How does neurosis manifest itself? Clinicians distinguish three forms of neurasthenia, which are practically successive stages. Mechanism and stages of disease development

Today there is hardly a single person with an absolutely healthy psyche. Complexes, fears, phobias, increased anxiety, constant feeling guilt - all this is cultivated by demands modern society, since childhood, including people in the pursuit of success, recognition, money. And on this soil neuroses grow successfully. What does even someone who considers himself generally “normal” need to know about them?

Neurosis - what is it?

Neurotic disorder, psychoneurosis, neurosis are equivalent names for the category of protracted psychogenic disorders associated with a temporary disruption in the functioning of the psyche. This term was first used in 1776 by the Scottish doctor W. Cullen. And although the concept is widespread in clinical practice, it is still not precisely defined what neurosis is: the meaning of this word has been revised many times, however, the final verdict has not been made.

The term is usually used to designate one of the functional disorders of higher nervous activity, which is accompanied by hysterical, asthenic or obsessive manifestations and a decrease in overall performance. According to various sources, about 1-3% of people suffer from neuroses. Moreover, neurotic disorders can be observed in both adults and children.

The development of a neurotic disorder is always associated with negative impact stress factors, including:

  1. High expectations. A person who is constantly trying to “jump in over his head” will not be able to withstand such a rhythm for long. The feeling of an impossible plan can crush anyone.
  2. Great physical or mental stress. Prolonged fatigue of any type leads to the formation of neurosis. If the body does not have time to recover from the load, it begins to react to what is happening in the ways available to it, primarily through psychosomatic symptoms.
  3. Loneliness, unsettled personal life. The absence of someone close to you significantly increases the chances of developing a disorder. Prolonged stay in the company of oneself does not allow a person to fully realize social needs, which is why signs of neurosis begin to appear.
  4. Inadequate self-esteem. Both high and low opinions of oneself are harmful to mental health. In both cases we're talking about about an unrealistic perception of the world, and such distortions are favorable for the formation of all kinds of disorders.
  5. Heavy stressful situations. Post-stress disorder develops in those who have experienced a traumatic situation: a terrorist attack, an accident, combat operations, natural disasters, attacks, etc. Signs of neurosis almost always appear in men who took part in military operations (Afghan neurosis).
  6. Childhood trauma. The child is vulnerable. Everything that happens to him before adolescence, lays the foundation of personality. Children whose parents were prone to violence, were addicted to alcohol or drugs, used excessively harsh parenting methods, and subsequently high probability join the neurotics.

Almost always, the causes of neurosis lie in the characteristics of a particular person. Some people perceive what is happening so painfully and sensitively that their psyche simply cannot cope with the load. By the way, the reaction to negative factors environment largely genetically determined. If the parents were suspicious, worried, and depressed, then the children will most likely inherit this pattern of behavior.

Due to increased emotionality, representatives of the weaker sex are more often susceptible to nervous disorders. Often the causes of neurosis in women are associated with entering into menopause, When hormonal changes exhausts the body, and the approach of old age forces one to begin to evaluate the results of life, which are not always satisfactory.

OCD, neurasthenia and hysterical neurosis – what is it? The main types of neurotic disorder

A huge number of neuroses are conventionally divided into three key types. Among them:

Type of neurosis Symptoms
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder associated with the formation of obsessive habits/thoughts/actions in the patient and the development of fears (phobias).
  • obsessive thoughts, fears, memories and actions that do not give a person pleasure and are perceived by him as painful
  • obsessive habit of counting steps or cars of any color, knocking a pen on the table a certain number of times and other useless rituals
  • inability to get rid of obsessive experiences, inability to “turn off” them
  • increased level anxiety, suspiciousness
  • hypochondria, expressed fear of getting sick (most often phobias relate to STDs, AIDS, cancer), which is why the patient regularly visits doctors
  • often – claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces) or agoraphobia (fear of open spaces)
  • desire to avoid any painful and difficult situations causing fear
Neurasthenia (astheno-nervotic syndrome) is a neurotic disorder that occurs under the influence of mental trauma, physiological restrictions (hunger, lack of sleep) and hard work.
  • tachycardia even with minor exertion
  • cold extremities
  • increased sweating
  • insomnia
  • decreased appetite, alternating with sudden attacks of extreme hunger
  • excessive sensitivity to light, sound, smells, temperature changes
  • severe headaches
  • noise in ears
  • hypochondria
  • mood swings, irritability
  • decreased learning ability, decreased work productivity
  • memory loss, inability to concentrate
Hysterical neurosis (hysteria) is a personality disorder associated with a tendency to dramatize, theatricality and the need to attract attention.
  • increased egocentrism
  • very pronounced emotionality (including “theatrical” techniques - tears in public, wringing of hands, lamentations, etc.)
  • obsessive desire to always be the center of attention
  • tendency to exaggerate everything
  • constant change of hobbies
  • demonstrative, unnatural behavior
  • mood swings
  • suggestibility, the desire to pass off an ordinary acquaintance as close friendship or love
  • autonomic disorders (disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, burning and itching of the skin, dizziness, fainting, numbness individual areas body, in severe cases – development of deafness and blindness)
  • “Munchausen syndrome” (simulation of symptoms of the disease)
  • hysterical attacks, which the patient remembers after they are over

Separately, there are depressive, phobic and hypochondriacal neuroses. Although to one degree or another they may be included in the structure of OCD, neurasthenia or hysteria.

The psychosomatic (somatoform) state of neurosis is characterized by symptoms somatic disease(gastritis, angina pectoris, etc.) with ideal laboratory tests: that is, vegetative signs arise under the influence of active mental processes, but at the same time the physical body is healthy.

Neurosis: symptoms of a developing disorder

Neurosis does not arise out of the blue. It is formed over a period of time, during which a person goes through three main stages:

  1. Neurotic reaction. It is reversible and short-term actions, emotions, experiences. It is during this period that the first signs of neurosis appear: increased excitability, causeless crying, increased anxiety, fixation of attention on the negative, loss of vitality.
  2. Neurotic state. During this time period, a disruption occurs in the system interpersonal relationships. A person begins to look at others from the point of view of neurosis: with hysteria, he demands 100% attention from them, with OCD - respect for meaningless rituals and emerging phobias, with neurasthenia - adjustment to changeable moods. Symptoms of neurosis are becoming more and more obvious, but at the same time the patient’s condition is still reversible.
  3. Neurotic personality development. In the absence of proper treatment, the disorder leads to personality mutation and the formation of new character traits. Paranoia, pedantry, increased punctuality, painfully high or low self-esteem, excessive emotionality may develop - depending on the type of neurosis.

“Young” neurosis, the signs of which are just beginning to “bloom,” is best treated. If the problem was not noticed in the first two stages, then further treatment may be ineffective, since the personality changes that have occurred are difficult to correct.

Acute neurosis: symptoms

Acute neurosis is a temporary state into which a person falls immediately after a traumatic situation (or against the background of severe fatigue/negative thoughts, etc.) Symptoms are usually expressed through:

  • hysterical attack;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • headaches;
  • blurred vision;
  • sweating;
  • accelerated heartbeat;
  • trembling of limbs.

The emerging signs of neurosis in adults resemble an attack. It is impossible not to notice him, since he knocks a person out of his mind for a while. normal life. The patient does not stay in this state for long, but it is not always possible to recover from it: at a minimum, a fear develops of a recurrence of the attack at an unfavorable moment - at school, at work, on the street, etc.

Chronic neurosis: symptoms

Chronic neurosis is a “dormant” disorder. As a rule, it is associated with a change in a person’s personality. This form of neurosis occurs when signs of pathology are completely ignored for a long time (usually lasts from six months to two years).

Standard symptoms of a chronic disorder:

  • persistently increased level of anxiety;
  • insomnia or constant nightmares;
  • excessively weak or too active appetite;
  • inadequate self-esteem;
  • mood swings;
  • irritability;
  • touchiness;
  • increased fatigue.

Signs of a chronic disorder are often perceived only as personality traits. Symptoms of neurosis in women are especially often triggered in this way: others attribute any “problems” in behavior to PMS or simply bad character. This is where the serious difficulty of further therapy lies: it is difficult to separate a real person from the neurotic “patina” on him.

Neurosis: treatment

The method of treating a neurotic disorder is selected taking into account the characteristics of a particular case. Psychotherapeutic methods commonly practiced include:

  • finding out the root cause of neurosis;
  • breathing training;
  • training in relaxation methods and methods of removing fixation on a traumatic event;
  • changing negative attitudes to positive ones.

Sometimes hypnosis is used. If a specialist considers this necessary, he may recommend drug therapy using drugs that normalize brain processes of excitation and inhibition. For exacerbation of neurosis, Elenium, Relanium, Sibazon, Seduxen, Amizil are indicated.

At home, the patient is recommended to exercise, practice meditation and breathing exercises, to walk alot. Signs of neurosis in women can be relieved well by keeping a diary: the stress splashed out on the pages ceases to have such a strong influence on the patient’s life. Drawing, listening to relaxing music or simply liking music helps a lot.

Neurotic disorders can “catch” anyone. So don't be afraid sudden symptoms neurosis: in today's realities they are very common. You just need to contact a psychotherapist as soon as possible. The sooner help is provided, the higher the chances of complete restoration of the patient’s personality.

Neurosis gets its name from Greek and means nerve. Synonyms are neurotic disorder and psychoneurosis. Collective names for a group of nerves functional diseases psychogenic disorders (hysterical neurosis, neurasthenia, obsessive-compulsive neurosis) tend to have a long course. The clinical picture of these disorders has asthenic, obsessive, and hysterical manifestations. The disease is characterized by a decrease in mental as well as physical performance. The term neurosis was introduced into medical terminology in 1776 by a doctor from Scotland, William Cullen.

Causes of neuroses

An important factor causing neuroses are human conflicts, both internal and external. External include the effect of certain circumstances that cause psychological trauma, as well as prolonged emotional stress and affect the intellectual sphere of the psyche.

Neurosis is the norm of our days and it has firmly entered our lives since the time of Freud. Currently, the question of the authenticity of his existence no longer arises; there is a question of a person’s attitude to his condition (neurosis) and mental problems. Some magnify their suffering, and also ennoble it, finding their own meaning in it. And others suffer from them all their adult lives, and also try to ignore them, or interpret them in their own way, but more often they run away from them into work or into religion, into another person, into fantasy, into illness, into alcohol and so they are forgotten .

Neurosis is considered temporary functional disorders nervous system, which arise under the influence of acute as well as longitudinal traumatic factors. The causes of neuroses are overwork, environmental fatigue, the effects of radiation, and serious illnesses.

I.I. Pavlov characterized neurosis as a chronic disease with a disorder of higher nervous activity that arose after overstrain in the cerebral cortex.

Other psychoanalytic theories consider neurosis, as well as its symptoms, to be a consequence of a deep-seated psychological conflict. It is believed that this conflict arises in the conditions of a social situation and this situation interferes with the satisfaction of basic needs, and also poses a danger or threat to the future of a person, which he tries, but cannot overcome or change.

Sigmund Freud believed that the origin of neurosis is due to the contradictions that arose due to instinctive drive (It) and the prohibition of the Superego. This prohibition represents morality, as well as moral laws that are embedded in a person from childhood.

Karen Horney argued that neurosis acts as a defense against adverse social factors. These may include humiliation, controlling parental love, social isolation, neglect, and aggressive behavior parents towards the child. In order to somehow protect himself, the child develops a kind of defense: from people, then movement towards people, and also against people. Movement away from people is a need for freedom, independence, and distance from people. The movement towards people includes the need for love, submission, and protection. The movement against people is the need for glory, for triumph over the people themselves, for success, for recognition; is to cope with life on your own and be strong.

Every neurotic has all three types, but only one dominates, so people suffering from neurosis are divided into isolated, subordinate, and aggressive.

Today there are psychological factors development of neuroses, which are understood as the characteristics and conditions of personality development, as well as upbringing, level of aspirations and relationships with society; And biological factors, by which we mean functional impairment certain neurophysiological as well as neurotransmitter systems that make patients susceptible to psychogenic influences

Signs of neurosis

The main criteria, as well as signs by which neurosis is distinguished, are: psychogenic factors of occurrence, as well as decompensation of painful manifestations, absence of psychotic signs, absence of dementia, increasing personality changes, painful nature of psychopathological manifestations, critical attitude of the patient towards himself

Neurosis - symptoms

A neurotic disorder has the following symptoms: the presence of cynicism, emotional distress for no apparent reason, indecision, communication problems, low or high self-esteem, feelings of anxiety, phobias, panic disorder, fears, anticipation of an alarming event, panic attacks, uncertainty in the value system, as well as contradictions in preferences and life desires, conflicting ideas about oneself, about life, about others.

Symptoms of neurosis include instability of mood and frequent, as well as sharp variability, irritability; high sensitivity to stress, manifested in despair or aggression; The symptoms of neuroses are characterized by tearfulness, fixation on a traumatic situation, vulnerability, touchiness, and anxiety. When trying to work, neurosthenics quickly get tired, their attention, memory, and thinking abilities decrease; they are very susceptible to loud sounds, temperature changes, and bright light.

Neurosis also includes symptoms such as sleep disorder; it is often difficult for a person to fall asleep due to overexcitation; his sleep is superficial, very disturbing and does not bring any relief; In the morning, drowsiness is often observed.

Characteristic of neurosis and physical symptoms: headaches, as well as heart pain, often there is increased fatigue, abdominal pain, decreased performance (), VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) is observed, as well as darkening from pressure changes in the eyes, disturbances in the vestibular apparatus: difficulties in coordinating movements on balance, frequent dizziness, eating disorders ( - overeating or undereating - ); feeling of hunger and at the same time very rapid satiety during meals; insomnia, unpleasant dreams, hypochondria - taking care of your health, psychological feeling and the experience of physical pain (psychalgia).

Neurosis also has such autonomic symptoms: sweating, jumping blood pressure, palpitations, stomach problems, cough, frequent urination, decreased libido, loose stool, decreased potency

Treatment of neuroses

Many methods and techniques for treating neuroses help cope with this disease. In the treatment of neuroses, psychotherapy is successfully used, and in more severe cases, drug treatment.

The opinion of doctors is that it is advisable for the patient to become aware of his contradictions and build a more accurate picture of his personality. The main goal of psychotherapy is to help the patient understand the relationships that determined the development of neurosis. There will be a result in psychotherapy if the patient really correlates his life experience with the situation because of which they came into conflict and the disease manifested itself.

It is important to draw the patient’s attention to his personal subjective experiences, as well as to the external conditions of the social environment.

But Karen Horney argued that awareness of contradictions alone is absolutely not enough; it is very important to create psychotherapeutic conditions that will change the personality and allow her to forever forget neurotic ways of protecting herself from the outside world

Color diagnostics of neuroses

Personality neurosis is diagnosed by repeated preference for the following colors (gray, purple, black, brown).

The colors rejected by patients with hysterical syndrome are red and purple.

Treatment of neuroses includes many methods. These include feasible physical activity - physical exercise (aerobics, swimming, running, fast walk). All this stimulates the heart and enriches it with oxygen. Physical activities We spend up to 5 times a week for 15 minutes.

Treatment methods for neuroses include color therapy. The right color for the brain is beneficial, just like vitamins are for the body. To extinguish anger and irritation, avoid the color red. When you are in a bad mood, eliminate black and dark blue tones from your wardrobe and surround yourself with light and warm colors. To relieve tension, look at blue, greenish tones. Replace the wallpaper at home, choose the appropriate decor.

An effective method for treating neurosis is music therapy, which is selected according to the mood, then the music is changed in the direction of changing the desired mood. This is what Bekhterev advised. Strong effect And good result gives simple music - songs, romances. French researchers advise using the mechanism of action of music. First, we determine the melody responsible for state of mind on this moment. Next, a melody is selected that can resist the effect of the first composition, neutralizing it. When choosing a second melody, they are guided by the fact that it should be airy and light; giving the desired consolation and instilling hope. When choosing the third composition, music with the greatest emotional impact is selected. Music should be dynamic, carrying confidence, will and courage.

Methods for treating neuroses include the gastronomic method. Pleasure yourself through food. Carbohydrates contained in cakes and sweets are very calming. Desired result gives and protein food(seafood, chicken, young veal, beef), but avoid drinking coffee, strong tea, Coca-Cola and the like. There is a direct connection with great welcome these drinks and anxiety, depression, and irritability

Traditional treatment of neurosis

If you feel tired or overworked, try grape juice every two hours 2 tbsp. spoons, effective salty fish in small quantities, as well as a decoction of warm potatoes with peel. Prepare dessert: for a glass of hot milk, one yolk and sugar. Drink hot.

Mix chopped walnuts with honey, take a teaspoon up to three times a month.

The diet must contain iodine-containing foods: serviceberry fruits, feijoa, seaweed.

During nervous excitement, as well as tearfulness or insomnia, take up to 15 drops of valerian. Take a bath of valerian root decoction. To do this, take 60 grams of root, boil for 15 minutes, let it brew for up to 1 hour, strain and pour into the bath. The duration of the bath is no more than 15 minutes.

In the evening, take a tincture of motherwort herb for a month, and drink a glass of hot milk at night; It is recommended to sleep on a pillow stuffed with wormwood and hop cones.

Traditional treatment for neurosis includes many remedies that improve sleep, change mood, and relieve stress and irritability.

Everyone can choose an effective herbal treatment for neuroses.

For example, one tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of the herb trefoil, valerian root, peppermint leaves, then leave, strain and drink up to 100 ml up to 2 times a day for a month.

At restless sleep, general weakness Those suffering from neurasthenia should pour a teaspoon of verbena herb into a glass of boiling water, then leave for an hour, take small sips throughout the day.

A good effect from dry borage leaves, pour 2 tablespoons of boiling water, leave, strain, add sugar and drink during the day, treat for a month.

Main symptoms neurotic state: irritation, fatigue, memory and attention deterioration, low mood, anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive actions, vulnerability, etc. What to do? Contact a psychologist or psychiatrist. Neurosis is a reaction of the psyche and body to an unresolved conflict. There is always a cause for neurosis. Unresolved situations associated with a person’s life accumulate and manifest themselves, first, as neurotic symptoms, and then as psychosomatic ones. In simple words, if the “psyche” is silent, the “somatics”, that is, the body, will find a way out. Therefore, many diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and others are directly related to mental activity.

How to understand yourself? Often, patients' chief complaints are directly focused on a symptom, such as anxiety. It’s difficult to explain where anxiety comes from and why it doesn’t go away on its own, and it’s impossible to live with it. Therefore, without professional help it will be difficult to cope, since the symptoms of neurosis are, first of all, a cry for help from the “psyche”, which through the symptoms shows that it needs “repair”.

For those who are trying to help themselves, First of all, learn to control your anxiety. It's difficult, but possible. When you're feeling really anxious, try diaphragmatic breathing, its essence is that the exhalation should be twice as long as the inhalation (inhale by 1-2, exhale by 1-2-3-4) and so on 20 - 30 times. To better control the breathing process, place two hands on your stomach and watch how they rise and fall with your stomach as you breathe. Gradually you will calm down and all indicators of the cardiovascular system will return to normal. Do this every time you start to feel anxious.

For aggression and irritation, try Jacobson relaxation. This is alternate tension and relaxation of the body muscles. You need to imagine that you are holding an orange in your fist and must squeeze the juice out of it. Do this alternately with each hand. You can also hold rubber balls in your fist and alternately squeeze and release until you get tired.

Important! Don’t forget to talk about problems, everyone has them. Don’t try to live up to the assessments of others; they don’t need you. Play sports, as physical fatigue relieves mental activity. Love yourself.

It is better to detect neurosis in the early stages, when it does not yet become a pronounced somatic reaction. In this case, in addition to the presence of stress in life, additional stress arises in the form of anxiety for one’s health. That is, the neurosis begins to be aggravated by the neurosis itself. If at first you were worried about a situation, now you are worried about your health - about whether your heart is okay, whether you are seriously ill, or whether disability is around the corner. From these experiences, stress increases even more, symptoms worsen, anxiety intensifies, and so on.

Therefore, if you notice the following in your life, then you should not think that everything will go away by itself. It is worth paying attention to problem situations and starting to solve them gradually.

Signs that neurosis is around the corner

  1. You often worry or worry about something. Usually the subject of concern is one and very significant, but sometimes there are several. For example, you quit your job and became a freelancer. And now, instead of freedom and the beach with a laptop, every day you are worried about where to find new orders and make money. If anxiety has become obsessive, preventing you from sleeping, resting and relaxing, then it’s time to change something or it will lead to the development of neurosis.
  2. There is some situation in your life that requires a solution. For example, you realized that you no longer love your partner. But you don’t break off relations with him and don’t try to improve them, preferring to leave everything as it is. Until better times, until more suitable circumstances. Often people do not notice such “stuck” situations in their lives. It seems to them that there is no problem here. However, this is a common cause of neurosis.
  3. There have been changes in your life that you were not prepared for. For example, sudden death loved one. A person cannot and should not be prepared for everything, but this does not eliminate the need to competently cope with the consequences of his shocks. If you are fixated on what happened, constantly mentally returning to the shocking situation, then you should contact a specialist in a timely manner. The same applies to future changes that are just approaching, but are already causing anxiety and unpleasant emotions.
  4. You are in a dead end situation. You don't see a way out and can't decide what to do next. For example, women who have been exposed domestic violence, often experience this. Leaving is scary. Staying is scary. It’s not clear what to do. A dead end that can easily lead to neurosis if a person does not find a way out.
  5. You live in constant tension. A lot rests on you, you need to control a lot. For example, you are a mother of five children. Each requires attention, time and effort. Even when you are tired, you cannot give up everything by leaving for GOA. Therefore, you simply overcome fatigue and move on with your life. Constant tension for a long time without the opportunity to get quality rest rarely goes away without leaving a trace.
  6. You feel exhausted. This happens after periods of intense stress. If you have had a time in the past when you worked long hours and tirelessly, overcoming fatigue and ignoring the natural desire to turn your attention to something else, then exhaustion is a natural reaction. We also feel exhausted after severe stress and prolonged anxiety. Therefore, exhaustion is serious signal about the need to seek help.
  7. You have problems sleeping and resting. From time to time, everyone can have such problems, and there is certainly no point in detecting signs of neurosis in every sleepless night. But if your sleep problems started not long ago and began to appear regularly, then this is a sure sign of a developing neurosis.
  8. It is difficult for you to rest. Rest is a change of activity. If you find it difficult to do something or switch attention from some things, then it’s time to think about the possible development of neurosis. What we mean here are situations when you can’t switch because you can’t/there’s no one else to do it/it’s all on me/I have to, and so on. We are not talking about when you are passionate about something and cannot tear yourself away from an interesting activity.
  9. You have increased sensitivity/nervousness. You either react too nervously and even aggressively even in simple everyday situations, or you start crying for any seemingly insignificant reason. If this was not typical for you before, then be sure to pay attention to it - often this is a sign of developing neurosis.
  10. You don’t share your worries with anyone, you keep everything to yourself. And one of the qualities that is common to most of those who suffer from neurosis is the habit of keeping everything to themselves. Sometimes this is a truly formed pattern of behavior, sometimes it is a consequence of the absence of close people whom you can trust. If you have problems that you have no one to discuss with and you are forced to keep everything to yourself, this is a bad sign.

How to get rid of it?

The most important thing is to understand that this condition clearly indicates the presence of problems in your life that require solutions. Therefore, fighting the condition itself is unnecessary and even harmful. This is how to fight windmills. There is a lot of effort, but there is no point. It's better to find the source of stress. And then begin to take action to eliminate it.

1. First, look for the source. Try to determine what is causing concern/anxiety in the current situation? In your current life? What's on your mind? When do you worry the most? What are you most stressed about?

2. Once you find the source, determine what you would like. How should everything be ideally? How would you like it to be? What would you like to happen? What changes are you missing?

3. Now you can think about actions. In some cases, some small actions are enough. For example, if you lost your job, it may be enough to find a new one and the symptoms will subside. But unfortunately, in most cases, neurosis is based on internal conflicts and contradictions, which are best dealt with in the presence of a competent specialist. Therefore, if you do not find a simple and feasible solution, then the best action is to consult a psychologist.

Everything is falling out of hand- Do you yell at your family, hiss at your employees, does your eyelid twitch when you look at your boss? Perhaps you just need to get some sleep and rest for a day or two. Or maybe things have gone further, and you have a real neurosis.

Neurosis is a thing when the body has no strength left. From the word absolutely. So completely that you break somewhere inside, but for some reason you continue to move, like a very heroic dancer on a broken leg. Usually one symptom is not enough, but a few from our list are already enough to cause concern. And no, this is not a case where “I’ll think about it tomorrow” is a good idea.

1. Irritability

There are really serious reasons for irritation. But when literally any action or circumstance enrages you, and days of bad mood come one after another, this is already a bad sign.

2. Oddities with appetite

It may disappear completely, but more often, unfortunately, tricks just begin. Suddenly you find that you eat constantly and literally everything. They say that people with depression and neuroses are especially often drawn to sweets.

3. Sleep disorders

Either you crawl all day like a sleepy fly, then you count sheep and camels ad infinitum, but sleep does not come and does not come. And if you come, then you plunge into it for a few minutes, half wake up and dive again. But very shallow. And you get up not just without sleep, but with strange trembling or weakness in your arms and legs.

4. Cruel spleen

Or, in other words, the blues. Not just melancholy, but green melancholy. It’s sickening, stuffy, every movement, every action – I can’t get through it. It is very similar to depression, but, nevertheless, it is not it.

5. Sudden tearfulness

You are not a whiner by nature, but suddenly you notice a cat near the road and start crying: she was probably hit by a car. In particular advanced cases you will deliberately begin to look for poignant films and touching books in order to justify the burning desire to cry with the height of art.

6. Instant fatigue

Everything is tiring. Even rest. Don't get your hopes up, it's not just laziness. Pulling yourself together won't help.

7. Weird anxiety

You are haunted by forebodings and fears. Moreover, you are usually afraid of something that happens very rarely, in fact, is not always fatal or does not depend on you. You wake up at night with the realization that tomorrow you will be fired or one of your relatives will get sick. Sometimes fear doesn't even take a concrete form.

8. Unstable self-esteem

A short burst of self-confidence makes you take on a task or agree to go to a cafe with friends. But after a short time it hits you. You understand that you can’t and don’t know how to do anything, and this is about to be revealed.

9. Tics and small movements

Did you think that a tic is when your eyelid twitches? And what’s happening to your neck or under your knee is... well, something else? Teak can crawl out in the most unexpected places. You can walk and twitch your head, like Bormann in the movies. You can feel a twitching under your armpit or in your calf, and you can’t cope with it.

In fact, there are many more manifestations of neurosis. But the question is what should you do when you realize that you are neurotic.

To deceive neurosis, avoid passively lying on the sofa. Alternate rest with work and walks or sports. This will help stabilize the situation a little. But the main recipe remains the least favorite on the Internet: “See a doctor immediately.”

Speaking in simple language, neurosis is suppressed, “frozen” feelings and emotions.

Why is this happening? It’s just that at some point a person does not have the internal resources and tools to cope with a certain situation.

You can understand that something is wrong by the following signs:

Increased fatigue

Sleep disturbance - insomnia, interrupted sleep, nightmares

Digestive disorders, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea

Tension in the body muscles, muscle tics

Headaches, difficulty concentrating

Increased irritability, vulnerability, weakness, feelings of insecurity and much more.

It's important to understand that symptoms will manifest themselves individually for each person. In any case, our body always reacts to stress. By listening to it, as well as to feelings and emotions, internal experiences, you can understand that something has a very strong influence on us. Something disturbs our comfort and leads us to suffering. By being aware of our feelings and bodily reactions, we can notice and stop it. Understand yourself and help. IN difficult situations ask for help .

It is important to allow yourself to experience any feelings. without closing your eyes, without denying the problem. Accept your feelings and try to express them. Show yourself care - let yourself relax to pleasant music, go for a massage, take a warm bath. If the condition is associated with an important unresolved matter, try to complete it faster.

It is important to remember that you are alone. Appreciate yourself!

The most terrible enemy is the unknown enemy. That enemy that I do NOT understand. This statement applies to neurosis very often. Many people have been struggling with its symptoms for years, but cannot even clearly explain what exactly is happening to them.

And this is not without reason. After all, neurosis is a generalized name for a whole group of very diverse conditions. Therefore, in order.

Neurosis is psychogenic disorder. That is, regardless of what symptoms you have now, if you are diagnosed with neurosis, this means that you are physically healthy. Even if your symptoms are: extrasystoles, a lump in the throat, pressure surges, tachycardia or pain in the heart.

Further. Psychogenic disorder Does NOT mean you are mentally ill. It only means that the cause of neurosis is related to mental factors. For example, this could be: stress, developmental or psychological trauma, psychological pressure, upbringing, personal conflict, physical and intellectual overload. Once again, the cause of neurosis always lies in the area of ​​your psychology. This is either a specific event or a series of events. Or loss of the ability to resist life events.

The essence of the symptoms of neurosis can be described as follows: mental exhaustion.

That is, neurosis is precisely functional state. The same as a decrease in immunity or, for example, anemia. But only for the psyche. Yes, exhaustion during neurosis can manifest itself in completely different ways.

These may include symptoms of loss of strength, concentration, indecision, memory deterioration, mood, and procrastination (generally called asthenia).

These may be symptoms with obsessive manifestations - with obsessive thoughts or actions.

These may be hysterical symptoms with a predominance of suggestibility or self-hypnosis, a tendency to inventiveness, and attracting attention to oneself and one’s condition.

Once again, as a summary, all symptoms of neurosis are the result of mental exhaustion. Therefore, when the cause of neurosis is eliminated or compensated, the condition is restored. Here I directly want to emphasize - neurosis is a 100% reversible condition, which can and should be removed from your life.

And finally, neurosis is characterized by the painful nature of the course of the disorder. That is, there are diseases that are asymptomatic, but end in failure. For example, hepatitis C or some forms of various vascular aneurysms. And there is neurosis. Which is absolutely not life-threatening, but creates a myriad of symptoms and is extremely painful to bear. Which is due to the psychogenic nature of the disorder and its occurrence against the background of mental exhaustion. The painful experience of neurosis is included in moments of experiencing symptoms, during attempts to cope with it, in moments of powerlessness due to the futility of one’s efforts. And also due to the fact that others do not understand and, often, do not accept a disorder that doctors do not want to treat general practice. And often those around us label neurosis as an imaginary, fictitious disease. Which makes the condition even more unbearable.


Neurosis is a reversible depletion of the psyche caused by psychological reasons, safe for physical health, but painfully bearable.

Neurosis came unexpectedly...

“Neurosis is the only disease that, having overcome it, a person becomes better.”- this statement has been confirmed more than once in my practice. Neurosis is a group psychogenic diseases, which arise as a result of experiences in relationships that are significant for a person as a result of an unproductive and unconstructive solution to a contradiction and accompanied by painful and painful experiences that entail social, mental and somatic disorganization of the individual. Based on this definition, we can conditionally divide the signs of impending neurosis manifested in relationships (society), in changes in mental state (psyche) and appearances painful sensations and disorders in the body (somatics).

A short list of signs:

Pay attention to your sleep, you are sleeping poorly, waking up at night, you feel weak in the morning, and also if increased fatigue does not go away;

Your attention has weakened, you cannot concentrate on work or remember the text you are reading;

The emotional background has changed: irritability has increased, they have become more anxious, worried, a persistent fear has arisen with a clear understanding of what exactly you are afraid of;

In your thinking, you have intrusive memories, doubts, fears, as well as obsessive counting, tapping, etc.;

Headaches, heart pain, dizziness, and diarrhea appeared.

It is not always possible for a person to independently determine whether this is the onset of a disease or brief situational changes in condition; usually people with the skill of self-analysis succeed in this.

To complete the picture of your condition, it is still better to contact a specialist who works with neuroses, who can conduct psychodiagnostics, analyze your story, behavior, emotions, and if there are doubts about the mental factors of the causes of your condition, refer you to a doctor.

At the moment, one of the successfully used psychotherapeutic areas in working with neuroses is the cognitive-behavioral approach. As a specialist in this area, I wish you:

1. Learn to enjoy your own development, through understanding a new yourself.

2. Acquire the skill of self-disclosure, not be afraid of yourself, be aware of your “shoals”, your victories, understand and accept your positive and negative sides.

Each person belongs to a certain type of personality (neurotic, psychotic, borderline, etc.). The psychotype is formed in childhood. A neurotic is a person who is overly anxious.

Fear of the future, worry about your children, anxiety about health, fear of death, tension in relationships, excessive hysteria, poor appetite and sleep and the like are signs of neurosis.

Neurosis does not come out of nowhere, it is a gradual process. IN critical situation it is difficult for a person to cope with his feelings. But it's not hopeless. Unlike schizophrenia, neurosis can be corrected. Half the success is admitting to yourself that there is a problem that needs to be addressed by a specialist.

If we draw parallels with forms of neurosis, we can describe them in simple words as a spoiled mood. All people are familiar with various signs and symptoms of low mood. Someone screams, someone becomes depressed, someone becomes aggressive, etc. Neurosis can be called the totality of all manifestations of a bad mood, but which lasts for a very long time. That's why it's required here specialized treatment all its reasons.

Of course, talking about neurosis as a bad mood is a simplified way of conveying the essence of a mental disorder. In fact, a person in a state of neurosis is simply not in balance with his psyche, emotions and sense of self.

What is neurosis?

What is, in the psychological understanding of this word, neurosis? These are functional and psychogenic reversible disorders that last a long time. Neurosis manifests itself in the form of asthenic, hysterical and obsessive states. There is also mental and physical performance. In other words, neurosis is referred to as a neurotic disorder or psychoneurosis.

The causes of this disorder are classified as psychological:

  • Long-term stress.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Psychotraumatic situations.
  • External or internal.
  • Circumstances that cause emotional imbalance.
  • Tension in the intellectual sphere.

I. P. Pavlov defined neurosis as a chronic, prolonged tension of the nervous system, provoked by inadequate and strong external stimuli that overstrain nervous processes.

Psychoanalysis views neurosis as a psychological hidden conflict in a person.

There is still debate about what neurosis is and what causes it. However, one thing remains clear: most of people suffer from various forms of neurosis, which today are considered the norm, until they cause real harm to the person and others.

Forms of neurosis

What are the most common forms of neurosis today?

  1. Neurasthenia, manifested in headaches, increased fatigue and vulnerability, lack of concentration. There are 3 stages of this form:
  • The first is accompanied by irritability with preservation of mental and physical abilities and the absence of somatic symptoms.
  • The second stage is marked by a decrease in performance, which is realized by the person.
  • The third stage is expressed in lethargy, apathy, weakness, and asthenic syndrome.
  1. Hysterical neurosis, which manifests itself in inappropriate behavior, unpredictability, nervousness and irritability. Symptoms such as hypotension, obsessive behavior, seizures, paralysis, hysterical arthralgia, paresis, body pain, vomiting, hyperkinesis, “lump” in the throat, etc. develop. During a hysterical attack, the patient screams, rolls on the floor, physically affects people , trying to hurt himself.
  2. Depressive neurosis, which manifests itself in sleep disturbances, bad mood, painful sensations, loss of the ability to rejoice, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, hypersensitivity, tearfulness, gastrointestinal dysfunction, lethargy, sexual dysfunction, hypotension. A person complains of despondency, melancholy, a feeling of abandonment and uselessness, and an inferiority complex arises.
  3. Obsessive-compulsive neurosis, when a person does not control his actions and thoughts that seem alien to him.
  4. Hypochondriacal neurosis is a fear of a situation from which a person cannot escape, or of contracting a serious illness. The disorder can occur in the form of obsessive states or hysteria with corresponding symptoms.

Causes of neurosis

The causes of neurosis include psychological and physiological factors:

  • Long-term mental overload or emotional distress: dissatisfaction with life, dismissal, workload, divorce, etc.
  • Inability to solve personal problem situations, for example, the inability to repay a loan to the bank.
  • The confusion that led to Negative consequences. For example, leaving a kettle on the stove to boil and leaving the house, which led to a fire. This often leads to the development of obsessive states.
  • Diseases and intoxication that deplete the body. People who use tobacco or alcohol are also prone to neuroses.
  • Pathology of the development of the central nervous system (congenital asthenia), when a person is unable to tolerate prolonged physical and mental stress.
  • Self-hypnosis and morbidity of the inner world, which leads to neuroses. Occurs in individuals with a hysterical personality type.

Symptoms of neurosis

All forms of neurotic disorder exhibit somatic and psychopathic symptoms. They differ in each case, which is how the form of neurosis can be determined.

TO psychopathic symptoms neurosis include:

  • Chronic anxiety, fatigue, self-doubt, indecisiveness. A person does not strive for anything, because he is sure in advance that nothing will work out. Here an inferiority complex is formed due to one’s own appearance and lack of communication with others.
  • A constant feeling of fatigue, which leads to a decrease in academic performance or performance, and sleep disturbance (insomnia or drowsiness occurs).
  • Inadequate self-esteem – low or high.

Somatic symptoms of neurosis include:

  1. Episodic heart pain that occurs during exercise or at rest.
  2. Severe anxiety, sweating, symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, tremor of the limbs, hypotension.
  3. A decrease in blood pressure may occur, leading to loss of consciousness or fainting.
  4. Psychalgia is pain in the body for no apparent reason.

Signs of neurosis

To determine the presence of neurosis, the following signs should be identified:

  • Communication problems.
  • Irritability.
  • Tearfulness.
  • Unreasonable emotional distress.
  • Phobias, panic attacks and disorders.
  • Constant experience of anxiety, fear, anxious anticipation.
  • Inadequate self-esteem, which can be either overestimated or underestimated.
  • High sensitivity to stressful situations in the form of aggression or despair.
  • Indecisiveness.
  • Attempts to work quickly result in fatigue, decreased thinking ability and attention.
  • Unstable mood that changes abruptly and frequently.
  • Touchiness, vulnerability, anxiety.
  • Inconsistency of values, desires, positions, cynicism.
  • Obsession with a situation that is traumatic.
  • Pain in the head, stomach, heart.
  • Increased sensitivity to bright light, loud sounds, and temperature changes.
  • Fear of physical pain, excessive concern for one's health.
  • : superficial, does not allow rest, anxious, drowsiness in the morning, nightmares, early awakening, inability to fall asleep, night awakenings.
  • Constant fatigue, decreased performance.
  • Dizziness, darkening of the eyes due to pressure changes.
  • Loss of balance, vestibular disorders.
  • Decreased libido and potency.
  • Appetite disturbances: overeating, undereating, early satiety, feeling of hunger.
  • Autonomic disorders: disturbance of the stomach, frequent urge to urinate, increased heart rate and sweating, blood pressure fluctuations, loose stools, cough.

Treatment of neurosis

Treatment of neurosis has two main directions: psychotherapeutic and pharmacological. Medication is prescribed in severe cases. Usually the emphasis is on psychotherapeutic work.

Psychotherapy is aimed at changing a person’s view of the world around him, solving his psychological problems, expanding his range of interests, as well as eliminating the causes that caused emotional imbalance. When a person learns to cope with his own problems, then neuroses go away.

A person may be drawn into a situation where his neurosis manifests itself. Then there is a discussion of his actions, finding other ways of behavior. The client is also encouraged to engage himself in a new hobby or relax more, to distract himself from problems.

If psychotherapy does not help, then medications are prescribed:

  • Antidepressants.
  • Neuroleptics.
  • Tranquilizers.
  • Psychostimulants.
  • Nootropics.

The first 3 groups of drugs are aimed at a sedative effect. Only the last 2 groups have a stimulating effect. Which drugs and in what dosage should be prescribed by a doctor who takes into account the patient’s condition, as well as his individual reactions body to certain medications.

How to treat neurosis?

A person can resort to, as well as techniques such as treating neurosis - music therapy and auto-training.

If hypnosis requires the help of a specialist who will direct all his efforts to changing attitudes and beliefs that provoke neuroses, then a person can engage in music therapy and auto-training himself. A person’s desire to personally recover is a huge step towards their goal.

Music therapy suggests listening to melodies that have a positive effect. These include compositions that encourage a person or calm them down. It should be noted that this can be your favorite music and pop compositions. The most important thing is that they do not depress emotionally.

Auto-training involves a person’s self-discipline in a positive way. When a person sets himself up to be active, cheerful, etc., this has a greater impact than medications.

Prevention of neuroses

Treating neurosis is much more difficult and costly than preventing it. It is recommended to take care in advance not to fall into a neurotic disorder. This will help:

  1. Normalization of work and rest.
  2. Having hobbies that interest and captivate you.
  3. Walking and moderate physical activity.
  4. Communication with nice people.
  5. Keeping a diary where the person’s condition is noted.
  6. Sun walks and light therapy to prevent seasonal depression.
  7. Resolving family conflicts.
  8. Eliminate stress at work and at home.
  9. Eating well, avoiding alcohol and coffee.
  10. Changing your attitude towards a situation that is traumatic.
  11. Adding brightness to the room.
  12. Elimination of alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse.
  13. Preventing relapses.
  14. Taking vitamins.
  15. Full sleep.

Bottom line

Neurosis is a common condition in modern society. It appears in various forms, which depends on the structural features of the nervous system and human psyche. The result, in any case, depends only on whether the person takes action to heal himself or not.

Forecasts are only favorable if a person accepts and seeks help from specialists, if he himself cannot cope with his own condition. Events turn out completely differently if a person ignores all attempts to get rid of neurosis. In the latter case, there is only a deepening of the negative state, which often leads to isolation, loneliness, mental disorders and even suicide.

Protracted and chronic disorders The human nervous system, which is characterized by a change in psycho-emotional state, is called neurosis. The disease is caused by a decrease in both mental ability, and physical, as well as the appearance obsessive thoughts, hysteria and asthenic manifestations. Neuroses belong to a group of diseases that have a protracted course. This disease affects people who are characterized by constant overwork, lack of sleep, anxiety, grief, etc.

The fact that such neurosis has become known since 1776, thanks to the research of the Scottish physician William Cullen. A more detailed study of this disease and its types was carried out by the Russian scientist I.P. Pavlov.

A variety of neuroses

In medicine, there are four main types of mental neuroses, which have continued to be researched and studied for many centuries. These species have the following names:

  1. Depressive. Characteristic signs of a decadent mood and inhibition of intellectual development.
  2. Hysterical neurosis caused by low self-esteem of a person among others. There is a feeling of lack of attention, which leads to pretentious behavior and a complete reassessment of the personality. Hysterical neurosis often begins in childhood.
  3. Asthenic or neurasthenia. Characteristic factors of the disease: fatigue, mood instability and a state of complete depression.
  4. Anxious. The name says that this disease is based on the appearance of fear factors, increased anxiety, depression.
  5. Bulimic neurosis. Refers to mental disorders and is characterized by the manifestation of uncontrollable eating of high-calorie foods. Bulimic neurosis is more common among men (about 60%), less common among women.

These neuroses have their own individual reasons occurrence, as well as symptoms, so it is worth paying attention to each type Special attention.

Causes of neuroses

The main factors in the emergence of a disease based on mental disorders include physical and psychological influences. Experienced doctors stand out following reasons occurrence of mental disorders in people:

  1. Heavy loads on the brain or serious emotional experiences. Mental stress is typical for children, while reasons such as unwanted dismissal, divorce, dissatisfaction with life are typical for adults.
  2. Lack of ability to solve various problems. The main cause of mental disorder is considered to be different kinds pressure from other people. For example, loans of money that eventually need to be repaid, but when they are not there, there is nothing to repay. In such a situation, the person who borrowed begins to put pressure on the borrower in every possible way, which causes the occurrence of a neurotic disorder in the second one.
  3. Characteristic signs of forgetfulness, which ultimately lead to serious consequences (death of people, damage to property, illness). These consequences settle in a person’s soul and do not provide the opportunity for a normal existence. A state of self-blame and doubt arises.
  4. Deviations in the development of the central nervous system boil down to the fact that a person is incapable of long-term physical and mental stress. These reasons contribute to the development of asthenic neurosis.
  5. Diseases that cause complete or partial depletion of the body. Characteristic diseases this kind is considered, etc. An important reason that tends to provoke neuroses is a person’s addiction to alcohol, tobacco products or narcotic substances.

Currently, neuroses have entered everyday human life unnoticed, and it is almost difficult to say how many people do not know this disease. For some people this disorder is considered normal condition, but for some it is suffering, the way out of which a person finds not in medications, but in alcohol, religion, work. Thus, trying to get away from the main primary sources of mental disorders.

There is an opinion that neuroses are protective factors of the brain, providing protection from adverse social and psychological influences. These influences include: aggressive attitude of parents towards the child or, conversely, too much care, isolation or humiliation, neglect. It is not excluded genetic predisposition, which can ultimately manifest itself both in older age and in children. When a child’s parents allow everything, he gets used to it, and when he enters kindergarten or school, the attitude of his peers and teachers towards him will be correspondingly different. In this case, children experience conflict situations, which affects primarily the child’s psyche.

From this it turns out that even from an early age, the cause of subsequent neurosis in children develops.

Thus, to psychological reasons provoking neurosis include:

  • features of educational methods;
  • the level of parents' aspirations for the child;
  • human relationships in the social sphere;
  • characteristics of personality development.

Biological causes causing neuroses are characterized by:

  • functional failure;
  • deviations due to congenital pathologies;
  • physical injuries;
  • injuries in women difficult birth or through abortion.

Based on the causes of the disease, corresponding symptoms appear in a person.


Knowing now what neurosis is and the causes of its occurrence, it is worth paying special attention to the symptoms. Symptoms of the disease in adults and children differ in their forms of expression, so let’s look at them in more detail.

Symptoms of the disease are divided into two forms of manifestation: somatic and mental.

Somatic symptoms of neurosis characterized by the manifestation of pain, such as:

  1. The occurrence of headaches, characterized by duration and suddenness of appearance. Painful sensations in the area of ​​the heart and abdomen, muscles and joints, which is the root cause of the ailment. Hand tremors and frequent urination, not necessarily supported by diseases of the kidneys and genital organs.
  2. It is common for a person to get tired quickly, even if he has not done anything. At the same time, fatigue is both physical and mental. There is no desire to do any work, and there is a decrease in performance. A person with symptoms of neurosis becomes sleepy and gloomy.
  3. Darkening in the eyes, disorientation in the area, dizziness and even fainting - all these are symptoms of the disease.
  4. It is common for a person to experience sweating, which is characterized by the frequency of its occurrence. This sweating does not arise from hot weather, but from constant fear, anxiety, and nervousness. Sweat is especially active at night, when a person sleeps and discovers a damp pillow the next morning.
  5. Mental disorders affect the decrease in potency and can ultimately develop a disease such as prostatitis.
  6. The vestibular apparatus is damaged. Signs of this disorder are frequent dizziness, especially when tilting the head back. These dizziness initial stages They appear rarely, but as the disease progresses they intensify and cause discomfort when performing physical work.
  7. Dietary disorder. Psychological view causes disturbance of appetite in a person, and this can be either undernutrition or overeating. Overeating or excessive consumption fatty foods indicates that a person has bulimic neurosis. Against the background of mental disorders, a person finds solace in eating food, which causes another problem - obesity. Frequent meals also does not solve the problem of neurosis, so therapeutic measures will be required.
  8. The occurrence of insomnia or a constant desire to sleep. Depending on the person and the reason for provoking neurosis, one or another symptom may be inherent. During sleep there are frequent awakenings caused by nightmares.
  9. Health problems that affect the human psyche. He worries about his health, about what to do next, what to do.

Mental symptoms of the disease:

  1. Emotional stress that arises due to the absence of visible reasons.
  2. The reaction to stressful situations in patients with neurosis manifests itself in the form of isolation and fixation on one thing. A person constantly worries about something, thinks, but does nothing useful. Often, “withdrawal” can cause phobias, which must be suppressed through treatment.
  3. Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in the form of weakened memory, a person becomes forgetful, and complains of a variety of thoughts in his head.
  4. Body sensitivity to sudden changes temperature. Bright lights and loud sounds also cause pain. The patient wants privacy and silence.
  5. Inferiority complex in communication. A patient with neurosis can be characterized by either high self-esteem or low self-esteem.
  6. Symptoms of the disease are also characterized by uncertainty and inconsistency. It is common for people incorrect definition preferences and setting household priorities.
  7. A person becomes irritable over trifles, difficult to predict and sensitive to little things addressed to him.

All these symptoms can develop into chronic malaise, and this is a more complex form of neurosis.

Signs of neurosis in the fair sex have their own characteristics that are worth mentioning. First of all, women are characterized by asthenic neurosis (neurasthenia), caused by irritability, loss of mental and physical ability, and also leading to problems in sexual life.

In women, there are three forms of asthenic neurosis, which are characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Hypersthenic form characterized by the initial stage of neurosis and is caused by the manifestation of irritability and mild agitation. Women in this state react negatively to noise, conversation, and bright light. They feel discomfort when surrounded by people. They behave carelessly and emotionally in the family circle, especially in relation to children. The night for women with neurosis turns into a nightmarish rest.
  2. Irritable form is caused by an increase in excitability, but at the same time an increase in symptoms of fatigue. As a result of exposure to noise, uncontrollable self-control is common. Women in the second stage become more aggressive, distracted, depressed and dangerous.
  3. Hyposthenic form refers to the final stage, which is very difficult to treat. Even in the absence of problems and worries, a woman with neurosis tends to display aggression towards others, and at the same time depression and exhaustion. Signs of stage three neurosis in women are characterized by a constant desire to rest or sleep. Women often resort to reducing pain through alcohol.

Children's symptoms of neurosis

In children, the symptoms of the disease are provoked through improper upbringing of the child, or, more precisely, the practical absence of it. In this case, the following picture of symptoms of the disease can often be observed in children:

  • decreased appetite and sleep sensitivity. Anxiety arises through nightmares, as a result of which the child wakes up and cries;
  • cold sweat during sleep, as well as when feeling the limbs, they feel cold;
  • the occurrence of headaches in children, which initial stages the child tries to hide neurosis from his parents;
  • painful influence bright light And loud sounds, which cause headaches and fussiness;
  • instability of behavior, as a result of which the child may cry at any time.

Children also tend to exhibit a mental disorder called hysterical neurosis. However, its symptoms include manifestations hysterical fits. These seizures have next view manifestations: for no reason the child falls to the floor and begins to sob, while beating with his arms and legs and complaining.

For children, neurosis is more dangerous disease, since it is very difficult for a fairly young, unformed brain to deal with the signs of neurosis, so the disease progresses quite quickly and can lead to complete mental decomposition.

To prevent the progression of the disease, it is worth getting diagnosed and starting appropriate treatment.


Diagnosing neuroses involves a correct assessment of symptoms. First of all, it is necessary to exclude other diseases that have similar somatic symptoms to neuroses. These are diseases internal organs person.

Diagnosis of neurosis is quite difficult due to the lack of objective and practical indicators that would describe the picture of the disease. The doctor cannot prescribe tests, since neuroses cannot be diagnosed through examinations using special medical equipment.

The disease is diagnosed using a color technique. All colors take part in the technique, and a neurosis-like syndrome manifests itself when choosing and repeating purple, gray, black and brown colors. Hysterical neurosis is characterized by the choice of only two colors: red and purple, which 99% indicates the patient’s low self-esteem.

To diagnose neurosis, you will need an experienced doctor who will interview the patient and make a final conclusion. To exclude diseases of internal organs, examination in a hospital is allowed.

“How to cure neurosis, if it is mental disorder, and not a physical manifestation? - a question quite common among users who have symptoms of the disease both in themselves and in their children.


There are many methods and techniques known about how to treat neurosis if it is characterized by a mental disorder. Let's consider treatment methods through psychotherapy, medication and home treatment.

Treatment of neuroses through psychotherapy involves influencing the patient’s psyche, persuading him, and realizing reality. It is also necessary to identify the root cause of the development of the disease, and if it is embedded in the genes or originates from early childhood, then treatment through psychotherapy alone will be ineffective and will not bring the desired result.

Drug treatment involves taking appropriate medications, the action of which is aimed at restoring processes occurring in the brain. These processes include inhibition and excitation. Bromine is used to stimulate inhibition, and caffeine is responsible for stimulation.

For acute attacks of neurosis, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

  • Sibazon;
  • Relanium;
  • Seduxen;
  • Elenium.

These drugs are fast-acting and are determined by the effectiveness of the treatment. The principle of the influence of drugs is based on a calming effect on the central nervous system, resulting in a decrease in the symptoms of the disease.

For your information! Do not forget that all medications must be prescribed by a doctor!

There is another common remedy - Amizil. He provides therapeutic effect at neurotic disorders and acts as a corrector of neuroleptic therapy. It should also not be forgotten that all of the above medical supplies are determined by the presence side effects, therefore, at the first signs, you should stop taking it and consult your doctor.

Home treatment

Treatment of neurosis at home is the most common method, since this disease requires a revision of one’s thoughts and a way out of this state. The first home treatment is to engage in sports. It doesn’t matter what sport (gymnastics, running) you choose, the main thing is to start developing physically. Treating neurosis at home with physical activity has a positive effect on the heart and the body as a whole, enriching it with fresh oxygen. You should devote no more than 15 minutes a day to exercise and within a week the results will be noticeable.

At home, treatment of acute and chronic neuroses is carried out using proper nutrition which includes vitamins and minerals stimulating brain function.