Is it possible to take paracetamol while breastfeeding? Paracetamol during breastfeeding - indications, composition and analogues. Analogue in traditional medicine or homeopathy

Of course, every new mother worries more than anything else about the health of her baby. But what if you have a cold or flu? Paracetamol is optimal medicine, used for such conditions, but can it be used in lactation period? You can learn about this and much more from this article.

Paracetamol is an analgesic, non-narcotic medication and belongs to the group of non-steroidal and non-toxic analgesics. When the drug enters the body, it begins to block the process of the appearance of prostaglandins, which results in fever and painful sensations. As a result, the inflammatory process weakens and the general condition improves.

Paracetamol tends to be absorbed quickly, this occurs within approximately one to two hours. The drug is excreted from the body within 4 hours through urine.

The product acts on the central nervous system, helps normalize the body's thermoregulation. It is recommended to take paracetamol in the following situations:

  • at elevated temperatures and feeling unwell which are a consequence of postpartum syndrome;
  • at increased temperature due to colds, acute respiratory diseases, influenza and other viral pathologies;
  • to relieve headaches, muscle pain and pain in the joints;
  • The drug also helps relieve toothache.

Is it allowed to use paracetamol during the lactation period?

Absolutely any medical product has both beneficial properties, and can be harmful to the body. To answer the question, first of all, you need to find out in what quantity paracetamol is able to penetrate into breast milk, and also consider its side effects in general, and especially for the baby.

This drug almost does not penetrate into milk - its concentration in the latter does not exceed 1% of the pill drunk. This is an obvious plus, because even if the mother is treated with paracetamol, the child will practically not feel its effects.

There are a couple more advantages of this drug:

  • paracetamol does not have negative consequences on the condition of the fetus during pregnancy;
  • It is allowed to use it starting from the age of three months (please note that in this case a special drug is used with a dosage designed for a baby, not an adult)
  • the medication does not lead to disruption of acid-base metabolism in the blood, as well as water-salt metabolism.

All these positive points speak in favor of the use of paracetamol during the lactation period. Be that as it may, before starting use (as well as any other medication), you need to consult a doctor.

WITH Directions for use and dosage

It is necessary to use paracetamol wisely during the lactation period. You should not take the medicine for more than three days.

Also use the drug only in cases where it really is necessary. urgency– if the temperature exceeds 38 degrees.

One paracetamol tablet (500 milligrams) is allowed three times per day. That is, the daily dose during the lactation period should not exceed 1.5 milligrams. It is necessary to take the tablet with a break of approximately 4 hours.

The most the right decision– drink the medicine immediately after you have fed the baby. In this case, a small dose of the drug will remain in the milk at the next feeding.

It is prohibited to combine paracetamol with coffee or tea during the lactation period. And, of course, it is strictly prohibited to drink alcohol and any stimulating drinks. They will enhance the effect of paracetamol and prolong the period of its effect.

What do scientists say about this?

Was held a large number of studies that studied the effects of this medicine on the body of a nursing mother and on the body of her baby. For example, the most famous is the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, which took place over several years. The study looked at the effects of many medications, including paracetamol.

During the experiment, more than 10 thousand pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers, used the medicine for several days. At this time, a large number of doctors carefully recorded their well-being and monitored the baby’s condition. As a result of the study, we studied the path of the drug in female body, established the percentage that ended up in the baby’s body.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to determine the exact effect on infants, but no dangerous effects were identified. side effects. The children felt fine and were not capricious.

Video - medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding. School of Doctor Komarovsky

Side effects and contraindications

Do not forget that even a drug such as paracetamol has certain side contraindications. The main ones are:

  • the presence of kidney or liver pathologies;
  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

In some cases, the drug may cause the appearance side effects:

  • renal colic;
  • anemia (anemia);
  • contraction of the heart muscle decreases;
  • nausea and minor pain in the abdomen appear;
  • Rashes of different nature and appearance may occur.

Although it should be noted that in most cases, with proper therapy, the described manifestations are absent.

We must not forget the fact that the milk of a sick woman poses a much greater danger to the baby than the medicine itself. And a child who is constantly in contact with an unhealthy mother can become infected and get sick. To prevent this, many women refrain from breastfeeding during the period of a cold and use artificial formula. Of course, breast milk is much healthier, so you need to recover faster and return to lactation.

Young mothers should be especially careful when choosing this or that medicine if necessary. A consultation with a doctor is mandatory; a specialist will help you choose a drug that will not cause harm to the small organism.

Also, of course, you should adhere to all prescribed dosages. This is the only way to improve your health and not harm your child.

Even for a nursing mother common cold can become a huge hindrance in fulfilling your maternal responsibilities. It is very difficult to walk and play with the baby while the head is pounding, the nose is not breathing, and the temperature has risen. How to alleviate your condition when taking medications in most cases is contraindicated or not advisable due to their passage into milk.

As the safest medicine for illness, paracetamol breastfeeding is prescribed most often because it passes into breast milk in negligible quantities and does not contain components dangerous to the child and mother.

Can I take paracetamol during lactation?

Paracetamol is a pain reliever with a mild anti-inflammatory effect. Compared to other analgesics (analgin, caffetin) included in the same group, paracetamol is the least toxic, and with a single or moderate use its concentration in milk does not exceed 0.23% of the dose taken by the nurse. But when long-term use he also begins to provide toxic effect per child. Paracetamol is not on the list of drugs contraindicated during lactation, so doctors prescribe it to nursing women for ARVI.

How to take paracetamol?

During breastfeeding, paracetamol is best taken immediately after feeding the baby because the concentration active substance in the blood reaches a maximum 30 - 40 minutes after administration. It follows that it is not advisable to feed the baby 30 minutes after taking paracetamol. The low toxicity of this medicine is due to the fact that it is almost completely eliminated by the liver and kidneys from the body after 3 - 4 hours - this time is also the safest for breastfeeding.

Paracetamol during breastfeeding is taken according to the following regimen: for 2 – 3 days, 1 tablet up to 3 times a day. It is advisable to consult a doctor before use. It's important to remember that elevated temperature- this is your body’s natural protective response to infection or inflammation, so you should not knock it down if it has not risen above 38.5 0 C. You should not take the medicine only for minor headaches or mild cold. These symptoms can be relieved by other, gentler means. During lactation, taking medications is last resort, if your health does not allow you and your baby to stick to your usual routine.

Note to moms!

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Like any drug, paracetamol has a number of contraindications:

  • Liver and kidney failure;
  • Allergy to the components of the drug.

There are also side effects:

  • Glomerulonephritis, renal colic;
  • Hematopoietic disorders, leukopenia, anemia;
  • Nausea and abdominal pain;
  • Skin rash;
  • Drowsiness.

Therefore, when breastfeeding, paracetamol should be taken while simultaneously monitoring the baby’s reaction. If side effects occur for you or your baby, you should stop taking the medicine immediately.

At the first signs of ARVI, take all measures to prevent the disease from progressing to severe form when you have to take medications:

  • You should gargle several times a day: with a solution of soda, herbal decoctions, and lubricate with Lugol's solution.
  • Rinse your nose with a soda solution using a syringe, syringe or medications sea ​​water, of which there are now a lot in the form of sprays.
  • Take vitamins and natural immunostimulants(Echinacea preparations).
  • Folk remedies for lactation can be used the following herbs: chamomile, echinacea, mint, St. John's wort, calendula. good therapeutic effect have: honey, ginger, garlic, raspberry jam, lingonberry and cranberry juice.

If you cannot do without paracetamol, then do not take the drug in parallel with coffee or strong tea, as they increase the concentration of the active substance. If not long-term use drug in correct dosage Side effects are extremely rare and harm to the child is minimal. Therefore, taking paracetamol for severe acute respiratory viral infections in a nurse is completely justified, since it allows not to interrupt lactation and avoid stress in the baby.

From the very moment a woman finds out that she is pregnant until the end of breastfeeding her baby, she has to be quite careful about what enters her body. This applies not only to foods and drinks, but also to various medications, since they are supplied to the baby through breast milk or through the blood during pregnancy.

You need to be very careful when choosing medications for hepatitis B

With a baby in their arms, mothers simply do not have time to get sick and undergo treatment; in addition, most medications during lactation are either contraindicated or not recommended. How to help a nursing mother if she still gets sick, and the symptoms of even the most common cold are runny nose, fever and headache- interfere with full communication and care of the baby?

In cases where it is no longer possible to do without the help of medications, the safest is Paracetamol (analogous to Panadol). This is what therapists prescribe for ARVI to mothers who are breastfeeding, since Paracetamol has no contraindications during lactation, does not contain dangerous components, and only a negligible proportion of it passes into milk.

Paracetamol and its effect on the body of a nursing woman

Being a pain reliever, Paracetamol also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Together with Analgin and Caffetin, it is included in the group of analgesics, but compared to them it has less toxic properties. No more than 0.23% of the taken dose of Paracetamol passes into breast milk after a single dose or short term use, however it can be toxic to infants if taken for too long.

In addition to quick and effective relief of the condition, the advantages of Paracetamol include:

  • rapid absorption, about 1-2 hours;
  • rapid removal from the body along with urine - after 4 hours there will be no trace left of it;
  • insignificant entry into mother's milk, and therefore minimal impact on the child;
  • does not violate acid-base balance circulatory system and leaves in in good condition water-salt exchange.

Panadol is one of the few drugs that is suitable for women during breastfeeding. It relieves common symptoms such as headaches and toothache, helps with ARVI

This medicine normalizes the body's thermoregulation, acting on the central nervous system. The reasons for prescribing Paracetamol may be:

  1. high temperature due to colds, flu, acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections and others viral infections of this kind;
  2. toothache;
  3. high temperature and bad condition in the postpartum period;
  4. muscle and joint pain;
  5. migraine and headache.

As with any other drug, you should consult your doctor before starting use. Remember that self-medication is always dangerous, especially since nursing mothers are also responsible for the health of the baby.

Instructions for use during breastfeeding

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The ideal time to take Paracetamol is immediately after feeding your baby. Somewhere after 30 - 40 minutes after taking the medicine, its maximum high concentration in the blood, so you should not feed the baby during this period. The time period of 3-4 hours after taking Paracetamol is most suitable for breastfeeding, because it is by this time that the drug is completely eliminated from the body, and therefore the least toxic.

There are generally accepted instructions on how to use Paracetamol while breastfeeding: 1 tablet up to 3 times a day for 2-3 days. However, according to the urgent recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky, you should not rush to take pills at the slightest ailment, stuffy nose, headache or fever. Temperature up to 38.5 - defensive reaction and the body’s peculiar fight against infection or inflammation, there is no need to knock it down.

Paracetamol is not a panacea for all ills and also has its contraindications and side effects. Contraindications include:

  • allergic reaction to substances contained in the medicine;
  • liver or kidney failure.

Side effects include:

  • drowsiness;
  • nausea and abdominal pain;
  • skin rashes;
  • anemia, leukopenia, hematopoietic disorders;
  • glomerulonephritis, renal colic.

For these reasons, you should take Paracetamol while breastfeeding very carefully, monitoring the baby's reaction. If side effects occur in mother or baby, the use of the medicine should be stopped immediately.

Those mothers who experience a headache or nausea after taking the pill (or these symptoms appear in the child) should immediately stop using the drug

Methods to combat the disease at an early stage during lactation

How to prevent or at least minimize the need for a nursing mother to take Paracetamol or other medications? To avoid the disease moving to a more severe stage, when the first signs of ARVI appear, you should follow some simple procedures:

  1. Gargle your throat several times a day - for example, soda solution, herbal decoctions or lubricate your throat with Lugol's solution (we recommend reading:).
  2. Rinse your nose using sprays, seawater-based preparations or an ordinary soda solution.
  3. Support your body with vitamins and immunity boosters - for example, take echinacea-based preparations.
  4. Folk remedies that are preferable to medications during breastfeeding include: honey, ginger, garlic, raspberry or currant jam, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, as well as herbs such as chamomile, mint, echinacea, calendula and St. John's wort.

If taking Paracetamol is unavoidable, then for this period you should give up coffee and strong teas, which lead to an increase in the concentration of the active substance in the body. Naturally, monitor the duration and dosage of the drug to eliminate possible side effects and reduce the likelihood of their impact on the child.

Paracetamol has long been known in the world as the most safe remedy, which can be taken by both children and mothers while breastfeeding. Back in the 50s of the 20th century, it was proven that the drug reliably relieves pain and relieves high temperature, while causing virtually no side effects. As a result, in case of severe ARVI or other illness, mothers with breast-fed infants can take Paracetamol without fear.

Paracetamol for a nursing mother is one of the most available funds to reduce temperature of various nature, withdrawals inflammatory processes and headaches. The drug inhibits the association of fatty acid derivatives with each other, which are responsible for maintaining the normal temperature regime of the body.

Paracetamol is produced in pure form or is included in a certain dosage in other chemical preparations. In the form of a suspension or syrup, it is prescribed to children from 3 months. Adults take it in its pure form in tablet form.

Paracetamol is one of the few antipyretic and painkillers that can be taken by pregnant and lactating women.

It not only quickly relieves fever, relieving a nursing woman from headaches and body aches, but also benefits the growing baby. children's body, providing it with antibodies that develop immunity in the baby to such viruses and diseases.

How should a nursing mother take paracetamol?

A nursing woman can safely take paracetamol if necessary. Acceptable rate taking the drug – 325 mg every 4 hours. Before using the medicine, you must study the instructions for it, contraindications and side effects. If there are any doubts or suspicions that the baby’s body’s reaction to the drug obtained through mother’s milk will be negative, then you should stop taking it and consider alternative options.

Paracetamol is quickly absorbed into body tissues and within 30 minutes its plasma concentration reaches its maximum. The main share of the drug is excreted from the mother’s body in 3-4 hours. In order to exclude high load on the liver of a newborn, it is necessary to take into account the specified time frame when feeding him. So, the drug can be taken after feeding the baby and at the moment next feeding will remain in mother's milk minimum dose medicines that are absolutely safe for children.

While taking paracetamol, a nursing mother should exclude tea and coffee from her diet, which, by enhancing the effect of the drug, can cause allergies in the baby. If a woman took paracetamol before pregnancy and experienced its side effects, then during breastfeeding she should stop using the drug so that the child does not experience the same symptoms.

Regardless of the indications and the mother’s well-being while taking paracetamol, it is necessary to carefully monitor the baby’s behavior. If the baby is worried and feels discomfort, then the drug should be discontinued, and in some cases, feeding should be stopped for a while until the medicine is completely removed from the mother’s body.

Is something bothering you? Illness or life situation?

Alternative: folk remedy for scalp for nursing mothers

If a nursing mother is worried, then you should not take it right away. chemicals. There are enough useful and safe traditional methods and means by which you can get rid of painful sensations without harming yourself and the baby.

If the pain is caused by overexertion and fatigue, then first of all it is necessary to ensure good rest, sleep, as well as airing the room, frequent walks away from noise and traffic congestion.

TO effective methods Relief from headaches in nursing mothers includes aromatherapy and. Oil of lavender, eucalyptus, lemon, mint is gently rubbed into the temples and at the same time massage with fingertips from the forehead to the crown of the head, as well as from the temples to the ear area.

Coffee and chocolate are unwanted products in the diet of a nursing mother, as they can cause tachycardia in the baby and allergic reactions. However, if the headache appears due to hypotension, then with the help of caffeine in small doses arterial pressure you can raise it a little.

Important to remember:

  1. The disease must not be allowed to worsen. If you start taking measures to combat it as soon as the first symptoms appear, you can expect recovery twice as fast.
  2. Treatment should begin with the use of remedies proven by previous generations: warm drink, teas from raspberry and currant branches, teas with jam and honey, gargling with eucalyptus infusion, water with soda or iodine. But if there is no improvement in your health, you should seek help from the hospital.
  3. Sometimes paracetamol is simply necessary during lactation.
  4. The dosage of paracetamol for nursing women is described separately in the instructions for use. It should be read necessarily and very carefully.

Despite the fact that doctors allow nursing mothers to take paracetamol, the latter should carefully monitor the slightest changes in the child’s well-being and, if it changes in the worst side, stop taking the medicine immediately.

Paracetamol dosage for breastfeeding

Each person taking the medicine must strictly follow the dosage indicated in the instructions for this drug. A nursing mother is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the health of her child. That is why she must take the use of the medicine very seriously, having thoroughly studied all the positive and negative sides, admissible maximum dose the drug and contraindications to its use during breastfeeding.

Important admission conditions:

A mother should take paracetamol while breastfeeding when the temperature rises to 38° or more.

The daily dose of the drug is no more than 1.5 grams per day, that is, 3 tablets, 500 mg each. You should not take paracetamol with coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages. They slow down the process of its removal from the body.

Humanity has not yet invented a medicine that is ideal for treating nursing mothers from the flu or viral diseases and does not cause any harm to newborns and infants. But paracetamol is now considered the most safe medicine for these diseases. Not only has it been tested by research, but it has also been tested over ten years of use, proving its suitability. Therefore, nursing mothers can always count on the help of this drug in case of a particularly complex course of the disease.