Reviews for Reamberin. Doses and methods of use. Adverse reactions that occur after using the drug

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Intoxication is serious poisoning the body with chemicals, which can occur for many reasons. To eliminate it, they were developed medical supplies, which includes Reamberin injection solution - the instructions for use explain that it helps remove toxins from the body, normalizes water-alkaline balance and stimulates intracellular regeneration processes.

Meglumine sodium succinate

The pharmacokinetics of the drug is based on the formation of the following biological processes in the body:

  • Antihypoxic - when in internal organs and soft fabrics brain arrives normal amount oxygen.
  • Antioxidant - leads to a decrease in the number of harmful radicals, removes toxins from the body, alcoholic barbiturate, restores internal structure cells.

Thanks to these properties, Reamberin helps replenish energy reserves, normalize biochemical reactions, increase the body’s ability to quickly process glucose and utilize adipose tissue, normalize the blood formula, as well as improve acid-base and water balance body. In addition, the injection solution gives a weak diuretic effect. The drug is well excreted by the kidneys and does not accumulate in cells.


The main active ingredients are meglumine sodium succinate, meglumine and succinic acid, the weight fraction of which per 100 ml of volume is 15, 8.7 and 5.2 milligrams. Strengthen the work active ingredients Potassium and magnesium chloride, sodium hydroxide, and water for injection help. So that all substances retain their beneficial features, the medication can only be stored in a dry place, protected from light. During long-term transportation, according to the instructions, freezing of the drug is allowed.

Release form

Reamberin is produced and supplied to pharmacies in several forms:

  • One and a half percent solution for infusion in glass containers of 100-200 or 500 ml. Each bottle is tightly sealed with a rubber stopper, with a metal cap on top. Complete with the Reamberin solution, the pharmacist must provide instructions for use.
  • Reamberin solution in a polymer container made of multilayer film. The product goes on sale in 250 or 500 ml containers. When purchasing in bulk, each package should contain 20-32 containers plus instructions for use for each batch.

Reamberin - what is it prescribed for?

The main purpose of Reamberin is to remove chemicals, toxins, free radicals and their derivatives from the body. In this case, the injection solution can be recommended for both children and adults. Reviews about the drug in to a greater extent positive, so the product is actively used by doctors. Can be designated short list, why Reamberin is dripped:


Reamberin intravenously should be used with caution during pregnancy, while breastfeeding and in patients with intensive development of alkaline reaction blood. The following are indicated as categorical contraindications to refusal in the instructions for the Reamberin solution:

  • severe pathology of the kidneys or liver;
  • individual intolerance to the entire composition or its individual components;
  • cerebral edema, traumatic brain injury.

Instructions for use

Reamberin, according to the manufacturers, is an isotonic detoxifying agent developed on the basis succinic acid. It is capable of stabilizing general state patient, bring back to normal metabolic processes, promote the removal of poisons, bile acids and other decomposition products. However, excessive dosages of medication can lead to complications. The patient's guide to the drug Reamberin will help prevent this - instructions for use, which are also referred to in reviews. It must be followed exactly, without deviation.


A colorless and odorless liquid solution intended only for intravenous administration. General course drug therapy is 7-11 days, and optimal dosage calculated according to instructions based on next indications:

  • For mild intoxication of the body, adults are prescribed droppers with a volume of 400 to 800 ml per day. Maximum daily dose administration of the solution should not exceed two liters of liquid.
  • At severe forms poisoning treatment takes place in a complex infusion therapy and administration of blood substitutes. The permissible infusion rate should not exceed 1-.15 ml per second.
  • In the presence of viral hepatitis, adults are prescribed 200-400 ml of solution intravenously for a course of two days to one and a half weeks.


Due to the fact that the Reamberin drip is placed exclusively intravenously, treatment with the drug is possible only in a hospital setting. If all doctor's instructions are followed, overdose should not occur. If the patient decides to self-medicate and ignore the advice given in the instructions for use, then excessive administration of the medicine is fraught with a strong decrease in blood pressure. In this case, it is advisable to stop treatment and prescribe the administration of polyglucin and calcium chloride.

Side effects

If you ignore the instructions for Reamberin, have individual intolerance, or administer the solution intravenously too quickly, the patient may experience the following adverse reactions:

  • From the outside nervous system: dizziness, migraine or severe headache, cramps, increased excitability, sensory disturbance nerve endings.
  • From the heart vascular system: tachycardia, heart pain, feeling of heat in the face and neck, hyperemia, decreased blood pressure.
  • Respiratory: dry cough, metallic taste in the mouth, shortness of breath.
  • Digestive tract: nausea with vomiting, stomach pain, urinary retention, diarrhea.
  • Manifestation of allergies: hives, skin rash, itching and burning at the puncture site, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, hypoxia.
  • Common side effects: pain in the veins and blood vessels at the puncture site, fever throughout the body, weakness, increased body temperature, redness of the face.

special instructions

Before you start using Reamberin, you should read the instructions and make sure there are no contraindications, and if there are any, immediately inform your doctor. Due to the intravenous administration of the solution, the processes of oxygen utilization are accelerated, the blood becomes alkalized, and alkalosis may occur. When treating with Reamberin, you should refrain from physical activity, driving a car and performing work increased danger.

Reamberin during pregnancy

Global Scientific research For ethical reasons, no studies have been carried out regarding the effect of Reamberin on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus. The drug has undergone only the necessary testing on rats and mice, so its absolute safety remains unproven. The instructions for the Reamberin solution state that during pregnancy and lactation it is advisable to prescribe the drug only in cases where the risk to the mother’s life exceeds possible consequences for the child's health.

For children

Concerning childhood, then the instructions for use here advise adhering to the following dosages:

  • For newborn babies and children of the first year of life, the medicine should be administered in an amount obtained at the rate of two to five milliliters per 1 kg of weight once a day.
  • The rate of administration of the drug is 3-6 ml per hour.
  • A child from one year to 14 years old can be administered the solution in a dose of 10 ml per 1 kg of body weight. The optimal daily dosage should not be higher than 400 ml per day, and the recommended infusion rate is 3-4 ml per minute.
  • To prevent adverse reactions, it is advisable to divide the daily dosage into 2 doses.
  • The general course of therapy should last no more than 5 days.

Interaction with other drugs

If necessary, additionally support the patient’s body or if there is special indications For treatment, a specialist may recommend the administration of Reamberin along with glucose, liquid vitamins different groups, antibiotics. It is strictly forbidden to mix medications in a liquid injection bottle or container with other medications. The instructions recommend refraining from simultaneous use of Reamberin with potassium-containing drugs due to possible education calcium succinate precipitate.

Reamberin price

Reamberin is dispensed from pharmacies strictly according to the prescription of the attending physician. If you have an electronic copy, you can order the solution through the manufacturer’s official catalog or buy it in an online store. The shelf life is 3 years, after which it is prohibited to use the product, especially if the drug has undergone oxidation during transportation, the solution has changed color or sediment has appeared at the bottom of the bottle. average price in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg varies depending on volume:

  • Plerigo;
  • Bicarbonate of soda;
  • Gluxil;
  • Lactoxyl;
  • Sorbilact;
  • Hunyadi Janos;
  • Holiver;
  • Rhythmocore;
  • Enerliv.
  • The drug Reamberin(Reamberin) is produced in the form of a solution for intravenous infusion, transparent, odorless and colorless.

    The active ingredients are (N-(1deoxy-Dglucitol-1yl)-N-methylammonium sodium succinate, magnesium, potassium and sodium chlorides, and the excipient is water for injection.


    The active ingredients of the drug have antioxidant, detoxification, antihypoxic, nephro-, cardio-, hepatoprotective properties due to their effect on metabolic processes.

    Prevents lipid peroxidation reactions during tissue ischemia and hypoxia, while stimulating antioxidant enzyme protection. Thus, the product stabilizes cell membranes such important organs, such as the liver, kidneys, heart muscle and brain. Sodium N-methylammonium succinate is able to significantly increase the compensatory capabilities of glycolysis by activating it through the aerobic pathway. The product also has a mild diuretic effect.

    The drug affects the Krebs cycle, inhibiting oxidative reactions and causing the growth of intracellular energy potential. Being consumed during metabolism, Reamberin does not concentrate in the body after administration.

    When hepatocytes are damaged, active substance stimulates the regenerative abilities of liver cells, while the concentration of material signs of hepatic cytolysis syndrome in the blood serum noticeably decreases.

    Areas of ischemia in the heart muscle during myocardial infarction are restored by reparative processes under the influence of N-methylammonium sodium succinate.

    Indications for use

    The drug is prescribed for oxygen starvation and intoxication of any origin, including endogenous intoxication, in case of need for detoxification, which is possible with severe blood loss, in early period after traumatic operations, acute respiratory and cardiac failure, under anesthesia, ischemic-hypoxic defects of organs important for life, intoxication with xenobiotic substances, .

    In addition, the drug is used to treat toxic hepatitis, cholestasis, protracted forms of hepatitis viral origin with signs of jaundice, with infectious-toxic, cardiogenic, hemorrhagic, traumatic, burn shock.


    Prescribed for intravenous drip use. Doses and infusion rates are prescribed individually, taking into account the patient’s condition.

    The daily dose of solution for adults should not exceed two liters, and the usual dose is from four hundred to eight hundred milligrams per day. For shock, hypoxia, intoxication and others severe conditions treatment with Reamberin should be supplemented with infusion therapy, including blood substitutes.

    The infusion rate should not exceed ninety drops per minute.

    At viral hepatitis adults are usually prescribed from two hundred to four hundred milliliters per day for a course of two days to one and a half weeks, continuously checking the blood serum to determine hepatocyte cytolysis enzymes.

    For children of the first year of life, including newborns, the dose of Reamberin is calculated taking into account body weight - according to the formula two to five milliliters per kilogram. Injections are carried out once a day. For children from one to fourteen years of age, the drug is administered at a rate of ten milliliters per kilogram of body weight, with a maximum permissible daily dose of four hundred milliliters and an administration rate of up to four milliliters per minute. The daily dose should be divided into two administrations.

    Side effects

    When using the drug, manifestations are possible side effects, such as a feeling of heat and redness in the upper body when rapid introduction and allergic reactions.


    The drug is not prescribed for traumatic brain injuries, when there is a suspicion of individual intolerance. During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed with increased caution.

    "Reamberin" is a drug that has antioxidant, detoxification, antihypoxic effects, and has a beneficial effect on aerobic changes in the cell.

    It is an isotonic, balanced infusion that normalizes metabolism in record periods of time. human body. Has a slight diuretic effect.

    Composition and form of production

    Active main substance medicine"Reamberin" serves as sodium meglumine succinate. Also contained in the composition: potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, sodium chloride, purified water, Na hydroxide.

    Produced in the form of transparent, colorless, liquid solution, without smell. It is administered parenterally.

    Intravenous administration medicinal product promotes its very rapid processing and complete elimination from the human body.

    It is packaged in glass vials (two hundred, one hundred, four hundred milliliters each), packed in a cardboard box, as well as in polymer bags (volume five hundred and two hundred and fifty ml). Polymer packaging is used exclusively in hospital settings.


    "Reamberin" is indicated for use and application in cases of acute internal and external intoxications of various origins, both in adult patients and in sick children (over 12-14 months).

    The drug is usually prescribed in following states and diseases:

    • at skin diseases– , dermatitis and others. Requires completion of several 2 weekly courses per year with a frequency of three to four months;
    • due to significant blood loss caused by circulatory disorders in tissues and organs;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • in the postoperative period;
    • for the treatment of hepatitis, jaundice (chronic course);
    • in case of poisoning toxic substances, including alcohol;
    • to strengthen the membrane of kidney, brain, and liver cells;

    It is important to know:"Reamberin" is prescribed only by a doctor and in individually. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

    • with low oxygen content in the body, tissues, organs (hypoxia);
    • burns, cholestasis, hemorrhagic and cardiogenic shock;
    • at oncological diseases practically not used, it can be used after a course of chemotherapy to relieve physical condition and improving the patient’s well-being;
    • treatment and prevention of permanent overexertion and increasing the adaptive potential of the athletes’ body.

    Doses and methods of use

    The Reamberin solution is used after clarification and identification of the patient’s personal sensitivity. Then, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, the specialist determines the dose and speed of the drip:

    • for adults, the solution is administered dropwise into a vein, at a rate not exceeding 90–95 drops per minute (from 1 to 4.5 ml/min.), with a daily dose of 300–900 ml per day;
    • For children over 12 months old, the medicine can be infused at a rate of no more than 4 ml/min; the infusion volume is calculated based on 5-10 ml/kg of the child’s weight, and should be within 400 milliliters. Children under 1 year of age are allowed 2-5 ml of medication per kilogram of weight. For babies born prematurely, Reamberin is dripped slowly - 2.5-6 ml per hour.

    In exceptional, rare circumstances initial stage exit from critical condition, the volume of intravenous administration is increased to 2 liters per day.

    The drug is easily combined with glucose, vitamins (soluble in water), and antibiotics. Satisfactory dynamics begin to be observed after taking the medicine for a week. The standard course of treatment in adult patients does not exceed 11 days, and in children – 5 days.

    Drink, i.e. It makes no sense to take the medicine orally, since its effect is manifested only on cellular level, entering the body through intravenous administration.

    Note: may decrease sharply during infusion arterial pressure. In this case, the injection of the solution is stopped. Hypertensive agents are used to stabilize blood pressure.

    After taking the pharmaceutical drug, the color of urine may change and blood sugar levels may become lower.

    Contraindications and side effects

    This medication also has limitations in its use. There are not many of them, and you need to know about them:

    • personal intolerance to the components of the drug;
    • pregnant women are prescribed the solution in exceptional cases in order to avoid deviations in fetal development. Reamberin cannot be used during breastfeeding;
    • Reamberin is prohibited for the treatment of patients with severe renal dysfunction;
    • it is contraindicated for brain damage aggravated by edema;
    • use for alkalosis medicinal solution should be used very carefully and under the supervision of a physician.

    Increased, accelerated administration can cause:

    • respiratory disorders - dry annoying cough, shortness of breath, yawning, rapid sighs;
    • modifications skin– itching, rash, urticaria;
    • immunity failures – various allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema;
    • interruptions in cardiovascular system– rapid heartbeat, tachycardia, pain in the chest, in the area of ​​the heart muscle;
    • functional gastrointestinal disorders - gagging, nausea, metallic taste in the mouth, diarrhea;
    • problems of the vascular system of the body - a short-term feeling of warmth and heat, redness of the body in the upper part, hypertension, hypotension;
    • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system - tremors, anxiety, convulsions, dizziness, unreasonable agitation;
    • general ailments – feeling of weakness, chills, excessive sweating.

    The use of most drugs causes in patients side effects. Most often, this is due to long-term use dosage forms, use of medications in large doses, or individual reaction for a specific substance.

    Therefore, you should abandon the drug or limit its use.

    Shelf life and storage conditions The manufacturer has set an expiration date of 1.5 5 years in glass containers and 3 years for polymer packaging. Reamberin should be stored in a dark, dry room with an ambient temperature of 0 - +25 ° C.

    Short-term freezing of the product is allowed. Properties are not lost after defrosting. The appearance of sediment or discoloration are factors that prohibit the use of the medicine. IN pharmacy chain Medicines can be dispensed only with a prescription. It is prohibited to use the drug outside the hospital.

    According to numerous reviews, the medicinal solution copes excellently with removing toxins from the body and helps to recover from severe course infectious diseases, visibly speeds up the healing process.

    How Reamberin is produced, see the following video:

    Reamberin is a medication sold in the form of a solution for infusion. The action of the drug is aimed at detoxification and providing an antihypoxic effect on the patient’s body. Accordingly, it is used for acute intoxications of an exogenous and endogenous nature. Pregnant women and women who are pregnant breast-feeding, the drug is contraindicated. It can be used in pediatrics; the drug Reamberin is used in children over 1 year of age.

    Dosage form

    Reamberin is available in the form of a solution for infusion. Sales are carried out in glass bottles of 100, 200, 400 ml. Bottles are packed in cardboard boxes. The product is also available in containers made of multilayer polyolefin film of 250 and 500 ml. They are packaged in boxes of 20 or 32 pieces for hospitals.

    Description and composition

    Reamberin solution is a colorless liquid that is transparent.

    Active component in the product medicinal purposes is sodium meglumine succinate.

    The medication also contains a number of components that serve as additional components. These include:

    • sodium chloride;
    • potassium chloride;
    • magnesium chloride;
    • sodium hydroxide;
    • water for injections.

    Pharmacological group

    The active component of the drug has antioxidant and antihypoxic properties. The substance has a beneficial effect on cellular anaerobic processes. This happens by reducing production free radicals and restoration of the energy component of cells.

    The drug stimulates enzymatic processes in the citrate cycle. The effect of the substance is noted, which manifests itself in promoting the process of excretion of glucose and fatty acids.

    Withdrawal of the product occurs very quickly. There is no accumulation of the substance.

    Indications for use

    Means medicinal action Reamberin is used in patients according to the indications of the treating specialist.

    for adults

    Indications for use of the drug Reamberin are acute intoxication endogenous and exogenous nature.

    for children

    Reamberin infusions are used in children over one year of age to achieve detoxification and antihypoxic effects in acute exogenous and endogenous intoxications.

    Due to insufficient quantity clinical trials on the topic of using Reamberin in pregnant women, as well as in those who are in lactation period, the use of IVs in these categories of patients is unacceptable.


    There are a number of conditions, the presence of which in a patient obliges the doctor to refrain from prescribing the specified medication to the patient; these include for Reamberin:

    • acute renal failure;
    • period of bearing a child;
    • recent traumatic brain injury with associated cerebral edema;
    • kidney disorders of chronic etiology;
    • special individual hypersensitivity to any of the components of the product;
    • lactation period.

    In case of renal failure and alkalosis, Reamberin should be used with great caution.

    Applications and dosages

    The drug is administered by drip. Reamberin is subject to intravenous administration.

    Determination of the rate of drug administration and required dosage made by a doctor. The treating specialist makes these decisions based on the patient's condition.

    for adults

    The rate of administration of the substance for adult patients should not be more than 90 drops per minute (1-4.5 ml per minute). The average daily dose is 10 ml per kilogram of body weight.

    Use of the drug in elderly patients and patients with renal failure must be carried out with caution. It may be necessary to reduce the rate of administration for elderly patients.

    for children

    For children over 1 year of age, Reamberin infusion solution is administered intravenously by drip in a dosage of 6 to 10 ml per kilogram of body weight. Administration is carried out once a day. The rate should be 3 to 4 ml per minute. Daily dosage medicinal agents Reamberin for children is no more than 400 ml.

    The duration of the course of drug therapy is no more than 11 days.

    for pregnant women and during lactation

    The lack of studies proving the safety of Reamberin use in pregnant and lactating women makes it impossible to administer the infusion solution to these categories of patients.

    Side effects

    Side effects of Reamberin are very unlikely and are extremely low in frequency. Among the actions that may occur during the use of the medication are the following:

    • allergic reactions;
    • rash;
    • dyspnea;
    • tachycardia;
    • nausea;
    • dizziness;
    • hyperthermia;
    • Quincke's edema;
    • dry cough;
    • anaphylactic shock;
    • pain in the heart area;
    • excitation;
    • headache;
    • chills;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • metallic taste in the mouth;
    • sweating;
    • convulsions;
    • lowering blood pressure;
    • pain in the abdominal area;
    • diarrhea;
    • edema;
    • pain at the injection site;
    • lethargy;
    • tremor;
    • hyperemia;
    • anxiety;
    • phlebitis;
    • paresthesia.

    If the above reactions occur in the patient, the rate of administration of the drug is reduced.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Generally drug Reamberin has good compatibility.

    It can be used simultaneously with glucose solution or water-soluble vitamins or antibiotics.

    Mixing the product with other solutions and medicinal substances is unacceptable.

    Also, you should not combine the use of Reamberin with the administration of calcium supplements, since there is a possibility of calcium succinate precipitating.

    special instructions

    The medication stimulates anaerobic processes, as a result of which the level of glucose in the blood may decrease, and there is also the possibility of an alkaline urine reaction.

    Patients suffering from this should be treated with caution; in this group, blood glucose levels should be monitored.

    If during storage the color of the product changes or a precipitate forms, then the use of this solution seems impossible.

    During the period of therapy with Reamberin, driving vehicles or other potentially dangerous mechanisms not recommended.


    There is no information about cases of overdose. However, there is a possibility of intensification side effects at long-term treatment Reamberin in high dosage.

    Storage conditions

    The medicine should be stored in a dark place inaccessible to children. Storage temperature can vary from 0 to 25 degrees Celsius. It is possible to freeze the Reamberin solution.

    The shelf life of the product in the form of release in glass bottles is 5 years, and when sold in polymer containers, this period is 3 years from the date of issue.

    Use after the expiration date is impractical and dangerous.

    The drug is dispensed with the need to present a prescription from a doctor.


    There are a number of other IV solutions that produce a similar effect.

    The active ingredients of the product include potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, glucose, xylitol and sodium acetate. The medication has a more extensive list of indications for use; Glyxil is used to normalize acid-base balance at states of shock, for burns and intoxication, for long-term purulent lesions, for liver disorders, as well as various infectious lesions.

    List active substances Xylate includes potassium chloride, xylitol, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride and sodium acetate. Used only for inpatient therapy. Pregnancy is a contraindication to the use of the product. The drug Xylate, like Reamberin, is used to reduce intoxication, but also has a list of other indications, such as improving microcirculation, to replenish carbohydrate deficiency that occurs in other pathologies of glucose elimination, in traumatic, hemolytic, surgical and burn shock and in some other cases.

    Meglumine calcium succitate

    This remedy is a direct analogue of Reamberin. Used this drug for intoxication and has properties similar to Reamberin. Not used during pregnancy and lactation.


    The cost of Reamberin is on average 650 rubles. Prices range from 131 to 4298 rubles.