Traveling around Serbia on your own. FAQ. Holidays in Serbia: prices, route, attractions, reviews. Types of visas to Serbia

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Are you planning an independent trip to Serbia? Now we will talk about what you need to consider on your trip. What documents should I take? What places to visit? What dishes should I try? And most importantly, how can a holiday in Serbia be profitable?

My wife and I started our recent trip to the Balkans from Serbia. I found air tickets in a search engine at a very affordable price. As it turned out, we got on the first direct flight of AirSerbia from St. Petersburg to Belgrade.

In honor of this event, the Serbs held a banquet right at the airport counter. With balloons, sweets and drinks. Even the press came. The official spoke and cut the ribbon. All passengers were also given commemorative certificates. It's a small thing, but nice.

Do you want your trip to Serbia to be a pleasure? Let's look at what you need to know about this country.

Documents to Serbia

For Russians, Serbia is a visa-free country. If you are going to stay there for up to 30 days. Therefore, for a holiday to Serbia, you only need a passport. The main thing is that it is valid for at least 1 month after the end of the trip.

Formally, return tickets, hotel reservations and proof of financial solvency are also required. But they didn’t ask us this. And, as I learned, in principle they ask very rarely. Although I recommend taking these documents with you just in case you are a firefighter.

And one more thing - be sure to check that visa rules are up to date before departure. I tell you how to do this in the article.

Transport and accommodation in Serbia

Serbia has a developed bus service. But people are allowed onto the bus platforms with a ticket. Through the turnstile or controller. You can buy a ticket at the station ticket office. Or pay a fee to the bus station for entry. And you can already buy the ticket from the driver.

As a rule, luggage is not included in the price. But this issue is easily resolved with the driver. Interestingly, Serbs are accustomed to sitting in the first empty seat. And not the one indicated on the ticket.

You can find out the current bus schedule on the website There is also a version in Russian.

There are also trains running throughout Serbia. Not as new as usual. More like ours. But it's quite possible to drive.

The roads allow you to travel by car.

Renting housing in Serbia is inexpensive. And the choice is quite large.

For anyone who loves the comfort of home, I advise you to rent an apartment from local residents. I usually use Airbnb for this. But in Serbia it was more profitable through This is an analogue of Airbnb from Booking. To select, I used the search engine on my website.

In the filters you need to check the “Apartments” box. Then housing options from private owners will be shown. And sometimes not only is displayed there. But also interesting offers from other services.

Sights of Serbia

We started our trip to Serbia from Belgrade, the capital of the country. The city stands at the intersection of two rivers, the Danube and the Sava. Previously, trade routes passed through them. This convenient location caused many attempts to capture Belgrade. Therefore, the history of the city often consists of struggle for it.

I advise you to visit the Cathedral of St. Sava in the capital. This is the largest church in the Balkans. More than a century passed from the start of construction of the cathedral in 1894 until its opening. So, the building is quite new.

My wife and I really remember the Belgrade Zoo. There were many white animals there. Tigers, lions and even a kangaroo that looks like a big rat.

The most famous animal in the zoo is an alligator named Muya. Which is considered the oldest living person in the world. The crocodile has lived here since 1937. It survived several World War II bombings.

Another city worth visiting is Novi Sad. It is the cultural capital of Serbia. Various festivals and concerts often take place here.

I advise you to visit the Petrovaradin Fortress. It took more than 100 years to build. There are about 16 kilometers of underground tunnels. The fortress itself houses a museum, planetarium and observatory.

Another town worthy of attention is Subotica. The northernmost in the country, located near the border with. Very sincere and calm. Nice streets in the center that are pleasant to stroll through.

My wife and I also liked the city of Uzice. Here high-rise buildings coexist with small houses located on the hills.

From the city it is convenient to get to the village of Mokra Gora. This place is near the border with. Here, a retro train still runs along the narrow-gauge railway along the mountains and gorges.

The route is called Sarganska Osmica. Translated, Shargan Eight. If you look at the railway from above, you will notice that it looks like the number 8.

On the train you feel as if you are in the early twentieth century. The conductors and driver, dressed in the uniform of the time. A colorful dining car, 1st and 2nd class.

Not far from the Mokra Gora station is the village of Kustendorf. Or Drvengrad. It was built by the famous director Emir Kusturica. For the filming of the film “Life is a Miracle.” The project turned out to be so successful that the director himself now lives there.

The village annually hosts the International Film and Music Festival. The streets and squares here are named after various celebrities. Among whom are our compatriots - Tarkovsky and Mikhalkov.

Also not far from the Mokra Gora station are the Bela Voda springs. Healing water helps to cure eye diseases. In this area they are among the top five in the world.

And another resort nearby, Zlatibor, is considered favorable for health. The climate in the region is special. People with respiratory diseases come here to get some fresh air.

The mountainous region near the town of Užice is perhaps the most beautiful in Serbia. Here we met a woman who, after a vacation in Zlatibor, sold her home in Moscow. And with the proceeds, she bought luxury apartments for herself and her daughter in Serbia.

If you have time, you can look into Nis. The third largest in Serbia and the oldest city in the Balkans. There is the Chele-Kula Skull Tower and a fortress. True, not much remains of it.

But it’s better not to go to Kosovo. Because the situation there is still uncertain. And in fact it is a separate state. Although some travelers go there deliberately.

Cuisine of Serbia

The food in Serbia is very, very tasty. And at the same time inexpensive. We often got lunch in a good restaurant for less than 1,000 rubles for two. The portions are large and filling.

In addition, I have never seen Serbs leave tips. So, the waiters don’t even always wait for them. And when we gave tips, they were often surprised. Especially in cities away from the capital.

The cuisine is rich in meat and flour dishes. Bread is considered an attribute of every meal there. Just like in Russia. And it is not customary to throw away bread.

In Subotica I tried amazing tomato soup with cheese pancakes. I still can’t forget him. In general, all the soups in Serbia seemed very tasty to me.

We also liked the coffee. In Subotica it was served with a small bar of dark chocolate. Well, the desserts were simply amazing. In the city of Nis, I experienced the gastronomic ecstasy of a lime cheesecake. Even my wife couldn’t resist, although she didn’t order dessert herself. I had to share.

In general, Serbian cuisine is worthy of all praise. But if you want to cook yourself, there are no problems with supermarkets either. The popular IDEA is especially widespread in the network.

You know, Serbia has two flags. One is official and the other is popular. They look almost the same. Only the official one displays the state emblem. But the folk one is very similar to the flag. Just the opposite.

There is even a version about its origin. As if confirming the cultural and spiritual unity of the peoples, the Serbs initially took the Russian flag and turned it over.

So Serbia is not only a country with a rich, centuries-old history. It is also closely connected with Russia.

This is why I advise you to travel to Serbia on your own. To see many picturesque places with your own eyes. And be sure to enjoy the cuisine of this wonderful country.

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The truism that Serbia is a non-tourist country is known to everyone. Nevertheless, on the one hand, it is very original and original, and on the other hand, it is very close and understandable to us.


Most tourists begin their acquaintance with the capital of the country - Belgrade. Having visited many European capitals, including the capitals of the republics of the former Yugoslavia, Belgrade seemed to me the most unimpressive. No, of course, it’s worth visiting here for a day, climbing the Belgrade Fortress, admiring from there the confluence of the Danube and the Sava, wandering through Kalemegdan Park, visiting the ancient Skadarlija district and observing the life of bohemia there. And yet, the outback in Serbia is much more picturesque, the food is tastier, the air is cleaner, the scenery is impressive, prices are lower (although in Belgrade they are not high compared to neighboring Montenegro).

Autonomous Region of Vojvodina

Vojvodina is one of my favorite parts of Serbia. Its nature and cities are very reminiscent of Hungary, which is not surprising - after all, this region was previously Hungarian, the architecture here is appropriate, a little atypical for Serbia, and a large number of Magyars live here. The most interesting places to visit are the main city of the region, Novi Sad, and Subotica, the northernmost city in Serbia, located 10 kilometers from the border with Hungary. Novi Sad is a recognized tourist center of Serbia; the international music festival Exit alone attracts 150 thousand spectators every year. The greatest interest among tourists is the Petrovaradin fortress, as well as numerous museums and galleries. In Subotica, there are few tourists here, but in vain: the architecture here in the Hungarian Art Nouveau style is very good - the local town hall, the Franciscan church, old mansions.

Medical resorts

In Serbia, there are more than 50 health resorts with mineral healing springs, where people were treated back in the days of the ancient Romans. In general, if you see the word Banya in the name of a Serbian town, for example, Niška Banja, Vrnjačka Banja or Banja Koviljača, then you can be sure: they are definitely treating some diseases here. Serbian resorts are considered the most useful for those suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, metabolic disorders, diseases of the nervous system and respiratory tract, diseases of the liver and biliary tract and much more. One of the most famous healing resorts in Serbia is the climatic mountain resort of Zlatibor. Diseases of the thyroid gland and respiratory tract, including thyroid cancer, are treated here. Vrnjacka Banja, located near Kopaonik, is famous for its carbon dioxide and alkaline springs. Diabetes mellitus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach and duodenal ulcers and much more are treated here. In fact, one can write long and hard about Serbian health resorts and their benefits: each of them is unique. I don’t have such a goal, I just wanted to tell you that in Serbia there are a large number of health resorts that are not as popular and fashionable as the generally recognized ones, for example, Czech ones, but treatment in which will bring no less health benefits.

Ski resorts

The main ski resort of the country is Kopaonik, located on the mountain range of the same name. In addition to the tracks where international competitions are held, Kopaonik is attractive for its infrastructure. For young people there are bars, discos, and night clubs. It’s also good for families with children to come here: there are special children’s ski schools and children’s ski lifts for little ones. Another, lesser-known resort is Stara Planina in the east of the country. There is snow here for about five months of the year, and there are snow cannons. The trails in Stara Planina vary in difficulty, and there is the possibility of night skiing. One of the advantages of Serbian ski resorts: it seemed to me that the prices here are lower than in neighboring Montenegro, and certainly than at similar Slovenian resorts. There will be no language barriers here either, and I think only the lazy did not mention the good attitude of the Serbs towards our compatriots.

Orthodox shrines

Serbia is very rich in Christian, or rather Orthodox, shrines. They are mostly located in the south of the country and the unrecognized Republic of Kosovo, on the border with which the demarcation line now runs. Therefore, unfortunately, some of the most important shrines for Orthodox pilgrims are not accessible to visitors. Pilgrims and simply lovers of church culture heading to Serbia should first of all pay attention to the town of Kragujevac. In the vicinity of this city there are the monasteries of Zica, Vujan, Studenica, Sopocany, Milesheva, Djurdzhevo Stupovi and Ljubostinya. Near the village of Ovčar Banja, on the Western Morava River near the Ovčar-Kablar Gorge, Serbian Mount Athos begins - about 10 monasteries that have survived to this day. Here are the Annunciation, Holy Trinity, Sretensky and several other monasteries. Everything here is very sincere, all the monks and nuns are hospitable and sociable. I was especially pleased with their reaction to the message that we were from Russia - I have not seen such sincere joy for a long time.

Drvengrad – for fans of the work of Emir Kusturica

True, I don’t consider myself an ardent fan of the famous Yugoslav, but it seems to me that if we talk about the most famous tourist places in Serbia, then it is impossible to pass by Drevengrad. In a word, I liked it, but I probably wouldn’t go a second time. Drvengrad is a unique village with wooden buildings, located on the slopes of Mokra Gora in the vicinity of Zlatibor. They say this is what a real Serbian village looks like. What I liked most here was the railway station with a narrow gauge railway and a steam locomotive. Drvengrad is a fairly popular place, well-promoted, as it seemed to me, the most tourist place in all of Serbia, not counting Belgrade. Prices in the surrounding area are higher than the Serbian average.

Serbia is not included in the lists of the most visited countries by tourists, travel companies do not offer hundreds of holiday options, planes to Belgrade and back are rarely completely full. Among the countries of the former Yugoslavia, it was Serbia that suffered more than others from the civil war and mutual claims of the former “brotherly” republics. For a long time, the country had no time for tourists, although back in the 70s and 80s of the last century, the income of Yugoslavia and Serbia from tourism was a serious profitable budget item.

Today, tourists are gradually returning to Serbia. And there are several reasons for this return:

  • excellent ski resorts;
  • magnificent nature - parks, organized fishing, hunting;
  • balneological resorts;
  • historical and cultural attractions;
  • low prices.

Russians are free of visa costs when visiting Serbia.

It cannot be said that the level of service in this country is high, but the combination of price and quality is ideal.


The train from Moscow to Belgrade takes almost two days, the road passes through Ukraine and that does not make the trip cheaper. You should add the fee for a transit Schengen visa to the cost of the ticket, and also take into account the increase in food costs on the road. Trains do not run every day, and you cannot buy a ticket online. Let's add here the high cost of the ticket, comparable to the cost of air travel. The conclusion suggests itself - it’s more profitable to fly!

Several airlines fly from Russia to the Serbian capital. Direct flight - 3 hours. Air Serbia and Aeroflot flies. With a transfer in Vienna (Austrian Air), the flight takes an hour longer, plus more time between flights. But the cost of such a flight turns out to be 50 euros less. Moreover, if you take care of a Schengen visa, then on the way to Belgrade you can get acquainted with Vienna, the most beautiful city in Europe, with virtually no additional costs.

A direct flight Moscow-Belgrade and back costs 250 euros. With a transfer in Vienna - 190 euros.

Hotels, hostels, apartments

Even in the capital of Serbia, Belgrade, you can find apartments or a separate double room in a hostel for 15 euros/day. The indicated price does not include breakfast, showers and toilets will be shared, but otherwise it is an excellent accommodation option.

If you rent an apartment, a one-room apartment with all the amenities costs no more than 8-10 euros/day. In small towns and villages you can rent a small house in the forest. Such housing is very cheap, and your vacation will be the most pleasant and exotic.

View of the guest house Vila Alexandar from the lake (Palic, Serbia).

Currency exchange

Bank cards are not accepted everywhere; it is better to always have cash with you. Euros and dollars in Serbia must be exchanged for the local currency, the Serbian dinar. The exchange rate is 1 euro/122 dinars. It is best to exchange currency at official exchange points or at exchange machines installed at the airport.

Restaurants, cafes, gastronomic pleasures

Serbian cuisine is varied and plentiful. Meat dishes are in favor here, and salads and cheeses are not inferior in originality and taste to French or Italian ones. Food prices are distributed as follows:

Potatoes with feta cheese
  • breakfast - a piece of pie, apple juice and coffee - 1.5 - 2 euros;
  • lunch in a canteen or restaurant serving local cuisine (not tourist) - 4-5 euros;
  • dinner with a glass of local wine or a glass of rakia - 6-9 euros.

Of all the local dishes, the following deserve special attention:

  • chorba - thick soup with added flour. It varies, but the best is with young lamb;
  • potatoes with feta cheese are the simplest, but very tasty dish that is served in any cafe, snack bar or restaurant;
  • muchkalitsa - a dish of pork stewed with tomatoes and sweet peppers;
  • baklava, Turkish delight and other oriental sweets have long become an indispensable component of Serbian cuisine, prepared according to special recipes and taste very different from their “original” versions in the East.

What to see? Where to visit?

View of the historical center of Belgrade.


Belgrade is one of the oldest cities in Europe, but the turbulent Balkan history has left no chance for ancient buildings. What was not destroyed during the world wars was destroyed during the “perestroika” wars. But this does not mean at all that there is nothing to see in the Serbian capital. Must visit:

  • Belgrade Fortress - there has been a fortification on this site since the 3rd century. Since then, it has been constantly destroyed by invaders and rebuilt. Today you can see here the remains of masonry from the 10th to the 19th centuries. On weekends, a variety of historical reconstructions take place on the territory of the fortress. There is a park around the fortification; there is also a military museum and a city zoo;
  • The Cathedral of St. Sava is the largest Orthodox church outside. The cathedral is modern, but the architecture was copied from the St. Sophia Cathedral of Constantinople. The Byzantine solemnity of the temple goes well with the lush Balkan beauty;
  • Tito's Mausoleum - today - is more like a museum, although most visitors come precisely for the sarcophagus with the great president of Yugoslavia; nearby you can see the house of Milosevic, the last of the country's presidents;
  • The Royal Palace is the most beautiful decoration of Belgrade. The city hall is located inside, but anyone can view the interiors;
  • Skadarlija is the artistic district of the city, bohemians “hang out” here, there are a large number of galleries, and on the streets there are exhibitions and sales of local artists.



A city with an ancient past, numerous historical and religious attractions. Surprisingly, the city has retained its special oriental flavor; numerous wars and interethnic conflicts have not been able to destroy the monuments. There's a lot to see here:

  • City fortress - built back in the days of Ancient Rome; on the basis of this ancient fortification, an Ottoman citadel was later built, which has survived to this day;
  • Byzantine basilica - preserved almost perfectly, one of the most ancient sights of Niš;
  • The Devil's City is a bizarre natural site - mysterious pillars and figures that appeared as a result of soil erosion. Local legend says that these are actually the outlines of churches destroyed by evil spirits. Tours here are often organized at night;
  • Obrenovicheva Street is a tourist and shopping promenade of the city. Cafes, restaurants, shops and souvenir shops. Along the way, you can explore several monuments and historical buildings.

“Devil City” is a natural attraction on Mount Radan.



There are plenty of opportunities for skiing in Serbia, but the most rapidly developing resort is Kopaonik. Hotels are being actively built, with the most modern equipment in the country, and the network of cafes and restaurants is constantly expanding. In terms of level, the resort lags behind the Alpine ones, but in terms of prices it is much more attractive than other ski slopes in Europe. Weekly ski pass - 97 euros.

Near Kopaonik you can visit the ancient monastery, as well as the Studenica temple, which houses the miraculous relics of St. Stephen.

Not far from the ski resort there is an excellent tourist base for those who want to improve their health through tourism. Medical tourism is a growing trend in the treatment of many diseases. Clean air, mountain streams, medicinal teas - it is necessary to use this opportunity before prices for these services increase.

Kapaonik is among the top. From the article you will find out what other cheapest ski resorts are in Eastern Europe and Russia. The article provides an overview of the most budget-friendly places for a ski holiday, where prices are 2-3 times cheaper than in the west.


People come to Serbia to treat chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, anemia, mental exhaustion, and thyroid diseases. But the main thing here is the healing climate, salty springs and mineral mud, allowing everyone to acquire graceful forms. The efficiency of health improvement here is so high that many Hollywood stars visit Serbian resorts. What attracts them is the lack of a large number of people wanting to improve their health, low prices and distance from the ubiquitous paparazzi.

Vrnjacka Banja is a resort that is rapidly gaining popularity. A mud bath, a mineral spring, a cultural program, comfort and low prices - what else do you need to be happy? Apartments for two - from 25 euros/day.

When is the best time to go?

Serbia is ready to offer tourists an interesting program all year round:

Freedom Square in Novi Sad
  • summer - treatment, sightseeing, fishing and hunting, swimming season in lakes;
  • winter - ski resorts, mountain sanatoriums, sightseeing;
  • autumn and spring are a great time to improve your health. At this time, prices for treatment and accommodation are the lowest of the year.

The climate in Serbia is mild, but the four seasons are very pronounced: there are snowy winters, golden autumns, wildly blooming springs, and warm summers. All that remains is to choose what is more to your heart.

From Serbia to other countries

The easiest way to leave Serbia to explore the sights of Bosnia or Montenegro. A visa is not required for this, but you have the opportunity to swim in the Adriatic and sunbathe on the sea beach, see ancient Split, or the picturesque surroundings of Sarajevo.

Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia can be reached by bus or train from Belgrade or other cities in Serbia. Train to Podgorica (Montenegro) - 65 euros one way. The journey takes 10 hours. The best option is a night train, then go check it out. From it you will find out where you can eat deliciously and inexpensively in the best budget cafes, pubs and restaurants, which are indicated on the map.

Until now, Serbia has not been a priority tourist destination for Russian tourists. Lack of advertising, lack of a sea coast, uncertainty of travel companies - several reasons can be named. Today, when more and more domestic travelers are forced to abandon traditional vacation destinations, Serbia is ready to offer an equally interesting, useful, complete, safe, budget-friendly and full of impressions vacation.

The climate in this country is considered continental, but in general it is very comfortable here at almost any time of the year. In summer, cities are almost always warm and dry, and in winter, the air temperature is often recorded in the range from +3 oC to -10 oC.

Holiday seasons in Serbia are varied:

  • Winter is the time for the ski slopes. One of the best resorts is Kopaonik, whose landscapes are impressive.
  • Spring is the best time to explore cities, architectural monuments and attractions. Belgrade is the most saturated excursion destination.
  • Summer is the time for health tours. But besides this, the country’s beaches are also in demand, as they allow you to swim and dive in the waters of the Danube and large lakes.

  • Autumn attracts tourists who come here for the purpose of treatment. Health resorts are the calling card of the country, and among them, Zlatibor, Vrnjacka Banja, Atomska Banja, Banja Koviljaca and a number of others are very popular.

Alpine skiing in winter

If you want to make a trip in 2019 and are also a connoisseur of alpine skiing, then pay attention to tours to Serbia for the New Year. During this period, the mountain slopes are especially popular, which, starting in December, are covered with snow.

The coldest month in the country is January. But this applies mainly to mountainous regions. At the end of winter, snowfall continues, so during the St. On Valentine's Day or February 23, you can catch up on some active winter fun. In addition, an international film festival takes place in Belgrade in February.

Exciting excursions around Serbia in spring

Ski resorts are slowly closing their doors in March as nature begins to awaken. In cities during the period of March 8 it can be quite humid and rainy, but already in April the southern mountain slopes are covered with bright greenery and wildflowers. However, this month the daylight hours are still very short, so the best time in spring to visit the country is during the May holidays.

May is the season of bright colors and a clear floral scent in the air. This is the best time to travel to Serbia in 2019 for excursions. Belgrade and Novi Sad are starting to fill with tourists, while prices are still very low at this time. In May, an agricultural exhibition takes place in Novi Sad.

Wellness holiday in summer

Summer in Serbia is hot, but there is practically no scorching heat here. In June, the water temperature in lakes and rivers is set at +25 ° C, so you can already swim. But this month it often rains, so if you are wondering when is the best time to go to Serbia to swim, sunbathe and improve your health, then July and August are the most comfortable months for this.

Wonderful velvet season in autumn

The flow of guests weakens in the autumn, so there is a good chance to relax cheaper. September is a classic velvet season: the air temperature is pleasantly comfortable, and harvest festivals are held in the cities. In addition, the theater season starts in September, which may be of interest to lovers of cultural leisure.

The country's balneological resorts, which continue to welcome guests during the velvet season, also receive excellent reviews. If you are interested in when to go on vacation to Serbia for the purpose of improving your health, then September is considered the best and inexpensive month for this.

In October and during the November holidays it is no longer so comfortable; there are often downpours. Therefore, it is advisable to postpone a trip to the country during this period of time.

Serbia is not a very popular, but actively developing tourist destination. From the point of view of a traveler, the country is good because it has a rich history, many attractions - both natural and historical and cultural, low prices, a language a little similar to Russian, delicious food and good people.

The Republic of Serbia is a country on the Balkan Peninsula, until 1992. was part of Yugoslavia.
Population- 7.5 million people, of which 83% are Orthodox Serbs.
Currency– Serbian dinar (RSD), 1€ = 120 RSD
Nature: in the north there are plains, in the west, south and east there are mountains, there is no access to the sea.

Visa to Serbia citizens of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine do not need it if the period of stay does not exceed 30 days (up to 90 days if you have a Schengen or Swiss visa valid for the entire period of stay). No return tickets or money are required upon entry.

Flights to Belgrade

There are international airports in the capital city of Belgrade and in the city of Nis in the south of the country. Round-trip tickets for a direct flight from Moscow to Belgrade will cost around 190€ no sale. Tickets Minsk-Belgrade will cost 250€ for a connecting flight both ways. If you arrive in Serbia by plane, you can book an inexpensive flight to the center of Belgrade online in advance.

Air ticket search form:

Prices in Serbia

Hotel prices. A hostel bed in a shared room can be found for 5-7€ , a double room in a simple private hotel will cost 20-30€ .

I rented a hotel in Zlatibor on this site for 20 €.

In short, it’s worth visiting the Kalemendan fortress, strolling along the embankment of the Sava and Danube, drinking coffee in one of the cafes in the city center, eating pljeskavica and a bun with baker champignons, walking around the buildings of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff destroyed during the war, and in the evening going to the Skadarlija district, where bars and clubs are concentrated.

Novi Sad(Novi Sad) - most people advised me to visit Novi Sad out of all the cities in Serbia. Located 100 km north of Belgrade. I can’t call it cozy, since the city is the second largest in the country. Particularly noteworthy are the massive Petrovaradin fortress and the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in the center. Novi Sad is also famous for cultural events, a large number of museums, galleries and architectural monuments.

Frushka Mountain— National park on the right bank of the Danube near the city of Novi Sad. Today, 16 Fruskagora monasteries remain in the park. It is recommended to inspect them in the following order: Vrdnik (Ravanica), Novo Hopovo, Remetu, Grgeteg, Krušedol

Smederevo— 45 km from Belgrade is the Brankovic Fortress, the largest plain fortress in Europe by area (11 hectares).

Cacak- a pleasant Serbian city. We walked there for about an hour. I didn’t notice anything special in such a short time, but the people in Chachaki are friendly. We met a Serb there on the street who goes to Russia to work. He speaks Russian perfectly and smiles. It was a most pleasant meeting.

Gorge of Mount Kablar and monasteries on the banks of the Morava River - one of the most beautiful places in Serbia. This Monastery complex is also called “Serbian Mount Athos” and “Holy Mountain”. It is located 15 km from the town of Cacak on the road to Uzice.

Užice- a beautiful city in the mountains in the west with red tile roofs. The most significant attraction is the medieval Uzice Fortress.


Roads in Serbia

Zlatibor- ski resort. In the summer there is nothing special to do, if you just breathe the air (it is very clean and fresh there), you can go to the ethnographic village of Sirogoino.

— — project directed by Emir Kusturica. A hotel complex built on a mountain in the village of Mečavnik in the west of the country in the style of Serbian village houses without a single nail. Not marked on all maps, so look for Mokra Gora National Park near the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina. Many people come to Serbia specifically to visit Drvengrad. There is also Sharganska osmitsa- narrow-gauge mountain railway in the form of a figure eight.

Tara National Park— beautiful nature, we came from the south, the road there is not very good, so after 5 km we turned around and went back.

Creman prophecy(Creman prophecy). The prophet brothers Milos and Mitar Tarabici lived in the 19th century and predicted the future. Thus, they predicted the appearance of “falcon communications” (telephones) and “iron flyers” - airplanes, as well as many events of the First and Second World Wars.