What awaits Sagittarius this year?

In 2018, fate will show favor to Sagittarius. Impulsive representatives of the sign will be torn between the family hearth and the office. There is no doubt that you will achieve success in your work, but choosing your life priorities will become a difficult task. You will have bold, but difficult to implement plans that your friends will consider a whim. Show persistence and your dreams will come true.

Famous Sagittarius

  • Boris Grebenshchikov
  • Elizaveta Boyarskaya
  • Anfisa Chekhova
  • Sergey Svetlakov
  • Milla Jovovich
  • Brad Pitt
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Gianni Versace
  • Walt Disney
  • Mark Twain

Forecast for the zodiac sign Sagittarius for 2018

January has prepared career achievements and home idyll for Sagittarius. Opportunities will flow into your hands, the main thing is to take the best you can from the situation. The beginning of winter will be a time of fruitful work. Try to complete as many tasks as you can. Make connections with the right people and have those business meetings you've been putting off for a long time. Do everything diligently, but without fanaticism or harm to health.

In 2018, Sagittarius must learn to trust a loved one

February marks the beginning of a dark streak that will last until mid-spring. Disagreements will begin between Sagittarius and his soulmate, people who are very different in character. An emotional representative of the sign will suspect his partner of infidelity. There will be a desire to watch his every move, which can lead to a break in the relationship. A bad experience will make you reconsider your views on trust in your family.

Spring promises many dangers. Whatever you do, no matter who you communicate with, be careful. In the first half of spring, give up adventures and risky enterprises. The stars do not advise Sagittarius, especially young girls, to succumb to the influence of their comrades. They probably want to use you and leave you out of work. Summer will bring income and good luck. You will receive a promising position, start a family, or make a profitable purchase.

The last month of summer is conducive to vacation, preferably in a sanatorium on the seashore. Combine relaxation with wellness treatments - and chronic illnesses, including diseases of the cardiovascular system, will not bother you in the cold. Autumn will bring an unpleasant surprise. A relative or close friend will need your care. By accepting new responsibilities, you will forget about your own desires and ambitions.

Professional difficulties will arise - you may even have to leave your job. A new person you meet at the end of September will be your support. He will play the role of a wise mentor in the life of an emotional Sagittarius. Things will pick up in December. You will put your finances in order and enjoy successful coincidences. Those around you will appreciate your abilities, which will give a new impetus to development. On New Year's Eve, a representative of the sign will unexpectedly fall in love and will be in seventh heaven.

Travel as much as possible - 2018 will create all the conditions for this

2018 is favorable for travel. Sagittarius will not skimp on them, and they will do the right thing. The trip can be marked by a successful romance that will continue after the vacation. Men will prefer active and even extreme entertainment: hunting, fishing, rafting. Girls will enjoy spending their holidays on the Black Sea coast. To add variety to your trip, be bold and hitchhike.

  • Forecast for women. 2018 will be like a rollercoaster for the Sagittarius woman. The main goal will be to find the ideal man drawn by your imagination. In pursuit of an image, you risk missing out on meeting a real, earthly person. The chance for a serious relationship will arise closer to autumn. You will expand your social circle and find a new hobby. Problems that have been tormenting you for years will be solved. However, 2018 will not be a cloudless year. Conflicts, misunderstandings and disputes will not disappear from the life of a hot-tempered Sagittarius. Astrologers do not advise trusting people who cannot be called your close friends. A charming man can take advantage of your kindness for personal gain.
  • Forecast for men. The Sagittarius man will also experience communication difficulties. At the beginning of the year, it will be impossible to distinguish an ally from an enemy. This applies to both work and family life. For a while, give up decisive actions and frank conversations. Your task is to maintain faith in the best and look for a way out of difficulties. Soon the danger will pass, and you will return to conquering career heights. For patience, fate will reward you with a high position and additional income - a bonus or salary increase.
  • Children's prognosis. Sagittarius children will show unusual laziness and inattention. Do not put pressure on your child - let him make his own decisions, but do not refuse advice and support. Sagittarius teenagers will make their parents nervous more than once. They tend to withdraw into themselves, hold grudges against relatives, and even run away from home. The best way out of the situation is a frank conversation with the child. Little representatives of the sign will show artistic imagination and writing abilities. Enroll them in a club or encourage them to participate in a school matinee. Perhaps this will be the beginning of their creative career.

Love horoscope for 2018

The beginning of the year is a calm and joyful period in the life of family Sagittarius. But soon tension will arise between the spouses. You will feel that your wife or husband has become cold towards you, suspect your spouse of cheating, or you yourself will look for adventures on the side. Lonely representatives of the sign will also not lag behind. At the beginning of spring, you will become incredibly attractive to the opposite sex. The novels will last no more than a month. Seeking solace in casual relationships will end in disappointment.

In the summer and autumn of 2018, happy Sagittarius will be bathed in love

By the beginning of June you will be away at work, caring for children or elderly parents. Matters of the heart will fade into the background. You will stop dreaming of an ideal union and meet a person with a rich spiritual world who will change your ideas about love. The end of summer will bring many happy moments. Feelings will inspire you to professional and creative achievements. A serious-minded Sagittarius can make a marriage proposal, and a free representative of the sign will return to looking for a partner.

We don’t promise that all your novels will end successfully, but there won’t be any big disappointments. In addition, the Year of the Dog is well suited for marriage. The first half of the year is the best time for the ceremony, while a wedding in September, October and December will bring bad luck. If you plan to connect your life with Sagittarius, forget about cheating. The future spouse will not forgive betrayal and may even take revenge. By avoiding affairs on the side, you will maintain strong relationships that will fill your life with bright impressions.

Health horoscope for 2018

Your weak point is the musculoskeletal system. During the cold season, you risk catching the flu. Don’t turn a blind eye to the problem by postponing a visit to the doctor and numbing the pain with pills. A common cold will develop into a serious disease of the kidneys, pancreas or lymph nodes. You risk ending up in the hospital! To avoid such an ending, undergo a routine examination and consult a doctor at the first signs of illness.

Visit your doctor in a timely manner so that the disease does not become chronic.

Money horoscope for 2018

Sagittarius will enter the new year with a high position and a solid salary. But unsuccessful financial transactions and illnesses will hit his wallet. The representative of the sign will have to borrow. To return the borrowed money, Sagittarius will agree to do additional work. He will devote evenings and weekends to her. Relatives will also help. By December, you will have paid off some of your creditors and will celebrate the next New Year in a good mood.

The coming 2018 for Sagittarius promises to be full of calm and tranquility. But not everything is so simple for them, because their element is Fire. At all times, Sagittarius tried to live every second of their lives so as not to regret the wasted time later.

In the year of the Yellow Dog you can expect a lot of positive events and news, everything seems to be going the way you need it. Despite such a positive forecast, not entirely positive situations are quite possible.

For example, you may find yourself in a bad situation, but only through your own fault. Still, Sagittarius is not ready to just let go of everything and go with the flow; it is not easy for them to notice that everything that has been happening lately is only beneficial and helps to move on.

Sagittarius is drawn to places where there are always some scandals, constant movements and emotions. You want to escape at night with a group of friends and just take a walk; any adventures attract representatives of the fire element. Only in such an environment do they feel in their place.

All this is quite real, but sometimes there are problems that do not allow you to relax. Don't worry, everything can be solved. First, you should understand yourself and understand that the New Year has come and the time has come for change. You need to be prepared for a different period of life and try to adapt to any events.

Another question is whether someone should change themselves in order to feel happy again? Most often, Sagittarius can be happy only in one case - when you live to the fullest.

What do you need to decide?

It is quite possible to become a different person, but is this the cause of unhappiness? You need to try to answer these questions for yourself and understand what you really want? We are sure that you will cope with this task quickly, so we wish all Sagittarius success in this matter, understand what exactly is your meaning in life, find your path to success and live the way you have dreamed for many years.

For people born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius, the coming 2018 will go quite well, they will gradually move forward, slowly, but most importantly, towards success. You don't have to go out of your way to achieve this. And all because there is no specific dependence on how much time you will spend at work and how much time relaxing at home.

Sagittarians are not attracted to too sudden movements from one point to another. In 2018, there are a lot of opportunities waiting for you that can be realized, but the fact is that circumstances will not always be on your side. So be prepared to work hard to get a good result.

What changes await Sagittarius in 2018?

In general, a pretty good year is expected, it all depends on your worldview. Which events are good and which are not so good, only Sagittarius themselves can decide. Each person sees everything that happens in his own way, because everything in this world is relative.

The main thing that Sagittarius should remember is that there is no need to be afraid of any innovations, everything that is done is all for the better, believe me. Even if something happens that can greatly disturb, this does not mean at all that in some way the event will affect Sagittarius themselves.

In 2018, representatives of the Sagittarius sign can often struggle with all their problems alone. This should not affect your condition or work in any way. Do not feel sorry for yourself under any circumstances and do not allow others to do so. You cannot doubt your strengths, otherwise what is happening may turn against Sagittarius and develop in a negative direction.

No matter what happens in the life of a Sagittarius, do not lose confidence in yourself. Like other signs of the Zodiac, you could use some rest, which you shouldn’t get too carried away with, because you need to act and move forward, but what is the purpose of living at all?

In the year of the Yellow Dog, it is very good to think about moving, the only thing you should not forget is that you should not make such important decisions alone, seek advice from your family. Relatives will most likely support this idea and help resolve this issue.

Sagittarius' decisions will be very important in many areas, they are very ambitious and active. But in terms of family, no changes are expected; your family is quite accustomed to your character and will not be against some changes.

Sometimes representatives of the fire element may have the feeling that one of their ideas may be quite successful and begin to bear fruit. In such a situation, the main thing is to act thoughtfully; if you have any doubts, it is better not to rush. Ask for an outside opinion, because sometimes our desires and feelings may not be 100% right.

Sagittarius career in 2018

In the field of career and business, the year of the Yellow Dog will bring success to Sagittarius, if only you are ready to take responsibility for the consequences. For example, one of your subordinates does not lead a very decent lifestyle outside the office, which almost everyone knows about. But on the other hand, he is one of the best workers and valuable employees.

You can leave it in its place without caring about the opinions of others. If you are not at all happy with this state of affairs, you can fire this person and look for another employee. The choice is yours.

And there may be many similar cases, be prepared to make a decision and take responsibility for it, although sometimes it is not so easy, in the future it can bring more benefits than if you leave everything in its place without changes.

Financially, there won’t be any special problems, quite the contrary. Finally, it will be possible to buy what you have been thinking about for a long time. But don’t forget about your well-being, because you may not notice how your health will deteriorate. It is better to check your health status for prevention and not worry about it.

Sagittarius relationships in 2018

It's a great time to start changing for the better yourself. Just don’t make decisions in important areas rashly, you may regret it later. Seek advice from family and friends.

After all, Sagittarius played an important role in their lives, and do not refuse to help them further. This, of course, is no less serious and responsible matter, but they treat you exactly the same.

What will the 2018 horoscope tell you about for Sagittarius? What will be the main thing this year: love or financial well-being? And what should you do to avoid missing out on luck?

Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog

In 2018, the fate of every person will be controlled by the Yellow Dog. What does the horoscope for 2018 have in store for the active and restless Sagittarius? Will the Dog be favorable to representatives of this sign?

Despite the fact that the Dog looks very cautiously at all representatives of the fire element, it will be very kind to Sagittarius. She will give him a lot of opportunities to change his life for the better. H then Sagittarius needs to change in 2018: Sagittarius will only have to not be lazy and not abuse their luck.

The horoscope for 2018 says that until spring, Sagittarius will work tirelessly. Many will be surprised to realize that they can become excellent businessmen. Money will be given to Sagittarius with such ease that they will have a desire to spend a lot and uncontrollably. But this cannot always be the case, so the horoscope advises you to be more economical and manage your finances wisely: transfer part of it to the bank or invest it in a profitable business.

In mid-spring 2018, the horoscope promises Sagittarius a lot of love. That's why it's spring, to give people fresh feelings, lightness and joy. Family Sagittarians will want to go on a short vacation with their spouses, and single representatives of the sign will be able to meet their soulmate. It doesn’t matter where this happens: at a holiday, at work or among friends. The main thing is that two hearts in love will find each other and be happy together.

According to the horoscope for 2018, in the summer Sagittarius will want to change a lot of things that surround him. Such is his fickle nature. He suddenly decides to make repairs, update his appearance or completely change his wardrobe. Changes are always for the better, and if they also bring you pleasure, go for it!

However, in his desire to redo everything, Sagittarius will not limit himself to shopping and repairs. His soul will require new hobbies. If you believe the horoscope, in the fall of 2018 Sagittarius will have a lot of interesting meetings and acquaintances. Sagittarius will begin to try their hand at areas in which they have not shown themselves before. They can start learning to dance or play the flute, take up some kind of sport, or go to study to become a stylist. At the same time, they will work hard, take part-time jobs, meet with friends and pay enough attention to loved ones. They have enough energy and time for everything.

If we talk about the end of the year, then closer to winter the horoscope will bring peace to Sagittarius. They will be a little tired of their hectic life and will want to evaluate the fruits of their labors as if from the outside. In November and December, Sagittarius will spend more time at home. Most of them will celebrate New Year's Eve in a cozy family nest.

In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, Sagittarius will have to leave their comfort zone. They will stop going with the flow and change their lives for the better. After several years of stagnation, there will be a chance to achieve success in your career. It's time to decide on drastic changes without compromising your well-being. In 2018, the horoscope foretells that unexpected discoveries await this sign, acquaintance with new teachings, countries and people.

General horoscope for 2018 for Sagittarius

For many Sagittarius people, a housing problem has been brewing lately, and just in 2018 the opportunity to change their place of residence arises. It is possible to move to another city or abroad. It’s a pity, but during this period conflicts with relatives may arise, so it’s worth making concessions more often and showing loyalty.

Offers for highly paid jobs will pour in on Sagittarius from all sides, and the desire for research will force them to travel or learn a new profession.

Throughout the year, Sagittarius will be in high spirits and will steadfastly endure any changes. A sense of humor and a philosophical outlook on life will help save a dozen nerve cells.

Any endeavors in Sagittarius's career will be positive and profitable.

This is a very active period. We can say that the starting point of a new life begins in 2018. Representatives of this sign will never be the same again: they will want to pay attention to spiritual issues rather than material wealth. They can immerse themselves in science, religion or creativity. Sagittarius will easily find followers. He already has an urgent need to share his knowledge with others, and in the new period of his life he will be able to realize his plans.

Love astrological forecast

Changes are expected in love. In my personal life, the last 2-3 years have been full of uncertainty. Astrologers advise: you should not hold on to old burdensome relationships that have already exhausted themselves. The moment has come when Sagittarius realizes that he is no longer satisfied with the sluggish state of affairs, that it is not his person who is nearby. They will give their partner another chance, but if there is no improvement, they will decisively break off the relationship.

The opposite scenario is also possible. Happy married Sagittarians may have their first child or another baby. The symbol of the year favors the birth of offspring. Harmony will be restored in the house. A family business will help unite spouses. Vasilisa Volodina also predicts the appearance of a baby in the house or news of pregnancy.


If you want to maintain trust in your family or relationship with your loved one, you will have to balance on the line between work and love.

The fire sign of the zodiac can expect financial receipts from unusual sources. For example, Sagittarius will unexpectedly receive an inheritance or win the lottery. A short-term part-time job can develop into a permanent source of income and bring considerable profit. The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog is successful in material terms. Even the most inactive representatives of the sign will improve their financial situation. They will benefit from literally everything, attracting money in incredible quantities.

You will be able to save a good amount for a rainy day. Although finances themselves flow into the hands of Sagittarius, the benefits should be managed wisely, otherwise there is a chance of becoming bankrupt. Easy money can soon slip away from your hands if you behave carelessly.

Work, career, business

In the summer, Sagittarius will be able to change their field of activity. Even if representatives of this sign have worked at the same job for decades, there is a chance to change their profession and achieve success in a new business. A person will appear in life who will offer you an important contract. Cooperation with a new partner will be long-term and profitable.

Be sure to find a new hobby, preferably one that is active

Conflicts with superiors are possible, but even this will be beneficial. Firstly, there will be an opportunity to express accumulated dissatisfaction. Secondly, even serious conflicts and dismissal will not overshadow the life of Sagittarius, since he will soon find himself in another profession. In this case, the new job may not be related to the previous field of activity at all.


In the Year of the Dog, chronic diseases worsen. You may need to urgently undergo a course of therapy. In terms of health, this period is not the most favorable for Sagittarius, but timely medical intervention will quickly get you back on your feet. You should not refuse experimental treatment or emergency care. After undergoing therapy, this sign will return to duty with a new charge of vigor.

Horoscope for 2018 for Sagittarius women

Single women will meet their ideal this year. It could even be an old friend whom Sagittarius has not paid attention to before. Women of this sign right now lack stability in their personal lives. An admirer, who can move from the category of boyfriend to the category of spouse, will help you find ground under your feet.

The ability to quickly dissolve old oppressive relationships will come in handy this year

Advancement awaits in your career. The shooter will finally be appreciated and promoted. It is also possible to open your own business, perhaps a family one. Married people should think about having a child. If the birth of children has been postponed all the time, then this time all obstacles disappear.

What awaits men

If Sagittarius has long wanted to change his field of activity, then this year even the most incredible plans will come true. Men of this sign will be firm and unbending. Due to the reluctance to compromise, quarrels with superiors are not excluded. A hot-tempered Sagittarius can leave, slamming the door, but this will not harm his career at all, because a man of this sign has long been thinking about changing his activity.

A new job will help overcome a breakup with a loved one, and help men over 30 cope with a midlife crisis.

Horoscope for all signs of the eastern calendar

Each sign of the Chinese horoscope is endowed with its own skills, as well as weaknesses, so it is worth taking into account the year of birth of Sagittarius.

Sagittarius-Rat (Mouse)

During this period, rats will be able to put aside a good amount for a rainy day.

There will be qualitative changes in the business sphere. You may have to leave the field where Rats worked for 10–20 years. You will need to look for a new job due to a change of residence. Rats will be very dynamic and will reach heights in their careers even in a new place. And they will have so many suitors that there is every chance of reaching the registry office.


This year marks the end of the dull stability. A Sagittarius born in the year of the Ox will make an incredible leap in his career. Even if a person was a nobody, he will become successful and famous. Bulls will feel a surge of optimism and believe in themselves. A woman will find a wealthy life partner. The financial situation will be excellent.


Tigers will be incredibly impulsive. This is a very emotional year. Conflicts with superiors and disagreements with loved ones are possible. The Tiger will have to control his outbursts of anger so as not to destroy relationships with people. But thanks to their emotionality, Tigers will interest the opposite sex and become incredibly popular.

Sagittarius-Rabbit (Cat)

This year there is a great chance for Cats to have a fun wedding and become a happy family man.

Cats will be able to cope with their nervousness. It will be a very quiet year. Even changes in their career and personal life will not make them angry. Your life partner should appreciate such moments and not awaken the beast in the Rabbit. Even if he maintains his composure, he will mentally record every injection directed at him, and later he will definitely remember and take revenge on the offender.


After the tension of recent years, calm will come. Failures have tempered the Dragon. He will succeed in everything. Dragons will react calmly to failures and interference. They will treat everything with equanimity and take any change for granted. They will be glad to have new experience in any field. Significant changes will occur in work activity only if the Dragon himself makes a lot of effort.


Snakes will be able to establish connections with relatives from whom they were separated by a long-standing conflict. It may not be possible to achieve harmony with your relatives, but you will be able to maintain neutral relations. In terms of friendship, this is a very favorable year. Snakes will make many new acquaintances. Old friends will return to life.


A year of career and endeavors. Many interesting projects will appear. The horse can even completely go into creativity, saying goodbye to ordinary “earthly” work. This is a year of dramatic changes. Horses can quickly divorce a disgusted spouse and go to a person close in spirit. They will not regret their decision for a minute.

Sagittarius-Sheep (Goat)

Sagittarius-Goats are recommended to fill gaps in education or attend new courses - you will need these skills more than once

The Goat will have to show all its pragmatism in 2018. The time for frivolity is over. Any issue will have to be treated responsibly. If previously the Goat easily resolved any issues, then this year someone’s help will be needed. The Sheep will seek advice, which is unusual for her. Without outside help it will not be possible to resolve a difficult situation.


A year of communications and networking. Expected to work for a larger company. Monkeys will find new allies who will support any ideas. It will be possible to bring a successful project to life. The year promises to be bright, filled with interesting emotions. Friends will suddenly repay their debts. Everyone will show interest in the Monkey and want her attention.


A year of speed. After the terrible failure of 2017, the Rooster is expected to undergo rehabilitation. Close people who previously neglected his opinion will pay attention to him. Support and promotion are expected from superiors. The Rooster will feel an incredible surge of strength this year and will surprise everyone with his efficiency and vitality. Dark thoughts will no longer visit him.


A year of dramatic changes, building new strategies and living from scratch. Divorced people will find a new life partner. The dog will fully reveal itself as a personality. Now is the opportune time to make yourself known. Don’t be afraid to take initiative in work and personal relationships - the Dog will be lucky in everything.

Sagittarius-Pig (Boar)

The horoscope advises Pigs to patiently endure minor conflicts with their spouse, you know how to do this

The boar will be the center of attention. He will complete everything. For Pig, the whole year will be a period of extremes. He will move up the career ladder or abruptly quit and go to another professional field. A relationship may suddenly break up or, conversely, strengthen the union with the birth of a child.

Overall, 2018 is not a bad year for Sagittarius. Never before has this sign felt such a thirst for change, such a desire for knowledge and a desire to put things in order in their personal life. Everything that Sagittarius undertakes will work out. Many new friends will appear. Contacts with old friends will be restored. You will be especially lucky in the financial sector.

Sagittarius birth dates: 23.11 - 21.12

Ruling planet of Sagittarius: Jupiter.

Sagittarius element: Fire.

Sagittarius symbols: centaur archer, stars, wands.

Happy Sagittarius Day: Thursday.

Unlucky Sagittarius day: Wednesday.

Sagittarius Metal: zinc, tin, tin.

Sagittarius Gemstone: turquoise.

Sagittarius plant: birch.

Sagittarius Numerology: number 6.

The most inspiring color of Sagittarius: blue and red.

Opposite sign of Sagittarius: Twins

The main problem for Sagittarius in 2018 will be their desire to solve everything at once, setting themselves an impossible task in the form of many goals. The Mistress of the Year will make them torn under the yoke of a huge number of desires and ideas that representatives of the sign will want to solve at the same time. Sagittarius will think that their activities and positive attitude will allow them to move mountains, but such a feeling will not be true. Moreover, this feeling can seriously complicate the life of representatives of the sign.

In 2018, everything will not be as simple as it seems. In order to rise to the pinnacle of success and prosperity, to solve many problems, sacrifices will have to be made. They will need to choose truly worthy and worthwhile goals, and concentrate on achieving them, rather than being busy with many small tasks. Representatives of the sign will have to choose one thing, and not chase several birds with one stone at the same time.

In 2018, Sagittarius will be forced to be torn between work and family relationships, to choose between fame and selflessness. This will make its own adjustments to the life of the representatives of the sign and will interfere with purposeful development and building relationships. The first half of the year will be especially difficult in this regard, so it is worth listening to the advice of the heavenly bodies, who recommend Sagittarius to come to terms with the circumstances, even if they are very unsatisfactory. With the right behavior, the ability to give in, to find a compromise, circumstances will have to come to terms with the plans and intentions of the “archers”.

In the year of the Dog, Sagittarius will have to devote enough time to the family, taking care of children and parents. This may not have the most favorable effect on the professional sphere and create an obstacle to conquering the next peaks. Some representatives of the sign are so consumed by family problems that they may even sacrifice tempting job offers. But despite this, Sagittarius will continue to fulfill their filial and parental duties. As a result, family relationships will become stronger and more trusting, and gratitude from loved ones will not take long to arrive. Relatives will always support Sagittarius, lending their shoulder even in those situations when it seems that the whole world is going against them.

The year is ideal for improving health, increasing immunity and vitality. To do this, Sagittarius must provide themselves with adequate rest, establish proper nutrition, and lead an active lifestyle. The stars are favorable to surgical intervention in 2018; all operations will be successful and without unpleasant consequences.

Work for Sagittarius in 2018

At the beginning of the year, representatives of the sign should prepare for the fact that their colleagues and partners will show some unpredictability in their actions. This will manifest itself in a constant change of plans and intentions, which will certainly affect the work process and relationships in the team. These people will create confusion and add complexity, but most representatives of the sign will not be able to influence or change the situation in any way. The fact is that Sagittarius will be highly dependent on their partners or colleagues.

In addition, there is a possibility that people who recently supported Sagittarius will themselves begin to ask them for help under the weight of problems that have piled up. Representatives of the sign will not refuse help, doing it according to their strengths and capabilities. All these situations will not have the most favorable effect on the course of affairs; it is possible that in the first half of the year there will be serious stagnation in the activities of Sagittarius.

Only in the second half of the year will representatives of the sign be able to get things moving. The stars promise representatives of the sign a fairly busy and active period in the second half of the year; they can well count on things getting better in their work and career. The second half of the year will be a period of success and professional breakthrough, which will begin in mid-summer and continue into the next year.

Success and good profits in the second half of the year are not all good news. The stars will also favor foreign affairs, Sagittarius will have useful connections and acquaintances, cooperation with foreign partners promises to be profitable and promising.

Financial horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018

In the first half of the year, the financial situation of Sagittarius will leave much to be desired. The instability of the financial sphere will be explained by difficulties in work and business, because at the beginning of the year, for representatives of the sign, everything will not go at all the way they wanted it.

From the very beginning of 2018, representatives of the sign will be in a fever from a lack of funds, expected and unexpected expenses will begin to pour in from all sides. All this will not have the most favorable impact on, and will seriously unsettle them. The funds that representatives of the sign will receive will be enough only for the most necessary expenses, for life, for family needs. It is possible that investments will be needed in the interests of children, close relatives and friends. Sagittarius will have to carefully monitor expenses, keeping expenses to a minimum.

The financial situation will develop in the second half of the year. Sagittarius can count on new income during this period. The financial situation will become stable, and an increase in cash receipts will be noted. This will happen largely due to the normalization of the situation in the professional sphere. New projects and profitable cooperation will allow representatives of the sign to receive good income. Some representatives of the sign will be able to find a new job that will allow them not only to stabilize their financial situation, but also to enjoy doing what they like and enjoy.

Love horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018

2018 will not bring Sagittarius the most positive emotions in the love sphere; a rather ambiguous situation will reign in their personal lives. There is a possibility that most of the representatives of the sign will desperately try to find sincerity. It may only initially seem that the relationship in a couple is ideal and serene. However, the representatives of the sign themselves will not be left with the thought that they are deprived of attention.

They may feel that their romantic partner is no longer as close, but is still needed. Such trials can continue throughout the year, even if representatives of the sign meet a new person, and they will not be ready to part with the old relationship. But they will have to make a choice; Sagittarius will be able to finally decide on a partner only by the end of the year.

Sagittarians who are married will be forced to face discord in family relationships and lack of attention; misunderstandings will only be resolved by the summer. Sagittarius and his significant other will be able to come to an agreement by discussing all pressing problems and resolving all issues in the relationship. In order to save the family, the stars advise Sagittarius to be more attentive to their soulmate, they need to try to understand their partner, and in some situations, just be patient. The unpleasant period will definitely end, but only if Sagittarius is alone, then he faces long-term depression.

The year provides single Sagittarius with an excellent opportunity to make new interesting acquaintances. Representatives of the sign will become especially active by the end of the year; they will provoke the opposite sex in every possible way and take any action to get attention. Even if Sagittarius does not manage to build a relationship, then without a doubt they will have a great time in a pleasant company, positively and cheerfully.