How to care for a dog: basic principles of care. Guide to caring for a dog in the first days

It will take time for the puppy to get used to the new place. He needs to figure out what is dangerous and what things do not pose a threat to life and health. You must help him with this. Your initial task is not to allow what will later be prohibited. It’s easier to do it right away than to wean it off later.

There are also a few basic rules to follow

Your dog must have its own place in the house. Some dog breeders have a negative attitude towards the crate. But the cage is an ideal option for a “dog apartment”. If space allows, it is better to purchase a cage yourself big size. You can place a bowl of water, a lounger, and toys there. And in childhood there is enough space for a “toilet”. Dogs love cages or enclosures, where they can hide from the hustle and bustle of the world and excessive children's affection.

You need to feed your dog properly, not food from the table. She may have intolerance to spices and other ingredients. It is better to use special food that a veterinarian will help you choose. If you want your dog to live a long and healthy life, do not feed him cheap, economy-class food. These foods contain very little useful substances and the dog needs to eat much more cheap food than more high class. As a result, you will not save money, and the dog will not benefit.

WITH early age train and educate your dog. In this matter, it is better not to engage in amateur activities, but to turn to an experienced instructor. Every dog ​​requires individual approach, the instructor will help you determine which one.

The dog needs to be walked. You need to get used to this immediately after you have vaccinated her. Until then, it is better to keep the dog at home. Walking is very beneficial for both your dog's health and yours.

You need to brush your pet's teeth regularly. This procedure is not very good, so you need to get used to it gradually, starting with once a week. Then you need to brush your teeth daily. You need to clean it with a special brush, which you can easily buy in pet stores.

The dog needs to be bathed at least once every six months. Can only be used special means for dogs.

The dog must be surrounded with care, attention and love. You need to play with her, talk to her.

Puppies love to chew on everything, so make sure they don't get in his way dangerous items, small rags, coins, medicines. Get rid of plants that are poisonous to dogs.

To ensure that your puppy has no time to spoil things and furniture, buy several special toys for him. Dogs love stringy bones. They are inexpensive and good for both teeth and mood.

  • Peculiarities of the breed: intensity of drooling, shedding, aggressiveness, life expectancy, common diseases.
  • Mode daily activity and sleep. This information will help you organically fit new worries into your schedule and not leave your dog unattended.
  • The conditions in which the dog was kept before coming to you. Long stay a puppy without contact with people, cruel treatment, early separation from its mother - all this can damage the dog’s psyche and cause a lot of problems.
  • Recommendations about nutrition. Find out whether it's worth buying food or whether it's better to stick with homemade food, how to determine the serving size, whether you need to add vitamins.

Do I need to buy anything in advance besides food?

There are a few essentials you need to purchase:

  • leash;
  • collar with identification tag;
  • bed;
  • tray;
  • toys;
  • treats;
  • bowls for food and water;
  • cage, enclosure or fence.

You also need to determine and equip a space for your pet in advance.

How to arrange a space for a pet and why should you do it?

At first, it is important to limit the puppy’s movements around the house, so choose a clean place and enclose it with an enclosure or fence. Place the purchased items inside the fence: a bed, a toilet, bowls of food and water, toys.

All small sharp objects, poisonous and hazardous substances must be kept out of reach of the pet.

To avoid taking it out on the animal later, remove in advance all valuable and fragile things that the puppy could ruin.

And to prevent other members of your family from harboring resentment, discuss the appearance of a pet with them in advance.

Why have any explanatory conversations with relatives?

If you are getting a dog on your own initiative, discuss in advance all possible hassles and inconveniences: loud barking during rest, partial damage furniture and shoes and other troubles.

If you get a pet together, distribute responsibilities. Who will feed the dog, with whom the dog will walk in the mornings and evenings, who will clean his place. Make sure everyone agrees on their responsibilities.

Everything was settled with everyone. Now how to bring the dog home?

If you are transporting a dog in a car, you should not let it roam freely around the cabin - this is dangerous for both the pet and you.

There are several options for safely transporting your pet:

  • harness with fastening or special seat belts for dogs;
  • in a bag on the passenger's lap;
  • in a dog carrier secured with straps to the seat.

Some dogs feel sick while riding in a car, especially if they are not used to it. Therefore, drive slowly and carefully, choose streets rather than highways, and try to avoid shaking the car as much as possible.

If you have a long trip ahead, make stops every three hours to give your dog a drink, allow him to stretch and burn off any pent-up energy.

You can open the window a little to allow fresh air to circulate throughout the car. But you shouldn’t open the windows wide: the dog may try to jump out of a moving car, even on a harness.

When you get home, take the puppy to the area prepared for him so that he can recover from the trip and begin to get used to the house in a calm environment.

How can I help my pet in the first days in a new place?

  • Show your dog the space you have prepared for him. At first, the pet should remain in its place - encourage the dog with treats, interest the dog in toys, show where the dog bed is.
  • Show where the toilet is. Place the puppy in the litter box and wait for him to do his business. Be patient and take your pet to the toilet more often at first. This will help him quickly remember where to relieve himself.
  • Take a tour of the house. Once the puppy gets used to his place, you can introduce him to the rest of the house. If the dog tries to go to the toilet in in the wrong place, stop him with a stern “no” and immediately take him to a place designated for the toilet.
  • Protect your dog from stress: noisy gatherings, increased attention from people or other animals.

How then to introduce a puppy to a new family?

  • You need to start getting to know family members gradually - one person at a time.
  • Before introducing the puppy to children, remind them that you should not shout loudly in front of the dog, do not squeeze it or grab it roughly.
  • If you already have dogs or other animals, do not leave them alone with your new pet until they get used to each other.
  • Be sure to give the dog time to independently explore the territory, let him be alone for some time, in peace and quiet.

And don’t worry if the puppy doesn’t rejoice at your arrival from the first days, doesn’t show friendliness and playfulness. A sudden change in environment is stressful for the puppy, and it takes time for him to get used to it.

How long will it take him to get used to it? How can I help him?

Each dog has its own character and temperament, which affect behavior and adaptation times. For one dog, a day is enough, for another it will take at least a month to get used to and love their new owners.

You, in turn, can speed up the addiction a little.

  • Show care and love, do not leave the puppy alone. For example, you could bring him home on Friday and stay together all weekend.
  • Do not scold or punish the puppy under any circumstances in the first days. He simply cannot do something “out of spite,” most likely you are to blame for his faults.
  • Protect him from stress and shock, play more often. Once the puppy gets used to you and feels safe, he will begin to show his love.

Be wise and patient. A dog is for a long time, but its love and devotion are forever.

Are you thinking of getting a dog at home? Dogs are loyal and loving friends and, as a rule, they give us much more than we give them. However, in order for them to feel good and healthy, they need good care. If you are considering bringing a dog into your home, there is a lot to take into account to ensure a long and healthy relationship.


Part 1

Preparations before you adopt a dog

    Make your home dog safe. While many things may seem harmless to your dog or something you might not expect him to be interested in, it is still best to keep small objects and human toys off the floor, out of reach of your dog, where he will spend time.

    Determine the dog's habitat. Before you bring your dog home, the first thing you should do is decide where he will spend his time. Think about what areas of the house the dog will be allowed access to and what areas will be off-limits. These rules should be established from the very beginning to avoid confusion.

    Buy everything your dog needs. Your dog will already have a few things, but you'll need a properly sized collar, leash, and a couple of toys to get started. In addition, you will need cups for food and water, and the food itself.

    Part 2

    Meeting your dog's basic needs
    1. Buy food that contains high quality ingredients. You can also prepare your own dog food. Do not feed your dog large amounts of sugar, fried foods, or other people treats. This will harm your dog's health over time. NEVER give your dog chocolate.

      • As a general rule, large breed dogs should be fed puppy formula until they are one year of age. large breeds. They should then be switched to an adult diet until they reach six years of age, at which point the diet changes to senior dog food. Small and medium breeds should be fed puppy formula until approximately one year of age, then switch to an adult diet.
    2. Feed your dog on a schedule. U different dogs different needs when it comes to food. If the dog is within one year of age, it needs several meals a day. For most dogs around six months of age, you can reduce the amount to twice a day. As dogs age, it is considered normal to eat only once a day as they become less active.

      • Try to feed your dog at the same time every day. This will help your dog recognize meal times and help you understand how much your dog is eating. This is very important if you are trying to train your dog to beg, if there is a decrease in appetite and to prevent obesity.
    3. Monitor your dog's appetite and eating habits. Should be measured required quantity food so you can estimate how much your dog is eating. Let your dog eat for 10-15 minutes and then remove the cup until next appointment food. If she didn't eat all the food this time, she will be hungrier and more likely to empty the cup at the next feeding.

      Make sure water is available at all times. It is important to keep your dog's cup filled with fresh water at all times. Dogs need to drink when they are thirsty and there is no harm if they drink as much as they want. You can add a few ice cubes to the water to keep it nice and cold in hot weather.

      Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise. To feel good and be healthy, dogs need the opportunity to frolic, run and play. In general, take your dog for at least one 30-minute walk during the day, although this may not be enough for a highly active dog.

      Part 3

      Keeping Your Dog Healthy
      1. Maintain hygiene and appearance your dog. Different breeds Dogs require a different approach to caring for their appearance. In general, dogs need to be brushed once a week or so to help them shed. Long-haired dogs need more frequent brushing to keep their coat from tangling and may require regular trimming. Some breeds get hot in the summer and feel better shaved when it starts to warm up outside. Determine what type of regular dog grooming and nail care routine will work best for your pet.

        • While combing, check for fleas and ticks and remove them using a special comb. May need quality drug on flea prevention from your veterinarian.
      2. Bathe your dog every two weeks. Dogs don't need to shower as often as humans, but when there is an odor or they've been rolled around in dirt and other debris, they definitely need to be bathed. Try to use warm water and a natural, gentle shampoo designed specifically for dogs that won't irritate their skin.

        Make sure your dog receives routine veterinary care. Regular veterinary examinations will help prevent and identify problems in time. Routine visits to the veterinarian include a physical examination, a fecal test, and a heartworm test. In addition, your veterinarian may recommend blood tests to look for underlying problems that have not yet been detected and are easier to treat if caught early.

        Consider spaying or neutering your dog. Sterilization and castration are procedures that prevent unwanted pregnancies, and help eliminate many health and behavioral problems. Neutering will help prevent testicular cancer, prostate problems, urine marking and sometimes aggressive behavior in males. Spayed bitches have a much lower incidence of mammary tumors and eliminate the possibility of infection. urinary tract and bladder cancer.

      3. Watch general condition dog health. Knowing your dog's eating patterns, activity levels, and weight will help you notice changes and make it easier to track your dog's health. Monitoring the frequency and pattern of bowel movements will help you notice any changes that indicate health problems. Regular examination of the mouth, teeth, eyes and ears helps identify problems as early as possible. You should check frequently for swelling and cuts. You should also watch for any changes in your dog's gait and movements.

        • Contact your veterinarian if you notice any changes from your dog's normal condition.

      Part 4

      Dog training
      1. Get your dog used to walking. When you bring little puppy or adult dog to your home, the first thing you need to do is teach her to relieve herself outside, and not indoors. By using correct technique You can train a dog of any age.

        • While you are teaching, there are several rules, following which will help in this process. Limit the areas to which the dog can have access so that you can watch closely for signs that he is about to go down and remove him immediately. Create a walking schedule that includes walking first thing in the morning, after meals, every time you get home, and right before bed.
        • Puppies need to be walked more often while they are young and can generally tolerate an hour more each month they get older.
        • Keeping your dog on a leash, even indoors, will allow you to watch him more closely while he's untrained. Also, when walking, keep her on a leash to train her to walk in designated areas and have peace of mind knowing that she has already gone.
        • To teach him to go to a specially designated place, you can use a word, for example, “go.” If you catch the moment when she starts doing this at home, tell her “you can’t”, take her outside and say “go.” Always praise her when she went where she was supposed to.
        • If by chance your dog goes to the toilet at home, be sure to thoroughly wash the area so that he doesn't want to go there again.
        • Never spank or scold your dog for going to the toilet at home. She will only become afraid of you.

Since time immemorial, the dog has been the most popular and beloved pet. These days there is a large number of various breeds dogs. When choosing a suitable four-legged friend, each person takes into account the size of the dog, its character and other indicators. Some people get a tiny Spitz, while others need a reliable watchdog, so the choice falls on the huge English Mastiff.

Dog in the house- this is always a big responsibility. Of course, no one can cancel funny Games outdoors, participation in competitions and exhibitions, hunting. However, the responsibility of caring for their pet falls primarily on the owner’s shoulders. Regardless of the characteristics of the breed, the animal requires daily comprehensive care. What activities does caring for a dog at home include?


Pets that most They live their lives within four walls and definitely need a daily walk. Duration of stay on fresh air mainly depends on the physical characteristics of the animal, that is, the larger the dog, the longer it needs to be walked, allowing it to use up its accumulated energy reserve. Small puppies are initially taken out for 10-15 minutes several times a day. Large adult dogs can be walked for more than an hour a day.

Inclement weather should not be a deterrent, because it good workout for immunity. It should be noted that a crowded area is not the best the best place for walking especially large dogs. If there is no other way out, then the dog must be muzzled and kept on a leash. It is recommended to combine a walk with training. On an open lawn, while playing with your pet, you can simultaneously teach him various commands. The frequency and timing of walks are, of course, directly related to the owner’s life schedule, but it is better that a certain time is allocated for them.

Feeding rules

Instead of natural products , your pet can be given premium dry food. High-quality and balanced food fully provides the animal with everything essential vitamins and microelements, however, its constant use as the main source of food can lead to allergies, which in dogs are often severe.

The dog is given water without restrictions. The animal must have constant access to clean drinking water.

How to care for a dog: maintaining hygiene


You need to monitor the condition of your pet's coat from puppyhood. Small dogs are combed and bathed with care, since their skin is still quite sensitive and thin.

Dogs who live in a city apartment or private house shed almost all year round. This is due to temperature changes, because at home, unlike outside, the air is always warm and dry.

Depending on the type of wool, the frequency of the combing procedure depends. It is much easier to treat the hair of short-haired and smooth-haired dogs. Wool treatment is carried out 3-4 times a month, using a brush with hard natural bristles.

Cover care process long-haired dogs are more labor-intensive. Breeds such as Chow Chow, Briard, and St. Bernard require daily grooming using a comb or brush. The procedure allows you to clean the fur from dirt, remove the stratum corneum of the skin, remove lost hairs, and prevent fur from matting.

At the same time, brushing improves nutrition hair follicles, since massage occurs at the same time skin. Brushing the dog using special comb, having long, sparse and blunt teeth.

In those breeds that have a hard coat, as a rule, shedding is practically absent. Such dogs undergo trimming, that is, manual pinching, once every six months. Specialists give a certain shape to the coat, prescribed by the breed standard.

All pets react differently to bathing. Some perceive water procedures with delight, others look at the water with fear. However, the dog needs to be washed from time to time, especially if it was exposed to rain during a walk. Bath your pet in water whose temperature should not be lower than room temperature. The whole procedure takes about 10 minutes. You can buy some shampoo or conditioner at the pet store.

Before you start bathing your pet, you should check that there are no drafts in the room, since dogs are very sensitive to them.

Washing should not bring negative emotions to the animal. It is strictly forbidden to forcibly restrain a dog in the bathtub. It is important to calm an anxious animal and cheer it up by saying sweet words, and then water procedures reward with your favorite treat.

A dog with short hair is being wiped soft towel, and the long-haired one is dried with a hairdryer. In order not to spoil the wool, the device is not turned on at maximum power.

Eye care

Proper hair maintenance is far from the only issue regarding dog care. It is also important to carefully monitor the condition of the animal's eyes. A healthy pet's eyes will never be cloudy. If traces of purulent exudate are visible around the edges of the eyes, this means that an infection has entered the dog’s body. This may also indicate an allergy. Whatever it is, the pet needs to be shown urgently veterinarian. If the dog often walks in the places where it grows high grass, she should rinse eyeballs warm water or tea leaves. By rinsing, you can remove any pollen or plant seeds that accidentally get into your eyes.

Ear care

We must not forget about the ears. They need to be cleaned once a week. Pluck hair inside ears. If the ears are not very dirty, they are cleaned with a cotton swab, which is previously moistened in vegetable oil. Available in pet stores a wide range of all kinds of animal ear care products. They have a soft composition and are therefore suitable for daily use, which is extremely important for fold-eared breeds who are more susceptible to ear infections than others.

Dental care

Dog with bad teeth will not be able to chew food normally, which will certainly lead to digestive problems. To avoid the appearance of caries and tartar, the dog's teeth are regularly brushed using special tooth powder or paste. After polishing the teeth, wipe them with a soft cloth. It is useful for your pet to chew on a bone or any solid food. This natural cleansing from dental plaque and prevents the formation of carious cavities.

Nail care

Nails are trimmed at least once every two weeks. The operation must be carried out with extreme caution so as not to damage blood vessel, located in the cavity of the claw at the very base. Excess hair on the paws is trimmed to suit the dog's appearance. After each walk, the paws are inspected for various dirt and glass fragments.

If fresh asphalt, tar or other things stick to the dog’s paws Chemical substance, then they are cleaned of contamination by abundantly moistening vegetable oil or soap solution. In winter, roads are sprinkled with deicing agents that can corrode paw pads. Returning from a walk, thoroughly wash the paws with soapy water. IN summer period Simply wipe your paws with a dry, clean cloth.

Keeping your dog healthy

  • Vaccination. Any domestic dog V mandatory must be vaccinated against a group of diseases common in the area where it is kept. Specific information can be obtained by contacting a veterinary clinic immediately after the puppy has been purchased. Before sale, some puppies are vaccinated; the corresponding notes must be included in the documents received from the previous owner of the animal.
  • Sterilization and castration. If you do not plan to breed dogs, it is advisable to castrate males and sterilize females. It is necessary to deprive an animal of the ability to reproduce offspring when it reaches six months. It is not recommended to castrate male dogs older than one year, as the risk of serious complications increases.

A caring owner is aware of the importance of routine veterinary care. Without regular veterinary examinations, it is difficult to insure your dog against insidious diseases. A typical visit to the veterinary clinic includes: visual inspection animal, blood and urine tests, heartworm test. Besides, a specialist can recommend a number of additional tests that will help identify or prevent the development of a particular pathology.

Impeccable living conditions and care will increase your pet’s chances of life a hundredfold. long life no obvious problems. You need to look closely at the slightest changes in the pet's behavior. Noticing that the dog had become indifferent to his favorite toys, she appeared general apathy, loss of appetite, perhaps the animal is sick.

You should take his temperature by inserting the thermometer into anus. A healthy dog's body temperature should not exceed 39 degrees. A sudden rise in temperature indicates that the dog is sick.

However, some dangerous diseases occur at normal temperature, so you always need to focus on the dog’s behavior. Don’t be afraid to seem suspicious; it’s better to play it safe by showing healthy dog veterinarian rather than letting things take their course and then treating a whole bouquet complications.

Starting up as pet dog, it is important to understand that this is not only a friend, comrade, companion with whom you can play, talk, pour out your soul, but also an animal that requires constant care and proper care. How the owner takes care of his beloved pet depends on its health, disposition, life expectancy and many other factors. How to care for a dog? According to veterinarians, this is basic compliance with all hygiene standards and rules, maintenance proper diet, regular walking of the dog and timely observation by a veterinarian.

There are several types of coat and each pet requires a special approach:

  1. Dogs with long hair. If, spaniels, Scottish Sheepdogs and other long-haired breeds on a walk look like dogs from the covers of glossy magazines, this does not mean that the matter is only in the presence of long and silky hair. The beauty of the coat is the result of daily painstaking care. A wide-toothed wooden comb is perfect for these purposes. In order for your dog to have a neat appearance, you need to trim excess hair near the anus, between the toes and in the area of ​​the brow ridges.
  2. Smooth-haired breeds. Do not think that if you have a Staffordshire Terrier or a Staffordshire Terrier, then their coat does not require any care. Even such seemingly almost hairless breeds are prone to hair loss, which means that you need to help them get rid of their already worn-out fur. A rubber brush, or a brush like the one designed for cleaning clothes, is perfect for brushing. A suede cloth will help to add shine; after combing, you need to rub it over the fur in the direction of hair growth.
  3. Dogs with rough hair. This type of coat is most often found in dogs from the terrier and schnauzer families. It requires regular step-by-step care:
  • Combing - you will need two brushes, one with metal teeth, the other with bristles.
  • – use a clipper and scissors with rounded ends.
  • – plucking out bristles that have died.
  1. Dogs with medium wool . German, East European Shepherds, Alabais and Caucasians have fur middle length. This is the easiest option to care for, although it requires regular brushing. Required regular brush for combing and a “slicker” for removing undercoat during the shedding period.
  2. Curly pets. Poodles and some varieties of terriers have an undeniable advantage - they are not subject to shedding. However, wool still needs care. It is necessary to comb out frequently, otherwise the resulting tangles will have to be cut off. Dogs with this type of coat must be trimmed according to breed standards.
  3. Exotic wool. If you are lucky enough to be the owner of a pet with ropey fur, in places or completely absent, then in this case you will need to consult a breeder. Only a professional can give accurate recommendations.

Dog washing

Taking baths again directly depends on the quality of the wool.

Dogs with hair that tends to mat. These dogs require frequent bathing. Ideally, once every 7 days; once every 14 days is considered acceptable. During exhibitions, long-haired pets are bathed regularly before events. It is necessary to bathe such dogs completely, not limited to just their paws.

Hard to medium wool. Pets with coarse or medium-coarse hair are bathed once a month and this is quite enough. In order for a representative of the breed with a smooth back and a rather hairy face to look neat, it is necessary to use special balms and conditioners after washing.

Sometimes, to prevent the coat from being excessively fluffy and bristling, dry cleaning is used before exhibitions, which is carried out using a piece of cloth with a velvet surface and a brush. A rag will remove dirt and excess sebum, and the brush will get rid of dead hairs and... The same method is effective for grooming dogs with medium coats - German Shepherds, Alabai, etc.

Smooth-haired dogs. Smooth-haired pets (great Danes, dachshunds, etc.) do not require frequent washing, once or twice every three months is enough. It is also a good idea to periodically dry clean.

Walking the dog

All four-legged pets love to walk. They are attracted to new aromas, the opportunity to communicate with others like themselves, and a varied environment.

But it is always worth remembering that a dog’s behavior changes in new conditions. If at home the dog is the kindest, most flexible creature, then on the street he is often infused with the “spirit of freedom.” Therefore, it is recommended to be on a leash, especially for large representatives, and for fighting dogs - with a muzzle. In addition, the leash will protect the dog from dangers - moving cars, open wells, dog weddings.

It is enough to take the dog out twice a day - morning and evening. The exception is puppies and older pets; here you need to look at the situation. You can also take out pets of small breeds three times a day.

In the warm season, a walk should last at least 20 minutes to half an hour, but longer walks are also welcome. During the cold season, a dog’s stay outside (especially a smooth-haired one) can be reduced to 15 minutes. You should not take out a pet that has just eaten; you should wait a few hours. It is not recommended to walk your dog on playgrounds or the territory of child care institutions.

Useful articles:

Veterinarian examinations

After the puppy has been given all necessary vaccines, visit veterinary clinic becomes annual and as needed. Prevention can also be timed to coincide with the period of revaccinations.

An older animal requires more careful care and attention, and examinations should be carried out more often - once every 3 - 6 months.

Of course, many may think that similar events- it's a waste of money, however, early detection pathologies not only helps to avoid long, expensive treatment, but also often saves the pet’s life.

Proper nutrition

Its health depends on what you feed your dog. If the owner chooses ready-made feed(dry or wet), it is important to select high-quality products, preferably Holistic class. These feeds contain all useful micro- and macroelements, daily norm, in sufficient quantities of meat products, vegetables, herbs. Each package contains detailed instructions for use and composition.

But what if we're talking about about regular products food? Studies have shown that a healthy animal should receive 2/3 meat products and 1/3 vegetable. But you can give not only meat, but also all kinds of offal:

  • heart;
  • kidneys;
  • lung, etc.

Among the types of meat, everything is suitable except pork - beef, lamb, poultry, game, etc. Dogs can be given various trimmings, but without fat. Fish can also be included in the diet, but only sea fish and without bones.

Among herbal ingredients preference should be given to the following products:

  • oats, millet, buckwheat, bran, barley;
  • all vegetables except legumes and potatoes;
  • fruits other than grapes.

Bones can be included in the diet, but only large boiled ones and in small quantities.

When preparing, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • Meat and offal require mandatory heat treatment.
  • You need to cut them into small pieces, or grind them in a meat grinder.
  • The broth obtained during cooking is also given to the pet.
  • Cereals - oats, barley, etc. must be soaked in cold water before cooking.
  • It is better to give vegetables raw, grated or finely chopped.

What is contraindicated for a dog:

  • Do not give cabbage or vegetable tops;
  • food should be warm and have a mushy consistency;
  • You should not give bones to puppies under one year old;
  • the fish should be completely cleaned, removing not only the bones, but also all fins.

Thus, a balanced diet will help strengthen, maintain and maintain the health of your beloved animal. Following everyone simple rules and the veterinarian’s recommendations, the dog will grow up active, mobile and healthy.