Wounds on the face of children. What to do if there is a penetrating wound to the abdomen? When is an urgent consultation with a surgeon necessary?

Today my button received its “first combat wound”))). We came home and I was confused about whether I had treated the wound correctly. I went online and came across this article. Maybe it will be useful to someone)))

Don’t know how to remove a splinter, how to remove corns, how to treat abrasions and microtraumas in a child? Arm yourself with knowledge, and minor injuries in the summer will stop bothering you!

Assessing the severity of the injury

In order to properly provide medical care, it is necessary to first assess the severity of the injury.

Abrasions, scratches, cuts

All minor injuries accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin can be divided into:

abrasions – superficial damage to a certain area of ​​the skin;

scratches – surface damage, usually linear in shape;

cuts – through damage to all layers of the skin.

Minor skin injuries also include punctures, splinters, and even abrasions and water calluses.

Typically, such superficial injuries are not accompanied by severe damage, the only exception being injuries to those areas of the skin in which there are many small blood vessels, such as cuts to the scalp.

Deep injuries can be more dangerous because... stopping bleeding from a damaged vein or artery (passing under the skin) is much more difficult. Therefore, the first thing to do when examining a wound is to assess its depth.

We estimate the size and appearance damage

All large cuts and other penetrating injuries should be treated by a doctor, especially if the wound has ragged edges and is dirty. The location of the injury also matters; all skin injuries in the face, neck and joints deserve the closest attention.
If initial examination injury has convinced you that there is no need to see a doctor, then you need to carefully treat the damaged area of ​​skin.

Scratches and abrasions in a child: first aid

Wash the child's abrasions damaged skin clean water using a cotton pad or gauze swab.
Treat with an antiseptic solution (chlorhexidine, polyvinylpyrrolidone-iodine, etc.).
If there is a danger of contamination of the wound surface, it is recommended to apply a dry gauze bandage, but if possible, it is better to leave small wounds open, because in this case they heal faster.

Special attention deserve cat scratches because... on the claws of even the cleanest domestic cat may be very a large number of pathogenic microbes. There are even separate disease, which is called "cat scratch disease". Therefore, all injuries received while interacting with a cat must be thoroughly washed with an antiseptic solution and carefully monitor the condition of the wound. If signs appear, let slight inflammation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to treat cuts

Gauze dressings need to be changed at least once a day, while the wound must be carefully examined, and if the injury site swells, turns red, or becomes hot, you must immediately consult a doctor. If healing is successful, the bandage is completely removed after 2-3 days and the damaged area of ​​skin continues to be treated with drugs that accelerate regeneration.

Rinse the cut under strong running water and treat with an alcohol-free antiseptic solution.

If the bleeding does not stop on its own within 2–5 minutes, apply firm pressure to the area using gauze and cotton wool for 10–15 minutes.

You can apply a small piece of hemostatic collagen sponge to the wound.

When the bleeding stops, inspect the wound; its edges should not diverge.

In order to speed up healing, apply a dry gauze bandage or treat the damaged area with a special aerosol that “seals” the wound with a thin film.

You can also use a diadermatic patch, which helps stop bleeding and at the same time works as an antiseptic.

How to remove a splinter

To make the process of removing a splinter easier, you can immerse the affected part of the body in a warm solution for 10–15 minutes. baking soda to make the skin a little softer. If you can’t remove it with tweezers, you’ll have to use a thin needle and nail clippers. Try to cut very carefully upper layer skin over the splinter and pick it up with the tip of a needle.

And, of course, all tools used to remove a splinter must first be disinfected with a 75% alcohol solution.

After removing contaminants from the wound foreign objects it should be washed with an antiseptic solution. The easiest way to do this is with a disposable syringe without a needle. The same applies to puncture wounds, only in this case the washing should be even more thorough.

Even with favorable healing progress, inflammation can develop around such a narrow wound quite soon, so its condition must be monitored very carefully. If swelling and redness begin to spread (more than 1–1.5 cm from the edge of the wound), despite treatment with antiseptics, you should seek medical help.

Calluses and corns

Corns and calluses often occur in the summer. Most often our feet suffer (from new shoes), as well as folds of skin in groin area(with increased sweating).

The corns are washed with an antiseptic solution and then lubricated with some combination cream or ointment containing antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory components.

How to remove a callus

You can simply rinse the callus with water and apply a special callus patch containing substances that moisturize and accelerate skin regeneration. This is enough for the callus “bubble” to disappear fairly quickly.

If such a patch is not at hand, then the callus is pierced on both sides with a disinfected needle and treated with an antiseptic.

To speed up healing, you can apply wound healing drug.

Why are microtraumas dangerous? When to see a doctor?

The main danger that minor injuries pose to us is high risk infection of the wound with any infection.

Of particular danger is the notorious one, which occurs when bacteria from the genus Clostridia penetrate into damaged tissue. The rapid proliferation of these microorganisms is accompanied by the formation of a very dangerous toxin that affects cells nervous system and causes convulsions. For the development of this infection, the most minor injury, for example, a splinter, is enough.

Medical help is needed if:

a cut or other relatively deep wound located on the face, neck, joints, hand or wrist (high risk of injury) nerve fibers, vessels and tendons);

a cut or wound longer than 2 cm may require stitches;

the wound is deep (which you can “look into”) with diverging edges;

bleeding from the wound cannot be stopped for more than 15 minutes;
cuts and wounds are located deep in the mouth (especially in children);

damage to the skin on the head is accompanied by nausea and vomiting (to exclude a concussion);

the wound cannot be completely cleaned of contaminants;

the wound is contaminated in a person who does not have a tetanus vaccination (valid for 5 years);

skin damaged or from rusty instruments in a person who has not had a tetanus shot;

the inflammatory process around the wound extends more than 1–1.5 cm from its edge;

skin damage is accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
the wound does not heal for a long time, and ichor and pus are released from it.

Wound - violation of integrity skin, internal tissues and even organs, caused by some external mechanical influence. Characterized by symptoms such as pain and bleeding.

Children of any age are very active and curious, so it is impossible to protect them from various injuries and scratches. It’s good if the damage is shallow, but there are also cases where without medical care not enough. In any case, parents are required to know how to treat a child’s wound before visiting a doctor, no matter what it is - superficial or penetrating. The method of treatment will depend on the size, depth, location of the injury, and the severity of bleeding.

  1. Wash the injury with hydrogen peroxide, which has not expired. If the skin around the injury is dirty, carefully clean the area with boiled water. warm water using foam from laundry soap(do not touch the wound). Water for washing children's wounds is excluded.
  2. Treat with any antiseptic from home first aid kit: alcohol, brilliant green, fucorcin, solutions of calendula or chlorophyllipt. The preparations “Eplan” and “Rescuer”, diluted in boiled water essential oil tea tree, solutions of furatsilin or potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine. Iodine can damage (burn) tissue, so it is not ideal for treatment.
  3. It is recommended to apply a sterile bandage over the wound (a bandage or bactericidal adhesive plaster will do). If the damage is small, there is no bleeding, the bandage is canceled: the scratch will heal faster in the air.

If even with a small wound it is not possible to stop the bleeding on our own, it is strongly recommended to immediately call a doctor or take the child to an emergency room.

Big wound

Sometimes quite deep and extensive damage skin and nearby tissues. Accordingly, first aid to the baby will be of a different nature. Not many people know what is the best way to process open wound to avoid subsequent purulent inflammatory process and complications.

  1. First, the wound must be carefully examined. If there are foreign objects in it, they must be removed immediately (if they are not eyes).
  2. Extensive wounds are washed with hydrogen peroxide, solutions of furatsilin or potassium permanganate.
  3. Apply a bandage: cover with a sterile napkin, bandage.
  4. Such injuries are almost always accompanied heavy bleeding which must be stopped. To do this, the bandage is made tight enough, but not so tight that it cuts off blood circulation. If blood seeps through the bandage, there is no need to remove or tighten it any further: another bandage is applied on top of it.

In such cases, the child should be taken to the emergency room or hospital as quickly as possible. At the same time, the victim is not recommended to drink or eat: if there is an operation under anesthesia, this will be inappropriate.

On the face and head

If a child has a wound on his face or head, the situation is quite serious. Not only is it very painful, but in the future any facial injury can disfigure the baby’s appearance with scars. On the other hand, it is the skin of the face that recovers the fastest, as it is well supplied with blood.

  1. The most difficult thing will be the head: if the hair is short, it will be easy to treat the wound. Long strands around the injury will have to be cut.
  2. Rinse with peroxide.
  3. Treat with an antiseptic.
  4. Apply a sterile bandage.
  5. Go to the emergency room. If the depth of a wound on the face can be determined independently and, given its small area, one can limit oneself to home remedies, then the degree of damage to the skin on the head is very difficult to determine independently. In this case, it is recommended to show the baby to a doctor.

If you are not sure that you can provide first aid to a child yourself, immediately call a doctor or take him to the hospital yourself.

Weeping wound

Sometimes a constant separation of fluid - ichor, pus, blood - forms on the surface of the injury, which complicates and slows down the healing process. A doctor should tell you how to properly treat a weeping wound, since with such a complication you must definitely seek qualified medical help.

  1. Use water-soluble ointments to treat the wound (Levosin and Levomikol are the safest for children).
  2. Change dressings as needed as soon as they become wet, but at least twice a day.
  3. Wash wet wounds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Maintain maximum sterility.
  5. When the wound begins to dry out, its healing can be accelerated with Kalanchoe juice, rosehip oil or sea buckthorn oil.

If you are not sure that you can change your child’s bandages on a weeping wound yourself, it is better to take him to the nearest hospital every day, where the damage will be treated sterilely and efficiently.

In order for any wound received by a child to heal, a certain period is necessary. Occasionally, re-dressing and debridement may be required in the emergency room or surgeon's office. If the injury is infected, antibiotics may be prescribed. Treatment of any type of wound should be carried out under the constant supervision of an experienced surgeon and in strict accordance with his instructions and recommendations.

Cuts are linear through injuries to all layers of the skin, which in some cases reach the subcutaneous layers - muscles, ligaments, tendons and blood vessels. Typically, cuts occur as a result of falls, breaking glass items, careless handling of sharp or cutting objects, in case of accidents and other situations.

The danger of cuts can be injury to muscles, ligaments, blood vessels and nerves, especially in the area of ​​the hands or thin skin, where the consequences of cuts can be irreversible without competent medical assistance.

Cuts can cause severe bleeding with large amounts of blood loss and damage to large veins and arteries, requiring sutures to stop the bleeding. In addition, wound infection can lead to purulent complications or the development of tetanus.

Particularly dangerous and requiring immediate medical attention are:

  • cuts on the face, head and neck;
  • in the oral cavity;
  • any cuts more than 2 cm in length, with bleeding or edges that spread when moved;
  • deep wounds.

When providing first aid for cuts, you should act in stages so as not to miss any important points and notice complications in time.

  • First of all, you need to calm the child and make sure that he does not touch the wound with his hands. It is necessary not to contaminate or infect, and also not to further injure the cut.
  • Next, you need to wash the wound to clean it of microbes, foreign particles and further inflammation and suppuration that get into it. Small cuts are washed under running water with baby soap, carefully rinsing the soap from the wound with a cotton pad or piece of gauze.
  • If there is bleeding, it must be stopped, but only if the cut is relatively deep and large. With small cuts, slight bleeding helps clean the wound and prevent infection; less severe bleeding requires stopping, since blood loss is more dangerous for a child than for adults.

When there are cuts on the arm or leg, you need to lift the limb up - this way the blood flows away from it and the bleeding stops or decreases.

Bleeding from small cuts stops when a pressure bandage is applied. Keep this one pressure bandage it takes at least 20 minutes; if the bleeding has decreased, you need to tightly bandage the wound area to finally form a blood clot.

For severe cuts that damage veins and arteries, you need to apply the rules to stop bleeding.

At venous bleeding With dark blood flowing out slowly, apply a tourniquet below the damaged area, when arterial bleeding with bright scarlet blood, tighten the limb above the wound with a tourniquet until the bleeding stops completely. The tourniquet is applied for 30 minutes in the summer, and for a maximum of 40-60 minutes in the winter, until the child is taken to the hospital

After stopping the bleeding you should use antiseptics. They are used to prevent inflammation and infection of cuts, and these drugs also stimulate wound healing (miramistin, furacillin solution, potassium permanganate solution, rivanol).

The drugs can be used in the form of alcohol solutions, ointments or aqueous solutions. Aqueous solutions(miramistin, furacillin solution, potassium permanganate solution, rivanol) you can wash the wound, soak bandages or tampons, they do not sting.

Important! Alcohol tinctures You cannot fill cuts, they cause necrosis of the wound with cell death and are very painful. With this use, wound healing is inhibited. They are used to treat the edges of wounds to prevent infection.

Ointments (levomekol, solcoseryl, eplan, baneocin, actovegin) are applied directly to wounds or on bandages; ointments should not be kept on wounds for a long time so that they do not get wet.

After treating the cut, apply a sterile bandage to protect the wound from contamination so that the child does not touch the wound with his hands and introduce infection there. Before applying a bandage, the wound is inspected so that the edges of the wound are dry and clean, the edges of the cut are brought closer to each other and a bandage is applied, securing it with a plaster so that it does not move.

You should immediately consult a doctor if:

  • profuse and unstoppable bleeding, pulsating bleeding, discharge of bright scarlet blood;
  • cuts in the wrists or hands, there is a risk of damage to tendons and nerves;
  • the presence of redness that spreads around the wound;
  • swelling around the wound, increased temperature and discharge of pus;
  • a cut depth of more than 2 cm requires sutures;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the cut in the form of fragments, shavings, and other objects;
  • long-term non-healing and oozing cuts;
  • the presence of nausea or vomiting against the background of a cut;
  • divergence of the edges of the cut when moving;
  • cuts in the mouth, tongue, lips.

We express special gratitude to pediatrician Alena Paretskaya for preparing this material.

How to treat abrasions and scratches on a child;

How to remove a splinter from a child.

Children are, as every mother knows, little propellers with constantly running motors. Self-preservation instinct in at a young age is not yet fully developed, and children have no time to think about this topic - there are so many interesting things around, and everything needs to be done in time! The result is bruises, scratches and abrasions as a “gift” to mom. How to properly treat children's abrasions? Remember the rules of first aid!

  • How to wash a child's scratch or abrasion?
  • How to stop bleeding when deep scratches?
  • How to treat a child's abrasions and scratches?
  • In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

How to wash a child's scratch or abrasion - instructions

The most important thing for any type of scratches, abrasions and wounds is to prevent infection. That's why washing abrasions with broken knees or scratched palms - the first task:

  • If the abrasion is not too deep, rinse it under running boiled (or running, if there is no other) water.
  • Carefully wash the abrasion with soap (gauze swab).
  • Rinse off the soap properly.
  • If the abrasion is heavily contaminated, carefully rinse with hydrogen peroxide (3%). For this procedure, you don’t even need bandages/napkins - just pour in a thin stream straight from the bottle. Atomic oxygen released when the solution enters the wound eliminates all microbes.
  • If hydrogen peroxide is not available, you can wash the abrasion with a solution of potassium permanganate (1%). Note: pouring hydrogen peroxide into very deep wounds is prohibited (to avoid embolism, in in this case– air bubbles entering the bloodstream).
  • Dry the wound with a sterile and dry gauze pad.
  • Make sure all cut edges are clean and come together easily.
  • We bring the edges of the cut together (only for light abrasions, the edges of deep wounds cannot be brought together!), We apply a sterile and, of course, a dry bandage (or a bactericidal patch).

If the abrasion is small and located in a place that will inevitably get wet (for example, near the mouth), then it is better not to apply a plaster - leave the wound the opportunity to “breathe” on its own. Under a wet bandage, the infection spreads twice as fast.

How to stop bleeding from deep scratches in a child?

For the most part, wounds and abrasions bleed most profusely in the first few minutes - this time is enough to wash away the microbes that have gotten inside. As for urgent measures to stop the bleeding, they are needed only in case of severe continuous bleeding. So, to stop the bleeding...

  • Raise the injured arm (leg) up to quickly stop the bleeding. Place the child on his back and place 1-2 pillows under the bleeding limb.
  • Wash the wound. If the wound is dirty, rinse it from the inside.
  • Wash the wound around the cut itself (soap and water, hydrogen peroxide, using a swab).
  • Apply several gauze “squares” to the wound and secure tightly (not tightly) with a bandage/plasters.

For heavy bleeding:

  • Elevate the injured limb.
  • Make a multi-layer thick square bandage from a clean bandage/gauze (handkerchief).
  • Apply the bandage to the wound and bandage tightly with a bandage (or other available material).
  • If the bandage is wet through, and help is still far away, do not change the bandage, put a new one on top of the wet one and fix it.
  • Press the wound over the bandage with your hand until help arrives.
  • If you have experience using a tourniquet, apply a tourniquet. If not, it’s not worth studying at such a moment. And remember that the tourniquet should be loosened every half hour.

How to treat a child’s abrasions and scratches - first aid for scratches and abrasions in children

  • Antiseptics are used to prevent wound infection and to heal them.. Most often used brilliant green (solution brilliant green) or iodine. Solutions based on ethyl alcohol can lead to tissue necrosis when penetrating deep into the wound. That's why alcohol solutions It is customary to treat skin areas around a wound/abrasion and superficial light microtraumas.
  • It is not recommended to cover the wound with powdered medications. Removal similar drugs may further seriously injure the wound.
  • If hydrogen peroxide is not available, use iodine or potassium permanganate(weak solution) - around the wounds (not inside the wounds!), and then apply a bandage.

remember, that open abrasions heal many times faster. You can cover them with bandages while walking, but at home it is better to remove the bandages. The exception is deep wounds.

In what cases should a child see a doctor for scratches and abrasions?

The most dangerous injuries are those that children receive while playing outside. Contaminated wounds (with soil, caused by rusty objects, dirty glass, etc.) increase the risk of the tetanus pathogen entering the body through an open damaged area of ​​skin. Moreover, the depth of the wound does not matter in this situation. An animal bite is also dangerous - the animal may be infected with rabies. In such situations, it is not just timely, but urgent appeal to the doctor. In what cases is it necessary?

  • If the child has not been vaccinated with DTP.
  • If the bleeding is heavy and does not stop.
  • If the bleeding is different bright red and pulsation is noticeable (there is a risk of damage to the artery).
  • If the cut is on the wrist/hand (risk of tendon/nerve damage).
  • If there is redness that spreads around the wound and does not subside.
  • If the wound becomes swollen, the temperature rises, and pus is released from the wound.
  • If the wound is so deep that you can “look” into it (any wound longer than 2 cm). In this case, sutures are required.
  • If the tetanus shot was given more than five years ago, and the wound cannot be washed.
  • If the baby steps on a rusty nail or other dirty sharp object.
  • If the wound was caused to the baby by an animal (even if it is a neighbor’s dog).
  • If the wound is present foreign body that cannot be removed from it (shards of glass, stone, wood/metal shavings, etc.). In this case, an x-ray is needed.
  • If the wound does not heal for a long time, and the discharge from the wound does not stop.
  • If the wound is accompanied by nausea or even vomiting in the child.
  • If the edges of the wound diverge when moving (especially over the joints).
  • If the wound is located in the mouth, in the very depths of the mouth, on inside lips.

Remember that it is better to play it safe and show the baby to the doctor than to decide later serious problems(the development of infection in a wound occurs very quickly). And always remain calm. The more you panic, the scarier than a child and so more bleeding. Stay calm and don't delay your visit to the doctor.

All information in the article is given exclusively in educational purposes, it may not be appropriate for your specific health circumstances and is not medical recommendation. The website сolady.ru reminds you that you should never delay or ignore visiting a doctor!

Every mother knows that the child does not sit still, he constantly runs, jumps, without controlling his actions. The worst thing is that children have not fully developed the instinct of self-preservation; they don’t even think about the consequences. It all ends with abrasions, scratches and other unpleasant injuries. How to properly treat a child’s abrasions to avoid infection?

Washing children's abrasions and scratches

The child has broken knees, scratched his palms, elbows, take the following measures:

  • When the wound is not deep, you can wash it with boiled water.
  • Take gauze swab and gently wash the abrasions with soap.
  • Is the abrasion very dirty? Gently rinse it with 3% hydrogen peroxide. In this situation, there is no need to use napkins or bandages; you just need to fill the wound from a bottle. Due to atomic oxygen, all microbes will be destroyed.
  • No hydrogen peroxide? Wash the abrasion with 1% potassium permanganate.
  • Do not pour hydrogen peroxide into deep wounds under any circumstances; this could result in an embolism.
  • Dry the wound using a dry, sterile gauze pad.
  • If the abrasion is light, carefully bring its edges together, apply a dry, sterile bandage, or you can buy a bactericidal patch.
  • When the abrasion is in a place that will constantly get wet (for example, near the mouth), in this case you will have to abandon the plaster and let the scratch “breathe”. A wet bandage leads to infection.

How to stop bleeding from a deep scratch?

Almost always abrasions and wounds bleed heavily for several minutes. Urgent measures are taken in case of strong, continuous... Be sure to follow these steps:

  • Raise your wounded hand up, this will stop the bleeding faster. The child should be placed on his back, and a pillow should be placed under the affected limb.
  • The wound is washed.
  • Be sure to clean the entire wound area. Use hydrogen peroxide and soapy water.
  • Squares of gauze are applied to the wound, and they are secured on top with a plaster or bandage.

What to do if heavy bleeding occurs?

  • It is necessary to elevate the wounded limb.
  • Make a thick bandage from clean gauze and apply to the wound.
  • Take a bandage and bandage the wound tightly.
  • The bandage is thoroughly wet, do not change it, put another one on top of the wet one.
  • Be sure to record everything.
  • Apply pressure to the wound with your hand and wait for the ambulance to arrive.
  • If you know how to use a tourniquet, don’t give it up. If you don’t know how to use it, you shouldn’t experiment in this situation.

How to treat a child's wounds?

To avoid infection, abrasions and scratches heal faster, use brilliant green and iodine. Don't get carried away with solutions ethyl alcohol, otherwise everything will end. Alcohol can be used to treat the surface of the skin around abrasions and wounds. It is forbidden to cover wounds with powders, otherwise you will further injure the wound.

No hydrogen peroxide? Buy potassium permanganate, iodine (only around the wound, not inside), then apply a bandage. Don't forget, open scratches and abrasions heal quickly. When you walk, cover them with a bandage; at home it is recommended to remove it. At deep wounds The bandage must be worn at all times.

When should you see a doctor?

The most dangerous injuries are considered street. These are contaminated abrasions that have received earth or cuts damaged by dirty glass or a rusty object. No less dangerous is another animal. What if the animal suffers from rabies?

In these cases, do not hesitate; consult a doctor immediately. You also need to go to the hospital if:

  • The child was not given DTP.
  • The bleeding is too strong to stop.
  • Bleeding is bright red.
  • Cut on hand, wrist. In this situation, there is a risk of damage to the nerve and tendon.
  • Around the wound for a long time the redness does not go away.
  • The wound became noticeably swollen and the child developed a fever.
  • The wound is festering.
  • The abrasion is too deep; in this situation, stitches are necessary.
  • The vaccine was taken too long ago.
  • The child was injured by a sharp dirty object, a rusty nail.
  • Bitten by an animal.
  • There is a foreign body in the wound - a pebble, a splinter, metal or wood shavings. In this situation, a photo may be ordered.
  • Affected area long time does not heal, pus has started to come out.
  • The child began to feel sick and began to vomit severely.
  • The edges of the wound diverge noticeably.
  • An abrasion deep in the mouth, on the lip.

Attention! It’s better to play it safe and show your child to the doctor in a timely manner than to treat the infection later. The main thing is to stay calm! Remember, in critical situation You can’t be nervous, the child becomes scared, he starts to get nervous, and his bleeding increases.

Treatment of bruises

After an impact, blue spots usually begin to appear on the skin. They indicate that the vascular walls could not stand it and burst. However, the blood remained under the skin.

To alleviate the child’s condition, you need to apply something cold to the affected area of ​​the skin. It could be copper work, wet towel. The main thing is to do it quickly! If the pain does not go away for a long time, wait a little, then apply the compress again. You can apply anesthetic gel or ointment to the injury site. Fastum gel will do. Only these ointments are forbidden to lubricate open wounds.

It does not hurt anymore? You need to draw on a bruise, so he it will pass faster. For children who are already 3 years old, it is recommended to use this method: combine Troxevasin + Hirudoid. Also use an ointment that contains arnica.

Does your baby have problems with blood clotting? Apply to the bruise warm compress. This can be a filled bladder with water (necessarily warm, not hot). You can warm the area with a red light lamp.

So, it is easier to prevent various troubles than to get rid of their consequences. Keep a close eye on your children!

Children's bruises, cuts, and abrasions are inevitable. When a child injures his knee or arm, he inevitably introduces an infection into the blood. The child’s immune system easily copes with a small amount of pathogenic bacteria. If the volume of infection exceeds capacity immune system, a weeping wound appears that does not heal for a long time. Parents often do not know what to do if the wound does not heal for a long time. How should such damage be treated?

How to treat a child’s abrasion after a fall?

Traumatologists consider abrasions and scratches to be skin injuries in which only the upper layer of the epithelium is injured, there is little bleeding, the fat layer and muscle not affected. An abrasion or scratch, no matter how minor, is open path for infection to enter. Timely and thorough treatment is the key to ensuring that the damage does not have serious consequences.

Basic rules for treating a child’s wound:

What to do if the skin is torn off?

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Skinned knees and elbows - frequent occurrences for any little fidget. Falls on asphalt are especially unpleasant. Sometimes there are injuries when skinned hairy part heads. In the latter case, after providing first aid and disinfection, the baby should be immediately taken to the emergency room. Such damage cannot be avoided without the help of a specialist.

If the skin is torn off over a large area, then the danger of such damage is that it becomes covered with crusts over time. The keratinized crusts crack and ooze blood or ichor. Pyogenic microorganisms penetrate through the cracks. Suppuration occurs and healing is delayed.

In order to avoid unpleasant complications, you should adhere to the following rules:

Rules for the treatment of weeping wounds in children

If a child does not seek help in time and a significant infection occurs, as well as in cases of improper treatment of the wound or the child’s weakened immunity, a weeping wound occurs. This is a non-healing injury that produces liquid exudate (ichor, pus). The wound requires examination by a specialist and special treatment.

Mandatory consultation with a doctor

The presence of a weeping abrasion or cut (for example, after a child fell off a bicycle) means infection has entered the wound. In this case, consultation with a surgeon is mandatory, since only a doctor can assess the extent of the lesion and, if necessary, prescribe medications with antibiotics or surgery to clean the affected area from pathogenic microorganisms.

Drying with powder

Treatment of any wounds involves disinfectant rinsing, drying and applying healing medications. Drying can be done using iodine grid, but it is risky and painful, especially with open wounds. For drying there is special powder Zhitnyuk, which is available in any pharmacy.

It includes:

  • antibiotics - streptocide or tetracycline;
  • antimicrobial drug – sulfanilamide;
  • astringent and drying component – ​​xeroform;
  • painkiller - anesthesin (we recommend reading:);
  • auxiliary ingredientsboric acid, sucrose.

Sprinkled wound surface after washing and cover with a napkin soaked in medicine, ointment or saline solution. In addition to the traditional Zhitnyuk powder, pharmacies offer a number of more modern dry powders for these purposes: Baneocin, Xeroform (does not contain antibiotics and can be used in newborns).

Bandages with ointments

When treating weeping wounds, it is important, in addition to disinfection and relief of inflammation, to ensure a reduction in swelling and tissue regeneration. Levomekol ointment copes well with this task. The ointment contains an antibiotic that destroys pyogenic bacteria and methyluracil, which accelerates healing. The drug is applied to a washed and dried wound and covered with a sterile napkin. The procedure is carried out at least 1 time per day. Analogs of the drug are Streptonitol, Lingesin, Levosin, Vishnevsky ointment and others.

Folk remedies

When treating wounds, including weeping ones, they come to the rescue folk recipes. The following plants are effective:

  • Potato. Juice raw potatoes draws out liquid exudate. Grated raw potatoes are applied to the wound for 5 hours and bandaged.
  • Onion. Relieves swelling and disinfects. Onion pulp, wrapped in gauze, is applied to the wound. There may be a burning sensation.
  • St. John's wort. Popular wound healing agent. Dry grass is infused in olive oil and is used as a compress.
  • Aloe. Freshly squeezed juice draws out pus well. They moisten a napkin for dressings.

Features of the treatment of weeping wounds on the face, head, legs

If the head is wounded, the hair in the area of ​​the wound must be cut off, and then the wound must be treated and the head bandaged. Wounds on the face should be washed with hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate or furatsilin. To avoid unsightly scars on your face, you should consult a doctor. This is especially important for children. Sores on the lips and mouth should be treated with dental products such as lidocaine ointment, sage, and chamomile. If a child has injured his leg, it should be treated using the methods described above. In case of suppuration, consultation with a doctor is required! Self-treatment purulent wounds on your feet is fraught with consequences.

A wound is a violation of the integrity of the skin, internal tissues and even organs, caused by some external mechanical influence. Characterized by symptoms such as pain and bleeding.

Children of any age are very active and curious, so it is impossible to protect them from various injuries and scratches. It’s good if the damage is shallow, but there are also those that cannot be avoided without medical help. In any case, parents are required to know how to treat a child’s wound before visiting a doctor, no matter what it is - superficial or penetrating. The method of treatment will depend on the size, depth, location of the injury, and the severity of bleeding.

Small wound

Even small scratch, a cut can become a gateway for infection to enter the body, which will lead to the formation of an inflammatory process. To prevent this from happening, parents must know how and with what to treat a child’s wound, even of a small depth.

  1. Wash the injury with hydrogen peroxide, which has not expired. If the skin around the injury is dirty, carefully clean the area of ​​skin with boiled warm water using foam from laundry soap (do not touch the wound). Water for washing children's wounds is excluded.
  2. Treat with any antiseptic from your home medicine cabinet: alcohol, brilliant green, fucorcin, solutions of calendula or chlorophyllipt. The preparations “Eplan” and “Rescuer”, tea tree essential oil diluted in boiled water, solutions of furatsilin or potassium permanganate, and chlorhexidine are also suitable. Iodine can damage (burn) tissue, so it is not ideal for treatment.
  3. It is recommended to apply a sterile bandage over the wound (a bandage or bactericidal adhesive plaster will do). If the damage is small, there is no bleeding, the bandage is canceled: the scratch will heal faster in the air.

If even with a small wound you cannot stop the bleeding on your own, it is strongly recommended to immediately call a doctor or take the child to the emergency room.

Big wound

Sometimes quite deep and extensive damage to the skin and nearby tissues occurs. Accordingly, first aid to the baby will be of a different nature. Not many people know how best to treat an open wound in order to subsequently avoid a purulent-inflammatory process and complications.

  1. First, the wound must be carefully examined. If there are foreign objects in it, they must be removed immediately (if they are not eyes).
  2. Extensive wounds are washed with hydrogen peroxide, solutions of furatsilin or potassium permanganate.
  3. Apply a bandage: cover with a sterile napkin, bandage.
  4. Such injuries are almost always accompanied by heavy bleeding, which must be stopped. To do this, the bandage is made tight enough, but not so tight that it cuts off blood circulation. If blood seeps through the bandage, there is no need to remove or tighten it any further: another bandage is applied on top of it.

In such cases, the child should be taken to the emergency room or hospital as quickly as possible. At the same time, the victim is not recommended to drink or eat: if there is an operation under anesthesia, this will be inappropriate.

On the face and head

If a child has a wound on his face or head, the situation is quite serious. Not only is it very painful, but in the future any facial injury can disfigure the baby’s appearance with scars. On the other hand, it is the skin of the face that recovers the fastest, as it is well supplied with blood.

  1. The most difficult thing will be the head: if the hair is short, it will be easy to treat the wound. Long strands around the injury will have to be cut.
  2. Rinse with peroxide.
  3. Treat with an antiseptic.
  4. Apply a sterile bandage.
  5. Go to the emergency room. If the depth of a wound on the face can be determined independently and, given its small area, one can limit oneself to home remedies, then the degree of damage to the skin on the head is very difficult to determine independently. In this case, it is recommended to show the baby to a doctor.

If you are not sure that you can provide first aid to a child yourself, immediately call a doctor or take him to the hospital yourself.

Weeping wound

Sometimes a constant separation of fluid - ichor, pus, blood - forms on the surface of the injury, which complicates and slows down the healing process. A doctor should tell you how to properly treat a weeping wound, since with such a complication you must definitely seek qualified medical help.

  1. Use water-soluble ointments to treat the wound (Levosin and Levomikol are the safest for children).
  2. Change dressings as needed as soon as they become wet, but at least twice a day.
  3. Wash wet wounds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Maintain maximum sterility.
  5. When the wound begins to dry out, its healing can be accelerated with the help of Kalanchoe juice, rosehip oil or sea buckthorn oil.

If you are not sure that you can change your child’s bandages on a weeping wound yourself, it is better to take him to the nearest hospital every day, where the damage will be treated sterilely and efficiently.

In order for any wound received by a child to heal, a certain period is necessary. Occasionally, re-dressing and debridement may be required in the emergency room or surgeon's office. If the injury is infected, antibiotics may be prescribed. Treatment of any type of wound should be carried out under the constant supervision of an experienced surgeon and in strict accordance with his instructions and recommendations.

Every mother knows that the child does not sit still, he constantly runs, jumps, without controlling his actions. The worst thing is that children have not fully developed the instinct of self-preservation; they don’t even think about the consequences. It all ends with abrasions, bruises, scratches and other unpleasant injuries. How to properly treat a child’s abrasions to avoid infection?

Washing children's abrasions and scratches

The child has broken knees, scratched his palms, elbows, take the following measures:

  • When the wound is not deep, you can wash it with boiled water.
  • Take a gauze pad and gently wash the abrasions with soap.
  • Is the abrasion very dirty? Gently rinse it with 3% hydrogen peroxide. In this situation, there is no need to use napkins or bandages; you just need to fill the wound from a bottle. Due to atomic oxygen, all microbes will be destroyed.
  • No hydrogen peroxide? Wash the abrasion with 1% potassium permanganate.
  • Do not pour hydrogen peroxide into deep wounds under any circumstances; this could result in an embolism.
  • Dry the wound using a dry, sterile gauze pad.
  • If the abrasion is light, carefully bring its edges together, apply a dry, sterile bandage, or you can buy a bactericidal patch.
  • When the abrasion is in a place that will constantly get wet (for example, near the mouth), in this case you will have to abandon the plaster and let the scratch “breathe”. A wet bandage leads to infection.

How to stop bleeding from a deep scratch?

Almost always abrasions and wounds bleed heavily for several minutes. Urgent measures are taken in case of severe, continuous bleeding. Be sure to follow these steps:

  • Raise your wounded hand up, this will stop the bleeding faster. The child should be placed on his back, and a pillow should be placed under the affected limb.
  • The wound is washed.
  • Be sure to clean the entire wound area. Use hydrogen peroxide and soapy water.
  • Squares of gauze are applied to the wound, and they are secured on top with a plaster or bandage.

What to do if heavy bleeding occurs?

  • It is necessary to elevate the wounded limb.
  • Make a thick bandage from clean gauze and apply to the wound.
  • Take a bandage and bandage the wound tightly.
  • The bandage is thoroughly wet, do not change it, put another one on top of the wet one.
  • Be sure to record everything.
  • Apply pressure to the wound with your hand and wait for the ambulance to arrive.
  • If you know how to use a tourniquet, don’t give it up. If you don’t know how to use it, you shouldn’t experiment in this situation.

How to treat a child's wounds?

To avoid infection, abrasions and scratches heal faster, use brilliant green and iodine. Do not get carried away with solutions with ethyl alcohol, otherwise everything will end in necrosis. Alcohol can be used to treat the surface of the skin around abrasions and wounds. It is forbidden to cover wounds with powders, otherwise you will further injure the wound.

No hydrogen peroxide? Buy potassium permanganate, iodine (only around the wound, not inside), then apply a bandage. Don't forget, open scratches and abrasions heal quickly. When you walk, cover them with a bandage; at home it is recommended to remove it. For deep wounds, a bandage should always be worn.

When should you see a doctor?

The most dangerous injuries are considered to be street injuries. These are contaminated abrasions that have received earth or cuts damaged by dirty glass or a rusty object. A bite from a dog or another animal is no less dangerous. What if the animal suffers from rabies?

In these cases, do not hesitate; consult a doctor immediately. You also need to go to the hospital if:

  • The child was not given DTP.
  • The bleeding is too strong to stop.
  • Bleeding is bright red.
  • Cut on hand, wrist. In this situation, there is a risk of damage to the nerve and tendon.
  • The redness around the wound does not go away for a long time.
  • The wound became noticeably swollen and the child developed a fever.
  • The wound is festering.
  • The abrasion is too deep; in this situation, stitches are necessary.
  • The tetanus shot was too long ago.
  • The child was injured by a sharp dirty object, a rusty nail.
  • Bitten by an animal.
  • There is a foreign body in the wound - a pebble, a splinter, metal or wood shavings. In this situation, a photo may be ordered.
  • The affected area does not heal for a long time, and pus has begun to ooze out.
  • The child began to feel sick and began to vomit severely.
  • The edges of the wound diverge noticeably.
  • An abrasion deep in the mouth, on the lip.

Attention! It’s better to play it safe and show your child to the doctor in a timely manner than to treat the infection later. The main thing is to stay calm! Remember, in a critical situation you should not be nervous, the child becomes scared, he begins to get nervous, and his bleeding increases.

Treatment of bruises

After an impact, blue spots usually begin to appear on the skin. They indicate that the vascular walls could not stand it and burst. However, the blood remained under the skin.

To alleviate the child’s condition, you need to apply something cold to the affected area of ​​the skin. It could be copper work, a wet towel. The main thing is to do it quickly! If the pain does not go away for a long time, wait a little, then apply the compress again. You can apply anesthetic gel or ointment to the injury site. Fastum gel will do. Only these ointments are forbidden to lubricate open wounds.

It does not hurt anymore? You need to draw an iodine mesh on the bruise, so it will go away faster. For children who are already 3 years old, it is recommended to use this method: combine Troxevasin + Hirudoid. Also use an ointment that contains arnica.

Does your baby have problems with blood clotting? Apply a warm compress to the bruise. This can be a filled bladder with water (necessarily warm, not hot). You can warm the area with a red light lamp.

So, it is easier to prevent various troubles than to get rid of their consequences. Keep a close eye on your children!

Summer holidays are a “hot” time not only for children’s joys and mischief, but also, as a result, for all kinds of abrasions, scratches and cuts. How to properly treat minor wounds in children at home? And in what situations is a pediatrician's eye on minor skin lesions vital?

What abrasions and wounds need to be shown to a doctor?

Before treating a scratch, bite, abrasion or small cuts at crying baby, it is necessary to evaluate whether it is worth bothering the doctor with such a “minor” problem, or whether it is quite possible to handle it yourself.
Indeed, there is a small list of minor childhood injuries ( we're talking about specifically about skin damage), which is not enough to treat and treat on your own, but you need to seek the help of doctors. Such injuries include:

Lacerations and abrasions;
-scratches, abrasions and wounds on the face;
- a wound (or wounds), the edges of which lag behind each other by more than 7 mm;
- a wound (or wounds) whose length exceeds 2 cm (in this case, as in the previous one, you will most likely have to put stitches on the wound, and this should be done by a physician);
- a wound that bleeds for more than half an hour and cannot be stopped;
- a wound or abrasion that shows signs of suppuration;
- the wound, the area around which became very red, became hot and swollen;
-damage to the skin that causes the child severe pain(this may also be because pieces of glass, stones, etc. got into the wound);
- scratches, wounds and bites received by a child from animals (especially wild and stray ones).

Abrasions and wounds of “animal origin” are especially dangerous for children. Bites and scratches from animals (especially wild and stray animals) threaten children's health not only because through them rabies can be transmitted to the baby - one of the most terrible and dangerous infectious diseases.

There are a lot of other misfortunes. For example, cat scratches, even the tiniest and most insignificant ones, often cause a disease in children called felinosis (in the medical lexicon it is often called “cat scratch disease”). This is an extremely unpleasant bacterial “sore”, which then has to be treated long and tediously with antibiotics. And all thanks to the fact that specific microbes “live” on the claws of even the cutest, fluffiest and most harmless kittens...

So, make it a rule: if the baby received his “injuries” (even the most minor ones) during a “fight” with an animal, it is better to play it safe and show the child to the doctor.

But if the damage to the baby’s skin does not fit into the specified list, you can safely treat the wounds yourself and let the “tomboy” run, jump and gallop “free” again.

How to properly treat minor injuries on a child's skin

Skinned elbows, broken knees, as well as other small abrasions and wounds on a child’s skin - if they do not require special examination (see the list above) - are “expected” from adults to standard (essentially simple!) sanitization, the most important and very first stage of which is washing.

How to properly wash abrasions and other minor skin injuries in a child

Ideally, any scratch (even one that you are later “lucky” to show to the doctor because, for example, it is too large, or it is on a child’s face, or it appeared as a result of the bite of a neighbor’s Mukhtar) must be washed with a soapy solution under running water. Moreover, it should be washed long enough and thoroughly - no matter how the baby protests! Necessary:
place the damaged area of ​​skin under the stream slightly warm water;
then lather it properly (it is better to use liquid soap- less pain);
Thoroughly rinse off the soap suds.

As you can see, there is little wisdom! But, as you know, we are not always surrounded ideal conditions- You may not have soap or running water from the tap on hand.
So, if you have neither one nor the other, just take a clean handkerchief or a clean napkin (preferably a damp one, or even better, a special antiseptic/antibacterial one) and cover the abrasion or wound with it. And do not remove it from the damaged area until you finally get to a washbasin with running water and soap.

In pharmacies you can often find special sprays (they look like thermal water cans) for disinfection and rinsing minor abrasions and wounds - they can well replace the soap and water that are missing nearby. Such sprays are simply irreplaceable on the road. Another Alternative option for emergency washing of wounds - you can take a small bottle of liquid soap with you on the road. Just add a few drops of regular liquid soap to a bottle of any sparkling water, shake slightly and within 1 minute you will have it in your hands. ideal remedy for washing any abrasions and wounds.

After you have washed the wound or abrasion, the area needs to be dried - just blot it with a clean handkerchief, napkin, towel or any cloth.
In principle, if the wound is not large at all, does not bleed and does not cause discomfort or pain to the baby, you don’t have to bother it anymore. But if your parental conscience will not be calmed by such little care as a banal rinse, you can treat the damaged skin with a disinfectant.
How to choose the right disinfectant for damaged skin

Ideal disinfectants exist and there are quite a few of them. And to purchase one at a pharmacy, you need to know three main criteria:

1. The product should not burn the skin and cause additional pain to the baby.

Archaic brilliant green and iodine for treating children's wounds and abrasions are suitable only if in this way you want to punish the child for mischief and sluggishness - well, they say, you got hurt, so now sit, cry and endure while I “injure” you. I will cauterize it properly with iodine or brilliant green. But if you don’t want to add pain to your baby, forget about brilliant green and iodine; in the arsenal of modern pharmaceuticals there are many effective and painless disinfectant analogues.

2. The product must be in a form and packaging that would allow it to be applied without touching the wound (ideally, these are sprays and aerosols);
3. The disinfectant must be suitable both for treating the wound itself and for disinfecting its edges, as well as for wiping the hands of the person treating the wound.

As disinfectant It is useful for parents to have in their home and travel first aid kit one of the following drugs: Miramistin, Unisept, Chlorhexidine, Octenisept, Baktosin, Gorosten and the like.

Should wounds, abrasions and scratches on a child's skin be covered?

Some parents believe that it is better to cover any damage to the child’s skin, even the most minor, with a bandage or, at worst, a bandage after treatment. So that they don’t get into the wound there harmful microbes. Others, on the contrary, are convinced that it is in the open air that all wounds, abrasions and scratches heal as quickly as possible. By and large, both are right.

How to treat a child's abrasions?

Reminder when treating minor skin injuries in a child

We will repeat the algorithm of your actions in case of minor damage to the child’s skin (be it abrasions, scratches, small wounds and punctures, bites, etc.). So:

1. Place the damaged area of ​​the body under running (lukewarm) water, lather thoroughly, rinse with soap, and then thoroughly rinse off the soap. If you don't have a water tap at hand, add liquid soap to one of two bottles of sparkling water: first wash the wound with a bottle of soap, then rinse soap solution from the second (clean) bottle. If you have neither water nor soap at hand, cover the wound with a clean cloth or napkin and go to a place where both soap and water are available.
2. If the damage is very minor and there is no bleeding, you can get away with just washing with soap. But if there is a need to stop the bleeding, use a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, which should be moistened with a clean napkin, a piece of bandage or a handkerchief and pressed against the wound. Press and hold for at least 5 minutes! (without looking under the napkin every 10 seconds to check whether the bleeding has stopped or not).
3. After washing (and, if necessary, after stopping the bleeding), spray the abrasion (scratch, wound, etc.) with a disinfectant spray.
4. If desired, at the end of the treatment, you can seal the wound with a bactericidal plaster or apply a dry gauze bandage.

That, in fact, is all science! And remember: none of the children can avoid these small “side effects” of partying fresh air or mischief in the house - abrasions, scratches, small cuts and other minor damage. As a rule, in the vast majority of cases, all these “wounds” need only be thoroughly washed with soap and sprayed with a disinfectant spray. But in rare situations, even a tiny scratch can cause big trouble the health of the child - therefore it is highly advisable to show it to the doctor without wasting time. Now you know these situations!