Increased levels of the hormone testosterone in women. Causes and symptoms of high testosterone in women. Testosterone test

Everyone is accustomed to thinking that testosterone is a male sex hormone. This is partly true, it really determines development purely masculine properties, such as hair growth, muscularity, roughness of voice, male sexual viability, etc. But in women, this hormone is also present in the body, but to a much lesser extent. Why is testosterone produced in women, what is it responsible for, the causes and symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women - you will learn all this in our article.

Where is testosterone produced in the fairer sex?

In representatives of the stronger sex, the hormone is synthesized in the testicles, and in women in the ovaries. A small proportion of testosterone is also synthesized in the adrenal glands. These are the two main organs that are responsible for the uninterrupted production of the hormone “energy and strength”. If the functioning of one of the organs is disrupted, then testosterone will no longer be able to function effectively, which will lead to either excessive or low production.

What is the hormone testosterone responsible for in the weaker sex?

Women are more worried about normal balance their “native” hormone estrogen, since it is this hormone that makes them feminine, tender, and the skin elastic and smooth. However, testosterone also plays an important role in the body of the fair sex.

The first thing to note is that testosterone is responsible for ovulation. Therefore, it directly affects the ability to get pregnant, since the maturity of the follicle depends on its participation. It also has a beneficial effect on the beauty of the female body, namely, it regulates the production sebum, and controls lipid-muscle balance. That is, when optimal level testosterone, the woman’s weight is normal, and at the same time the muscular core is well developed.

What does testosterone affect in women?

Testosterone for weight loss: what is it?

It has been noted that as a woman ages, it becomes more and more difficult to say goodbye to extra centimeters on her body. And this is true, because hormonal system The fair sex is always subject to change, unlike the male body. Testosterone levels also decline over the course of life. So, for example, in at a young age(up to about 40 years) its level fluctuates between 0.125-3.08 pg/ml. Up to 60 years of age, the level varies from 0.125 to 2.5 pg/ml. And after 60 years, the level does not rise above 1.7 pg/ml.

It is known that testosterone regulates fat and muscle mass, and with its deficiency or excess, women begin to gain weight. There are many reasons for weight gain, but it is usually associated with poor production of the “male” hormone.

In order to choose the optimal weight loss system, you need to go to an endocrinologist or nutritionist who will evaluate your hormone levels based on test results and prescribe an adaptive course of weight restoration. Used for women's weight loss various means, helping to normalize fat and muscle balance.

Why testosterone levels are disrupted

The true cause can only be determined by the attending physician, knowing the patient’s medical history. Women's hormonal system is quite vulnerable, because every month it experiences a whole “revolution” of hormones and often knows what PMS, neurosis, tearfulness and irritability are. After the end of menstruation, hormones begin to return to their normal rhythm, and closer to the next cycle, history repeats itself. Therefore, female emotionality and sensitivity are specifically based on hormone levels.

Reasons for violation hormonal balance enough. Here are the main factors:

  • Genetic predisposition. It is usually passed down through generations feminine(from grandmother to granddaughter);
  • Pathological phenomena in the ovaries and uterus. Since testosterone is synthesized in the ovaries, it reacts sharply to any disease of this organ. Typically, pathologies such as polycystic disease, uterine fibroids, tumors;
  • Adrenal dysfunction. Although a small proportion of the hormone is formed in the adrenal glands, for any pathological changes testosterone levels begin to fluctuate;
  • Pituitary gland diseases.

It is also worth noting separately that poor nutrition can lead to both deficiency and excess of testosterone in the blood.

Another common reason for women is taking hormonal hormones. contraceptives. Such drugs can negatively affect testosterone levels if they are chosen incorrectly.

The main causes and symptoms of increased testosterone levels

The most common reasons that lead to an excess of goromna:

  • Excessive consumption certain products: white cabbage, nuts, etc.;
  • Vegetarianism;
  • Low-calorie diet (carbohydrate deficiency);
  • Pathology of the ovaries and pituitary gland;
  • Taking hormonal medications.

If testosterone is elevated in women, it is immediately visible. Main features:

  • Excessive hair growth on the face, arms, legs, back, buttocks;
  • Lowering the timbre of the voice (bassiness of the voice);
  • Sebaceous glands do not work well, causing oiliness skin and sweating. Moreover, skin rashes (acne, pimples) are common;
  • The physique begins to acquire male forms(broad shoulders, narrow pelvis).

Mentally it manifests itself:

  • Excessive ambition (“masculinity”);
  • Aggression, nervousness;
  • Depression, dissatisfaction with oneself.

The main causes and symptoms of decreased hormone levels:

  1. Diseases of the uterus (endometriosis);
  2. Breast tumor;
  3. Heart pathologies;
  4. Osteoporosis.

Symptoms low level hormones are no less obvious and are expressed in the form:

  • Fat deposits in the abdominal area (visceral fat);
  • Irritability, tearfulness, excessive emotionality;
  • Bone fragility;
  • Infertility;
  • Insomnia.

Memory also deteriorates, concentration is impaired, and apathy towards the outside world often appears.

The influence of testosterone on the body of the fairer sex is quite large-scale, since the hormone affects almost every aspect of a woman’s life, both physical and mental health. Therefore, such signs should not be ignored, otherwise there is a risk of worsening the problem.

Testosterone in women: how to maintain balance

Hormones affect a woman's body more than men. This is how nature works. It happens that you cannot do without the help of a specialist. In any case, you should get tested and understand how advanced your hormonal levels are. If the deviations are minor, depending on the testosterone level (low or high), the patient is offered home therapy, which includes eating the “right” food, sports, and dietary supplements.

If there is a lot of testosterone and you need to “pacify” it, follow simple rules:

  • Do yoga. These exercises have been shown to reduce hormone levels;
  • Include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your menu. The diet will have to be postponed for a while, since it is with low calorie intake that testosterone increases;
  • Consume sugar, honey;
  • Add fish and meat to the menu.

If the hormone has a low concentration in the body, you should:

  • Consume foods with zinc (chicken, seafood, nuts);
  • Get rid of excess weight;
  • Reduce estrogen production, but this aspect needs to be regulated together with an endocrinologist.

If such home therapy turns out to be powerless and the obvious signs of testosterone imbalance do not go away, this is a reason to contact medicines which will help quickly adjust hormonal levels. Although it is still worth giving preference natural ways recovery rather than applying replacement therapy hormones.

Testosterone is present in both male and female female body. Normally participates in metabolic processes, regulates libido, muscle growth. But if its concentration in the blood deviates from the norm, this leads to various problems: appearance and well-being deteriorate, excess weight, it is difficult to get pregnant.

This hormone regulates sexual desire, ratio of fat to muscle mass. In addition, it promotes the growth bone cells, prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis. Its general level and physiologically active, so-called free testosterone are distinguished. They may have different meaning: the level is generally within normal limits, and the free level is increased.

When there is a lack of this hormone caused by a low-carbohydrate diet, vegetarianism or other reasons, a feeling occurs. chronic fatigue. It can decrease with the development of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, osteoporosis, breast cancer, and falls steadily during menopause, although in general its level gradually increases with age.

Manifestations of high testosterone (hyperandrogenism): hair loss in characteristic places like men's, the appearance of acne (acne) and excess hair on the face, back, arms, increased oiliness of the skin or vice versa, dryness and flaking, sudden mood swings, causeless irritation, aggression. The figure may change, becoming masculine, and the voice may become rougher.

The cycle is also disrupted until menstruation completely disappears; there may be difficulties with conception and bearing a fetus if testosterone in women when planning pregnancy is very high. It is normal for pregnant women to have high levels of testosterone, especially when they are expecting a boy. But strong increase can lead to missed abortion and complications during childbirth.

It is better to take tests for this hormone from days 3 to 5 and from 8 to 10 of the cycle. In order for the results to be as accurate as possible, on the eve of the tests you should give up intense training, sex, alcohol consumption, eliminate stress, and before taking the test, do not smoke, do not worry, and rest for a couple of hours. The results of the analysis are usually known the next day. Normal value For adult woman amounts to 0.45-3.75 nmol/l.

Reasons for the increase

High testosterone occurs in women for various reasons.

Insulin can swing testosterone levels in both directions, causing hormonal imbalance. Over time, the combination of these two symptoms leads to polycystic ovary syndrome. At the same time, there is also a high level of estrogen and low progesterone.

From visible signs One may note the deposition of fatty tissue in the abdominal area, facial hair, darkening of the skin, and mood swings.

There is more estrogen than progesterone

When one of the hormones in the body suddenly exceeds its norm, this affects the entire hormonal background, since they are all interconnected. The relationship between progesterone and estrogen is not clearly established, but together they lead to an increase in testosterone and DHEA ( dehydroepiandrosterone). An increase in the amount of estrogen causes the well-known PMS and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

Low physical activity

Exercising helps to utilize excess testosterone. Although no direct connection has been identified, they reduce insulin levels. This helps lower testosterone and also normalizes weight, which when hormonal imbalance is often redundant.

Adrenal diseases

These paired organs produce testosterone, which in the process goes through a complex chain of transformations: DHAE, pregnenolone, progesterone, androstenedione. Their growth causes an increase in testosterone. Also raise DHEA level and testosterone adrenal hyperplasia, severe stress, causing their dysfunction, the use of dietary supplements with the substances listed above, insulin resistance.

If leptin is higher than normal, it makes it difficult to lose weight. It is produced by fat cells and controls metabolism, dictating to the brain when it is time to “store” fat and when to get rid of it. If the sensitivity to this hormone becomes lower, the brain does not receive signals of saturation, which leads to constant feeling hunger and slowdown of metabolic processes.

High leptin also occurs in women with insulin resistance, in addition, it itself causes an increase in testosterone.


Fat cells contain an enzyme that stimulates testosterone production. The more there are, the higher the hormone level. In addition, fat reduces the sensitivity of other tissues to insulin, which also helps to increase testosterone, as mentioned above.


When it becomes known that the level male hormone elevated in the body, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist as soon as possible in order to start treatment on time concomitant diseases, if any, and also rule out the root cause.

Natural Methods

If testosterone levels are slightly elevated, you can try to normalize it through lifestyle changes: sports, nutrition and natural remedies.

  • Diet based on foods that increase estrogen production: soy products, apples, cherries, wheat and rice, as well as vegetables, fried potatoes, sugar, cream, natural coffe(1 cup per day), green tea, cauliflower and broccoli, legumes and beer (in moderation).
  • Physical exercise. Yoga, as well as Pilates and other light exercises, help to normalize hormonal levels. You should not get too carried away with strength training, as excessive growth of muscle mass is possible; it is better to choose those types of training where there is a combination different types loads, development of flexibility.
  • Acupuncture. An exotic method that increases the body’s energy metabolism by influencing acupuncture points, and also increases estrogen production.
  • Medicinal herbs and folk recipes, for example, flaxseed decoction, carrot juice and, oatmeal jelly, tincture of peony roots. From herbal remedies Angelica officinalis, evening primrose, licorice root, evening primrose, chaste vitex, sage, red clover, peppermint, stevia, black cohosh, fireweed, milk thistle, fenugreek, dandelion and nettle are considered effective. However, you should not get carried away with self-medication; substances contained in herbs can cause unwanted effects when used thoughtlessly. It is better to use them as directed and under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Nutritional supplements and dietary supplements: Prostamol Uno, Saw Palmetto, Likoprofit, Yogi Tea, PerFerm Forte, Doppelhertz Active Menopause, Altera Plus, Diindolylmethane, linoleic acid, calcium-D-gluconate. Supplements are harmless, but their effectiveness is not guaranteed.
  • Get adequate rest and enough sleep - at least eight hours a day dark time days.
  • Sexual activity. During intimate contact, the female sex hormone is produced and the male sex hormone decreases.


When treating hyperandrogenism, doctors prescribe hormonal and other drugs such as:

  • Oral contraceptives: Diane 35, Tri-Mercy, Logest, Jess, Klaira, Zhanine and Yarina (reduce testosterone synthesis, but have quite big list contraindications);
  • Glucocorticosteroid drugs: hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, paramethasone, prednisolone, metipred. Stimulates the functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • Anti-androgens: androcur, flutacan, spironolactone, cyproterone, etc. Suppress testosterone production.
  • Glucose preparations: siofor, glucophage and veroshpiron (spironolactone and metamorphine included in the substance suppress the synthesis of excess testosterone).

It should be remembered that hormonal medical supplies have many contraindications. Self-medication and gross interference in the hormonal balance of the body are very undesirable and fraught dangerous consequences. The use of hormonal drugs is justified in case of a serious threat to life and health. Lifestyle changes, adequate rest, moderate exercise and healthy eating are a necessary condition normalization hormonal levels in the female body.

Testosterone is considered a male sex hormone because men have much more of it in their bodies than women. However, this substance is vital for them too. If the hormone content in a woman’s body is too low or, on the contrary, exceeds the norm, this can be immediately noticed, as a change in character, psyche, appearance occurs, and serious reproductive health disorders appear. Restore normal level Testosterone levels in women can be achieved through medications and diet. It is necessary to adjust physical activity.


The role of testosterone in the female body

Testosterone is a substance that performs very important functions in the female body important functions, although present in much smaller quantities than estrogens or progesterone. It is one of the androgens (hormones that contribute to the formation of male appearance and other characteristics characteristic of men).

In a woman's body, testosterone is produced in small quantities in the adrenal glands and ovaries. It performs the following functions:

  1. Participates in the formation bone tissue, promotes bone growth and strengthening.
  2. With his participation, they are formed muscle cells, the figure is formed by female type(the mammary glands grow, the volume of the hips increases).
  3. Testosterone is involved in the formation of the brain and central nervous system, is responsible for the development of memory, thinking, and special character traits inherent only to women.
  4. From this hormone, estradiol is formed - one of the estrogens, the role of which is especially great in reproductive period life. It completely depends on the content of estradiol reproductive health women, as well as the development of her sexual desire.

Among other things, testosterone in women’s bodies affects the production of pituitary hormones that regulate the functioning of the ovaries and the development of follicles in them.

Video: The importance of androgens for the female body

Testosterone standards

Testosterone content table

It has been noticed that the level of testosterone in the blood is higher in the morning than in the evening. Male hormone levels increase slightly during ovulation. Thanks to this, on days favorable for conception, a woman’s sexual activity increases. After ovulation, the content of this substance in the blood decreases and, accordingly, the growth of new follicles stops.

If a woman's testosterone levels are outside the normal range, they will experience various pathologies in the state of health and the course of various physiological processes.

During pregnancy, the content of this hormone in the blood increases 3-4 times from about 13 weeks, as the placenta and fetus begin to produce it additionally. Thanks to this, the embryo is firmly held in the uterine cavity. An increased level of this hormone is necessary for the normal formation of the skeleton, muscles and organs of the fetus. Towards the end of pregnancy, testosterone levels reach a maximum; they are increased by more than 4 times compared to normal.

During menopause, at the very beginning, testosterone levels rise slightly, as a decrease in estrogen production forces the body to look for new sources of the hormone. But then its level decreases due to the aging of hormone-producing organs. As a result, the woman gradually loses sexual attraction, weight increases, the body weakens, and various symptoms of menopause appear.

Symptoms of violations of the norm

The condition of the female body is negatively affected by both lack and excess of testosterone. In a woman, disruption of the production of this hormone leads to changes in hormonal levels as a whole.

Symptoms of excess testosterone

The reason for the formation of an excess of such a substance in the body can be diseases of the ovaries and uterus (formation of cysts, tumors, endometriosis), as well as the adrenal glands and pituitary gland. Violation of the norm may be hereditary or due to long-term use hormonal drugs, addiction to alcohol, smoking, drug use.

If testosterone in women is increased compared to the norm, then changes in character appear (aggressiveness, irritability), the voice becomes rougher, and hair growth on the head slows down (but, like in men, it begins to grow on the face and chest). The female body becomes more physically resilient. There are changes in the appearance and figure according to the male type. Possible development of obesity, appearance acne on the face.

Sexuality intensifies. Job reproductive system violated: menstruation comes with long delays, become scarce and may disappear altogether. Infertility appears.

Exceeding the testosterone norm occurs even during pregnancy. If it exceeds the norm by more than 5 times, then fetal development is disrupted or a miscarriage occurs. Therefore, during this period, hormonal levels must be controlled. Excess testosterone after childbirth leads to the disappearance of breast milk.

Video: Causes and manifestations of excess testosterone

Symptoms of deficiency

The reason for the lack of male hormone in the body in women may be disruption of the ovaries, adrenal glands, and other glands. endocrine system, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, breast tumors. This increases the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, endometriosis, and breast cancer.

Signs of testosterone deficiency in women are sagging muscles, weakness, sweating and dry skin, depressed mood, apathy, lack of sexual desire. Provoking factors are stress, bad habits, eating disorders (vegetarianism, starvation diets, anorexia, bulimia).

Testosterone test

To determine the level of this substance on days 6-10 of the cycle (when hormonal levels most stable) a blood test is performed.

Note: If a woman’s cycle is irregular, the doctor will set the date, based on the average onset of menstruation and its nature.

In order for the result to be accurate, it is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcohol on the eve of the analysis. It is important to stop taking hormonal medications a day before. It is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse.

1 day before the procedure, you must refrain from playing sports and other increased physical activity, as well as from consuming fatty and spicy food. The patient should get a good night's sleep and be in a calm mood.

Testosterone in women is determined in the blood in the morning, at empty stomach. In the last 24 hours before the test, you can only drink clean water.

Ways to normalize testosterone levels

If the level of this substance in the blood is high, treatment is approached strictly individually. Incorrect treatment can lead to very serious complications.

Ways to reduce

If a woman’s testosterone levels are elevated and serious physical or physical impairments occur, mental health to reduce its concentration are used hormonal drugs containing estrogens (dexamethasone, prednisolone, digostin, metipred).

Warning: Under no circumstances should you take such medications without the supervision of an experienced gynecologist-endocrinologist. Exceeding the dose of estrogen in the body can lead to menstrual disorders, emergence malignant tumors genitals and mammary glands.

In some cases, based on test results and the nature of the deviations, the use of contraceptives is prescribed oral medications, such as yarina, regulon, zhanin. Sometimes, to lower testosterone, veroshpiron is prescribed, as well as glucophage (suppress the production of male hormone in the adrenal glands).

The doctor may prescribe the use of plant-based products: licorice, angelica, and flaxseed decoctions. In case of slight deviations, testosterone levels in women can be normalized using diet. If its content is high, it is recommended to limit the consumption of eggs, garlic, red wine, and nuts.

To reduce the level of this substance, it is recommended to drink milk, eat fresh vegetables and fruits (or drink freshly squeezed juices), honey, soy products. Doctors recommend that women whose levels of the male hormone are elevated reduce physical stress on the body, avoid exercise related to lifting weights, pumping up muscles, and stress on the heart and blood vessels. Preference should be given to yoga, Pilates, and aerobics.

Ways to increase

A decrease in testosterone concentration is not as dangerous for the body as its increase. Therefore, replacement drugs hormone therapy are used in this case extremely rarely.

A decrease in androgen levels is usually caused by increased estrogen production. To slow down the conversion of testosterone into estrogens, it is necessary to increase the zinc content in the body. This can be achieved by taking zinc-containing vitamin complex preparations.

Testosterone in women performs quite important functions, although it is present in minimum quantity than all other hormones. Its formation takes place in the ovaries and adrenal glands. This hormone is responsible for the creation and maintenance of muscle mass, the functioning of the nervous system, and functional regulation sebaceous glands, as well as the growth of the mammary glands, the maturation of the follicle and the woman’s sexuality.

The peculiarity of the female hormonal background is that it constantly undergoes constant changes throughout life. If deviations from the norm exceed acceptable indicators, then this indicates a threat to women’s health. Testosterone levels in women can vary depending on age and pregnancy.

Hormones change with pregnancy or age changes

The norm of total testosterone hormone in healthy woman between the ages of 10 and 45 years is 0.45 nmol or 3.75 liters of blood. I would also like to note that the indicators may vary slightly depending on the time of day. In the morning the level is higher, but in evening time it goes down.

As was said earlier, during pregnancy the level of testosterone in a woman’s body increases significantly, but this does not mean at all that its excess in the body indicates abnormalities. This increase is explained by the fact that in the body of a woman who is carrying a child, testosterone also begins to be produced by the fetus.

Scientists still cannot say the exact indicators that do not go beyond the norm; the only thing they claim is that testosterone levels can be overestimated by more than four times. In some situations, not only pregnancy increases testosterone levels, but also ovulation.

Within normal limits, the production of a hormone such as testosterone occurs in both the male and female body. It has been scientifically proven that in a man’s body these indicators are much higher.

Despite the fact that the female body has insignificant amount This hormone is responsible for quite important functions, such as:

  • normal functioning of brain activity;
  • formation of a figure inherent in the female type;
  • normal functioning and performance of the reproductive system of the female body;
  • regulation of libido;
  • muscle mass growth;
  • height skeletal system during the period of physical formation.

Determination of testosterone levels is carried out as a result of taking the corresponding test, which is performed starting from the sixth day menstrual flow. Depending on the results, the absence or presence of pathological processes and changes in the woman’s body is determined.

Testosterone is responsible for the development of muscle mass

If the results of this analysis reveal increased level testosterone, this is an indicator that a certain kind of pathological changes are occurring in women’s health.

At the same time, in mandatory should immediately contact a qualified medical care, since even the slightest delay can negatively affect reproductive functions body and lead to irreparable and serious consequences. Only timely treatment is the key to a speedy recovery and prevention of the development of serious complications.

They can completely influence the level of testosterone in the female body. various factors, the main ones are:

  • pregnancy;
  • long-term use of certain medications, mainly birth control pills;
  • ovarian tumor;
  • ovulatory phase of the cycle;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • adrenal hyperplasia or tumor;
  • poor nutrition;
  • a diet based on limited fat intake;
  • frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Frequent alcohol consumption can lead to increased testosterone levels

As for malnutrition, in this case the cause increased testosterone in a woman’s body is the consumption of foods such as white cabbage, nuts, as well as all foods that increase the production of human body this hormone.

She can easily guess that a woman has an increase in testosterone in her body by certain symptoms and external signs. Basically, these symptoms appear depending on what pathological process provoked such changes.

The main symptoms in women indicating high level testosterone can be attributed to:

  • accelerated appearance of hair, which can grow rapidly and becomes thicker not only in usual places, but also above upper lip, as well as on the chest;
  • the appearance of unreasonable signs of aggression;
  • constantly oily hair;
  • flaky and dry skin, which as a result cracks and pimples appear on it;
  • deepening of the voice;
  • significant and rapid gain of muscle mass, as a result of which female body in its form it becomes similar to a man’s;
  • unreasonable weight gain;
  • cycle disruption up to the complete disappearance of menstrual flow;
  • an irresistible desire to improve sexual activity and physical stress on the body.

The main symptom is increased hair growth

All these symptoms indicate the development of a serious pathological process in the female body. In addition, ovarian tumors or Cushing's syndrome may also develop simultaneously with the above manifestations.

Regardless of what reasons led to increased testosterone in a woman’s body, the consequences of this pathological deviation can be completely unpredictable, so treatment should begin in a timely manner and be prescribed by a highly qualified doctor who specializes in the treatment of this type of disease.

As shown medical practice In order to normalize the indicators, it is first necessary to find out the reason that led to such a deviation. After this, doctors recommend using several treatment methods at once.

First of all, you should review your diet and eliminate all foods that contribute to an increase in this hormone. If a woman is on a diet and is diagnosed with such a deviation, then she will have to give it up without fail.

If the deviation is caused by a diet, you should abandon it

Among other things, experts recommend immediately starting to play sports, since it is moderate exercise stress can significantly reduce the amount of the hormone in the body. It is best in such a situation to give preference to fitness or yoga. It has been scientifically proven that systematic fitness or yoga classes can normalize hormone levels without the use of medications.

As for the treatment of elevated testosterone levels, to normalize it, prescribe the necessary medications Only the attending physician can. Self-medicating and independently selecting hormonal medications is strictly prohibited, since incorrectly prescribed treatment can lead to serious and irreparable consequences.

Currently, the following medications are prescribed to reduce the level of the hormone testosterone in a woman’s body:

  1. Dexamethasone.
  2. Diethylstilbestrol.
  3. Digostin.
  4. Cyproterone.
  5. Veroshpiron.
  6. Siofor.
  7. Glucophage.
  8. Yarina.
  9. Janine.
  10. Diana is 35.

To reduce the level of the hormone testosterone in a woman’s body, various drugs are used

When the cause of such changes in the human body is an ovarian tumor, then solve the problem without surgical intervention it won't work out

Among other things, in order to significantly reduce the concentration of the hormone in the female body, you should definitely adjust your diet, but it is strictly forbidden to limit yourself in food intake. In every special case nutrition should be selected purely individually, and for this you should contact a professional nutritionist. After completing treatment, a woman must monitor her hormonal levels throughout her life. This is necessary primarily to prevent it from increasing again.


What is free and general hormone testosterone in women and what it is responsible for, we have found out, now let's decide what consequences await if we do not promptly find out the reason why it is elevated and do not start treatment.

The pathological changes that occur in a woman’s body are completely determined by the extent to which testosterone has already increased. If these indicators have not yet reached a critical level, then the consequences of such a pathological process can only be growing hair in those areas of the body where they should not exist at all.

Note! If there is an increase in the total and free testosterone, then the consequences of such a deviation will be reflected as appearance, and on physical condition.

When testosterone levels have increased significantly, irreparable and quite serious changes can occur in a woman’s body, such as the development diabetes mellitus, reproductive and reproductive system problems, as well as significant changes in body weight. To prevent serious changes and the development of complications, you should consult a doctor when the first changes appear in the body.

Testosterone is a sex hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It is responsible for physical endurance and sexual activity of the stronger sex. But you can often observe such injustice when women have increased testosterone in the blood, and men lack it.

If a woman has elevated testosterone levels, most likely, we are talking about problems with her women's health. Therefore, when the first signs appear, you should contact a gynecologist to find out the cause of hormonal imbalance. You can’t delay this, because first of all increased content Testosterone levels in women affect the reproductive system.

Normally, testosterone is produced not only in men, but also in women. Of course, in male body the amount of this hormone will be much higher than in the fairer sex.

A woman’s body contains very little testosterone, and it is responsible for the following functions:

  • formation of a figure according to the female type;
  • muscle mass growth;
  • regulation of libido;
  • growth of the skeletal system during physical formation;
  • normal functioning of the reproductive system;
  • functional activity of the bone marrow.

How to determine testosterone levels?

To find out the amount of testosterone in the blood, a woman needs to be tested for this hormone starting from the 6th day of menstruation. Normally, the amount of testosterone fluctuates between 0.7-3 nmol/l, but each individual laboratory can apply its own standards, and you need to focus only on them.

If a woman’s bioavailable testosterone is elevated or borders on the upper norm, she is recommended to visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Symptoms of high testosterone

With increased testosterone in women, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • the appearance and increased growth of excess hair on the body, while hair can even appear on the face;
  • increased skin dryness, peeling;
  • the hair on the head becomes oilier and may fall out;
  • the voice breaks and becomes rougher;
  • the body acquires masculine features - the waist disappears, the shoulders become wider.

But that's just external signs, indicating that the hormone testosterone in women is increased.

There is also internal symptoms troubles even more serious than external ones:

  • sudden increase in libido and increased physical endurance;
  • up to the complete disappearance of menstruation;
  • unreasonable rudeness, irritability, aggression.

Simultaneously with the appearance of these symptoms, the body may develop such dangerous conditions, such as ovarian tumor or Cushing's syndrome.


Factors influencing the increase in testosterone levels in women are as follows:

  • ovarian tumor;
  • adrenal hyperplasia or tumor;
  • long-term use of hormone-containing drugs, for example, birth control pills;
  • pregnancy.

Sometimes the cause of increased testosterone in women is poor nutrition. It's about about alcoholic drinks, white cabbage, nuts, which increase the production of this hormone in the body.

Increased testosterone levels in pregnant women

Many people are interested in why testosterone is increased in pregnant women, is this normal? Probably, gestation is the only period when increasing the level of this hormone is relatively safe for a woman. During pregnancy, the amount can double or even triple. This is due to the fact that the placenta additionally synthesizes this hormone. If a woman is pregnant with a boy, then she will have more testosterone than one who is expecting a girl.

But this amount of testosterone is safe for a woman only during pregnancy and only in the second half. In the 1st trimester, elevated testosterone levels are not normal; they can cause...


If a woman has elevated testosterone, treatment will be carried out with the following medications:

  • Digostin;
  • Diethylstilbestrol;
  • Cyproterone;
  • Dexamethasone.

Also, glucose preparations - Siofor, Glucophage and Veroshpiron - are successfully used to reduce testosterone in women. The listed medications include spironolactone and metamorphine, which qualitatively suppress the synthesis of unnecessary testosterone.

In addition, the doctor can make an appointment for the patient oral contraceptives, such as Diana 35, Zhanine and Yarina.

It is contraindicated to practice self-medication in this condition, since, firstly, the hormonal system is too sensitive to interfere with it without the participation of a doctor, and secondly, the risk is high side effects. After completing the course of treatment, you will subsequently need to monitor the amount of testosterone in the body from time to time, since it is possible that it may increase.


At slight increase testosterone will help cope with the disease special diet. There are products that lower testosterone in women in a short time.

These natural helpers are:

  • vegetable oil;
  • apples, cherries;
  • sugar, salt;
  • potato;
  • soy products;
  • cream and full fat milk;
  • caffeine;
  • rice, wheat;
  • fried meat and vegetable dishes;


Depending on the degree of increase in testosterone, changes that can occur in the female body are determined. If the hormone content is slightly increased, then the woman will only feel mood changes - bouts of irritability and increased physical activity, the growth of excess hair on the body where it should not be - above the lip, on the legs and arms.