Names for kittens for girls and boys are fluffy, fold-eared, colorful. The kitten is white with blue eyes. What to name a white kitten? What name should I give to a white cat?

The first thing to pay attention to is the color, especially if the kitten is completely snow-white.

Often white (especially fluffy) kittens are called simple names: Snowball, Fluff, Belok, Belyash and so on. For greater originality, you can give a similar name in a foreign language. For example, Milka, White (white), Snow (snow), Tide (purity), Cloud (cloud), Rein (purity in German) and others. It is easy to add endearing endings to such nicknames or shorten them.

The situation is much more complicated with purebred kittens. They are required to be given names that begin with the first letters of their parents' nicknames (or contain the name of the nursery). Thus, it turns out not just a nickname, but a complex name of two or three words. In this case, it is important to make sure that it is consonant and easily shortened to the nickname that the kitten will be called by in the family circle.

White color symbolizes not only purity , but also pleasant feelings (joy, calmness, goodness). You can name a white kitten by any name that is associated with these feelings and causes pleasure. Most often, “sweet” nicknames are chosen. The cat can be called Sugar, Cream or Marshmallow. Foreign names are also suitable: Zucker (sugar in German), Shuge (sugar in English), Shugarek, Fani, Joy, Gut, Fest.

Original names | nicknames for white cats

What to name a white cat if it has just appeared in the house and nothing is yet known about its habits and tastes? Of course, based on the appearance of the purr. White color is associated with something pure, beautiful, sparkling. If the kitten is boy, such nicknames as Snowball, Kefir, Belyash, Pelmen, Snow are suitable for him. girl can be called Snowflake, White, Squirrel, Asterisk, Moon, Lightning.

The appearance of the animal matters. Fluffy pets, for example, the Turkish Angora breed, with long snow-white fur, can be given the nickname Rapunzel, Barbara, Chewbacca, Spaghetti, Eyelash, Mane.

You can see more here!

Some go the other way, choosing the antipodean name for a white cat: Coal, Malevich, Ink, Ninja, Tar, Fuel Oil, Cockroach, Pepper, Soot, Woland, Hippopotamus, etc.

Cool names (nicknames) for white cats | The mystery of the name

Small children, if there are any in the house, will tell you what name to give the white cat. Babies' brains work differently than adults', and they can come up with a truly unique nickname for a new family member. By choosing a funny name, the owner of the animal will receive double pleasure when communicating with him. Here are cool nicknames for girls’ white cats, created from the names of precious metals and stones: Platinum, Iridium, Serebryanka, Almazka, Khrustalinka, Agate, Jade.

From the names of shades of color or jewelry you can also come up with for white male cats cool: Biscuit, Almond, Bezhik, Jade, Selenite, Diamond, Opal, Onyx. Rhodium.

Plump fluffies are given nicknames: Zhirok, Glutton, Zhorik, Puffy, Nyama, Saucepan, Tummy, Hamster, Carlson, Winnie the Pooh, Funtik.

White cat

Names (nicknames) for white cats girls with meaning

For white purebred cats girls choose aristocratic nicknames. For example, British women are called by English names: Brittany, Bella, Wendy, Julia, Catherine, Eleanor, Diana, Sally, Dana, Rachel, Marilyn. This has already become the norm, and no one is surprised by such nicknames anymore. But the Italian names, the list of which is given below with their meaning, sound unusual:

  • Alba - dawn
  • Allegra - happiness
  • Bambina - little girl
  • Diamanta - diamond
  • Donna is a lady
  • Gina is the queen
  • Isabella - oath
  • Aurelia – golden
  • Lucia - light
  • Nerina - water
  • Perla - like pearls
  • Elletra - diamond
  • Mirabella - beautiful

Little girls will probably tell you the names of heroin from their favorite cartoons, which can become nickname for a girl's white cat. Blonde Disney characters: Aurora, Alice, Anna, Daisy, Cruella, Elsa.

  • Alaska
  • Belyanka
  • Squirrel
  • Snow White
  • Mitten
  • Whitey
  • Blanca – white (Spanish)
  • Blondie
  • Businka, Busya
  • Gardenia
  • Star
  • Marshmallow
  • Safeda – white (Tajik)
  • Levana - Hebrew for "moon"
  • Weasel
  • Snezhana
  • Petunia
  • Curdled milk
  • Snowflake
  • Sour cream
  • Cream
  • Sindella
  • Sahara
  • Snowstorm
  • Blizzard
  • Estrella - star (Spanish)
  • Stella - star (Italian)
  • Cold
  • Fresco – coolness (Spanish)
  • Snow Maiden

White cat

Nicknames (names) for white male cats with meaning

For white purebred male cats we need solid names. It is unlikely that the nickname Barsik or Vaska would suit an important and proud Persian. But people like Mister, Hamilton, Gabriel, Harold, Dorian, Kilian, Christopher may well become a nickname for a purebred aristocrat kitten. Snow-white pets have always enjoyed universal admiration. Even in ancient times, purrs of this color became a symbol of purity and innocence.

  • Snowball
  • Little squirrel
  • Casper
  • Dumpling
  • Albus - "white" in Latin
  • Sugar
  • Angel
  • Angel
  • Blonde
  • Morozik
  • Frost - frost (English)
  • Oleander – white flower
  • Lupine
  • Seal
  • Light - light (English)

White cat with blue eyes

Name for a white cat with blue eyes

For cats and white cats with blue eyes Various nicknames will do. Both colors are associated with tenderness and purity. Since cats are often credited with a connection with magic and the other world, you can call your pet one of the angelic names. A nickname in honor of a flower or plant will sound beautiful.

  • Amaliel - protector of the weak
  • Angelos - heavenly being
  • Azazel - teaches people how to mine precious stones. stones
  • Gabriel - Guardian of Paradise
  • Cassiel - angel of tears
  • Duma - angel of silence
  • Nephilim - a huge half-angel
  • Onafiel - moon angel
  • Seraphim - a being of the highest rank in heaven
  • Sineglazka
  • Lobelia – blue flower
  • morning glory
  • Forget-me-not
  • Brunner
  • Aster

A white cat is a beautiful and graceful animal that needs an appropriate name. Brick or Loaf are not the best nicknames for a fluffy creature with luxurious snowy fur. In the first days of a kitten in the house, it is necessary to choose a name for it that reflects not only the preferences of the owners, but also the characteristics of the cat.

First of all, you should select what is convenient for the animal’s perception. Kittens are better at remembering names that:

  • not complex;
  • ends in “and”;
  • contain hissing sounds;
  • consist of more vowels than consonants.

The next step is to assess the cat's appearance. An ideal snow-white pet without spots or impurities would be well suited for names that reflect this feature:

  • Snow, Snowball, Snow.
  • Sugar, Suga.
  • Bella, Crystal.
  • Alba, Albina, Elina, Ginevra.
  • Arctic, Ice, Iceland.

The third feature is eye color. Suitable names for a blue-eyed pet are Sapphire, Yakhont, Bloom, Poseidon, Mercury, Ocean, Sky, River, Lake, Moana. A pet with green eyes can be called: Forest, Cersei, Taxi, Elf, Jungle, Taiga, Esmeralda, Smaragd.

If your cat has spots, you can try to think of what they look like and name her by association with them. Pets often take on the character of their name, so you should think carefully before naming your cat Chikatilo or Cannibal.

Selection criteria and rules

Pedigree kittens with a pedigree must meet certain requirements adopted in the club or nursery. Often, babies born in a cat's first litter are named with the letter “A”, the next litter with the letter “B”, and so on. In addition, the full name includes the name of the nursery. Breeders usually give them to their kittens themselves, often huge and long, like Count Jupiter's Favorite of Summer Rain. The owners must come up with a homely diminutive, for example, Peter or Doge. It often happens that the nickname in the documents does not match the one given by the owners.

A pet's nickname may reflect the breed. may bear names from the characters in The Wizard of Oz, where the word “munchkin” first appeared: Dorothy, Toto, Woodman, Oz. may be called: Mac, Duncan, Scot, Edinburgh, Stuart, Caledonia, Scotia. - bear Japanese names, due to the proximity of the homeland of cats and the Land of the Rising Sun: Murakami, Kyoto, Mikado, Osaka, Kitsune, Neko (cat in Japanese) and others.

The nickname may reflect the behavior of the pet. A nimble and dexterous baby can be named Typhoon, Tasman, Ataman, Flash, Mercury. Lazy and calm - Dream, Sonya, Morpheus, Morgana, Aurora. A kitten who shows himself as a thinker from the first days: Diogenes, Rodin, Tesla, Curie, Hepatia, Socrates, Hawking.

Size matters too. Large or can be called Svyatogor, Anika, Shrek, Atlant, Jotun, Loki, Thor, Dobrynya, Valkyrie, Ursula, Angara. Small and graceful pet: Atom, Boson, Micro, Quark, Mercury, Standard, Grace, Muse.

Features of white cats - color symbolism

The meaning of the animal's name can enhance the effect of the presence of a snow-white creature in the house. So, if the owners want to emphasize the peaceful meaning of the color, the cat can be named Teresa, Maria, Madonna, Yemanja, Saturday. The nicknames Zen, Dalai, Bodhi are perfect for a cat.

If owners want to focus on the pet’s luxurious coat and aristocratic manners, names such as Marquise, Roksolana, Feofano, Cixi are suitable. The courtier cat can be called Hamlet, Prince, Louis, Duke, Duke, Chancellor, Kolchak.

To highlight the mystical nature of the snow pet, you can use words from mythology and fantasy:

  • Game of Thrones characters: Daenerys, Snow, Sansa, Stark, Baratheon, Dracarys, Nymeria.
  • Ancient Greece: Apollo (light), Selene (moon), Hera (patron of marriage and family), Zeus (sky, thunder and lightning), Kronos (one of the Titans), Gaia (earth), Juno (marriage, birth and motherhood) .
  • German-Scandinavian mythology: Freya (love), Odin (war, death, heaven, wisdom and poetry, supreme), Sif (fertility), Siegfried (great warrior).
  • Ancient Egypt: Isis (femininity, motherhood, magic, moon), Ra (sun), Osiris (rebirth).
  • Slavic mythology: Makosh (female deity, blessings and abundance), Perun (thunderer), Yarilo (sun, fertility).

To enhance its beauty, you can give an animal a name that is associated with manifestations of beauty in world culture:

  • Venus, Dionysus, Cupid.
  • Lel, Lada.
  • Beatrice, Laura.
  • Vladi, Delon, Monroe, Taylor.

Names for white male kittens

The most common solution is a nickname that reflects the color of the coat:

  • Mont Blanc.
  • Opal.
  • Snow.
  • White.
  • Sugar.
  • Arkti.
  • Frost.
  • Winter.
  • Freezing.
  • February.

If the owner wants to take into account the character, you can choose the name of a character or personality that is most similar in temperament to the cat. You can choose: Odysseus, Floki, Basilio, Renard. A large and lazy pet can be called Behemoth, Master, Bezukhov, Oblomov, Gargantua.

Some people find it funny to name pets after food, for example, Mayonnaise, Kefir, Sour Cream, Milshake, Icecream.

In addition, cats are given such funny names:

  • Aspirin.
  • Belyash.
  • Zipper.
  • Esaul.
  • Mamai.
  • Optimus.
  • Chubby.
  • Rimbaud.
  • Corkscrew.
  • Yandex.

Names for white female kittens

The nicknames that first come to mind for any owner of a white cat are related to its color:

  • Snowflake.
  • Snow White.
  • Squirrel.
  • Winter.
  • Antarctic.
  • Silveria.

If the owner wants to reflect the character of the cat, you can turn to art and culture. The cold and arrogant favorite can be called Scarlett, O'Hara, Tiffany, Guerlain, Dietrich, Chanel, Bardot, Lauren, Taylor. A sweet and calm cat can have names: Jasmine, Snow White, Cinderella, Belle. If the character is robber - Mulan, Merida, Maybelle, Leia, Arya, Xena.

What not to call a white cat

There are a number of prohibitions regarding cat names that should be followed. Not worth it:

  • name the cat in honor of relatives, friends, enemies and dead animals;
  • give pets negative names: Satan, Shaitan, Sin, Horror.
  • name the animal in honor of famous murderers and maniacs: Manson, the Ripper, Sanson.
  • call the cat Man, Dog, Cat.

It would seem that there is nothing easier than giving a name to a small fluffy creature - a kitten, and yet, many people often think about it. Coming up with a nickname for a pet is not such a responsible and important undertaking compared to finding a name for a little human being, but still, it can be difficult to do. Everyone just wants to come up with something unusual and original, not like everyone else.

In this article we will try to answer the question of what to name a white kitten, and we will see what these amazing white creatures are, what breeds there are, features and why they are like that.

About the popularity of white cats

A pure white cat is magnificence, tenderness and magic. This was also believed in ancient times.

Even in Ancient Egypt, white cats were especially revered. It was believed that these animals are the best at helping people whose lives involve heavy physical activity and risk. Also, at all times, cats of this color were considered the personification of purity and purity (including purity of thoughts).

As for external features, white cats are an example of the purest colors. According to certain standards, the fur of cats of this color should have absolutely no shades or impurities, no spots or inclusions. But it should be noted that a white kitten may have markings of some colors on its head, which may gradually disappear over time.

A little about the breeds of white cats and their characteristics

(Angora cat) - white surprisingly. It differs from others in its long hair and beautiful expressive and bright eyes, the color of which can be blue, dark orange and copper.

There is one peculiarity among such cats. White cats with different colored eyes are more common. This is Odd Eyed White.

Whatever it is, any white kitten is beautiful and wonderful (photos of a variety of breeds confirm this).

In general, it can occur in different breeds of cats: oriental oriental cats (usually with blue eyes); white Persian with a golden-smoky tint and snow-white (blue eyes). The white kitten of the latest variety of breeds is quite highly valued by connoisseurs of these animals. The nose (lobes) and pads on the paws of such cats are pale pink.

Among white cats there are also albinos. Their fur turns white due to a lack of pigmentation. Typically these cats have reddish eyes.

White cats have several other features. Some of them suffer from hearing impairment. This condition is usually accompanied by a blue color of the iris. Moreover, deafness can be either one-sided or in both ears. In addition to blue eyes, white cats have yellow, orange, amber and green eyes.

Another interesting fact is that in pure white cats, deafness usually occurs in the ear that is located on the side of the one that is blue.

It is known that white color is a consequence of a lack of melanin in the body, which reacts to sunlight. And also, white cat breeds are usually more at risk of sunburn and various skin diseases than animals of other colors.

Little white kitten: photo

An animal at home, especially if it is a small, fluffy ball, is the most touching and gentle creature. And it's even better if it's white. You don't often see kittens like this. They are very sweet and touching. Besides being fluffy and playful, like all little kittens, they are also very elegant and attractive.

They require special care, especially for their white coat. Proper maintenance and use of special products will help maintain the snow-white color of a kitten’s coat and even that of adult cats.

Such a kitten (“color point”) is the dream of any breeder or lover of these cute pets. The most valuable in the British breed are kittens with blue eyes, as they are rare, unique and beautiful.

As a rule, the color of a kitten's eyes is determined primarily by color and heredity. Blue eyes are the main advantage of British “color-point” dogs (they have the color gene).

A white kitten most often has a timid character, which may be associated with a certain hearing impairment. But scientists have proven that only 5% of white cats are born with this defect.

The following beautiful and gentle names may be suitable for a white kitten with blue eyes: Nezhka, Pushinka, Zabava, Angelka, Bride, Bianca (meaning “white”).

How to come up with a name for a kitten?

It’s quite difficult to choose just one among a huge variety of nicknames. You should also think about the future. What will the kitten be like when it grows up? Many cat owners believe that for animals, the choice of name, as for people, affects the character and future fate.

A small white kitten with a certain pedigree will not create any problems finding a name. Breeders usually give (are required to) nicknames to the born kittens in accordance with the standards.

Name options

If a white kitten has a magnificent snow-white coat, the following nicknames will most likely suit him: Bella, Snezhka, Blonda, Snezhinka, Umka, Belyanka, Snow White, Belka, Zimushka.

For a boy with white fur, Zucker, Smiley, Coconut, Kefir, Snezhok, Snow (“Snow” in English), Zhemchug, White (“white” in English) and Isik are suitable.

A girl with a white skin, who loves to enjoy herself and eat delicious food, will go well with the names Slivka, Gourmand, Sugar, Marshmallow, Sugarik and Ice Cream.

If we take into account that the white color mostly suggests a festive celebration or a joyful event, then cats can be called by the following names: Surprise, Zabava, Fani (“funny” from English), Delight, Banker.

Also, any white kitten can be given names that are associated with whiteness and purity: Tide (“purity” from English), Clean, Rain (“clean” from German).

Cats of white colors look more aristocratic, elegant and graceful than their fellow cats of different colors. Therefore, they are quite popular among many lovers and connoisseurs of these beautiful graceful animals. In addition to the fact that they are affectionate and gentle creatures, they bring warmth and extraordinary comfort to the home atmosphere.