Massage of the cervical collar area abducting newborns. Massage for newborns under various pathological conditions. Damage to nerve fibers and treatment methods

Collar massage for children is prescribed if there is congestion in the cervical spine, the child often complains of headache and fatigue. A regular, technically correctly performed procedure will help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of fatigue and also prevent the development of scoliosis.

The collar zone is the area that includes:

  • Region of the cervical vertebrae;
  • Back of the neck;
  • Upper muscles of the shoulder girdle;
  • Lateral surface of the neck;
  • Supraclavicular fossae.

The main goal of such a massage is to achieve relaxation of all muscles and influence the nerve points in this area, which are directly related to various organs and vessels. Qualified effects on receptors are used in the treatment of many diseases, including in children.

Indications for use

Massage of the cervical-collar area has a positive effect on nervous system, brain function, hormonal background.

The latter is especially important for teenagers who have problems due to hormonal instability. Massage in in this case applied as helper method fix the problem. Also, through the receptors of this area, it is possible to influence the cardiovascular vascular system, lungs and stomach.

Indications for performing such a massage in children are:

  • Pain in the cervical region;
  • Enlarged tonsils;
  • Headache;

In addition, massage is done to strengthen muscles, as well as relieve tension and fatigue. The procedure has a positive effect on the joints of the neck, back and shoulders. There are positive results with such a diagnosis as mental retardation. Massage sessions help improve blood circulation.

With ZRR

is a disease in which a child learns to speak more slowly.

This diagnosis is usually made at 3-4 years of age. This may be due to both individual characteristics development, and with some problems in physical and mental health. Massage of the collar area for cervical development helps to activate the necessary brain receptors that are directly related to the child’s speech. There is also a positive reflex effect on the muscles of the speech apparatus.

In case of poor posture

In case of poor posture collar massage gives the following result:

  • Strengthens the muscular skeleton, which is responsible for holding spinal column in the right position.
  • Normalizes muscle tone,
  • Reduces fatigue and muscle pain after long period sedentary work.

Massage technique

The technique of massaging the collar area is simple, but at the same time it is preferable to leave this procedure to a professional.

During the massage, the child should lie on his stomach on hard surface, arms extended along the body. If there are postural abnormalities, then the head should be turned in the direction opposite to the curvature.

Proper technique includes the following steps:

  1. Stroking from the bottom thoracic to the axillary region, then moves to the neck, shoulder girdle and joints.
  2. The back area is massaged with both hands.
  3. Longitudinal rubbing occurs. This is done with the fingertips along the spine to the forearms. The effect lasts about 30 seconds, then stroking is performed again. If the movement is carried out correctly, the skin will shift due to the pace.
  4. Rubbing is carried out with the ribs of the palms and at the same time with the pads of the fingers. The duration of this effect is 20 seconds.
  5. Spiral movements of the fingers from the thoracic region and along the location of the trapezius muscle bundles.
  6. Spiral kneading in the area of ​​the paravertebral muscles of the back. Be sure to work on the muscles of the interscapular region. It has great value especially for children school age. But you need to be very careful, since this is a vulnerable spot.
  7. The next step is a 30-second forearms warm-up.
  8. Shaking with a small amplitude and possibly tapping.
  9. Final stroking.

If the mother herself decided to give such a massage to the child at home, then it is necessary to study the literature and watch educational videos about collar massage for children.

Features of the procedure

The massage procedure for children is carried out in a calm, friendly atmosphere and lasts no more than half an hour. For achievement positive result 20 procedures will be required. After a few months, the massage can be repeated to consolidate the desired result.

Children's massage is a special procedure that requires a special approach:

  • Children under one year old can only have a massage from 7 weeks of age;
  • At the age of less than a month, only stroking is allowed;
  • Warm-up and vibration are allowed only after 2 years of age.

To get the expected effect from a massage, you need to contact chiropractor. This highly qualified specialist will be able to effectively carry out the procedure and correct the child’s posture, as well as remove symptoms chronic fatigue.


Massage of the collar area has a number of contraindications:

  • Injuries in the neck area, open wounds;
  • Bacterial and infectious diseases;
  • Neoplasms stage 4 and above;
  • Inflammatory processes in the neck and back.

If there are contraindications, massage is prohibited, as this can negatively affect the child’s health and cause more harm than good.

When does the impact on the cervical collar area through massage, the results are truly amazing. After all, it is there that the receptors are located on which the general state body. By influencing them occurs positive influence to the autonomic centers of the brain. Also, having a positive impact on endocrine system, hormonal levels return to normal, which is so important for children during puberty. Cervical-collar area directly related to interaction with the heart, lungs and stomach. Therefore, under the influence of massage, the incoming amount of blood and oxygen increases, which is extremely necessary for vital organs.

Massage of the neck-collar area for children

The main indications for massage of the cervical-collar area are:

In principle, there is nothing complicated in the technique that was developed for this type of massage, but still, when it comes to a child, it is still better if this procedure will be performed by a specially trained specialist. Before performing the first procedure, it would be a good idea to check the level of his qualifications; do not hesitate to ask for recommendations and confirming certificates, or select a massage therapist according to positive feedback your friends and acquaintances. If you are present at the sessions and see that the movements that the invited massage therapist makes are identical to those described below, then we can assume that he is doing everything correctly.

Massage at home

At home, you can sit the patient on a stool or bench in front of a chest of drawers or a table, on which it will be convenient to bend his head. You can place your hands and a small pillow under your head. If there is a couch in the room, then place the patient on his stomach, with his arms extended along the body.

Begin a massage of the cervical-collar area, like any other, with stroking. Please note that they should be smooth and light and go from where the hair stops growing, downwards, then back to the shoulder joints. Remember that each subsequent movement must end with this movement.

The next technique is called rubbing. By performing this technique with the edge of your palm, you will achieve greatest effect skin redness. Move along the back along the spine, then from the center to the outside and back again on both sides of the vertebrae. Next they move on to kneading the muscles. When performing the technique, you need to know that the movements are performed with the fingers from the center to the outer part of the body, i.e. in the direction from the spine to the shoulder blades, shoulder joints and neck, then back. Be sure to pay attention to the area between the shoulder blades and when you reach the level of hair growth, return to the starting position. When massaging the area along the spine, use smooth movements and never put pressure on it. At the end of this stage, be sure to stretch the forearm area.

Shaking or vibration is performed, as a rule, with hands folded into a boat over the entire surface.

The total massage time is about 20 minutes. Depending on the specific problem, the specialist decides which techniques should be given more attention.

Do not doubt that after just a few sessions you will notice changes in better side in the well-being of your child.

It is unlikely that anyone in their entire life has not suffered from neck myositis at least once. Inflammation that develops in the muscles of the collar zone causes so much sharp pain that it is impossible to even turn your head slightly. This pathology is well treated. The lack of adequate therapy or self-medication often leads to dangerous complications.

Causes and forms of the disease

Acute myositis can be caused by:

  • neck injuries;
  • sleeping on an unsuitable pillow;
  • sudden turn of the head;
  • physical overload, especially in the cold season;
  • hypothermia;
  • severe stress;
  • diabetes;
  • rheumatism;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • ARVI;
  • angina;
  • flu;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis.

Most common factors risks that trigger the development of pathology:

  • systematically staying in a static position;
  • tendency to catch colds;
  • deterioration of blood circulation in the body;
  • hereditary predisposition to autoimmune disorders.

Depending on the reasons for development cervical myositis classified as follows:

According to the nature of the course, the pathology is divided into acute and chronic. The disease develops rapidly, the symptoms manifest themselves clearly. IN chronic myositis it often progresses, if not completely cured, the infectious agent affects long time. Then the inflammation is sluggish, the symptoms are mild.

However, when exposed to provoking factors, especially severe fatigue, hypothermia, pathological process activates and enters an exacerbation phase. If one muscle is inflamed, local myositis is diagnosed, but if a group of muscles is affected, the patient is diagnosed with polymyositis.

Symptoms of the disease

The main signs of acute myositis:

  • severe pain in the neck;
  • the appearance of compactions in the muscles;
  • significant restriction of freedom of movement of the head;
  • redness, swelling of the skin of the neck (rare);
  • sudden rise in temperature, fever (with purulent lesion muscles).

The patient feels symptoms of myositis most often in the morning after sleep. Palpation of the inflamed muscles responds with sharp pain. They can radiate to the back of the head, shoulders, under the shoulder blade or into the chest, intensifying at night, with a sudden change in weather.

The pain, progressing, increases and spreads down to shoulder joint. It may suddenly subside, but the insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that the inflammatory process nevertheless continues. Because of this, displacements of the cervical vertebrae occur, and the neck “warps”.

If the pathology is mild, the pain, as a rule, disappears on its own in a matter of days. But if you do not take adequate therapeutic measures, myositis can drag on for weeks, months and give sudden relapses from time to time. With progressive myositis it intensifies muscle weakness. Habitual everyday activities are difficult for a sick person. Ultimately, muscle atrophy may develop - partial or complete.

Chronic myositis worsens with hypothermia and weather changes. But the most dangerous thing is that the inflammatory process can spread healthy muscles larynx, esophagus, shoulders, back and even buttocks. In such cases, it becomes difficult to swallow food and breathe due to painful cough or shortness of breath. These symptoms are characteristic of all types of the disease.

Definition of pathology

Its diagnosis is based on determining typical symptoms myositis of the neck. These are visual muscle lesions determined by a doctor upon examination of the patient and palpation. painful area. Exceeding the norm of leukocytes in a blood test can confirm the presence of an inflammatory process. Increased level alkaline phosphatase shows that bone tissue is most likely involved in the pathological process.

In addition, it is important to examine the condition of the neck muscles and determine whether there is damage to their fibers. This can be done by diagnosing myositis. instrumental methods. Often used:

  • Ultrasound of the collar area;
  • radiography;
  • electromyography;
  • electroneuromyography;
  • muscle strength study.

Treatment of the disease

Drug treatment of neck myositis has the main goal: the elimination of the source of inflammation in the patient’s body, who is given complete rest.

An indispensable condition for successful therapy is the prescription of a diet. Excluding alcohol, fatty, spicy, salty foods, sweets from the diet and eating foods rich in vitamins, fiber, boiled or baked significantly counteract the pathological process.

It is important to treat myositis comprehensively. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are widely used, which simultaneously relieve pain and reduce temperature:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Aspirin;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Reopirin;
  • Amizon et al.

However, you must remember that such medications cannot be taken for a long time due to harmful influence on the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys. Therefore, they are contraindicated for diseases digestive tract. Take the tablets only with water - tea, milk, coffee weaken their effect. It is strictly forbidden to combine treatment with such medications with alcohol. You need to take only one type of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, since their combination is dangerous for the digestive organs and liver.

Significantly fewer unwanted side effects- in drugs latest generation. They are safer and therefore preferable. Among them:

  • Movalis;
  • Xefocam;
  • Celecoxib;
  • Arcoxia.

Application of external agents

Warming ointments significantly activate blood circulation and lymph flow, relieve muscle spasms and thereby relieve pain. For cervical myositis, the following medications are used:

All of these medications do not contain hormonal ingredients. External agents are not harmful side effects on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver and therefore completely safe. The only contraindication to their use is individual increased sensitivity to individual components.

Non-drug treatments

After subsiding acute phase illnesses can be prescribed massage:

  • lymphatic drainage;
  • vibration;
  • spot.

It significantly speeds up the healing process. Techniques of mechanical and reflex action on the diseased collar zone eliminate congestion, activate blood flow and metabolism, and improve tissue nutrition.

Massage is also recommended in the constant presence of risk factors, especially osteochondrosis, physical overload, in order to minimize exacerbations of myositis. It is most effective in combination with reflexology procedures. In this case, you can apply a warm compress. It is recommended to lubricate the neck area with fir oil.

It is useful to do exercises after a massage therapeutic exercises. Physiotherapeutic procedures are effective: exposure to a magnetic field or laser beams, mud applications, electrophoresis. Sessions manual therapy indicated for patients who need to relieve spasms and achieve muscle relaxation.

If cervical myositis affects a child, its treatment should be carried out only under medical supervision.

Under no circumstances should you choose medications and their dosages yourself - mistakes can cost your child’s health. Most often after weakening acute symptoms use the possibilities of physical and manual therapy, physical therapy. Before that, children are prescribed bed rest, warm compresses and dry heat are prescribed.

Disease prevention

Myositis of the cervical muscles is perfectly curable in the vast majority of cases. But if you don’t pay attention to the disease, it progresses, and dangerous complications. Polymyositis develops if inflammation spreads to new muscle groups. Over time, they can completely atrophy.

If the pathological process affects the skin, dermatomyositis occurs, which is sometimes complicated by painful salt deposits.

The consequences of a careless attitude towards one's own health can be simply catastrophic: a person becomes unable to perform even basic everyday activities and becomes disabled. I can only hold my head up thanks to the corset.

To successfully prevent myositis of the cervical spine, it is enough to follow simple recommendations. Need to:

  • avoid muscle overstrain;
  • eliminate the risk of hypothermia and traumatic situations;
  • protect your neck from drafts, dress appropriately for the weather;
  • do not make sudden head movements;
  • promptly treat diseases, especially infectious ones;
  • maintain a dynamic lifestyle;
  • strengthen the immune system, strengthen your body;
  • adhere to the rules of a balanced diet;
  • performing sedentary work, every hour, be sure to take five-minute breaks and stretch the muscles of the collar area.

Myositis of the cervical spine is certainly not a disaster. The prognosis for his treatment is favorable. Most often, with timely and adequate treatment, inflammation goes away within 4–5 days. Compliance with the proposed preventive recommendations helps prevent the occurrence of such unpleasant symptoms in the neck area.

Very often, when a person gets up in the morning and feels that the neck does not turn and there is sharp pain in this area, then everything is attributed to uncomfortable pillow or incorrect posture during sleep.

Osteochondrosis is the most common cause of neck pain

It is worth knowing that if the neck muscles hurt and the neck does not rotate, how to treat and eliminate muscle spasm should only be determined by a doctor, and before starting treatment, it should be established the real reason the appearance of pain. But patients often begin to massage the affected area on their own, not realizing that this symptom is just a consequence, because the neck muscles cannot be rested, and spasm muscle fibers explained by the development of cervical osteochondrosis.

The cervical vertebrae are quite vulnerable and weak, and osteochondrosis in this area can manifest itself in different ways. If you often have neck pain and your head cannot turn, and subsequently develop cervicobrachial plexitis, prolonged muscle spasm and syndrome vertebral artery, then one can suspect the development of cervical osteochondrosis.

This pathology may also be accompanied by decreased sensitivity in the neck and arms, dizziness, sleep disturbances, and hearing loss may occur in both ears at the same time. In addition, this disease can even manifest itself as pain in the heart area and chest, which is mistakenly diagnosed as cardiac pathology, although real reason in osteochondrosis, which develops in the cervical spine.

Damage to nerve fibers and treatment methods

If you have a headache, you can’t turn your neck, and you don’t know what to do, go to the doctor immediately, because similar symptoms may indicate severe nerve damage. In cases where, after a thorough examination, osteochondrosis of the neck is detected, treatment will first be aimed at removing pain syndrome. After subsiding acute manifestations will be appointed complex therapy, the purpose of which will be to inhibit the degenerative-dystrophic process in intervertebral discs cervical spine.

If your neck hurts and cannot turn, treatment must include massage, which is a powerful tool therapy that actively affects nerve trunks and muscle fibers, blood vessels, as well as joints and ligaments. It is to relieve excessive muscle tension that massage of the collar area, as well as thermal procedures, should be used.

Of these, it is better to use a heating pad, you can take a bath with sea ​​salt or warm the affected areas using hardware heat. Massage should be combined with exercises to relax the neck muscles, which will strengthen healing effect massage technique.

If the symptoms persist, the muscles still hurt, the neck does not want to turn, and the mentioned treatment methods have not yielded results, pulsed magnetic therapy on the neck area is recommended. Carrying out such therapy will improve the condition of the vertebrae and disc cartilage themselves, and not just the muscle fibers. By using magnetic field It is possible to increase blood flow in the tissues surrounding the vertebrae, and this accordingly leads to increased nutrition of the vertebrae and restoration of their functions. In addition, if your neck hurts and does not turn to the left or right, go to a neurologist, since such symptoms indicate pinching nerve roots that needs qualified medical care.

Self-medication in this case can be harmful, since restoration of all functions and sensitivity in the affected area is possible only if the pinching is eliminated nerve endings in the neck area.

Other causes of neck pain

If home treatment does not relieve neck muscle spasms, contact your medical institution, where doctors will help determine the true cause of these complaints. You need to know that for neck pain caused by pinched nerves, the treatment method is somewhat different from pain caused by an inflammatory process in the muscles - in both cases, local painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are most often prescribed at the first stage of treatment, and then drugs are selected, helping to eliminate the cause of the disease.

If a child’s neck hurts and cannot be rotated, or the body temperature rises, this is often caused by cervical lymphadenitis, arising as a complication on inflammatory processes in the throat. It should be remembered that neck pain in childhood may be caused by congenital torticollis.

In addition, if the neck hurts and does not turn to the right or left, a spasm of the muscles of the back of the head develops, and vomiting occurs, then meningitis can be suspected, which is a serious brain lesion and requires emergency treatment.

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Neck massage, more precisely the collar area, is used very often in neurology. It is usually prescribed when various pathologies spine, for example, with osteochondrosis. A properly performed massage can significantly alleviate the patient's condition. Soft techniques allow you to relieve spasms from “hardened” muscles, improve microcirculation, restore normal innervation, easing compression from the nerve roots involved in the pathological process.

To understand how to properly massage the neck, it is not enough to master the basic techniques under the guidance of an experienced master; it is also important to have an idea of ​​the structural features of the massaged areas.

The cervical spine consists of seven fragile vertebrae, which differ from all other vertebrae in their mobility and tendency to instability. Damage cervical region very easy with any awkward movement.

Do not forget that the neck is connected to the head through complex joint between occipital bone and the first two cervical vertebrae. It is in this joint that the greatest range of movements occurs.
The skin of the anterior-lateral sections of the neck is tender and easily moves; in the back of the neck it is rougher and less mobile. All the main muscles of this area are well palpated.

Large blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, as well as cervical and supraclavicular The lymph nodes. This should be remembered when controlling the force of impact.

Indications for neck massage

This procedure is indicated for pathology musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs and of cardio-vascular system, after surgery on the spine and in for hygienic purposes. In addition, massage is performed when salts are deposited in the neck (osteochondrosis).

Massage allows you to get rid of pain, improves blood supply to the spinal cord, bone and muscle structures of the neck and head organs, primarily the brain. The condition indirectly improves internal organs, innervated by the nerves of the cervical plexus.

But if there is a hump on the neck, massage does not always help. This hump appears due to pathology of the adrenal glands. Its growth can be stopped by regularly performing special exercises for the neck, but you can only get rid of it completely through surgery.

Neck massage technique

A relaxing neck massage is performed both in a lying and sitting position. This massages the trapezius muscles and the muscles that support the cervical spine. This technique restores mobility in the intervertebral joints and improves hemodynamics, as it increases blood circulation in the brain and increases venous outflow.

Most often, the patient sits on a chair, while the massage therapist stands to the side or behind.

  1. The first technique is stroking from top to bottom with smooth, light movements of the palm, as well as to the sides. Grasping, planar, comb-like and forceps-like movements are used.
  2. Then they begin rubbing the area of ​​the mastoid processes and ring rubbing with one or two palms. In this case, the neck of the person being massaged is wrapped, as it were, in a semi-hoop with the masseur’s thumb and forefinger. This movement is performed with moderate intensity. Sawing, crossing and shading are also used.

On the entire back surface, you can use other types of rubbing, such as circular rubbing with bent phalanges of the fingers or pads.

  1. Muscle kneading is performed carefully, using such types of techniques as transverse and longitudinal kneading, shifting and stretching. Kneading is not performed in the acute period.
  2. For the sternocleidomastoid muscle, forceps-like stroking, rubbing and kneading along the entire length of the muscle from mastoid process to the collarbone.
  3. Vibration techniques include tapping, puncturing, shaking and patting. In this case, all movements should be light and smooth.

Finish the massage with stroking. In addition, stroking is performed after each massage.

Neck massage can also be performed at home. Usually, a massage therapist is hired privately for this purpose.

The duration of the session is approximately 3-10 minutes. Breathing during the session should be smooth and free.

Very effective for various diseases acupressure neck. It is performed for headaches, migraines, insomnia and pain in the back of the head and neck. To do this, use the so-called spinal points located along the vertebral and paravertebral lines (the exit points of nerve roots and autonomic fibers), as well as the Tian Tu points on the front surface of the neck and Feng Fu, Tian Zhu and Ya Men on the back.

Acupressure is performed with fingertips. The effect can be either stimulating or calming, depending on the task at hand. The method of influencing the points is different.

  • The sedative method involves applying pressure to the point with a pad. index finger using rotational movements, first “screwing” the finger into the desired point clockwise, and then “unscrewing”. Wherein painful sensations At first they intensify and then completely disappear.
  • With the tonic method, the finger is first “screwed” into the point, and then sharply torn away from it, repeating this action several times.

Impact on necessary points is carried out in a certain sequence and with a given strength, depending on the disease for which the massage is performed.


You can perform a neck massage yourself. You can massage your neck while sitting in your favorite work chair.

Perform all techniques possible in this area with two or one hand. If stroking is done with both hands, then both palms should move in the direction from the back of the head down. You can perform this technique with one hand, then the other should hold it by the elbow. Thus, first one, then the other half of the neck is massaged.

Then, gently rub and knead with your fingertips from top to bottom and deep knead with the phalanges of your fingers. Finish the massage with two-handed stroking.

You can perform self-massage with special massage devices. This healing method indispensable when it is not possible to use the services of a specialist.

Possible complications

After the massage, your neck may hurt. This is often explained by the lack physical training. After all, one massage session is comparable in strength to a good workout during fitness. And, everyone knows how muscles ache after the first cycle of training. As a rule, after two sessions these pains disappear and only pleasant sensations of mild fatigue in the muscles remain. If the pain does not go away, you should tell your doctor about it.

If you have a headache after a neck massage, it is possible that the patient’s position during the session was incorrect. The cause of a headache may be the careless movement of the massage therapist or the use of techniques that are contraindicated in this case.

It is important to remember that massage is contraindicated in case of blood pathologies, inflammatory processes and severe cardiovascular diseases.

When school begins, a child has to spend a lot of time sitting and studying. A bent head and a tense neck cause overwork in the collar area. These factors can provoke the development of congestion, chronic fatigue, headaches, and scoliosis. It is in order to maintain the health of the child that collar massage is needed. The collar zone contains many receptors that are closely related to the functioning of the brain. It has been proven that massaging this part helps normalize work vegetative centers, endocrine and hormonal systems, lungs, gastrointestinal tract. In addition, therapy helps to increase absorption useful elements and activation of blood circulation.

Technique for massage of the collar area for children

The child should be in a supine position on his stomach. A sitting position on a regular or massage chair is also suitable.

Video on how to massage the collar area of ​​a child

Baby massage of the collar area for infants

Massage for infants should be carried out in a slightly different way and more carefully. Place the baby on his stomach, with his legs pointing towards the massage therapist. Start with light stroking of the back, without touching the spine. Strokes from top to bottom (from head to pelvis). Handle with your palm top part, and the bottom - the back side. If the child is actively tossing and turning, then support the torso with one hand and massage with the other.

Most often, massage with one hand is carried out for up to three months. After the back, you can move on to the collar area. Stroke the body from the shoulders to the spine in a zigzag motion. Light rubbing and kneading are also suitable for little ones. To avoid developing potential diseases, visit a specialist from time to time for consultation.

Carrying out a massage of the cervical-collar area of ​​a baby: video

Restrictions on massage of the collar area In the presence of diathesis, a rash is often observed in the collar area. During this period, you should refrain from the procedure, as injury is possible. skin. Contraindications also include elevated temperature body and fever, acute inflammatory processes in the body.


In the very early age the child begins to learn the world. By this time, he already holds his head quite well. In this position, the baby lies on his stomach, leaning on outstretched arms or forearms. Over time, fatigue sets in, especially in the neck and collar area. Since this condition occurs quite often, massage of the collar area is simply necessary for children.

The need for massage of the cervical-collar area

Conditioned big amount receptors located in this area. Direct impact on these receptors allows you to reduce or eliminate unpleasant pain sensations. In addition, massage has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, and also contributes to the treatment of diseases such as and. After the procedures, the mobility of the neck joints, back and shoulders increases.

There are certain contraindications to this type of massage. If a child has diathesis, a rash may appear in the neck area. In such cases, massage can be done only with minor redness, in order to avoid injury to the skin. At neglected form diathesis, the procedure is not recommended.

Basic massage techniques

The principles of massaging the collar area are generally the same as for the whole body. This includes rubbing, stroking, as well as warming up and vibration.

As a rule, massage of the collar area for children is carried out simultaneously with massaging the back. Stroking is done in the direction from the head to the lower back. If necessary, the baby should be supported with one hand and massaged with the other hand.

After performing a back massage, you can gradually move on to the collar area. In this area of ​​the body, stroking is performed in a so-called herringbone pattern in the direction from the shoulders to the spine. Rubbing is performed with fingertips, spiral, circular and zigzag movements. When massaging the collar area, the beginning and end of the procedure must be accompanied by stroking. Thus, the muscles relax not only in the collar area, but throughout the body.