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Zamioculcas is a wonderful evergreen plant with shiny dark green leaves. How indoor flower, in Russia they began to grow it not so long ago - at the end of the last century. Maybe that’s why not many people remembered its name. But its other name, Dollar Tree, is known to all gardeners, because the plant is so popular that it is grown everywhere. Like the Money Tree, the Dollar Tree attracts wealth into the homes of its owners. Perhaps this property did not go unnoticed by the owners large companies and banks - the offices of all reputable institutions are decorated with these unusually beautiful, noble-looking flowers. In our article you will find many useful tips for caring for Zamioculcas at home.

The genus Zamioculcas is a perennial evergreen plant - a succulent from the Araceae family. There are also popular names – “Flower of Celibacy”, “Eternal Tree”, Dollar Palm.” In our country it is called the “Dollar Tree”.

Zamioculcas in the wild

Zamioculcas grows along with other succulents in the hottest and driest places on our planet; it is not afraid of either the scorching sun or drought. In the 90s of the last century, this exotic appeared in Russia and quickly gained wide popularity. The flower grows well in city apartments, private houses, administrative offices, flower greenhouses and botanical gardens. The dollar tree always looks neat and noble. Does not require special attention in terms of content. Diligently improves the owner's well-being. The cost of Zamioculcas on the market is quite high, but despite this, the plant is in great demand.

Description of the flower

The structure of Zamioculcas is very unusual. The Dollar Tree does not have a trunk, stems or branches like other trees. What grows from the soil is compound sheet, forming directly from the rhizome. The root system of Zamioculcas is a large underground tuber from which thick, worm-like roots extend. The rhizome is so powerful that it can break a hole in the pot if it becomes crowded in it. The tuber plays a huge role in the life of the plant - it accumulates and retains moisture.

The leaves of Zamioculcas are erect, glossy, with a waxy coating. They grow on fleshy petioles thickened at the bottom. The leaves grow from 40 to 60 cm in length. They are complexly pinnate, divided into 8 - 12 separate leaves - feathers. The leaf axis (rachis) is juicy and thick. The petioles and rachis are covered with ink-colored spots. The leaves are feathers that are very dense and leathery.

In appearance, Zamioculcas resembles a very rare cultivated gymnosperm flower - Zamia, which lives on the American continent, which explains the name of the plant - Zamioculcas zamielifolia.

The Dollar Tree grows very slowly. Only a few new leaves appear per year. The increase is about 10 - 15 cm. But with good care During its life it can reach a meter in height and even higher. In dry times, this evergreen flower can get rid of its leaves - feathers - to avoid excessive evaporation of moisture. The petioles and central vein of the leaf (rachis), at the same time, will remain on the plant. Like tubers, leaves and petioles have the ability to accumulate moisture whenever possible and nutrients- this is how the plant adapted to long periods of drought in its homeland. The lifespan of this succulent is from five to ten years. If you have one copy, take care of its reproduction in advance.

Zamioculcas flowering

This is how Zamioculcas blooms

Zamioculcas blooms extremely rarely even in its natural conditions, and only in adulthood. In appearance, the Dollar Tree inflorescence looks like a thick cob, which contains small, inconspicuous flowers of a light cream or yellowish hue. The spadix is ​​formed in the lower part of the flower on a short thick peduncle. You won't notice it right away, since it is usually covered with a pale green petal - a blanket. In indoor conditions it blooms only under ideal conditions after three years after planting. The flowering time is most often at the end of spring, but sometimes the cob appears at the end of autumn, before the onset of cold weather. Flowering is long lasting. The aroma is fragrant, pleasant. But the seeds do not set even with artificial pollination. Experienced gardeners usually remove the inflorescence early, as it is not of particular interest. In nature, after the flowering of Zamioculcas, berries with one seed in each of them may appear and ripen. It has been noticed that the Dollar Tree usually blooms at the end of its life.

Zamioculcas juice is poisonous. Be careful when working with the plant during replanting, pruning or propagation - wear gloves. If the juice gets on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth, it can cause a severe burning sensation. Trying to taste the leaf may cause stomach upset or allergic reaction. For this reason, it is worth making the place for growing a flower inaccessible to pets and children.

Types and varieties of Zamioculcas

There is only one plant species - Zamioculcas Zamiifolia. Its homeland is considered to be the eastern and southeastern African mountain plateaus with a tropical climate. It was there that it was discovered in 1828. At the same time, it was first described by the very famous foreign collector of tropical crops, Conrad Lodiges, as Caladium Zamiifolium Lodd. More than twenty years later, Heinrich Wilhelm Schott changed this name to Zamioculcas Loddiges. And a few decades later, in 1908, the director of the Berlin Botanical Garden, Adolf Engler, registered the last and more famous version of the name today - Zamioculcas Zamiifolia.


One of the varieties of the flower is Zamioculcas Lanceolata. It is simply a natural variation of the plant. A distinctive feature is longer leaf blades, the shape of which is lanceolate. Hence the name.

White Variegated

Another variety is Zamioculcas Variegated, which was brought from Madagascar. The plant is larger; at home it often grows up to one and a half meters in height and in diameter. The difference from the main type is the color of the leaf plates - white stripes are located on the green background.

Lemon Variegated

Another variety is Zamioculcas Variegated. It also differs in the shape and color of the leaves. They are more elongated and thinner, with lemon-colored spots.

Dark purple (Black Leave)

Zamioculcas Black Leave, another subspecies of the Dollar Tree, was introduced from Korea. This is the most compact type of Dollar Tree. Its young shoots are light green in color, and as they mature, they darken and become almost black.

Zamioculcas Boivin (Boivinii Decne) is called the “Pearl of Zanzibar” in its homeland. It has a large tuber in which moisture accumulates. Does not tolerate dry air well. Loves systematic watering and spraying from a spray bottle. It has emerald leathery leaves with a smooth edge. It blooms very rarely and does not last long. This subspecies is recommended for beginner gardeners.

Some signs associated with the Dollar Tree

  • According to some feng shui canons, Zamioculcas has powerful energy that can attract wealth and prosperity to the home or office where it is located. Superstitious people believe that the Dollar Tree will definitely help them earn thousands of dollars. To attract financial luck to your home, you need to place a pot with Zamioculcas on the south-eastern side of the apartment in the so-called wealth sector. To activate this talisman, you should add several American coins of different denominations to the soil.
  • It should be noted that only a healthy and beautiful plant attracts material well-being. If you believe the rumors, then as soon as a new leaf appears on Zamioculcas, you, quite unexpectedly, will suddenly receive a certain amount - old debts will be returned to you, they will give you a bonus, your pension will be indexed. The ability to attract material well-being and female happiness will manifest itself several times more strongly if the Dollar Tree was given to you for a holiday, for example, on a birthday, for a housewarming or for a wedding.
  • If the leaves of the Dollar Tree begin to turn yellow and fall off, be careful with your money and do not make risky financial transactions. Perhaps the flower is warning you of what's to come sharp deterioration your financial situation, or perhaps you just haven’t watered the flower for a long time.
  • It is believed that if the Dollar Tree blooms, then its owner will definitely find her betrothed. But Zamioculcas blooms at home very rarely and with a very unusual inflorescence. Due to the long waiting period, many call it the “Flower of Celibacy.” It is better not to have such a flower for a girl who wants to get married. I will say on my own behalf that many brave ladies who do not believe in omens grow this beautiful and unpretentious flower long years and do not notice any negative impacts on their personal lives.

There are a lot of signs associated with the Dollar Tree. You decide for yourself which ones to believe in and which ones you shouldn’t believe in. I personally believe only in good omens - this wonderful evergreen plant will decorate any corner of your home!

Caring for Zamioculcas at home

The dollar tree is considered a very unpretentious plant. Still, there are basic rules that must be followed when growing this flower. So how to care for Zamioculcas at home?

After purchasing a plant in a store, try not to disturb the flower for two to three weeks. Place it in partial shade, do not flood it, do not replant it, do not feed it. Let him get used to his new place of residence. If everything is fine, move the pot to its permanent place.

Pot location

Window sills or areas near them on the south or southeast side of your home work best. But this flower is so unpretentious that it will tolerate any place in your apartment - from the most illuminated to light partial shade. Near the northern windows, its leaves will not be so bright and a little smaller, that’s all. In summer, it is advisable to take Zamioculcas out onto the veranda, balcony, or find a place for it in the garden in the lacy shade of trees. Dollar Tree is not afraid of bright colors sun rays, warm drafts and changes of residence. In the fresh air, in bright sunlight throughout the day, this flower begins to grow intensively. Its trunk and root system are strengthened, immunity to various diseases and insects - pests.

Temperature and lighting

The optimal temperature for growing Dollar Tree is considered to be 22 – 28 degrees. and higher in summer, and 16 - 18 degrees. in winter. Critical temperature– 38 gr. in summer and below 12 degrees. in winter. It loves sunlight very much, is not afraid of direct sunlight, but also feels fine in light partial shade. But, like any other indoor plant, at midday on a southern windowsill, through a window glass, the leaves of the Dollar Tree can get sunburn that cannot be treated - it is better to shade the bush with light curtains or blinds. In a dark room, the leaves of the plant will become stretched and thinner, which will affect the decorative effect of the flower.

A dollar tree cannot live without fresh air - ventilate the room regularly. In summer you can take it to Fresh air- to the garden, to the balcony. In winter, it is advisable to keep the pot closer to the windows, while blocking the heating devices. If the daylight hours are too short, additional artificial lighting with a phytolamp or fluorescent lamp will be needed.


How to water Zamioculcas? It is very important to guess the quantity and quality of water for irrigation. The flower does not tolerate excess moisture, stagnation of water in the pan, or too high humidity in the room. It is also impossible to completely dry out the soil - a long drought will force the flower to use up its internal water reserves, as a result you may lose some of the top feathers - leaves, they will turn yellow and fall off. Watering should be done after the soil has completely dried after the last watering.

Water should be used that has been left standing for 24 hours or boiled and cooled to room temperature. A few minutes after watering, excess water the pan should be drained - any stagnation of water can cause rotting of the roots. The larger the pot, the less often you should water the plant. The top layer of soil dries out quickly, especially on the windowsill through solar glass, and at a depth of several cm it is probably still damp. Water a flower growing in a cramped pot more often. In winter, watering should be reduced by half - no more than once or twice a month.


The flower calmly tolerates the usual humidity of city apartments. For him, dry indoor air is better than humid air - after all, central heating creates dry air in the apartment close to the African deserts. The dollar tree and the air around it do not need to be sprayed. But in order to clean the leaves from dust, so that they breathe and radiate shine and attractiveness, the plant should be regularly washed in a warm shower or its feathers wiped with a damp cloth. Summer rain in the garden will not harm the flower either.

How to feed Zamioculcas

At home, Zamioculcas quickly consumes nutrients from the soil. Therefore, from April to early autumn, during active leaf growth, it should be fed with special liquid fertilizers for succulents or cacti. If you use universal fertilizers for decorative deciduous indoor flowers, then reduce their dose by half as recommended by the manufacturer. One or two feedings per month are enough. Stop fertilizing in autumn and winter.

The soil

Zamioculcas grows slowly and does not need frequent transplants. Young flowers are replanted once every two years, and adult specimens - once every five years. If the Dollar Tree is of impressive size, it is not replanted, but simply the top layer of the substrate is changed.

There are times when a Dollar Tree should be replanted ahead of schedule.

  1. Replanting after purchasing a plant. If Zamioculcas went on sale from a domestic nursery, it does not require immediate replanting; it can easily wait a month or two in a shipping container. It’s another matter if Zamioculcas was brought to a flower shop from abroad. Usually, exotic plants are brought to Russia in a special substrate, which is unsuitable for long-term “residence” of the flower. Therefore, a couple of weeks after acclimatization in your home, such a flower should be transplanted into a new pot and a suitable substrate, having first removed the old substrate from the roots carefully, but with extreme caution. You should not water the flower right away; let possible wounds and damage to the roots heal. Don't be afraid - the moisture reserve in the tubers and leaves is enough for the plant to adapt to new conditions. After a couple of weeks, start spraying the plant with well-settled water.
  2. The Dollar Tree will have to be replanted even if the tuberous rhizome fills the entire space in the old flowerpot and sticks out both on top of the substrate and through the drainage holes in the pot. If the plant becomes crowded, it will stop growing.
  3. Another reason urgent transplant Dollar Tree is its deplorable appearance if the leaves become lethargic, turn yellow, and begin to fall off. Most likely, you did not protect the roots of the flower from excess moisture, and they rotted. In this case, remove the flower from the pot and clean the roots from the substrate. Remove all rotten parts of the roots (dark brown). Rinse the roots warm water with potassium permanganate, then dry well, powder with cinnamon powder or crushed coal. Only after this, plant Zamioculcas in a new pot according to all the transplanting rules.

If you are planning to transplant an adult healthy plant into a new pot, replant the flower using the transshipment method with extreme caution. Do not shake off the soil from the roots. The flower has a powerful root system, which is important not to damage and thereby not destroy the plant. Together with a lump of earth, carefully place the plant in the center of the new pot on a layer of sand and part of the new substrate. Add the rest of the substrate, covering the entire Zamioculcas root system with it.

There is no need to completely hide the tubers in the ground - they should peek out a little above the surface of the substrate. Do not rush to water the transplanted plant - let the wounds on the roots heal, let the plant get used to the new soil. If the soil is too dry, water it after a couple of days, and if it’s slightly damp, water it after two weeks, always with settled water. Watering will help fill any voids in the pot with soil. If necessary, soil must be added.

The Dollar Tree's new leaves always grow larger than the previous ones after transplantation, and there comes a point when they begin to fall apart. different sides and lie down. When replanting your Dollar Tree, we advise you to install a ring support in the pot so that the plant does not fall apart and is more stable.

If there are no exceptional reasons for replanting, it is better to choose the time for a planned replacement of the pot and substrate in the spring - the end of March or April. It is better not to replant the flower in autumn and winter.

Choosing a pot

In favor of a clay or ceramic pot, let's say that strong roots plants can break through the wall of a plastic pot. The clay from which these pots are made is a natural material found in nature. The hydrated water contained in such pots serves as an excellent thermostat. The plant in this pot is warm in winter and cool in summer. Plants grown in such pots feel better. Due to their mass, such dishes are more stable and more suitable for growing large plants, such as Dollar Tree.

The benefit of a soft plastic pot is the fact that when Zamioculcas roots grow, they often deform it, thereby indicating to the owner that it is time to replace the pot with another, more spacious one. The plastic pot can be easily broken or cut to remove the flower without damaging its roots.

The size of the new pot should be 3 cm wider than the root ball and 3 - 4 cm deeper than the old pot. A fourth of the pot should be occupied by drainage - pebbles, expanded clay or foam, depending on the age of the flower. A young plant can be planted in a pot with polystyrene foam, but a large one is better planted with heavy pebbles at the bottom of the pot - this way it will be more stable. Then comes a layer of coarse river sand. There must be drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

Rest period

The dollar tree needs a long period of dormancy. From mid-autumn to the end of winter it should be kept in a cool, bright room. Temperature changes are not permissible; it should be maintained within 16 -18 degrees. all period. Stop feeding. Water rarely, once every 20 - 30 days.

Reproduction of Dollar Tree (Zamioculcas)

Zamioculcas reproduces in several ways, because all parts of the plant can be used to obtain a new specimen. Keep in mind that in spring rooting is faster and more successful than at other times of the year. It is not possible to obtain Dollar Tree seeds at home in our latitudes, so we will not consider this method. And we will consider all vegetative methods of reproduction in turn.

Reproduction using a leaf - feather

For this method of reproduction of Zamioculcas Any will do a healthy succulent leaf that you accidentally broke off or specifically selected on a flower for propagation. The leaf petiole should be cut from the shoot at an angle of 45 degrees. Before planting, it must be dried well in the open air. It will take a day or two. Rooting should be done in a small pot in a warm substrate of peat and coarse river sand. To process the sections, crushed activated carbon and phytohormones are used for better root formation (kornevin, zircon).

The leaf is deepened into moist soil by one third and covered with a jar or film to create a greenhouse microclimate. The substrate must be slightly moistened, condensation must be removed, and the greenhouse must be ventilated. Rooting, i.e. The process of tuber formation will be long. Maintain the temperature around 22 degrees. After two to three months, the old leaves will begin to dry out, but small nodules will appear. You will wait about six months for new leaves from them. Then plant each specimen in its own pot.

Some gardeners do it even simpler. Break off any Dollar Tree branch and place it in a glass of water. After some time, roots appear. That's it, now you can plant the sprout in a pot with a substrate for succulents. It will definitely take root, just don’t overwater it so it doesn’t rot.

This method has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the fact that the leaf takes root well and in a year you can get a fairly large plant. But the fact that you can cut no more than two leaves from an adult Dollar Tree, so as not to spoil its decorative appearance, and, accordingly, you can get no more than two new bushes, is one of the disadvantages of this method. If you need to get several copies at once, use fragments of sheet plates. We warn you that not all fragments will root successfully. Even under ideal conditions, young plants will develop very slowly. Seedlings from a leaf fragment grow a tuber for a long time, and in a year they can grow only one or a couple of leaves.

Propagation using a compound leaf

This method produces the most viable seedlings. But it is necessary that young daughter tubers form on the plant. Separate the compound leaf you have chosen for planting along with the bud-nodule from the mother plant. Treat the roots with crushed activated carbon, dry it a little. Then plant it as an independent plant in a prepared permanent pot in a suitable substrate. Fill the tuber bud with substrate only to the base of the leaf - do not deepen it too much. Do not water for a couple of days - let any possible wounds dry out. Next, take care as usual.

Reproduction by dividing an adult plant into parts

This is the easiest and most risky method of reproduction. You can divide a Zamioculcas tuber at home only from an adult healthy plant. If the attempt is unsuccessful, we may lose our flower without receiving a new one. If you have a large, strong tuber, you can try it. Remove the flower from the pot. Divide the rhizome so that each part has at least one growing point (leaf bud). Treat each part of the tuber with crushed activated carbon or cinnamon powder and dry it for 24 hours in the open air. Then plant it in your permanent pot. Do not bury the tuber head too much in the soil; it should stick out slightly from the substrate. New trees will grow very slowly. Do not feed them for a couple of months, water them moderately.

Diseases and pests

Zamioculcas (Dollar tree) gets sick quite rarely. This is such an unpretentious and hardy plant that it is difficult to destroy. But it is possible if you grossly violate the conditions of detention.

Root rotting

Excessive watering, low room temperatures, hard cold water when watering, stagnation of excess moisture in the pan, heavy soil - all this can cause rotting of the roots of Zamioculcas. If this happens, immediately remove the flower from the pot, remove all the old substrate and rotten parts of the plant. For the remaining healthy part of the Dollar Tree, wash the rhizome in potassium permanganate or a solution of any fungicide that can stop rotting, then dry well for several hours. Then sprinkle the wounds with crushed coal and plant the treated flower in a new substrate. Select a pot that matches the root system. From now on, water Zamioculcas very carefully.

The leaves are turning yellow

If a healthy-looking Zamioculcas has yellowed leaves and dark, dry spots appear on the stems, do not be alarmed. These are old leaves. The flower sheds them faster than new shoots appear and new leaves-feathers form. After complete drying, the leaves should be removed.

If your Dollar Tree leaves are turning yellow and new ones are not growing, look for the cause. Perhaps the flower is standing in a cold draft, perhaps the temperature in the room changes sharply, perhaps you too rarely remember to water and feed your pet. If you correct the situation, the flower will be restored, new leaves will appear instead of fallen ones - after all, the rhizome is not damaged and is full of moisture and strength.

Failure to follow simple care rules can lead to damage to the flower by insects - pests such as aphids, spider mites, and scale insects.

After treating the Dollar Tree with insecticides, you can keep it in a large plastic bag for a day to consolidate the result, and then wash it well in the bathroom under the shower, having previously covered the substrate from harmful runoff. The treatment is usually repeated (read the instructions).

In any case, when disease or pests have severely damaged or practically destroyed the above-ground part of the flower, do not rush to throw it away. Remove the Zamioculcas from the pot and inspect its tubers and roots. If they are elastic and look healthy, wash them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dry them and plant them in a new substrate. Place in a well-lit place. Water moderately. IN wild conditions, during severe drought, this succulent loses the entire above-ground part, and when favorable conditions the preserved tubers will produce new shoots. Perhaps your plant will come back to life and form new leafy shoots, more beautiful than the previous ones.


If Zamioculcas does not yet grow in your house, we advise you to grow it yourself. We are sure that after studying our recommendations, you will get a wonderful exotic plant that will not cause you any trouble. This flower grows without any problems and tolerates any place in the house. Planted in a beautiful outdoor pot, it will delight you for many years with its brilliant emerald foliage and attract wealth and prosperity into your home.

Zamioculcas is a perennial, evergreen plant that is easy to care for at home. In everyday life, it received the name “dollar tree”, since, presumably, with its energy it is capable of “attracting” wealth and prosperity to its owner.

General information

According to rumors, as soon as a new piece of paper appears, a certain amount of money appears completely unexpectedly (for example, you were returned an old debt, given a bonus, received a percentage of the deposit, and much more).

But if the leaf falls, then this is a warning about material problems (for example, you should not invest money in some new business - it may burn out, or the car will break down and you need to spend money on repairs, etc.). Maybe for this reason, many people like this plant, and it can be found both in apartments and offices.

There is also an opinion that the money tree, Crassula, serves to increase wealth in the houses where it grows.

There is another sign associated with another name for this flower - “female happiness”. When zamioculcas blooms, this indicates that the owner has found her betrothed, but flowering occurs very rarely and only if the rules of care are followed.

Due to such a protracted period, many blame the plant and call it the “flower of celibacy.” Everyone believes in different variants, but the fact that this is a beautiful and unpretentious plant is not in dispute.

The flower is not very expressive. An arrow is released from the tuber, and an inflorescence begins to ripen on it, which is a white or cream-colored cob wrapped in a green “veil.”

Those who believe and follow the rules of Feng Shui should know that in order to increase savings, the flower should be placed in the south-eastern part of the room or house. If a flower was given to you, then it should be a kind person with good intentions.

Zamioculcas is a genus of plants of the araceae family, represented by a single species: Zamioculcas zamiifolia, originating from tropical Africa.

Zamioculcas care at home

For healthy growth Zamioculcas must be planted in a well-drained and “poor” substrate, consisting of turf and leaf soil, peat and sand (1:1:1:1), you can also add small pebbles, because under natural conditions the plant is found in rocky soils.

If you buy a ready-made mixture, soil for cacti will be suitable. The main thing is that oxygen flows freely to the roots and the soil dries out in time, in otherwise For example, in soils with a high humus content, water is retained at the roots for a long time, which leads to rapid decay and the plant gradually dies.

Zamioculcas transplant at home

As for transplantation, this procedure is carried out as the rhizome grows, when the zamioculcas plant becomes crowded - it is transplanted into a more spacious pot.

When choosing containers, give preference to clay ones, since the root system is very powerful and there have been cases when the pot cracked.

Zamioculcas watering

Zamioculcas is a heat-loving plant, so it tolerates heat quite easily, just increase the humidity (frequent spraying). A temperature of 18-26°C is considered comfortable; it is better not to allow it to fall below 15°C.

It is resistant to dry periods, but it is better not to force the plant to starve, otherwise it begins to absorb its own reserves, which can lead to depletion; the leaves and trunk become thinner and turn pale.

Therefore, as long as regular watering is observed with breaks to dry the soil, Zamioculcas will be able to stock up on a sufficient amount of water. In winter, watering should be reduced to a minimum, just slightly moisten the soil so that it does not dry out.

Lighting for Zamioculcas

The plant is adapted to exist even in a dimly lit room or in the back of the room. This does not mean at all that it does not like light; on the contrary, with good lighting and, accordingly, good watering, it will grow much faster.

It is not afraid even of direct sunlight, but in this case additional moisture is necessary, since the moisture will evaporate faster.

Zamioculcas propagation by cuttings

To do this, any leaf or even part of it is selected and planted in wet sand, or a mixture of sand and peat. Treat the cut with a rooting accelerator (for example, Kornevin). The soil must be sterile.

Cover the top with transparent cut plastic bottle or a glass jar, to create greenhouse conditions, and place it in a warm, well-lit place. Rooting occurs within one month to six months. The process is long. You must be patient and do not forget to ventilate the plant (remove the jar) and moisten the soil, if necessary.

Zamioculcas reproduction by tuber

Only an adult plant with large tubers can be propagated in this way.

The tuber is cut so that each part has at least one growth point. It is planted in the prepared substrate, without burying the head of the tuber too much. The new plant grows very slowly.

Diseases and pests

The most common problem when caring for zamioculcas is yellowing of leaves .

There are two reasons: if old leaves turn yellow , then this is a natural process of replacement with young leaves, and if new leaves begin to turn yellow , then the cause may be constant waterlogging of the soil, which led to rotting of the roots.

In some cases, if the process is not too advanced, the plant can still be saved; to do this, it must be pulled out of the pot, carefully shake off the soil, inspect the root system and cut off the rotten parts. Treat the cut areas with charcoal and spray the entire plant, for example, with Fundazol, let it dry a little and plant in new soil and pot.

The culture is decorative and unpretentious; it belongs to succulents. Growing zamioculcas indoors is not difficult if you know how to properly care for it. The variety requires the creation of an optimal microclimate and various agricultural technologies in summer and winter. With proper care, the dollar tree blooms.

Origin and botanical description of the plant

Its natural distribution area is tropical Africa. In Russia, Zamioculcas is a houseplant. The first description of the species dates back to 1828, with the speaker Conrad Loddiges classifying it as Caladium samyaefolia. In 1856, Heinrich Schott named the plant Zamioculcas Loddiges. In 1929, Gustav Albert Peter characterized the lanceolate variety found in Mozambique.

Exact description the succulent depends on the variety; there may be slight differences in appearance. The correct name for the dollar tree is Zamioculcas, Latin scientific name— Zamioculcas. The culture is popularly called zamifolia, the Zanzibar pearl, the currency tree, the flower of good luck, celibacy or female happiness, since it has many mystical properties attributed to people.

It is believed that the plant cries, secreting tears at the tip of the leaf before it begins to rain or worsens the weather. In fact, if Zamioculcas is crying, it means that the air humidity in the room is high or the watering is too abundant.

The monotypic genus belongs to the Araceae family. The dollar tree indoor flower has no stems. The unique shoots are leaves up to 1 m long with individual leaf-like blades, which can be shed during drought. The surface looks glossy, dark green in color. The inflorescence is inconspicuous, looks like a creamy cob covered with a light green blanket, and is formed on a short fleshy stem. The succulent stores water in its tuberous root system and petiole. In addition to the tuber, many fleshy long roots are formed.

Main varieties

The genus is represented by a single species – Zamioculcas zamiifolia. Among the representatives there are various forms with different colors, sizes, and leaf heights. The main subspecies and varieties of succulents:

  1. Lanceolate received its name for the shape of its elongated leaves. Depending on the variety, the height of the plant reaches 0.6 or 1.5 m.
  2. Zamioculcas black It is distinguished by the very dark color of its leaf shoots, close to the color of the feathers of crows. But a young bush is salad-colored, darkening as it matures, regardless of lighting.
  3. Zamiocalcus variegata also called variegated due to the bright colors of the leaves. At home, the tree grows up to 1-1.5 m.
  4. - a dwarf variety with a thicker trunk, very dark leaf-like blades.
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Necessary conditions for cultivation

Dollar tree is an unpretentious plant that tolerates short-term exposure unfavorable factors. If the location is incorrectly chosen, it will not die, but the decorative effect will be greatly damaged. When growing in a pot, it is necessary to select the correct size of the container and fill it with a suitable substrate for the culture. Excess care, especially waterlogging of the soil, is much worse than lack of attention. At home it rarely blooms, but there are cases when it throws out a peduncle 2 times a year. Zamioculcas is poisonous; if it comes into contact with the skin, the juice causes a strong burning sensation, so it should be carefully cared for.

Location and lighting

When choosing a variety in a store, it is recommended to clarify whether it is photophilous or not. The dollar tree requires good lighting, but not exposure to direct sunlight, to prevent burns. Most subspecies tolerate shading, but this may result in a decrease in leaf blades, a change in color, or loss of decorativeness.

Temperature is no less important. Zamioculcas feels best at temperatures of +18-26 °C. In summer, an increase to +40 °C is allowed, at which there are no problems with the condition of the money tree.

Air humidity

When growing zamioculcas (dollar tree), installation of additional humidifiers is not required. The succulent tolerates low air humidity well. During the period of active growth in evening time You can spray the above-ground part with a spray bottle. With regular procedures, as well as overmoistening of the soil, drops of water appear on the leaves.

Soil and pot requirements

To transplant a dollar tree, it is recommended to purchase special soil for cacti and succulents. The culture does not have any special requirements, but it requires well-drained soil that allows air and water to pass through. At home, you can collect a mixture of equal proportions of turf, leaf soil and coarse sand. Natural materials must be disinfected before use.

The container for zamioculcas should not greatly exceed the volume of the root system. It is important to note that you will need to add 2-4 cm of drainage layer to the bottom. If the soil substrate is significantly larger than the size of the roots, rotting and the development of fungal diseases are possible. Best material for a flower pot - clay. It allows air to pass through, allows you to remove excess moisture, and keeps the massive succulent from tipping over. At first, you can grow them in plastic containers.

Features of care

Caring for a dollar tree at home is quite simple. It is necessary to create and maintain an optimal microclimate, remove dust from the leaf-shaped plates, to do this, wipe the leaves with a damp soft cloth. Care secrets may vary depending on the variety. To provoke flowering, certain manipulations are required. The indoor flower is quite unpretentious and easily propagated.

Home care for zamioculcas includes:

  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • pruning;
  • transplant;
  • ensuring a period of rest;
  • protection from diseases and pests.

Watering requirement

Zamifolia does not tolerate excessive humidity. The succulent accumulates water in the tuberous stem and petiole thickenings. First of all, he must use up excess supplies. If at the same time a new portion of liquid arrives, cracking and rotting of the root system is possible.

During the active growing season, you should focus on the condition of the soil. Water only after almost complete drying. If the regime is violated, a “currency” tree can shed its leaf-shaped plates, but first releases water from its leaves. In winter, watering 1-2 times a month is enough. For the procedure, use settled liquid at room temperature.


Fertilization is required from April to September once a month so that the indoor flower grows better. It is advisable to purchase a special complex composition for cacti and succulents. It is permissible to feed the succulent with folk recipes. Wood ash in a low concentration solution is especially useful. Excess nutrition has a negative effect on Zamioculcas.

Newly planted young specimens should not be fed until new leaves form. Always fertilize together with watering to protect the root system from aggressive fertilizing components.

Flowering and pollination

When grown at home, it is difficult to make a dollar tree bloom. The inflorescence itself is a spadix with a small spathe. It blooms on a peduncle up to 20 cm long emerging from the tuber. The generative organs of the flower are located separately, protected by a sterile zone, self-pollination is almost impossible.

Zamioculcas blooms only in adulthood. During flowering, there is often a slowdown in foliage growth. If the plant does not produce a new peduncle, there may be irregularities in its care. In order for indoor zamioculcas to bloom, it is necessary to provide sufficient nutrition, soil moisture, and a period of rest.


It is not necessary to form a crown for a dollar tree. The decorative value of the succulent is quite high. Pruning of shoots is more often carried out when growing using the bonsai technique. Removing parts of a succulent is mainly required when it becomes infected with infections or infested with pests. Also, after flowering, it is necessary to trim the peduncle. When propagating a plant, you can cut off a leaf or leaf-like plate with a sharp pruner or knife. Large zamioculcas can be subjected to a procedure in order to rejuvenate the succulent.

Pests and diseases

The culture is unpretentious, but lack or excess of care can cause harm. Excessive watering is especially dangerous, causing rot and death of the succulent. When fertilized, the indoor flower grows faster, but excess leads to deformation of the shoots, cracking of the petioles and tubers. Sunburn of leaves is possible and cannot be treated.

Infectious diseases and pests can be brought along with the newly acquired specimen. For this reason, new bushes should be kept in quarantine for some time to avoid infecting other indoor flowers.

Dollar tree diseases:

  • anthracnose;
  • powdery mildew;
  • black fungi;
  • rotten.

Fungal diseases often appear in cool air and excessive moisture. If a plant is damaged, it must be isolated from others, the damaged parts must be cut off, and, if necessary, replanted in new soil. Spray the remaining mass with a solution approved for home use fungicide.

Dangerous pests include mealybugs, thrips, spider mites, and scale insects. The fight against insects should begin as early as possible, since in addition to damage to the plant, they can become infected with pathogenic microorganisms. Severely damaged parts must be cut off, above-ground parts must be washed soap solution, spray with insecticides.

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Reproduction methods

Vegetative propagation methods - rooting cuttings, leaves, dividing the bush. The dollar tree is a succulent, and in order to avoid rotting of the planting material, it is recommended to carry out the procedure immediately in the soil mixture, and not in water. Reproduction can be combined with pruning, but only healthy parts of zamioculcas should be planted.

When cutting cuttings, you need to make sure that each one has 1-2 leaf blades and an internode. Sprinkle the wound with crushed activated carbon and dry for several hours. Plant in a moist soil substrate; it is advisable to tie long shoots to a support so that they do not fall over. Rooting of cuttings takes 2-3 months. The same procedure applies to leaf plates. Seedlings are considered ready for transfer to an individual container after the formation of a tuber and small roots.

Tuber division is used only for adult specimens with several growth points.

It is important to carefully examine the root system and remove rotten roots. Cut with a sharp knife or scalpel to leave as little damage as possible.

Sprinkle the tuber pieces with activated carbon, dry them, and plant them in a moist substrate.

Timing and technology of transplantation

When purchasing any variety of zamioculcas in a store, the plant must be replanted, since the soil used for sale is not suitable for subsequent cultivation. The procedure should be carried out a few days after purchase. The succulent loves light, well-drained soil, good light and warmth. After transplantation, it is recommended to provide the plant with all these conditions.

Subsequently, the operation is carried out every year in the spring using the transshipment method. There is a period of active growth ahead, so adaptation takes place quickly and without negative consequences. Choose a flower pot slightly larger than the previous one (2-5 cm), be sure to put a drainage layer on the bottom.

Possible difficulties during cultivation

Difficulties with cultivating a dollar tree at home rarely arise; the culture is quite tenacious and unpretentious. Most problems are related to improper care. The reasons are often excessive watering, reducing the temperature to unacceptable values. Fading and shredding of foliage, stretching upwards often means a lack of lighting. One of the main signs that the plant is sick is a change in color and loss of shine of the leaf blades.

Rotting of the root system sometimes leads to the death of the plant, so if signs of ill health appear, it should be transplanted into a new substrate. Flowers take the forces of zamioculcas upon themselves, so during the flowering period leaf blades are almost not formed. Other reasons are lack of moisture in the soil, drafts, sudden temperature changes, and pests. The appearance of spots on the leaves and protruding roots from the flower pot indicate the need for replanting.

The dollar tree has been grown at home relatively recently. During this time, it has established itself as an unpretentious evergreen plant. Minimal care is required; it is more important to immediately create an optimal microclimate and protect it from adverse factors.

Osteosclerosis of the knee joint is a pathological process that involves disruption of the structure of bone tissue. The changes consist of an increase in the number of bone beams (crossbars) and a decrease in the interbeam spaces. These pathological processes are observed in both the spongy and cortical substance. Bone size does not change with osteosclerosis. With the highest degree of disease, the bone becomes completely homogeneous and dense. Treatment of such a pathological condition at a late stage becomes very difficult.

Reasons for development

The reasons for the development of this disease are an imbalance in the functioning of osteclasts and osteoblasts. May develop due to the following pathological conditions:

Inflammatory processes in the bone tissue that forms the knee joint (tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, syphilis);

Some types of tumors;

Intoxication (including lead or strontium poisoning);

Some hereditary diseases;

Recovery period after injury;

Arthrosis of the knee joint.

High-grade osteosclerosis causes bone to become brittle and increases the likelihood of fractures. This process of disruption of bone structure in clinical practice

ranks second after osteoporosis.


Osteosclerosis of the joint can be congenital and acquired, physiological and pathological. The causes of the pathological form of this disease have been listed above.

Physiological osteosclerosis occurs during a period of intensive growth of all tissues, including bone, in childhood. Using a study such as an x-ray, spotty and uniform osteosclerosis can be distinguished. By location and volume pathological lesion

bone there are local, widespread, limited and systemic forms.

The focal form of the disease (for example, in the area of ​​the knee joint) most often manifests itself in the presence of a nearby focus of inflammation, which is located on the border with healthy bone tissue. Sometimes subchondral osteosclerosis is detected. Most often, it is not defined as a separate nosological unit, that is, it is not, accompanies other pathological processes in the joint. It affects the bone articular plates that close the articular cavity. Occurs as a result of chronic trauma to the knee joint, or after a viral infection.


In the initial stages, with a localized process, it is quite difficult to make a diagnosis. Since the symptoms in this case are not pronounced. The person feels minor internal pain, which intensifies with exercise.

Over time, the pain intensifies and can manifest itself even with a long static position - standing or sitting, and in the future the pain syndrome becomes a constant companion of such a patient.

Changes in the composition of the bones of the knee joint in advanced forms of osteosclerosis can provoke a fracture even with a minor injury - a bruise or a fall. Unfortunately, this condition is often diagnosed after the onset of bone deformity or damage. This greatly worsens the prognosis and treatment.


Treatment of osteosclerosis should consist of eliminating the cause of its development, if it can be accurately determined. To do this, you should contact an experienced orthopedist and do X-ray, in which the area of ​​bone tissue compaction will be clearly visible, so making a diagnosis will not cause difficulties.

Treatment of the disease can be quite lengthy; the specifics of the approach and technique depend on the prevalence of the process, the underlying pathology that accompanies it, the general condition of the body and the age of the patient. The main methods of improving the condition are symptomatic and orthopedic treatment.

Unfortunately, if the process goes too far and the bone becomes dense and homogeneous, then a complete cure will not occur. In this case, all methods are aimed at improving the quality of life of such a patient and eliminating pain.

Symptomatic therapy

To improve the patient’s quality of life with severe pain syndrome treatment includes the use of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. The use of glucocorticoid therapy in an equivalent dosage is also used.

During development hemolytic anemia due to malfunction bone marrow blood transfusion is performed.


For patients with osteosclerosis important role The diet that is recommended by the doctor plays a role in treatment. The patient's menu should contain enough foods that are rich in amino acids and protein. Nutrition should be complete and balanced.


In case of unexpressed pathology or elimination of an acute condition, treatment involves the use of special exercises. They should be aimed at strengthening the musculoskeletal system. Swimming and massage also help.

In the physiological form of the disease, proper nutrition and physical activity are the main methods of treatment.


Constant supervision by a specialist is an indispensable condition. The high risk of developing fractures or deformations of bones and joints requires constant monitoring and provision of necessary assistance if this happens. In cases of significant functional impairment, corrective osteotomy is used.

When the process is diffuse and severe, the patient needs a bone marrow transplant.

Traditional methods of treating osteosclerosis of the knee joint

This disease is very serious and can lead to disability of the patient. Some patients prefer treatment with folk remedies to turning to a professional. It should be said that their use is possible, but only as helper method, which can be used at home to relieve pain and eliminate inflammation.

But under no circumstances should you refuse the help of a doctor, otherwise the disease will continue to progress and the person will become completely helpless.

Osteosclerosis of the vertebral ridge is a condition that is characterized by significant compaction of bone tissue.

Among all metabolic diseases of the skeleton, accompanied by disturbances in the development of bone structures, it occupies the second position in prevalence, second only to osteoporosis.

In the early stages of development, the disease does not pose a strong threat to human health and life. But it must be treated in a timely manner, since as a result of the progression of osteosclerosis, bone tissue completely loses its elasticity, and diseases may occur spinal cord(eg, heart attack or myelopathy).

What is osteosclerosis of the spine and the principle of its damage

Subchondral osteosclerosis is a pathology characterized by hardening of bone tissue. Most often it affects older people, but can also occur among young people.

Why is osteosclerosis of the spine dangerous?

On initial stages development, it may not cause health problems, but if timely treatment is not started, it will progress. As a result, a person will have an increased risk of fractures and ailments such as osteochondrosis and anemia.

Foci of osteosclerosis are changes in osteochondral tissues; they are characterized by various shapes and sizes. They can be found on x-ray, they manifest themselves in different ways:

Types of osteosclerosis of the spine

Several types of classification of spinal osteosclerosis have been created. Depending on the location of the disease, the following varieties are distinguished:

  1. Local. The resulting tissue compaction divides the bone into 2 areas: one is affected by pathology, and the other remains undamaged.
  2. Local. This type of osteosclerosis is characterized by the progression of the disease in a small area of ​​bone tissue. For example, it is localized in the area where the fracture occurred.
  3. Common. It is formed if the pathological process affects not only the spinal ridge, but also other parts of the skeleton.

Based on the duration of compaction formation, doctors classify the disease into acquired and congenital types. In addition to these classifications, osteosclerosis is distinguished according to the reasons that led to its formation:

  • idiopathic. The occurrence of tissue compaction is associated with a number of diseases, such as rhizomonomelorheostosis and marble disease;
  • inflammatory. This type develops if the body contains inflammatory processes, which change the structure of the spongy substance;
  • physiological. Osteosclerosis of the spine begins during the formation of the skeleton;
  • post-traumatic. Pathological processes bone tissue may occur during the healing of various fractures and other injuries;
  • toxic. Such osteosclerosis develops as a result of serious poisoning with harmful chemicals.


Marble disease

Causes of the disease

As a rule, people aged 60 years and older are susceptible to the disease, this is due to weakened immunity and age-related changes in the body. In this case, the occurrence of spinal osteosclerosis is due to acquired and environmental causes. Let's look at the most common causes and risk factors:

Symptoms and signs of spinal osteosclerosis

At the beginning of its formation, the disease rarely manifests itself; some symptoms can be confused with other diseases not related to the compaction of cartilage and bone tissue. Symptoms of spinal osteosclerosis depend on which joint was damaged (for example, hip, knee or shoulder). Let's take a closer look at the main signs of the disease:

  • the appearance of discomfort (in the area of ​​localization of the disease);
  • elevated body temperature (indicates the presence of inflammatory bone diseases);
  • increased fatigue, decreased performance;
  • pathological changes in the spinal ridge;
  • motor dysfunction;
  • various deviations from nervous system;
  • the occurrence of pain while walking or prolonged sitting in the same position.

People who have problems with the spine or are at risk are often interested in: “Is it possible to recognize the disease yourself?” Unfortunately, in the initial stages it is almost impossible to do this due to scant symptoms. External signs may be completely absent. Only a comprehensive diagnostic study will help to identify osteosclerosis of the spine with reliable accuracy.


If you suspect an illness, you should seek help from a specialist - an orthopedist or surgeon. To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient undergoes a thorough examination. For this purpose it is prescribed instrumental methods studies of the vertebral ridge. Let's take a closer look most effective methods diagnosis of spinal osteosclerosis:

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will be able to identify the location of the disease and its stage, which is necessary to prescribe the most appropriate treatment. In addition to detecting the disease, it is important to identify the main causes of its development. To do this, they resort to laboratory diagnostic methods - they prescribe biochemical and general analysis blood. If during the diagnosis the doctor suspects the presence of malignant neoplasms- may be needed. After implementation comprehensive examination the doctor prescribes a course of treatment.


If osteosclerosis of the spine is on initial stage, the doctor resorts to conservative methods treatment. In this case, for the treatment of spinal osteosclerosis it is necessary combination therapy, it involves taking medications, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and compliance proper diet nutrition. Let's take a closer look at what this therapy for osteosclerosis includes and its specifics:

Additionally, you can resort to means traditional medicine(with doctor's permission). Many recipes based on natural ingredients are aimed at relieving pain. They are not suitable as the only method of therapy, but as an addition to the main treatment they are quite effective.

Unfortunately, these methods of therapy are not able to completely eliminate pathological changes in spinal column. At the same time, they must be followed in order to cope with the emerging symptoms and not provoke the progression of the disease. Surgical intervention for this disease usually not carried out. But especially severe cases your doctor may recommend endoprosthetics. This major surgery for joint replacement with implants.

Predictions and prevention

To prevent relapses and prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to prevent osteosclerosis of the spine. Prevention measures include:

With this disease, the prognosis for life is favorable if it is recognized in time and effective therapy is started. Otherwise, as a result of the progression of osteosclerosis of the spinal ridge, a person may develop intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis and kyphosis. There is a high risk of anemia; it is treated by transfusion of red blood cells, which significantly increases hemoglobin levels.