Medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of stevia. History and purpose. Research on stevia and its effects on the body

Hello, dear readers! Stevia in Lately It is becoming more and more a popular food product. Those people who know about it actively use it in their diet. But, as I was able to verify, when communicating with my friends, many people have a question: what is stevia and what benefits does it have for the body? Therefore, I decided to talk about this in my article.

What is stevia?

Stevia, or, as it is also called, honey herb, is a perennial herbaceous plant with white (or white-cream) small flowers collected in complex inflorescences (baskets), and paired leaves framed by jagged edges. Outwardly, it looks like a branched bush that can reach a height of up to eighty centimeters. The birthplace of this herb is considered South America.

But it is the leaves that attract attention, which are several tens of times sweeter than sugar. Centuries-old history indicates that people have been adding this part of the plant to tea since ancient times and serving the drink as a sweet treat.

In 1931, after research, French chemists and pharmacists M. Bridel and R. Lavey obtained from stevia leaves crystalline substances(glycosides), which gave them an amazing sweet taste. Subsequently, these glycosides were called steviosides. They turned out to be significantly sweeter than sugar.

In 1934, returning from an expedition to Latin America, academician Vavilov N.I. brought stevia to the USSR. When studying of this plant They identified numerous properties beneficial to humans.

As you know, the Japanese pay Special attention regarding their health and are very practical people. In 1954, they showed serious interest in honey grass, and this was due to the fact that in Japan sugar was considered to be the culprit of tooth decay, obesity and diabetes. Currently, this country leads in the consumption of food products with stevia.

According to the results scientific research It has been established that stevia is natural sweetener, has “zero” calories, despite the fact that taste qualities it exceeds sugar three hundred times.

Composition of nutrients

The leaves of this unique plant contain quite a significant amount of useful components.

  • vitamins A, C, E and group B, which are actively involved in metabolic processes body;
  • rutin (vitamin P), which strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • glycosides (steviazid and rebaudioside), which turned out to be absolutely harmless to humans compared to synthetic sugar substitutes;
  • quercetin (plant flavonoid), which has antioxidant, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic effects;
  • chlorophyll, which, in addition to having anti-inflammatory properties, improves immunity, strengthens the body's cells and helps protect them;
  • kaempferol (flavonoid), which has antioxidant and antitumor activity.
  • minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, silicon, copper, selenium, chromium, etc.;

Beneficial properties for the human body

Stevia is a natural sweetener with excellent therapeutic, preventive and health properties.

Considering the fact that honey grass contains virtually no calories, it is recommended for people suffering from overweight and diabetes. Stevia reduces blood glucose and promotes the production of insulin by the pancreas, and in addition, reduces hunger and makes it easier to follow an appropriate diet for these ailments.

This unique property It also allows you to reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the blood, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots in the blood. blood vessels and thus helps to avoid strokes and heart attacks.

The rich composition of vitamins, flavonoids, glycosides makes the walls of blood vessels elastic, elastic and less fragile, and this:

  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • prevents varicose veins veins;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

Stevia has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound healing, antiviral, antimicrobial actions and that's why it's useful:

  • for joint pathology, arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis;
  • to strengthen the immune system;
  • for colds and viral diseases.

In addition, honey herb normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and promotes the healing of ulcers in the stomach and intestines.

And fresh leaves and herbal infusions used for local application, effective for skin diseases, cuts, burns.

The antimicrobial properties of the plant protect teeth from caries and relieve gum inflammation.

The presence of chlorophyll and antioxidants in stevia, incl. kaempferol, protect body cells from free radicals, preventing the formation of cancerous tumors.

The unique properties of the plant improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland and spleen.

The presence of chlorophyll can protect a person from the occurrence of urolithiasis by reducing the level of formation of calcium oxalate crystals found in urine. In addition, it actively cleanses the body of waste and toxins.

Currently, stevia is available in the form of tablets, dry powder, tea in filter bags, syrup, extract and packaged dry herb.

Steviosides are resistant to high temperatures Therefore, stevia can be used as a sugar substitute for preparing dishes that require heat treatment.

Contraindications for use

In a number of studies of the properties of the plant, practically no contraindications to eating products based on it have been identified, with the exception of cases in which honey grass should be refused. This:

  • at allergic reactions for plants from the Asteraceae family such as chamomile, dandelion, etc.;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • use caution if you have low blood pressure.

Now you have learned what stevia is and what benefits it has for the body.

Good health to you!

Stevia is made from a medicinal plant of the same name, which has numerous beneficial properties and is considered the sweetest plant in the whole world. It contains a unique molecular component called stevioside, which gives the plant its extraordinary sweetness.

Stevia is also popularly called honey herb. All this time medicinal herb used to normalize glucose levels in human blood and prevent diabetes mellitus. Today, stevia has gained not only popularity, but also wide application V Food Industry.

Features of Stevia sweetener

Stevia is fifteen times sweeter than regular refined sugar, and the extract itself, which contains stevioside, can be 100-300 times sweeter. This feature and is used by science to create a natural sweetener.

However, this is not the only thing that makes natural sweetener an ideal option for diabetics. Most sweeteners made from natural and synthetic ingredients have significant disadvantages.

  • The main disadvantage of many sweeteners is the high calorie content of the product, which is harmful to health. Stevia, having stevioside in its composition, is considered a non-calorie sweetener.
  • Many low-calorie synthetic sweeteners have an unpleasant feature. By changing the metabolism of blood sugar, there is a significant increase in body weight. The natural substitute Stevia does not have such disadvantages, unlike its analogues. Studies have shown that stevioside does not affect glucose metabolism, and even, on the contrary, reduces sugar levels in human blood.

The sweetener in some cases has a pronounced taste of leech grass. However, today there are sweeteners that use stevioside extract.

Stevioside has no taste, is widely used in the food industry, is available as a food additive and is referred to as E960. At the pharmacy, a similar sweetener can be purchased in the form of small brown tablets.

The benefits and harms of the sweetener Stevia

The natural substitute Stevia is now widely used in most countries and has excellent reviews. The sweetener has become especially popular in Japan, where Stevia has been used for more than thirty years, and during all this time no side effects have been identified. Scientists from a sunny country have proven that sweetener does not harm human health. At the same time, Stevia is used here not only as a food additive, but is also added instead of sugar to diet drinks.

Meanwhile, in such countries the USA, Canada and the EU do not officially recognize the sweetener as a sweetener. Here Stevia is sold in biological form active additives. The sweetener is not used in the food industry, despite the fact that it is not harmful to human health. The main reason This is due to the lack of research that confirms the safety of Stevia as a natural sweetener. At the same time, these countries are primarily interested in selling synthetic low-calorie substitutes, around which, despite the proven harm of these products, a lot of money is circulating.

The Japanese, in turn, have proven through their research that Stevia does not harm human health. Experts say that today there are few sweeteners with similar low performance toxicity. Stevioside extract has undergone numerous toxicity tests, and all studies have shown no adverse effects on the body. Reviews show that the drug does not cause harm digestive system, does not increase body weight, does not change cells and chromosomes.

Stevioside has antibacterial functions, so it can be used to treat small wounds in the form of burns, scratches and bruises. It promotes fast healing wounds, rapid blood clotting and getting rid of infection. Stevioside extract is often used in the treatment acne, fungal infections. Stevioside helps babies get rid of pain when their first teeth erupt, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Stevia is used to prevent colds, strengthens the immune system, serves an excellent remedy in the treatment of diseased teeth. Stevioside extract is used to prepare Stevia tincture, which is mixed with an antiseptic decoction of calendula and horseradish tincture in a ratio of 1 to 1. The resulting drug is used to rinse the mouth to relieve pain and possible suppuration.

Also, Stevia, in addition to the extract stevioside, contains beneficial minerals, antioxidants, vitamins A, E and C, essential oils.

At long-term use biologically active additives, vitamin complexes, significant consumption of fruits and vegetables may result in hypervitaminosis or an excess of vitamins in the body. If a rash develops on the skin or peeling begins, you should consult a doctor.

Sometimes Stevia may not be tolerated by some people due to individual characteristics body. In particular, the sweetener is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. And yet, there is simply the most real and natural one, which is considered the best substitute Sahara.

Healthy people do not need to use Stevia as a primary dietary supplement. Due to the abundance of sweets in the body, insulin is released. If this condition is maintained continuously, the sensitivity to increases in sugar in the body may decrease. The main thing in in this case– stick to the norm and do not overdo it with sweetener.

Use of Stevia in food

Natural sweetener has positive reviews and is widely used in the preparation of drinks and fruit salads where sweetening of the taste is required. Stevia is added to brews instead of sugar and is used in bakery products when baking.

In some cases, stevioside may taste bitter. This reason primarily due to an excess of Stevia, which was added to the product. To get rid of the bitter taste, you need to use less sweetener when cooking. Some types of the stevia plant also have a bitter taste.

To reduce body weight, drinks with the addition of stevioside extract are used, which are drunk the night before lunch and dinner in order to reduce appetite and eat less food. Also, drinks with sweetener can be consumed after meals, half an hour after eating.

Used by many for weight loss next recipe. In the morning, you need to drink a portion of mate tea with the addition of Stevia on an empty stomach, after which you should not eat for about four hours. During lunch and dinner, you must consume exclusively healthy and natural food no flavorings, preservatives or white flour.

Stevia and diabetes

Ten years ago, the sweetener Stevia was recognized as safe for human health and health care allowed the use of the sweetener in food. Stevioside extract has also been recommended as a sugar substitute for people suffering from type 2 diabetes. Including the sweetener is very useful for hypertensive patients.

Studies have shown that Stevia improves the effects of insulin and affects the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates. In this regard, the sweetener is an excellent sugar replacement option for diabetics, as well as.

When using Stevia, it is important to ensure that the product you purchase does not contain sugar or fructose. Must use grain units to accurately calculate the required dose of sweets. It must be remembered that even natural substitute Sugar, when used in excess and improperly, can harm human health and increase blood glucose levels.

Purchasing a sweetener

Today you can purchase a natural substitute for Stevia at any pharmacy or online store. The sweetener is sold as stevioside extract in powder, liquid or dried leaves of the medicinal plant.

Powder white added to tea and other types of liquid. However, some disadvantage is that it takes a long time to dissolve in water, so you need to constantly stir the drink.

Once, in a circle of friends, I first heard that there is a herb, the tea from which, when brewed, becomes sweet without adding sugar to it. And it wasn’t that I was surprised, I didn’t even believe it right away. “I’m being played in any way,” I thought then and immediately asked Google a question (this is what I always do when I doubt something or don’t know something). To my pleasant surprise, this turned out to be true. This is how I found out what is out there sweet grass stevia. This article will tell you about the benefits and harms of stevia, as well as its medicinal properties.

I try to lead healthy eating and therefore I minimize the amount of sugar consumed by the body. Stevia in this regard has become a kind of lifesaver for me, because I like to drink sweet tea more than not sweet tea.

Stevia is a sweet herb that grows in a small bush with a height of 60 cm to 1 m. The sweetness of stevia is in its leaves. The natural habitat of this plant is South America (Paraguay, Brazil).

When the world learned about the benefits of stevia, it began to be grown in industrial quantities on other continents. So this grass spread all over the world.

The benefits of stevia

For one adult, the norm for sugar consumption per day is 50 g. And this takes into account everything “ sugar world»: sweets, chocolate, cookies and other sweets.

If you believe the statistics, then in fact, Europeans eat, on average, about 100 g of sugar per day every day, Americans - about 160 g. Do you know what this means? The risk of developing diseases in these people is very high.

Poor blood vessels and the pancreas suffer the most. Then it comes out sideways in the form of strokes, heart attacks, diabetes and hypertension. In addition, there is a risk of being left without teeth, starting to gain weight and aging prematurely.

Why do people love sweets so much? There are two reasons for this:

  1. When a person eats sweets, his body begins to rapidly produce joy hormones called endorphins.
  2. The more and the longer person tramples sweets, the more he gets used to it. Sugar is a drug that is incorporated into the body and requires a repeated dose of sugar.

To protect yourself from the harm of sugar, the healthiest and healthiest of which is stevia, a sweet honey herb that is 15 times sweeter than regular sugar.

But at the same time, stevia has almost zero calorie content. If you don’t believe me, here’s the proof: 100 g of sugar = 388 kcal; 100 g of dry stevia herb = 17.5 kcal (generally nothing compared to sucrose).

Useful substances in the composition of the herb stevia

1. Vitamins A, C, D, E, K, P.

2. Essential oil.

3. Minerals: chromium, iodine, selenium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, magnesium.

4. Amino acids.

5. Pectins.

6. Rebaudiazid.

7. Stevioside.

Stevioside is a powder that is extracted from stevia. He is 101% natural product and has the following beneficial properties:

  • valiantly fights fungi and microbes whose food is sugar;
  • calorie content - almost zero;
  • mega-sweet (300 times sweeter than regular sugar);
  • not sensitive to high temperatures and therefore suitable for use in cooking;
  • absolutely harmless;
  • soluble in water;
  • Suitable for diabetics, as it is not carbohydrate in nature and does not cause the release of insulin, normalizing the level of glucose in the blood.

Stevioside contains substances that help in expectoration of sputum. They are called saponins ( lat. sapo - soap). With their presence in the body, the secretion of the stomach and all glands increases, the condition of the skin improves, and swelling disappears more quickly. In addition, they greatly help with inflammatory processes and improve metabolism.

Unlike other sweeteners, stevia can be consumed for many years because it is not harmful or causes side effects. Proof of this is numerous worldwide studies.

Stevia is used to restore the functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as in the treatment of diseases such as osteochondrosis, nephritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, arthritis, gingivitis, and periodontal disease.

Doctors recommend combining anti-inflammatory medications with stevia because it helps protect against inflammation. harmful effects gastric mucosa.

Harm and contraindications of stevia

I repeat that stevia, unlike sugar and other sugar substitutes, cannot cause any harm. Many research scientists say so.

Only individual intolerance to this herb is possible. Pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as small children, should take stevia with caution.

We all love to eat sweets. Some people even sometimes feel like they can’t live without sweets. But don't neglect your common sense. Take care of yourself and your health, friends.

Where can I get real stevia sweetener?

I order stevia sweetener Here. This natural sweetener is an excellent substitute for sugar in drinks. And it lasts for a long time. Nature takes care of us

To be honest, there is no limit to my delight in this honey herb. She truly is a miracle of nature. As a child, I could eat all the candy Santa Claus brought me in one sitting. I love sweets, but now I try to stay away from them, because refined sugar (sucrose) is evil.

This may be a loud statement, but for me it is true. Therefore, the sweet herb stevia became a godsend for me. capital letters"N".

Denis Statsenko was with you. Healthy lifestyle to everyone! See you

Nature gives people so many useful medicinal plants, which in many cases could not be used at all medications, which, in addition to being beneficial, also cause harm. It is a pity that many have never learned to accept these gifts. People who know about the benefits medicinal herbs, are happy to use them not only to strengthen the immune system and supply the body with vitamins, but also for prevention and treatment various kinds ailments.

One of these miraculous gifts of nature is stevia, the benefits and harms of which have been known to people since ancient times. For many hundreds of years, this plant has been used by healers and healers to treat many pathologies. Nothing has changed in modern world. People still continue to use this plant to cure diseases.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

Stevia is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. This is a highly branched bush with simple paired leaves and white small sizes flowers. Reaches a height of sixty or more centimeters. Root system honey grass (another name for the plant) is well developed.

It is recommended to harvest the plant immediately after it blooms. IN medicinal purposes Stevia leaves and stems are mainly used. This is not to say that the plant is too whimsical and requires constant care. But in order to get all the expected benefits from it, you need to know how to grow honey grass and how to care for it.

A few tips regarding growing, harvesting and storing stevia:

  1. The place where you plan to plant the plant should be sunny and protected from the wind.
  2. It is not recommended to plant stevia on heavy clay soil; in such conditions it will not take root. The soil should be light sandy.
  3. It is advisable to sow seeds in soil prepared in advance (dug up, cleared of weeds) in March-April.
  4. Plant seedlings in open ground recommended after frost.
  5. Raw materials must be harvested during the flowering period.
  6. The stem with leaves is cut off and then dried outdoors under the sun or in special dryers.
  7. It is necessary to separate the leaves from the stem after drying.

Do not grind the plant too much before drying. The fact is that such raw materials will dry out for a very long time, and during this time they will lose most their beneficial properties.


The plant has a rich chemical composition. It contains a large number of:

  • stevioside;
  • rebaudioside;
  • dulcoside;
  • vitamins of groups A, B1, B2, C, PP;
  • beta-carotene;
  • flavonoids: quercetin, rutin, quercitron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • silicon;
  • copper;
  • Selena;
  • chromium;
  • linolenic, arachidonic acid.

The benefits of stevia

Main healing substances plants are stevioside and rebaudioside. These substances are not capable of causing the slightest harm to the human body, they do not contain calories, but they are several times higher than regular sugar in "sweets". It is for this reason that stevia has been recognized as an ideal and, importantly, harmless sugar substitute. For example, the drug “Stevioside” is very popular and effective.

This herb can have antiseptic, antifungal, antioxidant, anti-cold, hypoglycemic and immunomodulatory effects. The substances that make up stevia give the plant truly healing properties. Honey grass promotes:

  • treatment of obesity, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases;
  • preventing the formation and subsequent development of oncology;
  • slowing down the aging process of body cells;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of the functioning of the cardiovascular system and central nervous system;
  • normalization carbohydrate metabolism;
  • reduction blood pressure;
  • eliminating irritation;
  • slowing down the process of wrinkles;
  • removal of toxins and wastes.
  • burns;
  • furunculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • liver ailments;
  • gastritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • arthritis;
  • colds.

Folk recipes

Herbal tea

This remedy will help people not only in getting rid of extra pounds, but also in the treatment of gastritis, liver and pancreas diseases. One spoon of powder from stevia leaves is poured into one liter of boiled water, after which it is infused for half an hour. Use this remedy several times a day instead of tea.

Decoction for burns, boils and ulcers

Take two spoons of fresh leaves of the plant, wrap them in gauze, pour boiled water and place on the stove. Simmer over low heat for half an hour. Pour the finished broth into a jar. Fill the gauze with leaves again with boiled water and leave to infuse for 40 minutes, then pour the product into the same jar. Use this decoction to wash wounds. Take the leaves out of the gauze and put them in your tea instead of sugar.

Hypertonic tea

Take a spoonful of crushed leaves of the plant and pour a glass of boiled water. Cover with a lid and leave to steep for thirty minutes. Drink this tea several times a day for hypertension.

Decoction for insomnia

To prepare the product you will need honey herb leaves and hazelnut flowers. Combine the ingredients and add boiled water, then simmer over low heat for ten minutes. Take the medicine several times a day, a third of a glass, to get rid of insomnia.

Infusion to reduce fever

You will need dried stevia, sage and mint leaves. Mix all the ingredients and pour a glass of boiled water. Infuse the product for half an hour. It is recommended to drink the infusion in small sips.

Infusion for inflammatory diseases of the throat

Mix stevia leaves with raspberry leaves, elderberry flowers and thyme. Pour boiled water over the raw material and let it brew. Drink the infusion warm, in small sips.

Infusion to normalize heart rhythm

Take a spoonful of honey herb powder and a couple of tablespoons of lemon balm, add boiled water and leave to steep for an hour. Take one spoon of the product at least five times a day.


Stevia is an absolutely harmless plant, and therefore medicines based on it they are not capable of causing harm. But in any case, before taking honey herb medications, you should consult your doctor.

If after consuming stevia you experience muscle pain, dizziness or numbness of the limbs, then such symptoms are evidence of individual intolerance to the components of the product. Therefore, it will be better to stop taking such medications.

Stevia - what is it? A perennial subtropical plant that is grown as an annual in the middle zone. It is a fluffy bush, highly branched. The height reaches approximately 70 cm. The leaves are simple, arranged in pairs. The flowers are white, small. The horse system is very well developed, so if you decide to grow stevia in a pot, you need to choose the appropriate size. And now about the most important thing - why is stevia so popular? What is this substance contained in its leaves that allows it to act as the best sugar substitute? Let's figure it out together.

Nature never ceases to amaze

Indeed, stevia leaves contain a glycoside - stevioside. This is a natural substance that is 300 times sweeter than sucrose. This means that there is a way out for those with a sweet tooth - eat your favorite sweets, lollipops, pastries, and absolutely not worry about your figure, since, unlike sugar, this substance does not contain calories. For diabetics, people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism and cardiovascular diseases, stevia is a real godsend. The world learned that this is the only natural analogue of sugar not so long ago, although the plant has been cultivated in its homeland for many centuries. Its leaves are used fresh or dried, and for ease of use you can purchase syrup or extract at the pharmacy.

Use in everyday life

Many people are unusual in using leaves instead of sugar, but in vain. They are added to various drinks, coffee, tea and cocktails. Despite greenish tint and the specific taste that you get used to, stevia makes it possible to consume sweets without harm to your health and figure. At the same time, the plant does not change its properties when heated, which means it can be used for making baked goods, jam and other dishes. It is also resistant to low temperatures, as well as exposure to acids. This means that stevia is also well suited for freezing, as well as for preparing fruit juices and drinks, including oranges and lemons. What kind of plant this is and how to use it, few people know yet, but gradually its popularity is growing, people pass seeds to each other and tell each other how to grow them at home and in the country. Today we will talk about how to grow and use honey grass.

Chemical composition

Before planting, much less consuming, it’s a good idea to find out what stevia is. Every herbalist knows the medicinal properties of this plant, but let’s first look at what useful elements it gives to the body. To date, research has confirmed that the leaves contain large amounts of vitamins A, C, P, E, as well as trace elements, essential oils, polysaccharides, glycosides, fiber. impart, as we have already mentioned, stevioside glycosides, which are hundreds of times sweeter than sugar. However, here I would like to note that this only applies to powder produced using special technologies, which essentially represents the production of a concentrate or extract. simple leaves, which you pick from a plant, dry and grind in a coffee grinder, exceeds the sweetness of sugar only 15 times, that is, a spoonful of such powder cannot replace 300 spoons of sugar. But it has an undeniable advantage: it contains no calories.

Stevia: medicinal properties of the plant

The chemical composition of this plant has the ability to save a person from many health problems. It is especially widely used in alternative medicine. Herbalists call it a medicine plant and a recipe. eternal youth. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, bactericidal and choleretic effect. This composition allows you to maintain immune forces body and effectively respond to pathogenic viruses and bacteria. In addition, an antiallergic effect is noted, which is also closely related to immune system body, as well as a pronounced diuretic and antifungal effect. The only reason why you need to adhere to a certain dosage is that overuse of stevia can negatively affect performance.

Unique amino acids

We have only revealed common list beneficial properties, I would like to dwell in more detail on a few more points. Stevia leaves contain essential amino acid- lysine It is one of the key elements of the hematopoiesis process and is actively involved in the formation of hormones, antibodies and enzymes. Lysin plays important role during the healing of skin defects, restoration of the musculoskeletal system after injuries. Another acid that the leaves contain is methionine. It is extremely important for people who live in unfavorable environmental conditions. It helps protect the body from the harmful effects of radiation. In addition, it is extremely important for the liver, as it prevents fatty degeneration.

Gastrointestinal protection

Stevia leaves contain exactly the set of microelements that are necessary for good functioning of the stomach and intestines. The plant has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. This is extremely important, since the walls of our stomach are often exposed to negative impact too much spicy food, acids and enzymes. Any imbalance threatens their integrity and threatens the formation of ulcers.

Regular consumption of stevia helps protect the stomach from the effects strong alcohol, spices. Besides, unique plant allows you to restore microflora to normal after a course of antibiotics or poisoning (alcohol, medication or food). Stevia also has a positive effect on the pancreas.

The cardiovascular system

And here stevia showed itself well. The plant can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart, blood vessels and capillaries, which is easily explained by the presence of flavonoids. It is these substances that provide strength to the walls of our blood vessels and help overcome spasms. The presence only enhances the vascular strengthening effect. Without it, full synthesis of collagen, which is necessary for the elasticity of blood vessels and the activity of the heart muscle, is impossible.

Stevia syrup provides the body essential microelements. These are potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Thanks to this “cocktail”, thrombus formation is prevented, the amount of bad cholesterol in blood. Reduced risk inflammatory processes, which means stevia is a plant that effectively fights heart attacks and strokes.

Musculoskeletal system

As already mentioned, stevia extract contains a large number of microelements. They are vital for the full development and functioning of cartilage tissue and bones. These are calcium and vitamin D, silicon and lysine, that is, the set that is able to compensate the body for minimal physical activity, passive rest, work in unnatural positions, excess weight. Stevia is recommended by surgeons and orthopedists for diseases such as osteochondrosis and arthrosis. As you can see, stevia extract can be used not only for weight loss, but also for general health improvement, strengthening and healing the body. This can easily be grown on your windowsill. Let's look at the features of cultivation.

Selection of site and soil

First of all, you need to get the stevia seeds themselves. Today this can be done in specialized stores, from familiar summer residents or via the Internet. With the arrival of spring, it is necessary to choose a place for future plantings. if you have personal plot, then choose the sunniest place protected from the wind. In the shade, the leaves will not accumulate as much sweet steoside. It is best if legumes grew in the selected area last year. The composition of the soil is also very important; it should be light and loose, with a slightly acidic reaction. If your site is very different, take out some of the garden soil and add a special store-bought mixture there. You can prepare your own mixture of peat, forest humus and river sand.

Planting seeds

Stevia seeds are sown for seedlings in late March - early April. In the middle zone it is used as an annual; 16-18 weeks after sowing, the leaves are harvested and the plant is dug up. Although it can grow in a pot all year round. Contrary to general opinion, stevia from seeds is quite easy to grow. The seeds, of course, are small, but this is not a problem. Mix them with fine sand and carefully spread them over the surface of the light earthen mixture. They do not need to be covered with soil, just lightly sprayed with water and covered with glass or polyethylene. As soon as the sprouts appear, remove the glass and move the pot to the brightest place. With the appearance of a pair of true leaves, it is necessary to pick.

Planting in open ground

With the onset of sustained heat, the plants should be moved to the garden bed. If you plan to grow stevia in a window, then choose a wide, not too deep, large pot, transplant one strong sprout into it and place it in the sunniest and most sunny spot. warm place, you can go to the balcony. Typically, planting is done when the air temperature during the day rises to +15-29 degrees. It is advisable to plant in the evening and cover the plants from the bright sun the next day. A dense planting is preferred. Immediately the plant needs to be hilled up to a height of 1/3 of the length of the trunk and watered well. This is almost all the information on how to grow stevia. With regular weed removal, watering and fertilizing, you can expect a good harvest of sweet foliage. Do not forget that this plant is originally a perennial, so it is advisable to dig up the roots in the fall and store them in the cellar until next year. Some can be planted in pots so that you have fresh leaves in winter.

Winter storage

After harvesting, the rhizomes should be dug up along with the ground and dried. After that, take a large box and pour soil into it, put the crusts on top and cover it with moist soil right up to the stumps. This is how stevia overwinters. Care consists of maintaining the correct temperature conditions. At temperatures above +8, premature growth will begin, and temperatures below +4 are fraught with death of the roots.

You have one last task left - to prepare the collected stems. To do this, they are simply collected in bunches and hung to dry in a shaded place. After complete drying, you can put it in a linen bag and take it out as needed. The resulting raw materials are ground in a coffee grinder and added to various dishes to taste. Judging by the reviews, the herbal taste in drinks is almost invisible. This is how amazing stevia is. Its application is very wide - cocktails and jelly desserts, drinks and favorite pastries (sweet, but without extra calories).

Stevia extract

For your own convenience, prepare a syrup or extract that you can add to your taste in various dishes. To do this, you need to pour whole leaves with alcohol or regular vodka and leave for a day. Don't worry, you won't have to drink alcohol. The next day, carefully filter the infusion from leaves and powder. If necessary, repeat this procedure. To evaporate all the alcohol, you need to heat the resulting infusion. To do this, pour into a metal bowl and place on low heat; the mixture should not boil. The alcoholic substances gradually evaporate, and you are left with a pure extract. An aqueous extract can be prepared similarly, but useful material are not extracted as completely as in the case of alcohol. But by evaporating the water, you can achieve high concentration. The properties of stevia do not deteriorate from heating.