Size of the corpus luteum after ovulation. The corpus luteum was not seen on the ultrasound: what does this mean?

This is a temporary gland in a woman’s ovary, formed at the site of the follicle from which the mature egg was released. And they called it that because it is filled with liquid yellow color containing hormones. Without the corpus luteum, pregnancy and normal childbearing are impossible.

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How does the corpus luteum appear?

Regularly, every month in one of the woman’s ovaries childbearing age the egg matures. It develops in the follicle during the first half menstrual cycle. After maturation, the follicle bursts and the egg is released into the abdominal cavity. This process is called ovulation.

While the egg moves through the fallopian tube, a corpus luteum forms at the site of the ruptured follicle, producing estrogen and progesterone. The latter is especially important - after all, it is he who prepares the woman’s body for conception and pregnancy.

In the second half of the menstrual cycle, the corpus luteum actively produces progesterone, which promotes pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum atrophies, progesterone levels drop sharply and menstruation begins. And in the ovary the process of maturation of the next follicle is initiated.

Functions of the corpus luteum

Influenced progesterone(also called the pregnancy hormone), the endometrium of the uterus grows and swells, preparing for the implantation of a fertilized egg - a zygote. The fallopian tubes contract slowly, advancing the zygote, the cervix dilates to allow a large female reproductive cell to pass through.

But progesterone, on the contrary, relaxes the muscles of the uterus, preventing it from contracting. Under the influence of hormones from the corpus luteum, the glands of the uterus secrete first a mucous secretion, which increases the passage of sperm, and later another, which promotes the penetration of the zygote into the wall of the uterus. The uterus itself is preparing for active expansion.

Progesterone inhibits the maturation of subsequent follicles and prepares nervous system women to bear a child. Alveoli, the glands that produce milk, begin to develop in a woman’s breasts.

The functioning of the corpus luteum itself is controlled by hCG(human chorionic gonadotropin), produced by the membrane of the embryo. Thus, if fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum does not receive the “order” to grow further and degrades.

If conception has occurred, the corpus luteum will develop and produce hormones until the placenta is fully formed, approximately until –16 weeks of pregnancy. Then the baby's place will take over the production of progesterone and estrogen, and the corpus luteum will be reduced. However, for some women, it persists until childbirth.

At ectopic pregnancy The corpus luteum grows slowly. This is due to the fact that the embryo attached to in the wrong place(tubal wall, ovary, abdomen...) there is no opportunity to develop normally. The chorion (membrane) grows incorrectly, so hCG is released in insufficient quantities.

What are the disorders in the development of the corpus luteum?

The main deviations in the normal formation of the corpus luteum are:

Functional impairment;
- cyst.

Both diagnoses are made after comprehensive examinations, which include ultrasound, blood tests for progesterone and hCG levels, gynecological examination, and study of the basal temperature chart. A woman is not at risk of harm from ultrasound during pregnancy. this moment ultrasound is the most informative and absolutely safe method studies of the fetus's condition. It can be performed as many times as needed and at any stage of pregnancy.

Corpus luteum cyst is considered a harmless disease and rarely requires treatment. But it is better to detect the insufficiency or absence of the corpus luteum as early as possible, since this pathology threatens termination of pregnancy early stages or further development placental insufficiency.

Hypofunction of the corpus luteum during pregnancy

Lack of corpus luteum function during pregnancy is a very serious disorder. It leads to the inability to get pregnant, to spontaneous abortions, to a threat to the life of the fetus if the placenta has formed abnormally.

An incomplete cycle of the corpus luteum phase is one of the causes of infertility. If the corpus luteum develops in less than ten days and dies, then the amount of progesterone it produces is simply not enough to prepare the mother’s body for pregnancy. The zygote may not have time to penetrate the uterine wall during this time. Or the uterus will reject it as a foreign organism if the hormonal background is not formed correctly.

Insufficiency of the corpus luteum during pregnancy is a reason for emergency medical intervention. Functional deficiency of the corpus luteum means that it produces fewer hormones, primarily progesterone, than are necessary for the normal development of pregnancy. Progesterone deficiency can significantly affect the formation of the placenta and the nutrition of the fetus. But most often, low level pregnancy hormone leads to miscarriage in the first or second trimester.

Absence of the corpus luteum during pregnancy

Sometimes on ultrasound the corpus luteum is not visualized at all, although the fact of pregnancy has been established. As a rule, this indicates a very small corpus luteum during pregnancy and requires immediate hormonal correction. Normal sizes the corpus luteum is 1–3 cm. If it is smaller, then less hormones enter the mother’s body. This means that the life of the unborn child is in real danger.

Treatment for functional deficiency or absence of the corpus luteum

Treatment of the disease is carried out with hormonal drugs, usually containing progesterone. There are a lot of such drugs, but you can only determine which one is right for you professional doctor after the various analyzes and examinations.

At hormone therapy Not only the dosage matters, but also the timing of taking the medication. If corpus luteum deficiency is the cause of infertility, the doctor will prescribe an appointment hormonal drugs after ovulation. The time of ovulation needs to be known exactly, because progesterone suppresses it.

If you have already had miscarriages and there is a suspicion of hypofunction of the corpus luteum, then at the first signs of pregnancy you should consult a doctor. If the diagnosis is confirmed, correction will be required hormonal levels to maintain pregnancy. It will take a long time to be treated until the placenta is completely formed. Naturally, treatment should be accompanied by constant monitoring of hormone levels in the blood.

Sometimes the corpus luteum develops incorrectly. The walls of the follicle from which the mature egg has emerged begin to thicken and stretch, and internal cavity is filled in serous fluid. A tumor-like formation is formed - a corpus luteum cyst. However, there is no need to panic - a corpus luteum cyst never degenerates into a malignant formation.

Causes of corpus luteum cysts can be:

In most cases, the cyst does not interfere with the development of pregnancy and does not require medical intervention, since it is a modified corpus luteum and secretes sex hormones in sufficient quantities. Usually after two to three months it begins to resolve on its own and disappears completely.

The size of the cyst usually does not exceed 6–9 cm; it rarely causes concern to a pregnant woman. But the doctor will still monitor her, and the woman will recommend moderate physical exercise and careful sex so as not to cause rupture of the cyst or twisting of its stem.

Diagnosis of a corpus luteum cyst is carried out using ultrasound, gynecological examination, hormonal analysis, laparoscopy. A woman can feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen or side. If the pain is always localized in one side, then this may be a symptom of an ovarian cyst. Another sign is menstrual irregularities, bleeding outside of critical days.

A corpus luteum cyst can be eliminated on its own, so usually it is not touched, but only observed. If there is no hope for spontaneous atrophy, then the cyst is removed using laparoscopy.

Cyst rupture- the most serious complication of this disease. He is accompanied acute pain, bleeding and requires surgical intervention. A ruptured, untreated cyst can lead to the development acute infection internal organs.

Twisting of the cyst pedicle also requires surgical treatment, because compression of tissues leads to their necrosis.

Thus, main danger The problem associated with the corpus luteum during pregnancy is its lack of functionality. But you shouldn’t be upset - the level of development modern medicine helps women bear healthy child even with corpus luteum deficiency. It’s just that in this case, in order to maintain the pregnancy, you may need to take hormonal medications. And only a doctor can choose their dosage - trust him.

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Every month a woman’s body experiences cyclical changes– formation of the egg, its release, etc. Main function in this cycle the birth of a temporary gland takes place. It is responsible for the production of hormones and other internal organic tasks associated with menstruation and pregnancy. By the size of the corpus luteum, which forms immediately after ovulation, one can judge the absence of pathology.

An important stage on the path to pregnancy is ovulation and the corpus luteum. Many people know about the first process that this is the release of a formed egg from the follicle. But what does the second designation mean? What function does it perform?

A temporary vestigial gland that appears instead of the follicle after leaving it female cell, called the corpus luteum. Its role is the production of the hormone progesterone, which promotes:

  • a decrease in the level of FLH (follicle-stimulating hormone), which does not allow other follicles to mature;
  • stimulating the growth of the functional wall of the uterus, preparing it for embryo implantation;
  • relaxation of the smooth uterine muscles, which prevents the premature expulsion of the fetus from the uterus.

Lack of progesterone makes it difficult for the embryo to implant into the uterus and leads to spontaneous miscarriage, even if the embryo is successfully implanted.

The amount of hormone production depends on the size of the gland - the larger it grows, the more secretion it produces. It reaches its apogee 2 weeks after the cell leaves the ovary.
All this time, the egg is in the stage of readiness for fertilization or, already fertilized, moves towards the uterus. If there was ovulation, but fertilization did not occur, the glandular structure dissolves, and menstruation begins. Once conception occurs, it continues to function and secrete the hormone.

At what time in the ovulation cycle is the corpus luteum formed?

The follicle develops in the first half of the cycle and consists of granulosa cells, theca cells and an oocyte (egg). When the oocyte leaves the follicle, fluid is released along with it. The follicle closes, and the granulosa and theca cells begin to produce progesterone and estrogen. Formation of yellow secretion of lutein in large quantities gives the corresponding color to the gland, which gave it its name.

The process of releasing the egg occurs in a matter of seconds, and is immediately followed by the development/formation of a temporary gland. Its growth is gradual, as is the increase in the amount of hormone produced, and goes through several stages:

  • In 2–3 days, blood vessels grow into it, after which the production of hormones begins.
  • On days 7–8, its size reaches 1.4–2 cm, which is due the largest number hormone production.
  • After the peak of activity, in the absence of fertilization, it grows into the gland connective tissue, and it decreases.
  • At the end of the cycle, its size is several millimeters, then completely resolves.

Important! If, after the hormonal activity of the corpus luteum, its decrease is observed, this means the absence of pregnancy.

How to determine that the corpus luteum has developed

There are two ways to find out about the formation of a temporary gland:

  1. Laboratory testing - the amount of progesterone in the blood.
  2. Ultrasound examination - on a small formation on the ovary, which has a heterogeneous structure.

The accuracy of the diagnosis will depend on the experience of the doctor, the sensitivity of the research method, and the location of the gland itself.

What does the absence of a gland mean during an ultrasound examination if ovulation presumably occurred:

  • there is no ovulation at all in this cycle or it has not yet occurred;
  • a follicular cyst has developed when the grown follicle does not burst, but fills with fluid;
  • problems with the development of follicles, there is a risk of impossibility of conception.

When menstruation is delayed, short-term gland can say a lot:

    1. If there is a corpus luteum, it means that the woman is pregnant, even when the fetus is not yet visible.
    2. The absence of such formation indicates pathology reproductive system.
    3. If there is a fetus, there is no temporary gland - there is a risk of miscarriage. In this case, pregnancy can be maintained by taking medications containing progesterone.


Sometimes more is required accurate diagnosis ovarian activity to record the moment of ovulation or the growth of the glandular structure. For this purpose, ultrasound monitoring is used, starting from the beginning of the menstrual cycle until the formation of the body is visible. This is called folliculometry.

Repeated ultrasound examinations are necessary in several cases:

  • if there are disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • for determining exact day ovulation;
  • when stimulating ovulation.

The first ultrasound is usually prescribed on the 10th day of the cycle, and is repeated once a week or every 2-3 days, depending on the tasks. After finding dominant follicle They calculate the day of ovulation, then do a confirmatory ultrasound in phase 2.

How long does the corpus luteum live after ovulation?

The appearance of the corpus luteum begins from the moment the cell is released from the follicle. With a normal 28-day cycle, the corpus luteum continues to exist for another 13–14 days after ovulation. With the onset of the next cycle, it dissolves (reduces). Sometimes a vestigial gland can exist for more than a month before ovulation of the next cycle.

What size should the corpus luteum be after ovulation?

Normally, the rudimentary gland should be within 1.4–2 cm. B different period cycle she has different size, which shows correct operation female body, pathology or pregnancy.

The ratio of size and period is calculated by day:

  • 12–15 mm – this is the size of the iron after ovulation (day 14–15 of the cycle) or at the end of the cycle (signals the absence of fertilization);
  • 18–24 mm – normal development of the glandular structure 7 days after ovulation (21–22 days of the cycle). Based on these sizes, it can be judged that ovulation was successful and the body is ready to assume the responsibilities of growing the fetus during fertilization;
  • 24–30 mm – the woman is pregnant and the process is proceeding successfully;
  • 31–40 mm or more – the presence of a cyst.

Increase in size

If there slight increase yellowish structure (up to 3 cm), this does not always indicate pregnancy. To confirm conception, the presence of a fetus and other diagnostic indicators are necessary.

The gland can enlarge up to 6–7 cm, which is an indicator of the presence of a cyst. This does not affect pregnancy, but requires careful monitoring. Sometimes urgent therapy is required, but in most cases it disappears on its own by the end of the term or after the birth of the baby.


Insufficient size of the gland at a certain stage of the cycle means that it will not be able to provide the body with a sufficient amount of progesterone in right moment. This threatens pregnancy failure or fetal death. The formation of the placenta may be disrupted. Then the woman is prescribed hormonal therapy.

A decrease in size towards the end of the cycle is considered normal for a failed pregnancy, since the gland dissolves and then disappears completely.

Corpus luteum during pregnancy

When fertilization has occurred, the gland does not disappear immediately, but continues to grow and function, producing hormones that promote normal development embryo. This continues throughout the first trimester of the gestational period, then this function is performed by the placenta. The gland ceases to exist, dissolving, as before menstruation.

Is the corpus luteum always formed?

The presence of this gland often indicates the successful completion of ovulation. But there are situations when a corpus luteum forms in place of the follicle without ovulation. This condition is called luteinization of the follicle. That is, on an ultrasound, the gland is clearly visible, and the eggs or free liquid, poured out of the follicle at the time of its rupture, is not observed.

If there is no corpus luteum after ovulation, this may indicate some kind of disorder. reproductive organs. Then it is carried out additional diagnostics, and appropriate treatment for the detected pathology is prescribed. If the disease is not treated, there is a risk of losing the opportunity to bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

Corpus luteum cyst

A glandular cyst is a body enlarged several times, which continues to reproduce hormones. Exact reasons The occurrence of this process is unknown, but, according to preliminary data, it can be judged that the ovaries are malfunctioning.

Essentially, a cyst is the same benign tumor, formed in place of an unreduced gland. It can persist for 3-4 menstrual cycles or the entire pregnancy. Then, as a rule, it resolves on its own without harming the woman or the fetus.

If a corpus luteum cyst has formed and conception has not occurred, next ovulation may proceed normally. But observation is still required to avoid complications.

In some cases, twisting, rupture or suppuration of the body occurs. This complication requires surgical intervention.


Temporary glandular structure plays vital role when conceiving and carrying a child. The quality of pregnancy depends on its correct functioning. If the functioning of the gland is disrupted, this is a threat of miscarriage or the formation of a cyst. To maintain pregnancy, today there are methods of treatment with hormones. But positive result depends on timely diagnosis of pathology.

Useful video about the corpus luteum after ovulation

What is the corpus luteum in gynecology and why is it necessary? What does the corpus luteum mean in the ovary?

The cyclical work of the female body determines the possibility of functioning of the reproductive system. During the period from one menstruation to another, changes occur in the gonads. The ovary forms a dominant follicle, from which it subsequently emerges. At the site of the ruptured follicle, a corpus luteum is formed - this is a temporary gland designed to support the cycle until the next menstruation or pregnancy if it occurs.

  • Corpus luteum in the ovary - what does this mean in gynecology
  • When does the corpus luteum form after ovulation?
  • Phases of the corpus luteum
  • VT sizes by cycle days
  • Formation of the luteal body after ovulation
  • What is gravidar corpus luteum?
  • What does VT look like on ultrasound?
  • Severity of blood flow of the corpus luteum

What is the corpus luteum in gynecology

The corpus luteum is a temporary structure in the ovary, which consists of reddish-orange parenchyma and is formed after the release of the egg at the site of the dominant follicle. Thanks to the yellow pigment, the temporary gland got its name.

Normally, the formation of glandular formation begins immediately. The main function of education is the production of progesterone and the production of a small amount of estrogen. A corpus luteum appears in the ovary where the egg was released. If the ovulation process is started in both sex glands, then the corpus luteum appears on both sides at once.

The yellow body will appear exactly at . As soon as the follicle opens under the influence of hormonal levels and releases the egg, at that moment a temporary secretion gland begins to form. The lifespan of the luteal region is variable and depends on conception.

After fertilization, the temporary gland remains in the ovary for several months. In the early stages, it maintains the uterus in a favorable condition for conception. As soon as the placenta is formed, the corpus luteum will begin to dissolve. Its cells degenerate and connective tissue grows in this area, like a scar. In the absence of an embryo in the uterine cavity, the glandular formation remains until the onset of menstruation.

If a luteal cyst has formed (corpus luteum big size with hemorrhage), then there may be a slight delay in the MC, and the cystic formation itself goes away within several cycles.

Ovulation cannot occur without the formation of the corpus luteum. In this case, a temporary gland is sometimes formed without rupture of the dominant follicle.

Phases of the corpus luteum

The corpus luteum gradually changes over the two weeks after ovulation. Postovulatory transformation includes several phases:

  • proliferation - after the follicle ruptures, its walls gather into folds, where an active increase in granulosa cells occurs;
  • vascularization - the formation of blood flow with the growth of blood vessels into the thickness of the temporary gland;
  • heyday - accompanied by maximum hormonal activity and characterized by pronounced blood flow and proliferation of lymphatic vessels;
  • regression - if there is no fertilized egg in the uterus, the temporary gland shrinks, and a small scar forms in its place.

Size of the corpus luteum after ovulation by day of the cycle: table

A temporary gland is formed at the site where the follicle ruptured. This can be either the right ovary or the left ovary.

From the first hours after release female gamete The luteal body grows, reaching its maximum, and then, in the absence of pregnancy, undergoes a reverse change. Its exact size is shown by a pelvic ultrasound. Comparison with the norm from the table provides the basis for assessing the functioning of hormonal levels.

Table 1. Size of the corpus luteum by day

Due to the fact that the length of the cycle in women is variable and depends on the duration of the first phase, it is customary to correlate the size of the corpus luteum not with the days of the cycle, but with the days after ovulation.

What happens to the corpus luteum after ovulation?

After ovulation, the endometrium undergoes final preparation for embryo implantation. The corpus luteum is responsible for this process, which begins to grow after the release of the female gamete. The further fate of the temporary secretion gland is determined within one week after ovulation.

  1. If pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum continues to function. The gravid corpus luteum maintains the uterus in a relaxed state and does not allow the myometrium to activate contractile function. Thanks to progesterone, the embryo attaches and develops further. After 12-16 weeks, the placenta will take over its function.
  2. If, then the gland works for 10-14 days. Gradually, it undergoes a reverse transformation and disappears before menstruation. In the next cycle the process is repeated.
  3. After a miscarriage, the iron also undergoes regression. Often due to insufficiency of the luteal phase, when the corpus luteum is small and cannot perform its assigned functions to maintain pregnancy. If the reasons for the miscarriage are different, then the corpus luteum lives in the ovary for 2-8 weeks and after a while disappears on its own.

The corpus luteum on ultrasound after ovulation is a natural process in the female body, it means the release of a mature egg and high chance conception. By the time menstruation occurs, the temporary gland self-destructs, the effect on the body of progesterone, which causes acne in many women, enlargement, breast soreness during PMS decreases, and a new cycle begins.

The second name for the corpus luteum (CL) is the luteal gland.

What methods will help you find out about the presence of a corpus luteum?

There are two ways to find out about the existence of a temporary gland:

  1. Ultrasonography. Most reliable method, allowing you to clearly see the picture of what is happening on the monitor, determine the size, likelihood of conception, and the effect of VT on the reproductive organs.
  2. Analysis for the hormone progesterone. Relying on this method alone is not enough, because situations with hormonal imbalance occur.

If a woman is tracking her ovulation with the goal of becoming pregnant, then the most common sense solution is to use two methods simultaneously.

Corpus luteum after ovulation on ultrasound

On ultrasound, the gland looks like a round, soft sac located on one of the ovaries or on 2 at once. In the latter case, multiple pregnancies are likely successful fertilization eggs.

After ovulation has taken place, the gland appears almost immediately, gradually increasing in size. To assess the condition reproductive function, especially the ovaries, it is recommended to do ultrasound three times per cycle:

  • on days 7-10 of the cycle. At this time, the mucous membrane of the uterus is quite thin and allows you to see hidden pathologies, and the ovaries after past menstruation"refreshed";
  • on days 14-16 of the cycle. The follicle is just beginning to grow, so a study is ordered to find out whether there is ovulation, pathology, development or not;
  • on days 22-24 of the cycle. The body begins to prepare for menstruation, so specialists look at changes in the ultrasound picture after ovulation: what happens to the follicle, whether it has transformed into a cyst, whether it has disappeared, etc.

A three-time study will accurately show the picture of the functioning of the genital organs, and will also indicate the specific day of ovulation, because the individuality of each organism knows no boundaries: the follicle can begin to develop much earlier than the 14th day of the cycle, and later than the 24th.

Table of sizes of the corpus luteum after ovulation based on the ultrasound findings:

Cycle day/phase Size Peculiarities
13-17 Vascularization phase 12-20 mm Accelerated formation of the luteal gland, greatest activity. The most successful period for fertilization.
19-29 24 mm There is an increase in size. By this time, conception has either taken place, or the egg has died, and the body gradually begins to prepare for menstruation.
Withering phase (the day of the cycle is individual) 7-17 mm Withering and reduction in size begins, the gland changes to cellular level upon death of the egg. On ultrasound, the corpus luteum becomes convex and purple in color after ovulation. If pregnancy has occurred, the withering phase does not occur.
Degradation phase (after withering, the day of the cycle is individual) Dystrophy occurs, VT looks like a scar that resolves itself. Coming a sharp decline hormones, followed by menstruation.

If the size of the luteal gland is at the end monthly cycle are from 12 to 15 mm, then this indicates reverse development ZhT. A value of 24-30 mm indicates the possible presence of pregnancy, which is proceeding normally. From 30 mm or more – the appearance, in which case therapy is prescribed and pregnancy planning is postponed. But if it has already occurred, careful monitoring is carried out during the first trimester. There is no serious threat.

The constant presence of the luteal gland also indicates cystic formation. The normal “life” of VT is 13-14 days, until the onset of menstruation.

What does the absence of the luteal gland mean?

If there is no corpus luteum in the ultrasound picture, then probable reasons include:

  1. Anovulatory cycle or late ovulation. If the gland is not visible, then ovulation will either not occur at all, or it will happen later.
  2. . The follicle did not mature, did not grow to its size, stopped developing, did not rupture, turning into a formation that often disappears on its own in the next cycle due to a temporary failure (if follicular cysts appear systematically or are poorly absorbed, the reason lies in reproductive health women).
  3. Infertility and other pelvic diseases. Follicles may not develop at all. IN in this case a thorough examination is necessary, searching for the root cause and eliminating it.

Every woman has anovulatory cycles, during which the corpus luteum is absent - this is a normal and natural process. However, the emergence anovulatory cycles systematically - serious reason undergo examination.

The main organ of the female reproductive system is the ovaries. Their complex structure and complex mechanism functioning create the conditions for conception. Follicle development and ovulation occur monthly in the ovaries. To preserve the possibility of conception, an auxiliary gland, the corpus luteum, independently arises and develops in the ovary. By using ultrasound examination you can monitor its changes and, therefore, adjust the reproductive function.

What is the corpus luteum?

The corpus luteum is a gland formed at the site of a ruptured follicle immediately after ovulation of the egg, which performs endocrine function and having a temporary existence. This process helps prepare the uterus for implantation of the fertilized egg. In the tissues of this unique gland internal secretion There is a yellow pigment - lutein, which explains its name.

The structure of the ovary and the presence of the corpus luteum in it

This gland mainly synthesizes female hormone progesterone and in small parts produces the hormones estrogen, androgens, relaxin, inhibin, oxytocin. By its nature, this small organ is exceptional, different from all endocrine glands, it is born during ovulation and is independently eliminated with the onset of menstruation. If fertilization of the egg has occurred, the corpus luteum continues to exist until the fully formed placenta begins to produce the hormone progesterone, necessary for the full development of the fetus.

The size of the corpus luteum usually ranges from 12 to 26 mm, these numbers change during the phase of the menstrual cycle. If the size of the corpus luteum does not correspond to the specified indicators, this indicates a pathological process, possible development cysts.

Mechanism of origin and development of the corpus luteum

The mechanism of development of the temporary gland and the functions it performs are controlled by the ovaries, pituitary gland and immune system. It can be divided into four stages:

  1. Proliferation. When the egg is in the uterus, the lutein content in the blood increases significantly. At this moment, the corpus luteum begins to form. The edges of the ruptured follicle form folds, the cavity fills with blood, and the process of active division of the cells lining the cavity begins.
  2. Vascularization. At this stage germination occurs blood vessels into proliferating cells. This ensures sufficient blood supply and full functioning of the gland.
  3. Bloom. This stage is characterized by highest degree active work of the gland. It rises slightly on the surface of the ovary and becomes purple in color. If pregnancy does not occur, her active work lasts about 10 days and gradually declines.
  4. Regression (extinction). If conception does not occur in any of these 10 days, the gland cells undergo dystrophic changes. The corpus luteum looks like a scar, which then resolves on its own. During this period, the level of sex hormones sharply decreases, the endometrium separates, and the first day of menstruation begins. Simultaneously with the beginning of the fading of the functions of the gland in the ovaries, the next follicular maturation begins.

Ultrasound of the corpus luteum as a diagnostic technique

An ultrasound scan of the ovaries allows you to study all the parameters of this gland. On ultrasound, the corpus luteum looks like a round, heterogeneous sac. WITH special attention refer to it in the following physiological conditions of the female body:

  • when planning pregnancy;
  • at the beginning of pregnancy;
  • for infertility;
  • if a cyst is suspected.

Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries when planning pregnancy allows you to track exact time ovulation

The most successful period for performing an ultrasound of the female reproductive organs is considered to be 7-10 days after the start of menstruation. Ovarian function, follicular development and the condition of the corpus luteum are examined 2–3 times during one cycle. In this case, an ultrasound is recommended to be done after completion menstrual bleeding, then on days 15–16, i.e. after ovulation, and on days 22–23 of the cycle.

There are two methods for conducting ultrasound examination of the female genital organs, including the structure of the ovaries and the condition of the corpus luteum: transabdominal and transvaginal.

  • Transabdominal examination. Carried out through skin covering lower section belly and pubic area. To obtain more reliable information, you need a full bladder.
  • Transvaginal examination. To obtain more informative results, it is recommended to do the procedure on days 14–15 of the cycle. This is done using a special sensor. First, a condom is put on the vaginal sensor and inserted into the vagina. Usually the examination procedure does not cause any pain.

What result can an ultrasound of the corpus luteum have? Failure to detect the corpus luteum when the onset of menstruation is delayed indicates the presence of diseases endocrine system or pathological processes in the organs of reproduction. If a fetus is noticed on an ultrasound and pregnancy is confirmed, but the corpus luteum is not detected, then there is a high probability of miscarriage.

The issue of the absence or presence of the corpus luteum should be discussed with a gynecologist.

Is the presence of a corpus luteum a sign of pregnancy?

It is a mistaken belief that the corpus luteum in the ovary is an indicator of pregnancy. This endocrine gland appears only after a mature egg leaves the follicle. Its presence in the ovary only indicates the possibility of conception.

The absence of the corpus luteum indicates that there was no ovulation in this cycle, and conception is impossible. If you do an ultrasound on the last day of the cycle, before the expected start of menstruation, and according to its indications, regression of the gland is not noticed, then this may indicate pregnancy.

The constant existence of the corpus luteum is a symptom of a cyst

The frequency of appearance and self-destruction of the gland is provided by nature for the full functioning of the female body. However, there are cases when the body malfunctions - the corpus luteum continues to develop and produce progesterone constantly, regardless of physiological state body. This phenomenon is considered an indicator of a cystic process. Wherein characteristic symptoms similar to signs of pregnancy: delayed menstruation, severe painful sensations in the lower abdomen. Typically, a corpus luteum cyst does not threaten a woman’s health, but requires constant attention from doctors; it is necessary to regularly do ultrasounds and take adequate treatment.