Hawthorn jam for the winter. Hawthorn jam (five minutes). How to make jam from hawthorn berries: step-by-step recipe

The very healthy berries that autumn gives have excellent taste. A wide variety of dishes are prepared from hawthorn. It is added to tea, made into tinctures, prepared in the form of compote, but it is hawthorn jam that deserves special attention. This delicacy is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Hawthorn jam: recipe with and without seeds

It is not at all necessary to remove the seeds from them. In this case, the cooking process will be simplified as much as possible. If you still decide to remove them, the jam will be much more tender and juicier.

How to make seedless hawthorn jam

Undoubtedly, the process of separating the berries from the seeds will take some time. But if you do this, the result will be a bright, rich, pleasant-tasting jam with a delicate consistency.


  • 1.3 kg of hawthorn berries;
  • 0.75 kg sugar.


  1. Wash the berries, remove seeds and stems, and place in a saucepan.
  2. Pour sugar over the berries and leave in this composition for 2 hours.
  3. Then boil until the jam becomes thick.
  4. Immediately fill the jars with the sweet delicacy and cover them with lids.

Sterilize all containers for 10 minutes and roll up.

Hawthorn jam with seeds

This is the simplest, fastest recipe. Even culinary beginners can handle it. All actions are reduced to the bare minimum. At the same time, the end result will pleasantly surprise and delight. This delicacy is very tasty, thick and colorful. You can eat it with a spoon or wrap it on bread.


  • 1.3 kg of hawthorn;
  • 1.3 kg sugar;
  • 280 ml water;
  • 12 gr. vanilla sugar;
  • 5 gr. citric acid.


  1. Sort out the hawthorn, rinse, and remove all the husks.
  2. Place the berries on a towel and dry.
  3. While they are drying, you need to boil the syrup. To do this, add sugar to the water, boil and cook until all the sugar crystals have dissolved.
  4. After this, pour the dried fruits into the syrup and bring the liquid to a boil again.
  5. Set the container aside and leave for 14 hours.
  6. As soon as this time has expired, put the container back on the stove, pour vanilla sugar and citric acid into the mixture.
  7. Cook the mixture for 25 minutes.

Immediately pour into jars and roll up.

Hawthorn and apple jam (video)

Benefits of hawthorn berries

Even a considerable number of pharmaceutical products are produced on their basis.

Among the beneficial properties of these berries are the following:

  • constricts blood vessels;
  • tones the heart muscles;
  • normalizes heart rhythm;
  • increases the strength of heart contractions;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • relieves symptoms of arrhythmia and tachycardia;
  • normalizes blood clotting parameters;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • calming effect;
  • effective in the fight against insomnia;
  • used as an additional remedy in the treatment of gastritis;
  • effective for diarrhea and constipation;
  • eliminates headaches;
  • eliminates shortness of breath;
  • prevents the development of tumors;
  • helps strengthen the immune system;
  • stimulates lactation;
  • moisturizes the skin.

Making hawthorn syrup at home

It is not at all necessary to purchase it at a pharmacy or store. In the future, it can be added to various treats and used as a medicine.


  • 0.9 kg of peeled fruits;
  • 0.9 l of water;
  • 0.8 kg sugar;
  • 6 gr. citric acid.


  1. Place the prepared fruits in a saucepan and add water.
  2. Cook until they are softened.
  3. Strain the resulting juice.
  4. Add sugar to the resulting juice and cook until the mixture becomes thick.
  5. Add citric acid as well.
  6. Cool the syrup quickly and pour into a suitable container.
  7. Sterilize jars for 10 minutes.

Roll up quickly.

How to make jam from hawthorn berries: step-by-step recipe

Not everyone likes regular jam. Jam is a completely different matter. The berries are ground into a homogeneous mass, which can then be spread on bread or simply added to tea. It turns out to be a pleasant and healthy tea party.


  • 0.9 kg of berries;
  • 0.4 kg water;
  • 0.7 kg water;
  • 0.2 kg lemon.


  1. Be sure to sort out the berries and place them, washed, in a saucepan.
  2. Pour water into it and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Strain the hawthorn into a separate container.
  4. Grind the boiled berries through a sieve.
  5. Discard the remaining cake.
  6. The remaining broth from cooking the berries with the resulting mass, pour sugar into it.
  7. Cook the mixture until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream.
  8. After this, squeeze lemon juice into the jam and boil for just a few seconds.

Pour into jars and roll up.

How to remove seeds from hawthorn berries

Removing seeds from ripe fruits is a very painstaking process. To do this, you need to cut off both ends of each berry, and then cut them in half. Then just pry up the seeds with a knife and remove them.

There is an easier way. But it is only suitable if the fruits are not used in their entirety. The destoning process is carried out as follows:

  1. Place the berries in a saucepan, add water and boil for literally 3 minutes after boiling.
  2. Stir the fruits periodically to ensure they heat evenly.
  3. After this, cool and place on a sieve.
  4. Grind.

The resulting mass is perfect for all kinds of jams, tinctures, syrups and compotes. If you still want to get a non-homogeneous mass and feel the full taste of these fruits, then it is better to remove the seeds manually.

Hawthorn and apple jam: step-by-step recipe

You can make rich jam with a pleasant sourness using the most ordinary apples. It is with them that hawthorn acquires an amazing, completely unusual, but very pleasant flavor.


  • 0.7 kg apples;
  • 0.7 kg of hawthorn fruits;
  • 0.7 kg sugar.


  1. All berries need to be washed, then sorted, and discarded damaged or spoiled ones.
  2. Be sure to dry them and remove the seeds.
  3. Wash the apples too, remove the center and cut into pieces.
  4. Pour all prepared products into a bowl, add sugar and leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Then put everything into a saucepan.
  6. Cook for 5 minutes and set aside.
  7. Repeat this procedure 2 more times with an interval of 8 hours.

Transfer the mixture into jars and quickly roll up.

Step-by-step recipe for making hawthorn jam (video)

Pharmaceutical products based on hawthorn fruits have become familiar to everyone. But not everyone knows that incredibly tasty jam can be made from these berries. In addition to hawthorn, you can add a variety of fruits and citrus fruits to it. This will make the delicacy even tastier and healthier. It will be both a fragrant treat and a cure for many diseases.

Hawthorn fruits were known for their medicinal properties in ancient China; they were also used by Asian healers to treat diarrhea. In those days, they collected flowers and berries from wild trees and bushes. Only in the 16th century were the first garden varieties developed. As yields increased, they began to make hawthorn jam.

Hawthorn fruits were known for their medicinal properties in ancient China.

The therapeutic effect is attributed to flavonoids and polyphenls. They are responsible for the color of the berries. With regular consumption of hawthorn, an improvement in well-being is noted.

Hawthorn is used for:

  • Prevention and treatment of heart and vascular diseases;
  • Neutralization of free radicals;
  • Normalization of blood pressure;
  • Beneficial effect on the digestive system;
  • Relieving fatigue;
  • Preventing nervous breakdowns;
  • Getting rid of insomnia;
  • Reducing the risk of vessel wall fragility.

Numerous studies of the berry do not provide an exact answer to the question of which component provides the healing effect, but the results speak for themselves. And yet there is some evidence of the medicinal properties of the berry:

  1. Quercetin helps normalize cerebral circulation, which helps improve memory and concentration. It maintains the elasticity of capillaries, reduces their permeability, reduces the possibility of tumor formation, and is a natural antioxidant. Used as a preventative against heart disease and cataracts.
  2. Hyperoside is prescribed as an additional remedy for people with diabetes mellitus. It blocks excess glucose, absorbs it and helps eliminate it from the body. This element helps saturate all tissues with oxygen. It supplies the heart with potassium ions, which has a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart muscle.
  3. Vitexin is necessary as a vasodilator. Thanks to its entry into the body with food, metabolic processes necessary to strengthen the heart muscle are enhanced.

Drying and heat treatment of berries have virtually no effect on the medicinal properties of hawthorn. The fruits do not have any special taste; they give combined jams and drinks a unique flavor. It is almost impossible to hide, but can be emphasized with other ingredients of the dishes.

Hawthorn jam (video)

Hawthorn jam: recipe with seeds

Making jam for the winter from whole berries has several nuances. The first of these is the choice of raw materials. To ensure that the jam is not dry, it will require careful selection. For cooking, it is necessary to select the largest berries with thick walls. This can be determined by touch. Hard, thin-skinned berries will yield very little juice, but there will be a huge amount of seeds in the jar. The result will not be jam, but fruits in sugar caramel.

Ingredient proportion:

  • For 1 kg of berries;
  • 0.5 kg granulated sugar;
  • 100 ml water.

Making jam for the winter from whole berries has several nuances.

Attention! To pre-process the berries, it is better to use rubber gloves and small scissors. Gloves are necessary to protect the skin of your hands from staining the berry juice with a persistent brown color. Scissors make it easier to remove woody parts of the inflorescences.

Cooking method:

  1. The berries, peeled from stalks and inflorescences, must be washed under running water.
  2. They are laid out in a cooking container, down which water is poured. A small amount of water helps the berries release juice and prevents them from burning.
  3. Granulated sugar is poured on top.
  4. It is necessary to cook the jam on the “lowest” heat. As the juice is released, the heat is added.
  5. The jam is brought to a boil. Given its viscosity, its readiness to adequately determine is very difficult. The effect that needs to be achieved is the destruction of all bacteria that cause fermentation and mold. Therefore, the boiled jam must be kept on the fire for 5 minutes and turned off.
  6. After half an hour, you need to light the gas under the pan again, bring to a boil and keep the jam on the fire for another 5 minutes.
  7. Boiling jam is poured into jars prepared in advance and rolled up with lids.

To make hawthorn jam with a pleasant sourness and without adding water, half of the berries need to be replaced with red currants.

Preparing seedless hawthorn

Seeds in jam are justified only when preparing plums and cherries, because they give the jam a unique aroma and pleasant taste. Seeds in raspberry, blackberry, strawberry and wild strawberry jams are inevitable. Rosehip and hawthorn are easy to prepare without seeds; only the appearance will suffer; this will not affect the taste of desserts. When making jam for medicinal purposes, it is better to leave the seeds. There is an assumption that it is in them that the healing properties lie.

How to remove seeds from hawthorn berries

Hawthorn seeds are quite large. They are located close to the flower-shaped cup. It is enough to make a small cut and pick out the seeds. During this operation, the appearance of the berries does not suffer much.

Hawthorn seeds are quite large

The only drawback of this preparatory stage is that it takes a lot of time.

How to make seedless hawthorn jam

Due to the fact that there is very little juice in hawthorn, you can not boil it, but cook it in the oven on a baking sheet with the addition of water. This will allow excess moisture to evaporate and prevent the berries from burning.

The seeds are approximately half the weight of the berries; after removing them, the proportion is as follows:

  • 2 kg of hawthorn pulp;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 1 glass of water.

The jam will delight you with its taste

Cooking method:

  1. Washed, peeled berries are divided in half.
  2. Place in an even layer on a baking sheet with high sides or in a baking dish.
  3. A glass of water is poured into the middle; it will distribute itself over the area of ​​the mold.
  4. Sand is distributed over the entire surface of the berries.
  5. The oven is heated to a temperature of 180° C. The jam preparation is placed in it.
  6. The berries are kept for 10 minutes with the oven door closed. After the jam boils, it must be opened.
  7. The further cooking process occurs with constant stirring. The white foam is removed.
  8. The berries must be brought to amber transparency. This will take about half an hour.
  9. The jam is put into jars and rolled up.

Recipes for making hawthorn jam are not very diverse. Using the same technology, jam can be prepared on a hob and electric stove. The main thing is not to forget to stir the berries so that they do not burn.

How to make hawthorn syrup

When purchasing hawthorn syrup at a pharmacy, you will notice that it is brownish. At home, it is easier for it to maintain a rich orange and even reddish color.

For preparation you will need:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1 kg of sand;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 5 gr. citric acid (teaspoon).

Hawthorn syrup is very useful

This healthy syrup is prepared very quickly.

  1. Water is placed on the stove.
  2. At this time, the berries are washed under running water in a colander.
  3. Place a colander with berries in the pan so that most of them end up in boiling water.
  4. The berries should become soft and the syrup should turn a beautiful color. After this, the colander is removed. The juice from the berries will drain into the pan quite quickly. Used raw materials are thrown away.
  5. If berry pulp gets into the pan, the juice can be strained.
  6. Sugar is added to the strained juice. The pan is placed back on the fire. There it is kept until the sugar is completely dissolved. No need to boil the syrup!

Homemade hawthorn jam

There is a traditional recipe for making jams. It is the only correct one when making jam from whole berries. If you spend a little time peeling the seeds from the hawthorn, the classic recipe can be simplified. To prepare you will need:

  • 1.5 kg of berries;
  • 400 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 1200 ml of drinking water;
  • Juice of half a lemon.

Quick cooking method:

  1. The washed berries, cleared of seeds and brown flowers, are crushed in a blender. Place in a saucepan.
  2. Water, granulated sugar and lemon juice are added to them. The pan is moved to the stove.
  3. The mass is brought to a boil, the gas under the pan is reduced to a minimum. The jam needs to simmer for another 20-25 minutes.
  4. The removed, slightly cooled mass is again processed with a blender.
  5. The pan is placed on high heat and the jam is brought to a boil. If it turns out to be very liquid, then it must be left on “slow” heat to evaporate excess moisture.

After removing the jam from the heat, you need to put it into jars and roll it up.

Hawthorn- a tall shrub (tree) belonging to the Rosaceae family, the fruits of which are used as a medicinal and ornamental plant. Hawthorn berries (fruits) are eaten.

Today I hasten to tell you how to make tasty, aromatic and very healthy jam from hawthorn fruits. It's very simple, and the result will not leave you indifferent. When making jam, such an aroma spreads throughout the apartment that it is simply impossible not to try these berries.

Of course, they have a huge disadvantage - a large number of seeds. But I don’t think this can stop us from making a couple of jars of hawthorn jam. After all, housewives make jam from cherries with pits. And many people really like it.

Ripe hawthorn fruits are very tasty, somewhat similar (in taste) to small apples called RANETKA. I really liked this taste since childhood, so I’m in a hurry to make this jam, and in the winter we will get great pleasure from our homemade preparations.


  • Hawthorn berries - I have 1.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 100 ml.

How to make delicious hawthorn jam:

Everything is extremely simple - first we collect hawthorn berries.

Wash them thoroughly and cut off the tails. Rinse again under running water.

Add sugar, pour water and put the berries to simmer over low heat.

As soon as our jam begins to boil, we note the time and leave to cook with constant stirring for about 10-15 minutes. Then let the jam cool.

And when the jam has cooled down - I usually do this in the evening (or vice versa in the morning), let the jam boil again for 10-15 minutes. At this time, we need to prepare the jars - today I got 3 jars, 0.5 liters each. Don’t forget to prepare - sterilize or simply scald the lids. with which we will close the turnkey jars.

When the jam has boiled, put it directly into the jars while still hot.

Cover with lids and roll up. These are the beautiful jars I got with berries. I think on cold winter evenings this jam will go down with a bang! Its aroma simply cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Hawthorn bushes and trees grow throughout central Eurasia and North America. The fruits are edible and are used as a medicine for problems with the cardiovascular system.

Hawthorn is used to make tinctures, compotes and jams.

Benefits of hawthorn jam

Hawthorn jam also has medicinal properties: it increases blood flow and saturates cells with oxygen. It is good to use to prevent fatigue.

Jam can be prepared with the addition of other fruits and berries. Himself after cooking.

This is a simple recipe that even a novice housewife can handle.


  • hawthorn – 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg.


  1. Berries need to be sorted; bad or damaged ones cannot be used. Wash and dry the hawthorn.
  2. Place it in a cooking container and add sugar, stir.
  3. Leave to brew overnight, and in the morning put the pan or bowl on low heat.
  4. After boiling, skim off the foam and cook until thickened, checking readiness with a drop of syrup on the ceramic surface.
  5. Transfer the finished jam into prepared sterile jars.
  6. Store in a cool place.

Hawthorn jam with seeds is very thick and has medicinal properties.

Hawthorn jam with vanilla

With this method of preparation, the jam will have a pleasant sourness and an amazing aroma.


  • hawthorn – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • citric acid – 2 g;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • vanilla stick.


  1. Sort through the berries, remove crumpled and spoiled fruits and stalks with leaves.
  2. Wash the hawthorn and dry the berries.
  3. Boil sugar syrup.
  4. Pour hot syrup over the berries, add the contents of a vanilla pod or a bag of vanilla sugar and citric acid.
  5. Leave to steep for several hours or overnight.
  6. Place the container on the fire, and after boiling, reduce the heat to minimum.
  7. Cook until done, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam.
  8. Pour the finished jam into prepared jars and seal with lids.


  • hawthorn – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • citric acid – 2 g;
  • water – 500 ml.


  1. Sort and wash the hawthorn berries.
  2. Cover them with water and cook until soft.
  3. Drain the water into a clean container and rub the fruits through a sieve.
  4. Sprinkle the resulting puree with sugar, add citric acid and the broth in which they were blanched.
  5. Cook, stirring frequently, until very thick.
  6. Place the finished jam into prepared jars and seal with lids.
  7. Store in a cool place.

Hawthorn jam for the winter, prepared without seeds, resembles a delicate confiture in structure. It can be offered for breakfast, spread on toast.

This homemade jam will please all those with a sweet tooth.


  • hawthorn – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • apples (Antonovka) – 500 gr.;
  • orange zest.


  1. Wash, sort and dry the hawthorn berries on a paper towel.
  2. Wash the apples, remove the cores and chop. The pieces should be approximately the size of hawthorn berries.
  3. Place the fruit in a suitable container and cover with granulated sugar.
  4. Let stand to release the juice.
  5. Cook, stirring over low heat for about half an hour.
  6. Wash the orange thoroughly and grate the zest on a fine grater. Five minutes before readiness, add to the jam and stir.
  7. If it turns out sweet, you can add a drop of citric acid.
  8. Pour hot into prepared jars and store in a cool place.

The tasty and healthy dessert will last until the next harvest.

It was not for nothing that Carlson loved jam: in the prime of his life, the man knew a lot about sweets. Fruits canned in sugar not only have a sweet taste, but also store a lot of vitamins, which our body so lacks during periods of cold and frost. If you like to treat yourself to such healthy delicacies, then be sure to prepare hawthorn jam. It has an original sweet-sour taste and incredible aroma, and can also have a beneficial effect on health.

Few people have not heard of these bright, red berries, but not everyone knows about the benefits they contain.

  1. They contain antioxidants that can cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metals, helping to improve kidney function, eliminate cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, and also prevent the formation of tumors.
  2. They have a positive effect on heart function due to the presence of ursolic acid. Hawthorn is often used to treat cardiovascular diseases (arrhythmia, angina, heart attack, etc.).
  3. They have a calming effect on the nervous system, so the plant is used in the treatment of insomnia, epilepsy, nervousness, and chronic fatigue.
  4. They reduce blood sugar levels, which means they are useful for diabetics.
  5. Able to relieve spasmodic muscle pain.
  6. They have an astringent effect, which is indispensable in the fight against diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys and liver, as well as for normalizing urination.
  7. Helps cope with indigestion and gastritis.

Important! For nursing mothers, consuming hawthorn helps increase milk supply.

As you can see, these red berries deserve a place in our diet, and jam is a great way to consume vitamins with pleasure. In addition, hawthorn is not only a useful fruit, but also a beautiful plant, which today decorators actively use in landscape design.

The classic version is especially popular due to the simplicity of its technology - even a novice housewife can prepare it.

And the first secret of a delicious delicacy is correctly selected raw materials:

  1. Only ripe fruits are needed. Their readiness for consumption is indicated by the stalk: if it is easily separated from the berry, then the hawthorn is mature.
  2. Inspect raw materials for damage. It is not advisable to use bruised berries that have been pecked by birds.
  3. The fruits of bushes located near roads absorb too much toxic emissions. Try not to use such berries.
  4. If you don’t yet have a lot of experience in canning, then don’t take a large volume at once, it will be difficult to process. It is better to make preparations gradually, in small batches.

Did you know? The genus of plants Hawthorn is considered one of the most ancient on the planet, as there is evidence that its representatives existed in the Mesozoic era, along with plane trees and magnolias.

Required Ingredients

To prepare the sweets you will need:

  • 2 kg of hawthorn berries;
  • 1 kg sugar.

List of actions

The process itself is quite simple:

  • 1. We begin preparation by washing and revising the berries. Rotten fruits or particles of debris can spoil the impression of the most delicious dish, so we carefully review the raw materials.
  • 2. After washing the berries, let them dry. To make things go faster, spread them out in an even layer on clean paper or cloth.
  • 3. Then pour the hawthorn along with sugar into a large metal pan or bowl (in which the future jam will be cooked).
  • 4. Mix the resulting mixture well and leave for 8-10 hours.
  • Similar preparations can be made in the evening so that the berries release juice overnight.
  • 5. After the specified time has passed, place the fruits in their own juice on the fire.
  • 6. Don’t forget to stir the sweet mass, increasing the temperature every couple of minutes until it begins to boil.
  • 7. When the jam boils, reduce the heat intensity to a minimum and cook the mixture until thickened.

Important! The readiness of the jam is checked simply: put a drop of liquid on the saucer and make sure it does not spread.

Pour the finished product into jars and enjoy the excellent taste.

Seedless hawthorn jam is a little more labor-intensive to prepare, but the taste and consistency of such a delicacy is worth it.

Grocery list


  • 1 kg of hawthorn;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 2 g citric acid.

Step by step process

We start according to the already known scheme:

  1. We wash and sort the berries.
  2. After this, you need to remove the seeds from them (note that the juice of the fruit quickly turns your hands brown, which is difficult to wash afterwards, so do not forget to wear gloves).
  3. Pour the berries into a cooking pot and fill them with water.
  4. Cook until softened, then drain the water into a separate bowl (we will need it later).
  5. Grind the finished berries through a sieve so that the future jam gets a consistency close to creamy.
  6. Return the ground mixture to the pan, add the remaining water and add sugar and citric acid.
  7. Next, cook over low heat, stirring.
  8. The jam is ready when it starts to stick to the bottom.

Did you know? In the old days, this plant personified purity and innocence, so on many Christian icons of that time you can see the Mother of God holding a hawthorn branch in her hands.

To enjoy delicious jam in winter, it is important to know in what conditions it must be kept so that the delicacy does not spoil.

The first rule of successful storage is containers:

  1. Experienced housewives recommend canning in 0.5 liter glass jars.
  2. Don't forget about.
  3. The sterilized jar should be dry when you pour the jam into it. To dry, place the container upside down on a paper towel or place it in a low-heat oven.
  4. Now it's up to the lids. They must be intact, without traces of corrosion. Choose any: twisting, white or vacuum.

The second rule is the product itself:

  • The thicker the mass, the greater the chance of successful preservation.
  • Be sure to remember the need for acid in sweet preserves. Its presence will protect the workpiece from mold. In jams that use fruits with seeds, natural acid is sufficient, but purified jams require additional oxidation with citric acid or juice.

The third rule is storage location:

In this case, it is ideal to put the jars in the refrigerator, but few people have that much space in their home unit.

Important! Such preservation can also be stored indoors or in apartments. Place the jars in a dark place (great if you have a pantry), where the air temperature does not rise above +19...+20ºС.

Storing in cellars is a fairly common practice, but jam can suffer in such conditions: jars can simply burst due to a sharp drop in temperature.

The fourth rule is how long you can store:

  1. If we are talking about seedless products, then in the right conditions they will last 2-4 years.
  2. However, when the delicacy contains seeds, it is advisable to consume the preserved food within six months, otherwise the bone kernels will begin to produce hydrocyanic acid, a natural poison, which can be harmful to health.

Since the hawthorn in the jam undergoes long-term heat treatment, the likelihood of harm from it is minimal. However, do not forget that these berries are medicinal plants, and any medicine requires dosage. Therefore, you should not overuse the delicacy in order to avoid problems with the stomach and teeth (remember the high sugar content in the jam).

Pregnant women and people with heart or gastrointestinal problems are generally better off limiting themselves to a couple of spoons of jam per day.
The only ones who should avoid hawthorn altogether, even in the form of jam, are nursing mothers. Also, do not forget that patients with diabetes and people suffering from metabolic disorders are strictly contraindicated in any type of preserves and jams, regardless of their composition.

Healthy jam

Not only hawthorn can boast a rich set of vitamins; there are other equally useful ingredients for winter sweets.

Raspberry jam is probably one of the most popular types of jam. It is rare to meet a person who does not love him. And in winter, such raspberries generally become the main natural medicine in the fight against colds and flu.

The salicylic acid in its composition helps reduce fever and has a diaphoretic effect, especially if you consume the jam in the form of hot tea.

Even hawthorn and hawthorn jam are common, because together these berries represent an effective remedy for strengthening the immune system.