How to cure demodex on the face at home. What demodicosis looks like on the face, photo. Demodicosis of eyelids and eyelashes in humans: treatment begins with hygiene procedures

Rice. 1. Demodectic mange on the face and eyelids.

Rice. 2. Ointments, creams and gels are the best means for treating facial demodicosis.

Difficulties in treating demodicosis

When using the most effective acaricidal drugs (chemicals that reduce the number of ticks), treatment often turns out to be ineffective, which is due to the special structure of the external integument of ticks, their larvae and eggs.

Rice. 3. Demodex mites (view under a microscope).

Features of therapy for facial demodicosis

Complex treatment of demodicosis

Treatment of demodicosis should be comprehensive and include acaricidal, anti-inflammatory (including antibacterial), desensitizing drugs and immunomodulators. The patient’s body must receive the required amount of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. If demodicosis occurs against the background of existing skin diseases, they are treated.

Treatment of demodicosis is long-term. Depending on the form and stage of demodicosis, treatment can be extended from 4 weeks to 1 year.

Criteria for the effectiveness of treatment of demodicosis on the face

The criterion for the effectiveness of treatment of demodicosis on the face is the reduction or disappearance of clinical manifestations of the disease and a decrease in the number of mites according to the results of the analysis.

Rice. 4. Long mites Demodex folliculorum longus live in hair follicles in groups (picture on the left) and rise to the surface at night to mate. Short mites Demodex folliculorum brevis (picture on the right) live in the mouths of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and meibomian glands alone, rarely rise to the surface, which makes them difficult to detect and treat.

Anti-inflammatory therapy

  • At the first stage of treatment, it is necessary to use drugs that suppress the microbial population. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory drugs for external and systemic use are used. Ointments, creams and gels with antibiotics for external use have a good effect: Metronidazole, Tetracycline or Erythromycin.
  • In advanced forms of the disease, antibacterial drugs are used orally. Shown Metronidazole (Trichopol), Tetracyclines, Ornidazole, Monocycline, Doxycycline, Roxithromycin, Erythromycin.

Rice. 5. Metronidazole and Trichopolum are widely used for demodicosis.

Metronidazole for demodicosis

Metronidazole 250 mg 3 times a day is used orally for 2 - 4 weeks (standard regimen). Analogs of the drug for internal use are Trichopol, Klion, Flagyl and etc.

The drug of choice for demodicosis is Ornidazole (Ornisol). It is stronger than metronidazole, well tolerated, and has fewer side effects. Used in courses of 10 days, 500 mg 2 times a day.

Rice. 6. Rosamet cream and Metronidazole gel are preparations for external use.

Rice. 7. Zinerit powder contains erythromycin and zinc acetate dihydrate.

Permethrin for demodicosis

4% Permethrin ointment Apply to the affected areas of the skin and rub in with massaging movements. After 24 hours, the ointment is washed off with warm water and soap. A single procedure is often sufficient. But sometimes the procedure needs to be repeated, which is allowed after 14 days.

Other insecticidal preparations:

In some cases, insecticidal preparations such as Crotamiton(cream), Malathion(emulsion concentrate), (emulsion), Benzyl benzoate(emulsion, ointment, cream and gel). Benzyl benzoate is applied at night to the affected areas of the skin after washing. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 weeks.

Rice. 8. Insecticidal preparations Permethrin and Crotaderm. Used in the treatment of demodicosis.

Rice. 9. Insecticidal preparations Lindane and Benzyl benzoate are used in the treatment of demodicosis.

Rice. 10. Spregal spray has a pronounced effect against iron mites.

Tar and sulfur ointment for demodicosis

When treating demodicosis, preparations containing sulfur and tar are used.

Manting, Xin Fumanling and Mefule- Chinese drugs. There are many positive reviews on the Internet about them in the treatment of demodicosis, which is due to the fact that they contain sulfur. Products Demodex Complex is a complete copy of the above drugs, but costs much more.

Rice. 11. Sulfur ointment is widely used in the treatment of demodicosis.

Rice. 12. Demoten and sulfur-tar ointment for the treatment of demodicosis.

Features of the treatment of some forms of demodicosis

Treatment of resistant strains

Despite the positive results obtained in the treatment of demodicosis with classical means, treatment-resistant and recurrent forms of the disease have become increasingly common in recent years. Thus, when resistance develops, it is recommended to use cryotherapy in combination with the use of Rosamet cream containing 1% metronidazole.

Treatment of papulopustular rashes

When treating papulopustular rashes, it is recommended to use classical reducing (restorative) agents - zinc-ichthyol ointment, 1 — 2% tar and ichthyol ointments, 1% pastes ichthyol-resorcinol. Contains zinc hyaluronate gel Curiosin.

Treatment of acneiform demodicosis

Rice. 14. Drugs of the retinoid group are used in the treatment of demodicosis in case of resistance development. The photo shows 0.1% Retin-A cream.

Rice. 15. Acneiform form of demodicosis: papular (photo on the left) and papulopustular (photo on the right).

Rice. 16. The effectiveness of treatment of acneiform demodicosis.

Rice. 17. Rosacea-like form of demodicosis: in the form of diffuse erythema (photo on the left), granulomatous form (photo on the right).

Demodectic mange and rosacea

Demodicosis in humans complicates the course of rosacea in 88.7% of cases. This mainly occurs in the later stages of the disease - erythematous-papular, papulopustular and nodular. The basis of therapy for demodicosis and rosacea is the correction of pathology of internal organs and the use of external treatment agents.

  • For the treatment of demodicosis and rosacea, the use of sulfur-containing drugs and benzyl benzoate is recommended. The aerosol preparation has a good acaricidal effect. "Spregal".
  • For external use when papules and pustules appear, the use of salicylic acid, resorcinol, adrenaline, etc. is recommended.
  • Prevents the appearance of compactions in the outer layers of the skin and eliminates redness gel and ointment with azeloic acid gel and cream .

Rice. 18. The photo shows Skinoren gel and Azix-gel cream. Contains azeloic acid.

Demodectic mange against the background of seborrheic dermatitis

When demodicosis appears against the background of seborrheic dermatitis, the use of Retinoic ointment. It prevents the development of increased proliferation of the epithelium of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, reduces the production and evacuation of sebum, helps reduce the inflammatory component and promotes the regeneration of the skin. The simultaneous use of tetracycline antibiotics and glucocorticoids is not recommended.

Rice. 19. When demodicosis appears in the background, the use of Retinoic ointment is indicated.

Demodecosis with acne

Demodicosis in humans complicates the course of acne in 33% of cases. Its treatment uses only an integrated approach and long-term pathogenetic therapy against the background of basic facial skin care.

Rice. 20. The photo shows acne on the face.

Skin care during treatment of demodicosis

  • Increased production of sebum and excessive proliferation of the skin epithelium creates good conditions for the proliferation of iron mites, so daily cleansing of the skin is a mandatory procedure in the treatment of demodicosis on the face and other parts of the body. Foams, gels and lotions are used for this purpose. They remove excess oil and do not dry out the skin. The use of soap is not recommended. The frequency of washing during the treatment of demodicosis should not exceed 1 - 2 times a day. Cleanses the skin well gel "Cleanans" series of medicinal cosmetics "Exfoliac", "Clerasil Ultra", "Cetafil", "Sfingogel", "Sebium" And "Zeniac."
  • Degrease and disinfect the skin with alcohol solutions with antibiotics (5% chloramphenicol alcohol), 2 — 5% salicylic acid solution,2% resorcinol, 5 - 10% alcohol camphor solution.
  • Iron mites feed on epidermal cells and sebum, so when treating demodicosis, keratolytic and antiseborrheic agents should be used. The following have keratolytic properties: Benzoyl peroxide (Baziron, OXU-5, OXU-10, Klerasil-ultra), drugs from the retinoid group, Azelloic and Salicylic acids, Resorcinol.
  • In case of increased dryness of the skin, irritation and peeling, the use of moisturizing creams and gels is indicated. Well proven calming cream "Klin AK" "Avenfor hypersensitive skin", "Tlerance Extreme".
  • For the purpose of regeneration (restoration) of damaged areas, the use of a restorative cream is indicated "Cicalfate" with zinc-copper complex or "A-Derma Epithelial A.N DUO Regenerating Cream" with hyaluronic acid.
  • To prevent the formation of atrophic scars after pustules, it is recommended to use a gel "Kontraktubeks". Used for 4 weeks.
  • Constant humidity and darkness are optimal conditions for the life of iron mites, so it is better to avoid cosmetics during treatment.
  • Excessive ultraviolet exposure should be avoided. An increase in the production of vitamin D under the influence of ultraviolet radiation leads to the activation of the synthesis of cathelicidins, which support the inflammatory process.

Rice. 21. Salicylic acid and Resorcinol have keratolytic and antiseborrheic properties.

Rice. 22. Baziron is effective in the treatment of inflammatory elements on the skin and has keratolytic properties. The drug is available in various forms (cleansing gel, tonic, scrub, corrective preparations), which makes it convenient to use in various settings (at home, at work, while traveling, etc.).


In the treatment of demodicosis, both as an independent disease and against the background of skin diseases such as rosacea, acne, perioral and seborrheic dermatitis, only an integrated approach and long-term pathogenetic therapy are used against the background of basic skin care.

Demodicosis is a complex problem. It affects not only a person’s health, but also affects his psycho-emotional state.

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This note, I hope, will not be useful or interesting to most of my readers.

We will talk about a skin disease that often appears in young mothers and pregnant women, due to lack of sleep, decreased immunity, fatigue, stress, etc.

Demodectic mange - have you heard this?

At first, the presence of demodex on your skin may be almost unnoticeable and not bother you, but the damage it can cause to the health of your eyes and skin is quite serious. Therefore, it is better to start treatment immediately. This tick reproduces very quickly and easily, and is also contagious.

My history

In this article, I want to talk about my experience of getting rid of this problem - perhaps it will be useful to someone. Two years ago, I was still breastfeeding my baby and also got a little sick. Summer was beginning. Then, for the first time, I saw pimples under my eyes that were incomprehensible and still unfamiliar to me. My first thought was an allergy to cosmetics. The “allergies” did not go away for quite a long time, and the pimples around the eyes were not going to disappear. I went to a dermatologist - they prescribed me tetracycline ointment and diazolin - this did not help. Then they sent me to the laboratory and analyzed the eyelashes and sebaceous glands under a microscope. Everything in the eyelashes was clean, but in the sebaceous glands they found Demodex mites.

And then the long and painful treatment began. And at this moment you need to be extremely careful!!! Why? Because treating Demodicosis is a serious procedure! It is carried out in several stages, very long (sometimes a year or more) and if medications are prescribed incorrectly and the basic rules are not known, you can undergo treatment for a long time and to no avail, while causing serious harm to your own health.

Rules for the treatment of demodicosis

Before starting treatment, you should definitely know a few simple, but very important rules for treating this tick:

Which of these have I tried? All! At first I stopped using cosmetics, then I washed my face with ice water - it helped, but the effect quickly disappeared. A healthy, sound 8-hour sleep had a wonderful effect - as with a small child, this could not always be afforded. Everything went away right away, but until the first 2-3 days of lack of sleep. In the end, my problem was finally solved by changing the blanket; it used to be natural - now it has artificial filling. The interesting thing is that after changing the blanket, neither cosmetics, nor lack of sleep, the temperature outside the window or the water for washing, and even visiting the sauna have no effect on my skin. This was the cause of my troubles... And my battles with demodicosis lasted for a year and a half.

Solarium is a possible source of infection

I recommend it to anyone who has encountered this problem first of all, find the cause of demodicosis and eliminate it. And if this doesn’t help, then consult a good doctor for advice and help.

Traditional Treatments

Drug treatment includes the simultaneous use of:

Treatment is carried out in several stages (usually 3) to consolidate the result. Since, after the first course (1-1.5 months), demodicosis may disappear, but at any opportunity it will appear again.

I tried to fight demodicosis with medications, but very quickly I realized that these medications kill not only demodex, but also me. Firstly, these are very serious drugs in large doses - they hit the liver and psyche very well. They probably didn't suit me at all. In addition, you need to very competently calculate the dosage - this can be done by an attentive and responsible doctor. Preparations for external use almost always contain a high percentage of alcohol - and this pretty much dries out and spoils the skin, although demodex also kills. Then you will have to work hard to restore dry skin.

This was a brief description of the possible effect of treating demodicosis with medications, so that you would understand approximately what this threatens you with and what the consequences may be.

So, I hope my article will help you, at least draw the right conclusions, and quickly and painlessly get rid of this unpleasant problem.

Good health to everyone!
Write about your experience on this topic - I and the readers will be very grateful to you. We need to know your opinion!

– damage to smooth skin and hair by microscopic mites of the “Demodex” genus. It begins with the appearance of a skin rash, acne, ulcers on the skin of the face, chest, back, increased skin greasiness, and itching. Further progression of the disease leads to pronounced cosmetic defects: the skin acquires an earthy-gray color, becomes lumpy, the nose becomes puffy, and facial movements become difficult. If hair is affected, itching, hair and eyelash loss. It is dangerous due to the addition of a secondary infection, scarring of the skin, and progression of the disease.

General information

– damage to smooth skin and hair by microscopic mites of the “Demodex” genus. It begins with the appearance of a skin rash, acne, ulcers on the skin of the face, chest, back, increased skin greasiness, and itching. Further progression of the disease leads to pronounced cosmetic defects: the skin acquires an earthy-gray color, becomes lumpy, the nose becomes puffy, and facial movements become difficult. If hair is affected, itching, hair and eyelash loss. It is dangerous due to the addition of a secondary infection, scarring of the skin, and progression of the disease.

Etiology and pathogenesis of demodicosis

The size of an adult individual is about 0.3-0.4 mm, and its body is covered with scales, thanks to which the mite is firmly attached to the hair follicles. The tick feeds on sebum and human hormones. Ticks avoid daylight, and therefore come to the surface of the skin only in the dark, which explains the itching and discomfort with demodicosis, which intensifies in the evening.

The life cycle of the causative agent of demodicosis is several weeks, during which time the female is capable of making more than one clutch of eggs, and the number of eggs in a clutch can reach several dozen. After 3-4 days, new individuals appear, which after a week are ready for reproduction. Old mites die and decompose in the hair follicles.

The demodex mite is found in 90% of the population, but in some people it does not cause demodicosis, while others cannot be cured for a long time. If single individuals are found in the follicle, then this is not a cause for concern; in this case, the causative agent of demodicosis is inactive and practically does not reproduce.

The trigger mechanism when the tick begins to rapidly multiply has not been fully studied, but people experiencing stress and nervous strain are at risk, because all this activates the production of sebum, which creates favorable conditions for the tick’s life. Decreased immunity, a tendency to skin diseases, spicy food, prolonged exposure to sunlight, and a passion for baths and saunas also cause activation of the demodicosis pathogen.

In addition, the use of cosmetics containing hormonal drugs ultimately leads to demodicosis in many women, since hormones and nutrients in creams are its favorite food. With this route of infection, demodex specimens enter the jar of cream every day, and then the cream does not bring beauty and youth, but a serious disease. Of course, demodicosis does not entail deep disorders, but the skin of the face deteriorates, and with extensive lesions, secondary infection with pathogenic microflora is possible, which further complicates the course of demodicosis.

Women with loose and sensitive skin prone to redness, most often blonde or brown-haired, are at risk. In men, demodicosis is less common; this is associated with shaving, since the stratum corneum of the skin is removed almost daily and the mite cannot gain a foothold in the layers of the skin.

The main manifestation of demodicosis is inflammation of the facial skin. And, if conventional anti-acne cosmetics do not bring any effect, but instead the number of rosacea and pimples increases, sebum secretion increases, and the complexion becomes unhealthy (from gray to purple shades), then a microscopic examination of the contents of the hair follicles for demodex should be performed.

Clinical manifestations of demodicosis depend on the number of actively reproducing individuals, on the general condition of the body and on the type of skin; improper facial skin care is also of great importance in the development of symptoms. There is a classification of demodicosis, depending on the type of rash, but most often demodicosis manifests itself in various forms of rash. The form of demodicosis also indicates the severity of the process.

Erythematous form of demodicosis

Characterized by facial redness and isolated rashes, in this case demodicosis must be differentiated from rosacea. The cause of rosacea is vascular neurosis and the addition of bacterial microflora. Demodicosis can complicate rosacea, but is not the cause of its occurrence.

The formation of pustules is possible; they are formed due to the overcrowding of the follicles with sebum, which later becomes secondarily infected. Papules with demodicosis are the most common. Their size ranges from 0.5 to 2 mm. As a result, the face is strewn with a variety of elements from pink to dark red.

The rashes cause discomfort to patients; many try to get rid of them mechanically, and therefore, in addition to inflammation, one can see dried crusts and bluish infiltrative areas. The inflammatory process provokes excessive growth of epithelial cells and disrupts natural exfoliation, the skin layer thickens, which creates even more comfortable conditions for the progression of demodicosis. The pathogen reproduces most actively in the spring and autumn periods, which is associated with the seasonality of relapses.

Complications of demodicosis and its relationship with other diseases

The condition of the skin with demodicosis contributes to the development of other skin diseases. The symptoms of rosacea, simple acne and dermatitis also become brighter. If demodicosis of the eyelids is observed, then blepharitis and conjunctivitis are added.

Scratching and constant trauma to the skin due to the desire of patients to remove the rash mechanically can lead to a widespread pustular infection, which, unlike demodicosis, affects various parts of the body.

One of the complications can also be called isolation and the inability to lead the same way of life due to an unesthetic appearance; in some cases, this can lead to psychosis and psychoneurosis. Patients diagnosed with demodicosis have a history of chronic diseases of the digestive system, endocrinological disorders, as well as the presence of foci of chronic infection.

Treatment and prevention of demodicosis

Demodicosis is a chronic disease with periods of remissions and exacerbations. It is impossible to completely cure it, but it is possible to achieve long-term and stable remission when the skin condition is clinically healthy.

A course of microdermabrasion for demodicosis in the remission stage, when there are not many rashes and inflammations, helps to mechanically remove the layer of skin with the greatest localization of mites. Non-hardware facial cleansing is also recommended. And subsequent facial peeling with fruit acids, acidifying the skin, in principle prevents the appearance of inflammation and relapse of demodicosis.

After a complete clinical cure for demodicosis, a course of laser coagulation or photocoagulation of vascular defects is recommended, since due to prolonged and intense exposure to drugs and complex cosmetic procedures, the capillaries in the facial area expand, and sometimes a new capillary network is formed. Blood flow increases, which means the skin temperature also increases, which provokes the production of sebum, this again can serve as a trigger for a relapse of demodicosis. In addition, patients should be examined by an endocrinologist, review their diet, and it is better to switch to dairy-vegetable foods during treatment.

Before starting treatment for demodicosis, it is necessary to get rid of all cosmetics and accessories (powder brushes, lipstick brushes) and avoid the use of decorative cosmetics throughout the entire treatment. To moisturize the skin, use light gels, preferably in single-use packages or in a container with a dispenser, to prevent mites from getting into the bottle. It is recommended to change bed linen daily and more frequently wash pillows and blankets followed by ironing on both sides, since temperature effects are detrimental to the causative agent of demodicosis.

There is also a special medicinal cosmetics that is widely offered to patients with demodicosis everywhere with a guarantee of 100% results, but no cosmetic company has yet provided confirmed statistical data on its effectiveness. Treatment of demodicosis takes a long time, because an individual regimen has to be selected for each patient.

There is no specific prevention of demodicosis, but if you follow a diet, properly care for your skin, and do not use other people’s cosmetics, then the likelihood of developing demodicosis is sharply reduced. Patients who have achieved stable remission in spring and autumn during exacerbations of demodicosis should switch to plant foods, be more attentive to the condition of the skin and take preventive measures by visiting a dermatocosmetologist.

During the specified time, female ticks must lay eggs. Within 2-3 days, larvae develop from them, and then adults. Mainly, Demodex lives in the sebaceous glands or follicles, but it comes to the surface to lay eggs.

A healthy person is almost not bothered by ticks. However, with a decline in immunity or severe stress, microorganisms begin to multiply, and their number rapidly increases. Skin redness, itching and other symptoms occur.

But this fact does not mean that treatment is not necessary. In its advanced stage, the disease becomes almost unbearable. The patient's appearance changes, he cannot sleep, since any touch to the face causes pain. Demodectic mange can be distinguished by its characteristic features.

Subcutaneous tick in humans: symptoms

Doctors consider the so-called “triangle” to be the most vulnerable to ticks: the chin, wings of the nose and the fold between the nose and lips. However, demodicosis can also affect other areas of the face: cheeks, eyelids, forehead, and in an advanced stage it spreads to the neck.

Doctors distinguish several stages of the disease:

  • In the first stage, the skin looks reddened, and the disease itself resembles rosacea. With these symptoms, it is better to immediately contact a dermatologist and begin treatment. However, most people try to cure acne on their own using inappropriate methods.
  • At the middle stage, the skin looks irritated and bumpy. Bumps and pimples appear on it, and blood vessels become clearly visible.
  • In the severe stage, acne becomes painful and unbearable itching occurs. The nose enlarges and turns purple. Gradually, the colony of mites spreads to the entire face. If the disease affects the scalp, the mite can cause baldness. When the eyelids are affected, they turn red and the conjunctiva is affected.

If it is important to you how to recognize demodex, pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • oily skin, which is characterized by a greasy shine;
  • pustules and ulcers increasing in size;
  • the affected areas acquire a gray or purple tint;
  • itching, which increases without treatment;
  • the skin tightens, causing facial expressions to suffer;
  • pores visually expand;
  • my eyes are getting more and more tired.

Exacerbation of demodicosis occurs in the autumn-spring period, when the body suffers from vitamin deficiency and the immune system is weakened. Elderly people, patients who love fatty and high-calorie foods, and workers who spend long periods in stuffy, dusty rooms are susceptible to the disease.

To make sure that you really have demodicosis, you can get tested. Typically, a scraping is taken from the affected area of ​​skin.

If the mite settles in the hair or eyelash follicles, then the hair or eyelashes are sent for analysis. The answer is usually ready within an hour. If the test result is positive, treatment should be started immediately.

Demodex on the face: treatment

To get rid of a tick, you need to know exactly what kills it. There are many remedies to eliminate the disease. Treatment of facial skin lasts from 1 month to six months and is comprehensive.

If demodex has affected the skin of the face, the first thing you should do is consult a dermatologist. Depending on the stage of the disease and the test results obtained, he will prescribe medications and advise you to seek advice from other specialists (ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, surgeon).

Treatment with medications

What products can eliminate ticks?

This is not a complete list of drugs that doctors prescribe for demodicosis. The list presented is the official “protocol” of treatment, but the procedure can be approached from the other side.

Chatterbox from demodex

The most effective home remedy is lotion with chloramphenicol, or chatterbox, as it is called. To prepare the product you will need:

  • two parts of chloramphenicol;
  • part of boric acid;
  • 2.5 parts each of aspirin and sulfur;
  • medical alcohol.

Mix these components with alcohol (all substances in tablets must first be ground into powder) and shake well. Then take a cotton swab, soak it in the lotion and gently apply to the affected areas.

In especially severe cases, doctors themselves prepare ethereal chatterboxes, but it is better to take such medicines from the hands of doctors.

Stop demodex mites

At home, you can try the Stop Demodex cosmetics complex. It includes:

  • lotion;
  • soap;
  • eye gel;
  • shampoo;
  • drops;
  • ointments for different stages of the disease;
  • phytobalm.

In case of illness, you can combine both external and internal methods of use. According to patient reviews, Stop Demodex is an excellent way to deal with ticks.

Folk remedies for the treatment of demodicosis

If you are unable to visit a doctor, use available folk remedies:

  • Berry sour masks. They tighten pores well and dry out the skin. Face masks should be prepared from them. However, if the skin is dry, it would be a good idea to add an egg yolk.
  • Mix two parts grated apple and one part horseradish root. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin. Leave the mask on for about a quarter of an hour. If it stings too much, you can wash it off earlier.
  • Cosmetic clay. Today this product is sold in any pharmacy. The clay is diluted with water to obtain a paste-like slurry, then applied to the face. Keep the mask on for at least a quarter of an hour. Since at this moment there is a feeling of tightening, it is better not to use facial expressions or talk during the procedure.
  • Gauze soaked in infusion of sage, chamomile, oak bark, calendula.

Using folk and pharmaceutical remedies in combination, you will definitely be able to get rid of the tick.

See you soon!

In medicine, demodicosis is usually called a disease caused by a tick. It affects the skin of the face, especially the chin, eyebrows, eyelids and nasolabial folds. The causative agent of the disease can cause various allergic reactions, seborrhea, conjunctivitis and acne. Demodicosis of the facial skin is a serious cosmetic problem that cannot be hidden with the help of toning products. Therefore, people should make every effort to protect themselves from such a scourge.

Spregal is an effective remedy for demodicosis

Why does a person get demodicosis?

decreased immunity;

  • abuse of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • excessive use of cosmetics that contain hormones and dietary supplements;
  • presence of skin diseases;
  • abuse of fatty foods and carbonated drinks;
  • lack of beneficial microelements in the body due to poor nutrition;
  • being in stressful situations;
  • disturbances in liver function.

One factor is enough for the development of demodicosis in humans to begin. The more conditions are created for the tick to become active, the higher the risk of contracting the disease. It is for this reason that those who lead a healthy lifestyle and carefully monitor their skin condition almost never encounter this disease.

Excessive use of makeup can trigger the activation of mites

Signs of the disease

An ordinary person without medical education is unlikely to be able to independently identify demodicosis. After all, it can be easily confused with other diseases that affect the skin of the face. Therefore, you cannot do without the help of a competent doctor or cosmetologist. However, there are a number of symptoms of demodicosis on the face that specifically indicate this disease. It is worth paying attention to the following signs:

  • A large number of inflamed pimples and acne appear in different parts of the face.
  • Minor pustules appear, which gradually begin to grow.
  • Various areas of the face become too oily and shiny due to the overactive work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Facial color changes. The skin becomes grayish-earthy in color. Sometimes it changes color to purple-red.
  • Severe itching is constantly felt, the intensity of which only increases over time. The skin becomes lumpy. Swelling of the eyelids occurs. The nose takes on a red-blue tint, and it swells slightly. Inhibition of facial expressions appears.
  • In especially severe cases, loss of eyelashes and hair is observed.
  • Hyperemic spots form on the face.
  • Pores become wide.
  • A slight plaque appears at the tips of the eyelids.
  • There is severe eye fatigue at the end of the day.

Patients begin to notice most of the listed symptoms in the spring and autumn. It is at this time that the peak of tick activity occurs.

If one sign of demodicosis is detected, you do not need to immediately buy medications at the pharmacy to treat it. Initially, you should make sure that the proposed diagnosis is correct. After all, by mistake, a person can mistake any other skin disease for demodicosis. Only a specialist can confirm the diagnosis.

Demodecosis manifests itself as characteristic ulcers

Diagnosis of facial demodicosis

If a person suspects that he has demodicosis, as this is indicated by the corresponding symptoms, the first thing he should do is visit a doctor. It would be more correct to contact an ophthalmologist with such a problem. But a dermatologist is also suitable. Diagnosis of the disease takes little time and does not require specialized equipment. In addition, it can be carried out in the presence of the patient.

The study should be carried out only on those eyelashes that have just been removed. Dead ones are not suitable for such analysis, since the tick quickly leaves the dead tissue.

The doctor will place the sample taken from the patient between glass slides, which are then attached to the laboratory table of the microscope. You will also need to apply a solution of alkali, gasoline or glycerin to the glass with the eyelash. In this form, the material can be examined for pathogenic insects.

It happens that a dermatologist or ophthalmologist sends the patient to an appointment with an endocrinologist, neurologist or surgeon to get more information about the disease and select the most appropriate therapy to kill the mite.

Demodex under a microscope

General methods of treating demodicosis of the face

He should purchase special creams and antibacterial soap and remember to treat the mite-affected areas with them. Such products for demodicosis additionally cleanse and moisturize the skin well.

It is worth listening to these tips to speed up the process of treating demodicosis.

During treatment, tanning and prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided.

Drug treatment of the disease

Demodicosis requires immediate treatment, which consists of taking special medications. They will help reduce rashes on the face and destroy pathogenic mites.

There is no need to risk your own health even more and thoughtlessly use the above medications and ointments to treat the disease without first consulting a doctor.

Clay masks help a lot with demodicosis. The mixture for them is very easy to prepare at home. To make a mask, you need to mix cosmetic clay with water heated to room temperature. The mixture should have a paste-like consistency. It is applied to the face for about half an hour. Afterwards, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

Every morning and evening you should wash your face with chamomile infusion. It relieves inflammation well and has an antimicrobial effect. Tea tree oil has the same effect. They need to lubricate the affected areas of the skin twice a day.

A mask for treating a disease can be made not only from cosmetic clay, but also from laundry soap. This product will help quickly remove impurities from the skin. To prepare the mask, you need to grate laundry soap and fill it with water. Next, you need to wait until the chips get wet. After this, they will need to be thoroughly beaten until a fluffy foam appears. The mask is ready. It is applied to the face before going to bed. It is advisable to leave it until the morning.

Black currant is useful in the fight against demodicosis. Compresses are made from the dried berries of the bush. To do this, pour approximately four tablespoons of currants into two glasses of boiled water. After this, they should be boiled over low heat for fifteen minutes. Dip a cotton pad into the broth that has cooled to room temperature, and then apply it to the face. Once a day you need to thoroughly wipe your facial skin with a folk remedy.

Every person should know what a disease caused by a skin mite is and how to cure demodicosis on the face. Most men and women who have personally experienced this problem try to solve it on their own.

Traditional medicine helps them in this difficult matter. Remedies prepared according to the recipes of our ancestors really have a positive result. But this does not mean at all that a person suffering from demodicosis can do without qualified help.