Omez d analogues are cheap. Rules of administration and dosage. Indications for use

"Omez D" - medical drug produced by Dr. Reddy's, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in India. "Omez" is short for omeprazole, and the letter "d" of the name "Omez D" refers to the second active substance - domperidone.

Dosage form

The drug comes in the form of capsules in three dosages - 10, 20 and 40 mg. On the two-color capsule with the medicine it is written “Omez D” and the logo of the Dr. Reddy’s company is placed. Each package contains 30 capsules, 10 capsules per blister. Inside there are two medicinal substances (domperidone and omeprazole) in the form of powder or pellets, as well as a number of excipients: starch, sucrose, etc.

How the drug works

One of the active substances included in Omez D, domperidone, is a peripheral antagonist of the dopamine D2 receptor. It is indirect (by stimulating the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter responsible for motility digestive system) regulates the mobility of smooth muscles of the stomach and small intestine. After its use, the activity and duration of contraction of the muscles of the digestive tract increases. Domperidone also accelerates the emptying of the stomach if the digestion process slows down. Also, "Omez D" increases the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter, which does not allow the contents of the stomach and/or duodenum enter the esophagus (caustic components of gastric juice can cause inflammation of the inner surface of the esophagus). Has antiemetic effect. Influence at gastric secretion does not provide. "Omez D" almost does not pass through the barrier between blood and nerve tissue; therefore, the possibility of occurrence in adults side effects in the form of spasms, motor disorders and changes muscle tone very low.

Second active substance"Omeza D", omeprazole, regulates the secretion of gastric acid. It begins to have an effect an hour after administration and lasts for a day. A return to normal human gastric secretion occurs after three to five days.

Both medicines and work in tandem - if omeprazole reduces secretion of hydrochloric acid cells of the stomach, then domperidone improves the mobility of the muscles of the stomach, small intestine and the work of the lower esophageal sphincter, thereby accelerating the removal of stomach contents and reducing the effect of gastric juice on the esophagus.

Side effects


Digestive system: dry mouth, intestinal cramps, diarrhea.

Allergic reactions: skin rashes, itching.

Nervous system: headache. In children and people with increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier, it can cause movement disorders and impaired muscle tone.


Digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain, dry mouth, taste disturbances, stomatitis.

Allergic reactions: rash, itching, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock.

Nervous system: weakness, dizziness, headache, insomnia, hallucinations.

Musculoskeletal system: muscle weakness.


Omez D should not be taken if the patient is allergic to one of the components of the drug. Also, the drug should be avoided in patients with chronic diseases digestive system in the acute stage (ulcer), with internal bleeding, with intestinal obstruction. People with kidney failure or prone to edema, as well as patients with arrhythmia or heart failure are also at risk. You should avoid taking the drug "Omez D" if the level of salt in the blood exceeds the norm. In patients with pheochromocytoma, the drug may cause hypertensive crisis. Also, Omez D is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

special instructions

Before prescribing Omez D, the doctor should make sure that the patient does not have an ulcer, otherwise the drug will complicate the diagnosis. Domperidone can cause an increase in prolactin levels in the blood, leading to galactorrhea in women and gynecomastia in men. To the sick who once suffered serious illness liver, you should be very careful when taking the drug "Omez D" - it can cause hepatitis and negatively affect liver function.

Omeprazole may lower calcium levels in the blood, so people suffering from osteoporosis should further consult their doctor. You may need to take medications that increase calcium levels in your blood.

Also, taking the drug "Omez D" should be treated with caution if the patient needs to drive a car or work in production due to possible dizziness. Patients over 60 years of age who have been taking domperidone for a long time should additionally consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

If patients are already taking warfarin or phenytoin, physician supervision is required; if necessary, the dose should be reduced. Drugs related to anticholinergic correctors can neutralize the positive effect of domperidone in reflux esophagitis and dyspepsia. Also, domperidone is less absorbed by the body if the patient took cimetidine or regular baking soda. Omeprazole neutralizes the effect of diazepam, phenytoin and warfarin.


Excessive amounts of domperidone cause drowsiness, disorientation, and impaired muscle tone. An overdose of domperidone is treated with activated carbon. If problems with the musculoskeletal system occur, special medications are required (anticholic, antihistamines).

Omeprazole causes headache, nausea, dry mouth, and rapid heartbeat. There are no drugs that can stop its effect; symptomatic treatment is required.

Indications for use

If the patient suffers from the fact that the contents of the stomach or duodenum regularly enter the esophagus, injuring it bottom part(reflux esophagitis), feels heaviness, burning, pain in the stomach (dyspepsia), suffers from increased acidity stomach, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines - in all these cases the doctor may prescribe Omez D.

Instructions for use

The drug should be taken as prescribed by your doctor, 15 to 30 minutes before meals or at night. The capsule must be swallowed whole without chewing. Swallowing a capsule of this size may be difficult for some people, so it is advisable to immediately prepare a glass of water and drink plenty of it.

"Omez D" does not begin to act immediately; it may take one to three days before its effects become noticeable. If the patient feels severe discomfort, it is possible to take drugs that neutralize the effect of hydrochloric acid (antacids), unless prohibited by a doctor.

If you miss a dose, take the prescribed dose immediately; however, if before time next appointment There is little time left, you can skip the previous appointment. The drug should be taken in full for the duration prescribed by the doctor. If after taking Omez D for more than two weeks there is no improvement, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The main indications for use of the products are:

  • therapy for ulcers, erosion of the stomach and duodenum;
  • treatment of gastritis;
  • liquidation excess production gastric juice.

What is the difference between Omez D and Omez DSR? First of all, it is important to note that Omez DSR contains an additional medicinal substance- domperidone, which makes therapy more effective. And the drug Omez D includes only one active substance - omeprazole. This is the main difference between the two medications. In some cases, therapy with Omez DSR is more appropriate.

When the basic answer to the question is found - how does Omez D differ from Omez DSR, the effect of the two medications can be compared. Omez DSR is available in gelatin capsules, like Omez D. However, it has a red engraving “Omez-Dsr” on it.

Active in both drugs active substance is omeprazole. It is he who effectively suppresses the increased secretion of gastric acid. Certain changes in the enzyme system and inhibition of gastric parietal cells occur. Under the influence of the substance, the symptoms of ulcers and pain in the abdomen are reduced, and overall health is improved.

Omez DSR capsule also contains domperidone. This substance is a so-called peripheral dopamine receptor antagonist. It relaxes smooth muscle stomach and intestines and ensures better absorption and effects of omeprazole. As a result, the transit time of all contents through the gastrointestinal tract increases the amplitude of contractions digestive organ. Domperidone also slightly increases esophageal sphincter pressure.

Difference between drugs

If you compare Omez DSR with the drug Omez D, you can see the difference in application. The manufacturer of Omez DSR recommends using capsules with great caution and under no circumstances increasing the dose. The drug Omez DSR was tested several times clinical trials, during which it was revealed that it can cause severe side effects when renal failure. All nuances of use and contraindications are indicated in the instructions for the medicine. When using Omez DSR, it is required medical supervision patient's condition.

The medication Omez D is safer to use. It lacks an additional component. The medicine is not toxic. The first improvements in well-being after using Omez D are noticeable already on the 3-4th day of therapy.

Omez D and Omez DSR are used for complicated vomiting, nausea, diarrhea during peptic ulcer and gastritis. The active drug substance of both drugs is an inhibitor proton pump. It is prohibited to combine omeprazole with Nelfinavir. This drug is analogous and has the same effect.

There is also a price difference between the two medications. The cost of the drug Omez D is 295 rubles, and the price of Omez DSR is 367 rubles. Without additional component the medicine is cheaper.

Before choosing between two drugs, you should consult a doctor and get advice. Only a doctor can decide which drug is appropriate to take at a particular moment. The appointment is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the body and contraindications.

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Dr. REDDY's Laboratories Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Country of origin


Product group

Digestive tract and metabolism

Treatment for reflux esophagitis (proton pump inhibitor + central dopamine receptor blocker).

Release forms

  • Capsules. 10 capsules per aluminum foil strip. 3 strips and instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Description of the dosage form

  • No. 2 hard gelatin capsule with light purple cap and white body with "Omez D" written on it and "DR.REDDY'S" logo on the capsule shell containing white or off-white pellets, white or off-white particles and powder

pharmachologic effect

Domperidone Increases the duration of peristaltic contractions of the antrum of the stomach and duodenum, accelerates gastric emptying if this process slows down, increases the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter, and eliminates the development of nausea and vomiting. Stimulates the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland. The antiemetic effect may be due to a combination of peripheral (gastrokinetic) action and antagonism of dopamine receptors in the trigger zone of the brain. Domperidone has no effect on gastric secretion. Domperidone does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier well, so the use of domperidone is rarely accompanied by the development of extrapyramidal side effects, especially in adults. Omeprazole Inhibits the enzyme H+ K+ ATPase (“ proton pump") in the parietal cells of the stomach and thereby blocks the final stage of hydrochloric acid synthesis. This leads to a decrease in the level of basal and stimulated secretion, regardless of the nature of the stimulus. After a single dose of the drug orally, the effect of omeprazole occurs within the first hour and continues for 24 hours, the maximum effect is achieved after 2 hours. After stopping the drug, secretory activity is completely restored after 3 to 5 days. Pharmacodynamic rationale for the combination Omeprazole suppresses the secretion of hydrochloric acid, domperidone increases the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter and accelerates gastric emptying, thereby reducing the activity of aggressive factors of gastric juice and the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. .


Absorption After oral administration, domperidone is rapidly absorbed. It has low bioavailability (about 15%). Low acidity gastric contents reduces the absorption of domperidone. The maximum concentration in plasma is reached after 1 hour. Distribution Domperidone is widely distributed in various tissues; in brain tissue its concentration is low. Communication with plasma proteins is 91-93%. Metabolism Subject to intensive metabolism in the intestinal wall and liver. Excretion Excreted through the intestines (66%) and kidneys (33%), unchanged, 10% and 1% of the dose are excreted, respectively. The half-life is 7-9 hours; in cases of severe renal failure, it is prolonged. Omeprazole Omeprazole is rapidly absorbed from gastrointestinal tract, maximum plasma concentration is achieved after 0.5-1 hour. Bioavailability is 30-40%. Communication with plasma proteins is about 90%. Omeprazole is almost completely metabolized in the liver. It is an inhibitor of the CYP2C19 enzyme system. The half-life is 0.5-1 hour. Excreted by the kidneys (70-80%) and bile (20-30%). In chronic renal failure, excretion decreases in proportion to the decrease in creatinine clearance. In elderly patients, excretion decreases and bioavailability increases. At liver failure bioavailability - 100%, half-life - 3 hours.

Special conditions

OVERDOSE Domperidone Symptoms: drowsiness, disorientation and extrapyramidal reactions. Treatment: reception activated carbon, when extrapyramidal reactions-anticholinergic, antiparkinsonian, antihistamines. Omeprazole Symptoms: blurred vision, drowsiness, agitation, confusion, headache, increased sweating, dry mouth, nausea, arrhythmia. There is no specific antidote. Treatment is symptomatic. Hemodialysis is not effective enough. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to exclude the presence of a malignant process, since treatment, masking symptoms, can delay the diagnosis correct diagnosis.


  • Each hard gelatin capsule contains: Active substances: domperidone 10 mg, omeprazole 10 mg (in the form of enteric-coated pellets (8.5% w/v)*; excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium carboxymethyl starch , sodium lauryl sulfate, talc. *Composition of omeprazole pellets (8.5% w/v): active substance: omeprazole 10 mg; excipients: mannitol, sucrose, sodium hydrogen phosphate, sodium lauryl sulfate, lactose, calcium carbonate, hypromellose, propylene glycol, methacrylic acid. acid, polysorbate (Tween-80), diethyl phthalate, sodium hydroxide, cetyl alcohol, starch **Ingredients of empty hard gelatin capsule: indigo carmine, carmosine, titanium dioxide, methyl parahydroxybenzoate (methylparaben), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (propylparaben), sodium lauryl sulfate, gelatin, water. .

Omez D indications for use

  • The use of a combination of domperidone and omeprazole is indicated for the treatment of dyspepsia and gastroesophageal reflux, which are difficult to respond to monotherapy with proton pump inhibitors or H2 receptor antagonists.

Omez D contraindications

Omez D side effects

  • Domperidone From the digestive system: transient intestinal spasms. From the outside nervous system: extrapyramidal disorders (in children and people with increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier). Allergic reactions: skin rash, urticaria. Other: hyperprolactinemia (galactorrhea, gynecomastia). Omeprazole From the digestive system: diarrhea or constipation, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, abdominal pain, dry mouth, taste disturbances, stomatitis, transient increase in the activity of “liver” enzymes in plasma; in patients with previous severe liver disease - hepatitis (including jaundice), impaired liver function. From the nervous system: headache, dizziness, agitation, drowsiness, insomnia, paresthesia, depression, hallucinations; in patients with severe concomitant somatic diseases, patients with previous severe liver disease - encephalopathy. From the musculoskeletal system: muscle weakness, myalgia, arthralgia. From the hematopoietic system: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia; V in some cases- agranulocytosis, pancytopenia. From the outside skin: itching, skin rash; in some cases - photosensitization, multiform exudative erythema, alopecia. Allergic reactions: urticaria, angioedema, bronchospasm, interstitial nephritis, anaphylactic shock, fever. Other: blurred vision, peripheral edema, increased sweating, gynecomastia; rarely, formation of gastric glandular cysts during long-term treatment(a consequence of inhibition of hydrochloric acid secretion, is benign, reversible).

Drug interactions

Cimetidine, sodium bicarbonate, and other antacid and antisecretory drugs reduce the bioavailability of domperidone. Anticholinergics counteract the effects of domperidone. Increase the concentration of domperidone in plasma: antifungal agents azole series, macrolide antibiotics, HIV protease inhibitors, nefazodone. Omeprazole May reduce the absorption of ampicillin esters, iron salts, itraconazole and ketoconazole (omeprazole increases gastric pH). Being an inhibitor of cytochrome P450, it can increase the concentration and reduce the excretion of diazepam and anticoagulants indirect action, phenytoin (medicines that are metabolized in the liver via cytochrome CYP2C19), which in some cases may require a reduction in the doses of these medicines. Strengthens the inhibitory effect on the hematopoietic system of other drugs.

Storage conditions

  • store at room temperature 15-25 degrees
  • keep away from children
Information provided

Omez D – medicinal product combined type, suppressing the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

Composition of Omez D and release form

The medicine Omez D is available in hard gelatin capsules, size No. 2, the cap is light purple in color, and the body is white, with the inscription "Omez D" and an engraved logo in the form of "DR.REDDY"S" on the capsule shell. Contents – pellets are almost white.

The active components of the drug are domperidone and omeprazole. The excipients of the drug will be as follows: microcrystalline cellulose, cetyl alcohol, magnesium stearate, sodium hydroxide, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose, sodium carboxymethyl starch, sucrose, sodium lauryl sulfate, mannitol, talc, sodium hydrogen phosphate, sodium lauryl sulfate, calcium carbonate, polysorbate, hypromellose, methacrylic acid, diethyl phthalate, propylene glycol, and starch.

The composition of the Omez D capsule is as follows: gelatin, water, indigo carmine, carmosine, sodium lauryl sulfate, added methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, titanium dioxide. The shelf life is 2 years. The medicine is placed on strips. Sold by prescription.

pharmachologic effect Omez D capsules

The combined drug Omez D contains domperidone, a dopamine receptor blocker, and the drug also contains an inhibitor of the so-called proton pump, omeprazole.

Domperidone increases the duration of peristalsis of the stomach and duodenum, accelerates the process of gastric emptying while it slows down, increases the tone of the esophageal sphincter, and also prevents the development of nausea and vomiting. In addition, it activates the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland.

Domperidone is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract quite quickly. Bioavailability is about 15 percent. After an hour, maximum concentration occurs. Widely distributed in different tissues. Protein binding reaches 93%. The half-life lasts up to nine hours. Intensively metabolized in the intestinal wall, as well as in hepatocytes. It is excreted mainly in the stool, and up to 33% by the kidneys.

Omeprazole suppresses the proton pump in the parietal cells of the stomach, blocks the secretion of hydrochloric acid, resulting in a decrease in the level of stimulated and basal secretion. The effect of this substance after taking the drug orally occurs within an hour and lasts one day, maximum effect comes after a couple of hours.

Omeprazole is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability reaches 40 percent. The maximum concentration is achieved within an hour. Protein binding is about 90%. The half-life lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Completely metabolized in the liver. Excreted by the kidneys and up to 30% with bile.

Omez D - what are capsules prescribed for?

Omez D capsules instructions for use allow use for the treatment of dyspeptic manifestations and gastroesophageal reflux, when these symptoms do not respond well to monotherapy.

Contraindications for use of Omez D

The instructions for use of the drug Omez D (capsules) do not allow use in the following situations:

For gastrointestinal bleeding;
Lactation period;
With perforation of the stomach, intestines;
Obstruction of the stomach and intestines of mechanical origin;
Prolactinoma (prolactin-secreting pituitary tumor);
Increased sensitivity to the medicine.

Omez D should be used with caution during pregnancy, renal and liver failure.

How to take Omez D?

Take Omez D orally, wash down the medication with a small amount boiled water. The patient is prescribed 1 capsule twice a day, twenty minutes before meals.

Omez D - drug overdose

Symptoms of an Omez D overdose: drowsiness, disorientation, extrapyramidal reactions, blurred vision, agitation, nausea, confusion, arrhythmia, headache, and increased sweating, as well as some dry mouth.

Treatment of overdose is as follows: you need to take, prescribe anticholinergic, antiparkinsonian drugs, as well as antihistamines. There is no antidote.

Side effects of Omez D

Taking Omez D causes the following: side effects: transient intestinal spasms, flatulence, extrapyramidal disorders, urticaria, diarrhea, constipation, allergic reactions, hyperprolactinemia, nausea, vomiting, myalgia, in addition, abdominal pain, arthralgia, dry mouth, muscle weakness, taste disturbances, and stomatitis.

Among others adverse reactions can be noted: peripheral edema, encephalopathy occurs, transient, headache, leukopenia, dizziness, thrombocytopenia, agitation, insomnia, paresthesia, encephalopathy, alopecia, depression, in addition, hallucinations, agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, gynecomastia, increased sweating, as well as photosensitivity,

special instructions

Before you start taking medication Omez D must be used to exclude the presence of a malignant process in the patient’s body.

Substitutes Omez D

The combination of drugs Domperidone + Omeprazole belongs to analogues.


Reception medicinal drug Omez D must be previously adjusted with the treating doctor.

Be healthy!


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The instructions for the drug Omez D are included in the catalog of medicines presented on our information website. If you have information about the effectiveness of this medication, please leave a review. Be healthy!

Manufacturers: Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited

Active ingredients

  • Domperidone
  • Omeprazole
Disease class
  • Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Dyspepsia
Clinical and pharmacological group
  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Antiulcer
  • Proton pump inhibitor
Pharmacological group
  • Proton pump inhibitors
  • Proton pump inhibitors in combinations

Indications for use of the drug Omez D

Functional dyspepsia, delayed evacuation of contents gastric organ and gastroparesis, reflux esophagitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, in the collection of eradication treatment regimens in the presence of Helicobacter pylori.

Release form of the drug Omez D

capsules; strip 10 cardboard pack 3;

Capsules; strip 10 cardboard pack 1;

Capsules; strip 10 cardboard pack 5;

Capsules; strip 10 cardboard pack 10;

Capsules 1 capsule.
domperidone 10 mg
omeprazole 10 mg
(in the form of enteric-coated pellets (8.5% w/v)*
excipients: MCC; magnesium stearate; colloidal silicon dioxide; sodium carboxymethyl starch; sodium lauryl sulfate; talc
composition of empty hard gelatin capsule: indigo carmine; Karmazin; titanium dioxide; methyl parahydroxybenzoate (methylparaben); propyl parahydroxybenzoate (propylparaben); sodium lauryl sulfate; gelatin; water
* composition of omeprazole pellets (8.5% w/v) - active substance: omeprazole 10 mg; excipients: mannitol; sucrose; sodium hydrogen phosphate; sodium lauryl sulfate; lactose; calcium carbonate; hypromellose; propylene glycol; methacrylic acid; polysorbate (Tween-80); diethyl phthalate; sodium hydroxide; cetyl alcohol; starch
10 pcs per strip; There are 3 strips in a cardboard pack.


Domperidone. Increases the duration of peristaltic contractions of the antrum of the stomach and duodenum, accelerates gastric emptying if this process slows down, increases the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter, and prevents the development of nausea and vomiting. Stimulates the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland. The antiemetic effect may be due to a combination of peripheral (gastrokinetic) action and antagonism of dopamine receptors in the trigger zone of the brain. Domperidone has no effect on gastric secretion. It penetrates the blood-brain barrier poorly, so the use of domperidone is rarely accompanied by the development of extrapyramidal side effects, especially in adults.

Omeprazole. Inhibits the enzyme H+ - K+ - ATPase (proton pump) in the parietal cells of the stomach and thereby blocks the final stage of hydrochloric acid synthesis. This leads to a decrease in the level of basal and stimulated secretion, regardless of the nature of the stimulus. After a single dose of the drug orally, the effect of omeprazole occurs within the first hour and continues for 24 hours, the maximum effect is achieved after 2 hours. After stopping the drug, secretory activity is completely restored after 3-5 days.

Pharmacodynamic rationale for the combination. Omeprazole suppresses the secretion of hydrochloric acid, domperidone increases the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter and accelerates gastric emptying, thereby reducing the activity of aggressive factors of gastric juice and the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus.


Suction. After oral administration, domperidone is rapidly absorbed. It has low bioavailability (about 15%). Reduced acidity of gastric contents reduces the absorption of domperidone. Cmax in plasma is reached after 1 hour.

Distribution. Domperidone is widely distributed in various tissues; its concentration in brain tissue is low. Plasma protein binding is 91–93%.

Metabolism. Subject to intensive metabolism in the intestinal wall and liver.

Excretion. Excreted through the intestines (66%) and kidneys (33%), respectively 10 and 1% of the dose are excreted unchanged. T1/2 is 7–9 hours, and with severe renal failure it is prolonged.

Omeprazole is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, Cmax in plasma is reached after 0.5–1 hour. Bioavailability is 30–40%. Plasma protein binding is about 90%. Omeprazole is almost completely metabolized in the liver. It is an inhibitor of the enzyme system CUR2C19. T1/2 - 0.5–1 hour. Excreted by the kidneys (70–80%) and bile (20–30%). In chronic renal failure, excretion decreases in proportion to the decrease in creatinine clearance. In elderly patients, excretion decreases and bioavailability increases. In case of liver failure, bioavailability is 100%, T1/2 is 3 hours.

Contraindications for use


Gastrointestinal bleeding;

Mechanical obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract;

Perforation of the stomach or intestines;

Prolactin-secreting tumor of the pituitary gland (prolactinoma);

Lactation period;



Renal and/or liver failure;


Side effects


From the digestive system: transient intestinal spasms.

From the nervous system: extrapyramidal disorders (in children and people with increased permeability of the BBB).

Allergic reactions: skin rash, urticaria.

Other: hyperprolactinemia (galactorrhea, gynecomastia).


From the digestive system: diarrhea or constipation, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, abdominal pain, dry mouth, taste disturbances, stomatitis, transient increase in the activity of liver enzymes in plasma; in patients with previous severe liver disease - hepatitis (including jaundice), impaired liver function.

From the nervous system: headache, dizziness, agitation, drowsiness, insomnia, paresthesia, depression, hallucinations; in patients with severe concomitant somatic diseases, patients with previous severe liver disease - encephalopathy.

From the musculoskeletal system: muscle weakness, myalgia, arthralgia.

From the hematopoietic system: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia; in some cases - agranulocytosis, pancytopenia.

From the skin: itching, skin rash; in some cases - photosensitivity, exudative erythema multiforme, alopecia.

Allergic reactions: urticaria, angioedema, bronchospasm, interstitial nephritis, anaphylactic shock, fever.

Other: blurred vision, peripheral edema, increased sweating, gynecomastia; rarely - the formation of gastric glandular cysts during long-term treatment (a consequence of inhibition of hydrochloric acid secretion, is benign, reversible).

Directions for use and doses

Inside, with a small amount of water, 1 capsule. 2 times a day, 15–20 minutes before meals.



Symptoms: drowsiness, disorientation and extrapyramidal reactions.

Treatment: taking activated carbon; if extrapyramidal reactions occur - anticholinergic, antiparkinsonian, antihistamines.


Symptoms: blurred vision, drowsiness, agitation, confusion, headache, increased sweating, dry mouth, nausea, arrhythmia.

Treatment: symptomatic.

There is no specific antidote. Hemodialysis is not effective enough.

Interaction with other drugs


Cimetidine, sodium bicarbonate, and other antacid and antisecretory drugs reduce the bioavailability of domperidone.

Anticholinergics counteract the effects of domperidone.

Increase the concentration of domperidone in plasma: azole antifungals, antibiotics from the macrolide group, HIV protease inhibitors, nefazodone.


May reduce the absorption of esters, ampicillin, iron salts, itraconazole and ketoconazole (omeprazole increases gastric pH). Being an inhibitor of cytochrome P450, it can increase the concentration and reduce the excretion of diazepam, indirect anticoagulants, phenytoin (drugs that are metabolized in the liver through cytochrome CYP2C19), which in some cases may require a reduction in their doses. Strengthens the inhibitory effect on the hematopoietic system of other drugs.

Special instructions when taking Omez D

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to exclude the presence of a malignant process in the gastrointestinal tract, because Treatment, masking symptoms, can delay the correct diagnosis.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Best before date

ATX classification:

A Digestive tract and metabolism

A02 Drugs used for conditions associated with acidity disorders

A02B Antiulcer agents and drugs used for gastroesophageal reflux

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