation forms a protective plug in the uterine cavity to protect the upper genitourinary tract from the penetration of foreign microorganisms. Sperm cannot pass through this barrier. They also die from the acidic environment inside the genital tract.

    The secretion secreted before the egg is fully mature is inconspicuous, transparent, and sometimes looks white. Unusual consistency, color, or increase in quantity indicate changes that are worth paying attention to.

    The most dangerous signs indicating an inflammatory process, endocrine disorders, diseases of other organs are an unpleasant odor, burning sensation, irritation, itching, pain in the lower back and pelvis.

    Types of pathological leucorrhoea before the onset of the ovulatory period:

    • Red, purulent with an unpleasant odor. Appear in women with benign and malignant neoplasms in the uterine cavity, as well as endometritis with prolonged absence of treatment.
    • Sticky with an admixture of green pus. They may appear with cervical erosion, diabetes mellitus and other hormonal disorders. Blood in such secretions is characteristic of polyps.
    • Transparent, thick and yellow in places, pungent odor. They indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. If such signs as unbearable itching, irritation, pain are observed, then we are talking about a sexually transmitted infection - chlamydia, genital herpes.
    • White grains. This signals a fungal disease if the labia and vaginal opening itch and hurt.
    • Yellow or green with foam. Indicate infection with dangerous sexually transmitted diseases. It is recommended to urgently undergo diagnosis and begin treatment.
    • Bloody. Normally, they are rarely observed in women after the end of menstruation. The mucous layer is separated with streaks of blood - this is a natural process that can continue for several days after menstruation. Bloody discharge can be the result of injuries after sudden movements during sex or sports; in this case, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. Blood discharged from the vagina may indicate oncology, uterine bleeding, or sexually transmitted diseases. Unsmelling brown discharge before ovulation is dried blood. If they have a pungent odor or contain impurities of unknown origin, this is a reason to undergo a full examination.
    • The secretion becomes creamy, white or yellow during the "sterile" period after unprotected intercourse. Over the course of several hours, sperm mixes with female secretions and flows out of the vagina.

    Excessive leucorrhoea of ​​a transparent color is not always considered a pathology. Sometimes this is the result of increased female hormones, such as during adolescence.

    How to detect ovulation by discharge?

    You can determine the onset of ovulation by the discharge. Before the release of a mature egg, the plug located in the cervix liquefies and turns into transparent, viscous mucus. In this way, the uterus prepares to receive a fertilized egg.

    Knowing how many days before ovulation discharge occurs, you can plan a pregnancy or determine a “safe” period for sex. A few days before ovulation, a woman may experience nausea, pain in the pelvic area, and her senses may become more acute. Signs indicating the imminent onset of the ovulatory period become more pronounced in adulthood.

    Appearance of ovulation discharge

    If the ovulation cycle is accompanied by too thick cervical fluid, which extends less than 10 mm, then the likelihood of becoming pregnant is low. Stickiness prevents sperm from moving forward; they stick together and are excreted without ever reaching the egg.

    White discharge during ovulation can be an individual feature of the female body; sometimes it is yellow. White mucus is often secreted a few days before the onset of the ovulatory cycle.

    If thick discharge appears every time on the day of ovulation, you should consult a doctor. This may indicate disorders of the reproductive system or sexually transmitted infections that need to be treated.

    Bloody discharge during ovulation is natural. They are a trace of damage to the follicle from which an egg ready for fertilization has emerged. Whether it can be dangerous is very easy to determine. If spotting during ovulation leaves a small trace in the form of drops, there is nothing to worry about. Intense bruising that continues to appear for several hours in a row is a sign of uterine bleeding.

    Brown spotting during ovulation may indicate damage to the genital tract after sexual intercourse. This is caused by a lack of natural lubrication, sharp, too deep frictions of the sexual partner.

    Some women confuse blood and brown, purulent discharge. Bloody discharge during ovulation, when it dries, turns brown. But they have a neutral smell. In addition, brown discharge with pus during ovulation can be accompanied by itching and severe pain in the pelvic area. The color change in clear mucus has a number of causes.

    Protein-colored cervical fluid turns brown because:

    • there is a hormonal imbalance;
    • the body gets used to oral contraceptives;
    • there are contraindications to a certain group of drugs;
    • the intrauterine device has been damaged or changed its location;
    • estrogen levels have increased sharply;
    • When the egg left the follicle, several capillaries were damaged.

    What types of discharge are considered pathological during the ovulation period:

    1. 1. Yellow with foam. There are a lot of bacteria and microbes in such a secret. Together with a sharp, repulsive odor, this indicates the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases such as chlamydia and trichomoniasis. Treatment of these diseases cannot be postponed until later. They easily become chronic, which cannot be completely cured. In addition, reproductive function disorders such as infertility and ectopic pregnancy arise as complications.
    2. 2. Green with pain in the lower abdomen. The female genital organs are susceptible to inflammation. The infection could affect the ovaries, uterus or vagina. It is necessary to relieve inflammation and eliminate the causative agent of the disease as quickly as possible. Otherwise, serious consequences arise.

    Ovulatory discharge should be elastic, not watery, and appear in the second half of the cycle. Their length when stretched with fingers is about 20-40 mm. It appears a day before ovulation and continues to be released from the vagina for another 48 hours. Then the consistency and color change again. What they will become after depends on whether pregnancy has occurred or not. Too thin or thick mucus can be a pathology.

    How to understand that pregnancy has occurred

    Many people believe that pregnancy is accompanied by a certain type of discharge. In part, this is true. The fertilized egg seeks to attach itself to the endometrium of the uterus. It is penetrated by capillaries, and at the moment of connection one of them may be damaged. A small blood stain appears on your underwear. Signs such as pain, enlargement and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands are also observed.

    During pregnancy, blood appears once, less often it can be noticed 2-3 times. Bloody discharge can be detected 5-7 days after the end of the ovulation period. The interval between appearances is no more than 12 hours.

    How to distinguish discharge during ovulation from menstruation:

    • Quantity. During menstruation, the volume of discharge constantly changes. At the beginning there is very little discharge, then a lot, towards the end it becomes scanty again. When the fertilized egg is implanted, only a few drops of blood are noticeable. If more of them begin to be released, this either indicates uterine bleeding, injuries, or the menstrual cycle (if it coincides with the calendar).
    • Painful sensations. Bruising at the beginning of pregnancy is normal if the pain attack lasts no more than 2-3 days. In other cases, you should think about such pathologies as fibroids, polyps, cysts, cancer in the uterus, endometriosis. Sometimes the cause of acute pain is rough, sudden movements during sexual intercourse.
    • Secondary signs of pregnancy, signaling the attachment of a fertilized egg, can be psychosomatic. A woman dreams of a child so much that after noticing traces of blood on her underwear, she immediately begins to feel sudden manifestations of early toxicosis - nausea, dizziness, swelling of the mammary glands.
    • In pregnant women, the amount of secretion increases sharply. This is due to a sharp jump in the female hormone (progesterone). Most often they are colorless or white with a slight yellow tint. No smell. There is no pain, itching or irritation. Curdled impurities are a deviation from the norm, which indicates the development of thrush.

    A week after pregnancy, bleeding indicates a danger to the life of the woman and child. Blood reports a threat of miscarriage, fetal development outside the uterine cavity, polyps and erosions. Sex during pregnancy can cause small bloody spots on underwear. It is advisable to consult a doctor and find out the reason for the sudden discharge of blood from the vagina.

    Dry ovulation

    The individual characteristics of the female body, as well as external factors, often lead to so-called “dry” ovulation without cervical fluid.

    In this case, it is more difficult to understand whether there was an ovulatory period. But with the help of other symptoms, this can still be done.

    How to determine the onset of ovulation differently if there is no discharge:

    • Measuring local temperature. It can be determined by inserting a thermometer into the anus. It is advisable to do this early in the morning for several weeks, building a schedule. You need to measure the temperature at the same time with an error of 15-20 minutes.
    • Using reactive strips. This is a common test sold in pharmacies. It is coated with a special chemical that changes color if biochemical changes occur in the urine corresponding to ovulation.

    If there is no discharge, ovulation may not have occurred. This deviation can be caused by the following factors:

    • endocrine disorders;
    • sudden weight loss, which caused exhaustion of the body, hormonal imbalance;
    • nervous tension;
    • polycystic ovary syndrome;
    • mechanical damage to the genitourinary system;
    • uncontrolled use of medications;
    • the brain is not sufficiently supplied with blood and oxygen;
    • oncology;
    • inflammation of the genital organs;
    • excess weight.

    A complete diagnosis and consultation with an experienced specialist will help determine the exact cause.

    Ovulation without discharge may be the result of negative influences. Factors that negatively affect the occurrence of cervical fluid are:

    • Regular stress, severe emotional shock. In a state of nervous tension, the body does not produce enough female hormones. Adrenaline reduces a woman's ability to conceive.
    • Products for intimate hygiene, sexual intercourse (lubricants, condoms with special coating). Lubricants may contain substances that affect the mucous surface of the genital organs, disrupting the process of formation and secretion of natural mucus. An incorrectly selected intimate hygiene product causes dryness and damage to the internal environment.
    • Changes in the component of the vaginal microflora, active growth of opportunistic microflora. Infection, decreased immunity, and poor hygiene contribute to the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

    You should definitely find out if there is an ovulatory cycle. And why is not enough cervical fluid released during it?

    Menopause or ovulation?

    Brown discharge during ovulation can also occur at the beginning of early menopause. The appearance of blood is associated with taking hormonal drugs. Women do not immediately notice the development of early menopause. It can begin at 30-40 years old. Multiple primary signs are blurred and correlate with a temporary deterioration in health, colds.

    By the quantity and quality of vaginal discharge, it is easier to determine whether the decline of the reproductive system has begun or not. First, there is instability of menstruation. They last either 22 days or 30 days. Their duration also changes. One cycle is 3 days long, while the other lasts 14 days.

    The ovulatory secretion is more scarce. The more menopause develops, the thicker the discharge. The color should not change at the beginning of reproductive changes. They are always transparent or whitish. The daily norm is 2-3 ml per day.

    Even during menopause, detected atypical discharge should attract attention. We are talking about pathological processes if they:

    • too liquid, leaving a wet mark on underwear;
    • foamy, they contain admixtures of blood, yellow or green pus;
    • sour, fishy, ​​ammonia-like, or putrid odor.

    In addition to secretions that do not correspond to the norm, the disease may be accompanied by swelling of the outer labia, discomfort in the form of itching and irritation.

    The regular onset of the ovulatory period with secretion is an indicator of the good condition of the reproductive system. How you feel, the appearance of mucus, and consistency can tell you a lot about how ovulation occurs and whether it occurs at all. But sometimes, due to physiological and psychological reasons, its character changes. Not all changes are associated with the development of severe diseases. However, if deviations last for several menstrual periods in a row and raise doubts, it is better to consult a doctor.